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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Sep 1938, p. 6

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a. *..* r .- -,a~.- fr W THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29TH-, l9.,,Ž Hampton reccixetî. Botb youang people aad tir traiîîer, Mvs. WVarren, deserve mieicreclit. \Voîneîîs Nissionarx Society met .Xîix er..arx Visitoi s : N'M. ail. at thec home of NtM s. Nidslurs, Sept. NIr. -1.. Lancaea~r andi NMr. S. 20th xifh President Nî\rs. Bilcett iii Lancaster, Nextomitsl1e. Mr. a the chair. The President gave a Nirt . i. Nliîtîx latnd fainils . Maple short talk on the tlîcînc."Our wrxx ih Nir. aind \Irs. S. But- Churcb, it place and salue ini Our terx%. .. ..NI r. antd NI s. L.Auis live.' Nîrs. Hones - Newcastle, xvas and NMis . AtnlisToronto, Miss nominatcd for Sectionai President N. -\]leu. N ewcastle, NIr. L .. \îîis and Mrs. C. Narreni foc -Mission T ' ruile, silliNr. anîd lrs. W. Band Society. Nrs. Colc teck up Catin. .. ...... anîd Mrs. .\riîur the collection. Mrs. Horn took anîd the Nlises . rn, NMr. and charge of the prograin iin the absenîce Nrs. iH. Rundie anîd Miss A.lîîa, cf Nirs. H. Wilcox. Devotienai xvas HamîpiOii. xxitît 'Mr. and Nirs. F. taken by Mrs. Cole,.-\Ir,. C. -Joias Carinî.r. andi Mrs. E. Xecry, ceadered a deigitful solo; topie ivas Mcr. and Nrs. NI. Tcrry, NIrs. Ken in the torm of a questicitaire. giveni W"err%, Townî, NMiss B. Gilbaîîk. c by NIrs. W. Horm, Mrs. J. Rcvaolds Sia %- x itiî Nir. aîd NMrs. W. G. and Miss L. Revaolds; NMrs. Cole Xerv. .\ Ir. andINMms. J. Cowl- iavoured witb a -planeoîîumbcc. Next iiz NMr. jack Cowling and Mrs. B. meeting at homie oi Nirs. Curtis on ROI ilis. Hamîptonî, xith INMr. and Nirs. October i8th. F._l)oide. Nfr. anîd -Mrs. AI- Mcf. and Mcs. J. Telford and Bill, îread, Town. Nîrs. Aldccad, Tycone, Mr. and Nirs. Wm. Gilciîrist, Mrs. wit îx3f M. aad Nrs. H. Stceig. Wma. Brodie ivere Snîîidav visitors ' Mm and NMrs. Nioffaf and iatiîily, xith Mc. aad Nics. J. R. kevriîlds. MrîoNr. and Nîrs. K. Squaic, Nlarv joan andi-Miss I. Stepheas, Town,NMc. and Mrs. A. XW. Ciemels, SalemliTvrotie, Nirs. Rulidlc, Penn.,- U.S. a' thte Squaic home .. . . . Mcs. C. Hall anîd the NMisses Hall.,NMiss R. Hild. Rev. A. XX. Niarcli cuîduct ed tlîe erl,. N[cs;srs Cyril anîd Regiiîald aitiriloil service Ilîre on SSnaday, Coiîîb-, Town I. F. ricLCoombs. lîi- subject beiiîg The Slîadoxvcd Torototu xx litN'Ir. and Nirs. Les. XVuoridl. * Creinis-..-....NIr .anîd Nrs. H. Mlanii cf (unr comiiliity folkIhavc Houper, Pontv pool. xitlîNfr. anî her l carr iîîg cf f prizc-. ouitiîir NIrs. F. Silver. . . . NMr. andi Nrs. exîtihits at the Pal] Pairs. Laite. NIiýl-.-. nbxanîd 'NIl. S. Lanc Nlessr-. Howxard andt Lawxrie Gaud wxithî Nr. aitlnI rs. L. Richards.. xx cc ini Puterboro on a business trip ...NMr. anîd Nîr-. L. Savery anîd sons. Mondav . Xcvtors ille. Nr. anti NI s. _.\. N lr.Noodf, Toronîto, lias beeîî Blackburnî. Nir. X. Blackburcn. Newv- vi:itiiig lier (alghter, NIcs. Howvard castle, _NIr-. C. Curti-.. Towni, and Gaud. 1 NIa-ter B. LockIîarf xith Mc. A. NIr. Gordon Poilard, Oba, Ont., Welsiî andi familv.N i'r. anîd Nirs. NMr. II. Heckcî and NMiss L. Hockeî, T. Catr anîd son. Toronîto, xitlî Nr. Toronto, visitedfiýc1 efonnec's par- ,iîd Nrs. P. Cator. ents, NMr. and Nirs. C. Pollard.I S4x-ral frein our neighbourbood aftcuîdcd the special services at Tria- ify on Suadav te bear Gipsy Smith. I Blackstock M r. and Mrs. Mot fat and family ____ visited xxitb ber parents, Mcli. aad Mrs. P. L. Squair. Receaf N isiters: (Iatcrîded foc lasf xeek) Mr. and Nirs. N. Nl\ouatjoy and Aaaiversary services here on Sun- i family with Mr. aad Nirs. Lorat day wcre xell affeaded, Rev. W. P.j Wamiaa, Kirby. Baaistec of St. Pauls rcadered a Nh'iss Arlceîî Nfoutoy, aurse-un- excelent sermon ini atemnoon on1 trainîing. Toronto Geacral Hospital, "The man who aîmost saak." la is spcadiiîg twxo weeks lioidavs xitli the eveiag another excellent addrcss lier parenîts. xxas giveil by Rev. Liîtlexvuod of Nr. anîd Nrs. Prauîk Hcskiîî and Ocono, extolliag cbcrfulncss la re- Joaiî xitiî her parents. ligieus lite. The choir rcadercd fie Several frein the communitv xvcît selections at botb services anîd wcrc to BowixnaaviIle fo bear Gipsy- Smithî assisted la the eveuiîg bv Nirs. K.* Suîîday. Wercy, towa. wbo favoured xxitlî a- Nîr.and Nrs. Austini Larieîr aîîd fine vocal solo with Miss B. Gil- faîivvisjted ber fatiier, NMr. A. baaks, Shaxxs, af the piano. Nfoadav B ec Haydon. exeiag Zion Younig People present- Recv. H. J. Bell pccachcd anîiver- cd their play "No Accoiît David»" sarv services at his former charge wbicb xxas a fie draina aîîdxel at Hastiîigs on Suadav. Ia bis ab- rendeccd. Vocal and instcumenital seuice Rev. XW. H. Polcy, Boxymai. numbers between acts . were wchl ville, toek charge on the-circuit. ____________________________ Nise'Norma Hoocy, Toronto, wiif ber parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jobastoa la Toronîto. Nirs. J. Jobb 'and McI. Cecil ill1 ini Norwood atteadcd the fuacral of GET FREE their aunt. ESTIMTE O YOURROOFN Nf'r. and Nfrs. Cecil Hyde aad Patsy, Toronto, withfber' parents, Mîr. and NMrs. I. Argue. -Ili Mc. and Nirs. Heu-b Kennedy, WRITEBeîbaîîx-. Miss Laura Hutchîsoil, B 9 Toronîto, af Nr. Simt Sandersoa's. NOWDr. anîd Nrs. C. E. Wbittaker and Sendridge and rate datnghter, .-gîies. Torento. wiîlî NMr. meneurs- - loseph Archer and called Onmaav area to be e. ' ofn rîic r.omXrVbieras.siedxv roofed. patched or e onn Dr htarasiedwh paired. Couneil San - t' sevc ii St Joîs Agiaî roofing is aaound, per. Ctrl.N"eswr hpvt e nant tnvestmnent. / ceixe atittier mess.-age fruai 011e vbo Absolutely weather.0 tight Gretyreue .... .. liatl served tlîenm 50faithlitin athe SO lD NAt 25 yreducee w past. SOL AONAN25EEAR e N iI-.,NIaIRIVan Caatp lias retura- GUARNTEE %.. d te Toronîto Uniiversity for lier Prices thie Fail are lower because o Sales Tex xempiau o Sae nyby writingoa. secondi v ar. M a-acurr.aS ofamouPrestonSteel '.\is.ses Tessie Vani Camîp and Leîî- Trims Barns and JameBway Poultry 'qI&- ment Addreee: 308 Guelph St,Preston.Ot ore Sbaxx- xitiî Nrs. T. Smithî. Fastm Stel bo uta s~ ez "And another thing, wifey, I speak right te the point." -Ycs. youi iug. te the point wbere I'm cxhausfed." IT PAYS TO OWN A 'v R ADIO makes money "down on the farma" for dailY broad- casts bring beipful information on planting, harvesting andi sell- 1 ing the season's crops . .. as well as world-wide news, entertain- ment and other interesting pro. -~ I arable. General Electrie Battery Radios offer yon the best in radio performance . .. reception equal to power uine sets. Their cost of operation is amazinalY Choose from five table and console modele. See andi hear them today. Your eyes-your er,7your sense of values will convince you that G-E Battery Radio is your best buy. FROMN MODEL G-7CB - Beauliful 7-tub. Console.. .. ... (Batteries extra) MADE IN CANADA O)pen Evenings 44.50 t-p Phones 84 & 744 DON CHRISTIAN ELECTRIC 38 SIMCOE STRElET NORTH OSHAWA d ir t~ n a n n n ~ n rr .r and yet whein my departure are ceB r eo [IIM EVILU ORUflL ISl PRncScNuEu pleased te hioner nme- And yct that feeling of desola- id Buiilt ut W. \. met at thle home PIwi e 'ftefaidadespeetdt .F. tien gives way te a feeling akin S. of and ] Mr-. Dan M-\CTaggart Ilw acp ftefac <(rs rsne eB . te tritimph. for I feel that the ut afMgo Mortlock nof The Statesaîan Staff, at a banquet ini his hounour co getettinp nltei ogainP deu itt-llîlic . a ftreo\ih oo oîndavnî lghit Ifriends, and your presence heref - Thi-Sd «as vei a incetiîîîg %vas Itenight is in essence a token cfF lsltcl n in irkcton ch n rch te erganîize suchi a triumph. t s aYunleut& Union. Rev. FI PRESENTED TO Semne very flattering tiîingsa * .a, e was in charge and 'Mis have been said about me. and IV V. \.A dams~ acted as secretar MA11W innn g feel somewhat guilty in standingd r i hese ufficers wcrlz. choec: Ho-i. B NJ M N RBER lLtLTl IYUTILOCKf before you and accepting the t id Pte.in-Ry ack-e',; President- kindly sentiments that have beend R. M Thînpoa;Secetay-VolaIn K nou oflusSerice totheexpressed. I would have a still aR N.\: Treaisur erety-o at; ou fHs evcs otegreater feeling of guilt were 1 nets P. ranis:t rubv ilet Chr.isftan te pay tribute te ail of you whoh yclluanship CevearOn Bail- ita Town of Bowmanville have so generously helped andv ie: 1-Cloviieashp -enrthra Mucalet-udesge skynt cep hststmna f supported me in every endeavoura )i ev Citzensip - erth 'Muha; W theundesignd askyou o acept tis Isthavealounderve akenrak in nthis con-m- diCristian Culture - Leo _Nof fatt ; Our appreciatien of your unselfish services te this community. munity. Nliisiotiar%-Gleii Hoskin and Ella YuwlIkopro ei 13 Hoskii. \Ve gratefully recognize that vou have been unsparing in IpYou wil r knw paron moeoif 5. At the regular church. service on vour efforts and uastinting of your time and ineans toward any I p ecial o trbut te k ntwo pe - Sunday Rev. '.\r. Lacke% cenducted worthiv cause. hog evr visitd anv e, af fh icstaf tiongecore'thn It is with siacere regret that we have learned of your in- trial cf life, have steod loyaliy . ofices o th Yong eope'sUn- peading departure, 'but realize that you are entering upon a f ield beside me, ever ready with ac Yion. wr fecuaeet fpas r, '\r. and(l Mrs. MN. E. Grahaim r. of greater respeasibility. To this xve follow you with our heart- ord of encouryaemetofpaione s, andl Mrs. Foster Grahamn and' son,' feit good xishes, being confident that the saine qualities which eadan rayalyst s, illv of Feaclon Falls, visited Nir. have made yeu one of our outstandîag cîtîzens wîîî carry you te demnd ed, inte rcady alwasdte success la vourna' udtak ji wt e nte ruph n at nd Nrs. Robert Philp.- cxu an. the trials that have been my lot.t i Nfrs. Stanlev M.\offatt visitcd in Trtîsting that this may serve as a pleasant reminder cf First may I pay tribute te one.9 -Oshawa. voir mna friendships and associations among us, we bid you se fe of thoukow ell - mv Id NIr. and(l Mrs. Edgar \Vilsou, Osh- godwie. dtinsa reenou .aw a. callcd on bis parents, '1rn a nd proportion of what success I havey s Mrs.\A. Wilsoni .\Iond(ay evening. Signed at Bowmnaaville this 26th day cf Sept., 1938: had can be traced te the loyalty.1 Pnpi ofBurkcto Pubic choo f lubthe encouragement, the sympathy Itook part in the Rural Schiol Pair Lion.,Chli RothefaihyoCtelgbd ad s. at Fiiniskillen on Sept. 2th and xwon Piîsidc;tt, J. J. Brozc'îî Pî-csidciît, R. R. StecCî whe fer nearly nine yearslhas a oube f rz. stood staunchly by nîy side. tak-v Mvr. andtIMrs. IHcrb Coxighill frein ('anadian Statesnian Bers'*Work Board ing the bi tter with the sxvcet. I Niîzraonth lk, iiîd r.avdEditor, Gen. W. Jaîîîes Clîeirmffl, I V. L. Patcrso,î want you te know that in hionor- 1 S rs. E. Cechi-li. ae %st( M.ading me, you tee are honoringa MNr. aid Mrs. W. N. Hoskin at- Pubtic School Board Board of I-ealth very fine lady. i o d tended Orono Fair andI visitc(liber Clîiraaî, W. P. Ceo-beti 11. 0. H., IV. H. Birks And secondly, there is mn bss. £.prns I.and Mrs. R. fi. Wood. BbeScevS.-onsCuc George James. Edw'ard Younc. parentset S.Mr.l *sClnrllthe British peet. says in his w rit Congratulations te 'Mr. and M.\rs. HS. vGlbn~(e Ms er Prcsidelît, T. H. Lockehert Rector, Rev. C. R. Spencer ýings, "Fate ordains that dcarest Bell) on tileir miarriac.e. WVe vish Canadian Club Tow-n Council have been referring te the friend- thcm ail hat>t3aess and wclcoec the"' Prcsidepît, E. P. Bradt .1ayo,-, R. O. Joncs ship that hias grown up betwýeen, te unr ,,ighb,,,rlool, my boss and me - a friendship ________________Boy Scout Ass* i that long since ceased te be the. Clîeirmnan, W. R. Strike common reiationship between aný employer and an empîcyce. When' Tyrone- I was two months old, iny father A nuberfren hee wre ader cf success ut.lis p hepassed away, and it was net un- d ere in STATESMAN STAFF lmden of him is n i cib m- ~til I came te work for George tow-n Sunday te hear Gypsy MEMBER HONORED mendable ambition is realized ofcoJa dtatI oud soeothepw-ho Smith. owning a weekiy newspaper cf oudand woudin aethe lace 1- Rev. ai-d Mrs. A. M. Wootton (Conitinued from Page 1) 1 his ewn. 1 have often wondered cf a fath. er n a very ral an 1and famiîy visited friends in the have agreed te disagree on manyl how hie did se much work not weekend I leave te accept a re- * village., only on the newspaper, but in bis pnilpotonwhaohe Mr. and Mrs.. P. Hayward and occasions," said Mayor Jones,1 outside endeavours. The States- nespiber p o tio wi thaotmer dfamily visited Mes. J. Mutton, 'but we have neyer aîlowed our1 man rcceived several henors this nbu ae snt a tribute t fri see Bowmanville. disagreements te interfere with year as an outstanding newspaper who hias everiooked my short- it Sunday School Rally next Sun- our friendship" and those henors are in great oiganwhlasecugd 1day .morniag at 10.30. Sunday Boy Scout Work Moasrtlocdue xvasteertsgrfchy my endeavours, se that I might Sehool will be withdrawn. Mrlk.H wanergouh grow te full stature as a new-.s- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks and Ex-Mayor W. R. Strike, on be- and always did his work with a aemn son, Cobourg, visited his parents, haîf of the Boy Scout Association, sinile. Three community events paprmn.Krwoa ouns Mr. and Mrs. George Brooks. outlined Mr. Mortlock's activities stand eut in iny mind as real ac- Jhoen rkwood, par coglmnîs Mc. John Colwell hias 'returned in building a Scout and a Cub cemplishinents, which without inwhse writinsmappa eguary home after visiting his daughter. troop te one of the finest organ- B3ert*s assistance, would have been i h ttsaanwppr Mrs. Percy Phillips, Maidstone. izations in Ontario. "Bert hias failures, namely the Business man for more than haif a cen- Miss Ethel Partner and Mr. been carrying me for years," hie Men's Community Picnic, the Cor- tury, said in a letter only this Stanley Gable, Bowmanville, vis- stated, "hielhas been doing the onation Ceîebration, and the Dur- morning, "The Statesman hias ited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Partner. work and I have been recciving ham Oid Boys' Reunion. Failure been a first class sehool, and Mrs. W. Bradd and Master Billy the glory. It's amazing how much isn't knewn te Bert Mortlock and George James a superfine teach- Bradd. Long Branch, visited hier gcsod a man can do in this world, î've neyer seen him do a mean er." Anything more I xight say nparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Dud- if hie doesn't care who gets the thing nor in his writings hurt abeut the man who was first an ley. credit. Bert will be sadly missed anybody intentionally. It would employer and next ene of my I Our sehool took their usual in the community." be selfishness on my part te at- greatest friends, would serve only fpart in the Sehool Fair at Ennis- "The measure of a man's work tempt to hold hlm here longer. to embarass both George and killen and carried off a number in a community may bc judged He leaves our firmn witb the best myseif . dof prizes. by the extent hie is missed when of feeling and good wisbes for his When I leave Bowmanville on Mrs. Wm. Robeson, Mr. Percy lhe leaves," began E. P. Bradt, continued success." Satu.jday, I shaîl take with me broter,"Thre illthe anaianClu. w P. orbttCharma of the oyal ory of many truc and Robeson and Mr. Brown, Ponty- President ofth aainCu. WP.oreCarm ftelyl friends. I am~ convinced pool, visited the former's bohr Teewl be a great void when Public Sehool Board, emphasized that any work I have undertaken, Mr. James Alldread. Bert leaves. Possibly we have the accuracy of his reports Of be it for the Boy Scouts, the Mrs. Archie Virtue is in Bow- been undemonstrative in appreci- meetings and also praised 'hîs Church, the Lions Club, or any manville Hospital, having under- ation of his work in the town, work among the varieus organiza- other organization in this town, gene an operation Monday after- but there hias always been an ln- tions. hias been made possible by the noon for appendicitis. ner appreciation." Chas. H. Mason, on behalf Of inspiration I have receîved fcomn The sympathy of the commun- Rector Speaks the Boys' Work Board, summed ifs citizens. When I look back on ity is extended te Mr. Herbert Rev. C. R. Spencer, recter of bhis feelings into the word "sin- the life ef Bill Graves, now en- Cameren in the death of his bre- St. John's Anglican Church, speke cere." Bert was sincere in every- jeying his eternal rest, Bill ther, Mr. James Cameren, Zion. et Mr. Mortlock's inner life. "IfeI thing he undertook. He hias been Groves with his great capacity Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Joncs, Te- lhas sterling qualities. He doesn't 'a much criticized member of this for service; whcn I look at Bob rente, Mr. H. Breckenridge, Miss climb by treading on the tocs and, community, but more often than Stevens and sec the quiet mod- Anne Rowland, Millbrook, visited haads et others. For severai ycars net was correct in his opinions. esty of bis cemmunity work; at Mr. G. Rosevear's. Mrs. H. hielhas been a iay reader in our H1e was a handicapped boy, but when I look at mcn ike J. H. Breckenridge returned home af- church and a fiae assistant te me. througb his owa efforts is climb- Cryderman and the late W. B. rter visiting with Mrs. G. Rosevear. As teacher et a Boys' Bible Class, ing the ladder of success - a self Couch, who buiit their business Thank-offeriag and quarteriy bis influence will neyer be for- made mnan. * upon the sure foundation et hion- tea et the W.M.S. wiil be hied gotten. He always gave liberaliy MNake Presentations 'esty and gond character: when 1 October 6th. If is expected Mrs. and neyer begrudged if. 1He iived Re.W .Bnse tst. leok at Ross Strike with bis in- W. P. Rogers, Bow'manviile, xiii a Christian lite and is a Christian Pauls W.U F.ted Church rsneo saibfcpcty frsrie be uet seaer.Spcia mscgentleman. He is a leader te ]ead Mr. Mortîock witb a bcautifuliy whea I look at my spiritual ad- with Mrs. Annis' group in charge. others." wre drswih per nvsrRv .R pnea he Ahl ladies cordially invited. xore adrsofvhc aperoiier Rv. . R encr. at bChit Mrs. E. Weodley, Mrs. C. W. Medical Officer ef Health Dr. another columa, and signed byvltPlc i eta tBbCt Wooiey MisesEdih ad WJ.ce H. Birks suggested that Mc.,rpeettxe tteeee f ton. and my boss - ail these peo Woodley, Misied Mr.larenoce Mertlock was a valued adviser r'ga nizatis oand ele in oan pie giving taithfui and loyal ser-f Woodley at the Private Patients and the best guide as to the eed- 'attractive trame, iet.hi on si a vn Paiio t h Gnra opital, ings and thoughts et people in W. Edsali Oliver presented der that a yeung man like myseit Toronto, on Suaday. Mr. Wood- the town that hie could obtain. beautiful flowers for Mrs. Mort- is înspîrdteolo thic- iey is doing niceîy atter a recent H1elhas given a great deal et time Iock, and R. R. Stevens, President amples. operation for appendicitis. and thought te the weifare et cf BowManville Rotary Club, My heart is tee full te say mucb others with ne thought et him- added further words of praise te more. I do Most sincerely thank ______________ self. Very otten ie lhas given et those which had already been said every one cf you fer what you himseif when hie couid ill afford and presented Mr. Mortlock with have meant to me in the past few Our English Letter te do se. a welI filled purse of over one years, and for your kind emm MOB Editor Pays Triute hundred dollars as a token cf brance et to-night. I shah leveý M BHigh tribute was paid te Mr. appreciatien frein the erganiza- Bowmanville with yeur kindness- (Continued from Page 1) Mertlock by bis employer, Edi- tiens reprcsentcd. es indeiibly imprinted upon my toc Geo. W. James, et The Cana- Mr. Mortlock's reply w-as a inemery. pusbedi and fought bis way te the dian Statesman. "I amn happy and masterpiece et construction and Ia Fort Erie, as in Bowvmanviile, aid et the policeman. H1e was proud te sec the way citizens are presentation. H1e was visibly af- yeu xiii fînd the Mortlocks kecp- struck at and pommcllcd; but hie honoring Bert te-nighf." he stat- !fected by the events et the even- ing open bouse, and the doormaf got fhreugh on turne. Whoex-er ie cd, "because I know w'hat it wiii 'ing, but carricd threugb bis im- viii always bear the word wel- is -Anodyscs abl e in pesie n ppeiaieadrs1cm fray-rinBwanil Frorcetwo w r js feeling similar te that whicb pos- ganization et a fountain pen and Isobel H. Stephenson, NU - WALL sesses me at this moment. pencil set. Mc. Mortlock repiied Cartwright Gardeas Club, It was on March 27th, 1925, te- both presentations expcessing London, W. C. 1, England. The nexv cold water paint for whcn 1 stood on the deck cf the appreciation fer the fhoughtful- - walls and ceilings. A high C. P. R. Liner Montelare, as it ncss that pcompted thein, and plowcd ifs way fhrough the Irish picasure at the associations with A vr'ry self satistiefi man ar- quality produet at a low price. Sea, and I saw fade dimiy la the botb groups. rivecl tif the gate ef heaven and distance the shores et my native akdfor admission. II E ri land, and upon thein ah those h f"Where are you troin?" Sf. Pet- J W J UV II wcre near and dear ta me. To- Ficst steno: "Harry called the er asked. J. W. UV W EL night, as I bld fareîî llte ycu, 1 bouse tour fumes before I gave j"California." Poe56 Bwavlethavesolatia, ofakI haved teitake Sconddto"Wb id he ask "Wcll, yen can come in, but Poeof --Bomnvle ae soamting cf Iavnded sprtak hlmcoaddt."Wh yen xon't like it." ' Iave cf you who have helped me, for the first three fumes?" gine. Seso:x c~:rcr orcaledonia w as . ,e :-. ho f:fhvîe Axe; .a.: :~~-. hoo utoee te 'ef ~:.:rr r. beand scor- Score by Innings:- R H E Caiedenia 100 010 000 -2 9i Bomx*ville 012 100 00x -4 10 Umpires: Fair and Tyson. Osh- awa. COWLING SELIS THE BESI And Serves You WelI Our Optical S-erviîce Assures You Absolute Satisfaction in Quality. Fit. Style and Priee. Special Value One Cent Sale Vel-ettà Cleansimg 1 Bottie FREE with eacb Tissues 50c Size of Pepsodent 200 ta package Antiseptie 2 boxes 17c Both for Sic Coming October 13 - 14 - 15 NYAL 2 FOR 1 SALE Low Prices 50C West's 8NOWAMOAZ/NG:NEW~ Tooth Brush --33c SHA4MPOO, 100 A.B.S.&C. Tabs.- 9c pc t REUADEN Dr. West's Paste. - 17c ORSCNEt FORI (F R NORMAI 83c Noxzema Cream 59c IDRY HAI,,O OL 25c Tooth Brushes - - 13e Wampole's Ext. of Cod Liver 011- -S1.OO Waterbury's59 Cod Liver Compound - 93e Mlalt Extract U" ~.99C with Cod Li'ver 011, 49c-89c Ayerst 10-D Cod Liver 011 - 6ic - S1.69 FREE A Glass Tumbler with 1 lb.39 FREE ~of English Health Saits 39 PhonFi 6P.R. COWLING, DruggistweFi WEEK-END SPECIALS AT ALLIN'S GROCERY Macaroni.................... lb. Sc Stoneless Dates ........................ lb. Rangoon Rice ......................s5 Ibs. Monarch PastrY Flour ........... 24-lb. bag Red River Cereai ...................... pkg. Salada Tea, yellow label.............. lb. Magie Coffee ........ IL 29c 2 of Kellogg's Ail Wheat 1 Kellogg's Corn Flakes ... both for lOc 25c 65C 25c 60C 26C Christie Cakes - Frcsh Every Tuesday and Friday- Christie Assorted Biscuits .............lfb. Postum.............. tin 29c - Burford 32e soc Peas..................... 3 tins 25e Mincemneat................ 2 lbs. 25e Princess Soap Flakes............... 3 for 30c - FOR FRIDAY - British Columbia Salmon Fresh and Smoked Fillets Vanston&s Egg Mash Spratt 's Tonie Remedies Feed Molasses HARRY ALLIN GROCER Phones 367-368 Bowmanville PAGE SIX r- it It w IL' mg ROYALS DEFEAT 1cd easily on Montgomery's drive CALEDONIA 4-2 to the saine spot. The only other (Continued from Page 1) the eighth when with three men, pi]1 cvery time. but was stopped !on after two hits and a walk, the frein being a base runner by the fans began to get a littie jitterv. Royals. These are just a few Of Witheridge appeared to be tiring the boys vcho playedi perfect bal' rapidly to add to the Bowman- and were outstanding. The ethers vlets ites ohn aee %vere just as keen and ,vould have vlets ites ohn aeo donc just as w-cil had thev had it as Aines came through te stop the chances. Whiat they did han- a og ruder for the third die w-as donc %vithout a hitch. i out. This înning saw B. Bagneli The Royals began scoring in the! make one of his perfect trw second -wh1-en Siemon hit hiis,,,vhen with two on he picked up heartbreaker inte the trees and 'a roller in centre and pegged to was brought home by Aines ,vith Dteth Osborne at home for an a slug to right field. Their next out On]y three batters faced counting w-as ini the third. Bill Witheridge in the ninth. Bagnel walked. \vas driven tol third by Williams and crossed the During the gaine Williams broke platter on Slemon's infield clout. the first window of the year in Williams hiad stolen second and the High School. He broke the w-as boosted te third by Slemon only one last year with a husky and scored -,Ive hwas nearly foui hit bail. caughit cold trying te take home C a 1 e d o n i a: Montgomery 2h; on the play, but catcher ClarkAvery cf; C. Montgomery ss; C. dropped the bail. ýClark rf; Krawczyk If; B. Clark Another rua came in the fourth lb; Mellon 3b; Clark and Gour- when Ted Bagnell hit te centre. lay c; Gordon p. Dougiass pinch- teek second on Wîthlleridge's sin- hit for T. Montgomnery in 9th; gle te righit. went te third on Simins for W. Clark in 8th, War- Camieronis- perfect bunt dewvn ren for Gordon in 9th. third ba:se bnc and came home Bew-manville: Cameron rf; B. whlen Wiiliiams drove one te left. Bagacli cf; Williams ss; Colville The0 locals ilaci OI.V tWOchan1ces If: Siemon lb; Osborne c; Aines to score for :he tbalanice of the _2; . T Pnel 3b;Withericdae D.

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