THE CANADIAN STATESIMAN, BOXVMANVILLE, ONTARIO DISTRICT, SCHOOL Osborne.eEGrove A.bnrnc.dward Ri Mapl Gr ve tt \sc__ - Siln Pcn found. Eleano Friday, September 23rd.» Wizht, Ross Necaif, Pearl Colla Wheat, quart - Murrav OsborncCeit Edward Rivett, John Pcarcc. Eicen Pthi,., \Vinîîic Walter, Rut] Beauchamp). Sinosvcn, Lili an Snowdcn, Harol, Qats, sheaf - Ross '%etcalfe, Alivin Ste cns « Metcalfe. Zinniias Duncan Philiips. Bai Oats, quart - Douglas Harris, liara \V ung. ,is oiiijack Mun George Osborne, Howvard Brown, las-. Laura Wedgewood. 1 lh.ichrys.uni - Lorne Pcnfound Barlev. sheaf - Daisv Gibson, Hcl-!I,î w~. Wlae Braa en Stackaruk, George Stackaruik. Di.s GTist Wllce Bara.l Barley, quart - Howard Brown. ebn hli dns e Daisy Gibson, Brooks Pearce, Neil SVcrhcnGa li nis e Meicalfe. Sodn rt <lis Potatoes, Doolevs and Katahdins - ailiar(lia - George Osborne, Har I rvS iioss(lein, Donald NIetcalf. Ld Virginia Hopkin. Lorne Price, Har-î r aid teves. Sanle Snovden die Callis. oldSteens Sanlv Sowdn. 1"ik -Aurey Greenlîam, Doreei Potatoes, J.C. - Brooks Pearc,Par twr ariAneBn Calvin Crago, Billv Skclding, Doreen Schi s, \, Eteanr i ndsBoer Jeffery. Snîith lenrHndVr Ensilage Corn - Xii Mfetcalfe, iih Jac Muday Bily keiing XVl: Snapdragon - Robert Barraball lace Barrabail klinWl Dorothv Snowden, Kay Lycett, Dor. Sweet Corn -Harold Stevens, cenJf. r, uh nY dn John Gravelle, Harry Snawden, Nasturtium - RaNmond M2\acKay, Stanley Snawden. Elleni .bernethy, Christena Camp- Mangels - Lenare Cllacutt, Helen bell, Gardon Hanna. Osborne, Gwen Osborne, Velma Cockerei, B.P. Rock - Murray Cragzo. Osbornîe, Bill Rundle, Mfarilyn Run- Turnips - Madeline Craga, John dle, George Osborne. Morton, Doreen Jeffery, kudrey Pullet, B.P.R. - Jack M1unday, Phair. Lorne E. White, Eleanor Wight, Ray Parsnips - Raymond Xiggans, una Virginia Hopkins, William Bragg:, Cockerel, White Legharn - John Arthur Hone. M ôrton, Yvonne Wood, Gardan Beets - Elleen Twist, Fay Found, Hanna. Darothy Ruiter, Glen Prout. Pullet. White Leghorn - Yvonne Carrais - Brian Burneit, Darothy Wo od, John Morton, Douglas Har- Hane, Sim Penfaund. Helen Ruiter. ris. M1argaret Harris. Onians - Grant Chesebrough, LiI- Caîf, Dairy Heifer - John Martan, lian Snowden, Lorraine Tink, Bob Harold Stevens. Vinson. Best Broken and exhibited caîf - Pie Pumpkins - Elsie Veizal, Ed- Harold Stevens, John Mortan. ward Rivett, Douglas Phair, John Feathered Pet - Margaret Camp- Pearce. bell. Douglas Burdeti, Harold Stev- Squash - Greta Wilkins, George ens, Doris Stevens. _________________________ Furred Pet - Darathy Higgins, BuIs' Jav, Hilda Scargie, Phvllis Adams. Spy Apples - Calvin Craga, Larne Good dvicePenfaund, Mildred Metcalfe, Dun- AboutConstipation! c~a ~l~s ee son Eleanor Wight, Arthur Clemence. A doctor would tell you that the Bert Snowden. best thlng ta do with any aliment Is to get at lis cause. If you're McnohApe - Calvin Craga, nstpatd, ontfidle ith WiliamBragHelen Cax, Made- zakeshit remedies. Find outi une Crago. what's glvng you the trouble! Tamataes - Veima Crago, John Chances are You won't hav a Martan, Virginia Hopkins, Keith 100 vry ar if~ou eat Just the Cao tngs Most pope do. Most like- Cao lY, You don't get enough "bulk"! Plate of Plums - Calvin Craga, Ad "bul" does't mean just a Madeline Craga, Marion Foiey, Lii- lot of food. It meas a kind of lhan Snawden. food that lant coflBumed ini the 'rnMfis-Ge san body, but leaves a soft "buIky" 3a ufis-'en Obre mass in the intestines and helps Darathy Hone. Eileen Aluin, Eller a bowel movement. Abernethy. If tis a18 What YOU 19ck, your Chocolate Brownies - Fay Faund, ticket la crlsp crunchy Kellogg's Al-Bran for breakfast. It co- Marilyn Rundie. Audrey Qreenham, tains the "'bUlk" you neeci plus Doris Stevens. the Intestinal tonie, vitamin B1ý. Loaf Cake - Jean Hanna, Marion ,Eat It every day, drink plenty Faiev, Margaret Campbell, Eleanor of water, and Join the 1"re guIar"! Wright. LnBra nt a byoe.g 1 Sehool Lunches - Gwen Osborne. Londn, ntalo.Marilyn Rundie. Audrey, Greenham. Margaret Campbell. NEW LOW Now you can buybdison Mazda Lamps at the lowest prices in hstary. Get a supply today of these Iamps that stay brighter longer. 25. 40. 60 watts . Naw 20c 100 watts... Now 25c 150 watts..Now 30c 200 watts... Naw 42c ]EDISON MAZDA SmlCov on kq FAIR WINNERS c- MapIe Creanii - Fav Founid, Vir- Fraser, Archie Hendrs'. Howard gînia H-oOkiis Elcanor Wight, And- P.ane. r reY (Greenhlai. Cockerei. White Leghiorn - 'Mur- a- Laver Cake - Mý\arilyn Rundie. ray Pa34ie. Bud Je4îes. Farncomib Marion Foiev. Lorraine- Tink. LeGresiev. Fac Joucs. h Tea Bisculits - Marilyn Rundie. Puliet. XVhiîc Leghiorn - 'Murray Id Given Oshorne, Lorraine Tink. Paviie. Pauline Branch. Sain Turn-- \Vasiicioth - Christena Campbell, er. Russell Branehl. r- Mas Wright, Wilima Marshall, Elsie Caif. bbeef - Staniey Loti, Ross 111 Veizal. .\danis. Dreser Scarf - Fay Faund, \Vii- Caif. (lairv lheifer- Rubv Ford, 'd, ina Scorgie. Audrey Greenhani, Francis Jase. Patsy Frazer, Archie iDaisa Gibson. Hendrv. Book Caver - Eleanor Wight. Market Lamb, Ewe or Wether - îr 1lilda Scorgie, M.\adeline Crago, EvcîviiSaltn a tpeoi Margart Cambell.Besi broken and exhibited caîf ý Duster Bag - \Viima Marshall. Francis Jose, Arduie Hendrv, Stanl- d- Paper M\odel af Barnî - William 1e1v Iatt. osAdns Runcile, George Osborne, Robert 1- Rs dns ni \'in.,on, MuItrrav. Osborne. 1Fcathered Pet - Keith Stapietan, d. Dog or Cat on base - John Mor- Sain Turner,. MyHae Fýurred Pet - Gardon McKay, Jean ra tan. Harold Stevens, Bert Snowden. iignonFse.BdJns Ravmonci Mackay. SyApe onieHcs u 1, Haminer Handie - Clarence Hig- Sp Apes-JhieHcsBu - gins, Ras'mond Mackay, Mike Bonk, Jones, Jîm Saverv, Jean Turner. Sain Bonk.' Snow Apples - Yvonne Megil, Y, Set of Book Ends - John Pearce, Jean Robinson, Elgin Savery, Bob- p-Edsvard Riveti, Gearge Stackaruk. by Stephenson. Mode! Hayrack - Edward Rivet M-clntosh Appie s - Yvonne Megil, ty Bill Rundle. Clarence Higgins, .Mike Sam Turner, Staniey Jonathan, jack i- Bank. Brown. Mal) of North America - Russell Tomatoes - George Elliait, Mary YMackav, Grant Chesebrough, Ray- Getlick, Jean Haie, Harold Rager- Lymond Wiggans, Annie Kichko. son. 12 Breedso f Livestock mounted - Plate of Plums - Bill Taylor, Bai- iiiBrok PareGwen Osborne.. four LeGresley Francis Jase. in Six Classes it which animais Brn Muf fins - Patricia Ware, may be divided - Fay Found' AudreyDareen Burley, jean 'Milligan, May leBeauchamp, Marilyn Rundie, Stan-HIc r- ley Snowden. Chocolate Brownîes - Jean Brown, Development of 3 insecis - Dar- Sybil Hoskin, Pauline Branch, Mary iothy Snowden. Purdy. Hobby Display - Margaret Camp- Loaf Cake - Hazei Powell, Mar- bell. Doris Stevens, Edward Rivett garet Ash, Jean Hale, Audrey George Stackaruk. Adams. - Grotînd Hog Tails - Douglas Har- Sehool Lunches - Jean Milligan, -ris. Murray Osborne, Edward Rivett, Joyce Martin. June Alliîî, Marguerite Margaret Harris. Adams. S, he itte Brd EieenTwist, Maple Cream - jean Milligan,t isRuth Snowden, Brooks Pearce, ParcaMrJn ae agr Y vanne Wood.etAh le Little Things - Christena Camp- Washcloih - Joyce Martin, Fae i- bell, Ernie Hanewich, Lorraine Jones, Rene Morris. Martha Vande Holmes. George Dean. Beit. e, Voodland Ramn - Alex Stackaruk ' Dreser Scarf - Jean Hale, Mar- e.Wiima Marshall. May Wright, Aud: guerite Adams, jean Brown, Olive rey Phair. Brown. 0, M Little Farm -CalvinCra Book Caver - M1iidrcd Browvn, -- Lillian Osborne, Gwen Brooks, Len- - ryAamMr elik ae ore ollautt.Powell. tn Lines of Poetry - George Stack- Dse a - Audrey Adams, i aruk, Madeiine Crago, Lucille Wade, Olive Brown.1 Lorrane Sith.Paper Mode! of Bansi - Ronald Boy going ta school in ramn - CarIllsSmSymuh.Svey 1Lorraine Holmes, Ernie Hanewich, CDrogsormCto bse-Anre Betty Antil, Niera Smith. Lokhar Elgin aey- Ay Loti,: C, Child Lif e iiiustrated Customs - BiLouch.rEgnSvey a ot il Bennie Hanewich, Audrey Phair, BHammer hanl onneHeo Aiian Cochrane, WVallace Bathweill. amrHid JlneHcs il Mgazie Coer Oria ýVlm*John Morris, Gardon \IcKav, Fran- 1, Magaz inedaver - Orma aim-cis Hale. slev, ida WCanegimlv, Josephine Set of Book Ends - BiIly Morton, n llusîrate a lesson - Doreen Ph' -\iAfred Redknap. Keith Burlev, Eric r usel MckvHeenR H tr, Buriev. Ru~ellMacas' Heen îte. . Model Havrack - John Marris, Apple Nanjing Conitesi - Sim Pen- Map ai M or hAmria-sud, ifouîîid. Nurrav Cain, Stanley Sniosv Mpo ot Aeia-Ade tien. Pearl Coiiacuît.- Adamos, Eric Bulriey, Pauline Branch, Puhlic Spcaking - M.\iidred Met- JoyeB E ad ivsdcymu.e caif. Audrev Grcenhiam, Fav Founci, Arthur Farrow, Bi-d Jones, Fred Josephine Courtice.RosJa Fotr Public Speaking - Eileen Beau- RSix clansse rwih nmi champ. Doroihy Snowden. Donald ni lse nowil nml M.etalf.av c hd(ivided - Jean Brown, Olive NLetai -JckMnav Brown, John Morris, Bernice Brown. RettiBros- Jac una, et Deveiopment of .3 insecîs - Mary Anti. BooksPeace.Getlick. Mildred Brown, Willie Mor- Mouth Organ - Ross Meicaif. ris, -Hazel Powell. Hobby Dispiav - Olive Brown, Fred Maorris, -Ross Adams, Bill Newtonville Couch. Grouind Hog Tails - Normais An- Salurday, September 241h. drews, Bill Couch, Jean Milligan, Ray Stapieton. \Vheat. sheaf - Biilie Morion, Thle Little Bird - Annie Gî'îiick. Arthur Farrow, Frances Haie, James Mainwaring, Dnrothy Brown. Johnniiie Hicks. Little Thingo - Armoid Hoilings- Wheat, quiart - Billie Jaynes, Ray sacrii. Rosie Getiick. Rene Morris. Stapîcon, l-racis Jose, I- rflcis Niildred Hoskis, Cowan. X'idadRam - Andresv Lock- Oais. sheaf MNasy Haie, Thelmia hart. Bill Couch. .-rchie Hendry. Stapîcton. . Nliirrav Adams. Oats. quart- Franîcis Hale, Archie iv Little Farîn- Olive Brown, Hcndry, Raa Stapleton. Jean White. Mary Geîlick, NMarguerite Adams, Bariey. sheaf- Jean Hale. V~iolet Holiingsworth. Bariev, quart- Jean Brown,, Mfay Lines <if Paetrv - Laura Pearce. Hale. Herman Schnsid, Stanley Jon- Marionî Bruce, Audrev Adamos, Haz- athan. e! Powell, Potatoeo, Dooieys and Kathahdins B loy going tao chool in ram i- -Russell Eliioti, George EiliOti, Betty' Stephenson, Armond Hoillings- Mfurray Walton, Jean Robinson. worth, Ronald Powell, Rosie Get- Poîaîoes, I.C. - Francis Hale, May îick.' Hale, Haroldi Wright, Henry WV. Chiid Life iilustrated Custonis - Ensilage Corn - Archie Hendry, Norman Andrews, Fred Morris, Henry Whecler. Ross Adams, Bud Jolies. Sweet Cornl - Alec 'Martin, Faro- Magazine Caver - Pauiline Branich. comb Le Gresies', Russell Branch, jeucce EdIdy. Wiliie Morris, Violet Jean Rabinson. Hoiiingsworth. MXaiîgeis - B3obbN' Stephenson, liustrate a Lesson - Richard Roi- Keith Stapiletan. Pauline Branch, ley, Harrv Worrall, Harold Wright. fiinnie Hicks. Jean White. Ttirnips - Betty Stepîhenson. Reid A'pplei Naming Coîttesi - Jean \Vcîod, Norman Andrews, jean Hale Billie Moîrtoni, Frc(i Morris, 1 White.1 Audrey Adams. Parsiis - Harold Smaith, Bobby Public Speaking -Bîd Jn. !Steffieson..Alfred Redknapi, Rus- ilil Powvell. suli Eli îtt. PIuhi ic Speaking -\Vil lie NMorris. Iie~-Jean Grav, Es clvii Stapie- Sianiey Loit, jeant Gras, Olive to n. Giordioiinackaa, Nias Hale. Broiwn. Rav. F rancis Jase, Archi Hendrv, Enisilage Corni - Rutîh Robinson, Stanley Jonathan. Dorothy Moorcv, Keiîh Siainion. IPl Puliet BEPR. -Ruiby Ford, Patsy Sweet Corîti-'Niargarci Hepburn,I- LOWER PRICES 0 Longer Wheelbase New Spring Suspension New Gear Shife...New Safety Signal Speedometer TAKE A GOOD LOOK et thse most beauti- fui Dodge ever produced in ail tise 25 years of Dodge history. Actumlly two inchea longer wbeelbase, it looks even longer ... Fenders are broader, deeper, longer and more massive. Definitely these 1939 Dodge cars are big cars THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6TH, 1938 he divjded - Fiorence Rundie, jean cri1 provinces. and there are now a Lagzcer, Beth Miller. Muricl Sî nunîhr of Nvounger brceders in Devcioprncnt of 3 isects - I3ittv cjlsargei4Cibiicd ith modec'n ideas Rozen. Margaret Prescott. a;id pluiutaof cncrgv wvio are look- Hobbs )isplav - .\lbert IRoI)llsciil. il,,, frward ecnthiisticaiiy ta the i Driving is simpler and pel. casier. Steering these new Dodgc cars la more positive and et the ane rne casier! Gear shifting un tise Dodge De Luxe fa very much casier than before. Thse gearabift lever bas been S maved off the floor on ta the aueering wbeel. wbcre the smre gear shaifîlngmotlonsbecome Independeeit front simpler and more con- wheel âpringing with venient. Tise hand brake A moto astel prsngs and où-planes-type lsaaut the let of the steer- ahock absorbera. ing colurn 50tse whole front compartment floor is clear and raomy. DODGE-a leader in the introduction of ail. Corne un îoday and sec the on alI)odge cars s for 1939. A speed New Dodge Six and the gmtrdian for night Dodge De Luxe. Give your, driving. self thse pleasure of dniving ane of these new cars. They are priced right down amnong thse lowest priced cars. Your Dodge dealer will gladly let you drive and judge their brilliant new performance for yaurself. A DODGE SIX Business Coupe ... for$ 9 Delivered in BOWMANVILLE License ansd any local taxes only extra. W. J. CHALLIS hone 2653 Dodge and DeSota Dealer mwmaflviîîe Bol PAGE FOUR Buti Pingie Harley Hayes. .Nlangels - George Killen, DoraîhN Harda, Donald Prescoti, Charlit,ý Langinaid. Tîirnips - Art Reynolds, Evelynl Parriuder. Clifford Miller, Bruce Taylor. î larsnips - Margaret Prescoti. He1len Caniercin. Howard Ellis, Phy- Ilis Nidderv. Becis - Orvilie Hincinan, Mar- garci His, Carol Craig, Helen Niilcer. Carrots - Bovd Ayre, Bobv Loek- hari, Nfay Hepburn, Niargaret Tiîsk. Onions - Nluriel Smîith, Florence nuie. -loyd Hav es, Eiieeis Red-ý ni . P'ie Punspkiiss - Bert Beekeli, Be ttc Smnaics, Douglas Shackleton, Diiroths' Fýerguson.. Squash - Marion Kersey, Ruth Rus tîcits. Bobbv Vivian, Flans Geiso- berger. Asters - Canmeron Stainion, Keiîh Peters. Arthur Reynolds, Glenna N\Iirgaii. Phlox - Jack Smnith. NMarion Tink, Douglas Shackleton, Kathleen Tink. Zinnias - Carol Craig, Dorothy Pingie. Mfargaret Hepburn, Grant Williamns. Heiichrysumn - Evelyn Parrinder, Auidrey Kersey, Bobby Siainton, Shirley Pingle. \'erbena - Cecile Petit, Gladys Kersey, Jac4 Cameron. Gailiardia - Anna Johns, Lloyd Haves. MUargaret Perkins, Keith Stainton. Pinks - Madlyn Wiicox, Rae Pas- coe. Ethel Gilbert, Donald Prescoit. Scabiosa - Bruce Taylor, Marion Kersev. Doroihy Wright, Josephine Fraser. Snapdragon - Lloyd Kersey, Lloyd .'\re Bud Pingle, Boyd Ayre. Nasturîiumn - Charlie Rundie, Cliifaord Miller. Muriel Langmaid, Kathleen Cameron. Cockerel. B.P. Rack - Evelyn Taylor, Bert Beckell, Bruce Tayljor, Marion Kersey. Pullet. B.P.R. - Douglas Shackle- ton. Bruce Taylor, Audrey Kersey, Bert Beckell. Cockerel. White Leghorn - Boyd Avre. Ewarî Leach. Pullet. White Leghorn - Margaret Pcrkins. Clif fard 'Miller, Boyd Aire, Keiîh Peters. Caîf. beef - John Baker, Douglas Shackleton. Charlie Rundie. Caif. dairv heifer - Stanley- Mill- son. Buld Pingle. Percy Allin, Ross Cnîderman. .Market Lamb, Ewe or Wether - Lloyd Ayre, Bovd Ayre, Douglas Shackleton. C. 'Miller. Besi broken and exhibited cali - John Baker, Charlie Rundle, Doug- las Shackleton, Ross Cryderman. Showinanship - Boyd Ayre, Lloyd letta Sinaies. Calieron Siaiiitûil. Donîald Robinson. m ttmttseOP1orttimity ai the fbrus- .-vre, Douglas Shackleton, John Baker. Fcaîhered Pet - Bosti Ayre, Lloyd As're. Howvard Eliis. Alvin Warreni. Fuîrred Pet - Ralph Short. Dor- otîsa Pingle, Ruth Rabbins, Walter Niiis. Sp)v .-ppies - Ray Pascoc, Lloyd Kersev, Kathleen Tink,, Joyce His, Snlov Appies - Art Reynolds, Kcith Peters. 'Muriel Langmnaid, J ini i Staintoît. Murlits Appies - Rae Pasce, vMr Crvderman, Dotuglas Shackle- ton. Johni Parker. Tomatao - 'Margaret Prescoti, Donald Prescait, Deimer Killeni, Lawvrensce Martins. Plate cf Pluiss - Florence Allis, Doroihv Hardy, Dorathy Wright, Florensce Rundie. Brans NMuf fins - Dorotisy Wright, Helen NMiller, 'Mav Hepburn, Eveiyis Hep)burn. Cîsocolate Brownies - Helen Lang- nuaid. Betty Sîssaies, Ruth Prescoit, Hiida Darch. Loaf Cake - Margaret Kiilen, Niargaret Hepburn, Shirley 'Martin. Fravn Johns. School Lunches - Shirley Martin, Betty Smales, Margaret Prescoit, Ruth Revnolds. Niaple Cream - Annie Potier, Florence Ashton, Doroîhy Wright, Betty Smales. Tea Biscuits - Betty Smales, Flor- ensce Rundle. Marjonie Aluin. Lav'er Cake - Betty Smales, Mar- tarie Aluin. Glen Williams. Washcloth - Evelyn Taylor, Evelyn- Hepburn, Anna Johns, Hazel Ciy- Dresser Scari - Betty Smaies, jean derman. Anthistie. Beth Miller, Florencel Rundle. Book Caver - Jean Ferguson, Mar- garet Hepburn, Frayîs Johns, Doris G lover. Dusier Bag - Betty Smnales. Muriel Smith, Margaret' Hepburn, Marion Johns. Paver Model af barn - Ronald Taylor, Michael Therba, Rae Pas- cae. Ewart Leach. Doiz or Cat on base - Glen Wi- liams. James Patter, Bert Stire, Douglas Cator. Hammer Handhe- Bruce Taylor, Adam Ryson, Stan 'Milîson. Ross Cryderman. Set of Book Ends- Douglas Lais- ev. Murrav Cowling, Evereti Allimi. Nf odel Hayrack - Ross Crvderman, Charlie Rundle. Alvin Warren, Lea- nard Glover. Mai) of North America - Albert Robinsont. Hilda Cowling, Annie Potier. John Hast. 12 Breeds of Livesiock mounîed - Jack Smith. Bert Stire, Dorothv Wrighti. Ruth Rabbins. Six classes inoa îhich animaIs mav teuurlua" mneasure- ~ mente or ares ta be roofe , tched or r. ard "lte-ap"tend- rongeaounder- manet lvett Aboue yweathr. tight.Getly r=ucea SOLO ON A 215 VEAR CDIML Pricea this Fail are lower because of Sale. Texexeptin. aveioeybywritingtodoi. Mauacuer oe f famoua Preuton Steel Trus a Brne and Jameaway Poultry eup ment. Addresa: 308 Guelph St.,.Preston. Ont. Grouind lloir Tails - 1Florettee 15 2,3 iicllsi-- A-shton, KathileinThink, Ilerîteri t a 5-2 itiiie Prescoit. Nlary Ashtmon. 'l'ite si eidid erop aof feeti grains l i t L i t i e B ir i - R u d m if B u i i e k , h . u tî m e ui to a s s u r e b r e e d e r s t h a t Josephine Fraser, Lawsrentc Sitorti.tiipo m nscffrssokw Ni ichaci Serba.i ittmre jidt nore iii reqjuestiniiithe LiteTsMs-Eichaetl l3iiiicka. l'\ scar n'or u NI.tMch extended LiaittnlerinsE lizCareth Cra il, ,i lliit îre ntbe Caîtadiait fieldi is ttaî MionKrýCarocr. . oli lçtreu it>1 il, us iea(iiitg _j2reeclers ini Pa erie S i. e itited ta ites. Early insdications I odln 'bh l Ni iîie-'.I .iim ic'uat .ti r triexltihitors c(ifbec f anîddairy Glvli ibert. ,lejcî,ttuie titere iviti}have previauisly NGlibharr-Hi(, te.tiku tJîrizes ai the Roy~al are that Ruitîs Necistian. (iartlt Perreit. jotîtlii', s i ui'a agi si Hosi. torîîteî sears. Uines cf Pîmeti a - Riita \'Çitie. ')iat'-' ce;for iîogs today and a George Spicer, Doretlîy Piligie, Hiel- fus iraimie fecti situiationt or thie comn- cii Ashston. *mia sliertuuspriîsg pronmptstihe Boa goine to scliocliniiiraiti- î i'itia mmac îcîcbedr' EliabthBuuiei.Josephiîie Fraser, t' rei'iiiC a gommuarket, iihiex- i iarlev Haves, Carai Craig. hîlîit in tuîill iarger inîiibers ai the Chiid Lufe illusîratd Custonis - i7tiî Rmtal Vuititer Fair. EthlteiGilbert. Isabel i \iiais, Jiiii-______________ mie Patter. Ruths Ashton. Magazine Caver - Garth Perreti, Gîte Gîmy : 'Did you mark that jinHîs 1t. Ceeule Petit. Nluiriel pmlace wilîre the fishing ivas so Smith. gmmrm?' Illustrate a lesson - Evereti Allun, Guyv Tîo: 'Ves, I put an X on Albert Robinuson, Jelira Neweman,. the sde of the boat." Doroîisy Pîngle. F Appile Naming Coîsteot - Cisarlie Frot Guy': "That's silly. XVhat Rumidle. Fas' Gilroy. Muriel Snsith, l if % ohichuiltiget another boat?" Florence Ashtan.___________ Livestock Judgimsg Conuesi - Bovd Ayre. John Baker. Alvin Elhis. Public Speakimsg - Beth Miller, Betty Srnales, Hilda Cowiing, BruceT I Pbic Speaking - Boyd .Mre, GEE Johin Hast. Margaret Preocoti, Mar- E IATEONYO ' OOIN garet Huis. Recitation - Evelvio Taylor, Bar- bara Leask, Caroil Craig, Clare CowiineW.T Mouth Organ - Bobby Lockhîart. NOW Niargaret Cornish.1-A - Mmanville PROSPECTS 0F LIVESTOCK GOOD Predîcts W. A. Dryden, Manager 0f Royal Winter Fair W. A. Dryden. Nianager ai tise Royal WVinter Fair. andt an imter- nsationsal].%.kmsosn authsonitsv on Short- liant Catie antd Soutisdowsn Sheep. stateaiter a recent tour of a num- ber of local fairs and livestock showvs thuai from a breeder's point ai î'iew. Caîsadian livestock pros- necis have rareiy looked liciter. Herds amnd stables hav'e been verv weil maimuîaimsed throughout the East- lhone 2653 Dodie and DeSota Dealer