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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Sep 1938, p. 4

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THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 29TH. 19-, THE CANADIAN :STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO r,(f-L' ETz0, ina Teodre aîer nLii D 0OTR0 CHAPTER XLVI The new,% hospîtai -,%as formally opened the next day. No patients had yet been moveat. and the wards stood open and empty in their spotless newness. the private rooms gay with chintz and flow- ers. By Lewss will the old hadse was the nucleus. the core around which the great buildings had been erected. The staff was there. suacr nurses as could be spared. the ci*,-.. a- thers. even much of the city itseif.' News photographers were lîflîna up people in what haci aeeri tne dra;'.îng roam. takîina their pJ'.- tures by flashlight. People pointed ChrlJs a,ý "Thats Doctor Arden -Hu . big figure to,..erecd abo;ý-enago:, thern. and he knew tnat ne was cotiŽpicuous. me,-cr-o v.- d cd around hiîm. payina :ribute. ioo- ing up at hir. ý;üorS.hipîng n: ss that Doctor Arden' But how young he Iook's.. "Hes the comîic, mani. my aear. Look a: bis hands. I say you cari alwavs tell the Surgeor.s nanas.- AI.d.afterward he %vas ta remember that vaîce vvhîspering behîn.:ihim. and the haif-amused pride :t which he heard it. Hîs handý:' Tre hands of a surgeon! But he moved on. He saw Katie. sale ?411k Baby s Mik must be the v e r y finest obtainable. Scores of Bowma.nvle babies have been suceSu- f Uly reared on Bowman- ville Dary Nilkr, an d many of them have been prise wimiers ini Baby Shows. MOTHIERS You are playiag safe when you feed Your baby and growimg childen on Bow- inanvmle DalrY muI. Bowmanville Dairy Phone 703 BowmanvWi SEAL-TbIGHT POUCH 1 Sc 60C - mPackmd in poche Tins Razor in hand. LÀ original rwo-ch.air andi declaredi.'I neyer know which 'Tm aot taiking Picabac brushing about Ireepung an and amoke as hi "I' oualwayas K notice.' continue "You bet I do," amok(- Picobac,É prown in Sunnyf cool .. . sweet1 beisar I Like it. me anythixug bette MARYROBE TS ganceand -e Cr aaoor. DoeYOUR yStefvBlckst-k Sch ol Wrgh.jda), Hampton: Mrs- Harold Sal- a r u c e r l V n a p a i n T h o rn P - 1te r (L o u ise . H a m p to n : M rS . W . R N ROIEAR i .o.a' c.- rURSaterB1ckChrisc oo son. Doroth% Wright. R.Young Ruth . Peterbora His l j i A ý i l.. VCriPoun Deveiopment of 3 Insects - Louis ' wife. Lavinma Gull.. predeceased ga~~~ dri O We ~~~Ir in aoVe tha' flsnciî cdCIS en cai.Rbr hfîl.Fak 96 quaNE_ -Hr.o f Ka,,, * fAÏ a e ake ExcessHW uUI.'air riIL:LIst ILarrner. Ki '~*hirnin 1931. his eldest daugfter v;.,achos, A 1Dttack a igLouise b " s aî :h sB everlv n -M o d a , e te beAm esL uiS in o n P alibea.rer -z .ere Jam es H a- saw i a n PàO:fl Isc aêinWheat, Sheaf - Dorothy Wr-iE r rGround Hog .Elmer Wilbur. John Cow- srnaw A er .;: ns-uW«":a:hîîn has Jack Green. Lola Stîrîson, How Swaîr. 16Q. Merlin Suggit 86._________________ smln.A c ..t-eaed d . ..u FTN TAT HI ard Trewin. Murray Werry 62. Ll trsn and old-fa..hîýonea bats. :;- iiriný .Inen -,;ha*, wereyud- Wbeat. Quart - Arnold Taylr 5 elSale 1 letMd and r. -i ho for sa iu. n hd 1nc ngsi- unwith her in that' Sorne people am e wbat a&M known Uai Jack Green. Orma McKec. 'Mer- iey 50. Dor a Mahaffy" Yu. Gran carrieci the hospital thr0'a-- . zroim, acîd-zaks. They cau't help t-g.cM lin Bailey. Mahaffly 50, Hector Wilson 50.k 1 e fsc stragie. Trie .r ork! H ý ontrolled his anger, -If it! oftent they doW~t know it. The resujha Qats. Sheaf - Doris Mahaff y. 1 Howard Forder 50. Lloyd 'Wright dune nov..un and sa th-eý. stood ,ýere tLruc. would :t reaily matter ai an cacesof acdd ray aem just Rite Stuart Dorrel.. Keîth Wright 47. Robert Midg- unnotl'.eu :nr corners, -tLiiate ncwvo teodîaysomc robe- b Jey 1 Oats, Quart - Erme S w a i ni, ley 47. John Veale 43, Jack Green 'F good v.ork. Kr.a longer the odrtan:.so neaas tdouulet- bu god or. o onerinprtn.toher > eakdqitý- can't be put right byT ordiniry stomachlJanet Swain. Dorothy Wright. 4§. Bily Johns 42. Allan Wilson' anIa 50a.mP:' hre1Ù Merlin Bailey 40. Ross Steele and ac~g dr emt:. .r~z' er I na: gaing to be laughed remedies! Evcea acid may be the Stuart Dorrell. n') ingeý eýfa a- behînd mv back. Tnats flat.. reason wby yoit wake up fiat, sour,, Bariey. Sheaf- Doris Miahaffyv. 41. Evelyn Campbell 37, John Ar- it-,a a- d. r ~:c: t:ýc - bleary-eved, blilous - and the reason :Grant Edgerton. Thelma Fergui- cher 32. Ella Mahaffy 31. Leslie ..........................And thats al?" w* firc purgatives only Ioeve Yeu in son. Johnston 23, Dorothy Wright 3L. WHY does anybody bio cro ad nari ge. -wne:. at last,-htseog.inti" Cnris mad ~;a.usar~t ht nuh.in ithe grip of a weakening habit and the' Barley. Quart - Ernie Swain. Iva Mahaffy 35. Muriel VanCamp U 15tea.wr s the An.: e liS:eHre r h a siiagy en they 1same old symptom3s. Bobbie Philp. Ray Harris, Dalton 39. David Johns 34, Maurice Nes- 1 ere i h nwr s this upper rooin v.:th thrionzec! -az ,nto her car and she put her i But there's one thing that a ca nti Dorreil. bitt 36. Grant Edgerton 31. Grant use the money for bis adi Pilea h do,)r. Anie Levis ioot on the gas. They shot down face. That's the itrtalzing powe of Potaos, Dooley anîd Katahdis Ferguson 27. Richard Vancamp etebrrwrafr r.ad d~~cd. Nov: zwan tri ~nie trie driveway through the taffic Vange SaIts, the alknline remedy wit - Ernest Swain. LeslieJhsn.2.eriiery3.rtuGi Lew:sÎi Memaoria' Suite. the oed and into the street. blmd ta cau- i te naiural minerail pa rci. A teu- Joyce Larmer. Howard Farder. son 22. Hrl odr1.Mra ubramnr ihr indeed ch.angea. but: the othrefur-1 tion. blind ta a policemans sig- i spoonfui in vrarm water surges througb Patatoes. Irish C. - Hilda Johns. Harris 17, Arnold Tdyior 17. Har- -oeee orw ri nishings as he remiemberea tncm; na!. and finaily ail but blind tai youI systeo just I&e the rnedinal Donald Larmer, Grace Graham, ry Argue 11. John Thompson 5.oeee brosfo and Stauntori Lewss roorne Nc\ iiss Andireý, who was in the spring water far away in Eng1an Arthur Gibson. h iteBr a r. except to gain a benefit door. tha: room iwhere once ne course of crossing the street. where Vange Salts corne from. Excess Ensilage Corn - Daiton Dorreli, Harr:. Argue. M.%adeline Rogers.' cags ha eie abssltrnigt. Crdswi aigadbae acid 's neutralizedi qckiy, painlesuly. i Dorothv Wright, Lloyd Wright, Beverley Black. cags wxas no-wý permanently attacned to himrsclf. for Katie did the onlv ?our blood is purifiied of poisons. your IEdth W',right. Little Things - Donald Larmer. Everv Canadian dollar as asitîngroari. . . a he hce viantl. Se t.~i sûre stornacli walls ame ioothed. And . Sweet Corn - Beryl Larmer. Iva Mahaffv. Grant Edgerton. .d < ddo ag Strange buried remorse in tha eter that -ass of bard, poisonous wa«e Naurce Nesbitt. Margaret Brock. Ruth Bell. aravpoueo ay perhaps. some attempt a- restitu- a crash and the sound of break- j matter lying ini your intestines à s Neil Werry. Woodland Ramn - Ronala Gînr.. Everv Canadian dollai ition; the door ta be lef t open flow. ig glass. He saw -Miss Andrews 150f teneci gentlY, wtualy and paed M .%angels - Merlin Bailey. Eve- Ross Steele. Mariori Thompson., andth to rom ueciason. sfeinthestee an awhte out of your body. Then do you feel; lyn Campbell, Stuart Dorrcll. Ar- oi ru.i accurately as to purpose Wnat had Lewis feit. writing that faced Katie besidie hîm, an0he od. Rits marvellous! But the ma odTyo.M îteFr eseVn a -as he had written t-with bis he feit a shrp pain in bis right 1 maveious thàins that Vange Shlt Turnips - Ray- Harris, Bobbie Camnp. Irene Marlow. Mary Hooey.ý.ay.g poisei ownsmal cerlv and ar, nd av, blodpouingdow Iare 0on1Y 60 cents a tin 1 At your drug- Phîlp. Merrili VanCamp. Orvil Orma M-\cKee. Occosionaiiv &orne borrow.e ownsmal cerly and ar. nd aw loo purig dwng'st now-but if you're whe, on Yow McKee. Lines of Poetry - Sara Maria..da ..heb-rap Chris movcd over ta the win- He sat there dizzîly. clutching;atrrnsefoet awig db-eas1 !dow and stood there. Far away at bis arm. thomsefonht Parsnips - Irene Mariow. Don- Verna M'vcNaliy-. Evelyn Philp. through drought or other,# was the river. sparkling in the "Crs r yohrald Lansing. Alice Stapies. The!- Audrey NMcQuade. better seaoson, better prcei late sunlight. It was the river nY m r. esjd e ma Ferguson. Boy Going ta Schaol in Raifl -laser lias a chance ta recom which had divîded is hf e. h - r. he said 1 Beets - Grant Ecigerton, Jean Jean Griffin. Keith Wrigh', Joyce thought. as clearly as it divîded m coat off. Ive got ta stop this CONFIDENCEGibson. Garry Venning. Jay.ce 'Venniflg. Gwen Wilson. "I borrow $1.000 from the nis twa banks. Its pollution had bèAn îhteado Uepue."ofdnc îat odr Larmer. Child Life Customs Iiiustrated bank. pavingu interest because him. s it A nhdî sto tesin biste oic uie- sprai a ts aossessr- Carrots - -Ai*en Toms. Murray Ross Steele. Ronald Ginn. Mar- tebn i edrn easr destroyedo a, sig isow uiiparttontoiofpssssr. Lai-mer. Jean Griffin. Ruth Bell. ion Thompson Aleta Steele.. killed its other victims. It wvas handikercbîef for a tourniquet. Meiton. JOnons - Harold Ha mil toan., Magazine Caver - Howard For-! lice, one man instances. He cbanged now. harnessed. purified. He even ma.naged ta walk back; Te peec o irut oyeMSs-ier igeR- ir hri Fe ooh o goes en thum: butstil t fawe o. a mci-up the drivev.ay again, the officer 11 table farce. like the blaod of a sadngh. where confidence is due. withers bert Midglcy. kmn. Mabez Avis. *Wvdlbro h 100 man, like Weiîtscif. Yul e i ih: i uthte flowers of Eden and scatters; Pie Pumnpkins - Irene Rahm.' Illustrate a Lesson - J a n et 'oùei uiesda n -. jlano m. lov&*s petais to decay.- - Mary Haviland Marlow. Lois Larmer, jSwain. Walter Rogers. Sara M\ar-,mk rft He wd.s startled. ta find Bevely:en n e ot oleMrln aprofiot.oi Lrmr beside bim. "Damnn ît ai. mari. o« odiBkrEd.M lnBaeylw LsLrm. "I aiowe yu. hrs. o au e.My eg arnthor.Confidence in another mans: Squash - Arnold Willams, Billy Apple Naming Contcst - Lloyd N!V deal concluded succes- mImd oe y mu.ch Tis thing me"NI-,legsvauenhata hok.- an utei osigteiec faJobas. John Veale. Gardon Han- Wright. Ernie Swamn. Dalton Dor-, fuiv. Ireav the bank and have na. rehe o yu.I i. Doris os alo o boMahat ans wffy.otagn a pofit 0M av$100, wh I 1put wevewishd onyou.I men?" auvehasta lt ofbiao. Jut mas ow."-Mntaine. Asers -er'l Li-me, DoaldnialdtockJudingStntck - o mvcredt inthe ank "Mmnd? Youve donc a fine job. take it easy.-" noble heart, like the sun1, Lai-mer. Ernie Swain, Lavern Ernue Swain. Howard Farde r, ,. L mydear. Why shouhd I?- Al perfcctiv, reasonable. Calm Isheweth its greatest confidence ini Suggitt. t rntFrusn lodWigt e Lank bas back , su $1,000 '1don't know. I wondered.J and reasonable. "Walk along. its loWest estate.'--Sir P. Sidney.1Pix- GrJhs Ten anPuli eakng MaLlaoyddinerWriaghthve$10. thats all.' One stcp aftcr anather. 'What's a "Cniec is a conqueror of i Ferguson, Richard V a n C a i P, Thornpson. Ernest McLean. Gar-j didn't bave before. She stood beside him. looking cut in the arm' Dont make a f001 men. hoth aven themn and in Joyce Lai-mer. don Hanna. Rupert Graham. "-1utipyta or-igf I dwn ve tU cty.an hesa ofyorsef ow Uestes.I them."-Tupper. Zinnias - Arnold Taylor, Dora- Public Speakîng - Robt. Shef- tpvta broigo that she seemcd thin and weary. cant make the steps' I'm like a "W1r hr saygoicl-It~Wibt ly rg',Mn il.VraMNly mine, mv use of the money, ail ar sced position confidence begets faith- Ferguson. Rctto li wn eamn I tado, hris' sh sai. "Tis ~fulness.'-Jane Porter. Heihyu Roy Graham, Wilson. Benyl Lai-mer, Iva Mla-! mani' borrowers, dav after da, I o o his"donc. ad. whkisIcatmaete eitton-ElmDckyhGe rpymn ndmupoitni ii vr it bas'been somnething ta Snv Officer. inmafraid-________ Dorothy Hoskîn. Ernest McLean, haW. . and «you sec irhat is happeninY, do, but what cornes next? I amn They wcre the last words he Grant Mahafi y. Mouth Organ - Doris Mahaffy, as a continuotis revoivin& pro- such a usciess woman. There spoke for several hours. He: "You know you are nat a Verbena - Lola Stinson, Grant John Archer, Robt. Sheffield. ca hogotteya h ,isnt any place in the world for He became conisciaus again late baci looking sort of girl."' Edgerton, Alice Stapies, Grant uselss ome. i thre tha niht.to indhinielfin Edertn, lic Stple, GantbusineSS world." useesswomn. s tere" tat îgh. t fici inicifm a She: -Oh, you'd say so even if Ferguson. "Neyer uselcss, my darling.' lie strange roomn andi with a nurse yudcn nn a".Giiri enTmW-N W O VLEM NAfrnrberw o ed saici unsteadiy. "Just ta know sitting beside theUed.yu in' hikno"i Saianey ahTm, HaWli- EAR ADDRE E NA y m r ba sr eetin; that you are you. andi somewhere He ci-id not move. He lay there He: "Weil, we're sqard then. nieherman tanleyows , orolhait, à near-' trying ta orient himnself. He knew You'd think so even if I ddn't Hamnilton. "Dont. Chris." the room. even in the hall light, sy5.Pns-KnehLimr ae E .T A L C or l4ages, a manufacturer bot. "Why not?" Uc said rougbly. but at fist he coulci not place it.fSam.JneHrr, elW- (Hcioefrnlstwk j rows against raw maerasne 'Isn't it at ast ie ta speak tUie1 Then Uc recagnizeci it. It was means. What's tUe use of talk- 1 r boa-Mril aCm. Nwovle e' lbgtofing fabricated. toi par wage8 ta, truth? I'm sick of camouflage. Annie Lewiss room. He stirredi, gI'mth'rough." lKeith Wright, Stuart Dorreil. ta a goocisar n e1nsa finish andmaethsgo - Ive reacheci mv limit." land tUe nurse rustled ta her feet. tronWdeay Mkthigoâ- "Feae!Yu av ou on Ar yuco1iora...Dc They' quoteci cases ta him. re-;Irene Marlow. Sept. 14th. and judging by tUe1 but noue of these horrows ex- hile se You aheveour toen1 re o c' rtbe, o suits, anci l isteneci. faintl h -! Snapdragon - Jean Griflin. Jean enthusiastic interest there are cept_ in the hopeof pfit ta "My work.'- said.-Ys Iv j n' noinygedace . Theye were gooci fellows. McLean, Orma IvcKee, Bruce Ly- gooci times in store durung the insef.l supprying theneeds >Uc "Ycrk ndtht s.I ve 'I dnt kn.Myheai chs. he mant well. They -stooci1 wood. next few manths. It wil pay any o tes go my r ork. andheethatsnd ail- INhaveriurWhatHahappenofd?'ere got: Imn a man like other me.Yu'ehad a little accident.,ofruis e Mheflac oe JNsutus-Hvlniar~- ~mari tamake sure he bas a 1shre akngi ltmvtros ani- or. eelydar Yur alrgb.Ifyu1lU'tafital.king tUir jargon. making 1iow. Evehyn Campbell. n i the f un by coming ta tUe me- B kiysnomvtrc. shouicinhaeitrit . A sleep- ijsmali jokes for his benefit. j Tomis. Hilda Johns.j ings and joinixig up w'±th the ies A farmer s co-operative mar. i don't look like that. Im al right. M wife-is sUe ai riglit?" He was operateci on a feiv days.ý Cockerei. B. P. Rock - L o i 5 of tUe gang. Lei2ognzto ssbn Dont warry about me," Absohuteiy. SUc just lef:." j later. He baci iast a good bit of' Larmer. Grant Edgerton. Evelyný Greenbank Pslots Club> w%-re rdtotattefrrma Some anc opencd the door then He saici nothing. He looked 1 blooti. tUcy said. and threwa Cmpeh Loy oîgt and under the direction atc' o i rpa h and gianceci in. -This was ber jdo,.wnr and saw his right armi no burry. But he was impatient, Pulîci. B. P. R. - Grant Eciger- of Rev T. Wallace put on a fine -e ahfrhi rpa h raa. Lok evn er oîet hîgs anagei ncilyng n pilo.Ifuriaus at tUe cieîav. tan. Jean Gibson. Mona Ferguson. prograrn oe instrumental and Va- elevator without waitinz for it are stilh there.- The nurse foiiowed bis eves. "I cant lie here.' Uce said. -Get Gln amr a ubn.ac waraîg arahLýr.>l 'thad:decen-. usir 'hat about this? What have 1~ it over. or by the Lord Han-y î Cockenel. White Leghorn - Jean1 by Charlie Partrîige. Mr. Wal - A merchant borrows f-rm the It w aS K a't'e shoix-ng a ý-i-ý tor ;done o Toms. go indaaJohdos. JohnlfTho m p- lace. H ildthJtUe, usenofolantlari.its the o- labank.andnkisndnabledbl tato paay hbi It ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ uh Aa Kteust.nga sto dnctait go in and oeitmehf!" gincaeson. Donald Jobnstori. cd some ver-v fine sides of lits bserv.tk Nahig uc. nt IsSateyopraed oig i ar- Puliet. 'White Leghorn - Hilda , p thte Olci Countr-y Therel ifi ai. tk dvantage of beeri attendeci ta You'l be up>fuliy-. dissecting ou:tUe nenvetrpt - aci rouci n da orso. ecisandumtg Uem Mtr tatJohns. Jean Toms. Leslie Johns. were fifty-one in attendance and: disù'ountS. and pass part of his Bn u lienardi:-hard r .Heleds auigaî i. AfetaI Donald Jabriston. 1ail enjoyeci the cvening. ncluding 1 ,aving on ta bis customers. Inew -haspîtal. taik tao weih ta! time. triyng by sheer wl power' Caîf. Beef - Howard Farder. tUe lunch. A small farmer %ith 20 hog- itkewatse ad tit aclo orestegt ndmtin 'noLois Lai-mer. Grant Ferguson. There were thr-e srknîbro.e 5 o ed i > a e w a h ac t t ae t oc ten t ni m to nOICaf. Dairv Heifer - H a rolh i things csuly ro g i k out a t r50 for fe d value He knew -the fixeci pro-Ithat riglit hanci of his. Andi F are.thsming. csacri beîgtnous j 1. ~ neer n a nb i esinae snicifoUenuse to.mgmIilyen ofp the' n ts Mnkurase. tonoc.e - Frs; pîtue astUow o Jtasel i on; or$10 or jHre focuscd bis attention on tUe; cock-up splint. still inert. unre- rwatronn1t se h oLfr$00me arm Itfei ded.deai ad hav'. ponive He ouci wea atitHaroldi Farder, Howard Farder. tUe screen of a f amiiy in tme aId than be would bave got on an j H trec taflx bs ingrs bu wih espirin isbeat. Jack Green. cauntry. a father. mother. tUree arIier mnarket. His net profit there was no responsc Perbaps "I'm tUough." Uc tUought Cday LBes Brke ad xGbrtciCaf o ranwodaherin.anci o lwas $W.7'5. That is an authentic t was the bandage. But as lietand niglit. "I'm through îm ous anin.Gant Fergusan. .ýtalc iniîself that. lie feit a coici thi-ugl.' Howard Fonder. Haroldi Farder. i %was a sister of one of the m en ase. Here is another: hiver of sheerbhorrar. It was not:cninei Feathereci Pet - Mernili Van-i present and tiiey have not, secri A hog-raiser on a large ecale (To be cniud Camp. Merlin Suggitt. Lola Stîn- cacri otrier for forty years. He pi 14 ncrs nabfor - - .j te andge Hs mnc wa danson. Muriel Hylanci. bas neyer seen any of tUe i-est. feed. He %-rites us that he made iRe . ikn pew wt ad ape nd taFurreci Pet - Bobbîe Philip. Lola' Second, the two leaders were' H naw bis kee aprofessinmd., IStinson. Howard Trewin. Iary tordaineci a: the same canferencel a net profit of nearIv $2,000. - benîm teuscunlPiriee cHooey. - oth W i as a son 04f another member of! These are instances of the b encu. ni oi rviec Spy Appies - ootyWight, jthe club. kind of services hank credit. ex- acuid savehî frami a useicss fomi'idacrit arm. In tUat case Uc was thi-ougli., Havilanci Marlow. Dalton Dorreli., Third. there were the twvo changed fridvda rdt -Aimas, before he began lie was .Mmi aCm.yugs:Sna cahSpnn i ti'tgh.Snaw.% Apples - Evelyn Camp-!*tendents in thîs neck of the woods! eth meodounhee. li:. bell. Jean Black. Margaret Brack. at the meeting. Greenbank dlaimr- TIU (H D1 JonThompson. cd the yourigcst,. but I guess tUat THE CHART1III isi .-n o n liesaidvharpy- .Wih.Nr în oadGn.o p ec a tt kn w a ts ap- J Intosh AppleS- D oRuott h eor d. Suhavet. go tao kS.D . whcn she hesîtateci. I dant careStatDrl.Cre.tebySuca. coo It %va Ted LwrenceTomnatocs- Stuart Dorreil. Jack, of the -,ear. 1:wa edLarnc wocaeGreen. Joyce Maris. Venna Mc- The 'next meeting of the club lIour Local branch bank mana iri fom cai ir te hll aNai.ly.j wiil be helci on Wednesday. Oc: ang ith you. He "'I be gL Ted suspiciousiy cheenful. gnin- Bran Mfins rian os. h2th. wbcri albi wll berug: fo tietadenoflsu 'Nunown t im. I tk avaa Black rnoid soee Beryl Lai-mer, Helen Bowers. ' In that -I, is adisable ta make ini this aeri«sc we appeur iran Nawwîh ya tae avaa- iiruthmk_ - 1pe Jean Giffin. !automobile insurance coam p u1- cox. CoepsSuchTe.he manyi beautiiui floral tributeS were ex- pressi "ve of the rugh esteemn in which the cieceased was held and indivative af dieep sympathy for the bereaved. He was laid to rest in the farnily plot in. Hamnpton Cemeter- ÂNYBUlDY IOM A BANK?0 orrow rnonev ? mallv to make a profit or to vantaige. er, marketing, organization, man, rancher, manufacturer m a bank and pays mnterest [t outweighing thie interest rrepresents tangible wealth es paid for services rendered. r issued can be desýcribed e, as a wealth-producing, ing dollar. Dd doUars become temporanhl vou suifer a loss for a season natural calamity. But wcith a es and brighter business, the vr hi., oSse$. in Canada. Any communi'tyceau suppir scores of simijai- ex- What is monci'? Coinage. Banýk of Canada notes. bank notes, deposits. Chartered banks now issue their notes up ta a legal lixit of 83 per cent of their paid-up Caial. Yearlv this is being re- duced and thie right of note- issue as steadili' vested in thse Bank of Canada. A chartered bank's notes ane the fitst chare on lu asets.. In case of trolle tiser muât be pad off before a single cent cm - b adon depoéits or on any other debta owed by thse bank. To make doubir sure that notes will be redeemed, eacis bank rn into a fund held by thse ,ý inister of Finance, an amoumt of cash equal ta five per cent. of the average of its bank notes outstanding. This is called tise "Bank Circulation Redemption Fund." The total of this fund is available for the purpose of re- deeming the ouUstanding notes of any bank. Notes of the Bank of Canada are money.-legal tender-cash -that Bank*s notes a.nd de- r -are backed (JuI 30, 9ý8)bi 56.26 per cent. of gold and slver bullion and foreign exehange. Notes of the chartered banks, too. are money-their promises ta pay; everv dollar backed by mare than twcnty dollars of as-4ets. Ther are redeemable, on demand, in cash. Your deposit in a chartered bank aL',o is money-vou cart buv things ith it. It arase from Vorlabjour, production an&~ thnift. It is redeemable in cash.' It is a measure of vaut real wealth. 'I u may nmakepa - mients bv cheque upon it. 1When '.our cheq e g.>eS through tise Clearinz H use s'.stem, ia must be met bv the hank on which it i., drawn .Anv balances as be- tweln banks haie ta be settled in cash dai'.. Yuri Canadian dollars are useful factors in a svstemn that produces wealîlî for ali ofCanada. 'ERED BANKS INADA sger wulL be glad to taIk bank- lad ta answer %-Our questions, wn experience. Thse ne-rt artiele this newsâpaper. ffatch for it. 5RR J 'n.~. ~mri~swhctt or Gilett- Ernest NcLean.Te vnice was canducted bx I. nur;b nc 'ia aatoh Se: of Book' Endis - Sheffield. Rex'. W Rckam astar of tUe£ C -' ;uv: the truth un- tOa!'Model Hayrack - Jack Green 1Hampton Unitedi Churcli of which ti - .ý exei 2%-T.w. . r netincx sed,.vasiasolve lys ta hteL 110 \ de Ther ome înaG. Howard Fardier. John Archer.1jdecease- wsamme.a~se B.th c:Imû el owso.hsCifl' Rnaid Gin" Ilbv- a former pastor. Rev. J.R. r'v..~t:.e f.niî o teb' tsUhatsP Ma ! orrAmrca-Dora- Bick. WIitevale Eacb. offered1*( hn W tbe wter. t- - eg t- ii anam.kindl: words o! comfart ta those a l,'fe'" a'. irnilh4iii besîde J rn N A ALola Stinso" Loi-, Larmer. wno mourn.I_______________ TASE GOD N APIP 12Bredsof L:ve Stock Mout- He icaves ta rnourn tUe las- o! cdrctuscars-jFUoocT-asm*ysBOk e d -Andrey NMount~.ie%.Grant Ei- la iovung father. anc son. Charles s-..:..rc rie ain b:'- e oflW a vaism naks boumak~adfu dultn' "Y S e n nY . cas e aU p li san te0W ,l . to sga. j rda g e rto n . Jo lir . T h o m .p so r.. H îld a o a m t n . a d o r a g h e s .Y u -ed * - -vetpcAt in15 Atrier. nov. long. :BmrnâsLtd.. Fase Ave. & Lbey Sc.. îon.MrsCharles Wood (Hîlda, c e 'ia fe!1lav:S know wbai i : ,,0'Ont Sx<lase into which animals Orono: Mrs. Lorenzo Trull (RUaJ ý - - -,- -- ., -, -- - - -Ç,- .

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