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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Sep 1938, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8TH, 1938 MARY ROBERT j$DOCTOR"&ýYIEHR CHAPTER XL an escape frorn grim realty. Now !semetbing te pick you up, xil you Chris carried on, altbeugb those once again tbey bad te face it. take it? I first few weeks of bis return were And se Jerry Arnes came home, 0f course, but I'm all right, disheartening eneugb. Mis pri- catapuited eut of the blue skies reliyý." vate practice was scattered, and wbere at last be had found hlm- Doctor and patient, he tbougbt there were days wben ne one self, rnissing bis wings like a dis- las he went eut te bis car. AlI came te either office and be had I possessed angel. Ne more for hlm those months of rememberiflg that net a caîl te make. If he tbougbt1 the rising at dawn while the mist ast night before be sailed, and of Beverhy in those eariy days, it'lay tbick on the ground and the new he was sending ber cod-iiver was te put ber away again, defin- mecbanics were shadows moving oil! Mis mouth xvas tigbt as be itely and f inahhy; the easier since ! about along the field; ne more the drove througb the gates. Tbey his immediate prebhems were once 'Ahh rigbt, fellows. Let's go." No bad been dloser wben he could more pressing. Me found te bis more the climbing inte the plane, drearn of ber in France than nowi sheck and surprise that Katie bad rý the roar ef the propeller, the tbey could ever be when face te flot only spent bis Army pay, but: sweep and lift, and at last the face. Yet driving down the ilîl1 ail the reserve be bad left for good eartb below hlm and the 'that day, be knew that the bondi ber in the bank; and before long, better skies above. No more tbat between'thern was as strong as1 he began te realize that she xvas feeling that be and bis sbip were lit bad ever been. Stronger, for also deeply in debt and xvas con-! one, loafing above the poor devils now they were man and woman, cealing it from hlm.1 beneatb, then lifting on and up, and the romance of the early days1 "I don't knew wbat you mean,: on and up, eyes alert, every cloud bad developed into somiething1 Chris. I baven't any bills'." she a possible ambusb, but for alrnucb deeper; the controlled andt said, looking frigbtened. 'Il have that, freedem, the complete free- carefulhy concealed but passion- a few, et course, but they can dem of the air. Maybe a dog- 'ate love of two people who were3 wait. There's ne hurry." fight then, playing tag with the'jnnately decent.5 "I have te keep my credit good. enemy. Me groaned inwardly. Wbat did% This new car et yours _- s it "I knew that dodge. Try this ýpeol oudr sucb conditions?a paid for?-' one" Tbey went on, be supposed. Andi "Net entirely. I stil owe seme- Somewhere te go then, witb a'Beverly, geing slowly back te bers thing on it." ývengeance. Me wouhd laugh, there vigil by Jerry's bed, was tbinkingt She brougbt hlm a few bis alone in bis ship. What did he rnuch the sarne thing. She satr then, but it resulted in bis going care? What the bell did be care? down quietiy, watching the mans upstairs finally and conducting This was living, sport, adventure , on the bed. She dld net blarnec an intensive search. Me foundý "Get on bis tail." "Smart felhow, bhim. She felt toward hlm as sheg therw everywhere, stuck away in that one." Letting go a burst of .mîght have felt toward a way- r hatboxes, some under ber mat- fîre, mîssîng, trying agaîn. Once ward son, and wben at hast bea tress, a few in ber desk. The or twice a bit et iuck, and then stirred and opened bis eyes, she9 total appalled hlm, but she was the slow, easy retumn te the field, ieaned forward and put ber handt over ber frigbt then and furlous- the landing, then men at the on bis ferebead . That roused hlm, ly angry. mess, plenty te eat and pîenty te and be lay looking up at ber eut "Mow dame you go into my drink. Sornebody playing a bat- of sunken, bleodsbot eyes. roem and throw everytbing tered piano, and the crowd sing- "I'r non goed, Bey. I neyer wills about?"Ilîng. be. Wby don't you leave me?" V "Youm room?" Twr h n bywr h "I'r nont leaving you, Jerry.h "Well, it's been my room. It most ai replacements, but Jerry We'ra e ltigtheut toethe r."- isn't my f ault that you chose te Amnes' îuck heîd. Misoufanc relaxed, and. e a go away, is it? Yeu didn't even Then suddenîy lit was vr and se et and caugt, benrmands. Me figbt. You enly-" on the ship coming home that Hept af terthatdanormhai sineep "That's enough," he toid ber, spring Jerry tk up a cigarette Mhe was stih hodindber hand, and white but stili quiet. "It is your in a dark cabîn and was unable he was caed Banhd i beoeS room frorn new on.lil sleep in te put it in bis moutb. Me tried mbe.wakenes But he lcd idnetb Dick's old rorn." svrltmsadte tukahmve.tnisnwasbySe p l, bsdep "And maybe you think that wiîî sever andtines and thenutruck a hrlmand ing. Sewol tnv break my heart!" she said. "Only frightened. Btew a rlavn iewn te whlm. i don't expect me te corne crawling "Mw uc haeyubn Agnse ettehe idw back te yeu, Chris Arden. î'rn drnkun?" aked he shp's ec- and iooked down over the cityg through with that." dikn? se h hpsdc lights. Mow often she bad stoedn Me moved bis things that night tor. there, staring down at the ailan- t his chothes, even bis uniforrn witb "Like the rest. Plenty." thus tree and beyond it te the Ji the caduceus on the collar. Then "Welh, I could make a better ligbts from the bhast furnaces. But k and without se much as a goed- nervous system than you'v gt now the aihanthus tree was gene, i night he siarnmed the deor on eut of a spool of tbread and a few and thglk the e f hearhe that back room and îeft ber:.buttons, my lad. You'îî have te asetlg hike the peace f deat there. îay off. Lyoffrgod ' el hanetd evrsthe andilîs. a Looking back afterward, Chris ing youayof fr oe, m ei tSe nd Chris.nSetnd Jerry. was neyer able te say j ust why Me did îay off for thereaid- WerrtCryisng ettyingthnegan- and bow he had tound bimself in er et the voyage and even fo a ser. Mowayng Jeerryin e grni- this position or in that. The strings short tirne thereafter. Me was dneiow and demer.inedly smd i- which had moved hlm puppet dead coîd seber when Beverîy met ing iteromadi the cmr.Setmned 0 fashion weme ahways invisible. hlm in New Yomk, but sb ack te ofhem dressmng adlenhe mir- c But he was te see Katie that worled when she saw hlm. Me, rer faetredre staled she at3 night deliberately destroying any îeoked thin and wemn, and tb ei' a e, tnied andostraie.heb pride of achievement be migbt were new ines etcbed on bis fac.teas beginningt lokhie be ih bave had, and te wonder eut Of Me greeted ber cbeerfuîîy, b mothder, i se Jthougbt. T he, thi bis later knowledge whetbem it ever, and after bis usual tashien. 'd redun cselfJerry needed er was net something rather pitiful "Hello, there. And bow's the osherbe hslf ae downahrdci after ahi; an attempt te pull hlm gon?" er e. hs aStIe e down te hem own level, and per- gir î 'm so gîad you're ah] hewssillig h nteh had th neyer ioved e. That be right!"' darkness wben Jerry came into 1: wod neer ral love ber. Mis h "Thats ahi rigbt, Bey. Thats'the reom, a shaky and pallid Jer- hi was devr ea by oeningbut great. For beaven's sake, dont ry, but with determination in bis anger wsda ymrig u cry. Frm bere. I'rn fine and dan- eyes. Me came straight te ber bed sa bis resohution remained. In a w1,ay dy. Mow about going somewhere 1 he was relieved. But she had done, and stood iookîng down at ber h- one desperate thing te him. She: tonigoht ut tonight. Jerry? tsb e. f tBe?" t had éost hlm bis faitb in bis work Yo1edrsdnt~e?î'ehk ht siBy dting the war. ,r -Ind iet ntake care t like She turned, sat up. "I'm tired, if * * * * otaecae fYO i Jerry. Thats all." 'ih Thewa ws eerfo for ilyvu'Ih let me. You look se tired." -You xerent sleeping?" al Th wrwa oe fr or i- "Tired? Me" Me grinned. "No.' sl lion men. Rather less than hait "I've had thetie et my lite. Who "Then lets have this eut." Me hi of tbem bad been te France, but, won the war? Jerry won it, mY! sat down on the side ef ber bed, si ail of tbem there bad been threugh; girl, with bis litthe batchet." 1 feeble but entireiy sober. "I'm like dE a disorientation that made the e- They went eut that night and1 this, Bev. You know it. I haven't v turn te normal 111e difficuit. For itbe next, and others wbicb fol- 'a camouflage lef t. I'm stripped te months or years they had obeyed1 lowed. For a week or twove bewas tesi.Doyuwn t oo orders, rarely tbinking for tben-! careful. Then one evenlng be with it, or de you want te quit? t] selves. Mostly tbey had been camne int e oelronhriIDont think about me; think about dE young, and if tbey bad tougbt,!articuhate and barely able te oref o'eyug fyuq chaey adc pame Te whad been d, . got rid et me, you'd be better off, ha chnc am. h wr a bensýeorry, od girl," he said tbîck- and you knew it." hi -ly. "Met a few et the old crowd. "I told you I was standing by, ar Got te drink it up befere Prohi-Jry pe Prohbitin coes.""I den't want that," he said sti Ten bis knees slowly buckled ougbly. "I don't want a nurse. th BA CK A H E? nderhimand he went down like I'm net se temibly eld myself, as Kîdneys that are net elininating waste a stone. famr as that gees, and I've paid a ba aatter as they should will make yo She got hlm home as seen as be price already for semething that's kr feel miserable -ache y -tired, de- was demobilized. Moimes was at over and done. I want a wife, net qu preseed! If auffering from backache, the door, and ber father in the a sister et mercy." kr broken rest, rheumatic pains, you needi hall. Luckily it was one of Jerry's "I've told you-" the 8 medicinal ingredients in Gin Pis 'geod days, and he passed Staun- "î'm net blaming you. Maybe wl te help your kidneys filter eut trouble- ton'ls scrutiny fairly well. But I'm excusing myseif, and God inaking toxins. Get a box of Gin Pille that nigbt be drank the better k n o w s you've been telerant hi *oday.part et a quart et wbiskey, and enougb. I suppose I don't want mi 1 ho lay in a stupor fom twenty-tour tolemation; tbat's ahi." e heurs. Toward the end she be- "Jerry," she said steadiiy, "I thi came trigbtened and sent for want you te tell me one thing. an Chris, but Jerry was ceming eut Just one thing. Do you came for ne ef bis coma then. me at ail? Realhy, I mean. I've sit "Heul be ail rigbt, Beverly. neyer been sure. I'm net sure le This tirne acyhexv. But et course new." lef IP L Shet ant go on like this." "Certainly I care. I always FOR THE 'Me's been threugh a lot, Chris. bave cared." i j Me doesn't talk about it, but I can 'You came, but you've net been tc jk-jS. faithful, Jerry. I don't under- lat hYs, said absently. "But stand it. I suppose ne woman ever ai "Prvether entthout 2nelz aý it's net easy te taik about, is it? dees. Perbaps it 15 different with foi "Prvethir ert hroghthuse" ow about you?" be said abrupt- a man. 1 dont know." de ly. "You look tired. If I send you "Diffement?" Me sbrugged bis __________________________________________________shoulders. "Technically, yes, my Hc _________________________________________________dear. A weman is still a good ha woman if she marries one mac ti RONDTRP AI TAVL ARAISwhie she is in love ihaoer ROUND TRIP RAIL TRAVE BAR AINSTbat'sîit- sn'tît? Whieaman-" no ao a »& Mlu oiçaE o PU 'r jl Sept. 16 and 17 - TO - WINDSOR, ONT. $6.70 DETROIT, MiCHi. Equally low fares from ail adjacent C.N.R. Stations. Ask for handbill and complete information f rom Agents. T250 CANAD IAN P A C 1F1C CHAPTER XLI A few days later Jerry was drunk again, and after two or three experiences of this sort Bey- erly sent for Chris and told him the story. "I don't blame hlm, Chris. But he's killing bimself. "What can I do?" And then suddenly all her re- serves were down, and she was sobbing wildly on his shoulder. "I can't hear it, Chris. I've reach- ed my limit. And now to have to cal on11you!" Me brought Jerry home some tinie toward merning, a Jerry who centused hlm with the Military Police and get in severai good blows before he was subdued. And it was Chris wbo sat the rest of the night beside the bed where Jerry lay in a stupor. Me sat there, bis chin on his hand, wait- ing for his hypodérmic to take effect and watching the man on the bed. It was a fine piece of irony, he thought, that the best he could do for Beverly now was to give ber a few hours of release; and to try to save for ber a man whom she had hiever loved. It was oniy the first of several it a. h a s n n d E g b it h ti e s a tI si m h nportant te hlm. At midnight distant battles, would tighten ber r later he would go back, occa- rneuth and keep eut of bis way. 3ionally te find the place lighted But be was still gentie in bis work and some of Katie's friends stili and usually indulgent with ber. Lere, but often te find it dark "Serry for the noise, my dear, 3ave for the ligbt in the hall. Ife but if yeu will give parties-!" weuld go upstairs then te Dick's For Katie was now carefully ld room, undress, rend for a building a life of ber own. Me did while, perbaps drop te sleep witb net blame ber. Me had less and his lamp still burning. But of per- less te offer ber. But as a result 3nal life he bad little or none. be had little or ne home life. Me He was an efficient working ma- would go back te the bouse te find -"l mma u,~uoeu ~ chine, more efficient than he had Does OUR S stem ever been, but that was ail. Work was coming in again af- M ake Excess A i? hc a nurse in the downtown of- Aci Inigetio, ColS, an with no nonsense about her, AcidIndgestonCold andeverything was grist that Headaches, Biltous Attacks, came to bis mill. If he hadi mis- Sgivings at times, he cudda Constipation a deep breath of takuns when a crisis was safely passed. O FTEN STARI THIS WAY B'ut bis responsibilities iay beavy on him. Sornetimes he failed- Some people are what are known u. "Not gods, but rnen"-and carried acid-makers. They can't help it--Gnd away *with him a bitter feeling of often they don't know it. The results failure and self-distrust. And of an exceissof acid rnay seem just like somnetimes he found a vîctîm of ordinary stemach trouble - but they inexpert surgery and was fiiled can't be put right by ordinary stornach wt rfudidgain remnedies! Excess acid may be the wit profouningnaheto. Te reason why you wake up flat, s "t' icein, h oie bleary-eyed, bilious - and the reason Lawrence. "These days any fel- why fierce purgatives only îe.ave you in low with a pair of rubber gloves the grip of a weakening habit and the thinks be can go into an abdo- same old symptoms. men!" But there's one thing that acid can't "Net into mine," said Ted face. That's the neutralizing power of cheerfully. "I'm holding onto my Vange Saits, the aikaline rernedy with organs with a deatb grip." the natural mineraI spa action. A tea- Chris' work was bis life now. spoonful in warrn water surges through Katie ran bis bouse well, aitho' your systemn just like the niedicinal she raged over bis irregular meals, spring water far away in England and, hooking back later, he was where Vange Salts corne froni. Excess to reahize that if she bad given acid is neutralized quickly, painlessly. hlm hittle of her,ehf, he had given Vour blood is purified of poisons. Your ber even iess of himself. Me couhd sore stomnach walls are soothed. And net travel two roads at once. Even that moass of bard, peisenous waste their hours rareiy coincided. Long matter lying in your intestines is before she was awake, be was up softened gently, noturally, and passed and on bis way te the hospital, eut of your body. Then do you feel and after he came in after she hadi good! It's marvellous! But the rnest gone to bed, closing the front marvellous thing is that Vange Saîts door quietly and smelling again are enly 60 cents a tin 1 At your drug. that persistent odor of mohd in the gist now-but if you're wise, on your hall wbich tohd bim that be was bathroomo sheif to.night I in bis own bouse again. It was in the autumn of 1921 that be finaiiy decided to give up bis general work. The nigbt bours such episedes. Sometimes Jerry were bad for bis surgery -be was missing onhy for a day. Again wouhd go into the operating room he wouici be host for a week, and tired, bis bands not tee steady - Chris wouhd comrb the city. for and one day be handed over bis hlm. He was a pathological case, general practice to Ted Lawrence. a psychopathic drinker. Chris "You won't keep them ail," he knew it, Beverly knew it, in time said. "But some of them will even Staunton Lewis realized it. stick." He grinned. "You're an It was only one aôaetion to ingratiating young devil, Ted. Staunton's rapidly mouniting trou- They'h hike yeu." bles, however. Me had overex- "I'm a demon witb the wom- panded during the war, and with en," saîd Ted medestly. its abrupt termination be found Together they ran dlown the sorne of bis great enterprise dan- list. Chrîs bad unlocked bis file, geroushy near the rocks. Late at and now be threw ôut on bis desk night Beveriy, waiting for Jerry the records, one by one. Me was te corne home, would see the tbrowing bis past overboard, and light under the study door and he knew it. Coid and detached as know that ber father was there. were bis case histories, through In the morning bis waste-basket each one ran bis hife bhood. Here wouid be fihhed with scratch pap- he had fougbt and won; bere he er, covered with bis small neat had lest. When be came te the figures. Me had built an empire, Henry Jamieson file, he sat gaz- and now it was crumblîng about ing at it wsth a revival of that him. old pain of bis. Menry's voice over Me lasted, bowever, tbrough the telephone, "She's dead, dec- bhat first year after the Armistice tor." And Katie in the Lewis and welh into the second. Then dining room, talking volubhy, one morning bis valet tapped at fhirting a bit with Jerry. Me his door and found bis roomn emp- crumphed it in bis hand. Ted ty. Me went into the batbroom, watched hlm. but Lewis was net there, and se "Ahi washed up, that one?" he notified Beveriy. It was net "All washed up." untii the bousé badi been searched In the end Ted gatbered up the bhat she remembered ber motber's records. "I don't need te tell you elosed roorn, and it was there that what I feil about this, Chris." bhe found hlm. Apparently be But Chris was carefully filhing îad been standing beside the bed, bis pipe. "Take care of them, Ted. because wben bis beart gave eut, That's alh. Most of tbem are fri- he hadi fahien across it. ends ef mine, ll miss them, I She did net calh fer hehp. She suppose. Surgery's a detached saw at once that be was dead, sert of tbing; new you see them, hadi been dead for heurs, and s0 and new yeu don't. It's a phurn- for a iittle wbile she left hlm ber's jeb." there on Annie's bed. It was as Me retaîned bis effices in the if those two, se long separated in bouse, but only eut of sentiment ife, were new united again. Prob- and for emergencies. Mis werk as .bly be had corne there often, consultant was done in the dlown- lipping in at night when the town office, wbere be now bad a Louse was quiet and standing be- secretary. She sat at a desk in side that bed, perbaps even wan- the waiting room, handling the .ering about the room as be had telephene, watching bis appoint- while ber mother still lay there. ments; a spinsterisb young wo- Beverly stoed by the bed look- man wbe brought ber lunches in ig dlown at him. Strange, she a box and wbo kept bis books and thought, that he badi allowed sent eut bis bills. death te unrnask hlm. In bis own Me was becoming an important ueer fashion be must always local figure, and bis reputation have loved ber mother, even built was spreading. Doctors eut in the his success in order te be import- country began te send him cases, nt te ber. It had been bis cern- and now and then be went hlm- pensation for bis srnallness of self te some remete spot when the stature, bis' earhy poverty. And patient couid net be rnoved. 'cen he had lest ber. Sometimes the cases came te Beverly ieaned over and put a hlmn from tbe outlying districts; and on bis armn. "I tbink she a stretcher flat on the floor of knows now, Father," she said the baggage car, and some weary uietly. "Perbaps she always did country doctor sitting on a box know." beside it. One day Chris stood She was still there, very calm, on the platform and saw a gray- xhen Molmes found ber. faced man getting eut. She was stîll very calin wben "My son, Doctor," he said, "and is will was read. It badi been -ny wife is praying for you and made during the great days of bis for hlm." rnpire, and what with bequests, It was touch and go, that case, 'e endowment for the laboratory, but Chris fought it doggedly. The id a stilh larger sum te build a picture of that unseen woman was iew and modemn bespital on the bebind everytbing be did, and in àte of his bouse and grounds, she the end be-or sbe-won. Me feit earned that there would be little exhausted after it, but triumph- eft. ant. It dicd net matter greatly te ber. -Well, I guess we've turned the VIeney neyer hadi been important trick!" bo er. But wben a day or two "Yes, with the help of God." ter she tried te dismiss Moimes Me went te the train himself ind he refused te go, she wept wben they started back, father mm September 12-13.14 AN ADVANCE SHOWING of the New General Electric * RADIOS NE au REFRIGERATORS ES -- WASHERS Direct from the Canadian National Exhibition DON CHRISTIAN ELECTRIC SIMCOE ST., N. OSHAWA OPEN EVENINGS C A NA DI1A N NA TION A L b er eut, or te find a crowd there, the inevitable clinking upstairs of -higbbail and cocktail glasses and ice, and the loud sound of veices. Wben he appeared, as he sorte- times did, tbey neyer acceptec hlm. Once again he frightenec tthem, apparently. Me could net -play their light game of give and 7take, the casual ieve-making anc ;increased tippling after the war. Yet there was nothing in his rface or carniage te ruggest that hi -deait in life and deatb instead ef 1stocks and. bonds. CHAPTER XLHI Chris belonged te clubs now, ahthough be bad iittle tirne for them. Wben he- couhd steal an heur or two, he played golf, anc after bis late rounds at the hos- pitai be joined the poker garni downstairs. Me was a member of the College of Surgeons, tee, go- 1ing te their meetings, listening in- tently te the Mayes, te Crule, to Cushman, te alh the big Men. The war bad seen the final end of the isolation theory in surgery. Once or twice, tee, he went to a convention of the Arnerican 1Medical Association. Watching sorne of the older men there, hi found themn philosophical ratber than eager, as if, havîng failed tc rationalize the human race as to care of the body, they had finally recegnized its supreme îdiecy anc lest hope. Yet he knew that mest of tbern were still practical ideal- ists, dedicated te what was at once a profession, an art, a sci- ence, and a career of service, of- ten witbout hope of reward. Wbat other profession labored se con- stantly te put itself eut of busi- ness, be thought? Or paid se hig- a price? And this was the road be hirnself was te travel. It was the next year that he took off Scott's armn at the shoui- der. Me had tried te save it, but the time bad corne when there was nothing more te be done. Me sat by trie bed until the anesthetic wore off, and Scott's first words *were cbaracteristic. "Suppose I won't bave te wear that damned sling any more, Chris?" "«No. No sling, Scott." Now and then be saw Beverly, but it hurt hlm te see J'er, and be did net want te suffef any fnore. Me was armored against that, tee. But semetimes in the night he would realize that it had net been necessary; that none of it had been necessary; and, remember- ing that lest letter of bers, he would figbt an impulse te go into Katie's room and choke the truth eut of ber. It was at that time, three years after bis return from France, that Ted Lawrence, doing well by then in internal medicine, went te Katie about hlm. "Me can't go on like this, Ka- tie," be said. "Mow long is it since he's had a vacation? Why don't you talk te hlm?" "Talk te hlm!" she said. "Try it yourself. Me wouidn't listen te me, anybew." "Me'll break, as sure as God made little fishes." But she was unconvinced. Chris was streng, and if be chose te put bis work before anytbing eise - She sbrugged, and Ted inspected ber, ber short hair, ber cigarette, ber skirts revealing legs ne long- er shender. "See here, Katie," be said.1 "Chris isn't happy. Me isn't even comfortable. You know why, probably better tbaxî I can guess. But he's a decent chap. Wby don't you make hilm happy? Why don't you make an effort te bold hlm? He's the faithfui sort, if you give hlm a chance." She laugbed shortly. "Faitb- ful! I don't behieve it. What about the war? What about the heurs rie's shut in bis office witb all sort of women? They faîl fer hlm, y'ou know. Me's the sort te attract tbem. All wemen faîl in love .vith their doctors more or less, qon't they? You ought te know!" "That sounds like Bob Bar- rett," Ted said grimly. "Chris is a one-woman man. Don't make a baths, the enforced exercise, had >f mistake about that." their eff ect. He even began to eat d "And I dare say I'm not the again. He was popular, and in a 1woman," said Katie cll way contented. Now no longer Ted as clmy did he have to make his own de- Tdwsthoughtful when he, d left. He wondered, getting into IciSions, fight bis own batties. The d his car, whether Chris was stili institution mothered hlm. "Better Sin love wîth Beverly Ames. In, Put on your sweater. It's cold to- d that case, what? For Jerry's story day." He beigan to play, bridge dwas common property by that onl rainy days, tennis on better time. Those disappearances and ones. Beverly, coming regularly Is returns of his were a local scan- on visiting days,' began to feel e dal, although Beverly still carried that he did net want her there; of her head high and smlled her that she reminded him of an out- faint wistful smiîe. Onîy recently side world he wanted to forget Jerry had been picked up on the for the time. Yet he was proud of street and brought to the hospital her, of her beauty, her air of by the police and had been later breeding. ofound by a nurse on a fire escape, "Corne in, Sims. I want you to nabout to soar into the air on in- meet my wife." dvisible wings. But he was neyer sorry when ;_ They had moved him into a the time came for her to leave. eroorn with barred windows after Me xvould kiss her lightly and )f that. The hospital, going about its watch her go. o- business past the door, could see She feit relieved during those [_ Beverly there beside the bed. months, almost happy. She was * Sometimes she read to him. still hopeful when the tîme came *Sometimes she merely sat there for them to go home. And for *quietly while he slept, like a wo- two months he remained sober, man beside her dead. But Ted going to the office and facing for 0knew that she would neyer leave the f irst tm h iaca ho n Jerry. The war bad left him to of the Lewis businesses. Me would 9her, as definitely as if he had been i sit back in ber father's study, and emaimed, and she would look af- once again the wastebasket would ýr ter him. be filled with scratch paper cov- 0 She bad plenty to think of. The ered with figures. 0panic was still on, and the settle- "Of ahl the fool tbings to do, to yment of her father's estate had build and endow a bospital!" he dleft her with huge debts and an would say angrily. "And on this ;t uncertain income. The mills had property. It ought to be yours. If -closed down, and she would have we have te get out-" tto leave the big house soon, and "We will have to, Jerry. We -take a smaller one. But she told couldn't keep it up anyhow, could -Jerry none of this, sitting there we?" tbeside his bed and holding to his Wîhen the Board sent in the be- -hand, and feeling more alonethan lated blueprints for the new hos- she had ever known she coldpital buildings, he threw themn in- feel. Ito the fire, and it was all she Now and then Chris passed could do tosave them. But he was along the corridor. She could hear not drinking. Me went for two him coming, the heavy f irm walk, months without drinking. Then the lighter steps of a resident, the one night he did not corne home, sound of their voices. B ut he sel- and Holmes could not find him tdom went into the room. Af ter at any of his usual haunts. those first days she bad ceased Me was gone for three days. sending for bim when Jerry dis- Then one morning at dawn he appeared. It was not fair to him, ýtook a taxi to the new airport sbusy as he was; and she knew, lwhich he had helped to build, and too, that it was not fair to any of1 walked flot too steadily across the rthem. Their lives were fixed, set- 'field. There was a mechanic tled for all time, and the only safe there, and a plane warming up. thing was to leave themn so. 1 "Ahi ready, I see, Manning," he One day Chris learned through isaid, and climbed in. some medical underground that1 Manning was uncertain. He 1Jerry Ames had been committed stood by in his stained overalîs, to an institution in a distant city. but Jerry was apparenthy cold so- Me called Beverly at once, but she ber and sure of himself. Me grin- was Out Of town, and he knew'ned over the side of the cockpit. iwhat that meant.1 "Ail right, let's go," he calhed, M e hung up the receiver with a and Manning stepped forward. -sense of defeat. She was going 1 The plane rushed across the through this alone, as she had ýfield and hîfted; and once more )gone through se much. She had Jerry felt the sweep and the rise, ibuilt without him with a yen- with the good earth below him geance, he thougbt; and he went and the better skies above. At sabout his work hahf-beartedly for first he loafed along. Then as the tdays. sun came up he began to scan the 1 Actualhy Jerry had committed air for possible ambush. This was )himself. Me had corne througb living; this was sport, adventure. another bout to discover once Me opened up the throttle. Now .again that in the dark he was ne he was flying wide open. Me was longer coordinate. The next day ýgetting all the sbip had. Out of the called Beverly in and told her.i sheer joy he rocked bis wings, "I've no choice," he said, "and ýsaluting some invisible foe. Sud- tI can't make it mysehf. That's the i denhy he hit a down draft. A )fact. Besides-" he smiled at her bump, by beck! Well, he'd show ironically- "some day I might i them! Me brought up with a 1let go of a fire escape, and that lsmack, grinning, and then fought wouhd be a mistake." bis way up again. God, it was ;She could hardly believe that!good tebe up there! Let the Huns bhe meant it. but he did. She help-1 corne! -ed him pack, and at bis request He ducked deeper into the cock- 1she went with him. Then she set- pit, away from the fury of the 1thed herself at a small hotel in the ýwind, and puhled up the nose of .nearby town and prepared to wait. the plane. It climbed up and up. Me had entered under an assum- The sky above him was a brass . ed name, and under that name bowl, and be xvas flying the rim she had registered. of that bowl. Me had no helmet, 1It was a long waiting. She took and the wind tore at his blond her long waiks into the country hair gleaming in the sun. Up and ;alone; swinging along, a still girl- 'up te the rira of the wvorhd. ish figure in tweeds, giad of move- Now he was free. Those poor m~ent, glad to be tired at night se devils far below in the trenches, 1she couhd sleep. Once a week she wbat could they know of this free- was allowed to visit Jerry, but the 'dom? Down in the mud and dirt, visits were constrained and none1 with the guns booming and the too happy. Me was nervous and rats crawling about them. Fd.' irritable. 'sheer joy in this new freedomn he Me had had no liquor since he Put the ship into a roll. Ah, this entered, and she wondered whe- iwas flying - flying indeed; for ther that was safe. She was anx- now he had no ship. Me was in ious. If he got desperate-She the air, and srnall clouds lîke saw his eyes on her, and his ironic angeis grin.Menyrke thteha As time went on, however, he faHe n «rke hth began to improve. The proloiaged faln (To becentinued) I DON CHRIS TIAN PRESENTS at the' pýý- THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER STH, 1938 PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Oshawa Fair

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