PAGE EIGHT THIE CANADIA N STATESMfAN, BOXVMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6TH, 1938 ROYALS School books have become a minor consideration with certain members of the High School student body due to the excitement and enjoyment offered them by one of the school's activities, namely rugby or football. With the rugby season opening yesterday, each day as soon as the 4 o'clock bell has ended the study sessians for those who escaped detentions, uniforms and pads have been quickly donned and the campus bas been the scene af their activities for the next couple hours. Teachers stood at the Windows, gazing wistfully and probably thinking what resuits there would be if only those same lads were as energetic at their studies. The Seniors are the only ones in a regular schedule this year and began their activities Wed- nesday in Cobourg. The resuit of that game will be published in another part of this paper. On Saturday, an exhibitian game will be played with St. Michael's Cahiegiate, Toronto, at the B. H. S. grounds at 3 p.m. There may be a nominal charge for spectatars. The balance of the scheduie is outlined below as well as a little information about the clubs in- terested. The names of a few players awa. Neither Whitby nor Port wha are in the line-up include Hope will be taking part in inter- such notables as Depew, Bird, D. school rugby competition this McIlveen, Mason, Coiville, Fagan, year, although Port Hope wil Rice, C. Fagan, Crawford, Crom- make an effort ta play exhibition bie, C. McIlveen, Rackham, Jack- games. Bowmanville will also try man, James, Morden, Rickard, ta arrange exhibition gaines for Wiseman. Casbourn, Hoar, Nur- its junior club. combe. Graham, Brooks, Martin, The schedules are as fallows: Brereton and Elliatt. Ail of last' year's junior team are present Group 1 and what remains of the seniorOc squad, in ail about 20 players. I l 1Peterboro at Lindsay Thase who are left over will form Oct. 8-Osbawa at Peterboro the junior squad and canfine'Oct. 15-Lindsay at Oshawa themselves ta exhibition games. Oct. 22-Peterbaro at Oshawa New outfits have been purchas- Oct. 29-Lindsay at Peterboro ed, continuing the red and black Nav. 5-Oshawa at Lindsay. theme, and Coach Jim Davis, as-, sisted by Gregory Colmer, shauld 1The above schedule of dates have a fine team able ta compete will alsa be used by the junior with the best the others have ta teams in the respective schoois. offer. ýHawever the juniar games will be At a meeting in Cobourg of re- lednior thae mrig n h presentatives fram Oshawa, Portsno gmsin the afternoons. Hope, Bowmanville, Peterboro, Group 2 Lindsay and Cobourg, the Central Oct. 5-Bowmanville at Cabourg Ontario Secondary Schaols Asso- ciation rugby program for the fali Oct. 14-Cobourg at Bowmanville season was drawn up, and officers Oct. 22-Bowmanville at Cobourg elected. Oct. 29-Cobourg at Bowmanville The officers elected are: Presi- It was agreed that the winners dent, Harold Bamforth, Peterbora- Vice-President, Cliff C h i i c o t t, in the two seniar groups must be Oshawa; Secretary-Treasurer, J. ready to play off by Navember 12. H. Moeuvus, Lindsay; Rugby Con- vener, L. W. Dippeil, Bawman- ville.-Se L I Petrbro LndaO 0s h a w a, Parents See Ciluren Perform Cobourg and Bowmanvihle will bei represented in the seniar grop ing this year. The teams inoup-s, A Public School M eet Thursday section have been divided into twa groups with Lindsay, Oshawa and Peterboro playing a singe Fine oweather, keen campeti- Girls' Reiay Race - Jean Fletcb- scheduie in one graup, and Bow- tions, ats of enthusiasm, and a,!er, June Challis, Ruth Locke and manvilie and Cabourg piaying a fair attendance of parents featur- ýRuth Cale. double schedule in the other group ed the Public School Field Day Boys' Race - Glen Hodgsan, Bihl with the winners phaying off. held Tbursday afternoon an the Dadson, Walter Waodward. The junior section wilh be made Central schoah grounds. The list Sack Race - Bill Dadson, Wal- uof Peterbara, Lindsay and Osh- of champions and prize winners ter Woodward, Bud Perfect. up in the variaus events are: Relay Race - B il1h Da ds on, Events - 5 and 6 Years Charlie Cattran, Ran McDonald, Girls' Running Race - B e t t y David Kilpatrick. Hooper, June Snowell. Intermediate Girls - 10, 11, 12 Yrs. 'j~ IFU IIII 1 Boys' Race - Ronald Rundle, Champion - Margaret Rawe Clarence Kilpatrick. Standing Broad Jump, 5' 7" - Girls' Chicken Race - B e t t y Margaret Rowe, Danis Goulah, Grant, June Snowell. Margaret Nichais. Boys' Chicken Race - Ronald 100 Yd. Dash, 14. secs. - Flar- Rundie, Bobby Marris. ence Chartran, Darothy Faulkner, Eventsc- 7 and 8 Years Betty Kilpatrick. L 9., Girls'Race - Marlee Gi b bs, Running High Jump, 3' 6" - 11,, fiI"5I1IYS Mary Fagan, Muriel Ragers. Ruth Hutchinson; Danis Goulah Football breecls bumps an, Boys' Race - Bobby Davison, and Margaret Nichols tied. sPaio bui«. s.Btram !Frank Hooper, Gary Tighe. Running Broad Jump, il' 8" sprie8ns et . ut un Wheelbarrow R a c e, b o y s - Margaret Rowe, Ruth Hutchinson, biadsi bon e ve i m-he Frank Hooper, Maurice Craak, Margaret Nichols. Minrd' urubed n.John Cattran. Relay - Shirley Challis, 'Dans No adi.? "liment h., ev«e qullid Three-legged Race - J a c k i e Goah, BRett pneradMr Minard's. A boutl. of Minard'. h.nody Clarke and Marlee Gibbs, Audrey gaeRoe '0 néRrlV es good as adoccor. Md1,Nrhut n ae odfeaoremdae os-1, 1 2Ys 50 years by Minard'à Linic-nt Ce., Bathut n an ooReaIte hmpdito s Dauglas Yrs Yarmoutb, N.S. 4 ae and Jean Nyshta. Capin-Doga Lemon Sales Agents: Reiay Race, girls - Mary Fagan, 100 Yd. Dash, 12 secs. - Gerald llaroldP. Ritchie &CoLMd.,r.nt. Norma Marshall, Joan Roach, Purdy, Dan Morris, Tom Bird. ________________1 Betty Lunn. Running Higb Jump, 3' il" Relay Race, boys - Frank Hoop- Douglas Lemon, Roy McMullen, £er, Junior Tamblyn, Jack Mantie, Gardon Mantle. Bob Davison. Pale Vault, 6' 7" - Douglas Le- Events - 9 Vears mon, Tom Bird, Reid Vintue. "KIC 0 PAN"Girls' Race - Jean Fletcher, Col- Relay, 22 secs. - Genald Purdy, lette Fergusan, Orma Mawers. Gearge Roberts, Gardon Aider, Girls' Three-legged Race - Jean Eric McIlveen. Hunters Attention! 1The following inforn-ation for hunters ha been given us by Game Wrden W. J. Martyn who will be pleased to answer any questions regarding the hunting sport. Provision has been made for an open season on Ruffled Grouse, Sharptailed Grouse and Prairie Hens extending from Oct. 1Oth to lSth inclusive and from Novem- ber 5th to 1Oth inclusive. The limit of catch will be five (5) birds per day and fifteen birds for the entire season of two per- iods. There is no open season in Dur- ham County for pheasants this year and hunters are advised to pay special attention to this be- cause the penalty is heavy and Warden Martyn and his ten dep- uties will flot hesitate to prosecute any offenders. A good sport neyer shoots game out of season and the closed season, if properly observ- ed, will make for much better hunting in years to corne. Experienced hunters shouid ad- vise amateur duck hunters that 'ducks cannot be killed at one hun- dred yards. Measure out forty yards and if the birds are past that mark, let themn pass to the next hunting party. Many birds are wounded each year and die because inexperienced hunters try teir luck no matter how far away tebirds may be. Don't shoot uless dloser than forty yards. ROYAL ITHEATRE BOWMAN VILLE Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. OCT. 6-7-8 CUDDLE UP..AND SUIIY A DAGGER tickie -Lot Also "Beautiful but Dumb" AN EYE FOR AN EYE EPISODE 15 L L e LARRYO#BUSTÎR" (RABBI priienr aci UthLockfe, Rutuî runiîug Broau JumP, lsi 5"- iatinee SatudaaY 2-0.iUpm. Cale and Shirley Moore. Gerahd Purdy, Tom Bird, Invine - _______________________Bnown. Standing Broad Jump, 5, 9"- Mon. - Tues. - Wed. Douglas Leman, Donald Marris, OCT. 10-11-12 Irvine Brown. I-IOWING OF Senior Girls - 13 yrs. and over Champion - Bennice Kimble 100 Yd. Dash, 14 secs. - Bennice Kimble, Marjarie K il1p atr i ck, ) Tailors Standing Broad Jump, 6' 8 Marjorie Kilpatrick, B e r n i c e 'oolens and Styles in Kimble, Ruth Seymour. Running Broad Jump, 12' 6" - Ruth Seymour, Bernice Kimble, Helen Hooper. O vercoats Running High Jump, 3' 9"- Bennice Kimble, Marjorie Kilpat- rick, Ruth Seymour. Rehay, 26 4-5 secs. - Aura Prout, Marjarie Kilpatrick, Bennice Kim- >)24.95 ble and Wila ad HEM ATý - Champion- George Dadson Running High Jump, 4' 4"- ,SGeorge Dadson, Ross W ri g ht, Vernon Connors. n & dema Standing Braad Jump, 7' 33/"-s George Dadsan, Vernon Connors, IG STORERass Wright. I GSTREShot Put - George Dadson, Rs Wright, Vernon Connors. 100 Yd. Dash, il 1-5 secs. - Gea. " 0u1uw1c 13 Dadsan, Albert Mason, Bobby CSOUTIRD Evans. Relay, 23 secs. - Babby Evans, ~ ~ PMRR Ross Wright, Vernon Cannons, Holiday Matinee ..afelnian ~~~Gerald Purfly. oayt2.0pm Pale Vault, 7' 9" - Jack Large; Mo ay t2.0pm riii be at aur store ta give Glen Virtue and Frank Burns tied. No increase in prices to aur custoniers. Hop Stop Jump, 27' 334'" - Billy Kilpatrick, Bobby Evans, Ross Matinee Wednesday 2.30 rD MET HlMWright. I ETH Runnîng Broad Jump, 15' 334" - _______________ II eogeparICk.Bobby Evans, -il iptik BY CALEDONIA Umpire's Decision Squelches Every *Chance of Winning Championship ~. oyas ustd 64 t had scored. Witheridge held the Milton-Game Starts Caledonia opened the scoring Poorly, but Locals 'haninels in the first with two Settie Down Âfter 6 second baseman adfrtbte had sored on the list, drove a double ta left, Runs hdsoe followed by Avery with an infield hit that looked very bad. Siemon covered the hit, but could do no- An umpire's decision squelch led thing about it as none of the oth- Bowmanville Rayais' champion- ers thought to cover first base. ship hopes on Saturday and left Shortstop Montgomery bunted a ICaledonia the winners by a score beauty to short, with Phillips of 64, n te tird ameof he issing the bail when he fell. R. ontermeia te"B" O. BA. ofath- angAvery scored on a pass bal Intemedate"B"0. . A.p a- ad Aerycame in on the bunt. down series. The game was play- A dul lyadacle tie ed at Milton on a diamond that oublinsed phay an a.le tie was skinned to the far edge of otfnse h tna the outfield. The westerners' other four runs came in the third with two walks With two men out in the ninth and three bits, before Phillips lef t and the bases loaded, Boyd Sle- the mound. With three baîls on mon drove the hit between short Gourlay, Witheridge pîtched the and second that caused the trou- fourth for a walk and struck ble. It was a dlean hit impossible Simms out. Not once in the suc- for an infielder to handle, but C. ceeding innings did Caledonia Montgomery made a play for it have a man past second. and collided with Bill Bagnell running from second. No decision The locals had plenty of chan- was rendered until Bagnell round- ces in the game to score a dozen ed third and came home and was runs, but couldn't came through cailed safe on a close decision in the pinches. Men were on sec- there. Bowmanvilie fans nearîy ond and third in the first and only went wild as Bagnell's was the one. out, but the innings came ta tying run, and there was still one an ingloriaus conclusion with Col- Man on bases, ville hitting ta second and Siemon Whil th rejicig wa attheswinging out. Again in the fourth, Whie te rjoiingwasat hetwo men occupied first and sec- peak someone. put a bug in Um- ond, with none out, but Dutch Os- pire Curzon's ear and after a con- borne laced the pili at the pitcher ference with his co-worker John- for the first out and Ames hit stan on the bases, Bagneil was into a double play on a short f ly called out for interfering with a to centre. fielder. The decision was a tough DaeFrueetdnhr one to make and tougher stili to aeFrueltdw e listen to as it meant that the side hair in the fifth and had compas- was out and gone was the old bail sion on the boys from the east, handing them two runs. Ted Bag- game. neil walked, went ta second on Ail this took place in a game the second baseman's error that that started off with Caledonia left Phillips on first. They both iookîng like the only bail team on moved up a base on Cameron's the field. George Phillips on the short poke to second and scored mound for the Royals heaved his on a long smack from Williams' poorest game of the year and for wîîîow to centre. some reason just cauldn't seem ta Their third run counted in the settie down ta his usual fine svnhwe ilBgelnce form. He was relieved by With- sene nwhe Bi baelined eridgeintetidatrsxus stole second an the next pitched baIl, advanced ta third and scar- _________________________ed when the catcher overthrew at second. The final run in the ninth was p gleaned by Bob Kent, pinch hit- ting for Ted Bagneli. First batter - , of the inning, he pounded a per- fect single ta centre and took sec- ond when Hicks hit ta right. Bill àriÊfv e.Bagneil followed with another lef t field poke that brought Kent ~ ii~ across the plate. Williams loaded the bases with a walk. Bates, pinching for Colville, faceda new pitcher Gardon, Simms bav- Reading Anthracite would have tied the score. COAL Bowmanville spectators almost is etean, economical and but cooled down a little when easy to control. It burns three buriy policemen ambled slowly and evenly, provld- day three of the local fans had Ing unsurpassed heatlng been escorted ta cars for opening comfort. Heat your home their mouths ta shou-, or for some better- but spend less minor offence, the details of mone - wth oal ram which they are still trying ta fig- money withcoalfrom ure out. Flett's Fuels. Sa, the basebaîl season con- AGENTS FOR cludes for 1938, rather unfortun- ately but after many goad games Sem t Slva Coe and plenty of excitement. Next SemetSolva Cok year, the saine team should be around ta continue the battling for hanars and let's hope the hard F T fought foran lottaie J. J. FLETI n the interîm, there ilb rugby and basketball and hockey FUELS ta occupy aur attention. Caledonia: R. Montgomery 2b; Successar ta Henry Lathrope Avery cf; C. Montgomery ss; C. Clarke rf; Mellon 3b; Sourlay c; Phone 2695 or 2673 Simms and Gardon p. Resdene, ntirloSt.N. Bowmanville: Cameron an d Resienc, Otari Si N. Hicks rf; B. Bagneli cf; Williams Bowmanville ss; Colville If; Siemon lb; Osborne c; Ames 2b; T. Bagneli 3b; Phil- - lips and Witheridge p. Pinchhit-q ELIMINATED Tyrone Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Richards and M r. and 'Mrs. Albert Hawkcy at- tended Markhain Fair Saturday and visited 'Mr. and 'Mrs 1-Howard Find- ley. Unionville. Rev. A. W. NcLaughlin, Mr. Bill MNcLaughilin, Havelock, visited '.\r. Tico. Downs'. MNr. and 1Mrs. G. Rosevear and famjlv visited lier parents., Mr. and Mrs. 1. XV. Larmer, Millbrook, and attended Millbrook Fair. Mr. las. Dudley is undcr the doc- tor's care. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Taylor, Kes- wick. 'Mr. and MIrs. Ravmoîd XYork, Jackson's Point, vjsited at Mr. WV. 'ravior*s and othcr friends. Miss Ruby Colwill, Hampton, Mr. Don Thompson, Columbus, 'Miss Susie Thompson and Mr. Geo. WV. Grahiani Bowmanville, visited '.\r. and Mrs. Les. Thompson's. A number f rom hiere attended Millbrook and Markham Fairs hast week. lMr. and Mrs. Harvey Strong, of ters: Bates for Coiville in 9th, Kent for T. Bagneil in 9th. Score by Innings: R H Ei Caledonia 204 000 00 - 6 9 5 Bow'ville 000 020 101 - 4 8 2 Umpires: Curzon, Toronto, and Johnston of Oakville. Data: Strikeouts, Simms 6, Gar- don 1, Philips 2, Witheridge 6; Walks, Simms 4, Phillips 3, With- eridge 2. OSHAWA Friday - Saturda y OCT. 7 - 8 "Breaking The Ice" Starrlng Bobby Breen - Charlie Ruggles Dolores Costello - and the world's youngest Ice skater Irene Dare. A Quiz Contest Picture Added - Walt Disney Car- toon: "Fox Hunt" - REVIVAL - Friday at 10:30 p.m. 'Wife, Doctor & Nurse' Starrlng Loretta Young - Warner Baxter Su nday Midnight Monday - Tuesday "Sing You Sinners" Starrlng Bing Crosby - Fred MacMurray (A Quiz Contest Picture> Sunday Mldnight Show - Doors open 12.05 p.m. - All Seats 35c. FOUR DAYS Wednes. - Thursday Friday - Saturday OCT. 12 - 15 Haydon Con grat il lilonst. -Nlr. and Mns Rov Thonipson on their marriaRe. Nî.auhNirs. H. XVhite and Car- mnan, Orono. Nfr. Fred Stannard, Bownîanvihhe. ýMiss M. Palmer, Mrs. Kàih(, Ni> IB. Prittv, Uxbridge, ,Nli s Viola Bradîcu. Toronto, vis.ited at Nfr. E. Bradhev's. 'NIr. andh 'Mr. R. Ormiston, En- niskilhen. visitc(h at Mîr. L. Ashton's. Misses Lorna and Aundrey Thomp- soni. Nir. Bill Louis, Toronto, visit- cil ai Mur. WX. ThoniPsonis. Mliss Grace Treivin, Toronto, Mtiss Xriîa Trewin. is Ritson, Osh- awa. visiteîh at Nlr. XVnî. Trewin's. Mîr. anîd Mrs. A. Richards, lMr. and Nirs. R. Richards visited at Mr. L. Richiardls. Saheni. Mir. Gordon Cowhing spent Sun- (la\ at home. Jack rabbits. cottantails a n d foxes are plentiful this seasan, but do flot run foxes with dogs unless !,ou have a dog license for hunt- ing. These may be obtained free of charge. Finally remember to take your hunting license when you pack a gun into the woods. RUBBERS FOR FALL 1Special low prices for high top and 6-eyelet rubbers. This stock has just arrived and is of the finest quality. Corne in and see them. SHOE REPAIRING Finest w o rk, reasonabie prices and fast service is oui motto and we live up to it. Oui customers mnust be satisfied. JOHN LENZ 1 ing St., W. Bowrnanville1 TH EATRE Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. SCHOOL PlSndy RE MO tidjt Joe. RE BGown "The Gladiator" with June Travis and "Man Mountain' Dean One (f the $250,00 oMvie My LUCKY blar- Starrlng SonJa Henle - Richard Greene gy - Added Color Cartoon -"ih "String Bean Jack" with Jacqi A Quiz Contest Picture. Rob -t..tat £-ictures ADDED Way Patrol" leline W-ells and 'ert Paige ilier parents, Mr. and S. j n . A Ircitu \Ir.and N r' Luther Goodmnan 'iit Sîîîîddat NMr. Osborne's. To- NIr.C. XV'. XVoodlcy and famuly vi'iteth Ni r. Clarence XXoodley at l'rivate l'atient's Pavilion. Toronto. Mîr. and Nr.F L. Byani and jnîsspent Sindav with her par- ents. NMr. and Nlrs. J. Lillicrapp. i Ms. licrapp rettirn(l home with Mis's Lorna Hlooper carril bof larze niumber of prizes at ihro - - *1 SPECIAL SI Tip Toj Fail and Winter W~ Suits and Priced At$ - BEE T] Couch, Johnstoi CLOTHIN THURSDAY, C.A. R Special Representative wi expert attention COME IN AN~ ri -1-