PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOXVMANVILLE, ONTARTO THURSDAY, JULY 215T, 1938 Hampton Mrs. lva Fletcher, Miss Helen Chisholm, '.\r. and Mrs. Flovd Mi er, Kalamazoo. Mich., -Mr. Geo. HQgarth, 'Miss M\arv Hogarth, Mrs. R. Pascoe. Mrs. R. J. MicKessock. Miss Ruth MdcKessock, Mrs. H. E. Tink, \Ir. Bruce Tink, Solina, wcre guests at Mr. and 'Mrs. Joe Chap- mnan's. Mrs. M.\vrtle Taylor with ber sis- ter in Torontç. Miss N. Schioley and 'Miss Seagre of the Faith M.\issioi. TQ-ronto. have returned to the city after spending two weeks with Mr. and 'Mrs. C. H. Mills. The meetings conducted bN the5e ladies were vers' rnuch enloved, Xhile visiting at the home of Mr. Jno. Colwill on Stinday evening Nlr. Sami Jacks met withi a serious ac- cident. VVhile crossing the road lie was struck bv a car breuking both arms and one leg. Dr. V. H. Storey of BoQjianville, was called to the scene and Mr. Jacks was reinoved to Bowmanville Hospital. His manv- friends svmnpathiize with hini ii hiý misfortune. Rev. and M.\rs. XW. Racklinam tu familv left on Nfondav for ýliise1- mans Lake where thiev xiii spen'l their ho]idavs at their cottage. Miss Gertrude Pettit and Miîs Gladys Chapmnan, Ebenezer. speut Sundav at home. The M\isses Knox, To)ronto. spent Sundav at home. MXrs. Jas. Burns xitli relatives in Toronto, Miss Lului Revnold.. accomipanied ber brother. Mr. Russell Reynolds and wif e, Toronto, on a niotor trip 10 Ottawva and other eastern Points. Thc M.\ission Band enjovcd a pic- nic at Caesarea Wednesdav. Mrs. W. V. Horn is zuest of Mr. and Mrs. M . Avery, Buffalo, N.Y.. who are occupying a cottage at Crow River. 'Mr. W. XV. Horn and D:r. Wallace Horn. Port Hope, spent the weekend there. Miss Annabelle Adcock celebrated ber 6eb 'birthday Qn M.\onday when a number of ber little playmnates en- joyed a picnic in the park with ber. Miss Florence Burns is bolidaying at Musselman's Lake. Cburch service on Sunday evening was fairly well attended. Rev. W. ROYA L TE AT R E BOWMANVILLE Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. July 21 - 22 - 23 LARtRY"BMUrC RAI Matinee Saturday 2.30 p.xn. Mon. - Tues. - Wed. July 25 - 26 - 27 Don 't Miss This Screaxnxngly Funny Comedy. Robert Montgomery, Rosalind Russell, Mickey Rooney in LIVE LOVE AND LEAR N Matinees Monday and Wednesday 2.30 p.m. COMING SHORTLY JOSETTE JUDGE HARDYS (IIILDREN KIDNAPPED THREE BLIND MI('E EBBTIDE THE THREE COMRADl-As WELLS FARGO LORD JEFF. Rackhaini rcacheti a splendid ser- nion. '-Ir-. Grtrude Stephiens, To- Z o ronfo. sang cr er nicelv a beautiful solo wliich atideti inspi rat ion to the Recenit Vi-.i ors service aud xvas verv niuch apprec- Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hoskin -nid iated. Ncxt Sundav a rep)resenfeatis children. Thinrnfun s Corners. et IxaN of the Temperance Federation froi t .un' Torontfoxill occupy the pultit. M r en Mrs. j. WV. Balson at Mr. Miss Dorofhiv Holmwell is visiting A. 1. Balson's. Solina. friends iin Toronto. MNr. and Mrs. .\lan Balson, La- eut, Mn. Haroldi Balson. Miss Ailen l3lson. Solina. '.\r. and i Mrs. ILe..lîe Hoskiîî. Mr. and N.irs. Chas. Saleni 'Ilergu-.on an(l farnil%",Thioruitonis Rev.A. . 'arc coduced er-Corners. M.\r. J. M.\acNab, Columbus, Rex XX archcondcfed5cr-et N. J. XW. Balson's. vice here on Suinday althiough ((utle 1 iss Bernice Stainfon . Peterboro, indisposeti. He andti Mrs. Marci arc et Mr. A. T. Staintons, *planning a txvo wecks' vacation ni N .Mns. J. TrulI has been ill again. orde fo hi soregin celh. 1 M\r. Sain Jacks xvas knocked down stîlîpl\ lias becu secureti for the andl iadlv iij ureti by a car on Suni- % vork during bhis absence. dav nighf. The corimunity picnie et Haînp- Mr. andi Mr-. Xesley Glaspel, Mr. ton Park on Juîh l4tlî xas a real -ni M\rs. F. B. Glaspel, 'Misses stncces.flic wcather bcin.g ideal as- Nornia an(l Beryl Glaspel af Mn. telr a rcifresing inorning shosser. . alph Glaspcl's, Tx rone. si)nrts and gaines wcre open te al R'Mr andti Mrs. XW. J. McKiftick xsiî wislied f0 fako part ni antij Clara_ Mr. J. E. Smith and 1) tllnitiluiInihon i wa s rvedto ('Hil da, Oranyeyille, .\Mr. jas. Mc- hring a pleasant aiternQonl to ae laster, Toronto, ait Mr. J. XW. 'M\- closv. Thure %wcrc e\ ur 100 Jinattend- laster's. arnce althotuzl severai faniilian faces W. . \ met af the home of M.\rs. sxdI C iiils.e(. Leslie Warren. XVdnsday. Thev Mh~ X. Barres. -Newcastle,. with 1iaýý exten(îe( an invitation to Kedf- NIMr. ail Nirs. F. Honev. ron X\\.. f0 visit thcm in Aiguisf. Nlrs. F. Hurst and Nirs. Moodv, i .\ftcr the usuial business the group F ooite, xisitud as the Gaund hoine puit on a zooti programi anti scrved on Findex sud Masser Ralph Siînp- a boiînfi fîl lunch. son1 acconiVaiid bis atint andi grand- Mîr. Tbos. Martin is having Ili., lluctlser te T'lireuso andl tlici iuotor- kitchen rcnovated bx '\ Mr. Leslie (-d to vi sit Master XWarren anîd John WXXarrei Hurst ast a niortherîî camp. MisL Hîîrst rcttînmîed home xitli thern af- ter holidax ing xifl girl frientis ini the nrth.Long Sault Mulich svmpafhy is felt b'- Salin frieuds for Mr. S. Jacks of Hamp- Mr. and M.\rs. Joe M.\cRoberts, fou in flic serious accident thiaf be- Misses Mabel and Dorothy and Mr. fell lim on Sunday ev"inng wlieu Heniry XVooti visited fricîîds iii hc xas sfruck ibv a car on the Kend-al. Hamnpton higliway. Mr. anti M\rs. Harry Fraser and Mrs. J. Herd and son and .M\rs. O. Misses Marion aud Jessie xisited the Herd, Oshiawa, aud M\rs. R. Hall, formers sister, Mrs. Arthur Bris- ber dauglîfer and three grsîîdchild- bain. Lindsay. ren, Sutton. N.Y., were Saturday '.\r. anti M.\rs. Hilliard McClure, visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. G. Corn- Jamie and Janie, .\Ir. Ted McBride, ish motored f0 XVitevale f0 Visif Inglewood, Mr. Hughic McIntyre, Mrs. J. Marmell. M'%iss 'M. Cornislî Victoria, anti Mr. anti Mrs. J. C. is bolitiaying af Greenwood. Mr. Cook wif h'M\r. Fred Smitb's. anti R. and Mr. anti Mrs. G. Cburch service Suntiay evening Cornish atfeuded the l2th july cele- was fairly well attendeti when Rev. brations af Orond. A. W. March preached a splendid Mr. and Mrs. E. Silver, Master sermon. Miss Marion Fraser acted B. Lockhart, Mr. anti Mrs. E. as organist in the absence of Miss Doitige were Sunday eveniug call- Grace Smith. crs on Mrs. J. Stoie anti Mr. J. Miss Pauline Fraser, Enterprise, Noble, Tyrone. and Mr. Wm. Wallis, Tyrone, were Sundv vsitrs t M. lTrizh utr- Tyrone Recent Visitors: Master Glen Hodgsou, Bowmaîi- ville. is holidaying with bis grand- parent sNMr. and M.\rs. Robt. Hodg- son. MNr. and Mrs. D. Davey, Mr. Brenton MNcCullough, Mr. WV. Little xisifed Nir. aud Mrs. Wesley Little, Cardinal. Mrs. Johnsoni, Toronto, xvith M.\rs. Jameîs Storse's. MNr. aud Mrs. J. Smîith, Buffalo, N N ., xxifli Nrs. Laura V irfue. .Nir. anti Mrs. Edigar Rosevear, M\,r. andcl Mrs. Oscar Lvf le, Port Hope. at MnI. Gussie Rosevear's. MNr. andtIMrs. A. H. Brcnt, N. Gordon Brens, Mr. and NMrs. Ross Poolev Ift Fridav on a moter trip s' visit the forruer's daugliter, NIr. and MNrs. Lorne Phare, Gliddcn, Sask. M\r. ands(l Mrs. Davis, '.\r. and Mrs. F. Spiccr anîd faiily, Toronî- to, MNrs. L. Spicer and Mfrs. J. Spicer. Bowînanville, xxith Nfr. and Nîrs. A-. Stîlcer. A\ iumber froin herc attended the Oranîge celehîration af Orono, the local lotige sud band takiîsg part. XIrs. Robt. Hodgson entertaiîicd a number of little boys at a party for Master Glen Hodgson Fniday after- 110o11. Little 'Misses Doris Park and Fay March euscrtained a nunîber of lit- tic girls at birthday parties on Fni- dlay and Saturday. MNaster Dean Fiudlev 'nionville, is holitiaving wifh bis grnîdparciis. MnI. sud NMrs. Thomas Richards. Mnl. asd NMrs. Jas. Fleff. N. andt Mns. l-lector Flett, Burg's Green, MnI. Dave Fletf, Sask., Nr. sud Mrs. Kiîigsbury sud 'Mn.r.sud Mrs. Fred Brooks. Cobouîrg, as N. aud Mrs. George Brooks'. Haydon Receuf Visitors:, Nis,, Rush McNeil, Toronîto, bol- idaviîîg as home. Mýrs. J. D. Bnowu, Miss Mary Kniox, Orono, atfNMn. L. Asbfou's. 'Uiss Jean Crossmau, holidaying et MnI. Ni. ljickiîî,oiî's, Port Hope. .\li-ss Mlarie Ashiton with Miss Jox ce MeGilI, Enîîiskillcu. Mn.r.sad Nlrs. S. XVooihings anti fanîilv, Larder Lake, nr. andi Mrs. \Vestbury, Kathleen and Franîcis, To- ronto, at MnI. H. Aêhtoti's. Conîgratulationis to Mn. ant irs. 1W. H. Lanîner ou their recent mar- niage. .Xai anti Donald Ferguson, Enni- skilheu, with Ross Ashton. Mîr. and<lNi ns. Fred Ashfon amîd Bihie. Nîn. Bert Ashtomn, have ne- suriiet homne te Tornuto, after bol- idax ing bine. MIiss I rene Shianîse. Emîmiskilleu. Mis., Hilda Richards. Maple Grove, xxith M'tr. anti NIs. R. Richards. Mîr. Ross Ashîton bolitayiug af MrI rK. Ornuisten's, Enîîiskilleu. Clisurehi service uexf Sîucay affen- us m as 2.30. NI r. Sfnrcy w il t'reacli. W. . lies Thsussav aftenoou xx ti aehi suber of Long Sati If ladies ;i,,tists. Pi esideist NIrns. E. Bnaclev %%xl, i cîsene. hile neacing xas hi isleNrs. T. Cnxvisg and tIse Il u) lxMNr'. F..Ashtoun, lPro- -rai iii in iichargi e of l rs. k. 1Ni, litrîs ,: ruiiiglxx Ni'rs. ..Rlad ll iiiii5ic blx N\I N. ilces n x hi l!i. lic euit.îr a1 ati NI 55Max hu-exxill III il îiin reuiî.sPs rs. h. 111, xix eîîNi s. X\V. l-idge. l i- anx ic ;id a so ciel timei l;id Ni- ahck (ok, Mr. il \Mr,. liiii, tek. Oshîexa, et NIrs. i ii, 'r xiii, tOakî 11< as NI r. andtIrMs. L .Grahaman d ut famiilv.-tNI s. 'M. Arceir's, Lind-l say. phy's. Mr. Fred Smith lost a valuable mare ou Suntiay. Cadmus Miss Helen Fowler is takiug a sunîmer course at Midlaiid. Mn. anti Mrs. H. E. Trewiu, 0f- fawa, are bciug welcomed back to colnmuuity while speuduîîg lolitisye with Mn. anti Nrs. Alvin McGilI. Mn. andît.IMrs. Russell Bronoi, -loy.d, hiave taken a trip te Kinklanti Lake f0 visit thein s ou Cordon wbo ias a pîositionî there. Miss Annie Moîto bas ne- furnedt tHavdou affen visîting lber sister. Mrs. J.* E. Elliott. Miss Leah McQuade lias accepteti a position in Linidsay. .Miss Marjorie Pryon speut flic weckcud witb Mns. Meredith Fallis. Mrs. Margaret Bawks, Mn. Non- man Herîuing anti'Miss Ruth Heu- ing visifeti at Mn. anti Mrs. Molanti Autiersou's, Suudav. Miss Norma MeQuade is holiday- iîsg af home. MnI. anti Nrs. Tenanit, Toronto, have returucti home affen visifiug Mn. anti Mrs. Cooke. M ns. Me\IDonalti aîd Shirley, To- ronto, are visiing Mrs. Wilsoni anti Bilîx as Lakevicw Cottage. Enniskillen Mn. andi Mrs. F. Dolanti with Dr. C. Dolantis, LaPincre, Micb. Mn. anti Mrs. G. Xhittaker. Mn. anti Mrs. MI. Heard anti Elgin af- tsinded the Xoods-jolins picuîic at Orono. X..S. ladies helti a sociable ev- euiîîg in the form of a crokinole paty anti musical prognam, affen which hernies and creama wene ser- veti. Mn. anti Mrs. H. Jobuston, To- ronto, witb Mns. J. Pye. Mn.. sud Mns. E. C. Ashton with MnI. Ira Travclle's, Oshawa. Miss Reva McGilI, Mrs. T. vfc - GilI with Mn. W. Gneenawav. Port Hope. Mn. anti Mns. M. Heard with M.- H. Runîtle's, Hampton. MnI. and Mns. E. C. Ashton aud Haroldl with Mn. S. Rodmian. Pont Penny. .Nns. T McGilI xithîNi. WXni. Vaiincf fa.. WhitbNv. Nins. Haroldi Tait. Rob- ena. Alvin. Nirs. J. H. McGill,Mi- brook. Nliss Bernice Ellis. Parny Sosmuti. withi Mrs. T. NlcGill's. .Miss Reva IfcGill, Mrs. John NieGilI witb nr. F. McGill's, To- roufto. Ebenezer No. 4 Mission Band wene very plcasaufly enfertaimuet at thein aunual pidîsic helti as the home of Nin. Ross I>cance. Thene was an a.ttendance of 40. TIhe \V. 'M. S. emiertaineti Bauds froun No. 4 suit No. 8 af thue church xith ai attemîtance of 85. l>nesidemît Nîrs. A, .1. Gav extenmdeti a heanty xvlccnle to thç nîcuishers. Sece, suit Tres.' relienrt,, were giveus aui the mesetuig xvas timnied over te Eddie RUiet and .\delaide \\Vilson xvlo vune iii charge. Scriîtunc ncading xx .s1 givxci lic.-\Audney Beauicliaunt) xvocal tion, Pi'llis .\tiîs, Jeasniec- Kav and NIau gares Burroughîs;xor- slip sto ry. Lîc i le Xade ; piasn solo, (xVei Osbornue ret(iuuîg, Jose- tdiu Cîmrfice: gîitan msiusic, Rus- sel NieKavx ehsxnîs Py fixe Sîihiaus girls. NIrns. C.,I P mifoumîîliîrintuice-t tIse guest sîpeaker. Nîns. Boyes. Brlin, hius se aik xvas usuch sus- treciateti. A picuie stippen xvas emn- joe oxî theficlawu. Conmgrat iilaf ions te flicfollowiug studcts: Eut rance. Lucille Watie. aud Peter Hichko; Oshawa Collez- iatc. Louisc Pearce, Eileen Pickell, Blob Rundle. Lloyd Down, WesleN Oke. Snrry f0 bear Mr. George Annis xvas throxvn frqm a load of hay. Miss June 'Marshall *is at Balsamn Lika camping with Girl Guiders f rom Oshawa. Rev. and Mrs. Frank Cryderman and little Joan Beyerly, New York, were Friday visifors at the Edgar ho me. Miss VeInia Pearce is holidaying with Toronto friends. Miss Elsie Oke is enjoying bhl- davs with relatives at Hamilton. Miss Louise Courtice, wbo is iin attendance at Sumnmer School ini To- ronto. spent the xeekend at ber home. Miss Heegn Wilkins, Bowmanville, is holidayiiig at ber borne. Mani- f rom bore enjoyed the Orange walk and sports at Orono. Miss 'Majorv Robinson, Toront o, is holidaying. witb ber mother.. and] hrother. at the store. Maple Grove This communitv xvas sbocked on \Wcdinesdav morning wben if became known that Mrs. Frank Hanford (nece Gladys M\unday), Newv Jersey, liad hocn killed iin a inotor accident andi her busband scriously injurcd. Svmnpathy is exteuded f0 the bereav- cd brothcrs and sisters and other relatives. .Mr. andi Mrs. John Speuce, Wood- ville, with Mr. James Armstrong. Rccent Visifors: Mr. Stan Rickard, Shaws, '.\r. Fred Miller, Kingston, at Mrs. L. C. Snowden's. MIr. and Mrs. E. R. Freeman. son Glen. St. Catharines, af his brothers, H. G. Freeman. Miss Betty !ýtevens bas refurneti after a couple of weeks at Inawind- awin Camp. Misses.Peari and Lenora Collacutt with their graudparents, Mr. and Mirs. Westlake. Sauina. Miss Mona Kemp wbo vîsiteti ber aunt. Mrs. L. Twist, bas returned f0 Toronto. Mrs. L. C. Snowden aftended an afternoon f ca at Mrs. John Baker's, Thursday affernoon. Mrs. Baker gave if in honour of ber sister, Mrs. Millson, f rom Edmonton. Mrs. C. E. Nesbilt Master John Nesbitt. Winnipeg, with ber brother and sister. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Worden. Mrs. Jobnston, Florence, Mr. Or- landa Johuston, Bxredon, Mr. Chas. Johnsfon, Woodstock, Mrs. Nichol, daughtcr, Betty. Detroit, wifb their cousins. Mr. andi Mrs. . R., Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Worden ac- companied by Mrs. Eti. Wilkins and Misses Bervl and Doreeti Wilkins, Oshawa, bave returnet f rom a very enjoyable motor trip to Lake Sim- coc andi Georgian Bay district. Master Bobbv Stevens is at Ka- wartha Boys' Camp af Peterboro. Enfield Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. D. Cunningham, Miss Evelyn Cunningham, Lon- don, Mrs. M. Potts, Washington, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wells, Glad- stone, Man., at Mr. Wallace Pas- coe's. Mr. Jas. Tapp, Rochester, Mr. Sulas Tapp, Mr. Clifford Shouldice and Mr. B. Tapp, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Ormiston, Mrs. J. Grieves, Mrs. J. Densem, Bow- manvîlle, Mr. and Mrs. W. Thorn, Mrs. L. Sheppard, Messrs. Ross, Ray and W. Sheppard, Toronto, at Mrs. W. J. Ormiston's. Mr. and Mrs. R. Perkins and Miss Perkins, Zion, Mr. and Mrs. W. Thorn, Mrs. L. Sheppard, Messrs. Ross, Ray and W. Shep- pard, Miss Lena Niddery, Toron- to, and Mrs. Ellis Pascoe and Mrs. E. Mackey, Brooklin, at Mr. G. Ormiston's. Miss Viola Shortt, Toronto, is visiting ai Mr. Aif. Prescott's. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Miller, Mrs. E. J. Fletcher and Miss Helen Chisolm, Kalamazoo, Mr. G. Ho- garth, Toronto, Mrs. R. Pascoe and Miss Mary Hogarth, Solina, at Mr. L. C. Pascoe's. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert and Miss Velma, Enniskillen, Miss Grace Thane, Miss Verna Ormis- ton, Oshawa, Mr. Ralph Ormiston, Zion, at Mr. Hosken Smith's. Mrs. T. Bowman bas been visit- ing at Ottawa. Mrs. A. Ormiston bas returned f0 Mr. Hoskin Smith's much im- proved in health affer being in Bowmanville Hospital. ]Burketon Recent Visitors: Mrs. Jabez Wright, Blackstock, Miss Annie Wright, Oshawa, wifh Mr. and Mrs. Robert Philp. Misses Swartz, Oshawa, with Miss Betty Moffat. Mrs. H. Galley, Niagara Falls, with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Coughill. j Shces Rebuilt 1eàlAnd Repaired We guarantee our workman- shlp and materials. Try our quality work today! Harness Repairs A Specialty We can repair or mnake any plece of harness you desire. JOHN LENZ King St.- - Bowmanville Rev. W. H. V. Walker of Presby- Blacktockterian Church, and Rev. Wood of the Anglican Church. Music was Congratulations to the pupils by the United Church choir of who passed their Entrance. Blackstock. Sincere sympathy is extended A number from here attended to relatives of the late Orr Dever. the funeral on Thursday of Mr. Bethany and Nestieton played Orr Dever who was accidentally the final league game on Satur- killed at C.P.R. crossing at Burke- day night; score 6-1 in favour of ton Station, July l2th . The sym- Bethany. pathy of this community goes to Tbree prizes came f0 Cartwright bis sister, Mrs. Wm. Thompson, at the Orange Walk at Orono on and ber famnily who are residents July 12th - One to Blackstock la- of this village. dies, another to Devitt's men for Miss Marie Prout, R.N., with the best lodge, and one to Mr. ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. John John Henry Devitt for the oldest Prout. suember to walk. Mrs. Gilchrist, of Shanty Bay, W. M. S. of United Church met with her sister, Miss Mary Mal- at the home of Mrs. C. Hill. Bible colm. study was taken by Mrs. Bell. An Mrs. R. J. Williamson and El- interesting talk on the study book gin, Peterboro, with Mr. and Mrs. was given by Mrs. Jabez Wright Levi McGill. on Korea and Africa. Miss Kath -_________ leen Taylor sang a solo. -The One Eternal Mind.' Mrs. Will Hooey gave a pleasing talk on our pray- vrono News er support of our missiona ries. Lunch was serx-ed and a social Horticultural Society baîf hour spent. In a particularly lox-ely part of A very successful garden party the park known 'as Horticultural was held in the Arena Friday. un- 1Island members of the Orono der auspices of Victorian Wom- 1-orticultural Society met Tues- en's Institute. Bethany Band xvas diay night for a picnie supper and in attendance. A bard baîl game a rather informai business meet- was played between Yelverton ing. Following a picnic supper and Nestleton, score 3-2 for Yel- regular business xvas held. Aug- verton. In the evening the pro- ust meeting will be held at the gram opened witb commnunitY home of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Sta- singing with Mrs. Jabez Wright ples on August 15. Mrs. F. Hall, at the piano. Rev. H. J. Bell act- Mrs. E. J. Hamm, and Mrs. R. A. ed as chairman. Solos were sung Forrester xvere put in charge of by Mr. A. Stapleton and Miss the lunch. Plans include a pro- Winnifred Preston. and a cornet gram and a lecture, followed by solo by Mr. Page, readings by Mrs. îugbt lunch. Fred Hamilton, and several selec- Putting in an exhibition at the fions by the band. Program clos- Newcastle Flower Show xvas dis- ed wlfh national antbem. cussed but nothing was decided Recent Visitors: pending receipf of prize list. As Evelyn and Donald Taylor, So- darkness fell the meeting ad- lina, at Mr. E. Larmer's. journed wîth ail feeling that if Mr, and Mrs. W. Marlow and had been a decidedly enjoyable family and Mr. Ivan Thompson one. spent Sunday at Lake Simcoe. Mr. and Mrs. R. Brown and Tennis Club Has Tournamnent Lloyd and Mr. Charles Henderson The tennis club bas arranged a with their son Gordon Brown at tournament for members, th e Kirkland Lake. singles being played July 2Ofh, as Miss Helen Waldon, Toronto, follows: J. Grady vs J. Corniss; and Miss Mabel VanCamp wifh M. Smith vs Roy Colville; E. Sey- Mr. and Mrs. T. Smith. mour vs Dr. Colvilie; M. Cowan Mrs. Wm. Taylor, Misses Doro- vs Charles Knox; L. Brown vs A. thy McBrien and Helen Waldon, West; P. Springham vs P. Win- and Mr. Lorne Bradburn with Mr. fer; P. Wells bye. Doubles will and Mrs. Ernest McBrien, Trent be played on Sunday. Think of River. it playing a tennis fournament Mr. Donald and Meretta Gra- on Sunday in the tranquil village ham, Millbrook, with Mr. and of Orono where the old time Mrs. O. Graham. Sabbath observance bas gone with Mr. and Mrs. A. Bell, Mr. Ro- the wind, as Jim Hunter would bert Bell, Mrs. W. Patterson, and say. Miss Pearl Bell with friends in Peterboro. Presented Wlth Clock Miss Aileen Devitt and Miss A very pleasant evening was Susie VanCamp, Midland, with spent at the home of Mr. and their parents.. Mrs. George Cain recenfly when Mr. and Mrs. George Maddick, friends and neighbours gafhered Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. f0 honour their grandson, Mr. Maddick, Hamilfon, with Mr. and Kenneth Cain and Mrs. Cain who Mrs. O. Graham and Mr. and Mrs. were married a short time ago J. Strong. and who were on vacation from Mr. and Mrs. Bert Montgomery, their home in Sudbury. Mr. John Oshawa, with Mr. A. Dever. W. Berry very capably acted as Mrs. W. Patterson, Toronto, chairman and called upon Mr. and Mrs. A. Bell, Ottawa, at Mr. Wilfred W. Sberwin f0 read an Robert Bell's. address signed on behaîf of the Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer community by Ulmont Bullock, and family, Miss Margaret Lar- Neil Rainey, John Berry, Wilfred mer, Millbrook. and Master Don- Sherwin. ald and Evelyn Taylor, Solina, M.Umn ulc rsne with Mr. and Mrs. A. Larmer. thMwifh n tralctive mnfel Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Newton hmwtantrciv mnel and Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, Tà- dock. Littfle Katherine Power ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert and Anna Marie Sherwin also Hooey.presented Mrs. Cain with a beau- Hooe.GereCrwihJa tiful basket of flowers. Mr. Cain Mrsd Georgearwrigdt, Joanmade a fifting reply, thanking Herbert Lowry, Toronto, with Mr.te for the gift and kindness and Mrs. J. Archer. shown. Mr. Berry called upon Mr. and Mrs. F. Bradburn and several for short speeches, and cideJanetville, with Mr. and the remainder of the evening was chren,.W Babun spent in playing games. A boun- Mr. ad. W . Bebrtn. omsn tiful lunch was served, with Mr. and Mih r ert shomponthanks f0 Mr. George Cain and Mr.rkdey e with friends Mr. Milfred Sherwin who donated in Omemee on Sunday. the ice cream. Miss Hazel Wright, Oshawa, Orono Girls Lose Stirring Battie with ber aunt. Mrs. J. Wright. Miss Betty Stewart, Peferboro. Orono girls went down f0 de-' with Mrs. J. Hooey. feat 20-14 Monday night wben Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stacey and Newtonville lassies visited the bo- Mr. and Mrs. Wallis, Little Bni- cals at the park bere, for a stir- tain, with Mr. and Mrs. Russell ring game. Larmer. Newtonville started procecd- Miss Stella Ross, Oshawa, Mr. ings by bringing in three runs in L. Fallis, Cadmus, and Mrs. Her- the first innings through Kimbail, man Samelîs, with Mrs. J. Hooey. Bellamy and Pearce. One u-as Misses Dorothy and Irene Rahm secured in the 2nd, and nine in have returned home from Bow- 3rd. In the 6th they got six ruins manville. and one in the 7th which was a Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hudson and homer. family, Oshawa, with Mr. and Orono got four runs In the 2nd Mrs. A. Rahm. through McIsaac, Lowden, Scott andC'nnnpr.tumn in 3rrl hv fCase Union, Darlington' Mr. anti Mrs. J. Lademore, To- routa, visited at Miss Jane Cook- man's. Mr. and Mrs. Aylmer Beech and family, and Misses Verna sud Vena Griffun attendeti the wedding of Miss Mabel Beech sud Mn. Han- ry Larmer af the home of Mn. anti Mrs. Austin Larmer, Blackstock, on Safurday. Congratulations ta Ruby Mc- Laughlin, Jean Knapp, Eileeu Rahm, Katheru Moore, Haroldi Avery sud Haroldi McLaughlin on passing their Entrance exams. Misses Florence anti Ada Rahm spent a week with their grand- mother, Mrs. Smith. Miss Jean Knapp visited fientis at Freuchman's Bay. Miss Lamna Rahm, Enuiskillen, bas been visitiug at Mn. George Rahm's. Nestieton Nestieton Woman's lus tift u t e helti a cake anti ice cream social at the United Cburch Friday ev- ening with a gooti crowti, anti program consisting of: Mrs. Gea. Prout, reading; Miss Jean Mal- colm, solo; Miss Gwen Wilson, reading; Miss Pauline Ferguson, solo; Mrs. Wilfred Bowles, solo. The accompanist wes Mrs. Henry Sheffieldi who penformeti ber dut- ies vcry eapably. Mn. anti Mrs. Levi McGihl, Mn. anti Mrs. Hsmgh Taylor, Mn. anti Mns. Joe Fonder, Miss Florence Faim, Messrs. Donald anti Harry Thompsou, Mn. andl Mrs. Robentý Dickey, Mn. anti Mns. John Dick- ey anti Mn. K. Burton attendeti the district annual Orange ser- vice at Blsckstock Suuday uight, July 1Otb, when Rev. Bell of the Uniteti Church preacheti a gooti sermon ta Orangemen, assisteti by f and Brown, two in 4th byMide ton and Fowler, five in 6th by Middleton, FowMer, Brown, Low- den sud Clough, and one in 7th by Case. Only a fancy bit of catching by Helen Case prevented the New- tonville girls fromn scorng two more runs. However, it endeti 20-14. Battery for Orono: Br o wn, catcher-, McIsaac, pitcher. Bat- tery for Newtonville: Kimbal catcher, aud Bellamy pitcher. Or o no - Mititleton, Fowler, Case, Brown, Melsaac, Lowtien, Clough, Scott anti Cooper who was replaceti by Goode later. Newtonville - Stapleton, Hal- lowell, Kimbaîl, Bellamy, Pearce, R. Brown, McKay, A. Brown, Farrow. Umpires - R. Brown, Newtas- f le; M. Clough, Orano. Forestry Loues 16-7 Forestry was laser in a 16-7 battle in the soffball game with Kirby Tuesday night. Forestry got their first run in fourth by R. Woodi. In the f ifth they gof 6 by Hughes, Neale (homer), V. Cooper, R. Wood (homer), Ogden, and Couvier. Iu the severith they got thnee home before aniy were ouf - R. Wood,. Ogden suid Couvier - Wood's anti Couvier being homers. These three dil not counit howeven ou the oM i sl score as there was a dispute ight affer anti the game was ce lied, the score haviug f0 be taken 16-7, insteati of 16-10. KirhY scoreti runs in the first by liarnis, MeCutcheon, Keane aud I. Lowery. Iu second by Me- Cutciieou. Fourtb saw 7 get home - Htoris, MeCutcheon (homer), Wal.or-i, Wright, Keane (homer), Shackloton anti Cochrane. Iu the fiftl I Xalker scored, and in sixtb Co(iiranne, J. Lowery and Harris scîrotic. The seventh was not played as tPe( game was calleti before the COWLING SELIS FOR LES And Serves You Weil We deliver City Dairy Ice Oream ini Bricks, Bulk, Mel-O-Rol, or Ice Crea.n Pies. Zambuk 1 Olympene Absorbine Sorbo Ojutinent Liniment Jr. Liniment 47ec 50ec- $1I98 - 1.95 1 49c - 98c Fruitatives -22c-39c Dodd 's Pilh - 27c Modess - - - - 21c 100 ABS&O tabs. - 9c Fellow's Syrup - 87e Nu-Feet- - - 25e Arrid Oream - 39c-59c FOR Odorono Ice - - 33c OVER Odorono-- 35c-59c ACIDITY Vitalis --49c-89c 7 .9 Y PalMOlive Shampoo --25c. SPECIAL FREE 2 Tubes 25o Listerine A Glass Tu.mbler with Tooth Paste 1. lb. Engliali Health Saits 26c 39C Sunt Goggles for WHITE SHOE Children and Aduits CLEANERS 15c to 49c Nyal Or. or Liquid - 25e Bathing C-aps 15c to 69c Palm Beach - - - - 25C Sunt Tan Oil - - 39c Shu Milk - - - - 15c Art Border Prints cost no more than ordinary pictures. Try us wlth your Developimg and Printlng. Phone P., R. COWLING, rggsWe Fit 695 ruerris Trusses first team up to bat bad finished the inning. Battery: Kirby - Catcher, L. Lowery; pitchers, Walker and Shakieton. Forestry - Catcher, Ogden; pitcher. Neale. 3 Umpires: West at the plate, and Patterson at the bases. Wedding Armstrong-Davey A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at Park St. Parson- iage, Orono, on Monday, July 18th,1 wben Leone Mary Davey. daugh: fer of Mrs. and the late Mr. E. Davey- of Leskard, was united in marriage to Mr. Raymond Her-1 1bert Armstrong, sonl of Mrs. and' jthe late C. G. Armstrong of Or- 7ono. Rev. S. Littlewood officiat- ed. Thie bride iooked charming in a %vhite crepe dress with white accessories. -Miss Mildred Davey, sister of the bride, was brides- mnaid, and looked lovely in a blue 1crepe frock witb blue accessories. Thie groom was supported by his brother, Mr. Wm. Armstrong of Orono. Following the ceremony the happy couple left on a short mo- for trip, and on their return will live at Mvorrisburg. Mrs. Grady of Hamilton, and 'Mrs. Wilson of Ottawa, sisters of the groom, and Mrs. Davey, Les- karti, were present at the wed- ding. Sincerity - a deep genuine sin- cerity - is the first characteristie of ahl men in any way herole. One touch of nature may make the whole world kmn - but just the same your next door neighbor may not stand a touch. "Tact is one of the first men- tal virtues, the absence of wvhich~ is offen fatal f0 the best of tal- V ents; if supplies the place of many talents.'-Simms. "He who would govern others, first sbould be the master of hîm- self, ricbly endueti with depth of understanding and h e i g h t of knowledge."-Massinger. "Small kinduesses, small court- esies, small considerations, habit- ually practised in our social in- tercourses, give greater charm fa the character than the display of great talents anîd accomplish- ments."-M. A. Kelty. j k TI-REE SWELL SPECIALS Corbett's Famos RAISIN LOAF Honey Cream LAYER CAKE--- Honey Cream DROP CAKES, doz. lOc 1 8C 1 8C These Specials Good for Saturday Only CORBETT'S BAKERY Phone 890 Bowmanville JULY SALE CONTINUES nhe Evlyn Shop is gratefui for the wonderful response to its July Sale. This sale continues this week with a grand assortinent of bargaiss in Summer Dresses, House Coats, Polo Coats, Bathing Suits, Play Suits, Slacks, Beach Coats, Corsets and Sunimer iGloves. Savings are as High as 50 Percent COME WHILE THE CHOICE IS STILL GOOD THE EVLYN SHOP Phone 594 Bowmanville Jb.IIIJ. b.,.,.- 4 r THURSDAY, JULY 21ST, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SIX