PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE SOTH, 1938 the fifth to score six markers offl TEST PILOT HAS conilict between his wvie an(l bis job nationally tpromninent racing fîver, as Graham after one wvas out. Th-ey did it on two errors. a walk. Kel- THREE BIG STARS I h ai fapo hc no-uav0 h cîe i h itr Castie. Collins and Edmunds. The SIRN races testing of new planes. riotous .Air Races at Cleveland. losers* lone i-un came in the fourthCakGal.Myn oyadî à e' u S P O R T N E WS ,:hnSeoTsnld odd. ý pencr Tracy on Royal ereen poniaticscelles aional airadnrc rolteNtoa an infield out. and cro.ssed the Next Week Victor- Fleing and Louis D. _____________________ P ILP LO S mnaymood. The erowd could, plate on a fly to right.i Lighton. director and producer re- bEC S L ISýe blamed for the next out be-. \cclainlie(l by aviation experts slrectiv-elY. of 'ýCaptains Courage- Mfr. and(l Mrs. H. Wannamnaker, NEWC STL 2 HUTScause they shouted sa noisiiy that BTIGA RGE li otatentic aviation storv (u w~ere reiînited in niaking Sarv~ n r n r.Br Woowad hohadadaned~oROYALS ATN AVR ever f ilmed,"Ts Pilot," starrine crGodnMae' first aviation George Phillhps, Bowmanville1 second thought the bail was foui U oJue2t Clark, Gable, .\Myrna Loy and Spcn- iCture in more than two ,-ears. WVannanîaker and son, Toronto, vis- Intermediates' ace hurler, turned land started ta return to first. Fit- Upt re2t er Tracy com es to. the Royal Pu atc-io n navi. tdMs .Snesn in a masterful two hit perform-! cher Hoskin tagged ber and the Player G ABFPR H 50 p.ç* Thieatre for four daysnx ek ao ihAei ahrt evd M.SoeTrno aea ance on June 22nd to whitewash side was retired. A. Colville 6 21 7 9 3 .429 \V c(nes(lay through Saturday.astcialdierothpcue.nertiglusaedetrenbs Necsl -.Heavy hitter Isobel Bickeil T. Bagneli 6 24 5 8 2 .333 Based on anl original stop,' bx He Nvas assisted by Ray Moore, own missionary wvork in South The game was not as lop-sidedstarted things in the second by W. Corden 2 3 1 1 1 .333 Lieutenant-Comimander Frank \Vead. as the score wouid indicate. In pounding the oversize marbie 'E. Hicks 5 19 4 6 1 .316 the story is steeped in colorful fact, the visiting siuggers hadthrough short for a dlean single. H. Cameron 3 10 1 3 3 .300 traditioins- of the mnen who are build- plenty of men on bases, but were Marie Gilhooley sacrificed for the'0. Petre 6 21 3 6 3 .286 lue the future of aviation, test pilots foiied by Phillips and hais cohorts first out. Eva Weish blew a W. Bagneil 6 19 5 5 8 .263 who try new ships before te r when they tried to cross the plat- bingle by first base to score Bic- R. Bates 1 4 0 1 2 .250 approved. thgseuney airned n ~w~ e & u . ter. In the fourth, Newcastle keli and stretched it into a double. G. Pipxer 4 10 1 2 4 .200 Thrilling lvin s*uenesOfimed T H EI A T R Eé ]ooked quite dangerous with threeS oe third and came home R. Kent 3 10 0 2 2 .200 wvith nine ground camneras and fineMody-T say-Jl 4-5 ae hiadl o nbss fetout.Pllsan when a newcomer to the team. G. Phillips 6 14 1 2 0 .143 acrial camneras, provide the back- ody-T e a -Jl 4 5 asetldd and fany nedt.Pollard Frances Clark, drove a beauty in- D. Williams 4 12 3 1 2 .083 grounld for a new type triangle. forth e o a nnd E ltt, tat centre and stole second on the G. Pollard 5 15 3 1 9 .067 Clark, Gable, in the title role, is d " nexr atereondu.e a hard one next pitch. Large and Wiseman G. Cunning- ided hetween his lov e for Myr na nethat Ter ed geiltoo onethe concluded the session by striking ham 1 3 0 0 3 .000 Lov n i oe ffyn. T r bouce orthepu-ou a fist Further tallies came in the sixth BATTING AVERAGES JUNIORS The Corden clan netted their, with one, and in the seventh with ________________ counters in the first and f ifth. 'five, when the team batted clean l Names G AB R ,H SO PC Ï Williams in the first, was given a around. Weish opened with a hit Nichois 5 10 0 5 0 .500 walk and driven around by Hicks to short, advanced to second on Witheridge 6 21 1 9 3 .429 RO A TH TE Per.Tremnwrelf lr' l-out to left and scoredSemn 7 22 5 8 3 .364 RO A TH T E aPetre.ethout send While te, rkS flee. icel ndGjho .3 on bases when the side was put when Large connected o oeMsn 4 11 2 4 4 .364 0 out. In the fifth, the top of thei run to centre. Pinchi hitter Bic- Ames 7 21 4 7 1 .333 ADMISSION PRICES batting list faced Bradd who was keli hit to right and took third on Co1le 72778S.9 later replaced by Brunt. Ted Bag- odad u u ice tO E. Hooper 6 17 2 5 2 .294 Opening nell hit to left. Wiliams sacri- f irst. Four ht olwd b MeFeeters 5 12 0 -3 4 .250L fied scodto first. Hicks hit: htSep ikl n ihO .MIve 3134.3 Night - 25c to Ail M6M c*71" to score Bagneil, followed by Col- ev, with the first two crossing R. Hooper 7 18 4 3 7 .166 e In .00 I*6bl Jje ville who sent out a short single. the scoring platter. Isobel Bikel D. M e lveen 5 8 0 1 3 .125 REGULAR PRICES ma e hetîr oI wh n h tie Rc 6 21 O 2%0.9 bringing Hicks and Colvilie to 'to take home on Gilhoo1ey's hit. Team Average 201 58 .288 Evenins»2 c third and second. Bill Bagnel but was put out by the catcher. ----AddSeilSot singled to left and took second on 'Unfortunately. cat cher Hoskin, Fagan, Graham and Crawford AddSeilSot the hro intha tred o sop ho ad eendoig ecelenthave also played one or two Children under 14, accom- Hicks. Colville scored on Cam- work ail evening. turned hergmebthv reseedn panied by Aduit ------ Fitzpatrick Travel Talk - ero'shittoshrt ndtheinins akeoteplav and xas in sev- hits, nor no runs, sa their batting Maies-Aut . .20 erned hen P sordban gedhe ut er ain fr on e tmefpwigaverages are zero. Mt»e dls-------- o ende whn Pllad bngedout___paifo___________loing Children under 14 ------- Glimipses of Austria a short one to the pitcher. z the game. George Walton, short stop for' Cobourg - B. Behan, 2b; V. "The green oasis, the littie Sauay adHodysC lr aton - aw rdP p the visitors, was possibly the, Baxter. If: W. Hoskin. p: R. Hos- gra&V meaiow in the wilderness, audy an oiysC lr aton - W wr P p hardest worked man on the field kmn. c: C. OConnor. cf: M. Gerin, where after t.he week-day's jlour- Nights-- 25c to Ail M veoeNw outside of the hurlers. He was 2b: A. Dufton. ss: W. Greer, rf; ney, the pilgrim haîts for refresh- M veoeN w credited with five assists with ev- J. Anderson. lb. ment____and_________________________Reade.___ ery catch a tough one that de- i Bowmanville - J. Woodward,metadrps"-.ei. manded quick picking and faster c; D. White. p: L. Sleep, ss: I. Bic- throwing. Scotty Cameron was kel. cf: E. Welsh, 3b: F.' Clark,' If; the only man he missed and that: J. Large, 2b; M. Wiseman, rf. EfIJ'flVT If-ll was excusable. Uprs Cmbl adMoe. vvuDm Yv-I lUflSUHI -FRIDAY -SATURDAY - JULY 6 -7 -8 -9 Throughout it was a creditable Score by Innings: R H E exhibition of good bail pîaying Cobourg 401 300 3 - il il 1 11111111 with the locals having the edge. Bow'vilie 020 001 5 - 8 13 8 on the pitching staff. The visiting I hulr eegobut not quite LOSTDuN' DESTINED FOR ICREEN IMMORTALIT Yk up to Phillips, who at ail times iLO ST O N E seme o av hesiutinswllI BY PETES 21 The Most important motion picture event I if t cipevyril Mn ~ra4 êbn..11 IR H E Both Ed Hooper and Max Gra- Newcastle 000 000 0 - 0 2 1 ham, new recruit for the Lions Bowm'vilie 100 030 - 4 8 2 from Oshawa, were pounded hard Umpires: Turpin and Gibson. last Wednesday night when Pet- Cobourg. erboro Juniors took the locals for a merry ride in the pancake town :12-1. GIRLS DEFEATED i A fair-sized crowd of f ans at IN CLOSE BATTLE Riverside Park saw Herb. Raph's ýhoestrsbash the ball hard in Staging a seventh nnng raîiy!three of the seven frames to cop Bowmanville ladies' softball team the nod in most decisive fashion. came close to defeating Cobourg Bovvmanville looked away off Monday night at the public sehoci, fonn. when they scored five runs in the Gee Clark twirled the Young last stanza. but finished on the Petes to, victory with a seven-hit short end of 11-8. tslab performance, fahnnrg sevèên' The visitors took the lead in and walking none. He pitched the opener when Baxter walked, himself out of two nice holes when moved to second on a pass ball, BoV.aflville threatened in the and was driven across the plate second and fourth. His support on Hoskin's home run to lef t. An- was almost perfect. Ed Hooper other Hoskin took first on third started for the visitors and fanned baseman Welsh's error, advanced five in the first two frames. But to third sack when catcher Wood- he was nailed lhard the next ward tossed the bail into the out- stanzas and gave way to Graham. field on a tried throw out at sec- The latter had plenty of trouble ond and came home on second in the fifth when six runs scored. baseman Large's error. C. O'Con- Their support was wobbly, six nor, daughter of the esteemed runs being unearned. Judge, gained first on the error Leads Hitters by Large, went to third on pass Girard led the çvinners at bat balîs and scored when Sleep wth three hits in four tries, while fumbled the bail at short. Gerin, Edmnmds got a triple and single, the lassie who caused Miss Sleep's and Kelly a two-bagger a.nd sin- error, was left on third when Duf- gle. Everyo>ne hit but Berwick. ton grounded out third to first Slemon, Witheridge a.nd Nidhols and Greer did the samne, pitcher 1 had two bits each for the losers. to f irst. The visitors collected Stanley twisted his knee in the their other runs with one in the fourth and had to retire. There third, three in the fourth, and were no real fielding features. three in the seventh. Young Petes got a cheap 1un in The locais had rather a trying the first when McNabb walk.ed, time at bat in the f irst. Woodward plf ered two bases, and scored on went to first on a hit through first an error. They got three in the and stayed there while Dottie third on a walk, singles by Clark White swung out at the plate. and Kelly and Edniunds' triple. Lorraine Sleep grounded a slow Two more tallied in the fourth on one to first that was cailed fair'singles by Girard, McNabb. and bY umpire Campbell to put the Stanley. plus a wild and sto- crowd in a f ighting and uncompli-, len sack. The locals ran wild in VJ#À'PLf riaIIIÀs Re-possessed Electrie App liances For Sale For Cash For Balances Owing Buy now and take advantage of these tre- mendous savings, most of the merchandise is less than a year in service and looks like new. 1936-37 R doalsye E lectric Refrigerators BttRyads ell s tyls Ceerl$79tic 00 Console and Car Radios Some as 10w as .....$ 4 For Small Balances- Electric Washers - Electibic Ranges - Cook Stoves In many cases the price represents as littie as Coleman Stoves - Etc. one-third original value. DON CHRISTIAN1 ELECTRIC -OPEN EVENINGS - 38 Simcoe St., N. OSHAWA Telephone 84 r h~. 15 Thrilling Episodes The 6cr..,,'. Greatest Serial Starting Thur. - Fri.- Sat.-June 30 - JuIy 1-2 Matinees - Thurs. - Fr.- Sat. at 2.30 p.mj. Africa, WýNednesdav niglit at the "There is a Sunday conscience, Uniited Church. ' as vvell as a Sunday coat: and At Burketon Public School Rev. those vvho make religion a secon- H. J. Bell, Blackstock, gave a lîc dary concerm put the coat a.nd ture to thie children on bhis mission._ conscience carefully by to put on arv work at \orway HouseMaofly onlce a week."-Dickens. ROYAL THEATRE Thur., Fri., Sat. - June 30 - JuIy 1-2 PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLF, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE 30TH, 1938