PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMNAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIOTHRDY OC BE 6H,18 of living rmen again. Little by He' ,Threand Itwi ng th i floteed t ayvstd hisagtrMs,.Ry MARY ROBE RTS Does YOUR System final ae orhinote rdrueeaantiyAdtaks Ir.E Il ~~~~littie he was becoming accustomed reO, Thre to n and the u nd trs sanl Il ~~~~~t his condition, could drive his Everywhere otir police and town officials C~~sC.MisL cnls D 0 T 0 ý 1N H A R M k E ce sAcd? wncacould sign bis naine with By D. Morrison. Sr. have a commrunitv whierc ea, ~ D O G T O R ~ R I N E H A R T MakeE cessAcîdase.But le knew he _________________order and good fellowship previs tXi aka AcdILgstoCls was through. He hc ul i CHifTER XLVI thetfloor ofobisrroomtatithe toe menthadaleacnedtHe aodld.eH pital, eating littie, sleeping badly. iwould. But the resuit xvas heart- Headaches, Bilious Attacks, i eea rciehdofrdi-i~tefatta oenr mo ree -c..lit Sidv vnn. e.R Chris hardly saw Katie sitting and patently unapproachable: ýbceaking. He threw the pencil self, i required two hands. TTnigsoil aeb with unaccustomed patience by Submitting to faradic currents anid1 out of the window and grinned Consipationl He spent the following days evd ei n vears past. Thev relateMisoBad etnte hi vhich h K tie d i h elpwith m assage and diathecm y, sub mritt- 'up at the nurse. b r i g hs bi ge. H l s d tc n i 0rof pacslho i t the H a m p to n >u his bed; a Ktiedt with swlle ing to Katies visits and hec nexx Go on out," hie said. "I'm going OFIEN START THIS WAY and gave up the downtown office, provinîce that are niow alnîiost for- î'Receive(î too late for last w~e> îîtIaino fiesb e.W ging in boxes of fîo er brî ngidth voraiv e nso e ,' gr of the1staff. e ik kd"Sorne people are what n d submitted bis resignation to gotteîî or w~oiîd lbe oiîy for ilhelîîirclî S-J..Colwilloli was calle cheerfulhospitalindoingiitat a staff îongiristnteadesaîjd ts atlon' aforka fe" therh.sJ.tCol dillgist îs a stalfertRackh tna.eCand toatorshipfwasataken cheefulcomng i smling lug sumittng o inerne' jkes rtd Chris saw Bevecly just once acid-makers. They can't help it-and meeting and standing rather white wvceks anîd cdring the ivinter seasoxu uiece, M.\rs. Ewiart Creeper at Oc 'M, .W arnadrsos froith. But aegdiffidentKaiefc But spending long boucs alonle open, and she xvas passing along of an excess of acdd may stecmjust likebu eycm.aearotffte apaoetr.ou.hiln(. rarwsradbEte brt.Btadifdb aiefilI-en he mecely walked up andthhal ordinary stomnach trouble - but they He was sucprised and moved The lumber trade made manv people Mcr. anîd Mrs. E. Anitliistle c IGlet.Srpueia edb oc neyer t, oeigt oigtoueb bim. tying theo n. "ome n,'betcaleptoner. can't be put rigbt by ordinary stomnacb when they did not accept it. They îhink that it would last as long as Jeanu visited frieuils at Narlr. .liu fein vstknb i knver orig telIIo .hbave yngt tin. an," e ltaler. e hlExesacid ma be the gave hîm a sabbatical year in- .the ivorld lasted. but Old Father ranI,îs .î'ieTooto WdcmadeiCedbLly and p ing a litt eway tbe bedstea, a d moeIi hemeedThie Tine cangd aI thtaida.vere S uindav uests of 'M\r. . jIKe t'. M tug cos î th pa r and plaing uphbratblssly fotînd Chris at nt too good for me!" layedbios-ndtersn and told him that he would be Take the little biainet Lotus ini Groat. "Been a good boy and caten:the \windcov stacing out. 'n ga ow ofrtbe hyerpuativaenîong habitaved heinbaek among them long before Manvers Townîship. lit AllantScott's M.adMs .Sjîoî ae y o ur A n d th at. ti re îh at a b usy little b u rg th ait as Ville, ivere S t uuday g' iis s o f M rl . a du s a y o n to 'însenecgin "Go awayidandndplay forlamehile," be ath itsnesad syjîlmsoatGoealy al, plrysfoMrs.hiG.,:\dcock.sbasw readeverythingilandgris off ome riht 'Chrs."But there's one tbing that acid can't tbey said. "You've earned it." iiilI aund carding inul, besîdes black- Mlr. C. H. Burrows. Oshawa,se kid Asltlb 'ls a e ceut nd oristing ut foc -"Ail rigbt, in the best of ail face. That's the neutralizingpwro By June lie was ready to go. sunith shop anîd tanuuery. Teamsters togto obn akn Wethnus etteromyself." hosbewols"le said. XTe 'ange Saîts, the alkaline rernedy with Katie was busy with a new apart- siere hiisî takîuîg Iuiner to Bta ySîuuuday %ith NMrs. M. Goodinaui e eoei wt 0paet "An tat" sidTe cberulylie, but tbey mean xvell." the natara! mineral spa action. A tea. ment, taking sueh furniture as anud theni shipped by rail ta Port 1 Otliie. g.HtadBae hod aer xv a gonte augbt off',"Anth firsaial tbing efyov br' acacin' pofin warm water surges through shte needed and selling the rest. Hope, then by schiooner to Osîvego. NMr. aud Mrs. Harvev Cotice guard, she looked fcigbtened. your systeun just like the inedicinal When the day came for bis depart td r-~ vr Sudî uiso c if hie noticed it at ail, it wals to said for weeks. What you need is "0f course. Theres a cbance spring water fair away in England uire, hie stood witb bier in the hall. fwbu 3 Wld it ematieîn iread .Is. E.HnCl ad aIs tbink that hier fear was foc ber- a good funk hole for a wbhile. I'11 be President saime day, too, 'liere Vange Sats corne from. Excess Pilcdi about tbem were their lares rsinladsco.Mny neCut. "I'd bettec go, Chris. l'Il see you I used to bave an old uncle She xvas wretchçdly uncomf ort-Your blood is urife f oonse. YuA ely nbs n hs bgs ayiuy pacsaronnh.sni onit els esi ettKnox, ay oisss'otnbsnts ywyo p tomorrow." in the country, a doctor. His bouse able under bis eyes. and the lasb oeSofab al r otbd n tbs feet at they bad that nigbt aSi a inHleu a i B htyo Trn oyt cnrgtonh ad "'Righto. Better get out and stir is stili tbere, and it's empty." in bis voice, as if hie dared bier that mass of bard, poisonous waste dozen years before wben she bad Even Bowmaniville has chianged in s R erttadMssDre .t rigmeero oesaog soear n cet orcm "Md o o,"si e opity bim. She went rather natter lying in your intestines is come in and be bad taken bier and this respect. Do you remember wben 'I.R euutadNisD pane."proptr. l'"Then whncon- "'adyou com"sa e pale.softened gently, naturally, and passed carried lber. Now be looked cdown there ias a busy saw milI above the Perrett, Toronto, sperit the veekds ilbvet eedo b pay.pomty."he he oucme "'ms tribysor, his"out of your body. Then do you feel at ber, a little beavy and not a old electrie pond west of W. H. . a ndMr.BrdeTootohome.bte reae. Once li wakene from doze,'ack- Il"That' inadeqate, 1goodl IItS marvellous I But the most little sulky. Tben bie bent clown Carruthers' resideruce down ini the Mran \rsBode Tr hpwever, to find bier furtively 'I may not come back." sbe said. cTa' ndqae marveîîous thing is that Vange SaIts and kissed ber. hollow, Stevens' Mill or ivas it Frec- wiping bier eyes. "ewsaso- Tut-tut. Several tuts, in f act. know, but there really isn't much are onîy 60 cents a tin 1 At your drug- mns He was aston- te say, is there?" gist now-but if you're wise, on "r t nertn wa 'mmns isbedut Ha e len mae a oeto You'll be a wrkaginuna ea. "Why be sorry?" lbe said ligbt- bathroom shelf tonightl doing, Katie," be said. "It lbas And at MefDougal's f lour mul., of bis toward bier. But Katie, listening to bim later ly. "I've needed a rest for a long notbing te do witb you or me. But wbat a busy place that ivas w'itb its "Wbat is it, Katie?" Ion, grew pale wben he told bier. time. Now I've got it. And I'm I want somne time. I've taken it cooper sbops and quite a number of "Yo wIlbe bl t us i~ Theconty?"sh sid lak-learning te use my lef t band. on the cbin, I suppose, and I've teanisiers, milI hands and coopers again.won'tyou?"l "Wawil ede itte Would you like to see me sign stood in tbe way, and I'm still in got to readjust souebow. I'11 do emploved. Nowada3's its notbirug4 He looked at ber. Did bo ae hyuse?" mrwy name with iteIts wort that better by myseif. At first, more thant a dumping ground for the tbat she bad destroyed bu? Oc "I'm not asking you te go, my watcbing"tewa." anybow After tbat Ill ask you towu's garbage. You could not make was she merely anxious for ber 'dear. You would loathe it. and "Chris, if you are going te let "If there is anytbing I can do te come and see me if you care Yuvndtmro htpro eiv own security? I'm ne company these days for"ti aeyubttr"- esi akady o"auuy sucb story. But it came te pass "You mustn't blame yourself1 man or beast. You know tbat. He dropped bis gibing voice, "Net unless you can turn the "Wbo will look after you?" ail the sainie wben the big mili werue tee much, my dear. We botb con-1 Later on, of course-", ' I'mne t bitter, Beverly," bie said dlock back!" she said witb a teuch "I tbink Hiram Mortimer biasn) isoe tributed te wbat happened,"l He! "You'll be glad te get rid of' more gently. IIve been filled witb of ber old gallantry. But she was found a woman te do that." pinsoe smiled wryly. "We'll get'along:me, won't you? V'n just somne- resentment. Tbat's natural; and Stijl Katie. "Wbat's abead of me, III see," she said sullenly. "A I_ 'bat about the old Valley iudust- somehow, you know. I a tbing around your neck. Likeimaybe I'm scared. But I'll make Ted?" sbe said. "I'm still young. woman. Any weman but me!" ries helow the X'austorue nl? There practice medicine, if that 's it. We Father and Motber, and evenla figbt of it. Den't worry about He may stay in the country, and Tbat was their farewell. was the oat unill and grist unill. tbe "I uppseha ee rve thatlow ,"use"is t t bat." stayed a littie longer. He t.if I'm to be buried in tbat Morti-**** large Gifford tannery, tbat busv maI bavepoeut downv a, course." Dick.SI'msjutynetbing. Tbat'sgit. Seemer bole, lilgo crazy. And I can't Chris lay in Letitia's ronm in fouuudry and machine sbop of Jacob said as she got up, and went I "Net'at all," bie said patientîy. was more like bimself now, more leave bim now. We're tied te- the Mortimer bouse. His rigbt Neads, %vbere quite a Iumnber of quikl eu o th rom "W cn'tgoon s e avefrendy.Heeven talked of bis getber like two cats by the tail."l arm was on a pillew. Wben bie skilled wvorkmeîj were eunploycd, to Butshewasstil Ktie Grd- ba's ll.Theboue wll aveplnssuc astbelwee. uthbewascryng benbe eftturedie be igh, h moed av otiuu abut 'ilians' arduu ually bier visits grew sborter, little te go. I don't know wben jIl be wben she got up te go, she felt bier. the pillow also and placed bis milI; the old tue soap works with by little she teok up bier old lifelearning again. And it's been a that at last sbe bad lest bum; tbat**** arm on it. Folded over the feot its teanis out gatbering hardwood agi.Sbe came in one day wear- long time since yeu were poor, tbe Cliris she bad known was It was late spring wben Chris of the bed was Letitia's Star of asiles; or the old pottery wvorks oi "I'm getting insaeoraSie " ing a corsage of gardenias, and he IKatie. You've forgotten bow ta e . Behbaem uiI come again, Chris?"of he ond guessed who had sent theni. He be. î knew very little about you "Wby not? cme and brigbtealnit ap fwbos les Mutws uypae TaklI I a tCaean riheny able ws ibea amp, oacw ookndso, iWst orut uana fusntplae "hni 'lsiktwe as was net gceatly concerned. She these days, Katie; but I know tbe day for me. Any day." I ad nspieBndusaco;ansaso bDpeio aîdf omth would bave te go cdown with him enougb te realize that you cant ebl'u i ethn, ~ B sns etory aplsse ru, witbs sphinton thigieav uîîumb er foelungdy in the general wreckage, or ulti- change your manner of living Hing d oun intebe eshn, butthearsse ro w a hs st ondlilwvdw o h oudvwr mately sbe would leave himn; and overnigbt. And I want te say jern oeit.aebc noonvoermisth ilas e as bie lay there in bis bed it did this, tee. If you would like teaeringoeadcomkew bakt e E A The bed was wide, but there only merran h ilas e net seem greatly te matter whicb be free-" bsvie n h nwta h E A was a bellow on old Davids side, sudence.PO she chose. He bad ne illusions. She sat staring at in witb cur- would net go back; that baving adweee hi tre i h odblwtebiesple He as ripled cetaily or ioslydeserae ees.Fre" Watier see bim as bie was, was only M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. nigbt, in the morning be would power for ail the industries of that "The purest form in whhtbcocn esoe. long tie d, prbaly forver. oulydseeede WtbBoF~ree httanother blow te bis pride. fn isl nta olwH lcado h ato h ae longtim an proabl foever wold he d? Wth ab Brret Aweek later lbe left the lbos- Barrister, Soliciter, Notary find bimself n that ollow He pla, audous the Niiest of teywate All well enough te talk of an- running after anotber wemnan qital. Katie took bim away, dciv- Pbone 351 case tbeer no rom g outdsofidewos vas liesMandiee distile it otber operation, another attempt now? Witb bier youtb going, al- ing their car carefully, bis bag in Royal Bank Bldg., Bowmanville tce tery ok ringotnds ofi atusles els a ilbeef bfatteidu _______________________________ te find and unite the nerve ends. most genle? Suddenly she was the back of it, bis arm in its t.RhTRX eieutry, ocks cr owin, hore af oparatus. a wcll s a f he brauî Repair at best would be a natter crying, crying uncontrollably; as sîg h os a nsal rw eicesieoea olr ote ef six months. It might be a yeac, a cbild cries, epenly and unasbam- sitding.Th ouser.was uuaîîy riV. R.SlctrK eibrt mvmnt0 ore fol i ta iduo cs and it migbt be neyer. (cd. He got up and tried te quiet qiet. ndî odr.U staisis SBaistefr SankcioNota disancehles, s comewneatr dollaresqui a btle.alth il YetbewassoryforKaieeve brusig isleft an awwad-bed was , ready for bim, neatly SlctocooanwfMnteldsanc lting -down ahrs f lo the Squaira stoyruîotpeouite tb linte w sre duoring tbe long y e oucb bhs e. ndakwr-turned cdown, and the table beside Money te Loan. Pbone 791. cw n aln sfl ete:as legoey soe opst dae y n edle ngth e lnw r t"Do't, Kir. Dntcr it set out witb whatever be migbt Bowmanville, Ontario. "Se, boss. Se, boss. Came along. Buirk's but departuneut store. uîow- daysandendlss ight, le kewý Dont, Ktie Dont cy IGet along, tbere." adays it's a garage and auto repair tba bi f~lur telov be bd tougt yu mgbtwanci . Wh. batever bier faults, Katie L. C. MASON, B.A. Soon Mrs. Miller would came sbop, but wlio would believe the lain bebind ailItbe other failures. stick to me? Wbat ean I give you" vsmkn uc mnsa h Barrister - Solicitor frebrctaenarbadb bug in stuch a short timne? Sh a ie i iryuh irNtae iig"culd oayPi-Et. weuld bear bier rattling the big The buildiung of the G.T.R. caused Sbe badregiven bim berayouthobersNote ventaeliving." vitality, and at one time at least i"II did this to yeu, Chris. You "steeayhn a o oayPbi tv ntektbn a booum in bouse and store building, ber love; but bie bad net wanted can't go te tbat place alone" Chris? Can 1 belp you to un- Law in ail its branches. He pulled up the sleeve of bis al-so carpeiter sliops as doors. sasb any of them. Perbaps it was only "Don't dry, dear. It will be aîl dress?" Office immediately east of Royal pyjama cent and looked at bis anîd sucli like ire banrdade in that fair that in the end she had des-!i ight." Btb i o atbrbl.Tete arm. It seemed te bim that the pcriod. Carpeuters ivereuu great troed im.FordesroydFbowr, I mst ookteriblieri." e wnte1tobeusonltesae te Pene: Ofic 68; ome553 mucle alead loke atopbeddeuîau ndamthecrairoa Wi5 -ur di~st alrasrase n "IYu o okannee terrible, his acts and te cbart bis course.- and, lying there, lie began te mas- to unakaesrvole icl did notdrupdoubefsemehimeney Kadem- DENTAL sage tbem awkwardly and patient- Wàell il lias îlot so fac but it cec- then came back esl.To any! nose, wpn awayth streaks of stnding on bis books, but witb DR. J. C. DEVITT wanted bin te leave bis treat- faruners wlîo had wood lots mad-e otbecs were waiting te take theirI mascara from ber cbeeks. She k th ata par of itproeusdon ee Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson ment, but bie bad seen those liav %liile thîe sunt sdiouie ctittiuîg andI knewtha a p rt f i woud n vertreatments before. Either the hauuing w'ood to stations wbcre wood places. and a surgeon's ceputation was the eternal adolescent, he'b a' Adtee ol eGraduate of Royal Dental Col- nerve resumed its function,oriwaboult wa ie eans-a odtbub.She would neyer grow bilîs, Katie's 'bills of ail sorts' lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubiiee did net. ws oilt could destroy it. ýup. Somebow she and bier kind'dressmakers, food, caterers, evern Bldg., Bewmanville. Office boucs Foc tbe ficst few tInys, save te Not many' today' will reinember the ****must always be cared foc, and 1 bootleggers. He was astonisbed 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily except Sun- eat andI sleep, Cbcis scarcely left large building at the baseline corner Cbris was a new and strangeîy, there would always be men te to find bow mucb bie ewed, and day. the front percb. He sat thece in Lsed te stable the herses ini railcoad quiet man aftec tbe second opera- do it. 1 hn 9 os hne83 osrcin wt h i elo tien spedinglongheur pacng ** *1 that nig1it he told Katie tbe bue Pon 9house hne8. David's big eld chair, staringcotruiu, ibte ig eloi _______________long_____________ One day Scott came in, bis1 would bave te go as soon as pas X-Ray Equlpment in Office. accoss the road at the waving the uîorîlî end te umark the ie of empty sleeve stuck as usual in bis sil3e. bheat or the fluttering ribbons the teanisters.I SERVE THEM H A T -We can't sacrifice it, Chris. FUNERAL DIRECTOR of the cernfields. He was possess- And b3'the way, wbat eventually peeket. He was ebeerful and as Look at ail the money we've put e nieyb aiuamna eaec ht0( el \trbigWT L H I E L neat as ever, but Chris bad a e nieyb aiuamna eaeo htodblAtrbigW T L H pitue f imel lkethtdae-inte it." FUNERAL DIRECTORS and pbysical cellapse se great the property of the G.T.R. it was ficure o ssing wioe ban, aev- She fougbt bard for tbe house. Service, any bouc, any day. tbat even memory was dulled. uscd by tlîe XVmn. Poirter people as- a , e en lessning t tie is ti, ae-Tbey ceuld close it, and if Chris une day bie looked clown and tiunckeever for tlîat \'elU unatîaged II I en eanig t te istie t lcestill wanted te go te the country F. IF. MORRIS CO. saw a smaîî dog sitting besîde foîuuîdry auid plotuglh works. Tlîe cast S erve G e i bis shees; andI found bimself'ýo a rest, sbe bad a lot of bouse Modern Metor Equipment, Am- hlm. Aftec that the dog came end of tlie towuî kept tlîeir dlocks hvG en L a sbaking.fe "Howdo ou d it Scot?" parties wbicb would f ilI in the bulance and Invalid Car. Caîl daily. Chris took te keeping part tlîe soutud of th(: Porter hell..\fter- School makes extrai nayd adso "It waso bardoeneugbcot rt summer. Tben in the faîl tbey Phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. of bis dinner for bim and te wards tbis bell officiaéed oui the "Itwashar eoug atfirt.could make saime plans. He lis- wthn o i.Tedgwudtehat n n Later I got used te it. I bardly tnc ainl.wthn o u h o ol sotith ward lire hall. If otur uneun tehat n nry fcidemkn I!I1E"U&'eW IPA'ION5 miss it new. 0f course my wife "Itsneta nttef h sm CONTRACTOR eat witb dignity and then sit be- ery serves tus riglît Nwe believe the their diet assume xrrdnyipo- belps ."snt atrofteSm side bim, tbinking the long quiet b)ell wveuut to Oreuîo. Ilu should have By acousing the torpsd, sluggusb ri loedbsCyehKai mer, Katie. IS a matter of a T. E. FLAXMAN tbougbts of bis kind au-d asking beetu kepi as a relie for our musetuun.anto! GethmpnyofGnRe letohea lfcti ationanduehmunat b a fi i ie o ate ' ow many years. I can't carry Builder and Contractr n eeing. vl,' hrs ,Non' te railroads are aviug tlicir Mil.k with their mea . It c n i e d d indiecase siaon ant cbnucshes0Bton1dy[ftr thte bouse under any conditions. Levers' Lane - Bowmanville t"ueer l"ile dg r e Crstobe.Wirve o otog tis tieon Youan dend O he got a pencil and paper and It was alI I could do befere. Now Phone 318 0f ail the beasts the enly enes tea.outîte utrye roails ere is- negbutd -ui CAE8bief ptihang h. Tbe tre . -tsut s of tbe question." _______________ forsake tbeir kind and take up bewr teaisvr ldbu DR. C ES islf ad Th peneul was Cetainly he was very difficult ___________________ witb us. GotI alone knews wby. operated ouîlv for a short spell. auîd linv-Lvrp 15awkwacd in bis fingers, but be during that period. For a few It was the dog tbustbre then <eserted similar to the nId sawv ____________________1 tried it over and over, bis moth days bie stayed indoors, gaining "Lest We Forget" thcougb that apatby of bh, fc nill pro;uerty. thecir places takeî c i hG LN R s e t , is e y e s d e t e r m i n e d . O t e r 1 n c e n t h , l e n n g a n u l y t R I M Ajýo a y h o o i ' f r a w l k l e o r c r a î r u c '.-î e a r i u E A "GoOd forda Lifetime - ed ne. I was a fool. I tbougbt course, one did waken somewbere cape. He heltI il in bis hand and Apr"esisicenga fIlanee hemgtcr fIgv i ieelse, as David bad believed. looked at it, remembering theepesmgned e sshw3A o Yo~e awmun uaane uarns atr Iw Il eneugh. But be neyer did. Then It was about that time tbat be days of bis city practice. Now it little ut cosîsfo dquu rtdim remain immune fronu failure dt e te al natural lately, wben I tbougbt be migbt 'î' began to take a drink at nigbt in was he who was seeking release atmospheric conditiens other than gas or saIt aitr. Look for 1h! markUe- be better witbout me, I did tbis " '. order te, get te, sleep. He bad and forgetfulness. bcougbt a bottle of Scotch with Witb the coming of nerf ing be fr2Yet.The rmmm mgi are hmav iy galvan zed ciII.d on .vervshoot of te hin! I can't leave im now. hus euul gtup ou iî witl hrs . Nauh hm AFTEIR forming, te assure perfect, undamna ed coac STADARD" COURnCI I neyer can leave bim, Ted." bin, and aftec lying awake foc would bear Neel's whîstle. It wasa ing. Walw pCa icutfrCs aymenc and Siding. Ted looked at ber. Did she bon- ur84wudgtUpu oea hsl hi a agthn estly feel that she ceuld net leave inte a glass, add a little plain "Ail policemen bave fIat feet" __Isrne A ec THE PEDLAR PEOPLE LIMITED Chrîs?1 watec, and drink it. It would send were the unsung wocds behind it, . *Poe 8I wm nîe F obls hed 1861 "I'm net sorry for myself," she A a confortable glow over bin, then and Neel was tbmilled with it. hn HEAD OFFuICE- OSHA\WA. ONT. said. "Don't think that, Ted. But E B R after a tine it wouldact as a de- Chris wbistled back and got came- Montrea! Ottawa Toronto "innipeg Calgary tVuncover l'in sorry for Chris. Desperately pressant. The blood would go fully eut of bed. This was bis sorry. He wanted children, and I ILI IV o* P S eout of bis head; he would stop life, the life be had chosen. Don't ________ m ~ w A ~ didnt." She sbivered. "I was itbin'king and sleep. tbink. Don't remember. Don't r*~W I f Poeto R L ~~~~ afraid. And ef course be bas O E I 1 Wben that bottle was exhaust- even hope. Live this day as it r EY u always wanted senebody else. ed, be got another from the vill- cornes, and every day. MAUATRR O H AR O VR7 ERÇ You know that, den't you? I just age bootlegger. It was pure es- (to be continued) ýM K - ~ dm