THURSDAY, AUGUST 4TH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATES.N, BOWNIANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE TEN The, Newcastle Independent -----Phone Clarke 1114 Me. Lloyd tacek spent the visited Mr. and Mes. Jack Glover. holiday at Neo= d. Mes. Wallace and familv, To- Mr. Donald Little, Ingersoll, 1rente, are holidlaying at Newcastle called on Mr. and Mes. N. L. Rie- !on the Lake at Mes. R. B. Le- kard. Gresley*s "Apple Blessem' cot- Mr. Edgar Kenéfick attended tage. the war veterans' re-unienn in Te- Mev. Austin White, Base Line. rente.i whe biad bis leg broken by a kick Me. Walter Blackbuîrn w a s!froma herse is stîliin Bow\mani- home from Queens University.1ville Hospital sith bis leg un a Kingston. I cast. Miss Aresta Martin, Toronto, Miss Phyllîs Clemence, who is visited bier parents, Mr. and Mes. taking a summer course at Te- Paenaby Martin. 'rente University, holidayed with Mes.Asa tton iber parents, Mr. and Mes. T. H. iting at Mr. and Mes. Howell Row-i Clemience. land's, Lake Shore. Me. Frank ONeil had bis hand Miss Mabel Brown. Torontoe eut in a saw at the Carl Weyrich visiied hier aunts. Mesdames Jne. 'factery, Thuesday and had te be Douglas and Ed. Brittain. 1 taken te Bowmanville hespîtal te Me. and Mes. J. Scott Montgom- have it dressed. ery, Bloomfield, ,vere civie heui-1 Rev. W. P. Rogers, B.A., Bow- day visitors in Newcastle. manville. sill peeach in the Unit- Mes. Jabez Bragg and Miss ýed Chueches at Newcastle and Allie Bragg, Bewmanville, were Clarke Sunday, August 7, on the guests cf Mrs. Eî. C. Hoar. ' first Sunday cf Rev. R. E. Mer- Miss Evelyn Brown, Toron 'tc, tons vacation. was guest cf lber uncle and aunt, Me. W. H. Cooke and Miss Reita Me. and Mes. Walter Farrow. went te Kingston Friday te visit Me. Sam Simpson and 'Miss bhis brother, Me. Herbert Cooke, Clara Caswell, Torento, holidayed and be present at Kingston's cen- at Mr. and Mes. Jne. Caswell's.' tennial celebratien. They will also Miss Doris Johns, Tyrone. is visit at Napanee. visiting at Mes. John Scott's and Me. Jack Hare. in company with Mr. and Mes. Parnaby Martin's. Me. and Mes. Hoar, was home Me. and Mes. Donald Wright from Chalk River. Jack visited and Miss Doris, Copper Cliff, visit-;in Kingston and Me. and Mes. ed bis father, Me. Geo. C. Wright. Hoar spent the weekend with Mr. Mr. Allan Howard, Toronto, and Mes. Percy Hare. spent the holiday with bis par- Me. and Mes. A. R. Wynn and ents, Rev. and Mes. J. Scott How- sons, Brantford, are occupying Dr. ard. IW. H. Walton-Ball's "H ar ri s Me. and Mes. C. T. Batty and Lodge" cottage. The Doctor in1 Miss Lorine have returned from ýthe meantime is making "ýThe Li-4 their month*s vacation at Cae- lacs" bis beadquarters. sarea. IMe. John F. Clark. Provincial Me. and Mes. Geo. A. Pearce Lecturer in Horticulture, will and Me. and Mes. Ross C. Pearce, speak on 'Flowee Shows and Ex- Ebenezer, visited Mes. W. H.Ihibiting" on the evening cf the Pearce.i District Flower Show in Newcas- Miss Minnie Pearce and Me. tle on Friday, August 12. Fred Dempsey, Toronto, have Guests with Me. and Mes. Ross been holidaying at Me. and Ms.'Dickinson were bier mother, Mes. H. R. Peaece's. Fred Cowan, Toronto, and bier Mr. and Mes. J. W. Glenney are uncle and aunt, Me. and Mes. AI- vacationing with relatives at Ty- lan Brown, and their daughtee, rone, Hampton and other Dar- Miss Jean, cf Success, Sask. lington centres. Me. Russel Cumberland, To- Me. Daniel V. Hill, Toronto, rente, spent the weekend at Ccp- who spent a montb at "Harris per Beech, witb bis mother, Mes. Lodge"~, bas gene te Winnipeg te Cumberland, and brother-in-law visit bis brother. and sister, Me. and Mes,. Shaw. He Me. and Mes. Arthur Allun, Les also visited Me. and Mes. Geo. Angeles, Calif., areived on Tues- Farncomb. day for a two montbs' visit witb Rev. and Mes. H. A. Mellow, bis father, Me. Franklin Allin. Goees Landing, are camping with Mes. Wm. Darlington. Kendal. their cabin trailer under the ma- Me. and Mes. Stanley Glover and pies at Mes. W. H. Pearce's. Me. Miss Annie Nesbitt, Newtonville, Mellcw is taking the services at Warm Weather Specials Fred W. Nelles offers you the Best at the Lowest Price Loch Lomond Sandwich Biscuits .......... 2 Ibs. 29c Puffed Wheat............. ........ pkg. 9c Quaker Puffed Rice .............. 2 pkgs. Connor's Herring, in tomato sauce .... 2 tins Fancy Pink Salmon................... 2 tins 23c 23c 25c Salad Dressing............... 8-oz. jar 20c Licenice Aîîsorts................... 12-1b. l ic Wonderful0 SGap ..................... 5 bars 13c Shredded Wheat ................... 2 pkgs. 23c Quaker Corn Flakes............. 2 pkgs. 15c Fe W. NELLES Phone 596 GROCER Bowmanville THEATRE MAR KSDOSHAWA TODAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY ALISON SKIPWORTH - POLLY MOiRAI in LADIES IN DISTRESS"P - Alo- Bob "CLRAn W Ste.'COOAD.I SUN. MIDNITE - MON. - TUES. - WED. SENSATIONAL REVIVAL - BY POPULAR DHU(AND "Rludolph Valentino" EXCLUSIVE was Three Gables and Four or LIBMD Five Taylors rolled into one. -Say-s Iamiîîoîi î.nyion. SHOW]ING RUDOLPH VALENTINO "THE SHEIK" ADDED RIT! - BOB LIVNGSTONE ,ARSON SQUAD RACKET" ----------------------- - B ride and Groom Recipient of Many Gifis In addition te the splendid as- soriment cf gifts sboweeed upon Mu'. and Mes. Jack Glover at a community gatbering at the Unit- ed Cburcb, Newtonville, Jnly 26, the bigbly esteemed ycung ceuple have beeiî the recipients of nnm- eeous peesents feom appeeciative and well wishing friends in New- castle, many of wbem bhave al- ready caiied upon the bride and jgroom and received a most cor- ial welcome. Me. and Mes. Glo- ver bave received many hand- I some pieces cf fueniture and elec- trie equipment for the furnisbing cof their home on Church Street. The wedding gift from th e ver, was a burled walnut dining suite. Then on Satueday Jack, when leaving the J. Anderson Smith Co. factoey for the day, was made the recipient cf a wahnut hall table. CIVIC HOLIDAY Port Hope Wins Bail Teurnament -Newcastle Girls Beat Port Hope in Sofibal Newcastle Community P a rk peesented an attractive holiday appearance on Monday w it h streamers cf flaga fiying over the stands, booth in operatien, games ofchance and skilh in action, ctrng f people everywhere, and the big Union Jack fling in full sight at the top of the cen- munitv flag masi. Four games of bail weee piayed under the aus- pices of the Nýewcastle Bahl Club. The only event in the moening was an exhibition game of sofi- bail between George Ceowtbee's bustling Newcastle girls wbo bave won 9 games and lest 1 this sea- son and Port Hope girls wbc eut dasbing figures in their geey and eed unifoems. Newcastie's are maroon, white and black. The home girls won by 12 to 10. Bat- teries for Newcastle, P. Pearce p, M. Pearce c; for Port Hope, Dero- tbyý Dickinson p, Bnd Rowden c. In the afteeneon Poret Hope won the baedbaii tournament and $25 wei'tb cf eqnîpment donated by the Newcastle Club, by edgeing ont Bowmianville tbeougb a littie1 better bcadwoek iin the fiesi gaine anîd defeating Newcastle tbeongb sonne misplays cf tbe home boys in the second înining cf the play- off. The gamnes and scores by inn- i ega: lat Came Port Hope 4 0 0 l'O O 0-5 Bovmanvilhe O O O 1 O 3 0-4 2nd Came Neweastle 0 O 0 2 3 0 3-8 Newtonville O O 0 0 O 3 0-3 3rd Gamé Newvcastle 2 O0O0O0O0O010-2 Port Hope 23 0 0 000-5 Line up cf the Newcastle team whicb won I and lest I - Moise 2b, Cee. Walton ss, J. Riekard c, Bill Bruni p, Cee. Graham lb, Elliit cf, Alf. Gray ef, C. Beere- ton 3b, Wib. Graham If. Bill OPEN VERDICT IS JURY'S FINDING a MIL mmAm,ý om& n,âe Ev7an-s-Paddon-of Austra-iia.- --swetest eest,- even ferom a human In conserving of space .1 II Furnace For Sale Iti seu ocosider what c a ha f some others constitutes rest. Some may think Before we are through.I FURNACE FOR SA\LE - USED cf t as inaction, stagnation, lazi- Please pubiisb ibis ebyme,I hiot aie fiiruace for sale. .\pply ness, or any kied cf pleasure It is only for f un, Phn 7 Donî Christiatî, Electric, 38 Sim- seeking, including even violent But. slîould you ebject hn 7 coe St.. Northu, Oshîawa. 31-1 forms cf exeecise, but we eead No harm will be doce. King St. Church, Oshawa, dueing the pastor's vacation. N A rmeeting in the inteeests cf the Uppîer Canada Bible Society will bc held în St. George's Par- ish Hall Meonday evening, Aug. 8. Rev. F. B. Allnutt. B.D., District Seeretaey, %vilI addeess the meet- ing. Everynne invited. Congratulations te Me. and Mrs. Bill Beunt on the arrival of a voung son at Bowmanville Hos- pital. The prend daddy received the congratulations cf Newcastle and Cobourg bahl players before their leagne game. July 27. Mr. Heeb Gibson operated a booth at the bail geounids on civie holiday and did a peesperous busi- ness, witb Misses Dorothy Over- end and Maegann Stowe and Bill Hay assisting. Stanley Brown and Charlie Bonathan w eree t he grounds salesmen. Next week a paety of teachers censisting of Me. Stanlev Rickard, B.T.S., Bowmanville, Mer. Walter Blackburn, Solina, Miss Marion Riekard, B.A., Whitby, Miss Mar- garet Sanderson, B.A., Newcastle, and Miss Toîl, B.A., Whitby, leave on a two weeks' metor trip to Quebec and tbe Maritimes. Me. John Baker and daugbters, Misses Helen and Muriel, Solina. Miss Evelyn Tink, Solina, and Miss Ormiston, Brooklin, weee in the village on Monday and xvit- nqpsed the baîl game between Newcastle and Port Hope. They had been eut te Peteeboro te being Miss Muriel home for a three weeks' holiday. Me. and Mes. H. C. Bonathan and daughters, Ruth Barbara and Mary Margaret, spent the first haîf cf the week at their cottage at Wasaga Beach. Miss Jean Bonathan, after helpîng ber team feom ber first base position te win from Port Hope on Monday meening, attended the holiday celebrations in Port Perey in the afteenoon. Mes. Wm. Toplift, formerly Mes. Wm. Jamieson, was in the village on business relating te ber apartment bouse and eeems. She bas rented the apaetment, former- ly eccupied by herself, te Me. and Mes. Laurence Gaines, and those previously occupied by Me. and Mes. Walter Haigh te Me. and Mes. Gordon Gaerod. Me. and Mes. Toplift are eesiding at Hast- ings. Among eelatives feom Toronto who have been holidaying at Me. Wm. Neil's summer home have been Miss Margaret Nutt and Misses Peggy Gates and Betty Walkee, Miss Margaret Stacey, Me. Frank Murphy, Mes. Nutt and Miss Lillie Nutt and Me. and Mes. Babs who come down for week- ends. Miss Nutt and Peggy Gates and Betty Walkee bave eetuened te Toronto. Me. and Mes. H. C. Bonathan and Mary Margaret, Major H. W. Dudley and Me. and Mes. lee Waltun motneed te Trenton Sat- u.iday te attend the wedding cfi Miss Mary Bellycu and Me. Har-1 cld Mott cf the Belleville teach- ing staff. Miss Mary Margaret Bonathan was flower girl for the bride who is a cousin cf Mes. Bonathan and Mes. Walton and wbc bas been for seme years in the office cf Me. Wm. Fraser, M.P., Trenton, -as stenegeapher and seceetaey. An open verdict was beought in bya coecnee's jury enquiring in- oto the death of Samuel Jacks, Daelington Township farmer, on Tbursday at the Town Hall, Bow- manville. i - ë1a= Coroner Dr. V. H. Storey con- ducted the inquest, with Col. F. MORE BOYS THAN -BIRTH CARDS OF D. Boggs. Cobourg, acting for the________________ crw.Witnesses includea Chief GIRLS BORN AT llefiivo l of Poice Sdney ed theBo ARMY HOSPITAL GINGELL - At Bowiîaiville Hos- lacks take tlîis o1wor manville, wbo impanelldte_____n___d,, uy3th 98.izth aivfin jury and svas present ait the scene il. atrd.Ju 3t1 13.iîficnal cf the accident near Hampton: i Smallest Lad. 43 Ounces, Gains to NIr. aiîd Mrs. Edward Giîigell. liessesdriîlisi De. W. H. Bieks, who attended the 15 Ounces in Flrst Month Toronito. (ice Eveliiu Pearuî I a are ceeilv a1preciate deceased and explained bis in- Four bundeed and forty-foue daugluter. FrS juries and the cause cf death; Miss babies have made their entry in-Fo Norah Haydon, Bowmanville, and te the woeld via the maternity DEATHSFO SAE-B Bruce Gibson, Nestieton, passen- wards cf the Salvation Aemny FRSL gees in the car deiven by Feank Geace Hospital since the beginn- eetillv gked5 i Wright, Blackstock, which struck ing of the year, Brigadier Adelaide FERGUSON - I Darlingtoî, o en e Lk, 5u Me. Jacks; Samuel Colwell, Hamp- (Geetie) Hollande, former Bow- ïTiesdav. August 2, 1938, Sarali boro. 96 feet f rouat ton, at whose bouse Me. Jacks had mnanville girl, and officer in charge, ]aile Greer. belcved wife cf David miaffîcs, whiîte blue been visiting, and others. reports. 0f this geoup 233 babies Fergtîsoii. age 81 vears. Funcral reculs. f uruiishied. Wodn f h editwihwere boys and 211 weee girls, and f rouîî tle fawiIs..esduc. c 8 place, ceclar. taulk Woeding cithe verdcttw2ichauîd calme. Vive i teck the jury a haîf houe to pre- states Brigadier Hollande, "they Coii. 9. Darlington. on Tlîursdav, anîd stores. Appl pare was: "We, the jury, find that are still ceming thick and fast, Atigtist 4tîî ait 2 pin..Juteruîîeut Rcer.Bwiav Samuel Jacks came te bis deatb altbough July may slacken off a Hailtoni Ceunetery. RRr.-Biiti about 8 p.m. D.S.T., July 21, 1938, ittle. There were seventy-nineFO SAE-PR in Bowmanville Hospital from bieths in May, seventy-four in TODGHANI\ - 'Mary E., 77 N'cars, iFOR us.LE - SPhs the effeets cf injuries received June, and sixty-two 50 far in Julv 9, 1938, at lie late resideuîce, . i FPlets. noit when he was struck by a car deiv- july.", 972 Wiiîderniere Rd., Windsor. R.honelelr.R. en by Frank Wright on Scugog In Grace Hospital nursery, Beîoved sif e cf Walter J.; dear Pbîe1r2 Road about 4 miles noeth cf Bow- xvich accommodates foety babies, iîitlîcr cf Herbert H.; sister cf RELIEF FROM ST manville on the nigbt of July 17, there is at peesent the smallest Abnier auîd Robert Butle cf Leam- Liver trouble quic about 10 p.m. D.S.T." inmate they have ever cared fer. iuigtouî: Charles H. Btutlcr. city tle use of Ki1îp's Evidence showed that Me. Jacks A baby boy who weigbed only Mels. F. S. Wrighit. N1ies. Wallace Sold bv MlcGr:gor' complained cf peer eyesight and twe pounds, eleven ounces at \Vilkiuipii cf Leamiuîgtcî. lIter- that he stated after the accident bieth, but who now, at one month meînut Greenî Lawuî Memnorial. that the driver was not te blame. old, weighs three pounds, ten1_8 ounces. Ineubators are net used WILLIAM1S - At Port Perey Hos- o at the hespital, but Brigadier Hol- pital. Julv 30. 1938, Johnî Williams, LOST - FO\HC Beunt pitched the whole two lande reports much success in belovcd busband of Elizabethlareîr ilc games except one inning when be eaising premature babies by means Arinstronz, un lus i0th vear. Ii- largecl oark rl was eelieved by Elliott. cf special electrie appliances pîac- termnut at Nestletoiî Cenîcters acl.Bwuaii Newtonville line-up was - j, cd undet' the cet. "We have eight oR Glover c, MeGeeger Jones, Arm- premature babies in the hespital IN MEMORIAM ToR strong, Edmunds, F. S k i t c b, right eow. We don't get a bit ex- TO RENT - FI Quantilîl, Geiffen, Gee. Kimbail cited about them. With extra care I...ANE - In les iuîg ueunoey cf a Apartiment. AppIl p, Earl Walkey with the follow- tbey are soon past the danger dear wife and nîothee. Mes. Fred f ice. ing eight men in reseeve, one ce stage," she said. Lauîe. whîo passed awvay. JuIy l9tIî, FOR RENT - E14 two cf whom were called tei the Heaviest baby bore in the hos- 1922: bouse on the ccî*x colors - Elmer Pollard, Stan pital eeceetly weighed ten pounds XVe have le'st eue seul compaiou, Odeli Streets, Rowe, R. Glass, L. Saveey, Deug. eleven ounces, but the staff stili .'. îlife làng iheeou. sial o en Ogden, Jack Kimbail, E. Quan- taiks about a boy baby been feuer XWÇc miss yenu n-r and more car. Apply Mrs trill, Vlainman. yeaes ago who weighed fifteen each day, Bowmanville. Pi, Dave Osborne, pitching for peunds, three ounces. "This was As uve waik through life alone. Bewmanville, get in weeng witb the largest baby ever registered, -Sadlv îîînissed bv Lanra and the umpire once after making a se far as we knew, and medical faîîîîlv. SHOP FOR REN'] balk at bis box. The official caîl- men feom all over the city came Street.____i____________ ed Port Hope's big fiest baseman te see it. Unfotunately i fd net AStree zt. i oI home from third and that was an live," the Brigadier stated. (ibid p. 79): "Mind-science teach- AauKîih.Po easy cne fer the Hopers. It was If prospective fathees keep es that mertals need 'net be weaey FOR RENT - S all they needed. ý,aIm they are âIlowed te, remain in well doing.' It dissipates fatigue house ou iChuech in the hospitar and read while in doing goed." NIes. Jas. Seuclî waiting for the news of their Since, then, the scientific un- Bowmnativjlle. PlIon Chapel at the Cove baby's birth. "Sometimes we send derstanding cf Life, Teuth, and them eut for a walk. Semetimes Love continually affords spiritual FOR RENT - FCI E'.ery Sunday at "Tle Ccxc" we get mad at them and send rest and refreshment, suppoeting lcs.frsl e Bowuîîanville Beach,. about 11.30 a. them about their business," said and Ilutaining mec mentally and floers. buiît i i ,il. ýsoue 41) ebildrenin i their best the hospital director. physically, it follcws that fatigue zardenî. Appflv J.1 beachi togs caul be seu trip)piuug f rouîî Brigadier Hollande b el5e v es and weariness is the result of op- Bomniauîvillc. Pliei tlîe cottages te tlîe "diiîg-douîg - diuîg. that the majoeity cf rmpn prefer posite and ereoneous material O R N -S deugz," souuîdiuîc frouîî tle bell tewer their first cbild te be a boy. "Af- thinking. T oui a sunaîl rustic chapel oui the crest tee that it doesn't matter much, He whe is wise dees net wait lieuse oui Wellinui cf te lîeîiîî. nnless there be few cf either beys for one day in seven in whîch te Geo. Nlc.\Iulleii. Up) thie Cluapel Read tliev go tcc or girls in the family," she stated. ýclear up ereoneous thinking that WNE O l taX-e tliîir places oui lcîw beiclies Pre-natal and post-natal clinies may seem te beset him. He con- rocuuid lieuse wiile wvaitiuig for tlîeir teaclîe.r. are beld at the hespital each ýstantly strives te eeach that state roie os.a WV. H. Carletonî. 1cr lîalf au lieuer week. The rule that patients must cf consciousness ie which every i.rg.\p3C tîev, siuîg tlîeir wvelI kuiosviîlî ynuuis retuen te, the clinie for at least day is a day cf "holy work" in uîuvle anîd lîcar agaiuî the stories cf tlîe six weeks after an eperation is . God's service, and so is a day cf ROONIS TO LET] bible verses. stei'etly adhered te. c rest." tcî. fueuîislied ce .\gaini tle bell ringrs fore tel' uiiuî. While the bulk cf the bospital's1 -Feom The Christian Science dcsieed. zond locali tîtes. Son over 60 gecw-iuups take work is with maternity cases, the' Monitor. \îîîls' te M. M., I tlîe clildreu's places anîd ioiu iii a suegical eeem is seîdem idle, and ____________ iaiiîe service ccîducted theotugli tlîe kilîd- this year 222 surgicai operatiens liess cf the S. A. corps cf tlîe Townî. have been peefermed. PR OEDFA FOR RENT - Thiis attractive ont door uIletilii- The bospital, which now con- c BOWMANVILLE 3-2 laili wicia place Nvas desigiied ad udlîilt I)v tains accommodation fer 55 pati- wvitl hvydre. barn, IiuistClnehîîl Tle Covites' wvill ents, has two operating roorn, a zccdhe lie huse,2 vecuie visitors lit 12.15 anv Sui- laundey, large kitchens, clinie csmuvle u dd. ooms and staff quartees, began Ilui a liard fenglît anîd clocelv coui- Possessionî Septeurl ______________ opeeating in 1907 in a large heuse. tested mîatch,. Port Hop)e Outarics Leuî Richards. Clit At that time it merely gave as- still keot ilîcunselves iii fiest place inville. Homling pigeon Club sistance te single girls. Ie 1925 a iii thie geoup) by defeating tlîe in- - _____new section was added te accemn- vadiuîg Bowinaiîville Rovals by a Livestockf BowanvlleRacng i e nmodate 18 patients. Revenue from score cf 3-2 iii a Lakesliore Inter- Clb fw us irsi yog Pbirdgren payieg patients aids in the up- uîîediate Basebal I.eague fixture. FOR SALE - 12 Clfew se s o uy 0b, romce eep cf services fer the needy. ftdaved ai the Townî Park. Saturday old pigs .. pply Ni ofte esvillen56 mls ai lic, ith "Spirit of the women in bes- atteeiiooi. Tlîe Bowmanville squad R.R. 3. 'Maille Gr Stes ilresu6îtss: i lne pital this yeae is beighter anîd fouglît liard rizlît ut) util thie last ville. Pier -1e,20mis,7 ecMore eptimustie than it bas been mîanî %vas umit ont but tlîev acre ue- . Boieel- - 1 he, 20 mins, 57 sec. dir the past seven years," Briga- able te lie ce better the score. M iscellai F. Bottrel - 1 he, 22 mies, 95 sec. derHcllande declared as she F. Pipte - 1 he, 22 mies, 37 sec. paid tribute te the Women's Aux- W\EST END GA~RA . ichrd - 1 tir, 22 mies, 3 sec' uiaey cf the hospital. "lLast year YOUING CELEBITIES AT chine Shop - ý L._Rchads_1tir_22_____ 53sec they made 1,000 garments fer the NEWTONVILLE SCHOOL uîacîinerv repaie:, nursery. They supply all the By the Vllage Poetaze reriairs. veîdi P O I NC WNS equipment we require to, maintain vice. J. .Dee ATOVI ORTCE ERRN that department and have sup- Rowland Mac Buriey is the mac Bowmauiville, Pho AT P RT P RRY plied us with feue new cets," she Who edit.s "The Young Canadian' ______said. The womee meet every sec- Sc, if you have sometbicg to ad- A local group cof youtiîs bearing ced Tuesday at the hospital and vertisej tîhe nîsme Providence. and weaeing speed the entire day sewing. Our editor will put all the people thie ncw Crcam cf Baeley coleurs. Money te finance their woek is wie eecentiy douîated te the Providence raised by means of teas, gardien watelienw po HA P toiu nth otal oraetvation Army bospital we de net test your claim -------- ___ staged at Port Perr,. August lst believe in raisîng money by means Fer it's bere that 3'oung Rowland Thec coutcst was open te tîe province cf dances, raffles or card parties," bas earned a came, the rigaier aid.And, while we ageee he's a shin- anud iii alIlh teams ccmpveted with the Bigadir sai. icghlgbt tean% cmini frin a fa wes asWe have lots more kid.s wbo are Highland Creck. Toronîto. aîd as SABBATH REST equagly bright. Dry Hoair Beco<,es far casi as Lindsay. Tlhe final gaine - Slky Smooth, %vas pIas cd between Liiidsay and Qusinhaersn rog There is Miss Helen Snell witb oaebe a P'rovidenice. thie f inîalscore rcsuitinzîtheQuesions havearisens iteh er vielle. diangerabn> iii a 3 te 2 win for Providence. teaeadsiiaie st h And Miss Marian Bruce with a daî le ho Thie personnel cf tîhe wining îeamrn rght or best way cf keeping the voice supreme, Pooiiîg With s: G. Riekard. catcher; H. Hooper. Sabbath day. The need Or desir- Miss Laurca Pearce is an artist 1,t b)ase; B. Riekard. 211d hase; . aîîy o-beîgce a e f ine Rîuidlc. fielder; H. Wight, pitce; seven as a day cf resi bas been Who for a career bas chosen tbîs S a G. Piekell. short stop: J. Powvers. toued by maey te be confirmed ie f ele: . ake.3e bs: :by experience. It benefits bcth lice. DI STEXOGR.\PHEft '.\NTED - %vitlî expericlîce stetîegrap)hic wcek anîd otivr dîuties, Ouîlv those wbo eau tak-e dictatieul ranîidlv anîd have liail exîlerience te aipply. State ex- uîcrielîce. refercuice anîd salary expiected. Dtuties te commenice .\ugust 15. Apl N. M., Drawer B.. Bowniauivilhe. 31-1 Clocks Repaired OUR TRAVELING CLOCK FV- pi aie ilis williuig te caliand 'ut souti jnepieces iii order. His 18 vears of experueuîce assures yen cf fie service ai reasoiiablecocst. He lias mîauîv goed refereuices and is trustworthv. Eîîiov thie oheasure cf lîaviiie voue dlocks. watches or iewelrv- recouîditiouîed prompthy and cffectivelv b)v writiigNieM. C. MNilîs. Hamîpton,. Phîone 2689. 31-l* Furniture Sale lav ii reccis cd inîstructionis to seIl 1w publie auctîcîl for NIrs. 'M. J. Ctirtis iin the village of Hanmptonî, on \Vdî~ Av,.\gist lt lîal lier lic itselioltIcf fects iiîcludiîîg:parler, diîîiiî-rociî kitclîcîî« and bedromr iuîrîîitnre :svriiigs an iit attresses, andt bedditiîe kitcbcîî uteîîsils, a large, quntitv cf dishes, steve, ceai cil stove... anîd îîîaîv otlier articles tee îî lne1r n s to enîîtionî. For partie- tîlar.. sec bills. Sale at 1 o'clock. Standard T eîî.Triîs Cashi. I liner \\ cbur. .\nctioceer. 31-1 N otice D)r. I3el1's office will be clcsed iiîîtil Siîîîdav. Aîîgtnst 2lst. 30-4 Dr. V. H. Storey's office will be elosed ..iroin Jtîlv 3lst te.Augîsst 3lst iniclusive. 3<.*, The office of W. R. Strike be closed froîîî \ugust 8tlî te Auzust 2lst. inîclusivxe. 31.2* Permanent Waving PEFRM.\XEXT W.\VIXG - LAD- ies wliv îlot inake vour appiiît- mîenît for veur Perrnaiîeut Wave I. ealling 2 -601 anîd get one cf eue 5ý2.00Spcil aves while they la.,t. Iris Beautv- Parler. 31-1* NESS COMES BACkII hj DRENI DRY HMIR 99C 59C IFFNESS m.o MiaiaWeil da l@u soo$t@ pou Bath@ the »oM.PBten mm vuter beloi Yeu Il S»n Ilmber up 1 - 29c-59c You don't have to lose the happiness of your suxcmer holidays when it i3 ail over. Take along a camera and a generous supply o f Kodak Films and re- live the happy sumnier days next winter. And reinember that Jury &i Loveil have the largest s'tock of cameras and Kodak supplies in town. Take Advantage of This Enflargemient Special OnyILOc E Whth every film develop- ed and printed by us you may select one Prînt and have a regulir 25c En- largement made for oniY 10c. Take advantage of this generous offer with ev'ery film you have de- veloped. ry & Loveil Bowni aanville THANKS, Real Estate -For Sale lie late Saînnel 1l:\RNI FOI,,S.-LE 200 ACRE )rtiiiitv cf thaîi1k- fairi (Rcyîolds Estate) Lot 24, ids whlo'c Xiii- Clicýi 6. Cartwright Town- Lliiess andl death 'hiîî. on Provincial Highway. Ld. Fraiiie liotîse. barils. well watered _______________ ai timbered. For full particulars ~a1e appî' te Creiglîtoli Devitt. Burk- Sale etoni1P. O. 31-2 ýRG.\IN- - cottaze poîrî HOUSE FOlR SA\LE OR RENT - njes front Peter- Corner of King and Ontario Sts., Lage. Piiîc greve, 0 roonm. lîardwood floors through- rch, ccdars. Vive ot.pîv rs. W. Hanna. New- '.veranda, lire- castie. Phone Clarke 1233. 31-2* ,k, garage. skilf minutes to Pcst .R FOR SALE OR RENT - plv Rev. w. 0p. 150 acres first class state of cul- ille. 31-2* tivaticli. Good buildings. well _______________ watered witb spriîîg creek. silo. RIXGER SP.'N- Lot 13. Coii. 4, Clarke Township. iold . .\;ulv K. Erw in Farrow. R.R.1. Orono. .R. 4. Oshawa. 31-2* 31-1* FOR SALE OR RENT - BRICK L'ONIACH AND lionse Nvitli aIl coiiveilieces on cklv asstîred bY Cenître St. Possession Auz. lst. >s H Ëerb Tablets. \îitîv F. C. V'anstoiie. Bowman- r's Drug Store,* ville. 30-tf 31-1* t FOR SALE -reBRICK HOUSE. 7 strooiuS. À cr land, sinall barn, fruit trees. 2 mîiles îîorth of Bow- [OUND, MALEînîville. cnii iddle road. Anply anîd lait.....B.MacDonîald. Manvers Road. ilIe. 31-l* 1Boîvmiaiiville. 30-2* ýent W ne 'IVE - ROOMED Iv Statesmaii 0f- IGHT ROONIED mer of Elgin and double garage isport truck and s., J. E. AllUn, >one 2595. 25-tf T - ON KING locaticil. Apîplv me 448. 31-1 SI\ - ROONIED iStreet. Atiplv h.Odel Street, îne 433. 31-1* OUR - ROO11ED jratcd. lîardwoodl cupboards good J. Masoiî & Sou., me 681. .31-tf SIX - ROO'MED gtoiî St. Nirs. 31-1* RENT - SIX- Ill coiiveieiîces H.. DrawerB. 31-1 ,T -' ONE OR ,ruifiîrui.lîed as îty. coiîveiieîces. DraNver B.. Bi3ow- 31.1* 12 ACRES 0F ce a brick bocuse il garage aîîd a 2 mîiles îîertlî cf 1Middle Roadl iber lst. .\tplv itîrcli St., Bose- 31-1 Foir Sale 2SIX WEEKS lers. Paul Hayiîal. ýreve. Bowinaîî- 31-2* 3neous \GE AND NIA- Wîe stîcCialize iii s. gcîîeral gar- iilg tcwiigser- rliîîg Proprietor, hue 781. 23-tf