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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jul 1938, p. 9

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TuE ®RONO NBWS__ UNION MEMBERS 1 etnil HOL C MP IR Our girls' softball teamn played A delightful evening xvas spent'a splendid game in Orono July by members of Park St. Union l2th. They won aver Orano but Tbursday when about 35 jaurney- îast ta Newcastle later. ed ta the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Brock Pethick A. H. Keane, parents of the popu- and Mr. and Mrs. George McCul-i lar president, for a campfire ser- luhadLupnatne h vice.funeral of the latter's uncle, Mr. As the sun was setting the ,Wmn. Mullen, Toronto, at Mill- Young peaple enjoyed a sing sang, brook, Thursday. Sand after the campi ire had been,, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Walkey vis- ligbted several games under the ited Mrs. Jabez Scott, Pickering, direction o! Hazel Winter and Mr. on Sunday when mast of her J. J. Mellor. A cushion relay was family were home in honaur ai the one which was enjoyed the, her 8th birthday. Those of the best - especially when the cushion 1iamily present were- William and burst and feathers ilew in clouds Clarence of Stratiord, Roy ai about the fire. Markham, and Rachel (Mrs. Finally as the moan came up Scott) and Lewis of Pickering. over the hill (toward which the Mrs. Scott and family at one yaung people faced when seated time lived an the iarm now owned on the grass in the vallev), Mr. by the Glover Bras. She naw re- Robt. Keane presided over the sides with Lewis and iamily. pragram. A wedding ai special interest Mr. J. J. Mellor ai Crooked ta this cammunity took place in Creek spoke in an interesting Kendal United Church Saturday manner an 'Friends.' He stated -hen Miss Helen Darlingtan be- that we can have friends in things came the bride ai Mr. Jack Glover as well as in people, that people ai this village. The bride has did not always prove true, that been a pleasant, efficient and one always had more friénds abliging telephone aperatar at aur when ahl was bright than when Central for nine years. They will things had gane wrang, and that make their home in Newcastle Christ was the best friend any ane where the groom is employed in could have. He closed by urging the Box Factory. Bath will be the yaung peaple ta (1) cansider greatly missed. that they are on a stage of lufe Visîtors: with heautiful scenery, (2) ta Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bell, Wel- make friends of the lighting sys- came, with Mr. and Mrs. Gearge tem ai the warld - the sun and J. Stapletan. the oon proide by od, ndýMiss Olive Johnstan, Peterboro, finally that Christ is the promp- with ber brother, Mr. Tupper ter and is ta be made the friend Jahnstan. above all friends. . Miss Annie Nesbitt at Mr. AI- Rev. S. Littlewaad spake brie!- ýcarn 's, Lindsay. ly, expressing bis delight at beîng. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Jones witb present and declaring himseli ta >f riends at Warkwarth. be anxiaus ta be a friend ta al Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lane and the yaung people and ta help them Mr.adMs ryLneCo- as far as he was able on their Pil barne, with friends at Pictan. grimage ai life. Foliawing this as Miss Mary Lane at Hastings. the moon rase glariausly higher Mrs. Clarke, Chicago, with in the sky the vaices a! the Young Mrs. George Ovens. people rang out in the hymn Miss Elsie Wallace visited ber "What a friend we have in Jesus." parents at Greenbank Sunday. 'Mrs. S. Littlewoad was called __________ on ta speak a few wards and af- ter saying that she had enjoyed the evening she urged all the -o a vil yaung people ta consider ber and ber husband as friends and ta feel The old swimming hale is a free ta came ta the parsanage at popular spot these wariu even- any time for help and advice.ba ings. Mr. Rabt. Sherwin, wohas Our pastar bas been visiting been actively engaged in wark hames here accompanîed by Mr. with Young people for about 40 Tdm Couch. years, spake briefly urging all ta Miss Marion Simpson is taking accept Christ as their main friend the Agricultural Course at Guelph and assuring Rev. and Mrs. Little- Miss Mary Henderson visited woad that the Orona Young peo- Mr. and Mrs. E. Stevens, Part ple were a fine graup. Hope. Fallowing a few words fram Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ostler the president assuring Rev. and and twa children, Oshawa, and Mrs. Littlewood o! welcame and Mr. Ostler's sister fram Hamilton co-aperatian, and thanking Mr. and ber twa cildren are camp- Mellor and others who bad con- ing on the creek bank at Mr. tributed ta the success o! the ev- Chas. McNeil's. '~ening, the meeting clased witb an Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mair, Jacquie Indian prayer taugbt by Mr. and Gerry, the twins, and Miss Mellar and a vote of thanks tend- Dorothy Stevenson, Taronto, vis- ered ta Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Keane ited Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Reid. for their hospitality wbicb was Mr. and Mrs. L. Heard and moved by Miss Beatrice Hamm daughter, Port Hope, witb Mr. and secanded by all present. and Mrs. T. Stevens. Another camp f ire is being ar-, Mr. Hector Milîson bas motored ranged for the near future. Watch nortb ta Herman, accompanied by for notice. Master Arthur Farrow. OSHAWA TAKES LOCALS INTO CAMP Oshawa was victoriaus 16-9 in tthe soitball game Friday night over Orono, the game being one o! the most exciting ai the seasan. Umpires were Lawery ai Kirby and Cliii Winter o! Toranto. Cat- cher for Orona was M. Claugh, and pitchers Myles and J. Wood. Oshawa gat 3 in the second. 4 in the third, 2 in fifth, and 7 in the seventh. Orano was scoreless in the first twa innings. In third Patterson scored, and in fourth Powers got a home run. In fiith Jim Wood Êand Harry Mercer scored. The sixth innings xvas the mast excit- ing one. Clough knacked a twa- base bit. Littlewood got ta first. Myles and J. Woad got out. Fat- tersan and Mercer bath gat ta first. Watson bit a 3-baser and gat home, while West was batting. West got out (after Watson had brought in the fiftb run o! the innings and had thus tied the game at the end of the sixtb), and retired bis side. In the seventh Oshawa gat 7 runs. The schedule called for this game ta be Oshawa and Kirby but evidently the Kirbyites were too busy haying, for wben the people gathered they found Orana op- pasing the North Oshawa players. Clarke Union Harvesting is in full swing with same gaad f ields of faîl wbeat. Mr. Gea. Cain bas drilled a weli on bis farm and bas plenty ai water. Mr. Alex Watson and Mr. Colin Smith have impraved the appear- ance af their homes by a coat ai paint. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bailey and Miss Eileen Souch visited Miss Mamie Archer wha is taking a course in Domestic Science in Hamilton. Mrs. Power, Miss Maud, Miss Merle, Mr. Harold Power, Osh- awa, visited at Mr. Gardon Pow- er's. Mrs. H. Hilîs, Tyrone, visited at Mr. Fred Huis'. Mr. and Mrs. Bob McLeod and daughter Patsy, Niagara Falls, Mrs. H. W. Jewell and Danald Jackman, and Miss Mary Jewell, >Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rickaby, Hamiltan, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings and daughters Edna and Audrey, were recent visitars at Mr. Heber Souch's. »SUGGEST POULTRYMEN PRODUCE CHICKENS FOR EXPORT MARKET Poa it r y Industries Committee Point ta British Market Outiet For Ail Weil Flnished Canadian j Chiekens - British Prices For Quaiity Birds Higher Tban For Many Years. "To avoid possible congestion on the poultry market during the present year it is advisable that poultry producers stiQuic mark<et ORON GILS L SE ARK T. ERVIES a portion of their chiekens at be- ORON GILS L SE ARKST. ERVCES tween three and five pounds TO NEWCASTLE A h onn evc tPr dressed weight and take particu- i Atthemoringservce t Prk ar are o se tat heyare fat- Orano girls went down to de- St. Church on Sunday Rev. Little- tened before sale so that they can feat 16-7 on July l3th, when play- wood chose as topic "Good SOl- be exported if necessary." ing a schedule game with New- diers of Christ." Comparing the This was the conclusion arrived castle. Lillian Fowler pitched fori life of the soldier with the life of at by a widely representative Orono and Olive Brown caught. a Christian, the pastor showed meeting convened under the aus- Newcastle went ta bat first and that both had moments of despair pices of the Poultry Industries secured all their runs in the third, and happiness, leisure and toil, Committee of Ontario to, consider sixth and seventh innings. Ten: and pointed out also that just as steps to be taken to handle the were secured in the 3rd, three in1 a soldier of the earthly king was 1938 crop of dressed poultry. Last the 6th, and three in the 7th. All, proud of his job so should a soldier year the Amnerican market took the other innings were scoreless. of the King of kings be proud to1 upwards of six million pounds of Two snappy double plays on the follow him. The choir rendered Canadian poultry. This year it part of the Oronoites prevented the anthem "I Will Lift up Mine aper1httisaon ilb more scoring. Eyes," with Mrs. W. C. Lynch iaper matriy cutedon ac The Orono girls were unlucky, taking the solo part. The evening count of lower prices. probably because it was the l3th. service was withdrawn. Notwithstanding t he o w e r In the first innings Lillian Fowler prices on the Americi_; market got a home run but the other bat- Because a hen eats tacks it's no this year, a good deal of conf i- ters were all three out sa there sign that she's gaing to lay a car- dence was expressed that, with was only one score. In the second pet. the small stocks of poultry in innings Enid Cobbledick scored ________________starage this year and the favor- the only one, and the next two ýable outlook on the British mar- innings were scoreless. In the Fowler, Brown, Scott, Cobbledick, ket, there is an outiet ta take care' fifth Betty Clough and Helen Lowden, Goode, and Mddletan. of ail the well f inished paultry Case scored, and in the sixth1 Newcastle Line-up: N. VanDu- 'Canadian praducers have ta offer. Eunice Middleton. In the last sen, Hendry, Gray, P. Pearce. M. Canadian .chicken, as resuit af innings Helen Scott and Phyl1lis Pearce, Bonathan, B. VanDusen, previaus exparts, is in good de- Lowden scored, making the score 'Bowen, and Purdy. mand on the British market and 16-7 and finishing the game. Umnpires were Brown af New- prices there are higher than they Orona Line-up: Clough. Case, castle. and Clough af Orono. have been for many years. *gSHREDDED WHEAT MADE IN CANADA - 0F CANADIAN WHEAT MERMAIDS TO GIVE EXHIBITION AT OSHAWA CIVIC OOMMUNITY DAY A vicw of thle famous Mermaid Ortianiental swirnmers give an exhibition of higli diving and Swimming Club, of Toronto, in anc of thecir mnan\ fancy swimming at the Oshawa Civic Communiîy and varied dispîsys of swimming. The public Will Day f0 be held at Lakeview Park on Monday, have the good fortune of witnessing tibese f ie August Ist. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. Fred Whttaker vîsited Mrs. pîcnic at Cream o! Barley Satur- J. Wood. day. Mr. Allan Martin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sherwin, Brighton, attended July l2tb cele- Raseneatb, Mr. and Mrs. M. Aik- bratians bere. ens and daugbter ai Saskatche- Miss Ruth Trott, Part Hope, wan visîted Mr. and Mrs. Walter visited Miss Margaret Roy. Sherwin. Miss Ethel Stark bad ber tan- Some excitement was caused sils out last Thursday. Saturday nigbt when sameone Next ginls' saftball gamne is tbe tampered with the lights at the 22nd when Orano gaes ta New- pavilion just as the dance was castle.getting nicely started. The or- castle.chestra continued playing in the Next boys' so!tball gamne is the dark and the dancers cantinued 22nd when Oshawa plays Orono. ta dance but the trouble enabled Miss Muriel Morton had ber quite a number ta, get in free. tonsils removed the latter part ai Hawever, Ern Dent was soon an last week. the job and the lights flashed on Next football gamne is 23rd wben again. Clarke United goes ta Hampton. Miss Freeda Wilson is in Ta- Miss Thelma Myles bas secured ronto visiting bier parents, Mr. a position in the York Trading and Mrs. Chas. Wilson. Company, Toronto, office. Junior West's nicely decarated Miss K. Foster, principal O.P.S. littie pany was greatly admired had ll er ntrace tudntson July l2tb. The decorated bi- ads ailfbr wEntrance stuenscycles also caused mucb favorable pass- for wih boors.comment and it must have meant Several persanais were omîtted a lot ai work ta fix tbem up. The last week as they were on the owners deserve a lot o! credit. back o! a full page and thus aver- A most enjoyable time was looked. We apologize for the spent Wednesday evening, July oversigbt. 13, when about 75 friends and re- Lightning struck a tree a short, latives ai Mrs. J. W. BaIl (form- distance from Mr. A. Saunder's erly Gertie Stewart) gathered in barn recently. Fortunately the'ber bonor ta picnic in the park ligbtning did nat strike any build- and renew acquaintanceship with ing. ber wbile she was visiting in the Quite a bit ai excitement was cammunity. Friends were present caused Wednesday l3th, late in fromBethany. Elizabetbville, Gar- the aiternoon wben two cars gatt den Hill, Part Hope, Bowman- inta a mîx-up by Mrs. W. S. Roy's. ville, London, Orona and coin- Fortunately no one was hurt, and! munity. Sacial chat and remin- nat much damage dane ta tbe icne made the time pass ail îcars. A large crowd soon gather- fao swi!tly for the gathering, and ed around. [ail regretted when it came time Mr. and Mrs. Mellor and Mary,, ta Say "adieu." A deliciaus picnic Crooked Creek, attended the Un- lunch was served about 6.30 and ian camp fire Thursday night. wben darkness had descended on1 Mr. o. w. Scott is visiting Mrs.' the land ail dispersed with the J. H. Middleton in Minden. 1 hope o! having anather delightful The girls did nat finish the gatbering in the not-too-distant gamne wîth Newtonville Thursday'Ifuture. nigbt, so no repart is available. Oshawa team - nat the north Darkness came on themn un-'Oshawa team in the League - awares. came dawn Thursday 14th and At Salina Wednesday, the l3th, wvere ignominiausly defeated by Clarke United got the sale goal in Orana sof tball team, 29-11. "Not the football gamne through Jim a gamne - a giveaway" was the Pawers. Owing ta injuries ta verdict o! thase present. Harry Davey o! Leskard the gaine Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snodgrass was nat finished s0 no repart will (nee Neya Rainey) have returned1 be given o! this gamne either. Fni- ta their home in Rochester. They ends will wish Harry a speedy re- 'bave been the recipients o! many turn ta, bealtb. beautiful giits at showers in the Mr. R. Widdis, Orono Continua- States and here. as well as fram tion schaal teacher, is takîng an individual friends and relatives. art course at Toronto. Mr. Farrow and party were the Congratulations ta D o u g 1 a s guests ai Mrs. I. Winter. 'Case, Bob Cooper (H), Aubrey Mrs. J. W. Bahl (nee Gertie Jordan, Mercectes Mantie (H-)- Stewart), o! London, accampani- George Mitchell, Carol Staples ed by bier daugbter, bier niece and (H), and Lenara Wood (H), Ol' a iriend visited friands and rela- Ornn school on passing Entrance. tives in Orona and community H means hanours. 'last week, taking in the l2tb. Old Master Jack Graham, Toronto. friends were pleased ta sec ber wba visited bis aunt, Miss Freeda again. Wilson, returned home Sunday. Mr. and 'Mîs. G. L-nibton, Kit- George Rawe left Manday for chener. Mrs. F. Fenning. Toronto. summer schaal at Oak Lake and Capt. Bigelow, Miss Teci Carson williromthee goan t caP and Mr. Honey -were ro-ent visit- xifh the Midland Regimental!ors with Major and -Mrs. J. C. band. Gamey. Milton Green bas accepted a Mr. W. W. Powell, Kinbonn.' position with Rice & Ca.s hard -_______________ ware store in Bowmanvillc. start- ing August 2nd. Mr. and Mrs. David Graham A t~ and Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Grabam. U David Grahams uncle and aunt, B . . O Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mofl att. Mr. Wmn. Powell, formerly O. I C. S. teacher, wbo is marking ex-! D1 RRH 0 E amination papers in Toronto, spent the weekend witb Mr. Ray- REMOVE TH E CAUSE mond Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. G. Suggitt and IT saps your baby's strength. Lowers Nancy, Tononto, spent Sunday] his resistance to disease. Leaves him a here with Mn. and Mrs. Wmn Sey- prey ta other sicknesses. Regulate the mour and Mrs. George Seymnour. bowels and banish if inimediateiy. Mn. Stan Bruton, Toronto, spent Read the experience ai Mis. Editi, the weekend witb bis mother, Stroud, af Brown's Line P.O., Ont.: "I Mrs. Bruton. have nine children, have not had one A number from here attended serious illness amang them, and owe the Trull picnic et Hampton Sat- this ta Baby's Own Tablets. For diar-j unday. rhoea they are invaluable. Tbey quick- Mns. G. Cobbledick bas return- lW clear up the cause. 1 arn positive they ed fnom a week's visit ln Toronto. prevent indigestion. Children sleep a Board o! Stewards o! Park St. naturel sleep' Chunch meet Friday nigbt. Promptly effective, aise, in cases af Miss Thelma Myles, Toronto, simple lever, calda, colic, upset sta- spent the weekend at home. mach, constipation, simple croup, indi- Miss Alice McIsaac, Toronto, is gestion and tecthing troubles. holidaying, bere. Miss Lîllian Allen ententained Free ai stupefying drugs and opiates. about 14 girls at the leke Friday Easy ta take as candy. Sale and harni- night. Music and social chat wene less. Can be taken by the most delicate enjoyed, also nefnesbments con- child. Analyst's report in every bax. sisfing. o! manshmallows and pop. Get a package foday. Sickness Sa All repart a manvelous trne. often strikes in the night. Money back A numben attended the Bryson if you are fot satisfied. 2S cents. DIM AND DISTANT From The Orono News of July 3, 1913 Mn. Gardon Powers is spending a few days under the parental roof. Mn. Percy Rawe, o! Standard Bank bere, bas joined the Belle- ville staff. John Maynes, son o! the late George Maynes, is visiting Mn. A. F. Carscadden. Miss Edna Smith is in the cify. Miss Lefa Allin is home from business coliege, Toronto. Mn., Ed Pinder, Toronto, is at bhis iatben's. Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Barre1ft, Toronto, is at bis !atber's. Mn. John Steele and bride were at ber father's, Mn. A. J. Leigh. Mrs. William Beacom and Miss Winnie Staples retunned from Parny Sound. Mn. and Mrs. Henry Dicksan, Toronto, visited Mn. James Dick- son. Mns. Cuttcll and son Floyd are guesfs ai Mrs. Charles Massie, Fart Hope. Mn. Harold Cooper and bride are visifing bis grandmotber. Mn. Gillis McKay is holidaying in Underwaad. Gifl4s will no doubt have an enjoyabie visit as be took a lady friend wifh hlm fan a visif witb bis people. Mn. Bert Hockin and son, To- ronto, were down Sunday with bis wife wha is visiting friends bene. Capt. and Mns. Gidley are visit- ing in Western Ontario with bis people en route home ta Victoria, B. C. Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Gerry and daughten, Toronta, visited bis bro- ther. From The Orano News o! Juiy 10, 1913 Mn. J. Bidwell Tucker bas en- tened Queen's Callege, Kingston, for a course o! studies. Mn. and Mns. T. Smith and fam- ily visited !niends in Oshawa on Sunday. Miss Salome Howard a! New- castle is a guest o! Miss Lenora Williamsan. Mn. A. Fraser Little, Regina, Sask., is spending a few days at bis fatber's, Mn. Thas. Little. Misses Gladys and Grace Con- nisb o! Part Ferry are visiting thein uncle, Mn. William Carnish. Miss Greta Graham and Mas- ter Maxwell Graham o! Toronto, are visifing their uncle, Mn. Ed. Pinder. Mn. and Mrs. J. B. Mowat and Miss Bertha Gilman, Toronto, were weekend guests at Mn. R. Z. Hall's. Miss Alma Dobson accompanied Mrs. (Rev.) Bell home f0 Roches- fer, N.Y., last week and will ne- main for a visit with ber !niend, Mrs. Percy Brown (nee Viola Jackson). The Misses Mary and Ruth Armstrong o! Barnard Hospital, Montana, are expected home this week on their bolidays. Mns. Armstrong wbo is visiting ber son John af Billings, Montana, will accompany ber daugbters home. Mrs. H. C. Bowen, and ber guest, Miss Anson o! Toronto, are spending the week with ber dau- gbter, Mrs. Pickard, Thamesvilie. Rev. R. A. Whaftam, Miss Laura Allin and Miss E. Wise are aftending summen scbaal at Belle- ville this week. Married: Staîker - Rutson - At the churcb o! the Messiah, Kin- candine, Juiy 2, 1913, by Rev. R. Fendue, nectar a! St. Thomas' Chuncb, Walkerfon, Gardon Ber- keley Staîker, B.A.,M.D., Hanaver, son o! Malcolm Staîker, M.D., Walkertan, ta Nyda Ethel Rutson, youngest daughfer a! the late Thomas and Mrs. Rutson a! God- ericb. Died: Tbampson - In Clarke, July 9tb, Margaret Tbompsan, aged 90 yeans. Softball Schedule July 15-Osbawa vs Orana i 9-Kinby vs Forestry 22-Osbawa vs Kirby 26 Ornoavs Foresfny 29-Fanestny vs Oshawa Aug. 2-Kirby vs Orono. Play-offs begin August 5th. Lockhart's Sehool Master Byron Brunt enferfain- cd a number o! bis yaung !niends at a birtbday party July 15. Miss Bessie Blackburnsne- cavering irom ber recent ilincss but ber father, Mn. Mark BEck burn, is now indisposed. 1 Kendal Miss Freda Tremaine, Toronto, has returned home after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Robin- son. Dr. R. Laing, Chicago, visited his sister, Mrs. W. Little. Miss Clara Seens, Bailieboro, is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. Elliott. There was a fair attendance at church Sunday morning. Rev. E. Beech delivered a splendid ser- mon on Paul's letter ta the Corin- thians concerning married life. Miss Greta Mercer, Orono, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mercer. Mr. Arthur Thompson, Miss Annie Tbompson and Mrs. C. Tbompson visited friends at Graf- ton. Mr. and Mrs. John Patton and Roy, Mrs. J. Boyd, and Mr. and Mrs. Alec Reid and daughter vis- ited friends at Millbrook. Mr. Donald Little, who is clerk- ing in the Rexaîl Drug Store, Bowmanville, was home over the weekend. Mrs. E. Trew bas returned ta ber home in Oshawa, accompan- ied by her father, Mr. S. Bryson. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bell, Wel- came, visited Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Plunkett, Mr. and Mrs. Haywood, Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Quantrill. Mr. Fred Brimacomb, Kirby, at- tended cburch services in Kendal on Sunday morning. Starkville Rev. E. Beech called in our midst one day last week. Wheat harvest and raspberry picking is the order of the day. Mr. McHolm, Welcome, has been tractor plowing on the W. C. Ruthven farmn. Well, the l2tb is over, and smnce then a few scattered and wel- come sbowers, but more would be welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Gilmpr and family, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sow- den and daughter, Elizabethville, went on a motor trip Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Savery and daughter Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Savery attended the aniiual family picnic at Cream of Barley park at Bowmanville on Saturday. Heartiest congratulations and best wishes ta one of aur telephone operators at Newtonville Central, Miss Helen Darlington of Kendal, who became the bride of Mr. Jack Glover on Saturday. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Roy McKay, Ham- ilton, with Mrs. John McKay., Miss Joe Trim with ber sister, Mrs. Walter Simpson, at Quays Crossing. Mr. Garnet H-aIlowell, Toronto, with Mr. Wm. Hallowell. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tadd visited bis father in Oshawa who is ill. Master Douglas Vice, Osbawa, witb bis aunt, Mrs. Artbur Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hallowell at Elizabethville. Mrs. Foley, Detroit, witb her sister, Mrs. Russell Savery. Mrs. Geo. Plumb and son Char- les, Toronto, visited ber mather, Mrs. John McKay. Mrs. A. A. Martin of Brighton is now witb ber mother. Masters Elgin and Jim Savery, Newtonville, witb their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sav- ery. Mr. M. Sbutka with bis wife in Hampton. Mrs. Frank Howse and daugb- ter, Mrs. Howse Sen., and friend, Toronto, at her motber's, Mrs. Jacob Hallowell, belping ber with bernies. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stark, New- tonville, with Mrs. I. Stark. Loyers of choral music are go- ing ta have a rare treat thîs year at the Canadian National Exhibi- tion. The Welsb Imperial Singers will be present and will present several concerts at the Coliseum. It is indeed a compliment ta the Agricultural Departments of the Provincial and Federal Gov- ernments that from practically al. of the adjacent States, not ta speak of some farther afield, stu- dents o! agriculture are sent in their hundreds ta attend and study the agricultural, horticultural and livestock displays at the Canadien National Exhibition. Orono News continued on page six. pur-, visited with Mn. Roy Cbapman. Mns. John Tamblyn was taken ta a Toronto hospital on Tuesday and is quite seriausly ill. Miss Margaret Harnis and Mn. Charles Wice, Toronto, visited re- cently with ber sister, Mns. Han- aid Dean. A meeting o! West Durham Agnicultural Society was held Monday night ta complete capy for the Frize List and attend ta ather detail bu&siness. The Field Crop Competitian judge was in the district this week viewing craps in Danlingtan and Clarke. Recent visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Wiiired W. Sherwin were Dr. W. J. Stinson, O.V.C., and Mn. Rae Stinsan o! O.A.C., Guelph, and Mn. and Mrs. Alian Alton and daugbter Marion, Toronto. Mrs. Grady, Hamilton, and Mrs. Wilson and family, Ottawa, who are visiting their mothier, Mrs. C. G. Armnstrong, were here for the wedding o! their brother, R. H. Anmstrong ta Miss Leone Davey. Mrs. E. Chapman entertained a few friends Mariday evening. Mrs. D. Noble was entertained by Mrs. Dr. Higbee an Manday at Newcastle. An exhibition game between Providence and Orono all stars saftball team will take place in Ornn Park Monday night. Mrs. I. T. Chapman and Miss 1Fern are visiting Mrs. Weish at Wilsanviiie. Picnics in Orono Park have been as iailows: l3tb - Daughfers of the Empire, Whitby; Bethany Sunday Schaol; Fart Hope United Cburcb; iSth - Newcast le United Chuncb, Betbany United Church, Betbany Anglican Cburcb, Rebe- khLodge, Bawmanviilc; l6th - Yeo family picnic, Blackstock Un- it ed Churcb, Mares family picnic; lOth - Woods-Johns picnic, and jHanticultunal Society; 2Oth - On- tario Matons Mn. and Mrs. Brown and fam- ily, St. Catharines, ane visiting ber parents. Mn. and Mrs. Greenwoad. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Blewctt, Toronto, are visiting Mn. and Mrs. Neil Rainey. Mn. Ken Hall, Toronto, is visit- ing Mn. and Mns. Joseph W. Hall. Mn. Stan Chapman lost a heifer. It was caugbt between twa trees and when anc tnee was cut down the beifer was released but went in circles and died. Mrs. Annie Sturgess, Mn. C. Sturgess, Syracuse, N.Y., Dr. C. Sturgess, Hambourg, N.Y., visited LMn. and Mrs. S. Cuttell. Mr. Clarke Tbompsan, New York, and Mn. Douglas Tbompson, Toronto, visited Mns. W. S. Roy. Miss Ruth Trott, Part Hope, en- terfained ber Sunday school ciass lai Orno park while visiting hene. Mn. Curtis Hall, Toronto, wvas in town Thursday. Mn. and Mrs. S. Cutteil accom- panied by thein visitons enjoyed a delightiul fishing trip at Rice >Lake, Bewdley. Miss Margaret Roy, Orono, and Miss Ruth Trott. Port Hope. are attending Oak Lake summer school. Jim Patterson had bis tonsils ouf Monday. Grace Hudson is bolidaying at bien grandmothen's. Mrs. Fred Tamblyn bas retunn- cd fnom assisfing in waiting an ber sisten, Mrs. H. J. Haidge, Lindsay. Sunday schaol feachers and ai- ficers ai Park Sf. Cburch met Friday night f alsf weck. Visitons wifh Mns. W. S. Roy an July l2th included Mns. J. Spencer, Mns. D. Davis. Mn. D. McConnachie and Mns. Bateman, Bowmanviile; Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Thompson and Miss B e r t h a Thompsan, Newtonville. Miss Thelma Myles was aperat-i ed on for appendicitis Monday. Miss Doris Whyte is having hier tonsils taken oufta-marnaw. Mrs. J. Hall, Gait, is vacation-i ing wifb Mn. and Mns. Wmn. Sey- mour. Harry Davey wha was taken ta Toronto hospital Friday is im- proving. The Truil picnic took place in Hampton Park July l6th, witb President Lamne W. Truli, To- ronto, presiding. The attendance was very satis!actory. Gemes for bath aid and young.were partici- pated in with plenty o! zest. Mn. Orme Gamsby was authanized ta engage the Orono Memorial Park for their next gathening on the f irst Saturday !ollawing the l2tb of July. THURSDAY, JULY 21ST, 1937 PAGE NINE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWINIANVILLE, ONTARIO . ^and Mrs. Wallace Gibson motared ta Minden fan the week- end. Tbey repart lots a! !ish, and lavely people ta meet.

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