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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Sep 1938, p. 1

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READ BY 12,000 People Weekly -;an ORONO NEWS With Which Are Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle lndependent And The Orono NewsONPG9 VOLUME 84 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1938NMBR9 Gipsy Simon Smith, World Renowned Evangelist Was Heardb-y 3,000 on'Sunday- H u e cngrgatins hat the people who go to chur Greet Internationally habit, for business reasons,f si contacts, or just plain di Known Evangelist - and that the attendance wiil co Delivered Three Ad- tinue to drop as time goest He admits the church has a pii( dresses Sunday and and a large place, but it isr One on Monday fusing to fi that place for t good of ail, and so the church iosing its grip, but hie cannot s Gypsy Simon Smith has corne how it can be stopped. and gone. What his visit to Bow- Gypsy Simon Smith ariswerx manvilie means remains to be that question on Monday nig seen, but for the present it can When hie stated two things, fin be said that religion stili has a The church is in need of a san scriptural evangelism, and ti place in the hearts of folk. Years people are wanting it," and se ago it would have been a com- ond "That a grateful worid hi monpiace thing but today it is re- yet to see what God canc markable, and news, that one sim- thogh those converted." sineremancan The church can regain its o pie, unassuming, sicr a a position, and gain a lot moi bring together upwards of three ground when its people wili rea thousand people, hoid their at- ! ize it not oniy must have its fir tention throughout, and send them services, but also go out into tý on their way home with better ' highways and byways to seek i the iost. It must iearn it is desires in their hearts. On Mon- place of refuge for the sinsic i dey night especiaily, with Trinity soul and not just a place in whic United Church filied, hie thriiied to sing psaims. It wiil have1 his isteners by reciting a iife that strike the evangeiistic note agai Whether At goes back to the sa' was not particularly thriiling, not dust traii and the penitent benc by a long way as thrilling or or not does not matter, but it wi strange as the lives of many of have to be the real agency firstt his iisteners, but a life that was awaken the people to a sensec marvellous in its achievements in their sins, second, to care fc those who are struggling tog spite of terrific handicaps, a life straight, third to bring saint an that has been and is full of ser- sinner together before a God w] vice toward the redemption of his loves them ail. fellow men. He achieved much during his two days stay; if we Gypsy Smith threw out a chal are wise we who remain can lenge ta Bowmanville church pec aheemuch more. pie, the challenge of evangelisi It is a common complaint to- efrwt h prospect of day that the church is îosing its great achievement in good thini! grip on a vast army of people. Wouid it not be a fine thing if w How true that is may be hard to realiy went after these greate say, but the man on the street things. wiil tell you the church of to-day Perhaps we need another Wes is cold, alopf, seclusive, its ser- ley Who, in reference to th vices formai without feeling or church of his day, said "Awa] !iepfulness, and the general run thou that sleepest, and arise fror of sermons fiights of oratory deal- the dead." ing with subjects that do flot 1 Wonder what wouid happe reach the heart or soul of the if someone said "Haiielujah"o man who is realiy hungry for "Amen" in a modemn church ser spiritual food. He wiil tell you vice. Bowmanville High School Athietes Fail in Bid for Bassett Field Tropfr Whitby Higli Schoal Wins Cul for Third Successive Time and Become Permanent Owners - Tom Depew Makes Best Showing for B.H.S. Bowmanville High School ath- letes did not fare s0 weli in the annual Whitby-Bowmanville-Ux- bridge-Port Penny inter-s chbao. field meet aI Whitby last Fiday. Wbitby High School won the Bas. sett Tropby, embiematic o! the group championship fan the third lime in succession and thus be- came permanent possessors o! the tnopby. The aggregate points for eacb scboal w&èe, Whitby 77, Uxbridge 69, Port Perry 56, Bowmanville 43. Seven news records were piled up during the aftemnoon. Bowmanville athietes won sev- eral events but their total points were low. Tom Depew, wbo un- officially broke several local shboal records Ibis fail, came second in the boys' senior cbampianship, only lwa points behind the win- Sner, Harden o! Wbitby. Compiete list o! winnems fol- lows: Junior Girls 50 Yard Dash - M. Hood, Part Permy; D. Dawney, B owmanvilie; G. Hood, Port Penny; record, 6 2-5 secs. Broad Jump - G. Hood, Port Permy; D. Downey, Bowman%>ille; P. Pollock, Uxbridge. 75 Yard Dash - R. Hood, Port Penny; Gx. Hood, Port Perry; O. Lear, Whit- by. Basketbail Thmow - S. Camp- bell, Bawmanviile; R. Emmett, Bowmanville; Helen Samanski, Whitby. High Jump - G. Hood, Port Ferry; .C. Spencer, Bowman- ville; E. Goidburn, Whitby. 220- Yd. Relay - Port Pemmy, Whitby, Bowmanville. Senior Girls 75 Yard Dash: H. Michael, Whit- by; A. Fier, Uxbridge; Gloria Hol- man, Whitby. Broad Jump: A. Fier, Uxbridge; R. Carnegie, Part Perry; H. l14ichael, Whitby; re- cord 12 1-5. 100 Yard Dash: A. Fier, Uxbridge; H. Michael, Whit- by; M. McCrea, Port Perry. Bas- kelbali Thmow: H. Williams, Bow- manville; R. Carnegie, Port Fer- ry; A. Fier, Uxbidge. H i g h Jump: A. Fier, Uxbridge; M. Wil- son, Uxbridge; -T. Pearse, Bow- manville. 220 Yard Relay: Ux- bridge, Bowmanvilie. Junior Boys 100 Yard Dash: B. Aldred, Part Perry; S. Noble, Whitby; P. Wil- (continu.d on Page 8) pTHE STATFJ8MAN OFFICE TO BE OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS For the canvenience o! cus- lomers who are flot able ta cail during the day ih bas been decided to keep The Statesman office open on SATURDAY NIGHTS fom e 7 ta 9 o'clock. Subscribers during these hours may pay subscriptions, leave orders for job pinting, place orders for Classifieds or other advertising, pay for classifieds o! the cument *week in arder ta gel the ben- efit of tbe 25e cash rate, and do other busines in connec- 1 tian with the office. * We trust aur custorners will avail thernseives o! ibis ad- ditional service we bave ar- ranged for their canvenience, starting tbis week. The boums are 7 ta 9 o'clock. RE-ORGANIZE BOY SCOUT LEADERS PLAN APPLE DAY At a meeting o! the Boy Scout Graup Committee, in the office af the Chairman, W. R. Strike on Tuesday, a e-rganization was carried out and plans for the fut- ure dawn. The Comjririttee ap- poinled the foliowing officers: First Cub Pack -Acting Cub- master, William James; Assist- ants, Eric Swindeiis and Arthur Cully. First Scout Tmaap - Scoulmas- ter, C. C. MacNaim; Assistant, Ar- thur Living. Mr. MacNair is aiso. Supervising Scoutmaster. Second Cub Pack - Cubmis- tmess, Miss Helen Glanville; As- sistant, Miss Joey Cavemly. Second Scout Traop - Scout- master, Tam Carter; Assistants, W. F. Colville and S, Casbounn. Plans were also made for the holding a! Apple Day in Bowrnan- ville on Saturday, October l5th, when the annuai appeal for !unds will be made. Scouts and Cubs wili canvass the homes and sel apples on the streel. Ail Scout leaders are asked ta meet Sunday afternoon at 3.45 at William James' home. The Boy Scouts are collecting aid newspapens and wauld ap- preciate those having newspapers they wish ta dispose of, getting in tauch with sarne Scout in their section o! the town. FRIENDS PAY TRIBUTE B. Herbent Mortiock For the past eight years Assistant to the Editor of The Statesman, wha leaves on Salumday ta be- corne Associate Editor o! The Times-Review ai Fort Erie, On- tario. On Monday night, eleven organizations gatbemed in the Sons o! Engiand Hall ta stage a fare- well banquet in bis bonor and ta present a framed address and a purse o! maney. SERIES Member of Statesman Staff Is Honoured at Big Banquet B. H-. Mortlock Given Hon. Gardon D. Canant, wben it B .was realized joumnaiism was un- Presentation on Be doubtedly bis chosen profession. haif of Municipal and In 1929 he was mamried ta Kath- Community Organiz-1 leen Gibbs, daughter of Mm. and HsMms. T. H. Gibbs, Tyrone. It a ations Prior to Hi in 1930 that Mr. Mortlock jained Departure for NeW The Statesman staff, o! which he bas been a valued and loyal mem- Post ber. Publie Service Enemgy, abiiity and sterling, It was nat 50 much bis news- chamacter were recognized im- paper womk which was praised at pressively Monday night at Lions the fareweil banquet. Rather, it Club when eleven local organiza- was bis generous public service tions paid tribute ta B. Herbert among rnany local arganizalions, Morilock, associate editor of ,The bis fidelity ta bis church, and bis Canadian Stalesman for the past activities there, and bis assistance eigbi years, who leaves this week ta unfortunate friends ta whomn ta take over the editoriai duties he was always ready ta lend a o! the Fort Erie Tirnes-Review. helpîng band, neyer fargetîing Born n Enlandthat he bad once. been one a! His h! e stary reads like an hm Horatia Alger Book. Raised in a Speakers Pay Tnibute Foundiing Hospital in England, President J. J. Brown of the working in a chain grocery andi Lions Club, who presided, spake later an the staff o! Dr. Barnardo's o! bis wark as a charter member Home, he carne ta Canada in a! Bawmanvilie Lions Club and Aprîl 1925 and seltled on a farm emphasized bis depend a b i i t y. Advemsity upon advemsity was his Farbes Heyiand, speaking for the lot in these yeams and a!ter em- Rotary Club, suggesied that themei Pioyment in the Goodyear and the were some who peacbed and W 1i-1-ians. andItins L- fhP ef on h lne on h ON SA U DA neuebcmgbm p n. on harvesters' excursions, je would plant the corn when Mr.__________ w-YOUR VOCABULARY found bimself doing constru.ction Mortiock ieft, hie didi not know. TheTontpepewri- work and digging ditches. M0o R . Jones commended e on aury aft eno- O A Y L B riii ON LIMITED DIET? in 1929 hie joined the staff of the honored guest for continuing jurien aTon St caar kded no ETRYTAUBED B to the Oshawa Daily Tirnes, under ta climb the ladder of success and then sToridento a wkde ofthe of the capable leadership of Editor fo en iwy ed t edaCratfBri Cm.W illiofam GOODYEAR MOVIES for "In this chat about putting a M. MacIntyre Hood, now prîvate hand to the unfortunate. "We Lye,o wneranddriverpo0f thelcar, go bit of dynamite into the words we secretary ta Attorney General' (Contlnued on Page 6) suffered severe facial cuts, while Rotarians were treated to an rid write or speak, I arn moved by his wife, who sat by his side in unusuai and interesting programi hothe iaziness of the general public the front seat, was uninjured. E. Friday at luncheon when a short in its choice of words.' oA DogaTrno eevdmvn itedpcigvvdl ai This sentence, given by Volney Special Committe e is Appointed to A. o gis, adors.nta e seiv e m vlgtueo dtinvivid Iran, of Vancouver, before a re- fered a knee injury. They were Life Guard Tire tubes, which en- Wi eetiyonetspap ers AocianStctr2 uantetd fi n trae by Dr. W. H. Birks at ;able the driver of a car ta keep a ekl _______Asoiain~ 1Fd V ct ran N rs ues U Bwrnanviiie Hospital and were his vehicie under control when a gs electrified the audience, and prov- later* aliowed to proceed. blowout occurs. The prograrn was veed the prelude ta an interesting, endeavourgan o-praio ccring tanewies, tebought ta the club through the tamusing, and yet worthwhiie ad- Graup of Representative Citi- healthrteaching and co-operation Accordingstofan eyewitnesshtheMb dres.Exrat ppar elw en He Or8k with local organizations. another car on the bridge, when Hardy, Superintendent of the la-1 dRead nd ee if Mr. Ierns as ot 8en ar Oganizer peak The nurse works oniy under cs accurateiy surnred up the situa- at Publie Meeting - Fur- the direction of a physician and a ouphe, wcars ae ad, ued cal GoodeatR.plantvn rsd rie tion as it affects you. ther Meeting Oalled for will undertake no cases unîess on intosa the ca Le pided is'resi adent R R. tevtensmpesid- rn "Men and women have put October 6th doctor's orders. The nurse wiîî hbrdge.dThecrnt end o ei f i i h anncuded thpe eting )Mflofrontk sholnusiwhich anv ntuetwocpres eatin their vocabulary on a diet, until _____asinetk colnrigadcar and the engine were severeiyofanvlatrtacu me- it has become but skin and bonies! a baby clinic, but the prîrnary darnaged. Chief of Police Sydney bers. The f irst was in the nature enThere are over haif a million A committee,, composed of womk is that of bedside nursing. Venton investigated. of a trial for the "theft" of a hat, or words in the Engiish dictionary,1 memrbers of the Board of Heaith, Womk in the schoois and clinic Returning from this accident and the second a presentation for r-and yet tbe average coilege pro- ýand J. O'Neill, E. W. Crawford, depends entimeiy on the arnountthCiecanupn ntert"vor"Bhwreeteeye- fessor uses only sorne 7,000 wordsj R. M. Cotton; W. P. Corbett, Mms. Of time availabie aftem bedsideKing and Liberty streets, when a tertaining. and his students about haif that B. M. Warnica and Mrs. W. R. nursing is compieted. ilittle daughter of Mr. and Mrs. number. 0f course, it is customn- Strike, was appointed Thursday Miss Creasy pointed out that1 A. Lewins, Bowrnanvile, was 1L amy for tbe average person (fta make a study of the question" the Dominion organization is slightiy hurt when the car door t!r ssc naia)t ne-of providing a Victorian Order maintained by Dominion and Pro- fiew open and the child was lilgilt I pr ve , it is just as customary for the This cornmittee was appointed at tions, and local branches are not Yaverage person ta make 43 one- a publiic meeting held in the Town asked ta support the Dominion C if o dto syliable words ta do the work of Hall under the auspices of the office. Each branch mnust be self _______________ expressing one haif of bis ordin- Town Council. Town Cierk A. J.;suppomting and the money is rais- SPECIAL HARVEST amy conversation. Sorneone bas Lyie acted as chairman. ýed from patients' fees, gi-ants HE DA' . Noe said that tbe ordinamy bousewife Among the organizations epre- 'fmom tbe municipality and local E VC S., S bas oniy about 800 words in ber sented at the meeting weme the Organizations, tag days, and other ST. JOHN'S SUNDAY vocabuiamy - a srnall stock - but Rotary and Lions Clubs, Home maney raising events. Wednesday afternoon provided a thînk of tbe turnover! land Schooi Club, St. Joseph's At the conclusion o! Miss Inacuc uutflyd r t ile rest fromn the monotony of 'From the viewpoint of a full Cbumcb, Canadian Legion, Order Creasy's address severai questions I brhbatflydcmt school wbcn classes were dismisscd dictionamy, consider the express- o! Eastern Star, Public Scbool were asked, and Miss Buttery, on ed with the products of the field, ai 3:30 in -os'des- hat the pupils iveness o! a dog! He bas only one Board, High School Board, Hospi- 1behaif o! the local nurses, point- garden and orchard, the congre- inight attend the balilRame. In or- word-bis bamk-but a language tai Board, Women's Canadian1 ed out that Bamanviiie's 12gaino StJh'sA lcn der ta do ibis the sessions siarted at ailbisown Cubandmeresntaivs o loallocal nurses would suffer consid- Church gave tbanks for the bles- Snooty Wordsnurses, ýerably if the service was inaug- sîngs of Hamvest on Sunday. The m.Ntabd dat noe ia "noTher s n laeuated beme. Miss Buttemy aiso services weme vemy lamgely at- ail the time, but somebody woul phre s nonileceinoaumle ofMAsstat riendrena f teun or nted out that local nurses have tended, and opened with a cele- lhave 10 spoil the fun and be laie.0 f or a logcm ee on h commas - there is fia place for Victorian Order of Nurses, was log ieRen.oigth raio f h HlyCmmnon- .H.S. snooy wrds Th us ofprie peset ad otiied he orkofi type of nursing done by the Vic- at 8 a.m. when Rev. C. . Spencer Wc wonder why a ioud cerwn snooy wods. he ue o prie, pesen an outinedthe ork tarian Order. It was also pointedJ was celebrant, and was assisted up wben Don Williams popped at vanity and flattery have no place tbe organization. 'out by Miss Creasy in epîy to a by Rev. Dm. C. H. Short, the guest foui 'bailia o one of the first form in the honest man's conversation. Out of every eight people, only question, that in the case o! in- peahe fr the Festival. Dm. windows? It was a grand game Pride says: I don't tbink much of five are able ta pay for the ser-dietpinsuabeapyan Short, for some tirne a Missionary and we are sure the pupils appreciat- you! Vanity says: What do you vices of a nurse, a recent survey féee no charge was made, and in Japan, was later Dean o! the cd the opportunity of seeing It. s thing of me? Flattery is soft soap evealed, Miss Creasy said. Ai sraller charges were made wben United Anglican Theologicai Col- - B. H. S. -C -and sofi soap is 90 percent lye. further survey, made by the difficulty was expeienced in pay- leges at Vancouver. Lets forget about , basebail and nr Courtesy is not f lattery. A card Nurses' Association showed a ' ing tbe egular fee, whîch arnount At the mrnmnng service Dr. uet dlown ta rugby. Bowmanville's !r( i ,n a small shop wndow says: sirnilar percentage. The Victorian ta approxirnateîy 75c a visimt. Short peached and M. Spencer husky senior squad has been going SE "W ctr a tut."Acad nOrder is in part an answier ta this The comrnittee, referred ta pre- conducted the service. Special riglIt to it in practices this wek.j W a r n o s te n d e ." T h e : " i f pu scro b ia u e d b t e c h i a larger store window says: I rbem, the speaker said. The viously, will meet in a few days ruî a etrdb h bj Mr. Davis bas been down spedn youar o lne.Th first nurse is paid on a basis o! cost, and wiil report back ta a public under the direction o! Mr. F. W. a great deal af bis valuable trne IN sign accuses ber-the second jol-;and it meet4 the needs a! those meeting on October 6tb. Ayling, and with Mrs. J. A. Gunn coacliinpr the senior team. tû lies. people who cannat afford ta go W. R. Strike, an bebaîf of the at the organ. Miss Lillian Nay-o - B. H. S. - b, "Be particular about tbe sound 1ta tbe bospitai or bave a private gatbering, expmessed appreciation lom contributed a solo at this ser- hr a enaRo unu o! the words you use. Sorne wordsi nurse, ta Miss Creasy for coming ta ie.I heatrno r.So tTher ab ecndiagotsnout ec e have a particulariy jarming effect The services offered by the Or- Bowmanville ta place the details addressed the children ai a spe- iht.aboute2 ania es goi eabH on aur ears. For instance, many der are medical and surgical a!f the Ordem's work before the 1cial service ini the churcb, and in tnht Tseteam baas beven goîgavr] words beginning witb the letters nursing, maternity n u r s i n g. citizens.the evening Dr. Short was againthnest ipasdvsdbMrU SN - snake, snipe, snare, sniff, _______________________________ h pae.Bt ann n Davis and are clicking with f airly o snaml,. sneak, snob. Others like evening the choir was beard ta good success. Outfits werc given twomds beginning oritb SC a littie splendid advantage in two anth- ouita the members of the teami andW fbetter - scoop, scappy, scour, Our English Letter ems. Reposing on tbe altar was the field ought ta be greased wiîb c scowl, scorn, scatter, scandai, And a huge plaited loaf o! bmead and some real sweat this week. cW also words ending in UG - thug, k ' bunches o! grapes, the traditional - B. H. S. - B mug, snug, tug, siug, bug, lug. ~ l M symbols o! the barvesi, wbile he team's firSt Rame is Wednes- "You may !ind yourself rnak- V .. )tbroughout tbe cbumch, flowems, day afternoon in Cobourg. This is C ing a list o! unpleasant womds vegetables and grain weme used the anly team we are grouped witb cc !rom your own or others' conver- By Miss Isobel Stephenson in the decorative scheme. so Wednlesday's game should be- j1 »sation. od etStrathloaldsj "On the other band those words -_-------_______________________ o.netSaîray the lcal lads J h witb a prominent M sound have London, Sept. 21, 1938 The officer, wbose horse had be- E RA A P YitogaetthB.S rdrn e remained bright tbougbout the Last week handbills announced came quiet, sat immobile wbile TEhA A P Yian ame oat t e HS. gridiron. ubbish o! the centuries, bloomn, that a great Peace Deémonstration the pellets stmuck birn on the face. FOR OPEN POST the visitars are cansidered a good t] -beam, came, Mother, home, trm,_would take place in Trafalgar But the second afficer was hav- IN CUSTOMS PORT.team. 10 symrnetry, amuse, comrade, me- Squame on Sunday afiernoon. ing trouble with bis teri!ied____ - B. H. S. - gi mary. Perbaps tbe pleasant sug- Prominent meni and warnen would maunt. Possibly there were those Elections of the Aihleîic Soçieties tÜ gestions are more easily accamp- speak. who wanted Peace at Any Price Notices have been posted in the and the Literary Society shauld be Pl iisbed by illitemative treairent- *** and wished ta Stand By Czecba- Post Office and Customs Office for *soon~. This causes quite a bit of ex- 01 that whicb, sorneone bas called a My !riend and I did not bear Siovakia Througb Thick and Thin; applications for the position Of citenient around the halls as every- rptitive beat o! ingeniously Spa- the speakers. But we saw the and so decided that pellets airned Excise Clerk in tbe Bowmanville one is anxious ta do someîhing ta pl ced stresses. most incredibie manifestations O! at the horse migbt prove more Customs Port. Tbe office became lieip the school. We hope one ai these fi Long vs. Short unsuppmessed desires for Peace. efficaciaus. vacant witb tbe promotion o! societies can dilg up enough enthus- c( "Wbiie short words are usually Eigbt hundred men and women In a way they weme rigbt. Th(, Lieut.-Col. E. Smith Ferguson ta amt oigatacern eto best, yet there are longer ones, !iiled Trafalgar Square in protest animal reamed back on its hind the position of Customs Callector for the Rames this year. s0 common that tbey are really ta War. No War! They'd figbt legs and rolled backward an the here, succeeding the late C. Ar- gr.H s short ta us. Some big words fimst. pavement. For a Mmrent I cauld thur Cawker.-B.HS.-C squash out like a ripe tomalo Two mnounted policemen, whom not see that the policeman bad It is undenstood that several M usic ai the schooi is beiniz taken tc wben they bit the brain-but take I shahl remenrber as long as I fallen free o! the hanse. And I local men have sent in their ap- ýeriousIy.* The orchestra bas an ever womds like inspiration, uninter- bave a memory, sat calndy on did nat feel my teeth in the back plications ta, Ottawa. Applications increasîng turnout and there is flt rupted, deliberalely, effectuaily, their fidgeting borses, while tbey of my hand, until a!terwards. must be in by September 30th a large attendance ai the group sing- bý paramout, tr ans p ort at i on, appeamed ta ignore a baiting that I l eesTherapi . hrdyateno.Nws stagtowrnsenthusiastic- must bave been almost unendur- Thn one of those who hàd hi eesryfraplants ta îng an Tusa feno.Nws ally. Evemyone knows them and able. marched in the Parade for Peace write civil service examinations books have been promised by Mr. tI accepts them! They are in the "Stand by CzechoSlovaki" kicked the policeman in the back andi the appaintment is made fol- Sutan ta be forth-coming ai the c. catgoy f onano wrd. oaeda cow o yuts ia. befomele odsrab thi lowing these exarffinations. It is next ciass. 5everal new sea chant-w "As a general ule, we use bet- clencbed !ists. Then, ta demon- fe.ntepce httecekwl shv enotie o h asy ter loge wods n ritngandstrtether earesspaifimthey One man, middle aged, bis face receive notification of appoint- graup singing on Wednesday morn- terloner ord in ritng nd otraed t it esspaer ad îhrwhwite with disgust, shoved and ment untîl about December lst. ing. rle pbtofppradtrwThe salary commences at $1200 - B. H. S. -- W (Continued on Page 7) tbem at the police. (ContInued on Page 6) per annum and increases ta $1700. We were jglad ta sec Tommyv De- WITH 1ANNOUNCES BIIG SALE1 Alex MeGregor One o! Bowrnanville's rnost en- lerprising yaung merchants who announces Bowmanville's "Great- est Drug Sale in History" on page :E INJURED 1 ACCIDENT THREl IN~ CALEDONIA Win Second Game of Series By 4 - 2 Score Wednesday Withericlge Huris Superb Bal GAME SATURDAY AT OAKVILLE Bowmanvilie Royals and Caiedonia wull play the third andB.eA.Ing gmeof they dow. sri. emrineOîatve poay Sadon series in O akviero turwody at 2.30bipion Af hel woayner!ul exhibitiono bail payinthoa wasdgiven by bath the ocalsand he o Wednesday, bal! the lown will in ail probability be making the trip. May we urge ail who can go bo do so as every support wiii be needed not only financialiy but mroaily. There is litile doubi that a large crowd will assist a great deal in spurming the Rayais ta victamy. Phil- lips wiii ikely be the pitcher o! the day, with the regular ircb for îty, ýon- by. ce, re - the iis say -ed ght rst, ne, he ;ec- has do oid mre ine the for Sa ick ich. Royals Show !Vueh lm- proved Condition to Stay in Running for Ontario Intermediate Championship A vastly improved- bail tearn over their last showing, Bowman- ville Royals ied by Ed. Wither- idge's superb pitching, defeated Caledonia 4-2 Wednesday after- noon here to tie up the playdawn series and make a third game necessary. The locals, with their backs to the wall played the best bahl of the year, with only one error, plenty of zip in their catches and throws, and a goodly suppiy of hits. In ail they netted ten hits, one of wl#ich was a double and should have been an easy homer had it not been stopped by the branches of a tree. Slemon was the hitter. Starting in the first as they did in Caledonia, the westerners came through with one run when Av- ery, second batter, took the first pitch for a drive over ieft field fence. Avery aiso disti.nguished himself by making the hardest catch of the evening in the sev- enth on a line drive from Siemon with Williamns on second. The resuit of the game rested with the fielders of both tearns, as there was plenty of hitting on bath -sides, whîch in ordinary games would probably h a v e counted runs. Not so Wednesday. Every man on the teamrs was hot on catches and deadly an his throws, with Bill Bagnell.in cen- tre for Bownfanville one of the rnost outstandîng. Severai times he had to make his catches on the dead run and throw in ta stop the runner coming home. He neyer rnissed and stopped several runs from scormng. Snappiest fielder for Caiedonia was Montgomnery on second who stopped sure hits and made themn look easy. At the bat. he hit the (Continuedi on Page e) int Seen in Fire at the Hos pitai Other Injured Firemen Mak- img Progress-Truck is Sent Away for Repaira - To Convert Ohemical Tanks to Water Booster Fire Chief George Lyle, ser- iousiy injured in the fire truck accident a week aga, is reported .o be slightiy improved, but flot; out of danger yet. Mrs. 'horence rnyth, Superintendent of 'the Hospital, stated on Wednesday that there was some imrprovement in the fire chief's condition. Deputy Chief Lucius Hoôper is also somewhat improved, although tili unable ta retumn ta wark. )ther mernbers of the Depart- rent who were injured are also reported in better condition, and several are now back ta their lobs. Mayor Reg. Jones announced. Vednesday that at a meeting of te Fire Comniittee, presided aver by Cauncilior B. B. Furber, chair- mian, Richard Sudds was appoint- ad Acting Fire Chief and Walter [ackney, Acting Deputy Chief, ,ntii such time as the permanent )ffcers are able ta return ta their luties. On Tuesday the fire truckc, Xhich was badly damnaged in the ýrash, was taken ta Woodstock where it wiil be reconditioned by Bickle & Seagrave, the firin framn which the town purchased it. A tiange is aiso being made by the mrnvertion of the chemical tanks nto a water booster. Mayor lones stated that on the advlce of àeads of other departments and Lchnicai advisers this was decid- Dd upon. It has been found that rie chemicals used are very injur- lus tca furnitume and water will ive as good resuits. The cost af rie repairs and changes is ex- ected ta be in the neighbomhood Df $500. pew put forth such efforts at the ield meet in Whitby. He Às ta be congratulated on breakinit the pole vault record by ten inches. We miRht miention that he was only three in. ches awav from the senior record of tn foot, threc inches. - B. H.S. The other competitors did their best to hold up the standard of the -*p RQYTALS EVEN PLA YDOWN - .~1 r1 i I - à WITH

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