THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6TH, 1938 THE CAN..DIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN bis duties witb the Times-Review on Monday morning. INr'I w y~'fl(~~TAIMiss Emma Jean Harris, To-, AM IIronto, will be united in mrig SOCI L AN PER ONALwitb Mr. Horace J. Dowling of1 Bowmanville at Riverdale United Phone 663 Church, Toronto. on October 15th at 2 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. W. Purvi ad John Shaw, Oshawa, visited ber 1 asg a on odr o baby son Peter cotToronto, parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hen- arthritis, sciatica, constipation or visited Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Marr.1 derson. overwcight. Try trcatments at Mr. and Mrs. William Barnett,1 Mr. Edward Nickerson, son of The Health Institute, Liberty St, Toronto, are visiting Mr. and1 Mr. and Mrs. John Niekerson, South, Bowmanvillc. Phone 683. Mrs. S. E. Keats at Trenton. Centre St., is attending Victoria "Wealth is good Hcalth.' 38-t Miss Winnie Lancaster of The UiestTrno Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Miller Statesman office is holidaying at Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Keats (nee and Mr. George A. Miller were ber home near Newtonville. Eliza Barrowclough), Tr en t o ncalled to Toronto Friday to at- Mr. and Mrs. Max Stapleton spent a week at Mrs. Keats's old tend the funeral of their brother, andfamlyClakevistedMr.homestcad at Wesleyville. Dr. A. H. Miller. Dr. Miller xvasi and Mrs. W. J. Henderson. Dr. Dorotby M. Jamres returnedwelkoniBom viea- lhonie f rom Algonquin Park Sun- ing been a resident of Bowman- Dr. Jabez H. Elliott, Toronto, ville Beach for several years. has etunedfro a ripto ugo day, accompanied by Miss Mary blas euneirm an.t uo L. Northway of Toronto. 0 The public scbool teachers of Tbree young men interested in aa, B . - andWes h. WIIEELING YARN Gumrnteed not to shrink. Ideal for everyday socks if and mitts. ANGORA WOOL Fuzzy Wuzzy and Kohinor The up-to-date wool for scarfs, gloves, sweaters, berets and evening wraps. Have you seen the Penguin and Pelican Books? Ask about them at J. W. JE WELL Phone 556 --Bowsnanville DE At Last a Oomp' For the Impair El Light Weight! - Priced Within ANOTHER DE] Tuesday,i Dozens of satisfied customnerý they are having ivith this Jury-&9 These NEW GEX BON! HEARING AIDS pro HEARING withoul Every instrument FUI 'Bring Someone To See L. Rammel FREE - FREE One Rose-Bud With each purchase of one dollar during our Anniver- saa'y from OCT. 8 - 15TH we will give One Rose-Bud: Free of Charge. SEES BETTER TIMES MrsL. £iJFrkTalorI, HailtonI, spent the weekend with her bro- ther, Mr. Roger Bird. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dudley have returned fromn an extended motor trip to Western Canada. Rotarians opened their bowling season on Monday night at the' Balmoral bowling alleys. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Ever- son, Toronto, gave the editor a call Thursday while on a motor trip to Montreal. Miss Ethel Henderson and Mr. IFor Winter Socks and Mitts THANKSGIVING And Anniversary C elebration E litway Greenhouses & Flower Shop BOWMANVILLE We take this opportunity to thank our custoniers on our first year anniversary for their patronage during the past year. We hope again to be of service to you in the future for Flowers and Designs of Distinction. Kingsway Greenhouses AND FLOWER SHOP & ~L. RAMMEL - A. LUNNEMANN Members of Florist Telegraph Delivery Association A. Lunnemann Buy a. . . Gorgeous Bouquet of MUMS For Thanksgiving Flower Shop- - - 772 Greenhouses - - - 2632 Residenoe - - - 2633 .f.takng-f-ing Durnam inspectorates are 10 nota ais-tuion at Biousof anv isectheir annual teachers' convention F.stA.ctiolng, Qucen t. 40se at Centre Street Scbool, Oshawa, ýF A Dllng Qee S. 0_-ýon Thursday and Friday of tbis W. A. Dryden Mrs. H. Baskervillc, Toronto, week. Manager of the Royal Wintcr Fair, bas been visitîng lier cousin, Mrs. Mr. Fred Fishcr, Quakertown, wbo after a tour of Ontario fairs J. Mclntyre, and calling on ol Pa., selected twenty bead of pure- and livestock shows, finds that fricnds. bred Hoîsteins from breeders in prospects for Canadian livestock Mrs. Sibbitt, Mrs. Frazer, Mrs. the counties of Haldimand, Sim- were neyer better, according to Martyn and Miss Stewart ot coe, Durham, Perth and Oxford, article publisbed in another col- North Bay visited Mrs. R. Dumas Jas. T. Brown, Bowmanville, con- umn. recentlv. tributed to the sbipment. Mrs. Howard Coucb bas bougbt Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Vanstone Officer Commanding. The colons and now occupies the bouse on and Morley were guests of Miss are deposited in St. Paul's Churcb, Beech Ave. owncd by the late May Vanstone. Toronto, on Sun- Bowmanville, and were present- I«rs. J. W. Brooks. day and attended the 30tb anni- ed to the battalion in bonor o: Rev. J. U. Robins, Trenton, wilî versary services at Howard Park Mr. Band's son, Capt. Perey C. have charge o! the anniversary 1 United Churcb. Band, now of St. Catharines, wbc services at Trinity United Cburch Miss Marguerite Joness, Te- was a Company Commander in here on Sunday, Oct. l6th. ronto, spent tbe weekend with ber the 2nd Bn. Yes, it's true - The Statesman father, Mr. F. H. Joness. Mr. E. A. Summers, Agricul- will be sent to a new subscriber Mrs. Morley Cawker and dau- tural Representative for Durhan to end o! 1938 for 25c. Tell your igbter Sarab, Medicine Hat, Alta., County, was a guest o! WbitbY neigbbors about this special offer. are guests o! Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Rotary Club on the occasion of Mr. Wmn. Tbompsorf, caretaker Cawker and Mr. and Mrs. F. C. the Junior Farmers o! Ontario o! St. Paul's United Church, was Vanstone. County being tbe bonored guests. taken te General Hospital, To- Mrs. C. W. Slemon left Satur- Hon. P. M. Dewan, Minister of ronto, last week for an examina- day for New York City wbere sbe Agriculture, was speaker. tien. I ~planned t etbrduhe Mr. and Mrs. Dable, Miss Louie Mr. ran Patrige nd rs (Marion) Mis. Roy Slemon and Gray, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hord, L . Frnk atg and M 5.erJoc daugbter wbo were en route from Rutb, John, Hugh and Marilyn. L.en Dixson and daaghter Joyce England on the Qaeen Mary. Toronto, Mr. John McClintock, ghter, Mrs. Norman Farley, St. Tbey expect te arrive in Bowman- Myrtle, Mr. Barton McTaggart, Thomas. ville to-day. Mr. John C. Wyckoff, Montreal, District Governor Harry W. Messrs. Alex Lyle and Herbert Mrs. A. R. Savage, Les Angeles, Rockwell o! State Teachers' Col- Yee returned Friday from a tbree were recent visiters witb Mr. andi lege, Buffalo, N. Y., will pay bis months trip in Western Canada. Mrs. G. A. McTaggart. official visit to Bowmanville Ro- Alex bad not beard o! bis father's Mrs. J. A. Wylie, Toronto, bas tary Club Friday at 6.30 p.m. - (Fire Chie! Geo. Lyle) serieus ac- purcbased the late Mrs. Maria cident until be arrived home. Hobbs residence on Concession St. Mrs. Nettie Windsor, M a x Mr.Jk Miler Jr.,wbo re- and afte aigteh ecn WidoMr and Ms. Allan Wi Lnsor turned recently from a trip in siderably modernized, is now oc- aond cr.iad r o! I nge sen Western Canada, stopped off at cupying it witb ber son Jack and tn he weeenofwiMan d Mrol s. Broadview, Sask., and wbile there he sisters, Misses Lena and Win- tae Glakn i r d r. met Mr. F. H. Frost, at one time nifred Bennett. Mrs. Wylie anc mathemnatical teacher at Bowman- the Misses Bennett are sisters of Mrs. W. I. Mactavish, Toronto,! ville High Scbool. Among old f ri- Mrs. F. J. Manning, Cburcb St. bas been spending consîderablei ends he inquired about was Sam There was a flock o! magazine time in town the past f ew montbs Glanville with wbom he had sang s alesgirls raided the town last owing to the illness o! ber mother1 on many occasions bere.wek Soe erdoedpwiI Mrs F.J. annng Forty f riends and neighbours rouge, lipstick and gaudily paint. Mr. and Mrs. James McInty're. ý met at the home of Mr. and Mrs.i ed f inger nails. The Indians witlh Jack Mclntyre, Mrs. Duke with Norman Holmes, Nassau Street, their war paint had nothing or ber four cbildren, o! Klienberg, Oshawa, and honored Miss Ruthi these glamour girls. They chant- visited the former's brother, M r. Holmes and Mr. Morley Oke f ed their sales talk off as if by John Mclntyre, on Sunday. 'wbose marriage took place Oct. memory and bad the answers foi Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Mortlock 1st. The guests enjoyed dancing the usual replies o! resistance. and family, Joan, Kathleen and and cards. An occasional chair One pair were working for a trip Tommy, moved to Fort Erie on was presented te the guests of around the world, while anotber Saturday. Mr. Mortlock began honor. group only wanted 100,000 Cana. ________________________ Mr. Wmn. Ferris, 162 Walnut St., dian subscribers te warrant their Winnipeg, Man., a native o! En- American publishers printing their niskillen, in forwarding bis sub- magazine in Canada. Not one of scriptien to The Statesman writes. the girls used the old argument of I am planning te visit Durham workîng their way tbreugb col- County the coming winter. I lege. Thus a university edaca- went to the Pacific Coast last win- tten gets another set back. fer wbich was my thirty-first trip ___________ there. have only been east four A Ftimes. am boping to visit my *etely New AID In a letter te the editor from FOR THE LADIES WeodSoucb, 128 Lanark St., ed of HearingWinpg Man., be writes: I bave Ladies will be specially inter- Iircnspcuos! Siouxic in the bush, bebind etdi h noneetta Q Ixïconspicuoiou Lookout - in Red and Pickleesdinteaoucm t Reach of Ail! - Lake wbere men are men and Mrs. Kathleen Baird, formerly aeroplanes are as common as cersetiere fer Hoît, Renfrew Ce., MVONSTRATION street cars. Justat present there Toronto, is epening "The Mar- Oct. 11I th are forest fires to keep your mind jorie Kay Shoppe" in Bowman- s tel us oHeappy time. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Minore, The Shoppe, wbich is located in marelos Harlg Ad.wbo bave been living in Cobourg the Victor Manor Annex, King for several years, have returned St. West, offers expert fitfing and V U!ot Bowmnanville and are again liv- alterations by specialists holding i..O OAIing in their bouse on Centre St. diplomas in corsetry. Fittings will Mr. Minore wbo was C.P.R. agent be given at the shoppe or in your bere bas been pensien.ed after 40 home. Tbey also carry Sweaters, or AIR CONDUCTION years' faithful service. Blouses, Lingerie, Gleves, Neck- vide OLEAR, FREE The passing on Sunday in Te- wear, etc. - all first class mer- Lt efort r stain.renteo! Chas. W. Band, vice- chandise at popular prices. Hem- t efor orstrin.president o! the Maple Leaf Mill- stifcbîng, Picoting and Buttons LLY UUARANTEED ing Company, recalîs the fact that made are other services featured How Well You Hear" in the spring of 1919 Mr. Band in this shoppe. Ladies are invited presented the beautiful colors te te the opening on Saturday te get the 2nd Battalion CEF. o! whicb acquainfed and see the goods Col. L. T. McLaughlin was the without obligation te buy. ST. PAUL'S SOCIAL EVENING St. Paal's lecture room was the scene o! an enjoyable social Fni- day evening when witb Rev. W. F. Banister in the chair, the fol- lowing pregram was presented. Mr. Alex McGregor, assisted by Mrs. C. H. Dudley at the pianb, led the group in community sing- ing. Mr. Don Williams took charge o! the charade portion o! the program wbicb was most ha- morous. Cbairman Banister made a few remarks appropriate to the occasion. Mrs. K. Werry rendered a vocal solo. Mrs. Alberta Fee and Mrs. G. Gillespie gave read- ings. Mr. Jas. Hancock contribut- ed a vocal solo, and Mrs. J. C. Cairns announced the answers for the contest. Mr. Nelson Osborne lalso conducted a charade before B. H. . Note the meeting closed with Auld Our correspondent for this col- TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE umin came into the office Wednes- day night witb one hand in a huge Trinity Young People's Union bandage after the rugby game in met Monday evening, with Edith Cobourg, so a member of the of Trulî's group in charge. Miss fice staff has been forced to take Trull presided and called on Mar- over the duties as re-write man ion Dudley for a vocal solo "Sing for tis weck. We hope the regu- Me to Sleep," accompanied on the lar scribe will be back on the job piano by Kenneth Soanes. El- lin the near future. At the Mo- eanor Johnston favored with a ment hie is thrilled with the in- ýdelightful humorous reading, fol- jury and acts like a happy mar- lowed by a piano solo by Hazel tyr, but wait a while. Rundle. Harry Jackman spoke -B.H.S.-on Current Events, and Mrs. H. He tells us that the rugby boys Argue gave an inspiring address still need plenty of conditioning on 'The Kingdom of God." Thé 50 they carb at least com-plete one worsbip was led by Lorraine play without flopping on the Piekard, lier assistants being Ger- ground thoroughly poohcd out. trude Dewell and Kenneth Soanes, We wvonder if early training the latter favoring with a vocal hours and regular meals with no solo. Business was conducted by eating betwecn at Carter's might President Hubert Hooper. Harry belpi ans'. Taylor led in games, and the -B.H.S.- meeting closedi with a friendship There will be a big game at the circle and singing of "Abide With local campus on Saturday if al Me." goes well and the boys have re- covered sufflciently to stand erect switbout creaking. St. Mike's of TREND 0F BUSINESS Toronto will formn the opposition, DECIDEDLY ON PICK-UP so the locals will need to be p0 ny od The amount of advertising ap- -B.H.S.- ýpcaring in a newspaper is looked Tliere is rumour that Walter upon by economists and business -(the flyweight) Hall is returning executives as a fair indication of to tlie halls of learning in the near the trend of business. That being ,future and mas', if coaxed, ap)- the case business in Bowmanville 1pear on the rugby line-up. His and Durham County is decidedly .- beef and brawn certainly would on the pick up, for this week The 1 be a belp. By the way, there may Statesmàn is literally crowded _be a dance after the game on with new advertising requiring oSaturday, we hope. several extra pages to accommo- n-B.H.S.- date it. A return game with Cobourg While reading The Statesman will be played next Friday on don't overlook the advertising rBowm anville grounds. Witb any columns as much important and ykind of luck and a few new re- valuable news will be found to f cruits, not to mention referees, miake life happier and more com- 9B.H .S. should change the 2-2 score fortable, and best o! ahl will. save ;into a decisive victory. you money. f -B.H.S.- Among new national advertis- Scbool elections are in the off- ers you will find the Hecla Fur- ing. In fact today the Atbletic nace, Blue Coal, Canada Life, Societies will eleci their officers Pedlar People, Dr. Williams Pink for the ensuing year. To date Pilîs, Dodge Cars, C.G.E. Edison there bas been lîttle electioneer- Mazda Lamps, Vicks Vapo, Gin ing, but Mason and James are Pilîs and others. willing to, act as press agents for Then tbere are local merchants any desiring offices. They guar- who are new advertisers or re- antee resuîts due to their power sume tbeir space in The States- over both sexes. man including Sam Stewart, A. & -B.HS.-P. Food Stores, Maber Shoe S The Literary Society election Stores, J. J. Flett, John Lenz, The awill be beld Tuesday and requests Marjorie Kay Shoppe, Kingsway may be made at that time for Flower Shop, Sheppard & Gill -the songs to be used at the Wed- Lumber Co.. Mrs. Cliff Caverly, -nesday morning swing sessions, or Jack Allin, S. G. Preston & Son, Ililting bees. Make a list to-day, so and others. there will be plenty on band. Again we suggest that you keep -B.H.S.-informed and up-to-date by read- E Calîs are out for several good ing the advertisemnents. cbeer leaders to take charge of e the vast sections at the rugby ýt games and later for basketball. à Any who think they h~ave talent Mr. Hugh Nind, Campbellford, ,should apply to the newly elected is the new ledgerkeeper at the à officers of the athletic societies. Bank of Montreal, baving taken ri-Bil.S.- over the duties of Mr. B. A. Once more this columnt closes, Campbell wbo is now attending yand we express the hope that the' Queen's University at Kingston. rnew red and black rugby uni- ýHugb is no stranger to Bowman- forms will survive their baptizing ville baving lived here some twen- pand look a little as tbougb they ty years ago when bis father, Rev. rhad seen a few good battles be- T. A. Nind, now o! Grafton, was -fore next Friday. In Cobourg rector of St. Jobn's Churcb. rtbey looked just too, too dlean. r At least for tbe first baîf. E All for now. Flub! dub! to our N TC fdear old AIma Mater. N TC -_______Now la the time to have your windows and doors Caulked, te land save fuel. Storm windows Churh Acivirepaired and placed in town or country. Prices reasonable. ST. PAUL'S YOU NG PEOPLE Painting - Glazing - iPaper- "The European Situation" was Hanging and Decorating. the subject taken by Rev. W 'F ' Banister when bie gave a very in- S. G. PRESTON teresting and instructive address & SON tat St. Paul's Y. P. U. Tuesday Church St. - Bowmanville 7nigbt. In the devotional period Poe21 scripture was read by Cyril P3on-241 Coomnbes and prayer by Mr. Ban- »ister. The meeting was held in V the form of a business session _________________ when plans were made for the coming season witb there new officers elected: Honorary Presi- dent, Rev. W. F. Banister; Presi- dent, Geo. W. Graham; Vice Pres., f Cyril Coombes; Secretary, Ken- Tbompson; Pianist, Ruth Tuerk; Asst's. Norab Shrubb and Susie Tbompson; Conveners, M ar io n Battle and Sam Castle. Mr~ 1 TIIY W. M. S.- Trinity United Church Women's Missionary 'Society met October 5th, with Vice President Mrs. C. A. Wight in charge. Following 10 the caîl to worsbip Mrs. Foley and Miss F. Werry led in prayer. Mrs. B. M. Warnîca read a letter o! thanks front Miss M. J. Mustard,'aCA EO Superintendent St. Paul's Hospi- tal. Hearst, for the Cbristmlas bales; also one from Dr. Strang- lway, Angola, Africa, thanking thel OA IÉ CORBETT'S BAKERY Bowmanville Phone 890 )AYS LEFT 0f Drys Drug ILOWEST SALE Wp LAST MINUTE SPECIALS Washcloths ... . ...... . doz. 39C - 2 for 90 RIot W ater Bottles ....... ........................ Special 33c Two 50o Bottles Pepsodent Antiseptic 51c 2 Bars Soap FREE with 50c W oodbu.ry 's Creams ...... ................... for 47c 2 Bottles Wildroot Hair Tonic, 55c size both for 56c PREE - 25c Jergen'a New Cream with 50c Jergen 's Lotion .. .... ..... both for 43c FREE FREE FREE Six Sfample Packages and One Shopping Bag to each Adult visiting our Store duriing this Sale. 3 Days Left. SALE 25e Epsomu Sait .. 15c Hydrogen Peroxide................... 15c Seidlitz Powders .................... 15c Boracio A cid ......... .............. 89c Cod Liver Oil, 16-o . .................. 40e Sip-It Cough Mixture ....... 50oc White Pine & Tar Syrup ..... 25c Vitamin Cougli Syrup................. 1Phone 792 Oc - 3 for 9c - 3 for 5c - 3 for 5o - 3 for 5c - 3 for 30C - 3 for 14c - 3 for 17e - 3 for Oc - 3 for A meal buying opportunityl »; &A wma 50 e DR. WEST'S woter.Proofed TOOTHBRUSH A/à. -- -- I DRUGS W. Delîver1 I It isn't the first cost of a furnace that's important- it's the fuel uokeepl The HECLA will save you 1 ton in 7 -for as long as you use iti And you'll use ityears longer than any other furnace without expensive repairs-because the HECLA is the only furnace in Canada with a patented Steel-Ribbed Firepotdguaranteed20years. New lo,6 prices, due to lower material costs and elimination of sales tax, make the HECLA bigger value than ever I Corne in and investigate its many features. Also manu- facturers of Clare Air Conditioning. May be instaUled on the Home Improvement Plan. La A. PARKER Ring St., Bowmanviile Phone 2684 _ BOY SCOUT ~ APPLE DAY Saturday A1" Your Support Will BecGratl Appreciated by the Scouts and Leaders. HOMEMADE HUMBUGS FOR THANKSGUVUNG The first makcing of the season of our famous homemade humbugs is now on sale. . They are delicious and cannot be compared with any candy you bave ever eaten.... They will make your Thanksgivini more enjoy- able. Buy a pound today. Also for Thanksgiving weekend we have pump- kmn and mince pies, rich and thick. A wonderfi.d dessert. We are also featuring whipped cream goods, chocolate eclairs, c'ream puffs and a large variety of tasty delicacies. Let Corbett 's do your weekend baking for you and make it a real Thanksgiving. r PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALY ALEX McOREOOR 1 pàm 11