TE ORNONEW The man who follow clinations seldom travel the straight and narrow Jealousy will not liste son because it doesn' there is such a thing. An ideal husband us longs to some other wor The average man may sic in his soul but his vc it. Horse Show!1 Undor the fioodlights of the Coliaeum Show Ring -some of the world's finest herses and borsementlSnDoencf excit- ing jumping claisses, ha>. neas horses, ponies I Even- ings, Septomber 2nd to September 1t. General Adâmission 25 cents. Re.- sqerved. f50 cents ..The Decades' 1 A glorious PHgeantofcolour, music and beauty dpicting Canada'. hi storyl 1200 performers on a brifl iatly igbted 1000- foot stage! As a finale eacb evening-the most breath- taking pyrotecbnic display, on thes Continent. General udmisioo and reaerved teas . Do machimes replace mon? See a complet. bottling Unitelcietoebin Maufctu before your eyes, mles clothes being exper tailor.d. Industry - dramatize and spot igbtecd for your interaut rKkeISoce c.N.N. JfaonatilomBureau, 8 King w a/A222 Modi,..90 Ii WA. EL ffm lÔROSEulOS' mWOOD A. »1pu»~ Pe.egdang (<lAPPOIal Manag' 91 4,elI more tnan ner snare - on rnany occasions. She bad not been well for some time, although she was on duty July l2tb wben'tbe W. A. served dinner to the Onangemen. A short tirne after this celebration ber beaith sbowed signs of weaken- ing and after about a montb of senlous illness she pagsed peace- fully to rest. Hen cbaracter was 3uch tbat eveny person who knew1 lier loved ber, and ber deatb at the age of fifty-thnee wili be keen- ly regnetted by a bost of relatives and friends. Sunviving, besides ber sonnow- ing busband, are five childnen: Jim, wbo runs the dairy; Ella who in necent years taught school 50 successfully at Shaw's and En- field: Myntle and Ivison at home. and Franklin wbo attends Onono school; also one sisten, Mns. Rus- sell Best. To these the sympatby of the community goes out in thein sornow. The funeral is being beld this aftennoon (Thunsday) from ber nesidence, interment being made iOrono Cemeteny. Starkville NMiss Normia and Beulali Hal- I>well. notoncd to Toronto. nrs. 1. Stark hiad a pîcasant visit frnrn lier thnce danghters. whicli'in- cluded Lorecne f rom Hanover. MnI. andIMNIs. Bnock Pcthick. Newtoîîvjlle vlsjted at Ross Hallo- wel I s. Mn. snd Mns. J. J. Mellor snd MIrs. Collinîs took dinnier at Miss Normna Haliowell's \Wcdtsedav. lîîspecton A. .A. Miartin aind fani- ilv. Brighton. at M,\rs. John Mc- Kays.. Mns. S. G. Hallowcll and damjzh- tens wcre entertaiecd to dinner at Mirs. Gordon Powcr's at Clrakc. Union, bier mother. Mrs. I. Stark was also there. Mrs. Collins has returned to To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Mellor motorcd lien home and took in the Exhibi- tion. Nrs. jacot) Hallowell is improving bier residence witb a f resb coat of paint. Mn. and Mni. Lorne Todd visited bis parents in Oshawa. Hîs father continues in poor blealth. MnI. W. Barclay. Toronto. at Mn. Jacob Hallowell's. Mirs. M,. Shutka was home f nom Haluptoni. Mqiss Beulali Hallowcll visited bier aunt Mrs. C. Reid. at Ncwtonville. Mirs. A. Barclay and dauizbter Banbara. Oshawa at Mý,rs. \William Saveny's. Mn. Jack Hallowell is quite 'Ili M.\iss Ednla Farrow. Millbrook at Mn. Victor Farrow's. Mn. and Mrs. Sîlas Hallowvell and famnily at Mn. Will Henrv's, New- castle. Rev. E. B3eccb hall a fine service at Shiloli Sonday morning, being of the natturc of a biarvest servicc. col- lection beillz for mission fund. Mr. Lavern Farrow visited in Millbrook. plowiln2 is started on the W. C. Ruthven f arm. MKyhsbe Mr. Arthur cs bsbe Dim and Distant Happenings From The Orono News of August 21, 1913 Mr. Bidwell Tucker enters the profession of teaching when school re-opens at the village of Erns- town, ýa few miles out of Napanee. Miss Jennie Hughson, secretary to Principal Baker, Albert Col- ege,*Belleville, is home for a week of two of holidays before the re- opening of the college. Mrs. Dr. Bogart of Whitby is visiting at Mr. R. Hill's. Miss Lillian Stanley of Toronto is a guest of Miss Olga Hooper. Miss M. North of Toronto is the guest of Miss Beatrice Foster. Mr. Thompson Irwin of Toronto was a guest at Mi. Wm. Allin's over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gilfillan and family are enjoying an out- ing at Caesarea. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clarke and son of Toronto are visiting her brother, Mr. Geo. Cain. Mr. Robbie Sheriff of Toronto visited his grandmother, Mrs. J. Watson, over Sunday. Miss Lillian Rae spent a day or two with friends here, a guest of Miss Edna Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Mercer of Port Hope visited over Sunday with her cousin, Mrs. John McCutch- eon. Mr. V. H. Cromwell of Yonkers, N. Y., was a guest of Mr. T. Smith for a day this week. Mr. Ernest Patterson of Oak Hall, Toronto, was home over Sunday at his father's, Councillor Thos. Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Townley and Mrs. Cowel, Fenelon Falls, an-d Mrs. Blewett and daughter of Toronto were guests at Mr. A. A. Rolphe's, Sunday. Mr. Harry Best of Vancouver, B. C., who left Orono 15 years ago, is expected home* the latter part cf the inonth for a visit. Harry, since leaving here, bas spent some time in the Klondyke. Mr. and Mrs. George Couvier left Monday morning for Carnie- vale, Sask., where his father, who lef t Orono three years ago, is farmirig. Dewey Harness, son of Mr. Thomas Harness, lef t at the same time for the same district. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Blight and family of 'Toronto autoed into town yesterday and spent a few hours with friends he're. It is 30 years ago when a. boy he left Onono and this is his first visit back to the home town. Pay as you go, but don't forget to save enough to get back on. It is the privilege of few to have their faces on coins. Most people are content to get their hands on them. If appearances are deceitful what about disappearances? under the weather. but is improvinz. Corn cutting is thc order of the dav and soon we will hear the hum of silo filIinz, aIl drawinR to a close a lovely summer. vs bis in- FORESTRY WINS J. J. MELLOR US fls long in v way. LEAGUE TROPHY GUEST PREACHER ento rea-' DEFEATS ORONO M.J elrpece i believeie f eci btte final sermon as substitute for the Af tx- seiesof bcti batoe pastor, who bas been on bolidays, sually be- Forestny won tbe final game o at Park St. Cburch Sunday, de- man. the playoffs Tuesday to capture lvrn peddades fe i'have mu- the league cup in the softball ser- lieigaslnidades 1fe roic spoles. Tbey defeated Orono 21-14 natber bumonously describing the1 iic aspoilsnnggam.neliglous service in connection in afiveinnng gme.witb the C.N.E., be went on to They started out braveiy witb show tbat there were proper six runs secuned by Cooper who places and times for a service of swatted the bail for a homen, Qg- this kind. den, R. Wood, Middleton, Major He stated there was need of and Cantreil, while Orono was God in tbe life of wisdom, power scoreless. and wealth of tbe people who, be In tbe second, Forestry obtain- declared, said they believed in one ed four by Ogden, Neale, R. Wood God but worshipped many. In and Major. Onono got six, tbro' the life of wisdom or seeking to Mcllveen, Powers, J. W o o d,, know tbings one could fit in God5 Clougb, Cornisb and Watson, the most easily as He was tbe maker iatten's being a homer. of Natuee's marvellous.tbings. In I In the third Forestny got five the life of power He also rnust througb V. Cooper, Ogden, Neale, be counted as ail power cornes R. Wood and Middleton; wbile fnom Hlm. In the life of weaitb Orono got three tbrougb Mcjl- tbe speaker expressed bis convic- veen, Powers and Clougb, Mili- tion that one was not meant to veen and Powens being bomers. bave a million or many millions In the fourtb, V. Cooper got the of dollars wbile another had very1 sole score for Forestny, while Or- littie if any. On the other hand ono got five thnougb West, Mc- eacb shouid not be given the same SIlveen, Powers, J. Wood and Con- amount of money as the next day nish, Wood's being a borner. aften tbey received it one wouid In the fiftb - and siso the iast bave doubled it and anothen e 1p as the game was then calied on wasted it sîl. He closed by point- account of dankness - Forestry ing out that God bas a place in got fîve througb Middleton, Ma- every spbere of life, and by quot- jor, Cantrell. V. Cooper. and Og- ing the Bible sentence, "Seek ye den, wbile Orono wass eid score- first the kingdom of God and His less. rigteousness and aîl these tbings rnloul. Thus the softball season ends. shahl be added unto you." wamuae Al bave enjoyed the games and The choir selection was "Hope actions. are sonry to see them ended. Thou in God." The offetory con- [el. Coast. Battery - Fonestry - Middieton sisted of a selection by Mn. A. J. 3 one pitcher, and Major catcher. For Knox, Mn. Edwin Sandencock, r brll Orono - Powens for finst two, J. Miss Marion Green and Mrs. O. and aId Wood for nest of the game as pit- W. Sandercock. cher, and Watson as catcher. The evening service was in the Umpires: Kenefick as plate um- iform of a sunset service in Onono pire and Moise on bases. ' Memorial Park, and was also weli This is the first game where the attended. Miss Launa Aluin pre- umpire bas had to wann a pitcher sîded at the ongan, in the absence - whicb happened to be Powers _ of Mns. Sandencock. The hymns riot to pitcb too fast. Jim didn't were led by members of Park St. give him a quarter for the com- [choir, and a quartette comprised pliment, eitber. lof Messrs. N. F. Ponter, W. Reid, ) e _ _ _ _R. Smith and R. Sutton rendened "~I Have a Savioun." By way of sermon, Mn. J. J. Meilor compared the worid as a Obituarystage witb many beautiful pro- perties, life as a play, and every- Mrs. John Tamblyn, Orono one as an actness or actor who *U~ OYUt Mn.were given a noie whicb they bsd bue oyal Mr.John Tamblyn, noted Hol- to play to the best of their abiiity. n Englandl stein breeder and owner of Cedar Some played their part well, oth- r band- Dale' Dairy, was beneaved this ex-s not so good. Some parts wene evrce week by tbe desth of bis wife, nee short - that is the actor died ;ZnlChoirel Laura Coram, who died Tuesday young; others were long. At the al inger., rnorning. end of the play each stepped out stras of Among Mrs. Tamblyn's inter- o h xtt egetdwt ýy Dorsy et wn hecunb heWA, God's "Well done", provided that y' Rogrsei the W.M.S., the Women's Insti- eadh had done bis or ber best. ~' ogeal tute, tbe Hoticultural Society, The committee is to be congrat- and the Agicultunal Society. In uiated on the way the service was each she was activeiy interested conducted, and are grateful to al anddidherful ------f nt hhepdmkAsucsfl -n-d- be-fl sa41-i fO- boh-pd ae t ucesfi *SOCIAL ÂND We wish to correct an error which crept into the headline of1 the account of the week ago Fni- day Kirby-Forestry game, the word "pennant" which should flot1 have been printed was added and noticed when too late for correc- tion. Kirby was simply elimin- ated in the semi-finals, by the Forestry team. Mr. and Mrs. John Hillan, De- troit, called on Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Morton while en route to see the Quints at Callander. Mr. Hillan moved from the sixth line over 50 years ago, and old friends were pleased to see him and his wif e. Miss Doris Whyte is visiting in Toronto and Niagara. A large number of Oronoites are taking in the Toronto Exhibi- tion. dy School re-opens next Tuesd. Labour Day is being celebrated« next Monday and no doubt many will take the long weekend to en- joy the Exhibition or go on a motor trip. Rev. and Mrs. S. Littlewood and son Manley are home fromn their vacation spent at their cot- tage at Lake of Bays. Mr. Ed. Morton's peach tree had eight peaches on it this year - one1 of which was 7¾, inches in cir- cumference. Council meets next Tuesday. Mr. George Dent visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Dent. Miss Muir began her position in Oshawa Monday. 'Mr. John Allen of U.S.A., who renewed acquaintanceship with various friends wvhile here, called on H. R. Rowe Thursday in com- pany with Mr. J. G. Tamblyn. Mr. Allen lived in Clarke Union sec- tion, later moving to Orono, and later still to the States. He was a neighbour of Mr. Rowe while at Clarke Union. Kirbyites held à most enjoyable picnic in the park Thursday. Miss Manjorie Sisson has re- turned from the city. Mr. and Mrs. George Rowe and Hillard, Toronto, who have been holidaying at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blackburn's, have returned home. Miss K. McKay has resumed duties at E. E. Patterson's store. Orono girls journeyed to Hamp- ton Thursday night and lost by 11-10. Mrs. I. Winter attended the fun- eral of her aunt last week. The Anglican Church resumes afternoon services next Sunday. Miss Ethel Stark visited in To- ronto recently. Mrs. A. West is out again. Mrs. J. C. Gamey visited at Sisson's cottage at Lake Simcoe. Not to be beaten by mere man, Mrs. Gamey caught a 3 ½ pound bass. Messrs. Bob Case and Ronald Patterson were in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Neals, Cobourg, visited Mr. and Mrs. William Sey- mour. Mrs. F. B. Whyte visited in Peterboro last week. Mr. Elmer Middleton has pur- chased a car. Don't forget the Park St. Sun- day School picnic Saturday, Sept. 3rd. It has been called to our atten- tion that Mr. C. J. Hughson, who is 91 years young, walked 8 miles a little over a week ago. This certainly caps Mr. Scott's record of 5 miles at 85 - nearly 86. Walter Carleton is painting Mr. E. R. Rainey's house. The Tamblyn Beauty Shoppe, respiendent in coats of paint ap- plied by Art Beamish and Fred Tamblyn, is now ready for busi- ness. Migs Kate McKay and Mrs. J. R. Cooper have returned home from a motor trip throug h the Muskoka district where they visit- ed their brother at Parry Sound. Mrs. D. Noble and Mrs. I. Cob- bledick were pleasantly enter- tained by Mrs. C. B. Sissons to afternoon tea served on the spa- clous lawn. The former especially enjoyed the afternoon as it was spent at her old home. Miss Edith Dent has been holi- daying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L . A. Dent. Mrs. Muir is visiting at Mr Awde's, Newcastle. Congratulations to Mr. Calvin Hamm who was successful in alI subjects he took this summer working toward his B.A., obtain- ing 3 grade A and one credit. Miss Marion Brown, R.N., is on holidays. Mrs. John Moffatt has been on parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Clough.O The baby who has been visitin o e P pl Th here returned home with hier. ~ P o l h )Congratulations to Miss Ednan PERSONAL Stutt on passing bier summer r s T ip t th _____________ course.ressT p t th Mr. and Mrs. Carmpn Bell and Mr. Stan Bruton of Toronto was two cliildren visited Miss Marion (Coftiniied from Page 1) home Sunday.S Green. most cordial in their desire to en- 1 Mrs Frd Lcet 15recpert- Miss 'Olive Davey is again as- tertain us. Mrs Frd Lcet isrecpert-sisting Major J. C. Gamey in his ing at Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Irwin's, duties as secretary of the fair. Sunday we visited the famousS Mimico. Congratulations to Miss Edith Butchart Gax-dens near Victorias Mn. and Mrs. Syd Hughson and Truil on passing hier course in and had the honor of meeting the r Glen, Toronto, spent Sunday with Education at Queen's. gna n rcosotgnra his father, Mr. C. J. Hughson. Misses Lenard, Toronto, who grrealandMraci.P.ous cearianh Congratulations to Roy Scott holidayed with their uncle, Mn. showed us around the grounds on winning two finsts and one Dean Carscadden, have retunned and through bis beautiful home, fifth on his caîf in the Caîf Club home. and had his picture taken withv contest at Peterboro Fair. Mrs. Wmn. Henry is visiting her the press gang. He was particu- P Mate DugasLyet ad Mn. sister-in-law, Mrs. M a r g a r e t îarîy interested in meeting Mrs. t Fre oa Lycett Osa an r wt Cooper. James who comes from bis native Mn.d s Lycett O w, atioc h Miss E. Shenwîn, who has been city of Owen Sound. Later we M. and Mrs. Nyeil HAmnicPet a guest of hier brother, Mn. R. hope to publish an article aboutd errvsdM. and Mrs. iHametJ Sherwin, is on bier way home to these wonderful gardens.S Hamm. sie M.an rs . .Winnipeg.V Hmms. Clwl n agtr Mn. M. Harrison, Centre St., is Returning to - Vancouver we0 Mldne d w esly nd are s t r. improving bis nesidence with a found oun hotel crowded with and Mrs. J. C. Milne. Mrs. H. Henry has returnedlwysasteCndnBrA- Mn. A. J. Knox kindly loaned home after a pleasant visit with sociation was holding its conven- his organ for the Park St. open fiends at Kendal and Elizabeth- tion there. We went up in the 1! airsericeSunay.vile.elevator with Hon. R. B. Bennettv Rev. Littlewood resumes duties Miss Bernice Grooms, Oshaws, bto didn'thawve erv to eak l as pastor of Park St. Church next visited friends here. townhl. Howeeother wuel v week. known lawers we meoroto, ncld Mn. and Mrs. Aif Beal and fam-J .MReKCTrno n ily, Oshawa, were in the village ORONO DEFEATS W. L. Brockington, K.C., Winni- Sunda. FO ESTRY TEAM peg, who is Chairman of the Can- Miss Viola Gilfillan, Kincar- ainBodatn oprto dine, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. J. FIRST PLAYOFF Board. Mr. Brockington address-s Gilfillan. ____ ed our press convention in Winni- tI Miss Margaret Brown, Newcas- Orono won 12-6 in the first of peg two years ago and is recog-s tle, visited friends in Orono Sun- the Fonestry-Orono playoffs Tues- nized, besides being a billianta day. day night, August 23rd. lawyer, as Canada's outstandingn Mrs. 0. W. Sandercock visited In the first innings Forestny got after dinner speaker. At his ne- i in Toronto this week. one score through Neale, and quest I spent an hour with himv Congratulations to Mn. Roy Orono was blanked. in his Winnipeg office on my re- Cornish who was successful in bis In the second Forestry was turn trip. I'm hoping lie will find summer course in education. blanked, and Orono got two thro' time to stop off at Bowmanville Mn. and Mrs. H. R. Rowe. and Mellveen and J. Wood. on his visit to Ottawa in Octobera Elsie, and Mn. W. H. Rowe called The third innings was the only to address an inter-city meeting of on Mn. William Bennett and fam- real heavy sconing one - Fonestry Rotary Clubs of this district. a ily, Lake Shore, Bowmanville, on getting four through Neale (hom- t Sunday. Mn. Bennett a former er), R. Wood, Middleton (homer) We stopped over an extra day resident of Orono and of Antioch. and Cantrel, and Oron*t six thro' in Vancouver in order to attend t is 92 and still helps with farm Mencer, Wlatson, West, McIlveen, the Rotary Club luncheon - as I 'mf work in an emergency. Powers.an Cornish. on my l2tb yesr with a perfect Invitations have been issued forlI hefurth innings neither attendance. Here I met Bob Tod, the 6th line picnic next Monday. side scored. formerly of this town, a promin-f We have sîl been down hearted In the f ifth, Forestny got one ent jewelen of Vancouver who since we lost the late Bob Gordon tbrough Couvien, and Orono two bas been s Rotarian for 22 years. and other efficient plasterers who thnougb Powens (homen) and G. We gossiped and . scandalized used to do odd jobs, but now one Winter. about a lot of Bowmanville peopler bas risen in Israel and come forth Forestny was blanked in the during the lunch. Bob is a greatt with trowel in hand and bis work sixtb and Onono got two tbrough fisherman and told me some is a masterpiece wbicb is being West and McIlveen. "woppers" but bad the pictures admined by all south wand neigh-, No score was made by Forestry there to prove bis statements. bours. So if you need an artist in thein part of the seventh, and Leo Dolan, Manager Dominion just ring Fred Sisson. Orono's haîf was not played. Tourist Bureau, was speaker and Mn. George Lunin, Mn. and Mns. McIlveen deserves a little word gave one of bis trip bammen sales Harry Mercen and family and of praise as in addition to bis scor- talks on "Canada, the Tourists' Miss Freeda Wilson enjoyed a mo- ing he caught numerous flys from Paradise." We also renewed ac- ton trip thnough the Muskoka the opposing playens - catching quaintance there with Jerry Mc- district Sunday. everything that came anywbere Geer, M.P., and ex-Mayor of Van- Misses Tourjee, Toronto, spent near hlm. couver, whom we met a month the weekend hene, Tbree little instances that pro- previous at Oshawa Rotary Club. Mn. and Mrs. R. C. Rosborough vided fun for the bystanders were* e ax-ived borne Saturday after a when West and McIlveen who We saw the fine new million pleasant trip through the States. batted one after another both dollar Canada Packens Ltd. plant The storm Monday night caused bunted and both got safely at lst, at Vancouver wbicb was recently damage to the ligbts nonth of the the time that Couvier gave a formally opened by a Durbam village, keeping the bydro men swing with the bat bneaking it County boy, J. S. McLean, Presi- busy. and then only got to lst, and the dent of the company, who bas Bob Morton anived home from time that Mcllveen nan to third, since lef t on a wonld tour. Mn. Bowmanvlle Hospital M o n day saw West on it and nan back, McLeah was box-n on a fax-m nean night. banely escaping getting Out at Kendal in Clarke Township. Mn. Louie Brown is back on second after playing bide and seek*** duty at the bank. witb the 2nd and 3rd basemen of. Before leaving Vancouver I Sympathy is extended to Mn. the opposing team. must psy tribute to the handsome A. J. Tamblyn. and family in the Battery: Forestry - Neale Pit- looking and even attentive genial death of a loving wife and mothen. cher, Major catcher; Onono - Jîm manager of the C.P.R. Hotel Van- Mn. and Mns. F. B. Wbyte and Wood pitcher and G. Watson cat- couver, Mn. W. J. Mylett. He was Mn. and Mrs. H. Murnay visited cher. kindness pensonified whicb made friends in Lindsay Sunday. Umpires: "Sbinny" Moise, New- tbe stay of the press party most Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Seymour castle, at the plate, and Kene- enjoyable and mempnable. and family, Toronto, spent tbe fick, Newcastle, at the bases. c weekend here. Mrs. Wmn. Sey- Hadn't been out of Vancouver, mour retunned witb tbem for a FOhR A E omeward bound on the Contin- C visit. Rg R A E ental C.N.R. train, long before Ic A card from the editor intim- SECOND GAME 0F recognized Dr. F. H. S. Lowneyt ates bie saw some former Clarke se noteosraincr citizens* while in Victoria, B.C., PLAYOFF SERIES stne eint he observin car.t wbo look for the Orono News each 1907 Dr. bas been an Inspector in week. Forestry redeemed themselves the Dominion Ibept. of Agricul- Mr. Fred Sisson is taking in Friday night wben tbey won the ture. It was a happy meetingt the Exhibition at Toronto. He second of the three playoff games, wbich seemed mnutual as we talk- hasn't said yet wbether bie has 15-13, after being ignominiously ed well on into the night before joined the sidesbow. defeated in the first game. Tbey retiring only to renew the con- Mrs. Henry Yonker and Fred. were abead at the end of the versation next morning.t Preston, are visiting friends here. 3rd, behind at the end of the 4th, 1 Congratulations to Mn. Frank and abead at the end of the Sth. At Jasper Park Lodge I bad McMullen on passing bis summen Orono was scoreless in the finst, the bonor of conversing witb Mn. course examinations. third and fifth, and obtained tbnee S. J. Hungerford, President of the Mrs. Manning and Mrs. Lewis ini the second througb West, Mc- Canadian National Railways. He Wood were expected home Wed- Ilveen and McMullen. In thbe is a most genial and approachablet nesday of this week aften being fourth tbey jilst raced around the man wbo expressed bimself in op- operated for appendicitis st Bow- bases witbout mucb to stop them, timistic termis of tbe western msnville Hospital. 10 nuns being secuned. wbeat crop as well as business in Mn. Leland Keat, Toronto, went Forestry obtained one in the general. fishing with W. E. Davey last first witb a homen by V. Cooper, c week and bad faix- luck. three in the second tbnougb Ma- Just a word bene, too, about Mrs. John Gibson, Jr., who bas jor, Cantx-ell and Cooper, four in tbe courteous treatmnent accorded been visiting ber people in New- the third tbrough R. Wood, Mid- us by tbe C.N.R. officials ail along foundland, arrived home Satur- dleton, Cantreil and Glanville, the line wbicb added mucb to the' day. one in the founth through Neale, pleasune and comf ont of a 6000 Mn. and Mrs. S. Cutteli visited and six in tbe f ifth. mile trip by rail across Canada. in Buffalç last week. Onono got one in the sixtb, but First we are indebted to the Mn. and Mrs. Olie Cbapman. the game was called on account tbougbtfulness of Mn. F. E. D. Mrs. Isaac. Chapman, and Misses of dankness, s0 this didn't count. McDowell, C.N.R. Publicity Re- Lenora and Lois Wood leave th is Fonestry did not play their baîf presentative. Toronto, who, by1 week for a motor trip to Michi- of th e sixth. the way, is a Bowmanville boy gan.1 One arnusing play was when baving been born on the same Tbe creami inspecton visited our Cantrell played bide and seek street as the editor of this paper. factory Tuesday. witb two-basemen _wbo caugbt Frank bad evidently notified REALLY'KILL One pad kilîs files il day and overy day for 2 or 3 weeks. 3 padio ln ech packet. No spra2'Ing, no stlcklnesi, Do bad odor. sk ypur Drugglst, Orocery or General Store. 10 CENTS PER PACKET ,WHY PAY MORE? TME WIRSO FLY PAD CO., FHa.iII.u, OML Editor Met on Pacific Coast let bim know I was tbinking of hlm. Although we were ursabie to stop oven at Edmonton oun train stopped long enough- for me to phone Mx-s. C. M. (Bill) Scott (nee Maggie Young), whose voice Iwas glad to hear. 1 also phoned Dr. Norman Allun but couldn't get bim. Both of these famiiies wene vex-y kind to us when the press convention met in Edmon- ton in 1928. At breakfast one mox-ning my diner companion was a young in- sunance agent from Montreal wbo ATas a cousin of Mrs. Joe O'Neill of Bowmanville. At Winnipeg I met Dr. and Mx-s. ?Iexb. Prust of Edmonton. Henb is a Cartwright boy and bis father was postmaste- at Blackstock fox- nany yeans. They sent thein ne- gards to Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson siho was a neigbbor of thei-s in Edmonton. Mrs. Px-ust before ber max-niage was Vina Bellegbemn of Peterbo-o wbo often visited at M4r. John Lyle's. She also told me sbe attended Toronto Conserva- tory of Music tbe same time nw sister Mosetta (Mrs. W. A. White) attended. Dr. Prust introduced me to Hon. Chas. Stewart, a for- mrie Ministen of Immigration, who Aras aiso staying at the Fort Garry H{otel. A good memony is a great asset, altho' I tbink it was Abraham Lincoln wbo said nobody bas sucb a good memony tbey can be a liar and get away with it. Anyway the barber in the Fort Garry Ho- tel bas a wonderful rnemory fox- faces for he recognized me im- mediately, aitho' it is over, two years since be saw me. l'il ne- member hlm for a long time, too, for be ejected $2.25 from me for lifting my face and extracting the prairie dust from tbe oid gney rnayor's white locks. I dîdn't have tbe nerve to tell hlm I can stili get a good shave for 10c in rny hiome town. Wm. Fennis, 86 year old resi- dent of Winnipeg, saw by the Free Press I was in the city and called on meatDr. J. N. Hutchinson's. Mn. Fennis is a native of Enniskil- len and went West in the 70's wbere he bas accumulated con- siderable of this world's goods botb in land and money. lie toid me he has a hankering to buy the oid Ferris honiestead, wbich I think is the fax-m owned by Wil- fred Sanderson and occupied by Ed. Stnong, just about a mile nonth of Enniskiiien. Mn. Fernis is also anxious to know if there are any relatives stili living of R. and H. O'Hara who were mer- chants here back in the 8O's, It was a pleasune to again meet Mrs. E. L. Taylor at Winnipeg, a cbax-ming lady witb a keen and alent mind who is actively engag- ed in using ber talents for the betterment of burnanity. Some will recaîllber as Una C. Preston of Bethany, ber mother being a sister of Six- Sam Hughes. She possesses some of those Hughes charactex-istics of wili power and detex-mination to do things. One tbing she would like te see done and that is fox-m a Durham Coun- ty Club in Winnipeg. On the boat from Port Ax-thur te Sax-nia we met Mn. Nicholson, Fax-st Steward of the Noronic, who is a nepbew of Mr. and Mns. G. L. Wagan; Mr-. Wiggins, leader of the orchestra, on the staff of the Hamilton Consenvatory of Music of which Coi. C. R. McCuliough is president; and A. W. Beau, M. A., of Fontill, Ont., a native of Columbus, who sent bis regards to Mrs. John Aluin, King St. Othen boat cornpanions includ- ed two lawyens, both by the name of MacDonald, one from Edmon- ton, nephew o! the late Hon. A. G. MacKay of Owen Sound; and the othen in the Attorney-Gener- al's Depantment at Halifax. Many national problems wene discussed fromn the western, central and eastenn viewpoints. Whiie the boat stopped at Snult Ste Manie for a couple lheurs I phoned Rev. C. C. Washington who had recently moved there from, Toronto. He is lilçing his new charge very much and finds the people. most friendly and hos- FroIexad. amusic, riaiety - strange new ment-area attra, <lames of skiU, ral er, neroplaneo and Novelty devices foi and fun. For young --Frnlpdxandl The Wrld-famos Artillery Rand frosr Leadînp Cenadian - -the Mendeis9sol the Welah Imaperia t.he duance orchei Benny <loodmia Lo)mbarde. Tommy j,. t -i PAGE NINE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Mrs. Wm. Deliýe visited her liý;j ýjy ià;d io 'M-orÎèy- iüs't' t"o . 0-1 0 «.ý w 4VAULICY jutit tu 1 Au ,3