THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 19.38 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BO\VMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN of Tyrone, and Major and Mrs. J. C. Gamey of Orono attended from this area. Miss Gertrude Tucker, R.N., ofi SOCI L AN PER ONALWhitby, former Public Health Nurse of Bowmanville, on Mon- ______________ Phone _____663__ day joined the staff of the Public Phon 663Health Department at Oshawa. Miss Florence Werry is spend- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clarke, ing a few days in Toronto. Winnipeg, are visiting the form- Miss June Marshall, Courtice, is ers sister, Mrs. Charles Mason. guest of Miss'Margaret McCready. The offer is still good - The Mr. Bill Slingerland of Burke- Statesmnan will bc sent to a new ton visited with friends in Ham- subscriber in Canada to end of ilton. 1938 for 50c. Miss Patsy Moore is visiting her Misses Ruth and Marion Hamm uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. C. have returned from spending J. Meader, Toronto. their holidays at a cottage at Sha- Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Gully, dow Lake. Toronto, left last week on a trip Among the guests at the Foun- to the British Isles. ders' Day tea on Friday in the It Mrs. J. R. Dales, Dunbarton, Women's Building at the C.N.E. espent Tuesday with Mrs R. D. was Mrs. J. B. E. Staples when Davidson and Miss Peterý.* Lady Stanley wàs the guest of Prof. and Mrs. Charles T. Paul, honor. Hartford, Conn., are visiting his Capt. and Mrs. C. W. E. Meath, sister, Mrs. F. C. Pethick. who have been holidaying in the Mr. nd rs. upet Gold home town and disposing of Mr. nd rs. upet G Ham- their property here, have return- lyn, Ottawa, are holidaying with ed to Ottawa and are now on a Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Pethick. motor trip te, New York City. Mr. Andrew Gray, Toronto, has Mrs. Ervine Foster, Mrs. 0. N. been holidaying with bis grand- Sanderson, Toronto, Mrs. Fred Parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Os- Smith, Oshawa, Mrs. Wm. Ben- borne. ner and Miss Beatrice Reynolds, Mr. Dan M. Douglas of the On- Windsor, enjoyed a motor trip to tario Employment Service, Peter- North Bay and visited the Dionne boro, favored The Statesman staff Quintuplets. with a caîl on Saturday. Mr. Aleck Birks, only son of Mr. John M. James and Dr. Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Birks, starts Harold Slemon, Toronto, are holi- today in the Research Depart- daying at Taylor Stattens Camp ment of the Connaught Labora- Ahmek, Algonquin Park. tories, Toronto. His work there Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edgerton will lead up to his Master of Arts and Myrtle, Detroit, and Mr. Joe degree. Edgerton, Toronto, are visiting Toronto Rotary Club conduct- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Living. ed the annual lawn bowling tour- Messrs. John W. Osborne, Sim- nament on Friday at the Boule- coe, and Barclay Osborne, St. vard Club at Sunnyside for the Catharines, were weekend guests Mel Hutchinson Memorial Trophy of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Osborne. which was won by a rink from Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Davidson, Cobourg Rotary Club. Bowman- Camborne. called on their aunt, ville failed to enter a rink this Mrs. R. D. Davidson, while on year. their way to Toronto Exhibition. Brookdale-Kingsway Nurseries Prof an Mr. HaohdFoxandwere awarded 3rd prize at Cana- daughter Peggy, Washington, D., dian National Exhibition in the C., re vsitig hr faher r Fnaturalistic class in the Horticul- H. Jness an othr rla~ies: tural Building. The exhibit is in Mr. Chas. Cattran of the Good- charge of Fred Wood. year Company has puchased the McGregor's Hardware report very &autiful W. B. Couch pro- excellent results from their paint penty and residence on Centre St.advt. This week they feature No. Cee G.Bameswho9 solid copper wash- boilers at waa-$2.34. Turn up your M.ail order quitted on a reckless driving catalogues to, reahize what a real charge Monday, was defended by bargain this means. L. C. Mason, barrister, Bowman- Mr.EnsPrd siedfo ville.Montreal last Friday morning on Mr. D. T. Davies, Toronto, the S. S. "Antonia" for Edinburgh, Messrs. P. R. Cowling and S. R. Scotland, where she will visit her James have returned from an al- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bathgate, leged fishing trip at Wilberforce, and other relatives. Haliburton County. "Our English Letter" by Isobel Miss Beatrice Reynolds, Mrs. H. Stephenson, formerly of New- Wmn. Benner, Windsor, and Miss sieOnaorrvdtoae Ruth Randall, Bothwehl, are re-io this week's issue. It's mighty turning home after visiting Mrs. interesting, too, being an inter- Ervine Foster. view with A. Beverley Baxter, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bragg and M.P., who is much in the head- Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Elliott motor- lines these days in Canadian pa- ed to Owen Sound and took the pers. ~Iantouin Ilan boa tn to Twenty-five years ago on Aug- Little Current over the weekend. ust 2lst, Mrs. Robert Morris, On- 4Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James, tario St., Bowmanville, and six of William and Ruth, returned Fni- her children, Annie, Ada, Florry, '~y from a delightful trip te the Mary, Alfred and Ivy, left from Pacific Coast wbere they attend- London, England, for Canada. ed the Press Convention at Van- They embarked on the Cunard couver, B.C. line Andania and exactly ten days TIW following Upper School re- later arrived in Bowmanviile sults were inadvertently omitted where the family has resided last week: Aileen Wight, EC c, since that time. MH 2, Geom. 2, Trig. 2. LA 3, LC Officers of the Midland Regi- c, FA 2, FC 2. ment, with their families, and Mr. W. S. Perey has been ap- headed by Lt. Col. A. H. Bounsaîl, pointed Assistant Manager with Commanding Officer, of the Edgar Beach & Co. Ltd., 811/2 ville, held a picnic at Presqu'ile Yonge St., Toronto, dealers in dia- Point, n&ar Brighton, on Sunday. moný, precious stones and jewel- In addition to Col. and Mrs. Boun- leryà 1. saîl, Capt. and Mrs. Floyd Dudley McGregor's SPECIAL For 2 Weeks Only NO. 9 SOLID COPPER Wash.Bolier DelrinSef n*le34arwr Successors to Dustan 's Hardware Phone 774 LEADERS IN QUALITY Whether it be bread, cake, pastry, buns or moils, you '11 find- Carter 's leading the field in quality. That 's because Carter 's have been bakers for two whole generations. EAT CARTER 'S BETTER BREAD A"D CAKES THE CARTER FAMILY Bowmanvi.lle Miss Tucke-r is a graduate of the Oshawa General Hospital and up- on her graduation won the R. S. McLaughlin scholarship for gen- eral proficiency. Miss Tucker is a graduate of western University, London, where she took a course in public health nursing. She was healthý nurse here for six months prior to council's decision to abol- ish the service. WINS LEAGUE TITLE Bethany-Nestleton, North Dur- ham's entry in the Intermediate 'C' basebail grouping, won the group title on Wednesday when they won the second straight game in the three game series. On Saturday they defeated Rose- neath 11-4 at Blackstock, and in the second game Wednesday the North Durham stalwarts walked off with another victory 7-3, on Roseneath's home diamond. They now expec t.t meet Stouffvillc or Bolton in the next round. with the first game scheduled for Sat- urday, probably at Blackstock. RoyalsWin Titie (Continued from page 1) son, after si nging, cirched tee far off and was caught off the bag by the throw from the outfield. Daw- hey, on Edwardson's f ly te left, went tee far off the bag and was unable te get hack after the catch when Colville made a nice throw te first. Bowmanvilhe again took the iead in the folirtb wben it scored tbree runs on three errons. Two of these were made by Johnson at short and one by Edwardson at first base. The onhy bit of the inn- ing was made by Corden. In Port Hope's half, the locals cut the head te one mun wben Johnson waiked, stole second and scored on Phil- lips' single. With the Ontarios down but one run, Tommy Pointer neplaced Dawley in the box. Dawhey went te third and Douglas was benched. Bill Bagneil was struck by a pitched bail and xvas again sacri- ficed te second by Ted Bagneli. Witheridge walked and Bagnel scored on Yohnson's emror on Cameron's easy grounder. Bud Brown neplaced Jobnson, who was benched. and Lenahan went te second. Williams w a1k ed. Pointer was transfenred te night f ield and Dawley again took over the twirling, with Wakehy going te third. Colville ended the inn- ing by flying eut te Hudson. The Royals added two more in the eighth, witb errons by Ed- wandson and Wakely and a double by third baseman Bagnell ne- sponsible. In the hast of the nintb, after Rowcliffe had gneunded out, Lenaban reached first on Wil- liams' errer and Pointer was bit by a pitcbed bail. Pbihhips flied te Cameron and Wakehy ended the gamne by grounding out to short. Bowmanville AB R H A PO E Cameron, rf. 5 1 1 0 1 0 Ames, 2b. 4 i 0 1 2 O Williams, ss. 2 1 O 3 4 1 Colville, If. 5 2 1 0 1 0 Corden, Ilb. 5 0 1 1 12 0 Osborne, c. 5 1 0 i 4 0 Bagnell, cf. 5 3 1 1 1 0 Bagneli, 3b. 4 0 1 3 i11 Witheridge, p. 4 0 1 1 1 i 39 9 6 il 27 3 Port Hope AB R H A PO E Phillips, cf. 5 1 2 0 2 0 Wakely, nf, 3b. 5 1 1 3 1 1 Brown, 2b, ss. 3 2 0 2 1 1 Hudson, If. 4 0 i 0 2 0 Dawley, p, 3b. 4 0 1 3 0 0 Edwardson, lb. 4 0 0 0 13 2 Rowcliffe, c. 4 0 I O 8 0 J. Phillips, ss. 1i0O0O0O() i Johnson,s5. O i O 0 0 3 Lenaban, 2b. 2 O 0 2 0 0 Douglas, 3b. i O 0 2 O O 33 5 6 12 27 8 Batteries: Port Hope - Dawley, Pointer and Rowcliffe; Bowman- ville - Witheridge and Osborne. R HE Bew'ville 210 310 020 -9 6 3 Port Hope 103 100 000 -5 6 8 Base on balis, Dawley 7, Witb- eridge 2, Struck out, by Dawhey 3, Witheridge 3; Hit by pitcher, by Pointer, Bagnehi, by Withenidge, Brown, Pointer: Left on bases. Port Hope 6, Bowmanviile 10. and, Most miserable of aIl, the hapless motorist whose brain wil] ever be seared with the torturing knowledge that he has taken a lIife that might have been saved. Draýmatic, yes, but flot exagger- ated.' True' drama revealed by a perusal of accident statistics in any centre of Ontari.o. The barel A beautiful littie Although much the size of- a f.igures-telf the-tale in their own cup, woven of strips Warbler, and similarly marked, impersonal way, but tbey do not 5Â of bark, plant fib-j he did flot act at ahl like thosesteshehrohendeses res and plant down, fidgety little birds. Nor were his of it ail, the grief that must fol- and trimmed with shape or pose warbler-like. Vir- low as long as life lasts. small white blobs of eos seem to be more elongated, It is ahl the more saddening something, which on close in- with the bill stouter, more arched, when we know that most of such spection proved to be spider webs and hooked at the tip. The Blue- accidents can be avoided by care and birch bark, hung suspended headed are the most delicately on the part of the pedestrian as between the forks of two small marked of the family - a soft well as the motorist. branches that stretched out te grey with very white tbroats and Cbiidren should be taugbt to within a few inches of our nar- eye-rings. be careful in crossing the streets row foot path. As we lay in the The Red-eye sings 50 constantly or roads, look well to night and hammock across the corner of the that it bas been called the Prea- left for approachings cars. Better' verandah we could see the ivory- cher Bird. The nasal caîl reminds not te play in the streets at ail, white eggs, with small chestnut one of the Catbird. This is the but if that cannot be avoided - specks on them; and might have most abundant Vireo in Canada then play carefully. Remember touched the little mother as she and the champion caterpillar- that death may lurk in the road- sat brooding. But we neyer tried hunter. Its nest may not be seen way. anything se alarming and our into se easily as that of the Blue- Motorists, ne matter wbat the presence there did not in the i headed, for it is apt to be placed circumnstances, should a 1 w a y s least seem to interfere with the above our heads. But the Warb- wthcide nterawy household duties of the pair of ling - Vireo, the frequenter o A little one playîng on the boule- Bhue-headed Vireos. cities that sings somewhat like a yard or sidewalk may run into Our shack was lairly smother-- aupen h mYellow-throat e n the road the nex.t second, and ed in trees - just the kind of up, adteYlo-hotday flash directly in front of an ap- situation these birds like. The where from ten to eighty feet proaching car. Then it may be underside of each leaf was care- above the ground. tolt oaodataeyta fully examined by the parents in This hast has a characteristic to atee te aid aftr-agedytha their search for small caterpillars, song admksalsrso ue ended at seven that couild have plant lice, insect eggs and scales noises. However, being rather 'been saved. (which very fexv kinds of birds scarce, we are not well acquainted ever discover). The male would with it in Canada. This is un-1 Take care and caution inte yeur pause for an instant to sing his fortunate. It would be very wel- car with you every time you put little song which greatly esemb- come to many 'of us, for it eats youn band to your steering wheel. es that of the Red-eyed Vireo; mosquitoes. î These unseen guests wihi be the then go on with his inspection in What is the largest bird that mest vahuable companions you a eisurely manner. nests abundantly in Canada? ever had on any drive, and they iwont crowd the car. In fact, you can carry them in your head, but 3, and a social time enjoyed. Hampton, Eugene of Claremont, be sure te have them ahong. Watcb for the date of the com- Charlie of Vancouver, and Arthur B lascrfl oyu These ar o B whattlenddfrma i-part, wbether motorist or pedes- tance wrteMrnddrs. Widis trian, aduit or child, te lessen the tanc wer Mr.and rs. illdreadful toîl of accidents that H mpo Pcnc Martin, Balson, their son, Char- nfsotomaypeiulvs Hampon Pcnic ence and wife, and babe, Leskard; snffeu seaonmnay p rees aive ______Mr. and Mrs. Strickhand, Kendal ;heverys.ear o Onarios estrsan <Continued from Page 1) Mrs. Covier, Orono; Mrs. R. highwaysIf yoar e a pedestrian ýCharles Johns, Lewis Cryderman Found, Pickering; Stanley, Ted ihtadfryu w sfe, and W. W. Hemn. and Clifford Martin, Balson; Mr.rit,wand fo you ra wnIf suaey Agenerous collection was taken Luxon, Kendal; Mr. and Mrs. bewaculotrfc.fyuae Robt Mongomey, Ms. Dviâa motorist - always drive sanely te defray expenses. In was gen-aRobt. MontgoeryveMrs.nDavi --+-++; Hilton. ber brother and sister of ad v odrv ogr erally concurrea tnat this was mnost successful picnic held yet and at a place wbere a more generai attendance of community fohk can be had. A fine showen came as the sports were being nun off. How- ever this did not dampen the ar- don of those who enjoy this part of a picnic, who when it was over gatbered up enthysiasm and en- tered beartily into the fun. We congratuhate Mrs. R. Avery, one of the oidest ladies of the communîty, in winning a pnize at bail tbrowing, who still enjovs with those mucb ber juniolt, such occasions as picnics. We were ahso pleased to see Mrs. C. N. Ruse, Bowmanvihle, who dropped in to enjoy this ev- ent with ohd friends, accompan- ied by Mrs. McGratb. E. W. Edmonds B.A. Passes Suddenly An appreciation by John Elliott, B.A., London, Ont. The announcement of the sud- den deatb of Ernest W. Edmonds on shipboard, Saturday, August l3th, as he m'as returning te China after a year's m-issionany furlong was sad news for many, inciuding the writer of tbis sketch and ethens who knew him as classîcal master in Bowmanvihle High School. He was my çelheague on the staff under principal W. J. Mornison during my second pen- iod of service in the school, and we became warm friends. We esigned fnom the school at the same time in June, 1921. I te retire from active service in the profession, he te join with bis fiance, Miss L. N. Wilson, B.A., of Napanee, and go to West China as missionamies unden the United Chunch. Both were graduates of Victoria University and quaiified high schooi* teachers. This was bis second furlougb home. We maintained connes- pondence contact during the years. I prized bis etters veny much, and I became satisfîed that he and Mrs. Edmonds were rendering ex- cellent service. Burial at sea wouhd chose bis career as a missionary. Sympathy will go euftot the lonehy idow and te bis relatives in his home city of St. Catharines, and I am sure many oid students of the Bowmanville High Scbooh wilh join with me in tnibute to the mnemonv of mv dear friend and the7i'r omerteacher. M Jry S kHis was a ife deveted tý ig Mrs. Jr peas ideals. He gave of bis best, faith- fui te the end in the service of (Continued from Page il the Master whom be loved. and "Net These Days": and a vie- lin solo by Mrs' Alhdridge who is hene from England on a visit te Obituary ber mothér. Mrs. Wnenn. Mms. J. H. H. Jury gave a most interesting and delightful tahk on Mrs. E. Martin, Hampton Education, its progress, botb ne- ligioushy and sociahly. She told of There passed to rest at the home the wonderful wonk done in Nova of ber daughter, Mrs. Kneedum Scotia by Rev. James Tompkins Wintenburn, Hampton, Mrs. Mar- <Father Jimmy to the people wbo garet Martin, widow of the late love bim), wbose manvelous faith Emmanuel Martin, after an ill- in the people, thein courage and ness of severai weeks, and was in wonth-whîleness, tbeir ability te ber eigbty-second yean. Deceased raise tbemselves eut of the state was a daugbter of the late Mn. of misery and abject poverty in and Mrs. John Montgomery, Man- whicb tbey were living, bas bad vers, wbere she was born, and remankable resuits. Fathen Jimmy lived until aften hem mariage, believed that if the people couhd laten moving to Danlington whene only be educated te use the pow- she lived until ber demise. She er that God had given them to lived a quiet life, ber chief inter- master their conditions, more tban est being in ber home and famnihy. haîf the battle would be won. He The funenal, which was held said, education is tbe mobilizing fromr the home of hem daugbter, of peoples brain to meet their Mrs. Winterburn, was attended by own problems. So wehh bas be a numben of relatives and friends, succeeded in reusing tbe people and was conducted by ber pastor, of Little Doyen and otlier small Rev. Walter Rackham, who spoke Nova Scotian towns, that the eyes words of comfort to those beref t of the wonld are on them and a of a mother. dehegation of 1000 bas gene there Those who bore ber te ber hast to study tbe system of adult edu- resting place in the Hampton cation whicb bas so nevolutioniz- cemetery wene one nephew and ed the condition of things existing five grandsons, Theodone Hilton, there. Toronto, Ted, Cifford, Ray, Ernie One verse of "Bhest be the tie and Fred Martin.. that binds" sung in unison, She eaves to meurn ber pass- breught te a chose one of the most ing, two daughtens, Elizabeth interesting meetings of the Insti- <Mns. Wintenburn); Annie (Mrs. tute. Refresbments were senved Ed. Parker), Osbawa; and five by Mns. Chas. Mutton and Group sons, Will, of Balson, Tom of Lindsay, and sons Theodore, To -_________ ronto, and Mn. Jack Hilton and wiPort Opinionsls The floral tributes included Pr Hope O iin large spray from the family, and bters from relatives and neigh- u fo as itr Congratulations, Bowmanvilie! DEATH IN THE Five straight te a Lakeshorel AFTERNOON championsbîp! You always ei a great money team. A momentarily tbougbtless me- T h e hmin oti terist. a high-powened car, a play-coumnbestwchishes fo ss ing child. grinding brakes, a crash, cin'sesBA. laydowns Te a childish scream, a stihl, twisted fistherond of tesebegnsSaTuh- littie figure, grotesque and terri-frtoudf hsbei Su- fying, a ife that ended at seven day when Bowmanvilhe meets the that might bave been saved. winner of the Bay of Quinte lea- These are the elements whicb gue. August 27 was the original enter, tee often, into tragedies of date set but the change was made the bighway; tragedies that might by the OBA. have been prevented. And por- tnaying this drama are grief- Give young Withenidge a pat stricken, anguisbed people; par- on the back. Tbe Bowmanville ents, brothens and sisters wbo junior won two of the three phay- meurn the ioss of a loved one - off games-and both in Port Hope.1 e SEPTEMBER DAYS gSeptember - Month of morning at haze, Thttells of coming autumn days, 0f garnered harvest lore; 0f ripened fruits on bended limb, 0f farmn grazed stock so sleek and e rm, 0 f corn cribs running o'er. 0 f well bult stacks of tight bound sheaves, 0f close tramped hay mowed to the eaves, 0f threshing days so near; 0 f crib and bin cleaned to receive The spoils the root-cropped fields relieve, 0f cider sparkling clear. 0f nights too chili for grazing sheep, Who softly seek their pens te sleep, 0f beavy night-fall dews; 0f late wild flowers' scented air, 0f gloaming bathed in colon rare, With sunset's pigment hues. 0f flocking birds, migrating soon, To southern climes and tropic meon. 0f scheol terms once again; 0f lazy boys, all lagging late, With doheful face and books and shate, In fearsome mental pain. 0f shrill-voiced ceck'rel's lusty crow, 0f fog-fed flats where mushrooms grew, And picked in morning haze; 0f wild swans watching with pride Their cygnets grown tee large to ride. These are September days. -.Ralph Gordon. 628 Crawford St., Toronto. -Enniskillen Mr. and Mrs. George Dix and daughter Dorothy, Mrs. Levi An- nis, Scarboro, Mr. W. C. Stainton, Toronto, Mrs. Ella Smith and Mrs. W. H. Moore visited at Mr. H. Stevens'. Miss Reta Dickie is visiting Mr. K. R. Cronfelt, Crystal Beach. Mr. Herbent Wright, Hampton, visited Mm. Edgar Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hadden, Mr. George Hadden and Miss Elsie Hadden, Uxbridge, visited at Mr. Wm. Wright's. Congratulations te Mr. M. lHobbs upen passing bis intermed- iate Agricultural part two course. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Porteous and Peggy, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mason, Jack and Bobbie, Toronto, visited at Mr. John McGillFs. Mrs. Mason and sons have aise been visiting Mr. H. McGill. Miss 0. Luke, Toronto, Miss B. Werry, Oshawa, Mrs. W. Mount- joy, Kedron, Mrs. T. McGill and Miss Reva McGill visited Mr. Har- vey McGill's. Mrs. E. C. Ashton with Mr. Ira Travelle, Oshawa. Mr. Floyd Petbick and Miss Verna Petbick, Toronto, visited at Mr. S.Pethick's. Mr. J. L. Robbins, Mrs. Wm. Hambleton, Mrs. F. Robbins, Ro- chester, N.Y., visited at Mr. F. Robbins'. Mrs. Robbins remain- ing and feeling somewhat im- prox'ed. Mr. and Mrs. R. Parker, Co- bourg, visited Mrs. D. Burgmaster. SPECIALS IN SILVER This Week Only Sait & Pepper Sets 11,11 Butter Dishes - $1.00 Bread Trays - $1.25 Up Candie Sticks $1.50 Up Relish Dishes - $1.25 Cream, Sugar, Tray $3.75 Casseroles - - $2.95 Flower Baskets - $3.50 Up Cold Water Jug - $4.95 Large MARR'S JEWELRY STORE Phone 463 Bowmanville I For Sale By IThe Stt1 a .1 -- - I PHOTO FINISHING Developing - Printing Enlarging - Copying and Coloçing When you entrust your photo work to us you are assured of the flnest possible resuits. Our work ls unecaùalled and unexcelledl else- where. PROMPT SERVICE Films left up to, 10 a.m. are flinlshed same day at 6 p.m. THE Au.Bu.Ca 0F VALUES Everyday Prices on Nationally Known Products * Your I. D. A. Store commends to you the host of nationally known produots that we carry in stock. On these products the various manufactu.rers are staking their reputation. We sell these products with confidence and remember- * WE SELL AT LOWEST PRICES A.B. s. & C. Tablets, 100's 9C BAYER Aspirin - - 22c, 39c, 98e COREGA, 35c size 24e 60c size 39e SDODD'S Kidney Piuis, 50c size 27c Estivin - $1.19 Fellows' Sy. 87c' Groves I.b.a. 24e Haytone 25e 5Oe Ironized Yea' 89c OLYMPENE Jergens Lo. .23 .43 Kkovah S. 18e 39e Lysol - 35c, 65e Modess - - 21c Noxzema 15c, 59c - - - -$Oc, $1.00 POND's Creams 15c, 29c, 49e OUEST Deodorant - - - 33e RAZMAH--------soc, $1.00 Our Store Open Labor Day HOURS: 8.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.; 1.30 p.m. te 6 p.m.; 7 p.m. te 10 p.m. Pmrk.-Davla Euthymol Toolil Paste Polishes Deodorizes PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex UNITED CIGAR STORE Phone 792 AGENCY McGregor DRUGS We Deliver Pr i ktm BULLETINS IVritten For from The Statesman BIRDLAND B ee Vanifred E. Wilson TE VJREO Paints, Etc. A. E. McGREGOR & CO« HANDY SIZE Oo-O-NO Stops Perspirationi *Bries utantly No fâu.Ig ormoans No w.Itlg t. d"y ptot.u you 1ho 83dffl GIN PILL Phone 855 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 193S THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN Il