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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Aug 1938, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Nestieton Mr. and Mrs. Ceeil Wilson. Gwen and Eunice and Miss Betty Steward. Peterboro. attended the Lamnbe Re- union at Bobcaygeon Saturdav and spent weekend in Fenelon Fals. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bedford, To- ronto, with Mr. and 'Mrs. K. Burton. Mr. and Isfts. J. T. Heath. Mfiss Barbara Mc Kerrall. Mrs. Joe Hill, Orillia. accompanied home on Sun- day. Mrs. P. J. Oliver who has been absent for three montbis. ow- ing to the illness and death of ber husband in Soldiers' 'Memorial Hos- vital. Orillia. Miss ML\arv Malcolm and her sis- rDE'LIGHETFULLY COOL! Friday - Saturday AUGUST 5-6 Erieh Maria Remarque -author of - "Ail Quiet on The Western Front" GREATEST DRAMATIC ROMANCE THREE COMRADES -with - ROBERT TAYLOR MARGARET SULLIVAN FRANCHOT TONE ROBERT YOUNG EXTRA - REVIVAL Friday 10.30 p.m. IRONALD COLMAN 'Tale of Two Cities' 0 Mon. - Tues. - Wed. AUGUST. 8-9-10 Sec t with those you love the best . They wilI love you better for it. WHI TE BAPvNERS - with - CLAUDE RAINS FAY BAINTER JACKIE COOPER ADDED - Colored Cartûoei "PEYQUIN PARADE" ter, Nirs. Gilchrist visited Nîrs. Gil- christ's son. Rev. J. A. Giiebrist. from Svdniev. Nova Scotia. wlh, excliangjed with Rev. Tanton in Sinîcoe St. U2nited Ciirch. Oshava. Sundav. Mfrs. Thonîpson and '.\r,. Storev, Campbeilford. Mrs. Barr, Miss Day- idson and Mrs. Dutton. Peterboro. were here Thursdsy to organize a XM..of the Presbvtcrian Church in Nestieton. Mr. john Capel Sunniey Crest cot- tage. Souble Beach. Lake Huron. xvas guest of 'Miss Mary Malcolm sud 'Mrs. Gilchrist, ber sister. who bas been a inonth with Miss 'Mal- colin and 'Miss 'Malcolm returned home with Mn. Capel for a visit at bis cottage. The Township Treasurer spent a couple of hours ini our village Fni- day and xvhen hc returned to his car a swarmi of bees lhad taken pos- sess..ion of il. aud be xvaa tnahie to enter the car. He revorted bis trouble t0 the Township Clerk, who resides in our village and he furnished hini with a reealia. but not ail orange oie. He wvenl out of the village looking ike a lune bride. Miss Ruth Prout, Toronto, witb bier parents. Mr. and Nirs. John Prout. Mîr. and Nfrs. Bert Nl\c.\ftillen and famnilv. janetville. wxith 'Mr. and Mns. Robert Dickev. Rev. Storev. guest ruinister ou Suindav at snniverssry services. Rev. anid Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Peel of lauetville, with Mr. and Nirs. John Dickcv. MNiss MvfNrtle Beacock. Toronto. with lier tparents. Mr. and Nirs. \V. lleacock. Mr. sud Mrs. Charlie Thornpson, Hamuilton, xviti Mr. andI Mrs. G Thomrpaon. .\uuiverssrv service in Preshyter- au church wene lheid on Sunday withi arge crowds at both services. Guest iniister xvas Rex-. Storev wlho was a.suisted hv our minister, Rex. XV. H-. V. \Valker. Choir from W\elcorue proiivded excellent music.t Zion Receuit Visitons: Mn. aud Mns. J. XW. Balson and jeanî at Mn. Wmn. falsdon's. at AI- mouds. also at Mn. Robin Nichol- son's. XVitbv. Mn. sud Mrs. Ralph Glaspei, Ty- roue. at Mn. F. B. Glaspels. Mn. aud Mns. J. W. Balson. jean and Marion at Mr. J. Trebelcos. Xoodville. Mn. sud Mrs. Russell Penkins sud Margzaret at Mn. F. Stirtevats. Harxvood. Miss Norma Glaspel bas returned f nom Bancroft. Mir. Geraid Balson sangz a solo a1 Ebenczer chnrch ou Snndav eveuîng. He xvas accompanied by "Miss Jean Balsouî. Thev were entertained at Rev. \v. C. Smit's afterxvards witb Nirs. ..W. Balson. Mr. n.udNs. Geo. Axude. Dnav- ton attenited the Solina Scbool Re- unioni. also Nrs. J. NîcDotugal of Draxuou. Nîr. sud MnIs. Ray- Cameron andl famnilN- at Nîr. XW. Vinsou's. Ehenezer. 'ir. antI NI ns. R. Stainton aud Grace. 'Nins. J. Stainton at Mn. AI- bet Basons. Solina. Early Canadian road undertak- ings fell rapidly into disrepair be- cause of lack o! settlement, and good navigation between many principal centers. IT'S VERY IMPORTANT Bread is the most staple part of your diet, s0 it is Important that your bread be the best. You'Ii find Carter's Bread, white, brown, potato seone, or anY other kind, is made from the very Jlnest ingredients. You'll like its long keeping qualities. For table use, for sandwiches, for any purpose where good bread is required - ask for Carter's. It will pay you. Watch our windows for week-end Cake and Ice Cream Speclals. The Carter FamiIy Phone 8551 Bakers for 2 Generations At last.' A FIREPROOF ASBESTOS BOARD FOR FARM BUILDINGS IFRE s a birand new building John s-Mainvil le Flexhoard lis rnterial - olns-Manville Fiex- idecal for Jiinîug uairy' barns, gran- board. Madle of asbestos and port- iines, feed ins, etc. It salves doz- land crnient, two imiperishiahle ens of îtliei farin building prab- mnateuials, il won't lu iru, rît, rîst- lemîs. Ilt has a liard, siot h su rfac'e and it saws and mails like woosd. t bat j. is f;ir-ea-ýsv ta vi-jan, tan It crnues ini large serets tloît are lef1tl iu its atatirai la fi color ior appiied easiix andalndji iî:iv e painteul if uesireul. Seuil are su flexible they nilîx e lient tg) for 1îei;il litrtuire abut 1.NlM conforni to a iii un r> cd surfaces. ;isiî.--sta. ,rli. ii(-ts for th,- firiiîil OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS CO. Box 74 - Oshawa HEDQATESfo.HOE PRVsET CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY ANNOUNCF5S APPOINTMENTS kLi~ L. K. FILE, Actuary W. J. BEATTIE, Assistant to the President E. C. GILL, R. J. TRENOUTH, Treasurer Superintendent Execuitive appointments necentlv com-vany lias established a brilliant beiug appoiuted executive assistant 'Mr. Trenouth becamie the first -innouinced hv the Canada Lif e As- record. three vears agzo. . representative in the company's To- Mir. GilI hiad bren an assistant ronto Citx- branch back in 1918. Ap- suirauce Companv include the offi- 'Mr. Beattie. as a member of the treasurer sînce 1930. and p)reviouslv, pointed maniager at Windsor iin 1922. cers shown above. Mr. File. xvho is had ibren assistant actuarv. He lie became western supervisor iin >10w the company's actuarv. ba,;s izlfrmo- \cath c uroined the corupanv only f ifteuiî 1929 and an assistant superinten- buen associate actuarv suuce124 thv. did much of the gruieral legzal vears ago. immediatelv on gradua- dent in 1930. He wiil now bie as- sud durinz his 30 vears xith thexxork for the Canada Luec before lion from universitv. l1sociated with 'Mr. R. G. \Mcloiiald as superintendent. Solina Suuudav Scliool uîext Snndav iTiorul- ing xviii be at 10 o'clock. Mrs. K. AX. Gaudin. Stettier. Alta.. xviii gite a short taik on tempersulce to the chiidreîî hefore the lesson period sud to the aduits foiioxving the lessoul. Special music is beinz provided. There xvii he no church service. WX1Xoinu n stittute xvii lmccl on Thursdax- afternoon. Aug. 1 lth. in the S. S. rooun. Nienhers of Black- stock JInstitute xviii be our guests. Our voung people are presenting their huimorous piax- "For Pete's Sake' at Nestleton this xveek and at Enniskiilen uiexl xxeek. Visitors : Mrs. Waslter Crxderman xxith fni- ends aI Bobesygeon. Miss Agues Oliver. Bright, witb Miss Fannv Smales. Miss Muriel Baker. Nicholis Hos- pital, Peterboro. holidaving at home. Mr. George Milîson. White River. xvith his Parents. Mr. sud Mrs. Ed. Mîflîson. Mn. sud Mrs. Geo. Boutillier. New Toronto, at Mr. A. J. Baison's. Miss lessie Ormiston. Columbus. viîh Mliss Ex-elvin Tink. Rev. sud Mrs. J. R. Bick. White- xaie. at '.Mr. A. L. Pascoe's. Mr. A. 1. Balsouî is stili confiuîed ta hia bed after bis recent ilinesa. Mrs. Jas. Smaies. Misses Faim\v sud Betty snd Mn. Jîm Smnaies at- îended the Doxvsxxell fauîilv rennion in Toronto Sdturday. Nîrs. Tom Auuauî. Pickerng, ut Mîr. Jas. Smiales. Mîr. A\. L. Pascor is iinproviuug his resiclce xvith Paint. Coinpirte report of Solina Old Biivs' anud Ginls' Reunioîî is on an- other luage. Enfield NMr. Albert Nichols. Beuusouu ani Liuivdl. Xeslex-ville, NMr. Stuart ains. .Niaple Grove. bav-e bren visitiîg at Mir. NI. Samnis'. .Nirs. F. Ashtoni. Mnduc NIrs. L. Nidderv. Toronito, have bren visit- iuugz 51NIr. G. Oriniistouî's. MIr. sud Nins. Edxwin Ornuistoui anud Walter. Bobcavgeou, St MnI. IH. S un tl's. .Nir. andîl Nrs. Aif Prescoît suati faunilu- atteuuded the Canladisu Corps Rcuuion iin Toronuto. Ni r. Prescot serveti civesea5 uirng the igreat war. NIr. aud Nîrs. Albert Niddenv and familv are sîeîding their holidays at thuin borne here. Nr. Niddery bas gaiuiet stu f ficieutiv silice bii, Most serions ciperatioiii 10bc able 10 xvsik s litIle btut restiug unost of his time. Mr. 411(ld N\rs. NI. Samlis sud fam- ilv bave becu visiîiîg St MnI. Barra- hall's. aI Courtîce. Mir. and Nirs. F. Gilbert bave bren lolidayiîig uear Bobcaygeon. Burketon Hampton Eyesight Education A public lectuire on the Romance And of the Bible. Society and moving icttures will he given by Rex. F. B. .Xlliut. B.D.. Toronto. iin the Siun- fice y day School Room 0on \V ednesdav. B Atig. 10th. It 8 p.in., Standard CHT c Time. CHT c Chturcli service Stunday nijit xill Opt. be sponsored bx the Young Peopfles Societv. '.\r. Stephen Savxvell. Osh- Eywsught awa. xii have charge of the ser- J Specialist vice. Special mulsie. ' Disney Bldg. Miss Mets sud Mr. Roy Brown. ~P . Toronto. 'Mn. W. Rae. Miss NI(pp . . Brown and Mir. Jack Brown, To- Oshawa, Phone 1516 ronto. MNr. and Mrs. Harry Blan- chard gad Mr. H. Andrews, Osh- Number 44 awa. .Mr. anLJ trs. A. Northcutt aud family, Bowmanviile. at Mir. A. L. Successful readers must have Blanchard s. good eyesight. Unless you have Hampton Women's Missionary good eyesight you will be limited Society met in the church shed Julv to somne extent in study and work l7th with President Mrs. Billett in and this again will find its limit the chair. This meetingz was the oc- vary in the separate individual. casion of the W.M.S. enertainine The capacity of one will be great- Baby Band cbildren and their moth- er than the capacity of another. ers and the PresicSent welcomed the It may be wise to think for a mo- vsitors. Pnogzram was in chargze of ment of our early life as a pre- MIrs. A. Blanchard. in the absence paratory perîod to fit us to live a of Mrs. X. Rackham. The theme successful future and compete in xvas emvphasizing the ueed to recogz- our particular sphere to a lesser nuze al peopfle with whomn we corne or a greater degree and in some iin conutact as our f riends aud neigzh- instances the survival of the fit- botirs. Those taking part were Mrs. test will apply. It wouîd be wise 13. F-erguisoin. Mrs. L. Nidderv. Mrs, therefore to fit ourselves or those T. Salter. _Mrs. A. Blauchard sud dependent upon us in the best Nîrs. A~. Colwill. Miss Arline North- manner possible that during this cutt an iiNrs. K. Saverlv each ren-ieanly sphere of life the highest <l>.rned a heauitiful solo. 0f feriuug xas record possible to the individual taken I<w Evel., n Sniale. Mieting may be attained, then with tbis as elosed witbh liinn and lueuictian hv a background, health and God the l'resident. Those clîildreuu pre-1 willing will be retained for the s(:nt recci ve(l uheir Biaby Biaud certi f - ,ndividual benef it f or many yeans icate. after which a llizlltfiil luîuch to corne. "as serveul (ut oui the clhurcli lawn. The physical strength of the in- Next meceting. .-Xuu. l6th, probabiy uIt dixidual decides the limitations the homie of Nrs. Shackleton. xx ho and it should be that these limiù- so kindlv extend(ld an invitationu. tations are sufficiently recognized Mission Band held ils first anumal that the person is not oven-taxed oîcnic at Caesarea on July 20. Franuk entally' and physically. Correct- Rozrs inlv oo th chldeiltoed defects then will be readily Roers kindv tk the ilru ounderstood. by eliminating hand- tho ake ud bcîtght henih ue icaps ta speed up the efflcieucy of aLain iii bis trulck. wbich was Cel- the individual. lave(l alunust as muuich as the ruciuul. Uîiiîu arrivaI aIl the children hlad a (to be continued) swxjii. aflur xvbjch thev had l liiuuch A p)eauîut scraunhle xvas euoc.fol- lowcul bv races. The balanuce 0fibe B a k tc tinie xvas sp)eut in the wster .sud oTioc the teeter-totters. 35 cblîdren were prescuit. M rs. .1. R. Revuioluls andl Receut Visitons. NIisl. Betha Arunour were iii clhan-,c. NfIsjs Audrev Nlouintiov with lier \frceiut Viantinitonsv Mîr. suaindIMs. Edwin XVood sud chldîrcuî. Boiiunsuville, xifilîlier uarents. Mn. sud NIrs. S. Xiliauns. Mn.. sud NI rs. Ravmonuii Bunis. Oshawa. at Mrs. Jas. Binis*. Mir. anîd \Irs. Russell Ruxiolds. I.euor n d Aijl .li, Tornto, xitli Miss L. Revuiolda. Mn. aud Nirs. F. R. Kenslake, Mn. XVm. Short. Nîr. A. S. Baker, Bîîx- nsuixilie. at Mîr. J. Coxlings. .Nir. anI Nîns.. Gea. Barroii with fiuids iiiToroînto. Nîrs. Jl-1rt, Palmerston,. xitiî ber Receuit Visitors: A tiiiber from biere atteuietîhle Nîrs. S. Sxvaiuî. Blackstock. sud reuuiiun St Salins. Rex. sud Nins. Mi. Sandenson sud NMr. K. \Viiterbtunuî bias reuiteul the ismjlv. Toronto. %vith lus unother. houi1se onîîthe wçst ide of the villaze NI s. C. Saîîdenson. 1uo inerlu iccuitied i)v MN.I n. o. .Mr. Robert Wisonî, Oshawa, with Clarke. us-bee she andt lier iauluer, bis p)arents. Nr, and Mns. A. XiI- NI s. NI. Martnuilxvi reside. son. (ýQugratulations tii thue iîI'u Nîrs. T. Breck xitb ber mother PiPutils îof l>niicîîual E. E. Stauiles sud son. NIr. Bill Bneck at Lonipli- wsha tua-seud tlîeir eutrsimce exaulîlu- anut.Bn urier Pru>isuia. St i jus : I) A i lî da inii , î. i ) nutliv NMr. aulnI nrs. Limnnc- H<skiii andîîl Ilell. laiu-s NIils. Niaill m Xii us iiiilvand NIr. B. O vcntori. Ci liiii- etu NanudiLu-la srdXix iail. lii-. NMr. aid Nîns. NI. Heard andtl Nr. sud Nîrs. IHarollNiîîîîr. Tî- El~jî. -.îuuklluNIr. lMark Wiiiid rntui. t NMn. H-. Iluvc(lis. andl siîî-, MNe-ssrs Toi ansd A\lbert Nus D~lonasil .\îlcîck. Stmistrt Woîod,- I-1i u';bt h ii ..XMr. Ton, lu gatantlsid 1>r uct- Iii gant lu rc- t- XVI il c. T u n >1e\I rn.1 iln 11ili. u cutinil g ils ie fic luIampuil tK mu- ()sli5uv5. sandlNI r. uaind r,. 1). stol'. Fil1iitoif anmdifaiuuilu -Oshawva, Nx.itiu Nrs. {iiiukili. Torianto. ousttf Mn. anud NIrs. W. N . I isk li. Mn. andMulNrs. A. E. Ililictt. Ou i S timîavx, .Augist 7tlî. St Il .\ A îiii ltr f nuîuuî hure suteuuicul the au lmck, . No rmianu XVitc. Ni vrtle suut cisi ex cuts at i.akt- .Scuueog antI Stajtionu. uili take change of the selr- Oshîaa îîuix ic Holitiax t cc St t irketaiu Unitu-d Cliîurcli. NI s. \Y. J. Ciliii-us his reîuunuîîl NI r. R . l)svey la<i bis storne froiui a uîieasauu nt ta ItuiBffaloi. brokcuuiiita (iluîSiludax ilii u. 'Tlie \irn.uîd M\Irs .. E. Icl ilii ga. tluev i;îîkiuiji f f xiuiî <uite a Oshmawa, uitl NIr. suud NI s. S. XViI- tîuilltit%,ut iif îîîîu. Jack Sinclai r' s lals es t anîks tuere lion> kri jtathe sa uinu aI I sttil mte ticuic Viii bc leld i ut-lu une.ii ie tusrk cu Tliisdav as tu-nu uu un ________________________ .X igist 3rd. ut 2 î.îu. uulueuu ail are us-coînîc-. AXspelit-al inîîv itation i s -x uiî i i iiuru. ( i - a M aple Grove t l hlrn on n A îu <j uu- vt viu îok tiiase ii thle Mr. rand 'nrs. iru l u itdamulu i- ank iui ridav eveuiig zit being a cr.Eui-m.\I Mr-. L. Fvi st. NIr. l ad prcelta t ioîî iioa ruceuit bruit- sud .Nir'. \Vuiu. Laird looiîk iin tt-euxemr- eiiMuuNr. aiiind Inr. .Xt-rviu Cru-- su>>n ti tteluc >aiciIslimls. dutriusm NîMl. . \.. 1, ct t aîkil tie Nir. uanudlNI rns. I ft, v;i rdl F'iuv coiiupaiux tau anuer uandîaskcui Miss s,)tîcliu leueckuutl xitlu her si.,ter. Flornuce Burnis ta nead s feut il us .XI s.. T. hiurtett. Toronito. ui ilsmiuze n ature of thie gatluen- Mi r. gui iiiTri ulit-. lPont Ilcile, inui. NIMr. Tu-ilChanit andmrN s. i5v- sp>-t uttht- vc-i< cmîl t li nc.ui nue t.lv-îuîu-us iru-su-lut-il the vxi îuig Nîrs. Li.. -Siuiiwuleuu. NI iss Betty ctutule xitl s besuiti fi gate-ieg 'i- xiic i- ilu xx nt u rmut-î linmcusf ter table. NI ru-iii matia e xtrx-fit timue si vuru plt aut t rip iii xxiitIri lugh ru-I lv thlai k i nuethie coii îuuî uuuîyfni- the statîs. eutIs for the lueautifui ift. after Mîr. Tlucs. Stioxeden, 'Mn. anti Nrs. uhich li aljiieuliinsingiuue "For W'. J. Suuoxsmlri. Mn. aud Nirs. Sam Tluev Are Tolix Good Fellows." The Smîous-ueu u-t-ut to Apsley anîd othien reunainder of the eveniugz was spent puoinmts fisluinig and report su enitux- ii gaines sud social chit-cluat after able lime. wlîicb refreshîments were served. Mnr. sud Nîrs. R. Larmer antI fauîilu xith N.Ir. Bobh Foxu-er. Cirtis. NIr. Caunmbell. Xelcome. sud 'NIn. GordonuuBiekle. Cob<îurg. xitlî NIr. sud Nîrs. Herb Hooey. .Mr. sud NIns. A. L, Bailex-. NMessrs Ross Bailev sud Jack Van Camip witb NMiss suuie Vai Camp. "Mid- lanud. NIr. sud Irs. Franîk Hoskiti saud boau, Oshawa. and l irs. G. XVauu- uau saiti Donald, Kirbv. xitb Mn.Ir.sud Nîrs. N. Nî\otunîlox-. Mrs. C. Fesud Anniue. MNessrs Eldon andl John auud Margaret Tbompson. NMr. asud] NIrs. T. .-rm- strong an<i Donaîld Ross. 'NIaple Grave. witb NMr.suud NIra. . A-rcher. Enniskillen Receuit Visitors: Mrn. and Nîrs. C, . \~ Stncli. Hamnutuon. MNss5 (;xeuuCai.-rlv. Tii- routo. xith NI rs...>&s Nîr. aîud Nirs. \V. Ashltonî. NIs. Ni. Ilomblis andl j îaîî xxith euttixc ii Lîuuîsav. Mîr. anuilNIrs. l . Vil kidie-vîllu-. NI iss NarLti(,rite Wniuhlt. St. Catharneis, Nfr. Ben Siithlali. .Stratfuiid, su Nrý. Xuuî. 0ke's. Nir. andîlNI rs ..Albert Harri tad faiilu-. Kuiuxv. uw u NIr.\W. E. Ssii- dt-rsîius NiMiss <lies Sandelrsî iii e- tturuiuue zhome vith ubeun. .Nir. 1. IL Robuis a iudlinunue. 'NIr. K iapit , Nr. Franuk llaihletoni Rocheuster. N. Y., ut NMr. F. L. Robbiiis'. Nîr. aiud NI ns. S. Tuirner, Oshawva, \Ir. sudNirs. 17. Dl)cnuuwitl NIfiss Elsie- (ke. ILake Siuuîcuîe. Mr. auud Nirns. aunes Gregorv. Oshawiua. MIr. and NI s. E. Gregory. Strat fond. MIr. Thomaîus Cleunce Ponitiac. Niclî.. Mn. aîud NIrs. Edgan i'ie.Chernywood. Mirs. Clîristiuîa Uslicr sud Ethel. Toronito. aI Nîr. \V. H. Mi\oîre's. Niss Ruthl Farrell. Niss EI-.ie Mîoore. '.Ir. Clarence Bradlcv. Nîr. Flcuxd Bece-txisited iii Toronito. MIr. F. L. Robhiuiu xitb Nirs. Robl- binsin iRoltuchester. NMr. aud NIrs. Xiimot \Xrigzlit andu fauîîilv, Leauiingtou. at Mn. XVm. XX'iht's. 'Mr. (3Wrdon Stevenis, \Vestonî. vilu Nîr, . I.Stevens. Rex. H. Staiuîîon. B.A., B.D. Roui- aId anud Keith. Guelph, at NIr. E. C. A shton's. Mr. sud Mrs. Wim. Chester. Osh- axas.%Mn. Floyd Petbick. Miss Venus Pethick. Toronto, at Mn. S. Peth- ick's. Nir. Ellis Griffin,. Xeston. at home. Haydon Recent Visitors: Mlisses iNtv sud XininieTrexvin at Mîr. S. Po(ians. Sculgog Is;lant. Mr. Arthurn Becb .\NIrn.ud Nîrs. RL Richards xith '.\r. sud 'Nîrs. H. Larunen. Sonth> Nlotagliaii. Mn. and i Nîrs. H. Gax- andi fainilv. Oshaxwa. aI Mn\I. C. Garrard's. Mir. sud Nirs. C. Avery. Brooklin. Mn. sud Mrs. C. Siemon. Tvrnue. at Mns. S. Trexvin's. 'Miss Venus Trexvin. Oshawva. at home. Mr.in.sd Nirs. G. M'enrx- sd Bovd, Orono. at Mn\I. L. Ashton's. Nî\rs. T. M.\ountiov xxith ber sister. Mrs. WV. Giffler. Pickering. Mn. aud Mrs. H. McComb and familv. Konneth and jean McLeaui. Toronto. at Mrs. E. Mountjoy's. Alan Xerny sud Keith Mý\cGill. wiîh Ronald Xsbton. Dr. aud Mrs. T. E. Greenawav. Hamilton. Mn. sud Mns. WV. T. Greeuawax. Little Bnitain. Mrs. R. Greenwav. Mitchell. called ou Mns. S. Trewin sud aI Mn\I. Xm. Tnewin ,s. Tlhe community picnic held at the Cream of Barley Camp Satnrdav xvas lsrrelv sttended. Sximmiuîg. basebali sud races xvere euîiox-ed. Over seventy sal doxvuî 1 a bounti- fui suiruer serxed by t1e ladies. Dr. Storey xvbo serxed as a uis- sionary for several ,vears in Soutb .\ncnica. slioxvetilauuten ulides bere lasI XVdedvevenîng xvich xxerr xerv întenestiuig. Kendal Mr. Samuel Bryson visited his daughter, Mrs. Trew, Oshawa. Mr. Arthur Weatherilt, Toronto, and Mr. John Grady, Orono, at the former's aunt, Mrs. L. D. Bell. Miss Kay Grey, Toronto is vis- iting at Mr. Gregg's. Mr. and Mrs. George Quantril THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, OW.ARIO FREE 1 Glass Tumbler with 1 lb. English Health Saits 39c SPECIAL 2 Tubes 25e Listerine Tooth Paste 26c Camneras - $1.25-$9.25 Vaeuuim Botties 29-69 Sun Goggles - 15e-39e First Aid Kits 35c-79e Kleenex - - 15C-33c Wampole 's Grape SaIts - . 50c-$1.00 Andrew's Saits - 33-55 'FOR À47/ Kkovah Saits 18c-39c OE Pond's OE Ctreams - 29-49-89 ACIDITY D. &R.79 Oreams -29-49-89 Mu.m - - - 33c-53c Odorono --330-59c Use Kerslake's Sweet Pickle Mixture For Beets and Cucumbers to be sure of good results. 1iCal. - - - - - - - 35C Kili Those Fies Special Prices Flit- -- -(10c33c55cDodd 's Pulls - - - 27c Fut - -- <1c-33-55c100 A.B.S.&C. tabs. - 9c FIy Fume-- 29c-49c-89c West's Paste - - - 17c Fly Coils- - 3 for 5c Tootl, Brushes-- - 9c Wilson's Pads- - 3 for 25c Fellow's Syrup-- 87c' OUR OPTICAL SERVICE ASSURES YOU ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION IN FIT, STYLE, QUALITY, PRICE. DD ~lWIII~ fru.fftuiWe Fit 695 [Pu ReUCIULINGy , uIgisTrusses CALITHUMPIAN PARADE. LIONS CLUB CARNI VAL mmAUGUST 1l8thy 1938, ROTARY PARK, BOWMANVILLE 9. B GET READY TO TAKE PART NOW The Kiddies' Parade BEST CHARACTER GROUP- Any nuniber. Prizes,. $2.00 $1.00 1EST DECORATED BICYCLE- Prizes $1.00 1 BEST DECORATED, CARRIAGE OR WAGON- Peizes -$1.00O BEST BOY IN COSTUME- Prizes $1.00 j BEST Prizes BEST Prizes GIRL IN COSTUME- $1.00 DECORATED TRICYCLE- $1.00 BEST PONY OUTFIT- Prizes Open Classes BEST MANUFACTURER'S FLOAT- Prizes, $10.00 $5.00 50e 25e Prizes $10.00 $5,00 BEST CLOWN OR COMIC CHARACTER- Prizes 11 $1.00 50c 50e 25c BEST JAZZ BAND- 5 or more players. Pnizes $4.00 $2,00 BEST DELIVERY TRUCK OR WAGON- 5Oc 25c Prizs . $300 $2.00 $1,00 XYOST UNIQUE FLOAT- 5Oc 25c Prizes $200 $1,00 BEST FARMER'S FLOAT- Soc 25r, Prizes $10.00 $5.00 1$1.00 50c 26e ZBEST PET TURNOUT- dogs, cats or any pet you like. Prizes $2.00 .$1.00 FREE UCE CREAM CONES I Or bottie of Pop to every child Ientering in the Parade. Parade prize winners wilI be announced immediately following the parade and prizes wilI be awarded at the sound truck in Rotary Park LPLAN NOW TO BE IN THE BIGGEST PARADE BOWMAN VILLE lIAS SEEN IN YEARS. B. H. MORTLOCK, CHAIRMAN 0F PARADE COMMITTEE See The Motor Cycle CAVALCADE More than 30 mernbers of the Oshawa Motor Cycle Club ln their uniforms givint the Parade an up- roarious lead. Sec The Rare Hybrid 13INNEY A. D. Kean's cross between a stal- lion and a donkey.. Believed to be the oniy animal of its kind in On- tario. PAGE SIX THURSDAX, AUGUST 4TH, 1938 are visiting their son, Mr. Harold aid Burley and Orchestra. While Quantril, Whitby. ballots were being counted Mr. Mr.andMrs Frd BllTorn-Ormne Gamsby of Orono favored M r. a n d Mhe r s. Fe d e ll, : M t o n - w ith a s o lo . to, ithther nece Mr Miton There was a good attendance Robinson. at church on Sunday morning. A latge crowd attended Kendal ltev. Foley, Bowmaflville, deliv- field day on July 27th, the wea- ered an excellent address on ther being very favorable. It was temaperance. a huge success, with proceeds of __________ $250. In the evening an amateur contest was held in the church Ha no shed, with 25 entries. Mr. J. J.Ha p o Mellor acted as chairman. ý' The winners are: Ist, Chas. Richards, r.nd rsHaldMoeTo piano accordian, Bowmanville; r. nto, Nh rs. Harld Horell. 2nd, Leonard Earl and Paddy otwhMr.Hry olel Welsh, singing yodelers, Bow- Nir. and Mrs. Geo. Baker. Ronnev mranville; 3rd, Mrs. Milton Dun- and Barbara and Miss Elsie Moore bar and Lawrence Dunbar, vocal hiave retîîrnied home after visitiniz duet, Garden Hill; 4th, Meda Hal- MIrs. 1lIolwell. lowell, recitation, Starkville; 5th, Nir. Harrv HoIwell attenided the Ruth and Pauline Peters. piano Canadian Corps Reunion in To- duet, Morrish: 6th, M ar gare t ronto. Flintoif and Enid Bowen, Irish Nrç. W~e Reeds and son. M\r. jig, Orono. Others taking part Vernt on <lNf r. Clif ford Jones, were: Dorothy Snowvden, Joyceil.,euîeîo Fall-. and Mis. C. H. God- Thickson, Nora Salmon, Farrow km1il. Torotu.) with 'Mr. and Mrs. A. Sisters, Agnes White, Chrissie E. Billett. Jordan, Enid Cobbledick and James Powers, Orin Ogden, Wil- liam Mitchell, Wm. Lynch, Gor-1 Life seems to be a game of don and Cecil Bruton, Leta Pow- hide-and-seek between the right ehl, Alec Reid and Earl Boyd, Ron- opportunity and the right mari. COWLING SELLS THE BESI And Serves You Wel Ail Bathing Caps at 33 1-3 %/' Reductioli s % J) Wf 1 ý-e

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