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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Aug 1938, p. 7

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.~ j' THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWfiMA NVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN Toronto, are holidaying at Arm- strong*s Point, on Lake Scugog. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Tamblvn I drove them out on Saturday. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL for a otscndtebyth Phon 663iiorthe best personal accident in- Phone 663surance sales letter from an%' Mr. and Mrs.,,Walton Pascoe are1 visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. agent in Canada, the f irst prize on holidays. and Mrs. W. P. Corbett. wvas won by' G. T. Bradley' HopeN,- Richrd estwayis oliaving Msse Heen nd arjrieman, son of Mr. and Mrs. PA' A. Richrd estwayis oliayig Msse Heen nd arjrieHoneyman, Wellington Street. at Dr. P. E. Ireland's, Toronto. Alexander, Prescott, are spending strides in the insurance business Master Earl Gilmore is visiting a xeek at S. G. Chartran's. -Br-ad has been making great Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gilmore, Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Vanstone ýand is now a district manager with Meaford. and son Edward, Toronto, visited beadquartets in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wigg, Osh- witb Mrs W. E. Tilley recently. _________ awa, visited witb their cousin. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Calver and AL RT H LS Mrs. L. J. Barton. ýfamily, Rochester. N.Y.. are visit- AL E TH LI Dr. Ross Tilley, Toronto, visited1 ing relatives in Bowmanville. his grandmother, Mrs. W. E. Til- Capt. and Mrs. C. W. E. Meath, <Continued from page 1) ley, on Sunday. Ottawa, are spending a few days sult Of injuries received, August Miss Sheila Fitcbett, Montreal, at their residence, Centre Street. 14, at 11:20 arn., D.S.T., on High- way No. 2, about one-quarter of1 is visiting ber grandfather, Mr. Mr. Owen Finlay, Belleville. a mile suoth of Welcome when he William Painton. was a recent visit6r with Mr. was struck by a car driven by Mr. Miss Dingman, Scugog Street, and Mrs. W. A. Edger, Carlisle Patterson. is visiting her sister. Mrs. Harry Ave. Evidence showed that the victim1 Brust, Rochester, N.Y. Mrs. Harold Widdis and son of the collision sutfered multipleg LuecarviiigMrs. C.W . bs usel n Jack, Toronto, are visiting her fractures of both legs. ribs and1 Lauenc ae vsitngMrs S.J.parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph skull. Dr. H. W. Benson of Porti Martyn at Stoney Lake. Ames. Hope testified that death was1 ýMis Rut Cobett Toonto is Mr. nd rs. livr Hana.caused by a fractured skull. lac-i Mis Ruh Crbet, orotois Mr.andMrs OlverHana.erations of the brain and crushing1 _________________________Dunnville, are holidaying withoftecs. iMr. and Mrs. Fred Knox, Queen Mr.theatesontsie.hth i Steet.was driving north on the highway Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Edger and and \vas accompanied by his wife daughters, Dorothy and Betty and infant son. He stated that have returned from a trip to the he had been passed by another United States. car and that he noticed'the park-< Mr. and Mrs. S. R. James spent ed car ahead of him. He stated the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. further that as he approached the Edsall Oliver who are holidaying parked car the victim came out Guaranteéd Work at Coe Hill. from in front of the parked car. Mr. and Mrs. Burdett of Bow- hesitated to let the first car pass. We speciallze in ail types of ýmanville, were among the recent "He appeared to run out in front dlock and watch repair and guests at Gray Rocks Inn, St. of me," Mr. Patterson said. Pat- our prices are the lowest in Jovite, Que. terson testified that he wvas trav- Mr. H. M. Cole and daughter elling about 40 miles an hour and town. Louise and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. that as soon as he saw Hillis in Searle spent Sunday at Fern Cot- front of him, he applied the brakes 'Afll~ tge, therey.and turned toward the left side Mr ,and rsAuroley lf of the road in an endeavour to9 M 4 uuR S M.adMos rrnigfor . efavoid hitting the victim. Mrs. Pat-1 Wedneday heirterson corrobated ber husband's home in Edmonton after visiting evidence. JEWELRY STORE relatives here. Provincial Traffic Officer H. R. Phone 463 Bowmanville Miss Isabel Worden, Mr. Bruce MacKellar stated marks on the ________________________Worden, Melville, Sask., are visit- highway showed that Patterson ing their aunt and uncle, Mr. and bad applied his brakes approxi- _______________________Mrs. F. W. Rundle. mately 46 feet before the victim *iMajor and Mrs. F. C. Washing- had been struck. He stated fur- ton and daugbter, Doreen, Wey- ther, that he had found Patter- burn, Sask., were recent guests son's brakes in perfect condition. of Mrs. B. M. Warnica. Alex McGregor is spending a zz. few days holiday at Norland. In MIDDLE SCHOOL bis absence Ronald Hewat is act- ing as manager of tbe store. (Continued from Page 1) Miss Marion Honey and friends, E. C. Rackham-EC c; EL 2: Miss Fo. Houston and Miss Molly CH 2; Alg. 1; Ag.l 3. cammols, Toronto, are on a J. R. Rackam-EL c. motor trip through Quebec. T. F. Rehder-EC 2: EL c; CH iMr. and Mrs. Wm. Graham and c: Alg. 1; Phys. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Robt.- McKinnon, R. B. Rickard-CH c; Alg c; Oshawa, were Sunday visitors of Phys. c. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Graham. C. G. Scott-Alg. 3; Ag.1 3.. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Allen and N. L. Searle-EC 2; EL 2; CH 2; son Donald, Mr. Dal. Jackman, Alg. 1; Phys. 1. Peterboro, visited with Mr. and L. B. Short-AH c; Geom. 1: Mns.Alln Mofat, Chrchst.LA 2: LC 1; FA 1: FC 2; Chem. 2. Mrs Alen offttChuch t. R. B. Short-AH 1; Geom. 1: Mn. and Mns. Thomas Essey LA 1; LC 1; FA 1; FC 1; Chem. 1. and daughters, Audrey and Mar- K. M. Sisson-AH c: Alg. 2: LA jory, Mimico, spent the weekend c' LC 3: FA 2; FC c: Ag.2 c. ~~ ; ; ~ witb Mr. and Mrs. J. Living and D.GSme-C2EL2CH: family. Alg. 1: Ag.1 2. Mn. and Mrs. Bert Colwell, C. H. A. Spencer-Geom. 3. Master Teddy and Mrs. Mina Col- K. A. Stoey-EC 2; EL 2; CH well are enjoying a iWotor trip to 2; Alg. 1; Phys. c. Orangeville and other nortbern T. H. Sutton-AH c; Alg. c; LA points. 3: LC c: FA c; FC c; Ag.2 2. Mn. and Mrs. C. Aveny John- E. R. Swindells-Geom. 2. ston, Bowmanville, Mrs. R. S. W. P. Symons--AH- 2; Alg. 1: ye î Virtue and Dorothy, Oshawa, Geom. 2; LA 2: LC 2; FA c; FC c: have been vacationing at Kawar- Ag.2 3. tha Park. A. D. Tamblyn-EL c; CH 2; Mr. James Bennett, wbo bas Alg. 1 been employed as barber wvith D. G. Tapson-EL c; Ag.2 c. Mr. Norm Gilmone, leaves this E. M. A. Tbompson-EL 3; Alg. t'week for Kirkland Lake where be c; Ag.l1 c. bas a position. H. B. Trull-AH 3; LA c; Ag.2 2. G. Wagar-LA 1; LC 1; FA 2; -rs. T. Gray of North Shields, FC 3. England, bas eturned borne after E. W. S. Ward-EC c; EL 2; CH spending a montb with ber daugb- 1; Alg.1: Phys. 1. ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Wad-AH 1; Geom. c: Norman Allison, Bowmanville. LA 2; LC 1, FA 1; FC 1: Cbem. c. Messrs John and Fred Neal, D. G. Wheeler-EC 2; EL 2; CH sons of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Neal, 2; Alg. 2. bhave neturned from bolidays at P. Wilson--Alg. 2: Geom. 1; LA Fahin' D rlng the home of thein grandfather, c; LC 3; FC 3. Fashon' Daring Mr. F .L. Clisby, Arnold Park, Iowa. C TT NJM1r. and Mrs. M. S. Dale and ROTARY__CLUB Point with Mr. and Mrs. P. L. <Conitinued from Page 1) sR N etaff. mrl f h B.T.S. Lions have increased their mem- R I T ekttforf h bersbip this year by over 12,000 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bnust of members and now boast 3,040 D IR NDuL S Rchesten, N.Y., and Mr. Leslie clubs. Pittsbung was selected for Veitch wene recent guests of Mn. the Convention City in 1939. 4and Mrs. G. A. Edmondstone and On the return trip, Mn. Brown $1.49~ Miss Dingman. and the president of tbe Ottawa Professor and Mrs. Chester club visited Hollywood, a real New of McMaster University, who place to spend a holiday. Tbrough Striped cotton print have been on a trip to the con- a connection, thev were able to dlrndles ... now %%'hen tinent have returned, and spent see through the Cýolumbia studios you want them! Snug- a few days with Mrs. New's father, whene they witnessed Ann Shir- waisted and full skirt- Mr. J. H. H. Jury. ley, Ralph Bellamy and other ed . . wear them out- Mr. and Mr. A. J. Lymer, Bil- stars actually making a picture. doors now ..indoors lie and Ray Lymer, Oshawa, spent. Anothen contact enabled them Sandwich Bread Wei ner and llamburg ROlUS Ginger Aie by case or single and of course Silverwood's Ice Cream 9 CORBETT'S BAKERY* Phone 890 Bawmanville . EXAMPLE" "There is a transcendent power in example. We reforrn others unconscîously, when we walk up- rightly."-Mad Swetchine. "Our heavenly Father, divine Love, dernands that all men sbould follow the exampie of our Master and bis apostles and not merely worship bis personality." -Mary Baker Eddy. "The first great gif t we can be- stow on others is a good example." -Morell. IlSo act that your pinciple of action might safely be made a law for the wholfi, wor]d."-Kant. THE OLD HOME'S NOT IVHAT IT USED TO BE of the 19tb century when patients, upon entering bospital, practically The old home is not what it once used to bc, gave up hope of life and wben 'Thougb Mary and I are still bene, ýmortaIity from surgical operation For it's quiet, so quiet, witbin and outside. was as bigh as 90 and even 100 MM For sometbing is gone that was dear; I per cent, it is interesting to note, Theres laughter a-wanting, tbere's tears that w'c dricd. as a comparison to these condi- LOCALS WIN FIRST to Osborne when he had to hurv sented 91.5 per cent of the total a throw~ and dnew Slemon off the The old orchard trees are as fruitful to-day, .nme ne aedrn h GAME IN SEMI bag. The same Slemon played a The Bthres somthing at' s onf yrom our doond; ___ thetoal______ i FINAL SERlES 6-5 fine gamne although unable to get Th sky is as blue and the sun is as bnight, ihospital formed only 3.9 per cent. _____a bit. Williams was the only lo- Bu_____________________n frm or do cal to not bit. Phillips had one Its the noise that the children unceasing]y made, Bowmanville Royals got the safety and ail others had two 'Tis their riotous laughter so gay, When a man is afraîd to think jiump on the Sunderland Tigers apiece. Even with thnee umps we The front yard is empty, the old orcbard's stili, for himself it is time the wedding in their best two of three semni- have arguments. Ho. hum. Win- Where the cbildren would run in their play. belîs wene inging. final seies when tbey squeezed ner of this league supposed to Teodsimn oei h re edwcek out a 6 to 5 win in the first game meet Bay~ of Quinte victor on Th s ldsin oe i te geenilw re of the senies played in Sunder- Satundax', August 27th. May be Th ie nos an soolt he re ndter n irpay13etWe1rgt land on Satunday. six game s befone winnen is de-. TeAmn sort n soth n the straina their iy,"Lsll;Frgt Although the Royals garnened clared in this league . .. 50 what? Therespoorn e tern tbe now we cho' oeA.H OU thinteen bits to Sunderland's eight, Thenes no one to scnerthem naway, i schooi -oi i lA.eH.i nSAL the game was just as close as tbe FOBLLNTSThee ole plae ts uie t d em elie, t0,Monumn TamleteMarkinet score indicates. Sunderland scor- FOBL OE h hl lc sqitadlnsmlkto ouet.Tbes akrec ed singletons in each of the first Wbere the cbîldnen would run in their play. In Granite and Marbie. two innings only to see the Cor- The plavoffs of the Darlington If Mary and I could but bring them ail back, MW_______________ den crew grab a two run lead of Football League starts Saturday To f ili the old place once again, their own by the fourth. Due to night with Countice playing at With sorrow and laugbter of childhood, 'twould be K the generosity of Lefty Pbillips, Zion. 8 p.m. S.T. Courticeis lead- New links in an old broken chain; thup gain in this hafbut fnom ing the beague with Zion in second Then the old home would be, just to Mary and me, ENTERTAINER the opaai n th bs hey cud o plac~e. The second garne of the What it was in the gone yesterday, Scr AP ODN h tvaead on uin the ninth. cul d series ,vill be played at Courtice And wbat joy it would bning, wben they'd, laugb and tbey'd sing, woerfuRLy veRsailOeNte r was dd ne un i th nith.at the same hour on Wednesday, Wbere they aIl used to run in their play. wneflyvraieetr George Phillips, cbunky little August 24th. Goals will counit on taîner, for your next entertain- potsider and one of the better the round. The winnen of this -Ralph Gordon. pitchens in this league, burled isection will continue on playing 628 Crawford St., Toronto. ment. Iliustrated circular free. what was probably bis poorest:with the winning team of the Adrs,2bCafr tet game of the year. He was con- 1 western gop h eteo trcinwt h stantly in trouble, walking f ive gop g h eteo trcinwt h oo~ men and bitting another and in Mvarriage wedding cake forming the centre- Trno sxoth iefae ealw OTALNOTES ýpiece between taîl tapers. six of the nîne frame he allow- SOFTBALL .Following the reception the________________ ed the first man to, reach base. Clemens - Trevail happy couple left on a trip to But bis support was alrnost per- Countice softball club won thePasng wsthesenpotadontireun fect and except for the fourth second game of the playoff series Ebenezen will r ws he esdepin torndon there stanza Lefty was tough in the frorn Providence last week and scene of a pretty mid-surnmer cho se rtringaotu.Thruise pinches. tbereby were declared champions wedding on Wednesday, August bhoue frtaeln uqos Cambel, nital ater or heof the Darlington League and l7tb, when Marion Lillian TrevaiI l, e knitted suit with matching -_ Tigers, opened the Sunderland winnens of the Canadian States- daughter of Mn. and Mns. Gordon acsois baif of the first with a rousing man Trophy. Trevail, Courtice, became the triple and scored on a fielder's bride of Norman Albin Clemens, choice. Hanùlton, burly right- son of Mn. and Mns. Albin Cie- YOUR HOSPITAL fielder, also tripled to open the ROYALS WIN mens, Hampton. Rev. W. C. Srnith second and crossed the plate when of the Ebenezer Circuit performed Comparative figures for public HavyJackson, of hockey fame, (Continued from page 1) the ceremony. and private hospitals in Canada Hrarvey igeovrti The bride presented a lovely:duning the years 1933 to 1936 in- Bowmanville got one of these sixth when Bagnel's borner picture in a f loor length f rock clusive, issued by the Dominion runs back in the third when Phil- knocked his props out and after with pleated jacket in aqua sheer, Bureau of Statistics, show that an lips spanked a double to bet e walked Bob Bates, Tamblyn witb halo and shouider lengtb lannually increasing number of went to third on a passel bah an took over and held the locals to veil to match, and witb rnatcbing Canadian epeople are avaiîig SIF T M T J scored on Camenon's infield andtw rus gloves and lpes She cannied tbernselves of hospital facilîties at But in the fourth the Royals put The next garne of the playoffs an arnm bouquet of Talisman roses'tîrnes of sickness and ernergency. on a tbree-run splurge after two will take place on Saturday after-land baby's breatb. For instance, in 1933, the num- l c C p wene out. Osborne, Bagneli and noon in Pont Hope, with the sec-' Miss Audrey Trevail, sister of1 ber of patients adrnitted totalled c co Bates singled in succession; Os- ond game in Bowrnanville, pro- the bride, was bridesmaid and 6947,874, as c'nmpaned with 821,978 borne scoring on Bates' drive and bably next Wednesday. The win- wa ond i naki îenth in 1936, representing an increase Regularly 35e and 40e whntecthrheaved into ner of tbnee games out of five ~~ on 1 nae eg,0,o p whn the catcherl hvewo frock of pale pink organza, with of 174,14 o proximately 27%, ceteil ryn onpBae tagthrdbdc. h oe wbile the number of wornen ad- Classical and Semi-Classicai second, Bagnell also scored. Phil- the championsbip of the Lake- rnatching accessories and carried 12 348 hlbrh nrae b oa adPaoSeetos lip wlkd ad arero cmeshore group and will continueabuue fpikad ht cr 2,34, or nearly 20ý'". Many reai old favourites in- thnughwib bs ecodlit to playing in the league playdowns. nain.M.Laenilmn There is littie doubt that this ciuded ln this speciai sale. throgh ithhis ecod 1 Linep: owmnvile-Cmer natons Mr LavrneClest growing popularity of Canadian send Bates across the plate. ionr:Aeup: bWaiimse-Cne- brother of the groom was b spiasfnsit orei lre-As, But the fighting Tigens were h.sAmes 2b:ndsWiîîsournsiss:arCol-Aisman not out and with the benefit of ville If: Slernon lb; Osborne 3h: a. 'part in the rapid advancernent Lag stc ofltsppur only one bit, a bunt that sneaked Bgei f ae ;Pilp obwn h eeoyan-which bas been made in recent bits. Prompt Service on by Phillips as he rusbed inl to 1Umpires: Tyson, Gibsonand1 ception was beld at the borne Ofi yeans in medical science and bos- pcaores field it, they tied up the battle. Fair. the bride, wben Mrs. Trevail, thei pital equiprnent, resulting, on thespcaorrs Let i ono ostant pro- 1 cr by innings: bride's mothen, received in a gown one hand, in a bigher percentage For Faîl Term we carry the Leeftdit Jondhno ndd re Bowrnanville 000 041 20-7 11of navy blue sheer witb white! of cures and, on the other, in a Conservatory Examina t ion tiktt aitn ako.woSunderland 102 000 000-3 17 î accesso ,ies, canrying a nosegay of i shortening of hospital treatment Books, manuscript Paper and ticket toHamilon._Jackson,___ roses. Mrs. Clemens, mother of a.nd hence a lowering of patients' dictation books. seerned as rnucb at borne witb a bat as be does witb a hockey ýý "What a curious phenomenon it, the groorn, also received, wearing hospital expense. stick, filled the bases when no that you can get rnen to die for!. a fnock of pink chiffon, with white The trend towards shorter hos- onewa abe o iel bs 1 the liberty of the world who will accessories, and she also carnied 'pitalization is sbown in the fact buto n o bthrfwaldto BranOn not make the littie sacrifice that a nosegay of roses. ýthat the average days' stay of pa- J .J W L forced botrn alrun andoafter s needed to free tbemselves from The borne was beautifully de- tients in these hospitals decreased Pon55Bom vie Trnblynhoieda ou todCar their own individual bondage."- corated for the occasion in white, from 19.6 in 1933 to 18.1 in 1936. Phn56 om vil thely Royals jut t ssngamdoble Bruce Barton. and pink. The brides table was 1 Looking back to the early part play on bis bard low drive, Camp- bell also drew a walk to force in anothen run. Lefty then settledfl down and got the next two men on a pop f ly and a strike-out. BABY SUPPLIES For two innings, things were strangely quiet although the m WPablum - - - 4 e Oliver crew bad two men on in 'D ]RY E V E each frame but the Royals again II J. & J. Bb bit the run columnn in the seventh. Bab Williams went to second wben Powder - 25c, 50c Hamilton dropped bis fly to rightF and Colville sent birn home by From now until the frost cornes nxany people are going about Baby Bofttes 3 for 25e hitdng a two and nothing balseznc and cuhing ad wth soe A ee.In hort, 11fe o fan into ight for thnee bases. o g nw srr'ees o s ppe The Royal's final run came in completely miserable for saine weeks for those affected with the ninth started off witb Arnes - second bit and he completed the1 Lowest that bothersome disease - Hay Fever - For Ray Fever suf. Heinz SoupS 2 for 19e circuit on bits by Colville and Prices ferers we wouid suggest HAYTONE. It gives prompt relief ini Latex Pants 39e Osborne and a fielders choice by 90 per cent of cases. Slernon. Things looked bad in the îast R______________'. .. - .D.A. MiUk of haîf of the ninth as Sunderland Phone 792 PromÎpt Delivery Magnesia 35e put their first two men on the PHOTO FINISHING runways, but witb Anderson on atn - - - -25y 0y$1 0 third and Thompkins on first, Pbillips caugbt the latter off the' W. 5.11 base and Slernon and Amesi Nose and Throat Drops - - - 25e (hi'ya Juniors) nan hirn down,, paying no attention to Anderson!~s who scored without trouble. I fazman IR Us-------------1.00 Sport Notes and Predictions A near niot occurred in the seventb when Slemon noticed that Harvey Jackson failed to touch first on bis two-base drive. called for the baîl, toucbed the base and was rewarded when Urnp. McDougall shot bis thurnb skyward. Jackson and Oliver led the rush in tbe unfortunate Ump's direction and ioud and long was the argurnent. Finally wben tbings got straightened away, the Sunderland catcher took up the, battle and.was tburnbed out of the game for bis trouble. Then Oliver neally dîd roar. The final upshot of the affair being that Oliver protested the game because, ac- cording to hirn, Umnpire Stan. Crossett called one of bis men a nasty fellow in strictly Cnossett language. After the game, Oliver was still bellering and was of fer- ing to battle anyone and eveny- one. According to hirn, Sunder- land have certainly had their troubles in this league. Even we alrnost wept (with laughter) at bis sad, sad story. Harvey Jackson, looking quite huge in bis monkey suit, played a very swell game around first and bit two of Phillips' tosses rather soundly. Both were 10w balîs, one being below bis knees s0 it is very likely that he wîll be fed high balîs here on Wed- nesday. And when you read this you will know whether he liked themn or not. Wallacè, the speedy centrefield- er of the Tigers was absent for some unknown reason. Petre, agile first sacker of the locals is out witb a sprained ankle, a pro- duct of a scrub game of rnusbball. Neither Ted Bagnell non Bob Kent made the trip. Onîy error marked against Bowrnanville was «iven Developing -Printing Enlarging -Copying and Colouring When you entrust your photo work to us you are assured of the finest possible resuits. Our work Is unequailed and unexcelied else- w~here. PROM.NPT SERVICE Films left up to 10 a.m. are f in- lshed the saine day at 6 p.m. GREYHAIR rslored Io ils natural color '4the Natural Way" with 4GREY5MIR RSTORER ot.a d ye.At truthe proccu af gmetto rou ai eisoutward. @ Guaranteed ta r«stoe. pey hairto tais nattual color (if yuare flot over 60 yem ofa age intro 30ta60 day%. or oeref-f.ed. At t ho b atter Drug.agad Departmnt Sto ...... .....10 GIN PILLS 390 P~.5 UNITED CIGAR STORE AGENCY Camolu5sSpray ---- 75e FOR COUGH FOR THE BYES Mason's 49 - - 40c, 75e Murine - - 55c, 98c Buckley's Mixt. 40c, 75c Eyve-Gene --57e Bronchial Cough Sy. 49ce EsteWin -- $1.50 NEW BLACK CAT CIGARETTES 10 for 1Oe ýcu'T 25 for 25e Contains a special ail that is beneficial to the cuticle and nails.. quickly removes every trace of aid polish. For a limited turne only you receive with it FREE a cotton dis- penser. FLY FUME It Really Kils Insèots MODESS Softeri Se fer! 12 in ox2 V 2, boe 4 lç 5 0 in bo@x69 ModeSS Boits 25 Prescriptions a Speclalty C McREOOR Drugs We Deliver .~ k' I.

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