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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Sep 1938, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESM AN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8TH, 1938 SPORi Royals Def eai First Game oi Eastern Ont, Backing up the five hît twirli of George "Lefty" Phillips with fourteen hit attack of their owi Bowmanville Rayais dished out 9 ta 4 trimming ta the NapanE Gibbards in the first game of th ]Eastern Ontario Interrnediate finals here an Saturday. Allowing for. the fact that th Gibbards were playing t h ei fourth game in six days, and ha travelled about 350 miles in dain sa, the Bowmanville crew, rE turning ta the war after a wee of gioating over their Lakeshor triumphs, were much the bettE Announcement Extraordinary! The Family Herald and Weekly Star has purchased aut- right the camplete serial rights far the book- POSTSCRIPT tADVENTUE by Raipli Connor The flrst Installment wil appea.r In the Family Herald and Weekly Star of September 14 4b Don't miss a chapter of this ab- sorbing story by the author of "'The Sky Pilot" and "The Man fram Gengarry.' It is his last and most fascinating book. if flot asubscriber, mail your stîbscrip- tion to the Family HeralId and Weekly Star, Montreal. The rates are: $ 1.00 for One Vear. $2.00 for Three Years. Famlly Herald & Weekly Star Special Bargair EXCURSIONS TO ALL STATIONS IN WESTERN CANADA GOING DATES DAILY SEPT. 24 TO OCT. 8 RETURN LIMIT: 45 days. TICKETS GOOD TO TRAVEL N COACHES Excursion tickets gidn Touriat, Parlor and Standardgsleeping cars alat availabée on payment of slightly high. er passage fares, plus price of parloi or slee ping car accommodation. ROU'l'S-Ti ehk.t s gooa going via Port Arthur, Ont., Armstrong, Ont., ('hi- cago, Ill. or sault Ste, Marie, 1 turning via samfe route and I liim only. Gcnerous c,îtional routings. STOPOVFR-ý%Ithin limit of tcet, both going 'ind retrning - at Port Arthur, On t., ArmRîrone, Ont., and w est . also at ('1iva go. Ill., sammt st,- 'ai.Mieh . and in we'-î n ance with tariffs of q tý, te.q- Jins. I1-15-22-29 FOI particulars froint nov ,aqeft. Canadian Pacifie lfew days may have hiad much to---- mn edEto impress as bitters. The\ U LTN Written For play, but outside of Card, Geroxu from TeSatsa few and Bentlev. their bats seemed1 By ms ,verv silent. Three of the Gib- IDL N Winlfred E. Wilson asoi lips' generosity. . That hovv H RA BU EO n ever vvas just a break of the game 'ou may have iiot- sourids more like the barkirig of ______ .t Nap nee In as lie fne e n fWlim iced what looked like a dog, as a Heron flies frornshore ac s in L iad flot been hampered by his leg Soto shore LsinBoma-rvi Napanee In w~~~xould likelv have restricted th easoe ihnc rani n il ilg visitors ta three bits and twvo runs.1sie aorftng a 1- dmsand notice thehattheackcentre The attig a~sraes a co stikingUpce tlogou firid its footprints on theFirst Troop holding their first fal nd f Final Series piled following the 21games play- Idy shore; and then, on closer in- tac measures severi inches. The m3,aethe o STesod Pka n t et dftl Cvineeadihrge eam hw setopeh, o d,,,rdit,,rac ,Iot i et Troap.on the following Thursday. with, Cha np ons ip lar i vege adin.43the. No xvo that it was no log, but a large! Like the sang birds. the Great Cham ions ip 1an aerae of.435. . . N wo- bird. 'Freezing" is the Great Blue Blue Heron moults in August ye der he bats clear-up .... The only Heron's chief methad af pratec- when bousehold duties are over; O udyatrno h cu-One game in which he failed ta hit tion. Tbînking to trick us, it v-ill bu, unlik them, it does not bide. ersCub is taftot ekSplans that saflx~xva ore e eterd a aremain transfixed until we are If yau are able ta retrieve some for the aproracbing season. It is t ýng 'team. Wbetber they will be that1 pinc hbitter, . . . Witberidge iol a few yards away, then turn of the discarded feathers you will expected that there wili be some - *aon Wednesday (yesterday) wher i rext inri lne with .429, sbowing bë and stalk off inta the bushes ini a notice their variety - big quilîs changes in leaders due ta the pas- 1athey travel east for the returri is one pitcher who can bit.. stately and dignified mariner. shading from white ta dark grey sible retirement of ane or twa. n, game is anather matter. Spratt. Bates swatted the apple for an Confidence in camauflage is wvell- and incb-lang bits af white down. A.S.M. Walter Goode, wbo is tak- * a the leadirig Gibbard piteher. xvas even .400, xvile Ames. anather founded. But it is naine taa often 'The soft, fluffy feathers are those ing a business course in Toronto ee kept under wraps on Saturday, Junior, is daing alright witb a that the general public is fooled, that decorate the shaulders and hapes ta secure a position on com- be baving carried bis team ta victory .364 average. . . . Bill Bagneif l5 because unless the slaugbter af base af tbe long, giraffé-like neck. pletion of the course and this may B over Belleville the night before, gettirig a bit every three times bie these magnificent birds can bel From a distance, the general cal- rbteFrtTopo eyal and if what tbey say about the goes ta bat witb .333 ta round out preventedi they will be extermin- ourationrof the bidiFiovl ed r Up fronsid a erati lo heIndian lad is true, the Rayais will, the three bundred hitters.... uainothbrdsalee.Upfrcsdrto n be ave their wark cut out ta take Cmrowba had been around ated. Why anyone shauld wush ýsiate grey. Those that are several Sunday also, will be the matter i r bis 'measure. thCa3mr, lofi them hr harm I cannot imagine. , years aId sport beautiful, blakoiunngteScn ack oe ýad . e f ntels Although single pairs may fre- "plumes on either side af the bead, ta a lady Cubmaster. This bas ng Only the verierable Mr. Beritley. icouple af games but is stili play- quent1y be found on aur nortbern ijust above the eyes. ,gwho divided bis time between lef t ing the best bail in four years. lae asareHrosixen Th H' egae k tt praven very successful elsewhere. e-fil andîtemud a bet aea ueHrn iei h eo' esaelk tls n t is haped ta give it a triai ýek fedadtemuixa bet Napanee colonies, cailed heronries. If un- 'made especiaiiy for wading. Ithee er v an tdgre of success. hais tl't-Cr,3b BRHP molested, they continue to breed :stands by the bour in quiet, shal- terhy vetreai olleced t-evbits-4o1î 0 o0 in the same location for genera- .10w water, waiting patiently for - n ae vr h etfedGerow, ss 2 1 o 3 4 1 tians. A nest is mereiy a platform1 the fish or frogs that may came Dominion Registration is due at fence, and drove home aIl the ýKirikley. 2b. 2 1 i 4 1 1 of sticks, placed high up in a tal its way. Then the long, thiin bill the end af September, whicb Naae uns. Bentley, If. p. 4 i 3 1 1 0 tree in a swamp or near water. isuddeniy darts down after the means that an immediate waste Lucas, lb. 4 o o 8 0 0 Roaming time is early marning 'prize, and ripples spoil the perfect paper campaign wiihvtab FrteRayais, the crawd-Curc. 300000o vnn.Te uimyharfIto. instituted. The aid systemn of each plesin Mr Osorn, otn thle Cairn-is, c. 4 0 o 4 0 0 the boarse cry, usually writteri What distinguishes the harmful boy payîng bus own registration 1Harry by bis assaciates, wasth Sweet, rf. 3 0 0 2 0 0 "crank, crank," but which ta me from the harmless Hawks? fee will bave ta be reverted ta if big noise with the stick. Five Bell, p. 2 1 0 0 3 0 the paper campaign is not made times he waved bis bludgeon and Hutchins, if. 1 O O 1 0 0 a success. four times the sphere sailed for ________ HAWKS bits while the fiftb effort was aToa2945492 bhard liner wbich cbased the tinyToa2945492 For the past three Two large, fan-tailed Hawks, the The Camp leaders have not for- Sweet far back inta, right field. Bownianville years a pair of Pere- Red-tailedi and the Red-shoulder- gotten the promise of a Camp Re- Close behind was the astaunding Cameron, rf. 4 1 1 1 1 0 ed, are troublesamne onîy at cer- uinion,anthsilbeedery Wîlasw o llected tbiree bits Ames, 2b. 4 0 1 5 1 0 grîne Falcons, a rare tain seasons when the yaung are in the faîl. AIl those wha attend- aibeit he hadobut a leg and a hall. Williams, ss. 5 0 3 1 1 0 species in Canada, bas doing their awn faraging and are ed Camp Akela this sumnmer will It eem tat e plld afe CovileIf. 5 i o >Z-49 taken up residence apt ta take what is easy aCp be eligible ta attend. musclesthe last time he scamp- Siemon, IL 3 1 0 5 0 1 high on a ledge af the twenty-two ture - as small chickens that are ered ta first in the final Part Hope Osborne, c. 5 2 4 12 3 0 storey Sun Life Building in Mon- nat under wire. A very few are Witbin the next few weeks sev- game and these proved a bit of a B. Bagneîî, cf. 4 2 1 1 0 0 truly barmfui. 0f the few, three eral Cubs will bid gaodbye ta the handicap. He makes tbe third T. Bagneli, 3b. 5 1 1 0 2 0 treal. This spring it was praved are sufficiently numeraus ta war- Pack and will pass thraugb the Royal ta join the injured brigade, Phillips,. p. 3 2 2 1 4 O that they were nesting there and rant destruction. gaing up ceremany, inta, the Bates being out of commission nat just using the skyscraper as These can be distinguished from Scouts. The First Pack has a ra- -with a broken finger and Petre Total 38 9 14 27 12 1 a watch-tower from which ta the harmless variety by their ther large contingent of boys ta nursing a sprained ankle. Runs batted in: Bentiey 4, B. swaap down on their prey. Local long, narrow tails and short, go up, and the pack wiii be open A lapse of cantrol at the start Bagneli 2, Ames 2, Williams 2, T. ornitbologists say that thîs îs quite rounded wings. Fortunately the for recruits. Boys, eught years and aio the third frame put Pbiliips in Bagneil, Phillips, Osborne. Twa: unprecedented. Samething similar Sharp-shinned and Cooper's Hawk aver, who wish ta jain the Cubs. a bale and led ta the first twO base bit, Williams. Home runs, happened in Bristol, Engiand, a are bath smaii. But it is, weii should apply ta Cubmaster Cliff Gibbard runs. Lefty, wba bad B. Bagnel. Bentley. Sacrifices, lew years aga, but a naturai cliff that the twenty-two inch Gos- MacNair. It is expected there wili emerged unscatbed fram a single Ames, Kinkiey. Stolen bases, T within the city limits was the hawk is nat often found in settled be about ten vacancies. The Sec- anda wlk n te irs ining ht Bgnel, hilip. Dubl p T.s birds' stronghoîd. It is bard on Canada, because it is pawerful ond Pack have a much smaiier Bell, bis apponent, and then waik- Osborne ta T. Bagriell ta Osborne the Pidgeons and small songbirds enougb ta do considerabie dam- number gaing up, but tbere will ed Geraw ta put two on with one ta Williams, Cameran ta Ames. ai the district ta have fierce age. be romr for a few recruits in this out. Kink&y drapped a bit over Strike-auts, Pbiiiips 10, Bell 2, Hawks living in their midst, but A Westmaunt resident had a unit. Acting Cubmaster Sid Cas- second ta fil1 the bases, and then Bentley 1. Bases on balis, Phil- Peregrine Falcons kîli only for strange experuence wben one of boum nsbould be seen by thase Bentley smacked a single by Wii- lips 3. Bell 2, Bentley 1. Hit by food, not for spart. tbese birds crasbed thraugb t ie wha wish ta join the Second. liams ta drive home a pair ai pitched bail, by Phillips - Bell, Hwsaehnsm idwidwpn fbrbdam runners. Further trouble was Curry; by Bell - Phillips; by Bent- powerfui and graceful in flight. Although the glass flew in ail di- The Scout Leader in its current averted wben Napanee messed up ley - B. Bagneil. Lasing pitcher, Tbey bave nat yet migrated sa rections, the Gosbawk was un- issue guves a number af instances a squeeze play and twa men were Bell. yau may stili watcb themn circling hurt and had ta be bit on the bead ai Traops and Packs doing mighty elimn'inated in the run-down. Umpires: Crossett, Part Hope; averhead. Contrary ta the gen- and stunned before it cauld b e fine wark for the cammunities. Meanwhile the Rayais had nat Tysan, Oshawa. eral impression, it bas been es- captured. After living in a box Several af the local leaders are been making many tbreatening __________ timated by those who have made for a day or twa, having its photo- af the opinion that the caming gestures at the tantalizing serves a thoraugh study ai the subject in graph taken for a newspaper and season shauld be a Cammunitv of the elongated Bell, b~ut in the COMBINED PIGEON RACE bath Canada and the United1being identified by Prolessor Service season in whicb tbe whole fourth they found the range and ____ States tbat as a family tbey really Wynne-Edwards, MeGili ornithal-soudpa ta osme beledhi coies fr qaretdo mare good than harm. 1agist, it was carried up tartbe ai runs Ois harelined a uatebi In a combined pigeon race be- Most kinds are ai great use ta Lauentians (which it sbauîd nev- wrhhl o h O ofirsbit o e ame d oB ihag tween Oshawa, Bowmanvilie and the agriculturist, killing off gapb- er bave leit) and liberated. nilbamb f teg an d Bt iltle ark Part Hope clubs on Sept. 3rd from ers, mice and injuriaus inseets.1 How many calîs bas a Loan? tal tie h soreoofthe time Tilbury, Ont., a distance ai 216__________________________________ ta ie he cor. Fom he imemiles air uine ta Bowmanviile, Bill swung bis bat until the bal LeRihrswnistpaeit[J (Gertrude Hudson), Las Angeles.~ disappeared tbrough the trees, 1399.75 yards per min.; F. Bat- Hiampton Cal., called an friends bere. thee asnadaut bot hetreli sixth with 1380.01 yds. per Mr. and Mrs. T. Graham and . drive being goad for aIl the bases. mn;adI ie it ib Ms ad lrebsrtre family, Oshawa, at Mrs. D. Gra With twa out, Pbillips gat a lufe 1367.10 yds. per min. Another MisWad lak and fri-e ham's. when the second baseman bad funraebtenhehe cuswl home rain i vsitng relatives adfi Mrs. J. Tbampsan, Strangfieid, witb the hall. Cameron bit sale- rcbewn t eltle RiclubsOwi., ends ini Rochester, and bas eturned ask., a t Mr. C. Crassman's. -ly ta leit and after Phillips stole bfownnomllSier. Onh.t., taier position in Oshawa. Mrs. R. McNeiI at Mr. W. Hock- -third, Ames sent hîm home with aOrSetltb Congratulations ta Mr. E. L. \Vil m s', Braaklin. bit and then belped Williams get liamnson on winning second place i Mr. and Mrs. L. Ashton and ja bit by running in front af Kink- the Old Time Fiddlers' Contest ati family at Mr. R. Ormistan's, En- ley wha lost sigbt ai tbe hall and Sol'inai Toronto Exhibition on Thursday. niskillen. let it go for a bit, Cameron scor- ______ r. and Mms. W. Spracklin visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Creeper, St. ing on the play. wt 1fs .Clil hms tM.A eels The Bayais garnered anather Thiere was a goýod attendance twihMsT.Cll.Thmsatr.AMNe's run in the sixtb wben Pbiliips was church service Sunday morning Miss Vera Kersiake visited in To- Mr. and Mrs. R. Aunger, Mr.E. bi ad iiias oule. t hi wenth CG..T mmbrswihrouta. Iîs atrvstdfi Phiilips, Betbesda, Mr. E. Trim- hi ad ilias oule. t hi wenth CG..T mrner wth Mr. and ifsTSatrviedr- ble, Sauina, at Mrs. E. Mountjay's. point Bentiey sauntered ta the their mothers and leaders occupied ends at Gananoque. Mr. and Mrs. E. Ingles and fam- hillock and the Rayais picked an the front seats of the chiurch. Rev. r.IaTnntadmheiyTonotMs STewn. bis mixture ai knucklers and hall W. Rackham gave an excellent ad- Torsnto, ennanut sud Moterly arnFatMs.SG.ein speed baîls for three mare count- dress ta the girls. Misses Velmia Gil- Tooitwrsa e nd ets M. .G ers in the seventb and one in the bet and Ells Millson took up the Keriand MRs. ona Tru.l De- Salem eigbtb. Singles by Osborne, Ted offeriz. and the choir was occupied trait. Mfich.. were guests of Mr. and Bagneli and Phillips and a bit by ex-mnembers of the C.G.I.T. . Ms .W on hrhsriehr a ih batsmen plus an out, pravided for Scîtool reopened Tuesdav morning 1Mr. adW. lorr Aver Cnd rcb service herew a ait- the seventh inning tria; wbile a with NMr. Walter Blackburnmon a Km.andM.Bufiltori Av eran dranIat Snyowig a n 0 al t Semna ero, ndchrg.guests of Mrs. B. Avery. Several from this community r DuftchObes final bi cont r n Ms hs ce.M. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Billett and have been at Toronto Exhibition. ed orth fna rn.and Mrs. Ellis Pascoe, Booklin, at Keitb visited friend5 in Lindsay. Salem was weli represented at The Gibbards last twa runs Miss Mary Hogarth's. came in the nintb wben Bentley Msr ebr Vih n rn Miss Nancy Johnis returned ta To- the Tyrane services an Sunday h omered fllawing a walk ta cessrsterbatetdedighetExhibitinonta on Monday after spendinz ber and also at the sports, tea and Kinkiey. Saudvadsetteweeda acation with lber mother. Mms. C. concert on Monday when the Ty- Noes Ae Clvle ad heMr N . rih's Rdevll. Johnîs. raine folk were well up ta their Noates:catexch lve mde r teM . .Xrihs RdNilers. H. Holwell and Mr. Fred 'usual standard of Harvest Homne feaur ctc wbn e obed Mr. and Mrs. Charleton MIBride 'w Sweet ai an extra base wallop in su aiv ttroo tM.Ga olell visited frierids in Toronto 'festivities. the f ifth. Running toward centre White's. and attended the Exhibition. M.nd Mm. . ornisandto -he reached bigb and far ta take Mîrs. Harold Jebsoui and faniîv, M\rs. F. Blencowe (nec Helen Mr. C. Pollard nae aa the bail in bis gloved band. AI- Ionviw-it e mte, r.Virtue and son. Toronto, Mrs. Leta trip ta Janetviile on Wedneday tbaugb Alex sperir Saturday night1 Sharpe. Bowmiarville, visited Mr. 1F. visiting the former's daugbter. and Sunday in bed, be stillîmi- J.GValt1er, . FtzVice..Fiz tains bis illness was nat due ta bis Miss Pearl Leach spent the week- Ourat r s W. Fitz en Mr.oFiTu surprie. Hiya Pot. Wbie cnd ith TrontofrienS. Mrs. Wmn. Chapmnan visited fi- Ou eba r-pne n us tseurdus beue aI ao the past M. Gendwt ont ogsrh itfrensens tT.onday, Sept. 6tb, for the fi em at Witb andBmoklienMs Ja otlonanvilne ll , Teunma srvice for the late > afUiS t Mm. R. MeNi.Mrs. llarrv Wright and Joyce, Osi,-croes Nr.t}a.Slitmtt irge i To- Mm. arid Mms. T. Wagg, Barbara awa. svwith Mm. saîtl Mrs. J. Mc- in.11 Magae, or&oatM.SONstglj.streetq ýbi ON &SON ' ~llrSi ;ttitts ttleNasem a~M'sl. Messrs L.eo Moffat. Hammy Struti tei5 ---_-_--M r. an M rs. F re d S m ith and an tI M cii l{skin have ett uri d lion te an _lî e n in. er CE AGENTS mnwoi awy an Lod nild iie a m m mo )Ii enei~ t iye ur m ne job t a arother isn't Tewin's. Mm. s nd NIrs. . Tom is, Ruly an d étIrn ri BowmanviIIe hîkelY ta find the orie ho is look- Mm. and Mms. A. Morgan and Jean. Shirle-, Mm. anti Mrs. W. N. a tng for, Ross, Oshawa, Miss Jean Smith, Hoskin attended the 5th wedding It is unwise ta trust the mari Brooklin, at Mr. E. W. Badley's. annivemsamv of Mm. anti Mms. JamesU i who trusts no anc. Mm. and Mms. W. D. Weigel\\White. Elizabethville.______________________ nity in which their scout group shorts. If the King - Emperor of ostered and supported. over 500 millions of people - is flot ashamned to wear shorts, then ,the Toronto Exhihitioni a Bowm-raflville Scouts should like- 1days ago we saw~ a Scout- WS not bc ashamned. ter whose age must have beeni und 60 years. lie %vas proudly Love of money is the root of ring the Scout uniform. shorts much mnatrimoly. ail. Several vears ago ive re- A manri hits a humnan target nber attending a Scout RallY teh hot f London, Englandarid on the n outh.er iwing stand w-as the Earl of ,i ouh àth. 93 years of age. and proud- 1 "ý wearing full uniform, shorts I ail. The reason we have not - "etW og these two is just to show that "etW ogt these men can wear shorts A. H. BOUNSALL hout being embarrassed. sure-, ývery Bowmanvi]le scout cari. PslI r'nIPelr Sother thing to rerneniber is monuments, Tablets, markers, etc. twhen King George turris out i n Granite and Marbie. àScout gathering he toa wears Join the KENWOOD CHRISTMAS CLUB Buy sof t, warm, fieecy, coloumftil KErNWOOD Blankets for Christ- mas -for yourself; for Youm friends. Do it the easy way by joining aur KENWOOD CHRISTMAS CLUB. Each week you maice a small weekly deposit. It is entemed iri your KENWOOD PASS BOOK. By Christmas, the blankets yau plan to buy are PAID FOR--and yau've neyer missed the money. Inquime at aur blanket department for full details of this simple, pleasarit, purchasing plan. The Ideal Christmas Gift A KENWOOD BLANKET e.AKE STRSfII di Lmfive 'years 01(j todaY.'l mpûl)rtaflt eveflt in anYe this bright Youln-se ,way t. sradl lite big where sv"r es~ saes continlent 0orCoss itue ,t way to get it there- ecaus yOUare reallY xsûfl is .by îipur Reduction in telephone rates - local and long distance - lin 1935, '36 and '37 have affected savings ta telephone users in Ontario and Quebec af nearly one million dollars yearly. FRANK WILLIAMWS, Manager. 0 This agency of the Hi Comipany is battling help you prevent fine your property is the that we give aur po or phone. j.a J. MASI INSURAN( Phone 681 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8TH, 1938 PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Bowmanville Phone 451

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