_______74, i * ( w - r ~ - -- ----- wq w qV READ BY ___0 rýb enabxrn taenirn People Weekly With Which Are lncorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent And The Orono News ORONO NEWS ON PAGE 15 VOLUME 84 Section Two BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER lst, 1938 Pages 9 to 16NUBR4 COUNTIES COUNCIL MET 1H FINAL SESSION AT CODOUR Oldest Active Farmer Going Strong at 81 William Anderson, Janetville. Op- erates Farm Successfully With Brother (Peterboro Examiner) Oldest active farmer in ail Dur- ham Count>', and one of Ontario's oidest for that matter, is William Anderson, 81, who operates at 100- acre farm on the outskimts o! Jan- etville. He has no helD other than his brother, Harry, who is 72. itheir robustness other than that Canadian parentage. The McGills f "I've neyerbensc n y they started to work young enskinm and came in 1832 and "father saiied Co uncil life" is Billy Anderson's boast. have neyer got out of the habit.1 from Ireiand in 1847" said Biliy. Robust and tanned, witil a hand- "I've; been ploughing ever since Only two houses in ail the Jan- Iv so ciasp like taut steel, he says he's ý: a a littie gaffer n higher etviiie of today were the same asïo as vigorous now as lie was a quar-'than the piough handies," said when he was a boy. "Most of the ter of a century ago and he hopes Biily. houses were shacks but it was a f to continue as much longer. He The two Andersons have iived good sized village at that," he said. Lo SS 0f and his brother work about 401nearJanetviiie altheir lives, and The Anderson's farm is flot go-- acres of land and lease the re- are sons of pioneer settlers in that ing to rack and ruin because it is mainder in pasture. Together district. They have iived together cared for by two oid men. On the Expressingg they do ail the farm work - tiiiing'on their present farm for the past contrary there are flowers plant- exceedingîy fa and planting and harvesting and 155 years. Billy's wife died two ed ail about the house and the wa feeding their live stock - and on! years ago and his daughter is in entire farm has an air of neatness weter, Wardi top of that Biily does the house Toronto. Harry has hived there about At as though it were receiv- opefled the fir. work. He even cooks the meais. ail that time. They were born a ing gentie care from a master who Counties Counci These men know no reason for mile east of Janetville of Irish- _ had long ago iearned to love it. a f ull attenda AT F RE E I bearer te, $1.00 off on an>' purchase over $10.00 NIarr's Jewelry up ta Dec. 10, 1938 SILVER SUGGESTIONS Bon Bon Dishes 7", aif shapes MR eer Butter Dishes Cake Plates Bread Trays Saits and Peppers Phone 463 Bwinil ayaction will depend on the cost tions in this clause can be carried Oppo ed o P ste rizaioninvlve. .out. Whatever agreement is ar- Rebals on .adsrived at will require to be auth- n of Personal Freedom And Cl F .Bog, .. cute fipa tie wtteaprva f h Income To Milk Producers bates committee. He agreed with The last recommendation, "that ____ - the recommendation of the comn- these counties maintain ail county mittee that the original agree- connecting links during the per- gratitude for the ducer to obtain a fair proportion ments with towns and villages re- iod of the original agreements," laorbeatm f the consumers' dollar. grigtepvn fcnetn seems to be in conflict with pro- ivorale utmn A Wentworth County proposai adn hepvn foncigvisions of the Highways Traffic -dn . .George asked the goverr.ment to give Onshldnksntnd. nt ra system Act, subsection 5 of section 9, nai sessions of the tario winter wheat the samne fin- sol tn.catr5,RSO 97 he ci at Cobourg with ancial consideration as the wheat "In the present case the coun- this section the maintenance of grown in the West, and that ties cannot b>' its own bylaw alter the connecting links is imposed lnce of its forty freight rates to Montreai be in- the original agreements and b>'- on the urban munîcipalities. If emeeting was ad- vestigated especiaily in regard to laws. In order to make amend- the counties council is to, assume December for the rates from Western Ontario. De- ments to the original bylaws these the cost of maintenance of the modemn records of puty-Reeve A. W. Annis, Darling- should be the joint action of the connecting links this would have imaril>' to provide ton, said grain rates from Ontario counties councii and the councils to be provided for in new agree- .Courities Clerk E. were disproportionately h i g h e r of the urban municipalities inter- ments above referred to." m to wind up the than from Western Canada, and ested and aiso the approvai of Commenting. on the solicitor's id prepare for the an adjustiment shouid be ma'de in the Minister. These amending by- opinion and also on the road re- icil in Januar>'. the interest of grain growers of laws do not operate to change the -bates committee report, Reeve R. cb>' Deputy-Reeve this province. Reeve Devitt re- original bylaws. The amendmng R. Mallor>', Percy, said the report Cobourg, conveyed marked that a factor to be con- bylaws are therefore invaiid and was dlear>' supported by Col. ecretary of State an sidered was the dependence of the shouid be repealed. Boggs on ail points. The original King George and West on its grain crop, whereas The second recommendation in agreements with minor munici- eth to include the Ontario was largely engaged also the report is in the words follow- palities continue in effect to the in the itinerar>' of in mixed farming. At the samne ing: "We recomnmend that in case expir>' of their ternis. If a village spring. time he beiieved some considera- any urban municipality needs ex- like Hastings needs a resurfacing il Miik Producers' -tion should be given to, grain pro- tensive maintenance or repair job done on the county road con- oed support of their ducers of this province. costing more than the amount of necting links, the counties would he compulsor>' fea- Speaking to a somewhat similar the yeariy rebates or where in do it under a new agreemrent, urization which be- petition which he had forwarded, such case the count>' council which would charge the cost ;e throughout rural W. Fred Fallis o! Cavan urged deems it advisabie to rescind the against the road refunds to the anuary 1 next. The that the Federai Government be original agreements, this proced- village. Terms for villages whose [ans a provincial pressed to take somne action to, ure should be taken and if neces- refunds are comparatively sllght and sought the bring the price of flour in line sar>' new agreements entered into could be arranged by agreement. producers and two with the price of wheat. "We are whereby such local municipality Extensive repair jobs in the towns m Northumberland not asking the govemnment to f ix shall agree to, forego its rebates might advise the rescinding of the to assist them. the price of Ontario wheat. We for such amount of money as the original agreements because of ural Commbttee en- learn that they stand a loss of count>' council shahl deem fair and the increased benefit from. the sociation's resolution $50,000,000 as a resuit of fixing just." subsidy paid by the government. othe government. the price of Western wheat at 80 If any such agreements are to Their refunds were much langer 1pasteurization was cents." At the present price of be made between the counties and Ithan those of the villages it was td invasion of per- wheat flour should be about $2.25 the urban municipalities there pomnted out, and any such work ithat it wouid cause a hundred, Mr. Fallis said. The will have to be agreements be- lwould be paid for sooner. me to producers, and levelling of farm machinery pric- tween the respective parties auth- The rebate committee report tmainly to the pro- es to a basis more nearly equai orized by bylaw of each council was approved and passed on to kin the big cities. the value of wheat, and thereby in order that the recomnmenda- the council. varded a resolution1the farmers' income, was aiso ai- ýederal Goverinment ivocated b>' Mr.. Fall 'is' petition i ser study of market- which was endorsed with the Two A dviso rv !9embers T Be to enable the pro-1 Wentworth resolution. Named For Cou ti on cs Council Members Honor Aen nten f w permafl- ud *îonecing ink ntv ,ng W arden J. F. George miteo choscifiyfrtheinal greements stand. of information while the person- "We recomnd hat n as e est Warden in the three of them in Northumberland. nel of the committee changes aenivebatnniclt e o es ex The couneil is asked to refer from year to year was approved tensivemarentenancte ao rpaof istor>' of the united tliem to the incoming council in by the council of the united coun- cting molyrebtante oamouentf Zorthumberand and January. The Commission had ties of Northumberland and Dur- ue yaerth ebaout, o wh eemi rden J. F. *George, gone over these four roads, in- ham at the opening of the con-schaetecotyoudlde ~htn twnsipin luingtwomils o te Nrwod cudig sssonsfor193 atCo it advbsable to rescind the oid ighon owshi, n eudig wo ils o te Nrwod ludngsesion fr 138at o-agreements, this procedure should the appie country, road to Trent Bridge, and express- bourg Monda>' afternoon. be taken, and if necessary a new iy tributes of c ed the opinion the entire mileage The chaîrman of the committee agreement entered into whereby tof the counties at shouid be taken over b>' the coun- on schools is to have jurisdiction such local municipality shail agree Sthe British Hotel, ties. The members of the Com- over the two permanent advisory to forego bts rebates for such denfal>' pointing to mission this year were Reeve Ro- members who are to be named by amount of monefr as the counities ng end of the con- br Innes of Cnmpbeilford, Reeve bylnw this week. It has been re- counicil shall deem fair and just. is of 1938. Cummiskey, appointed for two. cognized for some years that the "We recommend that where rges uccssul d-years, and Wnrden George. computing of school grants and1 urban municipalities have expend- was extolled in an With oni>' six miles of county th cuiiigo eustosed money on their connecting 'y eev W.Arturroad in his township, Reeve J. H. from school boards are major du- ilinks in 1938 that they be reim- in, and he was pre- Devine>', Haldbmnnd, requested ties devolvbng upon th omi-bused b>' these counties, and gold wrist wntch b>' that the three mile road from tee and usualiy on one o r two o f tiiat these counties maintain al R. J. Edmunds of Centreton to No. 45 highway le bts members who, understand the county connecting links during an o! the council, as taken over b>' the counties. "We regulations of the Departiment of the period of the original agree- ,-e appreclation and paîd $17,000 to the counties this Education reiating to s c h o o 1 ments." às associntes. The year and got back $900 spent on girants. While he was a member Reeve Cummiskey's report ne- the banquet wns roads," he said. "And Hnldimnnd O! the counties council E. H. Me- lates to, agreements made by the Perc>' Gooding o! is the lnrgest township in these Keel o! Cnmpbeilford performed counties and the town and vil- ship. Man>' o! the counties." The committee necomn- near>' ail the anithmeticai worklages in wlsich streets were paved ans of recent years mended that this road be assum- mnvolved in denhing with school as connecting links lin the count>' ed: aiso the four miles from Mor- gmants. He bas been succeeded in rond system ten years ago, involv- Commision ganston to, No. 30 highwa>' south that responsîbîlîty b>' Reeve Roy' ing an expenditure of almost one 3se Comsso f Codrington. Malior>' o! Perc>' township. Imillion dollars. The minor muni- rid bridges commit- A Cartwright petition asked for Lesson of Experience icipalities agreed ta forego their rJ. C. Cummiske>', the assumption of 71/4 miles fmom Experience of the commiftee customnar>' rebates on county noad iding, recommended Nestieton to Lakeview post office during those years prompted the expenditure as a consideration for .nt o! the count>' whbch is henvil>' travelled b>' tour- proposai that some continuity o! these pavements, the periods vary- ission from three ist traffic to Lake Scugog. It was personnel should be established ing from ten to thirteen years, four, beginning inasoapoe.Abiwicr to assist future councils in te some of them. alneady expined as speciai commission asoang teseAblwino-nt osed ofn thre mm-po recommendations denling with schooi grants, es- In the case a! Hastings. It trans- pose ofthre oe wili be:rep:red for the January pecially in facilitating what is vir: Pined that the municpalities for two years, and nfter if another five yenrs," Reeve manent menl be appointed?" Reeve carried on, and although the De- irepresenting the Roy' Whittington said in objecting C. Calver of Campbellford en- pnrtment of Highways could have demnnded payment for that wank ier who was ap- to the rond commission's proposai qubred. fheyare ofrg t n e 1>' one yenr. It re- that the South Monaghan rond Utltebiw ppnig eyaedtofroiadb- "onmnUnuai'fo alaePittoN.2 thmi rtehed," abd Reeve L. gin on a new basis. As the report )pontmnt nnullYfron Wllae Pinttc No 28the isrepale," aidReee L mdicates, new agreements may be iner for two yenrs. highway, about 2½/ miles, be left H. Wilson of Cobourg. "New men entened into if any of the munici- ae tr et year is over. "It was once a count>' road, come into the council from year paîbties desire them. nh hextemer and iingod condition. The to >'ear, and the>' are ofaiar A mnrtrertb ev nted for three yars nis spent considemabie mon- with the Schools Acf. The>' have Wilson, Cobourg, seconded by nnd he hirdfore>' on the bridge, the government trouble in digesting it, and figur-RevG.AEdosoeB - an the Wardnoras puttîng -in a new pier for the ing out whnt pnyments should be manvieG.Areonunndsed haBfom- ioth adfe 193 swing, and I feel you have put made to school boards. I think avlercoxnd ttfom fRiappoitent93 this off long enough." the counties will be mone>' nhend January 1, 1939, nebafes on count>' a new ponmt ronds be allowed urban munici- a commissioner to Deput>'-reeve Shield mn o v e d if the>' namne a permanent sub-pntisoberpdinheea e years. that the 1939 commission report committee to nct in conjunction f ltesth e yea i hi the y îisio bouht in on this rond in June. His motion wîtl h colscmite owi and nidion becugse we cnrried. 4Deputy-ree0ve H. Sirett ofCa On Mm. Wilson's motion the re- uid be more provis- Somne stretches ofcunyr ahesgetdidih ebte bates report was referred ta F. D. enced and continu- wiii have to be left off the snow to appooint thes efracrtain Bgs .. onisslctr o rthe best interest o! plowing schedule this winter. peido ers. Otherwise the>' a rterpo. ," Mm. Cummiske>' Reeves were urged to consult the lmîght be ef t on the committee too wrterpo. rnmissioner w h tafir.as ap- road supeintendent reg ar di ngng, becomng old and out o! Country Girl: "Paw's the besf -ree yeams he would such ronds in their municipalities. Roechwithaff, s rifle shot in this country." Th asReve Mhior>' said control of inyrdsys::m of .iTheam misonws ntrctdItepermanent committee was in City' Visitor: "And what does and eesandnds o!a mtthe counciWittiatonaill bat make me?" have three onrf bye îng machines for weed destruction tmes.ConrGil"M face we have been gioing per mile and report next yeni'. It Reeve J. C Cummiske>', Man-I a nyaga Go on sa>'~~~~~~ wev.ndol asto.t.hspano;ed es Ad. the>' would bea nnmedoodMor [j 1[ p t 1> À -r', il 4 -qiRov- ---Iqmmmv- -"Iwqr- --Vmw- lw-vý -Iv- -«W-