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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Sep 1938, p. 7

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'v v-W THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8TH, 1938 THE CAN.XDIAN STATESMAN, BOW'M.NVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SE\'EN SOCIAL AND. PERSONAL Phono 663 Miss Bettx Tambixo is xîstig Suqay guet of Mc. and Ms * relatives in Toronto. Donald MeDonaltI. Mr. Millan McDonald. Pinoka, Miss Elba Caveriv visited ber AltL. b iii M -151. ï.. Mr. Wm. Mutton, Cý IWe [Present IChe new fail faahio in a brilliant coff New Fal DRESSI We confidently i that this presei of new Faîl Dres one of the most standing groups have ever prest Your inspectionk dially invited. 7 find something t( your style and purse. Phone 594 Bow Connors IIERRINGS Gold Medal TOMATO JUI9 Red and White IFLOUR.. Falcon ,1'EAS ...... I gWhite I-ONEY ..... Rose Brand BAKING POV ',/-Lb. Tin FREE wil TODDY ..... Packaged SALT ....... PREI This week andi Aelson. Nelles' cheaper. Corne Full Parowax - Gems Fe.' L Where Groceries C Sizes to fita NE Fiîr Feits, Woc Upwards frorn couch, JoI Phone 834 Montroal, spent the weekend at ber father's, Mn. Wm. Painton.i: Westmount. Bill and Sbeila ne- turned home w.ith thern. The familiiyof Statcsmian read- ers i.s steadiiy grcxving. If yci wcould like to become a regiîlar subscrîbcr send 5flc for balance cf 1938. M r. Turner and dlaugbter.. Jes- sic anci Marjorie. Rosincunt. By Miss Isol Jon LdwriU. bistUl .IMibs GeorgieJ 5.dXUIi.i \Iontreal. wvere weekend \'sit WS )saa,\*f5Toronto.it .an Mr. .Rbs. On meeting Lordc Beaverbrook. Mr. and ,\Irss DonaldaS. Lind n.iGeorgelSt. one is immnedîatelv coflsclios 0f Mr.and____DoaldS.______Geogei.twýo th înigs - siimplicit\y of manner Toronto, calicci on Mr-. and Mrs. Mrs. .1. Cole andi dacîghter :\iîss and a w:de ilc thia.t makes one i Wni. Trewî-n on Labor Da\. wargaret are enjoving a miotor think of s"inall boys plotting devii- *Miss Florence Bennett bias been trip t Olci Orchard Beach and ment for the teacher. There is successful in her summer school Por tland. Maine. and other points somcîbhing impish about his wit course in Music at Toronto. in tho United States. that is remnnscent of Ones gece Miss Lena Haddy. Toronto. Basebali gaine between Napa- on the day~ in sehooil when the spent two days last week with her nec and Bowmanville at the for- principals toupee slipped side- aunt. Mrs. Harry Foster. mer towý,n scheduled for Wednes- x\ aYs. The folloxing may indi- Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Corden are day ,vas postponed to Thursdav cate slightly what I mean: Dnpcue on a motor trip to Ottawa and to on accouit of rain The paper on wvhichi I arn hap- Unictuatsreits pily employed and Lord Beaver- lection of ntd tts ons Mr. J. H. Cryderman showed usi brook's Daily Express" have sev- Mr. and Mrs. C. C. MacNain a picture post card he had receiv- eral points of policy on which spent the holiday with Alderman ed this week froin his cousin. Dr. they differ emphatically. Corn- and Mrs. Wm. Harmer, Oshawa. J. H. Elliott, Toronto, who is on ments on each ather's opinions For real live human interest a trip to the Mediterranean and are not always confined to the news read the Classified Columns. points east. editonial columns. Sa when Lord E S They tell a story ail their own. Misses Elizabeth, Celia and Lou Beaverbrook said that he would Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Battie Stewart. and Miss Olive Bowman sec me on Tuesday evenîng, I hop- believe and family, Oshawa, spent Sun- of Pittsburg. Pa., Mr. and Mrs. ed that he wvould omit asking too itaion ýday with his brother. Mr. Robt. James Bowman. Toronto. were many questions about mY job. sses is Battie. guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Cor- We were gctting along beauti- ;tout- Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bell. Base bett. fully until he suddcnly said, s e Line, were holiday guests at hec Mrs. Johnston Thickson xvas -What is your job?" 'Advcrtis- ented sisters, Miss E. Platfort, Toronto, guesi speaker at Nestletoni Woin- ing,' repîied. and wondered if andtok i te Ehiitin. ens Institute on Wednesday af- I had mentioned the weather, and is cor- i Mr. and Mcs. John Needham te rnoon xvhen about thirtv mcem- if so, if another comment on the You'll and Miss Donalda Creasser have bers of Janctville Womens Insti- beautv, of the day would be out o suit 1 been visiting their son. Mr. Cedrie tute were pleasantly entertainedi of order. He did not give me a Needham. Syracuse. N. Y. bv the Nestieton branch. chance. your Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hvnds and Lieu-Col. L.LRs-fte Mai' I ask whene?- daughter Molly, Toronto, were Hu Regim-ent. Ottawa, arnd Capt. 1"ýOh - er - a newspaper. holiday' guests of her mother, Mrs. W. W'. Murray. M.O.. Canadian i"4Oh? I must apologize for al John Sanders. Press representative at Ottawa. these questions. What paper?" rMr. and Mrs. Wm. Prower ai-d callcd on Col. L. T. McLaughlin I chose the french window op- daughter, Toronto, spent the houi- Sundav xvhie rctucning froin the coing into the park, as the best day xith his sister. Mrs. W. B. military manoeuvres being heid 'exit. if necd arose, and plunged. i Mcurtr. a Cam Boren."I work for the 'News Chron- *Mr. W. S. Percy, Toronto, spent Mrs. Stuart James, M i s s e s icle'." the weekend with his sisters, the Lorraine and Evelyn Pickard and "O ih htsago a I Misses Percy, while Mrs. Percv Ada Clark attended a shower on' O hy-ta'iago a and daughter Ruth visited rela- August 3lst. given by Miss Mar- 1 e. Then, looking at me very w'ianville tixes in Whithy. jorie Shirra. Toronto. in bonor of hard is it a good paper?" Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Fitchett, Miss Beverley Aima, a bride to be 'h is a very good paper," I re- on Sept. l7th. plied weakly. Mr. and Mrs. Bort Parker, son "Ycs, indeed," said Lord Bea- Bill. Mr. C. W. Tait and so .Bill verbrook. "A i'ery good papen. motored to Montreal Friday to Let me see - I amn attackîng it in meet Mrs. Tait and son Jack who the morning.' arrivedi on the S. S. Montrose af- Flash of the gamin grin. ter a two montbs' visit with her In taiking with Lord Beaver- mothr bLivî~pol, nglnd. brook one is always aware of the ,Àf. . moter concentrated enorgy bencath that - M. ad Ms. ran N.Dow. mpishness and spankle of wit. Detroit. Mich.. visited his sister,On ha acnciunsofn Miss Lola Down, over the holiday. aîert mind. brîlliant and many- r The first eaul Frank made wxas at faceted, like a diamond. But most The Statesman to pay for his of aJ theîre is the sense for doing home town paper. and to the end wha7ever he might suddonly do- of the year, too. cide to do. St. Paul's United Church anni- He is a popular public speaker x'ersary services have been set for because he can talk sense or non- 'FRED W. NELLES Sunday, October 31. Rex'. Prin- sense and do both with energy cipal H. A. Kent of Queen's Theo-1 and xit. 2 tns 3c logical College, Kingston, will be His policy of isolation is a fav- ............. 2tins 23c guest speaker. ýourite topic of argument for and Among the booths noticcd at against, whorever British sub- CE, large ... 2 tins 17c the Canadian National Exhibition jects foregather, especially these was one oporated for Mr. J. H. H. days of war in Spain and of Jury, Bowmnanville, featuring the Czecbo-Slovakias problem of the S7-lb. 17c - 24-lb. 47c Gemn hearing aids. Mr. Jury is Sudeten Germans. dîstnibutor for the province of He would like to isolate Great S2 ins 17c Ontario. Chester Jury was one of Bitain froin Europe and the Bri- ............. 2tins 17e the booth attendants. tish Empire froin the rest of the Mr. Eric Swindells, Myrtle Sta- world, unless the United States ......... .tin 43e tion, was home over the weekend. gives a definite indication of a Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ferguson, stand with the Empire as a whole. Mn. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard at- ** VDER ..........lb. tin i4c tended the Smith-Houston wed- Son of a Presbyterian minister, ith ding on Septemben lst, in Toronto. William Maxwell Aitken, of New- The groom is a son of Mr. and the castle, New Brunswick, he at- .........lb. tin 39c late Mrs. George Houston (nec tackod the xvorld of business while Carnie Beacock). he was t00 young for that world Mrs.B. . Spckmn wrtesto be acmcd against him. Froin ....... . . pkg. 5 r.B .Saka rtsthe beginning, the story of his froin Neepawa, Man.: "Pleaso send business life is one of fantastic SERVING PEACHES The Statesman to my father, Jos. sces nex wll se te ed o th pechBrown, Mnnedosa, Man. He was In 1910, at the age of 30, ai- er ice se rihe and ofache will b born and brought up at Hamp- ceady noputed to, be a millionaire, and sec us before you buy. tn n snw8 er l n he combined a holiday with busi- in excellent hoalth and will en- ness, in a trip to England to ne- Line of Canning Supplies loy getting the home paper." gotiate a boan of £500,000 to float Rubbrs Viega - tc. At the Rotary Club meeting oni a Canadian onterprise. He dis- -Tops - Rbes-Vngr-Ec Friday sound motion pictures were covered tbat a general election mr ~shown by the Imperial Oil Coin- was imminent and decided to * ~pany, and the prograrn proved un- tackle an apparently bopeless seat W * N E L IFéSusualiy entectaining. The films that was without a Unionist can- Dost Less Phone 596 were secured by Rotarian A. M. didate. The constituency a Hardy. This week Rev. W. J. H. Ashton-under-Lyne, in L a n c a- -- Smyth of Port Penny, formerly of shire. And so, as the English 50 Orono, will be guest speaker. quaintly put it, young Max Ait- Mn. and Mrs. Ed. Witheridge ken '"stood* for Panliament. Froin ad son Clarence motored to the accounts I've nead of his cain-i Windsor over the weekend to visit1 paign the only standing he did L thier son-in-law and daughter, Imust have been when ho xvas The S asons Ne es r. and Mrs. Leonard Henry. Miss shaving. Reta Bennett accompanied them. With meticulous care he plan- as fac as Leamington where she ned his campaign on linos as sys- vsited hec cousins, Mr. and Mns. tematîc as anx' of bis pcex'ious E.l Nivins. business entorprises. Thon. though SetNbe 1, in the parsonage lacking ini knoxledge of polities ofSimcoo Street United Church, or experience in public speaking. Mi O A T SOshawa, Rev. W. R. Tanton united by sheer force of bis sincerity and Season's Lowest dy of Bowmanville and Frederick Mc. George Clayton. one of the Prices James Smith of Oshawa. Miss towýns nost faithful garbage col- Docothy Niekerson of Bowman- lectors. bas been attractîng spe x~ille Walten HoOpe f cial attention these da',swit i Grndfr oosOshawa attcnded the YOUng9 cou- new,ýly, decorated wagon paînted '~ armh ad war . pie. The bride and groom \viii green' nnd bis naine and phone No. live in Oshawa. 515 in white lettering. Even bis - amply lined . .. expertly Mn-hs F iexas as booy- old grey horse bias shoxxn a now tailored and styli s h 1 y ant and cheenful on Thursdiay. lease of life. whicb ail goes 10 modelled. leax'ing for -the Canadiani National show. that business is on thes Exhibition wvith a car load of pick up. PRICED FROM pouitry in the back seat. as hoe was _________________ over 40 years ago when he show- ___ ___ed bis famous Black Spanish birds ~ Il LI ~ at this wvorid exhibition for the ~ *~~jfirst tino. Ho was acconipanied b.) M s.)Rmgce1and-- is-- da-gbter <'ý % O- D Maple Grove to Re-Open Church behold, and the ondinary montai views with admiration the endless variety of natunal colon and won- dons bow any one man could bave gathered these thousands of trop- ical specimens and classified, nain- ed and mounted thein in show cases. meeting of the Town Council was flot heid this week, but xvili be heid on Monday next. Local Sunday Schools have re- verted to the afternoon sessions now, and ail town Sunday Schools now open at 2.30 pi. Local stationery stores report an exceptionaliy . heax'y demand for sclhool supplies this year. Ail three stores report a good increase in business over lasi x'ear. Much of this is due to the changeý in schooi books, many of ]ast year's books not being used this year. Scout Ken Niekerson, who un- derwent an operation for appen- dicitis last week, is progressing favorably in Bowmanville Hospi- tal whiere his Scout pals have been frequent visitors. WALL PAPERS, New Fali Patterns Have Arrived Prices range from 10c to 40c a roll THANK YOU IVe take this opportunity to express our appreciation of the very gencrous patron- age given us ilu the sale of sehool books and supplies for School Opening. Tbrouglh eflicient service -we hope to retain your continued sup- port. J. W. JEWELL Phone 556 Bowmanville -rigi'eoudpr .oluterywahr t. real eue es thîsbeuaeIwrbcueoSle irufaCtuers l Sotfand- Prsonte DfiBngsondJseswyPolr eup met Addrestm3Oelp t.rst Ot - stC eahr e as s e u e bel Stephenson tw Oerltiuied the M apeGro) Alec McLeod, a former New- two ar untedtheMape Govecastle boy, xvho hegan bis fish andI Base Lice churches. and erec- 'breeding caceer at the Newcastle WF bcd bbc present church. Fish Hatchenies, wasb again seen Ng pensonalitv ho carricd tbbc dcc- It is recordod that at the lime in charge of the live fisb exhibit se», tion ,iv it vots b spae wen cof the opening Rcv. J.* C. Pomeroy in the Natural Resources Building. and bbe cou nt .vas over. 1 was minister and be reported a, Tracy MieNxcslwsmeni The fcllcwing is the final para- 'debt on the church of $70f). The seen comfortably composed on a are. graph 01 a clîpping from n ai Eg- entîre sun xxas raîsed during the bench. watching the youngsters roç?f lîsh nexx:pjapc(r cf I)ecember 19 11): celebration xvicnarkedtlhbe op- ccjoying theinselves iin Kiddyland. ard "AndIl'ei-(c in Mcr. Max Aitken cning cf bbc churcb. The budons mai xvo have i îîcxx figure in EnEgiish y' ui Messr s. J. P. Rice and J. Ahic politics. Hlis campaign of imper- Jeffrev of Bowmanville. On Jonc Music Teaching tight ialism. cffiiciency and social ce- i 8, 1872. %vhiie tbe church was in fire1 forin wili cot be confincd la Ash- course of erection. John Power. PHI'LLIS R. M. CHALLIS, SOL top. It lis col witbout signifi-, Jacob Stevens. R. D. Foley, Philbîp A.T.C.M. ic cance that one of the most strik- Tyler and Richard Foiey xvore ci- Musex'a ing victories of the campaign bas ected trustees of Maple Gnox'e Is opening ber Faîl torm of Mui.Mn been won by a new-comnen froin Chuncb. on Seîitomber 12. Personai indu- Trusi ovesea. wo loksonourpro- Wen ape GoveChuch asvidual lossons in pnivato studio. ment leseantI olooktunities wih the a ehodstpisGopal Chucch the Pupils pnopared for exains lead- f femshand obproad xisn h aMtois psoplCuchteing up to and inciuding A.T.C.M. imithanble west si' of the il- following were the pastons: diploma in both theory and piano. be* * i80172-Rv.R . eie Expcnienced. Phono 2652 or cal 1 1872-1873 - Rev. J. C. Pomeroy at studio. Liberty St. N. for tormsà In 1911 b was knighted. 1873-1876 - Rov. C. A. Simpson land panticulans. 36-1 During the war he saw service 1876-1878 - Rev. R. Lange___________________ in France but xvas declaned unfit 1878-1881 - Rex;. E. E. Howard and returned ta England. 1881-1882 - Rov. F. M. Finn_________________ It is difficuit to believe that the 1882-1884 - Rev. G. W. Stevenson. bundie of enecgy, in the slight In 1884 the Wesloyan Methodist. R IJ E figure of medium beight that is 1Primitixe Methodist. Meth o d i s t ED C D Lord Beaverbrook, could knoxxý Episcopal and the Bible Christian the meaning of a days illness.1 Chunches united and the Darling- TRAVEL But it is truc that bis health is ton Circuit was cbanged to SouthE often peor. lb bas heen said of Darlington with two charges. Ma- Uv _ £UV V hum - -lus is a brain encased in pie Grove and Ebenezen. the an- LiN1 ice, unaffected bx' bis physicalrangemnent vhicb stili exists. TheoI D A X condition. wbiebher good or had.' ministens after the union were:- In 1916 he was created a Bar- 1884-1886 - Rev. J. Whitlock L I onet. That saine year be retinedi 1886-1889 - Rex'. Robent Sandenson P E L froin the House of Commons and1 1889-1892 - Rex'. James J. Liddv entcred the ncxxspapen wvorid. 11892-1895 - Rex'. Leonard Pbelp By Fleet stnee't hasn't necoxeced yoî. 1895-1898 - Rov. Dr. W. G. Manvin He became. and romains, an in- 1898-1901 - Rev. J. S. I. Wilson side force in British polies. 11901-1905 - Rcv. Joseph Ward RTN1O Peenage and chose the naine that 1908-1911 - Rev. Joseph Bannes is 50 dlean an indication of bis 1911-1915 - Rcv. Soford F. Dixon pride in bis Canadian origin. 1915-1919 - Rev. R. A. Dolx'e Comfortable Up-to-dat, If ail the stories on e hears of 1919-1923 - Rex'. S. P. Boyce al Lord Beaverbcook wene printed, '1925-1927 - Rev. C. C. Washington they would fill a sonies of vol-1 1927-1930 - Rev. Harold Stainton THRDY-FIA urnes as endless as the Elsie 11930-1934 - Rex'. H. C. WolfraimTHRDY-FIA Books, tbougb siigbtly different 1934- - Rex'. W. C. Smith. September 15 in style and matter. Jacob Stevens was the Sundax' (STANDARD T: As we sat cbatting on Tuesday Scbool Supeintendent for 50 cx'ening. thece xvere frequent in- vecars, and bis successons bave Going terruptions by bis secrelary on been George Poxwer, Th om a s Read Down butler, on tbe' tinkle of the 'telle- Snoxxden and H. G. T. Freeman. A.M. phono on bis prix'ate line. Mes- Organists of the cburcb have 9.00 BOWMANVILLE ---- sages banded hum ho would scan been Miss Hoar, Miss L. Ranton. 9.10 HAMPTON briofly witb intense concentration. Minnie Annen, Sar~ah Allen. Ger- 9.20 ENNISKILLEN ------- ute papenhtathesfloo nd dop1lie Folev. Rdta Power. Winnie Ax- 9.30 BURKETON---- One oe ocasie lo. xhe 1btbfond. Eixa Snoxxden. Charlie 9.45 BLACKSTOCK ----- ---- wOnepoeentccain, be nothe 1 Snow-den. Lola Snoxvdon.Mn. A. 10.00 NESTLETOpi wer pesntintherom.th 1Laird Sr., andI Miss EtIna SxvalloxvI 10.10 YELVERTON -- telephone tînkled andI I was sur- 10.25 JANETVILLE ---- - prised xxhen neither secretary uuoc 11.00 LINDSAY --- ---------- hutien moxetI, but waited foc Lord Beavecbrook to risc and xvalk 4T"r JY FOR INFORMAT]ff accoss the noom ta answer it. LX ImiresSionS LINDSAY 506 - BOWMANVILLI Laten hc explained that oniy spe-r Patrons Using Our Busses May Lea, cial rails came thnough on that Space ait Kawartha Maples or at Ou uine. <Continued f,-on Page 1) Free of Charg One eall was apparently froinfon aaa n heUie one of bis rising young* writers. fo aaaadteUie "I have read youn article," said States, pav'ing a goodxvîlittip ta ____________________ Lord Beavenbrook. "And I am Toronto on Press Day at the Ex. veny pleased with il. Yes . .. yes This xisiton froin Newcastle ...Like il veny much. You are didn't happen ta sec a policeman living up ta what I predicted. ail day' except txvo make-belioeeT EW R DS Yes . . . What are they paying ones in the cast of the DiamondT E W RL S you? . .. I sec. Well I think per- Jubilee Pageant enacted in front wili corne ta your home eve haps something may be done.. . of the grandstand, antI a littie THE CHRISTIAN SCIEI pcetty soon. Goodbye." fellow in uniforin who toltI theoAn Interaional Daily audience outsido the tent that ho ht records for you the worid'a dlean, const Whethen he is a difficuit mani ta was Chief of Police of the Midgets doetsfnot exploit crime or sensation; ne wonk with and for, I cannaI say; ici the midway show, but deais correctiveiî wlth them. Feature but fan every possible ounce of But 1 ditI see two of the most lamilY._Inciudlig the weekiy magazine9 irritation inspired there must be manvellous things ever seen at------------------ a pound of ad miration andI devo- any C.N.E. One was the minia- The Christian science Publilhing Societ tian. Waee nmeh may lune vlae avdone, NorwaY Street, Boston, Massachu Whaeve enmie hovilage cavedfroin xood Picase enter my subseripiion te The chr bave cannot be personal enemies. with jack-knives by Henry Wil- a period eof mnto*.0 o Wrog r igtI elev h s liains of Buffalo. The othen was Wed.esday issue. Inciuding Magazine Sect sincere, above evenything. The the exhibit of 20,000 specimens of kindness of bis childlike gnin maths, buttenflies. beetles, locusts, Naine..........................--- would disarm a Hitler on a Mus- etc., co1lected in the Iast 30 yeansAdes solini. What a Secretary for For- by J. F. May of Riding Mountain AJes------ Sample- Copy -on -IR eign Affairs ho would make!! I National Park, Manitoba. It is arn wonder. amazing collection. beautiful ta Due to, the absence on halidays of Mayor Reg. Joncs. the nEgua h ---ý ÎOOD N EWS very day thraugh :NCE MONITOR vy Newspapcr tructive doings. The Monitor nether doeo it ignore themn, es for busy men and &Hl the BCection. husetts .r.ruian Science Monitor for Dths $3.00 t month $1.00 ction : i pear $2 .60, 6 Iasueo 25o - - - - - - - - - - - Let us adv Alphaniettes I10-D Cod Liver Ou - Haliver 011 Capsules -M disd you. -$1-$3.50 -67c-$1.69 O0c-95c-$1.55 Ud hiver Oil - 8 oz. 45e - 16 oz. 79c Parke-Davi Euthymol Tooth Paste Cleanses Polishea Deodorizes PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX MCOREOOR 1Phone 792 DRUGS Our English Leter LORD BEAVERBROOK H / il Prepare For Winter Now--Take Vit ami __Producta to build up you.r resistance against colds and flu pre- valent during the winter months. Two Vitamins are especially necessary. Vitamin A to build up resistance to infection and Vitamin D to repair bone tissues and keep teeth strong and healthy. WVE These two vitamins are ixot available in suffic- ient quantities in any diet. Therefore we mukt procure SA M Vhem from vitamin products 'such as Cod Liver Oils, unique Haliver Oils, etc. Everyone should take them ESPEO- es and à skin. IALLY CHILDREN. We Deliver FARES ýI HIBITION ALS CH LINES e Busses Going -SATURDAY -16-17 TIMEY Returning Return Read Up Fare 1.00 a.m. $1.50 12.50 a.m. 1.45 12.40 a.rn. 1.40 --- 12.30 a.rn. 1.25 --- 12.15 a.rn. 1.00 12 mid'ght .80 11.50 p.m. .60 --- 11.35 p.rn. .40 ----11.00 p.m. )N PHON'E: , 2666 - OSHAWA 2283 uve Their Cars in Parking iii Garage In owmanvllle 'ge. (Coritinued from Paae 1)

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