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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Sep 1938, p. 1

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READ BY 12,000 People WeekI,.ý ORONO NEWS ON PAGE 9 înabxirn With Which Are lncorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent And The Orono News VOLUME 84 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8th, 1938NUBR3 p Ne rl 8 0 tu en s re - FINAL GAME FOR C BILL BAQNELL on o Nal80 tdnsAeEASTER N TITLE pcaCemoisWlFatr BRINGS HOME THE To nt Ma e NEXT SATURDAY R £eig fRFoaeatureBACON AT COBOURGMa MetIn at Withthepape a ay lteBill Bagneil went back to Enrolled in Bowmanville w areaea day athe, eOpnngo Rn ae adCobouon Labor Day t de- Deat h on Saturday ~gua suit of Thursday's piaydown Eniarifed hu ch atM a le Gr ve fad ye aur o. he wn ret aine between Napanee and was he brought home the tro- Schoo s on penin D ay owmanille liichwas aHONORR)ý M MBERphies for the 100 yards, 220 C r O e t r s N ioss for the locais 4-3. The Presbytery Chairman HNOAYM BE yards dashes, broad jump,--e gam tok 1 ining tade- to Dedicate New Ad- _____________ and came 2nd in ther high M NGN IETR D a at ubic SOHOOL INSPECTOR cd g maine tooka 10 d-jump and 3rd in the hurdies. MNG~G DRCO edM n W so u Registration adm nshat aPthlrd dition - Church is As extra prizes he brought Schools is 556 - At- gaine will be necessary. This home a camera, fiashiight, Way t rig li High School 285 w iii be piayed in Port Hope M drie toilet set, and a ocefr-M th toFn alo on Saturday afternoon at 3 Sunday School is In- $2.00 in merchandise. Look- 7 i e Startp.m. D.S.T. ing over Bili's collection of Anote e 7 5 K i d d i e S t a r t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s t a ll e dcu p s, m ed a s, b ad g es, rib b o n sK i I d n T o n t t h School First Time____ and other awards for athietic Friends nonor Mapie Grove United Church, now has a collection of wel____ Eight hundred and forty-one ~.~. enlarged and compieteiy renovat- over 100, won since he first Pupils returned to Bowmanvilie Betty Sflowdef ed and modernized, wili be offic- -etrdahei otssa WilliamHcs g 2,o ah schoois on opening day on Tues-____ ially reopened on Sunday, Sept. IP lf the high school in 1929.urttreTonwainatl day, according to reports of Prin- llh ihseilsrieat dywe h a nwihh a cipl . M Tomponof hePub ~About forty-five young people which the circuit pastor, Rev. W. d~a , igwayan lic School and Principal L. W. CroSmitapie Grove, Bowmanvîlle apassegi ef h and Newcastle gathered at the Sih ilcnuttesr DPublicofschoo e gistraton ahmlf r.Lelevices, and Rev. W. R. Tanton. A. H. Scobeli overtureintedchas DPpelico te g chool.noatiena Chairman of the Presbytery, wili fCu Maple Grove, Tuesday evening, dedicate the new extension. Invi- i eFrdic Peso of arvw 556 p u pils, ten hig h er than atA u g u st 30, t o ex ten d b est w ish es A v e., T ro t , w s a r s e a n school opening a year ago, and 30 , to Miss Betty Snowden who has tations have been extended tahre ihmasagtrb higher than when schools closed - ic e otk oiini h scores of former adherents and Phrvnil osabeJckWit in June. Seventy-five of this num- oot fie0 h M o- members of the church, and Ai s Tiiere Passed awav in Bowman .. o Bwnvile ber were new pupils who wereiigeaCoAtrashtsn- expected that a record crowd willvilHopa nFrdSetbr tasting schoolra hor siglifel Hforal nthedafirstbe tatie sho lf o this trin..t song the gathering was called to turn out for the services and the -2nd.Arthur Henrv (Dick) Scobeli, Hicks' dahwstescn -i orer ad MistGrtarMndayspecial fowl supper and entertain- a ifong resident of Bowmanvilc tragedyinneailinoedy ________andMiss_________ arlierinmtne ay, Beerly M At the school on Wednesday read a short address and present- mnEnMna.E ~ . yadafînla n oua iie tartae 2 f ooto a was Inspector C. F. Cannon of ed Betty with a white gold wrist During the summer extensive of the town. His death was the kle hnhsml ao a Oshawa, who replaces Col. E. E. watch on behaif of the gatherîng. alterations have been made to the culmination of a long pcriod of ili- C. V. Charters kle Snider of Port Hope. A recent Refreshments were in the forin of building. An addition has been ne.D.Ca.T al iess natientiv borne, and it came on Publisher of the Brampton Con- dard wau rte-nlw o change made Col. Snider Inspec- Cecil F. Cannon a weiner roast. The remainder of erected at the west end, with a President of the College of Mis- the 33rd annivcrsary of bis mar serator, who also hoids the office:Hicks, an telaerwsohi tor for East Durham and part of Inspector of SoutblOntaro, wfh evenîng was spent in singing new vestibule entrance at the sions at Hartford, Conn., and one jri gc. sa breiiBran vf g1rcro n andthdancing, when. Fa amosthapaeasanouh noraih-westancorner.gwhThe madditionat ofrBowemanorieriehs aditto distin-nvManas Dsttdfsith oçMtoabringiechos fmothern-tawaher noOhw npcoas ae evening was enjoyed. provides an added seating capac- guished native sons, who on Fni- Mr. Scobell on-i-lawsnfuerinwhe thesec on, WsaDuam.setr as ae with the opening of the faîl terin a st Saturday employees of the ity of about 30%. Anlother feat- day was made an honorary men- ill.tcedstsna aert XVI- adian Weekly Newspapers Asso- onddetocurd Asarsi ovrWestarrament have not becomes Inspector also for West local Hollingshead plant present- ure is the installation of new in- ber of Bowmanvilie Rotary Club. lialii Scobeli. and Eleanar Hutche- ciation. Much of the success of ofa these ti acdnt r. td been made by the Counicil for the Durham, inciuding Bowmanville. led Miss Snowden with a beautiful dividual seating. The choir loft He is the third man to be sa hon- '011, on Jilv l2th, 1869. He wvas the recent Weekly NewsDapers a ra ost bt ubn n start of shopwork and domestic Mr. Cannon paid his first official travelling bag as a token of their has been enlarged, and the organ ored. other honorary members'e(lucated in Bowmanvjllc sehools 1 Convention in~ Vancouver was dueabrte wihn tetfor scie ce, rincpal homp on i vist t Bo~ manvlle n ths ca bes wis es.may be arranged around the or- Rt. Rev. A. L. Fleming, D.D., Lord was enîpfloved with the Dominion is one of Canada's outstanding was also ad i h T r no ta planning to introduce these cours- pacity on Wednesday. He is a gan. The church floor bas been Bishop of the Arctic. 'Organ and Piano Company. ln Sel*. weekiy pubishrs es in a modified form this year. Past President of Oshawa Rotary rse hrefe, n e bs-116leeîiselii u 3t Bta-____________ nteCurietagd ti providing ot course a smaii Club. B.H.S N teen_________teuldn.__in_____n xpdtinayF c eiee amount of money is availabie __________ .Tewoeitro a een re- salation of a huge storage anciet a iad0hrelel Among those registered at the fel asleepa h he.Bt froin the Sehool Board. Present Tde . dcro hsbter. neniene eaigly- ad nt - t Hk d Pearson were row plans caîl for J. H. Johnston to Why Your Paper is Lat. B. H. S. again starts another deorated, and the church will be tern Anentre ew eatng for %çervice in F rance. 1 Summer School of Missions at icks anit teacb Agriculture, Donald Ptlrdy ____ year trying to teach the lads and gîven added dignity by the in- tem bhas aiso been placed in theHewsmrido pnbr21,thOtaoLde'Cleg Wt-fmtg to teach Crafts, and Miss M. Arch- lassies of Bowina.nville and dis- saTto ftre eoilwn hrc. fteipoeet s10,to'isEil .Bgwoiy ls ekwr hs rmtedt etateach Home Economics. TThe cost of the Th improvementsc his tfg190ointohMswsslEdjtbs V.theugg, endo x'byelastrewee$3,5ereanthoseivfroin. the ddstcct, but EPearsonkeescapedn equipinent suggested by the de- wiIl receive their papers a day Soin e of the pupils have graduat- h memor aMs Lly raowoi hv rahe inc lr Mr. Scobeli was a trnmbler ai the Miss Margaret Wood, Mrs. C. W. died of aboe ek n h partment for these courses will late this week due to several de-,. romn the sehool but there are Sodnwowskle nata ger suin had it nat been for the Canadian Legion and an adherent of Slemon, Mrs. Ross Pearce, Miss car wastoaydmosed not be available but much of the laying occurrences. On account new ones and others left ta carry . acdent h s edars a.The work, a great deal of which has St. John's Anglican Church. Besides Vesta Spargo, Mrs. Clinton Lun- Dr. V. H tryo omn groundwork and theoretical part of the Labor Day holiday there on the high traditions and honours gic acdnb m ersao he been done by nestdm br h wo.lii uvvdbyhe eMss agrtHthnonvleC offB.H.eS.wxndo is bing paced er iteresed mmbersbismorow. ie issurvied bvthreeney, iss argart Huthinso, vile, Conty Croner has rder of th subectscan e taght. was uch mre tan te orrnar -B..S. usband. Anather is in memory of the congregation. brotiiers, Lt.-Col. S. B. Scobeiliaif Bowmanville, and Mrs. W. E. Be- ed an inqetrn nivsia At the High Sehool the regis- amaunt of work crawded into two ThHS-NrhPrupnJmsSoel fe fNwate sad tf hne eeanue ae rs eie nti ekfortunate in having three new ad- placed there by his son, R . WieteaculMpeGoeOttawa, and Cecil Scabeli f aiT- e fNwate ntematm ero a e said. Staff chanestwee anounc- apero reiss declhidd orthsbwekditions ta the staff. They are isStevens. The third window is in congregation dates back fnr saine ralia; also twa sisters, 'Mrs. Archie Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Dale, R- leased o ailo$5O. ed ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~l Matweadteol te o t nui oia rbek aur h stahn iss memary of the late Chester Pow- years before the building of the Geikie of Fart William anîd Mrs. W. chester, N.Y., and Dr. Clark Dale, tem o fnte rst is.The retuni a dawns de qui r overla y Te T.;Mr. Longworth who is teach- er, and is paced there by the late first church, it was not until De- J. Hoar ai Bowmaniville. Niagara FFasîls, NYmof., were holiday If youand would be poputlar makeh iste chng irs' . re oldayIfyo expects the registration ta be a Statesman wiil be isgued Thurs- ing French; and Mr. Lucas who is Mrs. Power who left a sumn of cember 29, 1872, that the first Despîte the iact that the funcrai guests of Mrs. W. F. Dale, King 1athers blee byknwmr litie igbr. t i abut qua tadaymoringas sua net wek pecîaiizing in matbematics. If money ta the church in memory church was opened and dedicated was private rnany iriends were pre- Sre.Ita o o little hgher. Itis abou first tday impressionssualmean wanv-sof ber husband. Mrs. Power's 'by Bishop Richardson of the Me- sent at the obseqluies in the North- las yar ad sbsqunty.thing this trio should be a gratmermarial gift has also pravidedithodist Episcapal Church. Prior ctitt & Smnith Funcrai Chapel onG asset ta our already efficient gsaff the new seating. ita that tin-e the congregation met Suniday afternoon. His rectar, Rev. - p r to Staesm n N wc stl W rterGies or he-B.H.S.- Th hich isement t h le in the school houses at Maple C. R.' Spencer, M.A., conducted the Treater Co-O eain i e d d Frtefirst time in severai churh ih will be used as a Graead Base Line, aiternately. serice and spoefeigya i'~f R ' F sia yearssanisecantly ForiniveSunday Shoi mdr nevery In veOthe Darlingtan Circuit eaîinliî ih dcaed v L a r liU I Ex iition which is filled ta overflowing. way. In connection with the base- formed cansisting of congrega- casket ,vas banked with mnanv iovelyJ Im r sin f T i o E hbDue ta the number of third year ment there is a modern icetosinEnsiin aieGae lrltibut es frani relatives and _______________ I p e so s o T ptostudents there will be twa 3rd complete wth built.n cupboards, Baaile f paandMounteVenoThere and A;ncllding:ne frofSthdu evY Fom wih il einte et ijLrnnn wgerator. heprong wsloaeda E-LerasnThnbe f ome e I Ana HarrM .Pac a us at!]a Dr. Evn rm England who end of the new addition. Another refrigeaor avatories for bath niskiilen, and the first minister 1vrkers ini the Organ Factory. I e,1h ean stv DiR. etr Lceon OXet wa oerHee studying Canadian surprise this year is the number men and women have beeni was Rev. R. B. Denike, who after Pailbearers were F. C. Hoarý . EvrywhereI ed frNwate o Press Day - Sees Mini- .impressed by aIl he had seen. In subjects under the supervision of suppiy is arranged with the in- (otne npg )W ecl .B et .R es yD orsn r ody - Pbi f ptal. si ehdbena tdnstaigCmeca saldi hyuidn n ae lake, F. C. Pethick and Gea:' W.II odllIntd ture Carved Village the eOf modern equipinent of 1 Mr. Ainslie.1Jae nlrn, .d!ithc _____ al.kinds Canadian bospitais he -B.H.S.- inur anaft. owielter. oe usoar a th xistonwas nad seen were ahead of those in Behind the guns is the efficient tced thrwanoigdin Itussesafwwekao Thi coreponen wa aanglieedtbe dd g k see bRev.D .a d M rs. R. .famiîsy patii oiniviî Cr e ~ui Da a th xibton has (By Newcastle Correspondent) Great Britain, althougbh le be- guidance of Principal Dippel. He Among those attending frani ut Thneregio ndhere a ohagdoa try te urbmCutsMscFsi the 86,000 persans in attendance there with what they bad and the forms ta seat all the pupils. a kyode yeuulflg nv ra y bell. North PruinMr.adMr at it for a coupleo erbtte o h at the Canadian National Exhibi- perbaps worked as bard as Cana- He arranges and re-arranges the Jae c pi n, r. and rs.t vdnl aentth er a ypann tion on Press Day, Sept. 2nd. I dians, especiaily in August! time table tbousands of turnes satwM.Cci cblM.~ again until there is a more settled na uia vn.Ti a was priviieged also ta be a guest From the people the Doctor bad ta vrbd a aeth u ahr.g Hl t ebration were, their son, Wilfred Airs. Dawson, Mr. and Mrs.H. state aifai fairs, in reference ta brass brougbt t u tetinwt h of the President and Directors of seen and met be had came ta the jects they want as weîî as take Faiily . G oweaad rs owes ar- ndron M.Stnly uchsoplIayers such as night shifts and anucmn fte ana the C.N.E. at noon iuneheon in conclusion that Canada had the the ones they bave ta. Above ahl Home of Former Victoria ' broken practices for sanie sections, meeting o hsognzto ab the Administration Building where pick of the Empire in manhood he sees that everytbing is running Chnelra as a BWesht i, theanformerN.Ea b roPoto.Pedrrv. H .Hths Crhghtellovr ad Mrs. N. E.Poroto. nd rv. H .Htceo whicb is not canducive for compet- beld atNe ateCo uiy we heard the guest speaker, W. F. and womanhood. This seemed ta smootbly and witbout any disturh- BweDxe h omrabo inwr rfril dacmn al o Prendergast, Assistant ta the Pre- appiy ta all classes. He congrat- ances. Our Principal is ta be con- ofl Suxday ther of Dr. Bowles; Mr. and Mrs. aienwrkiankndscaspm sident of the Imperiai Oul Coin- ulated the President on the ideal gratulated on the capable and S.W.isn ehnth atrSD W L S I om evecortsor engagemnt s. Tisisaaublc eein a pany and a former newspaper situation of Exhibition grounds. diplomatie way be handles things. Rv r n rs .P oiS.. a sîso tbebie;.an d Mlttr s REPKI ED hore conilceti or ngiatemontsrn-.oTy reiviesw ar ubi man, give a refreshing talk ta the !The statement that he bad neyer -B.H.S.- tev.fore anceil R P or E etu s J. C. Devite brid;.ande hefr-.fCisatrleralfrwesle hc hundreds of press representatives ;seen anything ta surpass the îay- Bowmanviilehul ofari tefrmsCanelrbouid .C.Dvtt omavle tego-T * R P IED r far ecin i h o inri-Conya In y tblecopanonSan ot o te fowe bds nd hethe sporting world this year as of Victoria Coilege, on Sunday. mer being a brother of the bride; tula aiid any amie vho a t playspîrîted anitesedntha- In y abl cmpaio, Sm ou ofth flwe bes nd tbth are a number of athietes Sept. 4th, celebrated the 5tb an- Harry Bowies, Lester M. Green, 1 Under tbe supervision of Coun- lus part îîropler3v is a hinderance vancementaddvlpeta Wilsn, ditr a th Wetonbeaty f ciorng n te dsigs, andf eaming athietes in the school. nîversary af their marriage at Mrs. Ed Pearson, Vaugban Pear- 1cihior Jack Gunn, Chaîrman of anîd slould bc sbelved. Tlîat was music initvaosbrnh. Times-Guide, we soon found saine would piease the park officiaIs, fTeeaenmru ciiisi their home on the shores af Lake son, aIl of Toronto; Dr. and Mrs.'the Roads and Street Committee du m u oiio ra in The musie etvlmvmn a tapies of mutual interest, as for T'the arrticueturisactiandilandscapeinhîcb sbownhphenomenal grawtb&asiat quainted with Rev. F. H. Mason, Ciark bas on different occasions'end F. First there is tbe Traek As the anniversary was on a Sun- and Mrs. Win. Hanna, Bethany; progress in haying new sidewalks cauld rat plav lus Part wvas assign- munity an hoeitecuty former rector af St. George's . brougbt ta the attention of New- an ield Meet whicb wihl pick day the ceebration waý ai a quiet Mr. Edgington, Woodstock; Rich- in severai sections of the town. cd a niinor Part or laid off. EveryWibteeainaiusene- wasch a Nsowicanted r.Wih Mm.be auienofex hi oti P ark the entrants ta campete in the in- nature witb only relatives and ard and Patsy Bowhes, grandcbil- Work was eommenced on Tuesa icne m h o trhasi Was ery eoli ubm i a but oî met atWhity onFmi-closefrieds pesen. A uffe dre: Bary Hal aiMîmîa, ad j n thesout sid ai ing tree auitlieredic athe tlis uvs obaincd'broght ut msica talnt i ChuchNecasle Mm Wisa csti adiece th hrtiul terchtheBaset .luncheon was served and a huge Rowel Bowles ai Toronto. at Corbett's corner, and the men cfîiciemicv. ta and Mrs. C. C. Grubbe, one of the! it gave one a new tbrilî ta bear day, Sept. 23. Whitby is now in wed ck a u yteiDrn h ann evc natrbettokin erigts50ant tatinechîdre dgre neertbgh fine aId families ai Weston. he la Britisher express bis admira- possession oaitwinning the most bridfiftycae as agut bthe l'the itte on-enninaevtci on arime w rafic or bsisa s nnec-ta fa1r itlecoe oi sile. rof0 hiutua said. The Statesman frequently ithon, for the schooi onn h otbieo ft er gwt h teltl o-eoir ia1ipd rfi rbuiesunc etr ftecmeiino osbe repors th preenceai M. an Thespeaer sid h hadbeenevents, but tbis year Bowmanville assistance of hem husband. Froin 'church at Caesarea, wbicb was essariîy. The Utihities Commission Tbursdlay %vas the nuuuber of boys' developmen n prcauno reors hepesnc o r.an Te pakr ai e adbenis out ta regain what they lost nany parts of Ontario and the ýconducted by Dr. Bow'ies, he and pravided $ 1,000 sa that the boule- bands. bath iuternediate anîd juveui- good musiisntcaeinery Mrs. Gubbe at the home of hem impressed by the railways and îatya.Wst messages ai congratulations Mrs. Bowles were presented by yards in th uiesscto ib l.every loal ulcgteîgo rotP.Fh Ger-in-iw and iersm.andihofa Canada. They were cap- -B.H.S.- and good wises were received. the congregation with a beautiful be paved, and Coutcil in its estim- Ini Class A the Chathami Kilties entertainmetweemui ly Mrs.~~ P.F erseo ievra le of accomnodating a popuîa I ei ansteeisrgy Aogtoeatenigteci oqe.ates provided saine money for lband won f irst place; the Scots bandsubalreadiptntat ashs ektion ten times as large as ours, witb B.H.S. entering a Senior sidewalk repairs. Sidewalks are ai Ggtwnto sc .fl n on the progan Editor Geo. W. James of The 'rhat is vision! .ereo~ita ea~,aî Greatercopato is eee Candin taesanwa a te Ohe gess t hehuchonand a Junior teain in the Inter- in such a dephorabie condition, Oweni Sound baud (iirst last year) ta carry teee neesgîa CanadianStatesma was at heCouneiliorestGunnthsaidhethathbeastook tlîird erelace Cthislyear.unaiaiproducing othishiannuace musicalr head -table not far froin Mayor !were the sportsmen pilots ai the scbastic L te agu. The aid Our English Letter wouîd ike ta spend a great deai forou Raiph Day af Toronto anid other fieet ai flivver aiplanes, bath Oshababbynbe the usuai Midgetatand distinguislied guests.i Bantain teains for the younger .~~~,,mare on this work, but he intends sîw aî gîito us etr.W hrfr pelt Sitin nct a ayo Dy ~'a i (Continued on page 7) lads. After Christmas basketbali Ul ~ L 5M V V I E however ta stay xithin the es- Place tlîis vear as it did last v'ear citizens inonadcutyt Sitn ett ao a vsstarts with two boys' teains and THE BEVEL EYLL 13IATERS timates. w itliNfr. 1. Broadbeuît as Canduc- Iend their upr n aso two girls' teains likehy to bcencm- tar. Tliere wvere fouir or f ive bauds your williessb igt h tered in the league. These are the ByMiss Isobel Stephenson iAbutnatymmbrsaiBo- loeler tiire mreetbys idynigbt fier îîeeet Editor and Family Enter tained b mfor tos buto attr pa-adforoeasagr hn oca a hebakaith oue.M. oun ormeI ns f tut e a it goug soue r tlîis Dominios a ih y there are aîways inter-fomin gaines manville Women's Institute were bauds broi as bar as Quebec, Miolît- ed, financilsaeetpeetd fo toe h wntt Da-adpleasantly entertained by the Vie- real, Kitcheier nauîd Ottawa auudAthat plans for199ad ewslau 1' i I Si

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