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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Oct 1938, p. 5

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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6TH, 1938 THE CA NADL\N STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE NEWS 0F THE DISTRICT Cobourg ratepayers are seeking1 preparatory to the erection of light on the City Manager form'buildings. of civic government with a view1 to solving their various municipal ý On Sunday evening, Mr. Orr problems. !Browne and a party of friends from Detroit, secured Mr. Cleve- One of Pattenick's chain of land Knight as guide and went stores at Coîborne was burglariz-1fishing. About a mile fromn Port ed Sunday night and a quantity!Perry Mr. Browne landed a mus- of men's and ladies' ready-to- kie 46 inches long and weighing wear and accessories were carried 128 pounds. We think this is the off.i largest taken f rom Lake Scugog this season. Hon. Albert Matthews, Lieu- 1 tenant-Governor for the province "Thomas Boyce came to his of Ontario, wîll pay a visit to death, September 12, 1938, at Ca- Cobourg, October 9, for the occa- nadian Canners, Port Hope, by sion of the 53rd anniversary of the collapse of the portion of the the Cobourg Baptist Church. building in which he was cm- ployed and we f ind that the said Port Hope Public Utilities Com- collapse was caused by overload- mission announce consumers wiîî xng. We find that the company receive cash refund of approxim- had been negligent in not having ately 10% of total bills during the building inspected by com- 1937. New rates will save con- petent engineers," was the verdict sumer $3000 during the next year. of a coroner's jury at the inquest held in Port Hope. Miss Barbara Bell who began duties as superintendent of the With ideal weather conditions Oshawa General Hospital on Oc- prevailing, one of the largest tober 1, was formerly superin-I crowds in many years attended tendent of the McKellar Hospital the Port Hope Agricultural Fair, in Fort William. held at the town park Saturday afternoon. The exhibits were Port Perry reported the best twice the number of last year faîl fair in years last week.' An and revenue from concessions outstanding feature in the live three times as high as the pre- stock section was the exhibit of vious year, officials state. W. 118 Holstein cattle arranged by Frarik Rickard, M.P. for Durham that outstanding "Black & White"' officially opened the fair. breeder R. M. Holtby. The Cobourg Chamber of Com- The work of preparing for erec- merce has issued a folder descrip- tion of Imperial Oil Company tive of the town, and among the storage depot on the harbor front advantages of Cobourg it states at Cobourg was commenced last that "the famous Trinity College week by the R us s ell C on- School for boys is only seven struction Co. of Toronto. A der- mlies away." That is an example rick, equipped with a clam, la of what is currently known as beîng used to level the ground sticking one's neck out, inviting _________________________as it does the comment that a lot of good tbings are only seven miles from Cobourg.-Port Hope I I Guide. Famous Family Peanuts 1/2..Ib- - lOC Tasty - Tempting Freshness First -Take Sorne Home - Jack Allun Next to H. AllUn, Grocer Kennetb Brown, seven year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown of Morrisb, was almoat instantly killed wben be was struck down by a car on Higbway No. 2 near bis home Tbursday afternoon. The cbild died as be was being rushed to Port Hope for medical attention. Will R. Lott, Napance, driver of the eastbound car wbicb collided witb tbe child, took tbe victim ta the office of Dr. R. P. Vivian but the cbild was dead wben Lott reacbed tbe doctor's office. SPEC1ALS AT CARTER'S Pumpkin Pie- each 30C Dark Fruit Cake - each 35c Mince Pie - each 250 Sultana Cake . - each 35c Mince Tarts- doz. 25c i Cherry Cake - - each 35c Special Thanksgiving Layer Cake 35c Pull Assortment Whipped Gream Goods Annie Laurie Chocolates -. lb. 50c - Delivery on Thanksgiving Day - Neilson 's Pineapple Fruit Bricks - - - - each 25e THE -CARTER FAMILY Bakers for 2 generations. Bowrnanvilie AT NELLES' GROCERY The best ln table supplies for the holiday testivities and ail priced at figures that are easy on the pocket- book. Mincemeat, in bulk .......... 2 Ibs. 25e Krunchie Peanut Butter..............I 7-oz. 20e Icing Sugar................. 3 Iba. 25e Canada Corn Starch, Special ...... 2 pkgs. 19e Handy Ammonla........... 2 pkgs. 9c Wonderful Laundry Soap.............. 5 bars 14e Muffets................. 2 pkgs. 19e Quick or Regular Rolled Oats ................ 6 Ibs. 25e ]Phone 596 Fe e W.NELLES Bowmanville VETERAN DEALER W. J. Chaiiis Announces this week the arrivaI of more new 1939 Dodge cars. He has already received 8 of thesc models whic h are attracting con- siderable favorable comment in his show rooms. This is Mr. Challis' 24th year as an auto deal- er. Zion .Nr. and M.\rs. Russell Perkins and Mfargaret, NMrs.vre at Mir. A. ýae*s, Nlarkhami. Mr. an(l M\rs. Samn French and Fav, Nr. Chas. 'Mitchell, 'Miss Copp), Toronto. at \Ir. Riussell Perkins. Mrs. Ni. Knapp at MIr. Roht. Kil- len's. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cochranîe, Bownianville. Mr. and M.\rs. Dclbert Fliitoff and sons. Kedron, at Mir. Wesley Camneron*s. Mr. and -Mrs. George Sonlev and Teddv at '.\r. Fred Camneron's. Miss Ejîcen Stainton at Dr. C. W. Slemnon's. Bowmnanviiie. Mr, and Mirs. Raiph Glaspel, Tvroîîe. St Mr. F. B. Glaspel's. Mrs. F. B. Glaspel and Beryl at Toronto. Mrs. .Anson Balson is on the sick ljst. Mfessrs Gerald and Harvcv Bal- soni. Lloyd Stainton and Elwood Shackleton at Niagara. Mrs. WV. Giaspel had a quilting for the W.A. on Monday. Salem Rev. A. WV. Marcb's discourse at the eveninz service Sunday vas an interestiiîg snd heipful taik on the bible and its application to present dav living. Y.P.U. reopened Sept. 28th witli a short prograni of readings. musical numbers and contesta. A weiner roast was senved and a social time enjoyed. Attendance 27. Mn. and Mrs. J. Cator and son. Mr. aîd NMrs. H. Hobbs and son and Miss B. Cator. Toronto, wene Sundav guests with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Cator. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hocl<cn, Maple Grove, wene also cailens at the Cator home. Salenm Public School was well re- presented at the Hampton Scbool Fair wvhen a number of pnizes were carried off by the acholans. An aiumunium demonstration was coniducted b% Mr. WV. R. Smith at tue honme of 'Mrs. J. Hall on Mon- day eveiiinig when a splendid dinner was serve(l to a îîumber of guests includinîg Mr. and Mrs. WV. Carnn, MIr. aud M\rs. E. Adamson, Mn. and Nirs. L. Clemens, Nfrs. A. Ciemens, Mr. and Mrs. H. Strong, M r. and Mrs E. Silver and Mr. and 'Mrs. R. Short. There passed to rest in Toronto iast week Miss Samis who for many vears was a regular attendant at onîn churchi whiie she made her home with the late Andrew McFeeters. Iiiterment was made at Orono Cen- eterv~. Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. C. Collacutt who is a niece of the deceased. Mr. and Mns. Collacutt attended the funeral service at To- ronto. Burketon On Thursday evening. September 29th. a large number of fiends and relatives gathened at the Hall in Enniskiileuî where a uiscelaneous showen was held in honoun of Nfr. and Mrs. Edgar 'ison, nîce Dorothv Camipbell. The hall was decorated sith Pinîk and gold streanners and helis. On their arrivai Mn. and .Ins. Wilson were esconted to the front of the hall where they wene presented with a large nuuier of beautiful anîd useful gifts which betokened the higb esteen i in which they are beld bv' tiein mauny fniends. The bride and groom expnessed thein tbanks for the many presents. The nemaind- en of the evening was spent in dancing, music being suppiied by local talent. A dainty lunch was served whicb included ice cneam and wedding cake. Q uanteniy communion service was observed bv Burketon United Chuncb on Sunday. wben Rev. Mn. Laccy administered the sacrament. A bap- tismal service was also beld when Runth. Joan and Glen, cbildnen of Mn. and lins. A. ALdred, and Orvis, infant son of Mn. and Nirs. John Smith, wxye baptized. Mr. C. F. Cannon, Inspecton of Public Schoois, was 4 visiton ta oun school on Monday. Mnr. B. E. Hanthorn, local C.P.R. agent. is taking his bolidays and is beinz reiieved by Mr. Taman. Thieves broke the lack on the gasolinne punp at Breck's Genenal Store on Fridayv niglit and stole a sunali quantity of Ras. Whoevcr anc la, and wberever anc is, anc is always in thé wrang if anc is rude. SHE WAS A VICTIM 0F HEADACHES Kruschen Got at the Cause Th~ is n slicadaches werc of1 Ille gri p pinig kinîd tiiat rcd uce the suf fcrer to somcethinz like helpiess- pils. AU\l without avail. OnIv Krus- clîcu could ielp lier. -l nse(l to get verv bad head- achies,- '.ii writes. "No tabiets or pis of aîiv kind couid relieve them. Onîe morning. casualiv. 1 tricd Krus- chien Salts ini a glass of hot water. 1 continucd taking it, but 1 have flot had one of those awful headaches since. Kruschen suits me better than an' thing cisc. I find it very good.' (MNrs.) L.A.W. Headaches can ncarly always be trace(i to sluggishness of thc kîdneys, iivcr and intestines, and to the uni- stispected retention iin the systcm of stagrîating wastc material whicht pisons the blood. The numerousz salts ini Kruschen stiulate the in-1 ternaI organs to licaitiiy, regularc action so that no clogging waàte is aliowcd to coliect. Your iîisidec is kerot cean and serene. And tiîat is just lzow Kruschen Saîts brings quick and iasting relief from head- aches. Nestieton t Mr. and 'Mrs. A. Pallan. Treherne, Obituary William Adams, Oshawa William Adams, a resident of Oshalva for the past four years, died October 4th, followin'g an illness of 10 years. He was in his 66th yoar. Born in Ops township near Lindsay, Mr. Adams was married to Kathleen Ingle in 1903.* The couple moved to Toronto where they resided for a number of years, later coming to Bowman- ville living at Westmount. He was employed for a time with a departmental store in Toronto and was for ten years with Gen- eral Motors. Mr. Adams was a member of King St. United Church, although illness prevented at t e n dance. While in Bowmanville and in To- ronto, he sang in church choirs in those places. Mr. Adams was a member of the Canadian Order of Foresters, an association to which he had belonged since he was 19 years old. Surviving are his wife and two children, Mrs. M. R. Clarke and Gordon Adams, both of Oshawa. A private funeral was* held from his daughter's home, 149 Agnes Street, Thursday afternoon. Interment in Mount Lawn Cerne- tery, Oshawa. Mrs. C. R. Peterkin, Toronto Manitoba. arc guests of Mr. and '%rs. C. R. Peterkîn, a native of MNrs. Joe Forder. Bownianvillc, and a resident here Mr. and M rs. Allan Lunsdun, until 28 vears ago, Annie J. M oilon, Grimsby, wcre guests of their aunit, eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Miss Mary M\,alcolma. 1 Žlrs. Hugli tolloni of Bowmanvillc, Mi\rs. Cecii Wilson and lier father, Passed awav on September 25th at Mr. Lambe attended Bobcaygeon ber home, 30 Erskine Ave., Toronto, Fair and visited Mr. and Mrs. Ken ali1ter ail illniess of two weeks. Lambe at Fenelon Falls. Nlrs. Pcterkjn was bori in Bow- nianville and lived here until after Mrs. Hernian Samelis and 'Miss tiîc deatli of her parents. where she Gweii Wilson visited in Lindsay. wvas a faithfui nnembeir of the Meth- MNr. and M.\rs. E. Carscadden of odjist Church anîd an active wvorker Toronto. visited M fr. and Mrs. Wm. for the \fi,3sioniary Society and the Beacock. W.C. T.U. She also taught a Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Naylor, Oshawa, dav School class for a number of visited Airs. B. \fcKee and Miss years. Gladys. She moved to Toronto in 1910, and 'Mr. and Mrs. J. Forder, Mr' and ivas nîarricd in 1913 to Mr. C. R. .Mrs. Pollan attended Bobcaygeon Pete!rkin, who predeceased lier seven Fair. vears ago. She joined in member- Mrs. P. J. Oliver away on busi -hpwt i tColg t rs bvterian Cliurch, later Coliege St. îîess tnpr to North Bay and qud- United, Church, which slie attended Mrb d r s.Era.rab as long as health permitted. Tr.nvsd M ss rriBeatriceWii The funeral services were con- f ieid an td Miss araroew. i ducted by ber pastor. Dr. R. J. Wil- fiel andMis Sar Marow. son froni the TrulI Funeral Pariors Svnîpathv is extended to Mr. and Mrs Ceil eal inthelos byfir :ept. 27th. Interment was in Mount Mrs Ccii eal ii th los b~ fnePleasent Cemetery.. Pallb ea r e rs oSaturdav of their barn gontaining reoudBfaoN on eso* ro.wr Dr. V. E. Pud uflN ailr eands Çrop. GatTopo .Messrs H. L. Munson, Charles Mr. nd Ms. rantThomsonR Peterkin, John T. Molion, Thos. and faiiv visited friends in Peter- Moin n ac avs orno boro. olnadJc DaiTrt. -Mr. and Mrs. Knapp, Hamiton, Slue leaves to mourn ber bass two visitd Mis 'Mar 'Malolm. sisters, Mfrs. «M\. Prout, Miss Ethel visied Mss ary aiconi. H. Mfolion and one brother, Wiibur H. 'Moilon, ail of Toronto. Hampton Mlrs. Ambrose Trenouth, M rs. George Taylor attended the wedding of their niece, Mliss Marion Pascoe. and Mr. ReRinald Boyle on Satur- day. along with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mfecalf and Ntns. Frank Trenouth at St. Clair United Church, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. Williams, Osh- awa, visjlçd Mr. and Mrs. A. Peters and attended the school fair. Mr. and Mrs. WV. Wiibur visited frienda in Oshawa. Mn. and lra. XV. Gneenaway vis- ited bier brother, '.\I. F. WVest at Barrie. Mr. and Mns. A. E. Bîllett and Keith visited bier brother, IMr. F. Virtue St Burlington. Ntrs. K. Xinterburn visitcd lier sister. Mrs. Parker, Oshaw.La. Mns. Fred TamiblYn and soiu, Orono. visited relatives anîd attend- ed the school fair. Mlrs. C. W. Souch is undengoing treatmcnt at Toronto Generai Hos- vital. Mrs. Bessie Braund. Oshawa, vis- îted her daughten. lins. Ciiford Colwili. There wvas a splendid attendance tute S.S. Rally on Sunday aftcr- nîoon when Rev. J. IR. Bick, Wite- vale. a former highly este6nned pastgr, gave aninispiring and helpfini talk oui "The Bible Chained and Free." Tlîein manly fiends werý nîieased to greet Afr. and Mrs. Bick again. They were accompanied by Mn. and Ilrs. Miller of Whitevale. Youing People's Union will hlîod tlieir first meeting for the fail on Fridav evening when. Rev'. Lackey of Enniskillen. will give anl address and a social tume wiii bie sienît. Next Suniday cvening the ptnipit wili be occupied by Rev. WV. E. Honcv of Mlyrtie, a-ur pastor wviii have charge of special Harvest Ser- vices on the Yyntle circuit. A nnimben of oun citizens attended Markham Fair. Our Postponed shcool fair hid otu Thunsdav afternoon was a decided sînccess inn evcry wav. Tue weatnen was ideai. the attendance good and the exhibits the larizest inn aniv of the schioal fairs. Tbioughi we miss- cd Coi. E. E. Snider's picasant countenance this yean, Mnr. C. E. Canion. oun new Inspector, wasi vresent to perform bhis duties anzd was introduced by Mn. A. E. Suni- mens, Mn. Cannon in addnessing tue school chlndren aund D)anents express- cd hi sffleasune at being present and1 intcrest in the welfane of the chiid-1 nen and the wonk wbich liad been i assîgned ta him. It was witb deep regret that we learned of the passing of Mns. Robt. Fursey QI Connwall, whose burial too< place in Oshawa. Mn. and Mns.i Funsey werc fonmerly Ilighly re- spected nesidents of Hampton. He was emioved by the late Chas. Harol as teanisten for the Hampton Flour M ill. and was also a valucd churclii and Suinday Scbool wonker. Ilns.: Fn'rseY will ihe reilinbere<i as ai finie Christian woman and the mannv friennds here sympathize with Mnfr. Fînrsev anîd dauighter in tlîeir loss.0 Wbatcver your difficulties mnay be, tbey are not peculiar ta you. There is no defeat exccpt from witbin.1 moett noe tiWhat a man disbelieves is of no convictions that matter. LONDON Sweaters Gloves -Blouses - Lingerie -Neckwear - Etc. Hemstitching, Picoting and Buttons made First Class Merchandise At Popular Prices M rs. Kathleen Baird, Proprietor. H 0W CAN 1 ? erator and renewing every couple ________of weeks, the odors will be ab- Q. How can I make a substi- sorbed and the air purified. tute for tooth paste? Q. How can I prevent dryness of the hair, and also bring out A. Keep a small bottle of table the ligbts of blonde hair? saIt in the medicine cabinet and A.Wrcatrolubein use it often on your tooth brush A.Wrcatrolubein instead of tootb paste. It bas a ta the bair the nigbt before a remarkably stimulating effect on sbampoo will correct .excessiv7e tbe gums. dryness. Lemon in the rinse brings out the beauty of blonde Q. How can I renovate the top hair; vînegar should be used by of tbe kitchen table witbout going brunettes. Follow the leman or to tbe expense of buymng an vinegar rinse with one of clear enamel top for it? water. A. Cover it witb inlaid lino- Q. How can I make use of old leum, baving it cemented ta the feit bats? top if possible. Then give it a coat of dlean arnisb and you wiîî A. Pieces of old felt bats glued have a durable table that wiîî ta the bottoms of asb trays and last for years. vases will prevent their marking Q. How can I soak wash cor- table tops. rectly? Q. How can I beat dishes for A. Clothes are correctly soak- use on the dinner table? ed if the very soiled parts are A. Tbey should be heated by rubbed witb soap first, then soak- dipping in bot water. Cracks and ed in cold suds if they are ta discoloration often are the result stand over night. Use bot suds if if tbe dishes are placed in tbe tbey are ta be laundered before *ven for beating. cooling. Q. How can 1 keep a potted Q. How can I purify tbe air in bouse plant in good condition if the refrigerator? I arn ta be away from home for A. By keeping a saucer of several days? powdered charcoal in the refrig- A. Place a sponge soaked in PARIS BERLIN moscow water on the pot of tbe plant, and this will keep the plant sup- plicd witb the necessary moisture. Union, Darlington Recent Vîsitors: Mr. and Mrs. Sutton. Orono, at Mr. Walter Fenguson's. Mn. and Mrs. Alymer Herring and Bobby. Oshawa, at Mr. William Wotten's. Mn. and Mrs. Richard Grif fin ac- companied by Mr. and Mns. Phil Conlin. Oshawa, spent the weekend witb relatives in Buffalo. Mr. and Mns. Alymer Beech and family spent Sugday at Mr. Austin Larmer's. Blackstock Our scbool won a great number of prizes at Ennisklilen School Fair. Rod. SimoDson won mast points in the school. Miss J. Cookman with Mrs. D. Burgmasten. Enniskillen. Severai from this community at- tended the miscelianeous shower for Mr. and Mrs. Edger Wilson of Oshawa. at Enniskilien Hall on Thursday evening. PRAHA ROME l'os DON CHRISTIAN ELECTRIC 38 SIMCOE ST., N., OSHAWA 75 Brand New 1939 World-Wide Radios on display in our studios. Visit us and hear them. No obligation. Let us value your present radio on a new Push-Button, AII-Wave Radio Radio and Electric Specials OPEN EVENIIGS WESTINJGHOUSE, SPARTON, etc. Consoles -----,$7.95 ROGERS, (4 and 6 tube), DeFOR- EST, COLUMBIA, WESTING- HOUSE, etc. $29 Console Modela ROGERS, etc., 5 and6 tube Mantel Sets _...............$12.95 VICTOR CAR RADIO $15-00 BATTERY RADIOS, Brand new. Complete. Special, $3 Reg. $60.00. Sale ......$ 950 ELCRCBULES, ~.Aa TVEPIPESli 7 ", each17 ELBOWS21 7", each ...... ........... 2 1 Bargains in Trade-in Annex Heater, Quebec, Cook Stoves and Heaters. A fully eciuipped RADIO SERVICE DEPT. at your disposai day or night. A Limlted Stock of the Best 1938 Models at Great Savings - Al Brand New Sets OUR ELECTRICAL SERVICE DEPT. can handie ail repairs to your Electric Range, Washer, frouer, or fixtures. We instali ail electrical appliances as well as repair them. Our Radio Service Department lias a large stock of Used Tubes, Radio Parts, Cabinets, etc. Corne hi for flargains. 2 ONLY 1938 G.E. REFRIGER- TORS. Store Demon- 25 p.c. strat.ors. Save ..... Special Low Prices REPLACEMENT !llements - Wringet, Rolla Etc. Buse Plugs InstaUledi HOUSE WIRING Jobs at Reaaonable Coit Combination GOAL GAO RAMGES Haîf Regular Price, Latest Models DEMONSTRATOR WABHERS PHONE 84 SPARTON, G.E., PHILCO, Long. and Short Wave $95 Consoles ................... 2 .5 A large "umber of 1937 and 1938 Console and Mantel Sets including General-Electric, Marconi, Strom- berg-Carlson Upwards from ........$90 Locomotive WABHER Reg. $69.00. Guaranteed. $50 Sale ....................--.. $ 5 0 32.20 SAVAGE SPORTER« Goasnew .................$2 5.00 PEABE ECONOMY FURNACE with pipes and $ 35.00 registers ................. HOTPOINT ELECTRIC RANGE UJsed for store demon-.. 25 p.c. strator. Save ANNOUNCING . The Marjorie Kay SIoppe OPENING SATURDAY, OCT. 8 Specialists in Corsets Expert Fitting And Alterations. VicorMaorKing St., Ws Phone 855 WORLD WIDE 1939) - See Them At - lýý TIJURSDAY, OCTOBER 6TI-1, 1938 TIIE CANADIAN STATESNIAN, BOW'MANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE % , 1

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