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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Sep 1938, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO are often, at first, violently re-Fo Put forward by Darwin and Hux- Me oilW n o o Danff unurcn Y OU R W OR LD A ND M IN E ley were, in their day, regarded (Copyight)as sacrilege, and bad turbulent (Copyight)opposition by saintly people. Pas- ByJh .Krwo teurs ideas exposed hirn to the By Jhn C Kirwoodscorn of the medicai profession Several montbs ago I said in al Pain has to be subdued by mor- when first announced. There were contribution to the Statesman that Phie hysoY terdys b learned men who less than a 100 in my opinion "Mercy killing"1 prolonged« We would not alîow years ago affirmed that wheat should have legal sanction. In this a gdogo? os olv fw a could not be grown west of the preentconribtio i ut orwrdit suffering bopelessly as a con- Mississii and north of the Can- the view that anyone wishing a euncof an accident or of an adian boundary line. After the quick end to bis life should be'incurabl disease. Whyn, Great War the United States for- erttdto state his wish to shouid we condemn a hu- bade, by law, wornen smoking in anmeif eail oy acon st t tdh anbeing toa prolongation f public places. It wasunthinkable nd itis abpdycaginre that th his or her agony, when there is a few years ago that both Russia dixustifaplication forequik1 absolutely no prospect of recov- and Gerrany would ban Christian deiath isutiilt hmen tea- ery? And there is the case of worsip. When a hundred or s0 plian ca sbmi hrnslftoa those in asylums for the insane? years ago steam railways were be- legally constituted organization Is it any kindness to keep these îng built, a large body of pbi wbich exists to put men, wornen afflicted persons alive for 10, 20ý opinion opposed their construc- and cildren to death, say by gas. 30 or 40 years? Regard should tion.. The invention of the stearn What is in My mind is this:- be had for those on whorm the engine was seen by multitudes to there are many, many sufferers burden of care and exense fîils.b aa otedvlp to who can neyer hope to get any Life for tbem is made distressing human labour and prosperity. The better - disabled soldiers, by in the extrerne when tbey have imagination of our grandparents way of example. Also, there are to see daily the bopeless suffering neyer forsaw the knee-high skirts ,~ageing persons who have become of one having cancer; and beyond which were vogue but a few dependents on their kmn or on the the distress of seeing the suffer- yars ago, nor the "shorts" which state. Others - old persons - ing there rnay be a burden of are so commîron in these present have becorne tired of life and expense which they cannot carry. days, nor the scanty batbing suits wish for the early arrival of the There rnay have to be a denial which are universal today. Great Reaper. As 1 see it, it is of thernselves and their children The point which I arn making kindness and mercy when iuseless - a denial of food, of comforts, is: there is always going on in lives can be terminated by death of education - when the life of this world a development in ideas -this with the consent of the one bopelessly afflicted, in mind and manners and practices. What individual and of those who may gr body, is kept prolonged. Love may be shocking today wili to- be his or her kmn. is apt to die when it costs too rnorrow be familiar practice or Suicde s soethng iffeentmuchto ainain.belef.nspired by the beauty of the ericton, N.B., aso rector of St. Sicd esis se t h n d îfee nt u h mitain. beli am ef. s r ha e o e h s Canadian Rockies, a d the Barnabas Church, Calgary. He and I hre scir ta to condo n ui -yt century cores to an end we shahl sweet tones of the belis of St. served In the C.E.. front 191- tidere arrcnst aceshencasui- When first encountered the idea have legalized killing of human George Church, Banff, Alberta, 18, being chaplain of No. 14 Cana- for example, of a man in the of leize iling, with or with- beings - those hopelessly iii in Miss Jessie Van Brunt of Brook- dian Hospital at Eathourne, Eng- wilderness, ail alone, bitten, say, out the consent of the individual, mind and body, and those wbose lyn, New York, has presented the land.Ile died at 75 on July 9, by a poisonous snake. He knows is apt to be very sbocking, and outlook is black - this by reason church with a memorial window 1929. that hie cannot escape death Wby, many good people wîll say that of their feebleness, or lack of whlch she deslgned and made bier- Rt. Rev. I- Raiph Sherman, the, soud le lt imslfdie in it would be sinful to take life - money. It is true - it is immin- seIlf The window embodies the M.A.B. Ltt., D.D., Bisop of Cal- agony? Or suppose the case of that twudba transgression ent - tat te Sates wil under- Iea of te Curch belis s angels gr, recently dedicated te win- one about to be cruelly tortured, of the laws of Holy Writ. Yet take to provide for the wants and or God's messengers sending in- dow. to the point of death, by bis cap- these saine persons rnay agree that needs of tbose aged 65 or more; splrlng Invitations to worsblp. It The belis wbîcli inspired Miss tos ihit is quite right to condemn to yet there will be rnany who will was placed above the main en- Van Brunt were donated by Hon. delive a b sutoe tohe of death, by hanging, or by the leth- prefer death to state charity. If trance and le ln memory of the Robert Brett, Lieutenant-Govern.. oeivrne rspoetecs if a wornan captured or seized by a hamber, or by the eiectric they want to pass out of life at late Canon Henry Montgomery, or of Alberta in 1925, later being lustful soldiers, knowing sureîy chai r or by aho iring squad, those a time to be chosen by them- M.A., rector of this church f rom dedicated by Rt. Rev. Cyprian that. there can be no escape for h take human life, or connive selves, tberr tbey sbould be ailow- 1921-24, prevlously rector of St. Pinkham. D.D., D.C.L., late Blsbop hier frorn those who wiîî maîtreat with others to have persons kill- ed to do so. Peter's Churcb, Kingsclear, N.B., of Calgary, in 1927. Rev. Canon bier. Or take the case of that ed; or those who are traitors to __________ and Canon of Christ Churcb TuIly Montgomery is the present heroic man with Scott in the Ant- their country or who fail as sen- abdlinteios f r-rco. artic wbo boldly walked oto tinais in warfare to perform.their REV. C. R. SPENCER aierlntedocs<iFe-retr the tent into the void,' knowing duty, or wbo becorne spies in an N W C R EB L that swift death was to be bis enemy country. That. is to say, N W C R E B L fate - this man doing this tbing all of us agree that burnan life can GROUP PRESIDENT BULLETINS Wrltten For bave a chance to live because of a courts. Then wby not courts of lengthened food suppîy. selected and trustworthy men to Rev. C. R. Spencer of St. John's BR LA DBy J C K ~~adjuicate on applic ations frorn in- Anglican Churcb, Bowmanville, BR)ADY Wnfe .Wlo J Kdividuals and from their kmn that was elected president of the Ail of us know of sufferers they - sufferers and worid- Deanery Carpetball League, comn- 1-THE SANDPIPERi---e-E.- Wl- o frorn cancer, slowiy dying. Their i wearied ones - should bave their prising men's clubs of the Angli- Did you know that far, and wiii finaiiy land back in _______________________life taken frorn thern? can churches of this district, at an the bird referred to the original place. That gives us N Imagine the case of an aged executive meeting of the league ýh Potnt fwthn h I man, without kin, without money, held at Newcastle last Wednesday in the famous oid cathe prtui ty of wtcebitete THAN S I I I witbout physical or mental ability vening. Harry G. Ballard of Port ' French-Canadian follt ard oncuvdwnsta toernbs iin.Wh boi Hp wsre-eiected secretary- song "Alouette" is are eid 50 stiffiy in fligbt. not this man be allowed to die, treasurer. Rev. J. M. Crisali of Supposed to be tbe Spotted Sand- This Sandpiper is one of tbe DAY provided he makes application to St. John's Anglican Church, Portp Monday, Octoberit10 d court to be Hope was elected vice-president. piper? It seems strange that this farmer's friends, because it runs Mondy, ctoer 0 pat t dethWhat wrong is During the meeting, plans for sbould be so, for the French word between the furrows and eats up ENOYA ON WEE.EDdone to anyone by the passing of the coming season were made "alouette" actualiy means "'lark"' snsect pests. EJYALN WE -EDthis man? and a scbeduie for the games for and these birds are about as dif- We br adero The soeat LOW RAIL FARES I venture to say tbat tbere are the 1938-39 season were drawn. ferent as any two species couîdonypr.TeLsti Between ail pointa in canada and to tens of thousands of oid persons Despite inclement weather a large be. But doubtiess this water bird ol six inches long: tbat is two certain detnationa in th in Canada wbose continued belp- turnout w as present. was a familiar sight here many Solitary. lis upper parts are dark United States. lessness bas soured the home life Mr. Baliard presented the sec- years ago, for now it is tbe most brown, egdwt rgtcet of those witnessing tbeir helpiess- retary's report covering the past plentiful Sandpiper in Canada. u e adgtee wtandri cest-r Fare and One-Quarter ness and who are called upon to year's work and this was favor- Ail over the country in fields or mand tere st an sies aree For the Round Trip care for tbemn. ably received. The finances of the weeds beside even a very smali wit grycon susmystreae Tickets good golng from faon *Friday, J C K organization, it was pointed out, body of water their nests may be whistle, "Peet-weet." Oct. 7, until 2 p.m., Monday, If this idea of mercy killing and were in the best condition in found. Tbe eggs are buffy, witb Oct. 10, 1938. of permission to die being granted seven years. prornînent spots like the breasts The Solitary, as you may ima- *Where no P.M. train service, Oct. 7 to applicants for à speedy death At the conclusion of the busi- and sides 0f the aduit itseif. gine, is noted for living alone or tickets good on A.M. trains. were to have persistent airing in ness session a general discussion The caîl "Pewit-pewit-pewit" in pairs even in migration. Its RETURN LIMIT to leavedetnto the newspapers of the country, took place. Many of the delegates first rwou attention. Then flight. is a long, sweeping wing- dsiainthen there would in the courseoexrsdthivew on as if Our eyes foiiow the sound, aý beat in contrast to the stiff stroke mingt uatirne be developeda body of opin- and rneans of srnteigteti time of year we see not onl of the Spotted; it nods continual Oct. 1, 1938ion whicb would eventually sanc- mnen's clubs and pointing out their one, but marna and papa Spotted and teeters only occasionally; and MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE tion legalized killing of burnan be- real service to the church. The Sandpiper with their large farn- it bas no white bars on the wing. Aduits or Childre*,. ..25c ings wbo apply for death Or discussion proved very interest- ily in tow, picking their steps Until fairly recently the eggs Fui4l informiation froîni any Agenit wbose hopeless sufferings make ing and instructive to ail present. tdaintiyalong the beach with of a Solitary Sandpiper bad neyer qikdahfrtbem an act of that peculiar teetering motion of been seen. The reason is now Canadian Pacific ýboth humnity and rnercy. ies Tbe meeting was brougbt to ai theirs. Tbis teetering seems to be known. They are laid in an old Newandreoîuionry close with the benediction being constant, even wben the bird is nest tbat bas been built near ______________New__and___________________________ pronounced by the new vice- not walking. Naturally enough, water by some land bird - as a president, Mr. Crisali. tbeir common naine is "Tip-up.", Robin or a Cedar Waxwing. Tbe schedule for 1938-39 is as if we pursue a Spotted Sand- Wbat makes Mrs. Kingfisher Sfoliows: piper, it will fly abead of us from more conspicuous than bier bus- October one point to anotber, neyer going band? 21-Cobourg at Newcastle. 18-St. John's, Port Hope,' at 19Necatl a S. ar's W stDurham Exhibitors Are Prize November 8-Newcasthe at St. John's, Port Winners At Annual Oshawa Fair 22i-Bow MranvilPort Cobourg Many Durhamn folk won awards div ision, Miss Hooper won the lst 22-t.Mark', orl Hpe a at Oshawa Fair held hast week. prîze for the best exhibît of one December Adoc agaîn the inclement, cake, one pie, and one dozen 12t Jon's Pot Hpeat eather înterfered with attend- ibuns, while Mrs. Balson won ist Newcastle. anea' ato [ c'asben 1a for best six rnuffinr, 2nd for best 13-Cobourg at Bowrnanville ed by the Oshawa Fair on SO invalid's tray. .......21-Bowmanville at St. Mark's raypeiusocsos __Port Hope.' In'the Vegetable Section: Lorna Junior Farmners January ýHooper, Tyrone, won 2nd in rnusk- In this division also West Dur- 9-t.Jon', or Hpe a mrelon, 2ndr, wtrreo harn was well presented in the Cobourg. M.J. Hepburn, Enniskillen prize list. Lloyd Metcaif, Maphe i l-Cobourg at St. Mark's. won 3rd prize for 5-lb. crock of Grove, and E. Staînton, Hampton, I l-Bownanville at Newcastle. butter.i and Alex Muir, Courticp, won in 31-St. Mark's, Port Hope, at St. Sarn Snowden was a frequent! the dairy caîf heifer chass; Robt. John's, Port Hope. winner in the apple division, xin- !Muir, Courtice, wvon in -the dairy -JîîtO---h-fi masmle-ises ndLis Hoer ie and mTiora t."-Safbry fl -a,, MMVE 2dis s Hooin er.M Mats fnr h. Pi BEAUTIFUL FLOORS < "Honesty is a warrant of far draggy- ewinvissitulitywlv more safety than fame."-Owen -iewetur-- i. snapshots, Mkhs Hooper. Telhamn. hadnt tleugbt ofb LvehckDiiso IF YOU ALWAYS USE "A~n ns ert possesses a kidney, ut afrieni Horses oakDivisi boodmn auggate Ded'a id- 'UPwith foal, 2nd, Milton Brown, aey Pie. At once meh* Newcastle; Foal of 1938, lat, Milton The constant drip of water took [)dda&. TMm Brow; nebs nhres Wears away the hardest stone; uWah.d Eout " feelinges i hrnss The constant gnaw of Towser wa 5ElEl replaced y 13 hands and under, lst and 2nd, Mashs th touhes bon; de huE. Asbton, Enniskillen; Best pony, M ash s t e t ughe t b ne;dem hea ed aer y ~foal of 1938, 2nd, A . A yre, H am p- k The constant wooing lover Headache bac . lassitude and othe, ton; Pony race, E. Ashton, Tht and £ 1~~...... Carres off the blushing maid; iguef f mul7 adejofia#eàe. 12 nd; Heavy draught horses A. And the constant avrie à4 Wlh Omnil;Filly' or Is the one who gets the trade. Do ds iI.eayPWecfBoma rle " clt fOlJ. Stark, Burketon, 3rd; * TrhuxbiuAx, SIfM 22ND, 1938 PAGE THREE Light draught, filly or gelding, 3 1trouble is that the other 999 think "You don't *know the thrill I years old, A. Welch; Percherons they can. get fromn my handsome boy- and Belgians, filly or gelding, 3 friend's kisses." years and under, 2nd, F. Glaspell "The deuce I don't." ing, 2 years and under, 2nd, M. First Brunette: "So the magie- "hwa oyuma? Hepburn, Enniskillen: Filly or ian had his eye on a lovely gai "I , ha apdeoatyour iary and Son, Hampton; Filly or geld- " a ape tyu ir Lockhart, Newcastle; M. Hepburn; Second Brunette: "No, dearie, Colt or filly foal, 2nd, L. Pascoe, the hand was quicker than the A man's got horse sense when Hampton, 3rd, M. Brown, New- eye." he can say "'nay". c a s t ie ; M a r e a n d f o a l a t f o o t, S . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Lockhart, M. Hepburn, L. Pascoe; Span and equipment, 3rd, M. Hep- burn, Enniskiilen. Dairy Cattle Durham County Holstein Club cleaned up most of the prizes in the Holstein division ,and others from this locality who won prizes in this section were Archie Muir & Sons, Courtice; J. Cruickshank, e C n H l Y o Hampton, each of whom won several. In the Guernsey class: A. T. Stainton, Hampton, won Dairy cattie specials, Durham every prize in the section. In............. County Holstein Club won three prizes .and A. T. Stainton two prizes. Sheep1 As is usual West Durham breed- F you have businesspln ers took ail the major awards forpln sheep. In the Cotswolds and Lei- cester class: W. Robbins, Hamp- requiring credit we sha,1 be glad ton, won 9 prizes, or more than oheyo dics yoreqre haif offered. Aif Ayre, Hamp- ohvyudicsyureqre ton, captured most of the prizes in the Shropshire and Southdown Ments with us. We are anxious to class: winning 12 prizes, with the remainder goxng to A. Baker, help in the business development of Hampton. O:tford Downs and Hampshires: J. Baison, Hampton, yu O mnt.Ti saplc won 5 prizes, and in the Suffolk ytT Ti saphc and Cheviot class, Aif Ayre won for which the Bank is distinguished the whole 12 prizes offered. In the special section for sheep, Aif Ayre -the development of local business won for the best flock of Shrop- shire or Southdowns, and also the prizes for the best flock of at ail points throughout Canada Cheviots or Suffolks, best mar- ket lamb, best market lamb over wherewe have established branches. 90 pounds, and the best South- down or Shropshire ewe. We have tried to include ail West Durham winners in this list, but should we have missed any we would be pleased to have the errors drawn to our attention. The real and enduring great- ness of a nation always has its H E C NUBA I source in the home; patriotism ai- ways dwells within the home that is happy. O F C M E C It was George Elliott who said MR.R. L. MITCHELL, Manager, Bowmanvluîa Branch that politeness is like an air cush- MR.A. A. DRUMMOND, Manager, Orono Branch, and ion, there may be nothing in it MR.C. T. BAYT, Manager, Newcastle Branch, but it eases the jolt wonderfully. wmiI b. glad ta have yau cail and diacus any mattera "Only one man in a thousand In which the Bank can helpyou. can whistle" says a writer. ThatM is very comforting, but the chief

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