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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Aug 1938, p. 3

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'l-1iURDAY AUGST 8, 938THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO to a single community, and oftea ontne atiso te isle.Pr eosa o odeswn olant edad T a mai i one. Intheir sr all cont: Hilts For Homebodies heav-nodesserts; na r des orrequt r dissnyarpp e, tak ns asfyo soldrierswáth mt erarnd read and Teyuhatvte pnoe 0 UR W 0 RL D A ND MI NE tmptandachevegret ting- much pork or other fat meats; the yellowv portion. Add this to sr . ermtesadwvsadfsee yteCnda a reatnesd i achieved by cohn- ritn o TeSttsmn ut we should have our quota of the mixture. Let stand over nightan swehrsaegogtoinlExbton rem ifd (CR Oright) cIEetatio nsa psaricuae yna- I by Te taesa Šneat if we are doing hard work. Strain and bottle. Add a little of classes too. And that means that theJuirFmean Fre- By ony.rirkwoodeourthenonCuricovers of Jesie AeBrownous t take eat lightly' too ser- this mixture to a. glass Of cold h dth eeeksecf partmg can now etteaciteso Agcuurt' radium, hved in Paris, yt thev water to serve. cious moments when Day, wihti eri ens taRaphGodo, ubi ete- tate teWodsoc YM .Aknew but little of Paris. Their A Family Dog Citric Acid Is Safe Co letSris"ter cme- day, ir' tmeO Setmr7hbigf - verner Gandcontr bio nofeis.jstafty ytearosoc . Mn e as pioneer work was performed in a We hear about one-man dogs, The question has come in, is Chocoate Srips Smetim sthe oldi er'as tmeous in l naiarclua weiek andto nmribrous anaianjust fa lad he sgo n pedg lols hdfrtewakd u oorIis ere sacitric acid safe to use in summer l½ cup butter oleaed i ey sort . sojs ommniie. hi yarth mn y ewpaer, am t se evr o moe r rik, and e- onrey toshaeafbettelaratory t fami , ourIh trier, adrinks. The citric acid used will 1 cup granulated sugar learnedo bktote ine. Son geen hve ddd nohet acease t e o ---to r new an ste tema Ionesian d op prtunit- Oure to rtrveait p ter s worork- iy dg. e is ony really do no harm but it is not as pala- 2 squares unsweetened heou stage o rba k ofthe lines. it ts ma y yo th a tiite - ta qu ainteanebgun ith ee warsie ofextaodnary sortue ha ed mn their studios. Our great happy when we are all together. table as fresh fruit juices. LemonIchoatcurg brn flneissndf17 jnor ietr.Tee ars, whean e led in andhe ar iskep ta pldge ysot hbsarchitects and our great scient- My husband's work takes him to Juice contains citric acid but the 2 eggs hloin, tat avbeean, hand th a onk eolar exctd o oodrstock. Mr. Gorin do n a le ht r Godge•ists work under a single roof _ the harbours and occasionally the lemon juice will supply minerals 3i cup sifted cake flour che kos ill byesaganwhe over- me aralcntiuto t h wet to liveaitskofolk, and superior ability. His pulsing gen- to do their work. Our great prea- will stay in the car and the others cannot give. So because of taste i/ teas Iting pow erftoite young teacher (et Shiwm i estons o hbtemntoh his tributes to thm are unstind.ius requires a variety of occp-cesadtahr r sikr"satter and he keeps running from and nutrition standpoints lemon % cuponsedai..siedre!nSose.So eCNE.wihte hv enak Itheasincteme isid tions for its outlet. Though he is to a single church or school or one to the other just checking up. juice i preferable. However the pse rim ucl o owie" oee oavne Mr.Goron as cco lih dpas 70 hehasthebublin vg- university. If they were loose- Sometimnes some of us will go in circai rnks keep indefinite- Cemtebteadsgryu. Much fordothrs well-beigsHe our and enthusiasm of a youth- footed, they would not accomplish a boat and the other stay ashore. 1y and aret cheaper so there i and cream thoroughly. Add the f hfnoirersibwl-eg o e o When Mr. Gordon was a boy much. It is the samne with our I o ty nsmthn ob adfrthem well-beaten oegsoand tr it eeoe wchoco- t O tenaahsaiotosgo mg gonodrand to makinugie ha d- at school he learned from his great authors and editors: they shore he runs too. If you do use them, you dolaemtdovrhtwe.Sit W re ne oansrstoristatyu oldeeru- ier annddsweterrotmkn hap sho-edrapomi hc r o litr rmct oct along the pier not need to worry about their in dry ingredients, add raisins make a riame fcir herself twenty pectifhddntelyoabu hasneer ee a ony er occurred t he words, "twenty or from country to country: in a and. wa t ch e s danger. Hereircpe that and mix well. Turn into a pan will be satisfied to take a man's. them, oraccumulator. His gnerositke years. Twenty years!" reflect.. narrow setting -- perhaps a small axosly a s- makes a good drin hc a e9" by 9"' and bake in a moderaen hracuave been innumerle es ed the boy. Would he survive for house or a dark office - they long as the boat kept on hand. for quick use. oven of 350 degrees for 30 min- hav ben nnmerl. He 20 years? Yet Mr. Gordon paid perform the labour that make:; is in sight. If utes. Cut in strips. anniversary visits to his old school them famous. he goes in the Lemon Drink n-- after 40 and after 60 years! When I ask my readers this question: boat he stands2 oz. epsom salts Bean Scramble he was a pupil at this school, there what place is better than the one. and gazes fix- 2 oz. citric acid 1 tablespoon butter was an attendance of 200, and but you are now in for the perform- edly at the One1oztaarcci 1 can baked beans one teacher. Today that school ance of the work you want to do oln shore. We 10 lemons (juice) 3 eggs has two teachers and the average and may be doing? Would New|moved not long 6 lemon rinds attendance is 30. Imagine 200 York or London or Paris or San ago and while 5 lbs. white sugar Melt the butter, add the beans children from tots to almost Francisco or Rome or Tokio be the pa ck in g. 3 pints boiling water and the beaten eggs. Cook over a adults in a single room, under the better, regarded as a work-placeý was being done Jessie Allen Mix mngredients and stir until low fire until the eggs are set. supervision of but one teacher! than the place where you are now he was uneasy Brown~ J C K settled? It may be that for the all the time. We are boarding I tll f hiscotac wth r.odd person some other place and he is only contented when we O E ls Gordn an ofhis emiisceceswould be better than the place in, are all together.Usalhesur net r becoause they s minkisn.Mrsvwhich he is now settled, but for not mnterested in me any more .Gordon'hysetieldofativitiesMha most of us, we can do our best than any other member of the # evr ee awie ne Iimgieand most right where we are now. faiybt1s o fh a that it hnas notetendedvermafar The main thing is to have a great make a choice he stays with me. \ ti Easn ntariond thy ari work to do, and the great work I uppose he thinks that home is By Miss Isobel Stephenson hn aenWstern Ontario herei for all of us is living righteously. where I am. The young lad has hhas been ost aie. He haseen at camp for the last three .. notbl azed before the public with ats iiuh e s n The food supplies, milk and bis-i most freun obr h h ding light; on the contrary u tCeapyndscrutiweree- cuits, have come. The canteen was W tok them to a tiny fishing l as shone more like a star - tidwihouronfaiiachig opened; and the patient lines of1 village on he Cattlonia coast. It Witu cp nse "LC "steadily and pleasmngly and rehi- around us. Usually lhe is very childrenatnd mthers wi rth besis a ehme, nimrant littleeWhte Caps set me LU KY" TETER'S ably through a period of fifty On August 8th a miscellaneous playful but just now he is so sad steod watingteounsfor th el ihut evena a.re"wetCasse e p HELL DRIVERS ~~~~~~years. His poems have broughit shower was given Miss Marion that it is pathetic. prcosrtosiefltw a on etn heLworD-famouS "Luky" ounand tho saand gladness to Trevail in honour of her ap- okFrIpoe col What was that! No, no! It can't place for these children who have Tee wrwith his con f . s operson, prochmg mrrageto Noran A.be. Not just noW. Not this min- endured hunger and fear and bit- dgrdevl rivrs t esE ' n llwalksfieand wh ernshe Cmns of ampgeto NrnA.vryAThe National Home and School ute, with lovely milk and food tr loss. And with the mercurial hiote ifhth hi onrd e ohisc e vls i hhathb ee claremnumeof H friends And re- issocitionanh a hrconvetion there on the table. But it is the nueof childhood, most of them SWEET CAPORAL CIGA ET E by popular demand!e See d hcodlativesfmr ofvarious dsricts f axate d Ihdte rvge alarm. No use moaning. Run for resoed quickly to the joy of tm elirtely rash e of its lhea ll hv ue p ted theed at the hm roe of tride~sM.o.A.eDi e o f choolesons. the shelter. Perhaps heaven will being in the safety and holiday "The pures.- form in which tobacco caIeI me. motorcar and or yces a dy ,pii ol h v p r e lect s re n tt eh ftsM a d r e-Go r. L A eW l eS' l np e -be kind and save the canteen un- atm osphere of the sea . in r aarraisng otre erto. don will be remembered gratefully don Trevail, to bestow their best mtonomtrurotve lo nen· teai he"Al loo tter"fouds. O anews"One cae d h eofou ofndahai-defing rstts. by many, many thousands of men wishes and gifts upon the young mt conestrtve talks -iden - yHearning loo tethe efo the had ners whia oses aoerhd b th ofroneofthe yigrastnd· In and women; the wholesomeness couple. After the numerous pre- talhoesis henewurelshsidn Helmot tse;thnrc frteliteil m aoeo u gron29fth e andMo d anay onr iofhis l1 ean e 1 g e rsh entsopened aser e wed nees o u a sh os h h r killed in a bread queue and whose 2nd. eneral admsone• wtagaiue ytoe h nw ap ocamor aapntb ey sowingth at coul ad abe donerbad 'un my child, run! They are ftherh had died fighting. As Resrv dtSat 50i•hm a td erd os oknwhi .all -ca h u w s sp n b to improve and beautify the rural b ' , , . ugh tis were not engugh, it WeevdSet,0.h atind erm idi. ti:ms a s ihs f f d scol yth.epethmevswas our dreadful duty that day of u s an mnot hope thie t llexnedt M mn in se ong bthe pkaneopetecalling Heaven has been kind. The to inform her that hier only bro- wih uc pwe tatmay hal aest(ne Aur ark) nds r onthe axpayerdfor more mny.cateen hasClescaped the bombs. ther had been killed, fighting like betholdus. osert o have nysmall M.ac nd Mu rs.oecilnRob ( Grounds were made attractive su h hl caeowr.Moofur powe oshed Mr a ret Gay)luobtnson (nee with the planting of trees, shrubs dren scamper back: and the shy- "However, there were two comn clht may nOrgetwus to besheenmargraes ay po hi recent and perennials. The schools them- est, even the wan little ones who paratively happy weeks of regu- ougtide o ow comuity - Whn arilgeswrigwt.sigo selves were improved by chang- tlok ill, give an answerinig smile lar lessons and playtime; and ev- e-oupeaps o much farter-than eigh or frmWetsley Walms-a ing windows to provide better t hertrvomn whoseitglorious and ery day glasses of milk. Powder- teh snarow circ farour tfa ilyhadone sfing, erfhs left andlghig.Sal oosweead- tbrd ig ts tis to strive ed milk in water and careful ra- Th{nan f rieds ef I famos aly manle i had on igro it beam- ed to provide a place for hand- to provide food for them all. tions of food. Not exactly a FTRO -1EX In yong prerns.fethat thy want t ate d. t hrfingeawerework. The ,boys had wood-work. - feast; but so much better than FrD oshn ermorerless brilli ant- bad ruied uther doctr hoes ing tools and the girls a place to, Last evening, at the London of-' boiled grass or leaves of trees - omR thLE four coNr fD trtto h oe oattet io an ami- to av red uem ctr op sew, to make rugs and to use a fice of the Social Welfare Dele- a diet all too familiar to many of throb the ow ord's most ation ofeattntomany. hisis, Irnt Mr. Wtm. Eseliee-of hand-loom. In one school a test gation for victims of the Spanish them for many weeks. mazgetuwrs. Beat- a lgtioofmae de s sire- Ioe wraty Mrhis ba srny i -oing in weaving was taken instead of a War, I sat for nearly an hour and "Secure in their knowledge of aais. .metreid abts of our bate est effots onrae. Bthy A barndnewsheda rtest in French - the girls wanted a half, talkmng with the official safety, the children played hap- f ilsd tscpic cour.... wheth efor so we ahieeour Wm.rniksda rm on edAugus.weavmg as they felt it would be Government delegate to Britain, pily on the beach after lessons- ..howmen. lcih houtmg.. dei re, n etto e akneonfr 12th whenia grat cownjoyed more use to them. We are so in- Mrs. Adams de Puertas. building sand castles, hunting for Locks and bars mean nothingt heFr athion!F roicnFr.. oexl ! adeide fordgoo worcks onea thmseles n agthis ow ne-tiedsoclined to think of the things that "o ou always work as late pebbles, just like Canadian boys.. we an ethvericlyanden-poula wa. r. iznk'lban cul bedonni weonl hd te antis.I ake he.had irl.dTenitramesPaceDemn.Thee i jstmne.ayto eephi Pcton!FroiciFroexind riecl yt e iyan was- bulrned t theM r ond thisarnmoney. People can still work and There is so much to do," she and security fled once more. With rh. J wKs umrnd the ane ook place are ready to help if only an in- replied. "And besides - to have stunned, unbelieving eyes they out of your property and that at b ae It i Cinones erly20' thtni the wbidingeto lc terested teacher or parents will leisure is to think. One dare not watched 'the bad ones of the sky' fnl- to osrealcmo one's dreams of becoming great Miss Flossie Yeo is holidaying proidethe leadership. Help tik o uc.I i et okepapoahaai.Tei actay-- erve ndfallym oneserlsf 1 are likely ,to be most intense, and with friends at West Lake. yur elf. busy. ,, had ber heath."t " en discoverie.fieprynto adfialytocrr nog when one's ambitions are likely Mr. and Mrs. S. Rice and fam- EtLghlOha e teo tiuralth? "Tharesophangestucio;tsef ao sorih dnsofisua to be undiminished by any chill- ily visited recently at points east. The advice to eat lightly in hwsytmiclyaktofreapdetutonbtmnyf the rihalns finuane ing or discouragmng experience. Miss Jean McDermad returned summer should be taken withhursmc he mddlg ofthe ay forhe a little ie abodee n taenan - - ~But when one becomes 30 or older with lher sister, Mrs. Rice, discretion. There are plenty ofplunc h ad a longfst. wamthemn ltlabdenijrd UNTDKN D M with dreams unrealized and with Mrs. D.' Livingstone has been people who work harder in sum- pa 'r.pTht kepsus it.ea and * * *oa aoete r UNITED KINGDOM ambitions checked, one may begm visiting lher mother, Mrs. Lum- mer than any other time and if Se my tis t SpmefallI"eed.ui- "In,00 Barea n ehereae eJ A PAVILION feeling that life is an adventure ming, Toronto. theytbare to do their work proper- She iS niedrufulynTerun- 100,000 chroide. Wehaverbeny ThehisOof Brti' i hardly worth experiencing or Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Dadson lte antetlgty Asi nSa swnefl", bet rvd ikfrol Transoraton n ansa continuing- and family, and Mr. Thos. Heigh- stenographer who was working hen weeyaou thav ei-elat 2,00. So ou ee ter e n muchN E AG and in the air. Miniature, If any of us should let his or ton, Bowmanville, and Mr. and very hard said that she was tired Two wmeks ago.h I atveeen o do We ndohep WernedNS R CE A NT movig moels.Colorfd her mind dwell on the idea that. Mrs. Stephen Wiggans, Brooklin, all the timne and usually hungry. ten tis. o in nthre tweleks.monyt bytnsokowee diramsadmla.Pelorfect living for most persons is a pretty visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wig. She could not persuade her mo- mnh.Ig gi ntrewes ik Phone 681B'l models of the first steam- tame an-d a rather futile exper- gans recently. ther that she required a hearty'I fly of cor, se. Fran has t e"In Madriwhisinpegular ships, Planes, trains, used ience, then this idea, when nurs- Mr. and Mrs. Upton Stevens and 'meal. Her mother had very little sI eaway s tff, s youpenow. raeep of milk rtins peopl years ago and the most ed, is apt to make one's days and family. Bowmanville, visited with to do and had nodesrfor I wh oent, lafs tie, to suprvmisehve eplant ed galordes;with modWn equipment of the years an accumulative period of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Phair on hearty meal andncou irnotosee ateoeningtof seventy-furcemi vegetalealn evis beeewn loer;and age.' One of the most discontentment and of under-ef- Sunday. that her daughter needed one. We coateen mote shos of Baepe-itssragtoeehwclad enthrâlling, engineering fort. Far better is it to regard Misses Gladys and Frances Rey- require a different type of mneal plona.hen one haimps sebe th eel o-snorm alrfeibetweng airris triumphs ever exhibitedl life -, for every, person -- as a nolds spent Sunday with friends in summer, more fruits, vege-ple therebutthsemosbee o feel oys ho sae nobsthgh tcrr space mn Time given us for self- at Lakeview Park. tables and salads but we do need anythi kn ut the ndfg omgdonwe ndvt their usaSostrugh the development and for the giving of Miss Margaret Gravelle, To. to have the substantial foods too on -- wring , wany okigbtlde w and d ie vo terSunday ourselves to others mn unstintedl ronto, visited her parents and fri- Serve plenty of eggs and milk to "ehp ogv everythnghmal psil. anfreesttiovontero workl measure for their good. We ends on the 9th. supplement the vegetables WWe e hssope tlkongveerdy. chaid a of restruction ndinroabild ,eshould not let ourselves be con- Congratulations of friends are w- glasfik conctes a. That, ilng, as elasatndwing lase cerned for a moment over whether extended to Mr. and Mrs. Fritz on-ewith a biscut, constitutesIanleast to learn o fradad rthe - // z ~or not our names shall shine on VonGunten upon the birth of a hone maleerswet-fu In 193oly 25% f ta hepn- , the world's honour roll. What son, William Arthur. hour. ise nevrytre heolew ereliterate. Thmen s - e.' does matter is: Are we bearing the Mr. Wm. Romhanyi and Master 'hlrea, oned inerth brethnwRpulcnGvrmt • o ( loa whih Lif put on ur sloul-Loui, Osawa, isitd frends chidrenis aflictd w2h0tuer- bilt 0,00 schols ad hassuc D N C N G drsbraely andtstrongly? hou- oee stray, Mr. d Rmhnyi sfculosis. Babies at nine months are ceeded in raising the percentage The bigget open ar danœ W atndth srengwhich li e d aiy re anning.to retun yno bigger than normal two- of literates to nearly 35.uE florinte omnon rq is is ocary? It is lii ndto thi farm eanith fall.3/4%months-old imfants. But the sta- "As a result of this lack of ed- TherridtemsofenGoordance in harmonyswithcally? toselivab otheAfarm er e h plantdseea O urate Tumina of the people would make' ucation, most of the soldiers in •» anrd tDos.fTheodwee us and mn comformity with the hundred small pine trees a few Certfictatesumavlthliearunbeoradn. sopisicaio ofGu reuiemntsoftheenurig ear ao epotsa page o yl-One hears such stories of cour- write. When they come out onReLal Lad o, Buy. Rersee commanments pertainin to cn- lowand greenpors awhichork------- age and self sacrifice. There is leave, they are the most adentrne Lai3eM. Domancrado, u've neer dut; ls ths urdn n les ndatgteben of t he nedls, weoinetren fr the one told of the small boy who studepnts agt nmn cssQe3eMb dancedbefore Afteroons angourslvs s refficeas gradua+1llysrp" tesescla lmedt-hfffhfor fab oy-ne"futeto-on hae pprtniy o iv lrgly siaan iset ites. prisoner emerges safely from the salts, carbohydrates*an rtisi e, s soerithiservicesto r any.nTra T hndedsofthusadsofer 'srnkt to be ur Mnad aruin of his home. When a dead balanced combination.t'thwoewha tunate is lhe who cani go to far people on this continent and over- dco ay Md or5 en by boea ogtndtvhrrvrta upisteevtleeet hc Splaces, for his enjoyment and his seas the name Canadian National MNS.LnietC., dYuod enceris showneunil te ambulance help keep the mind aletaddveoion I i education; but happily for all of Exhibition is synonymous with crisi wy growth and strong naces us, travel is not a necessity: we pageantry, glamour and pomp. Sale "gnts" ' ies e eay can be strong levery way without This is because the grandstand Hrod.Rche&C.t.,roo "They are fighting with their TeCniaia hFdeaWltlopayaLd travel. Indeed, most of us can- spectacle is the outstanding event backs to the wall; but they cannot NasaFls••Cnd not go far from our home, or go of their visit to the worlds great-a be beaten unless they can all be often from home. Both necessity est annual exhibition. This year's destroyed. Their spirit is in- and circumstances require us to pageant promises to be even domitable. live our life and perform our greater and more impressive than 4 ee ,work in a single community, lever before, comprising within its KM O PI "A few weeks ago we felt that which may be a small one. scope the pageantry, glamour and we were accomplishing a great •The world's great men have not romance of the development of thing in being able to remove been wanderers. They were held the. great Domimion of Canada some of the refugee children from by the very nature of their work during the past sixty years- h areas which are suffering

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