PAGE FOUR THIS LANGUAGE heap, A heap of oxen is callcd a droi A flock of ships is called a fleet, A drove of blackguards is call A fleet of sheep is called a flock. mb A flock of girls is called a bevy, 1 mob of xorshippers is callec congregation, A bevy of called a pack, A congregation of theatrcgoers A pack of thieves is called a gang, called an audience. A gang of angels is called a host, An audience of peacoeks is ('ai A host of porpoise is called a shoalA amuer :Amuster of doves is called a A shoal of f ish is called a school, flight, A school of buff alo is called a herd A flight of larks is called anE A herd of seals is called a pod, altation. A pod of whales is called a gam, And if they are starlings it's mt A gam of lions is called a pride, muration, A pride of children is called a A murmuration of bees is carl troop, a swarm, A troop of partridge is called a A swarm of foxes is called a sku« covey, A skulk of pigs is called a stye, A covey of beauties is called a A stye of dogs is called a kenne galaxy,!Akneofct scleanu A galaxy of ruffians is called aiAkne fctsi aldan horde, Iance. A horde of rubbish is called a -Baltimore Si continuous pleasure the whole year 'round A SUBSCRIPTION TO A Gift that REALLY keeps on giving! Every week of the year, the persons to whom you give The Statesman wiil thank you ail over again. You'll be giving a weekly gift of absorb- ing reading inatter with ail the home-town news, editorials, country correspondence... ail up-to-the-minute . .. an essential to the well informed!1 Use the Handy Coupon Below . . . Mail It To Us With Your Naine and Address... We '11 Bill You for it Later! T Send a Gift Subsription of THE CANADIAN STATESMAN Address ...... Send bill f0 OSHAWA NOW PLAYING T'hurs. - Fri. Sat. TWO BIG HITS 'Bulldog Drummond In Atrica' With John Howard, Heather Angel, H. B. Warner One of the $250,000 Movie Quiz Pictures - Also - Buck Jones and Noel Francis "LEFI HANDED LAW"y COM. SUNDAY MUDNITE Hampton Mission Band met i November 28th xith Pncsident Blanche Kcrsc'y ln the chair. Buis- iness wns cndtuetec by Mms. War- ren wo also told a story. Praycî 4 xvsgven by AndîieyKcrsey. SSm'ipfuro xvas read by Florence Allin. Offering was taken by Blle Widdiconib and dedicated by Joan Anthistie, foiiowed by a sgv' reading by Mrs. Warren. led - -sme ýled 1k, "The firsh Christmas in aur new home," Janice Wray announced qjoyousiy as she stepped across the threshald of Stewarf's and ber is new home. "Christmas in aur new homo," ;un Stewart echoed, switching an the ligbt. 4, "Oh, isn't if just grand!" ex- claimed Janice. "I'll say if is-but slow up- Aslow up, Janny! I've gof about al my amms will hold, wîtbout taking you aboard," Stewart warned her as Janîce atternpted fa fbrow ber arms about hlm. "Oh, keep quiet! You're just as excited as I arn - sa why pre- tend?" Janice answemed with a tcss of ber head. Stewart put bis packages down and then wifh his arms around ber he assured ber. "You bet I arn, Honey. I tbink if is won- derful! Stupen- I dous!" And just W:.~ because t h ey -a' - were 50 happy, fhey bath laugh- le's get busy ,,~ *with the ree," 's- gested. "Righto!" a- greed J a n ice, "Jusf as soon as The tree must be neither f00 large nom fao small. Some time had been consumed deciding jusf the proper size for a Christmas tree for two. They were f0 be alone this Christmas - the first Christ mas in their new home; there was no doubt about that, for tbey bad definitely decided that when tbey purcbased the bouse. And now here fbey were eady f0 trim the mueh-discussed tree. "Isn't that star lovely?" Janice said as Stewart placed if af the top of the tree. "Yes. But I thought you bad planned on something else," Stew- art replied. "I changed my mind," was all Janice said. She didn't tell him Sshe couidn't hhink of a Christmas Stree witbout a star ah the top. They aiways bad one on the ree I "at home." "Thought you weren't going f0 get apy red balis," she reminded IStewart. "I cbanged my mind." Both laugbed at Sewart's echo of Jan- ice's answer of a moment before. "Mother wouid love this silver bail." Janice bung the hall wbere it caught the most ight. "Wouldn'h Bess love this blue bail!" Stewart picked up the large blue globe. "Our dads would enjay thaf open fire - and Bill those spruce bougbs over the mantel" - Bill, the aider brother of Stewart, loy- ed anything fromn the woods. And s0 each tbing reminded hhemn of someone's fondness for if, or of some of the happy times of former holidays. I "Well, I guess tba's ail for e now," Stewart said when the dec- - oration of the free was finish- Ut ed and be and %Janice sfuad AJanice made no Srepiy ha ber 1husband's re- gmark af firsf. X "Ail but the Ai presents," s h c M said hesitafing- A'y A"Oh, we can A put those ouf Aî ater," Stewart A suggested. 9 "But I mean A the ones for the family," sbe ex- di plained. A "Didn't you distribute those ta- A day"?" Stewart asked in surprise. A "I fboughf it would be more fun à ta take tem together." xgA "Stewart stopped and kissed A er. "I think so, tao, huney-so M lef 's go." tîrcliv lam Minen 1au left. 1 i cin'î sveeded tir. the national purchasineiý The girls ail looked so cad; Bao, re fst. . .. ee-lb 2 c tiiiiiblt' ceeu wlicii lie said 'Goocl-IhV. powcr is cnlarsted, asud eeervbody's She asked: "Wbaf is the matter, Sliced ................. lb. M5 MI il. lI se cioved '<our vacationi a itiioilliLc;il,) U. dears, i lt lýtîîîicst as WC toppedl a littie Thc nierchiandlisinit force of adver- Where is our Wiiiie lad?" Bacon, Peamealed Back . piece - lb. 29C ri s a shosrt piecce fnim the bouse. lisine is verv imiortant amonz the Their wattles aIl turned palisb Sliced ................. lb. 32c 1 licardl soincî,nc liîkinl' the nîilk varionis factors responsible for mlin pink, It pili1s. i lookud hack and sec Iiua leîviiiv, heuiclîllest wage level iin the And then one of them said: Dili Pickles ................... 4 for 10c -walk across the yard spre as a cal." world. wiîh a bîiiîgn power ucarle "The preacher came ha, dine tuday, - "Wlat voit suecc. Milt." said Whi,, wice lIait iin Great Bitain. two and A pot-pie - Willie's dead." ' Peamealed Rolis ............... lb. 20e r "is ta ]earvi 10 bc a philosopher." nuie-ialf limes as zreat as ini Ger- The mother sigbed: "Ah, that is "Expeccî so," said itI amîliig iuaiîv. and more ihan len times as sad, e ont. lieh as waecs in Riissia. Iu more But let our hearts not break; y "Been over ho the Falls lateix', wavs than one. advertisinz gives a 'Tis well he's in the ministry- IltClaxt?" inciuired Whiz, fixing young lift la the p)ay envelope.-Buîrcau of No lay-man good be'd make." ia Anîdrews with a keen. blue eyc. ltcscarch and Educatiors, Advertis- -Ralph Gordon. "Why ?" inquired the boy. inno- 1 ni Federation of America. 628 Crawford St., Toronto. - j. .. I CHILDREN TJNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED .~lIUSD YDECEM1BER IST, 1938 mîacrtook over the factory WARDEN RETIRES cently. "I was there last Sat'day." ' HistorY of FactOrY bî 1903. "Heard there was a scarcity of iý. Wthcli introduction of phono- sand fleas on the lake shore since 14 nedfrofli Page i1 raIo.P the, d eanheforpaos anof then." returned \Whiz gravelv. .Christma~sNs l dpebuissntrl Clavt turncd scarlet and met ti e controlling interest ancI sent hil~cl rpe, uiesntrl tlv ure crfle adhetpsi.À V .iCl1t te hereto'tke1«ve%-Four î I tel ouat 1e oclplant until older man's look a til hefsiv %,k -in diin aebe icet h 97tecuii okoe h *It only took one to do the trickadtin"av e I al entd tht 19 teconcltok vrh lie"Bu hexva a ea j building, two at the sOlith en forplat foi, back taxes and the Do- leadmjtted. "Btlewa elKatherine Edelman larger offices and two tow.irt the 11 mîin organl & Piano Co. went lively and accomniodatin 'f lea. and eaîo akriPtcY. took a sizht of satisfaction in his M.Frwl a o ~eil~DvSHiit&CmaySu work." intrete in continuing thehsi seqtiently cornpleted an arrange- ness and when the Bell Orign ian t wlthcounicil and took pos- DURHAM CLUB factory in Guelph sold out to a session in June, 1937. Under local British syndicate, John Kidd. foi- rnnagemnent of James W. Davis (Continued fr o n ge 1)__ _ __ - m rly e ployed at the Bownitii the co mnpany as made extensive mad inCaada ar bingpro "___Chrstas__a ville plant and a man %vho kiiew alterations and have been em- "Wit Chrstma draing near, pianos and organs so thoroughl> lyn rm 0t.0mn maes aaa r en r-why can't we get together and that hie had several organ patents.n 0 o 0 en duced in their local plant at the make Plans-" Robert D u t t o n returned to Bowmanvi lîe a c s t . O f $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 a p ie c e ! M r . H a r d y r e a d n f r h raWt h ct ed -n tsJ M C n n l n d i . A - s v r l c m l a n s h v o n pitdOut the significance of lbrtoh u the heavily exander purchased the factory. to thsficeo hlrnrdn scrawled letter back into its en- operating it for seven '<cars. The bicycles on the sidewalks, even rubber in the modern world velope. exrm eslar lfte factory on'King Street, which is strictly when he mentioned the fact that, "îasteipatclRi"wsadddrn hspro. aanttelw o aeyssk owing to the use of synthetic rub- hesi lwy."owne extEmentart J o.f lXîîe î ~sasobe ugetdta ber, Hitler's equipment h adsobrokeode eproi. aantth a.Frsaeyssk i. dcown in bis Austrian Putsch. Mr. nyrgt nwee"bought out thle other partners and bicycleS se afr ghal Hardy stated that when the de- A list of appointments waited with J. B. Mitchell as business should be equipped witb lights. Pression carne and there was little upon bis desk. Visits from two of demand for rubber products for the most important men in town; - -. , .industrial purposes the Canadian a delegation about a right-of-way firm turned to the production of through a tract of land he bad just JF. George domestic products which they be- purchased; a remiýnder of a talk lieved would emain in demand. hee bad promnised to make at a ;Reeve of Brighton Township and Th "aki"pentdb te luncheon. Important things, he TrHE WORLD'S GOOD N EWS Warden of the United Counties Goodyear company adette a tinsHlwudnyrwill corne to your home every day through tof Northumberland and Durhamn "The Stordof he iead e le upon to do.TH C RIT N SIE EMO T R who was presented with a gold Tube" was, as the progam m Hastily he went through his TH C RSTASIEtraieilDyNCEuMONITOR wris wach y hs asocate inpîied, "threaded with a very fine mail. A square envelope i trcrsfryutewrd en oltUtV onoTeMfiO th cunie' ouci.romance". The moral - blow-out familiar hand tecuht bsy. WHe doea flot exploit crime or sensation; neitlier does it ignore th.., proftre aysveyurlf opend itaMitlebcuerisly. hat but dealo correctiveiy iwth them. Features for liuoy men and ail the proo tirs my sae yur lfecoul Mis Deby b wrtinghlmfamiIy, inciudiiig the weely magazinef sectioni. (and your romance)! abut Hi ogfnesde ------------------------------------------- TH SAESANSBefore adjourning to the din- an artistic Christmas card. A con The Christian Science Publishifle Society SHORT STORY ing room for refreshments, Mr. servative wish and an old Christ One, NorwaY Street. Boston. Massachusetts Ge.W. McLaughlin moved a vote mas carol printed i Engîish lt Please enter my ouborriptiofi 10 The chricinlo science monitor for Milt Learns Philosophy bkS~nMr. Nicholas and ters. That was all, except the 6 mith $610gaiO menth 3.003*1 ot .0 By Myma E. Wingate Mr. Hardy for their assistance in A f lush stained bis face, an un Name ----------------------------- - - ----- making the evening a success. Mr. definable something sent t drs ------j; _____________________________----------r-------------------- George McCrea, Sales Manager of blood singing through bis veins. S 0O1CCn on Reque't HeloMt." says Whiz \Vhit- the Mechanical Goods of Good- "Eleanor," hie said softly; "a beati- taker. droppinz the scoop) into the year, in a happy little speech sec- tiful namne; bow queer that 1 sugar barrel and placing the paper onded the motion. never heard it before." bal- of suzar on the couniter. His It is to be hoped that, as there Then, as if resenting bis weak -________________________________ f iriii. blunit fingers f olded in the top will be no meeting of the club in ness and sentiment, be dug into of the baz with swif t precision. December, the January meeting bis mail again. But try as he ;"What's on your mind thiat makes which is to be addressed by Mr. would, bie could not concentrate voit look sadder'n a setter pup? D. J. Taylor, Deputy Minister of on the things that bad mean ThouRht vou were goin' on your Game and Fisheries, will be well anything f0 hlm before. Some vacation." attended by both Toronto and thing had happened to Rober are fond of poetry there will be from a secretary wbom he had "I neyer let myseif expcct too a talk on Pauline Johnson. scarcely noticed left him visibl much f romn a vacation," he confid- Atoehrsm 15 mebs unsettled. cd "Its ctan' aavshvea better the and friends of the Club from To- Critasmmis ius savi' roud ome ltti' heronto and Durhamn county were tbrougb bis heart. He was back E kdsdothechre, ad oi' fshn'present and enjoyea the pro- in the old home again. Everybody * % BE cvery day for a week. That wav. gramme and the social gathering was rushing around in circles. He Scdo comm' home to a good supper every bnlnhwssrewt r saw the big tree in the. corner of Uui. night, a mai gits a zood deal out J. F. Chapman and Mrs. F. C' the parlor; the kitchen table piled ANPG ofi1 Trebilcock pouring tea. The sing- hg ihgo hnst a.AdW HI TE > "The maximum of enloyment for ing of Auld Lang Syne anid God Mother and Dad, with happiness WHOLE WHEAT c-. Fraee the minimum effort, as our friend. Save the King led by Mr. Walter beaming upon their faces. CRACKED WHEAT LUes jthe iuidge. would say," remarkcd H. Clemes, past president, brought H1e picked up Hal's letter again 4 z WRAPPED LoaI M Whiz drvlv. His thought shifted to the happy event f0 a close. After ail, maybe bis kid brother 24O VS \tilt's thin. tired, busy' wif e. ho wasn't s0 crazy? The fhought was21. 1dailv put across a round of work pushing thmough bis mind that 1that wouild tax many a man. "Docs YOUR WAGES maybe it was he who lacked eal b Mlis' * Braimwcll take a wcek off, AND ADVERTISING in a different mood. "Let's give 19CJ .ton.____ Dad and Mother the surprise of Tr YelIow I '12-lb "Thats icst it," said Mult. "'Shie Thr saltfavrisn terbv Let's go down and 1M MTE AKRS LblPkU. L0 avs it's no m ore han fair that he ths c nre a nlit ba a d e fin int e irmak e grand C hri tm asabelfor )and the children shotild have a bol- hscutvad thsadnte m. ou candtuCeh rt igU PRsSA for 1 dav. ton. Thcre's no accauntin' for puroose. It is there because somte- hrYucntnevyhig S R IESO PBR4 wonmcu. She wants ho go down East, bodv wants to selI us Jellu. Ford over to someone else for a .,ýeek- viti' erbrthrsfoks JniAutomobiles. Spearmint Clhewing anyone can handie things like .sîalvs cliego TheAiutbd fshi n'iîreps d Sist TOranges.Frig-precious about them." JUNKET POWDERS 2 PKGS. 19C s'arte ws liego T th ad fsui n'iirepsdSnkt TOthags. rig-tbatthme's nothing prrsonal or know that advertisinz helps to seli Ntîgproalrpelu counitrv. and her folks have got a thinits and thousands of others. and bot his m d. etRai thw s R Gmight.D Y OW P ICE finle fanm. and a flivvcr. Might bbe proinides a valualble overt a chance, but I aint anticipatin' we know that it poie aubeSomieone else could bandle the Ship. ....... 5oztn 1c mutch." service to consumfers. things that bad seemned so terribly hip . .........5oztn 1C "Like the rest of us Yankees, you That much is plain, but did You important. A few boums of con- Pard Dog Food .............. 2 tins . 19c hope for the best while expectin' ever stop ho consider that advertising fusion, perhaps; then things would Lthe worst." said Whiz, pushing the affects vour personal income? No go on as before. The world would Karavan Dates................ pkg. 17e bait of suzar across the counter to ifatter what your occupation. the forget bim in a day.Pec sC ntyK t. ..6- .tn lc 1 vounz Clavt Andrews. amount of vour salary or wages is - Mis fingers eached for the pen P ahs onr it...1-z i l As Milt wandercd out, Clayt com- affectcd bv the total volume of ad- upon bis desk. "Dear Hall," he Quick or Regular ,mentcd laueghingly: vertisinit on the part of aIl manu- began, "I heartily agree with your RolIed Oats .................. 3 lbs. 1l4c "Mlis' Bramwell must have donc facturers and storekeepers every- proposal that we get together and Pink i orne taikin'. , Seldom that Nlilt ai- vherc. This statement is worth make plans f0 give Dad and Mo- amo.......... o luws anvone ta interfere with bhis examiiîinz. ther the biggest surprise and the S lo ..........N .1tin 10eV pcrs'nal eninyment. Hca er ithscurywepou nlgrandest Christmias ever-" He Campbell's .conîsistent citizeni." conîsume more than twice as much was smiling bmoadly, alim os~t Tomato Soup ................ 3 tins 23C "Thev do sav.," said Whiz absent- gonds for cverv man. woman, and laughing aloud, as he finished the letter with a flourish. Clover Iloney .. 4-lb. tin 43c - 2-lb. tin 22c Iv'. "that bakin' a pitch knot in a child as is produccd and used ini Five minutes later Miss Denby __________________________________ pot of beans zives it the saine flavor oliier principal countries of the entered bis private office f0 fînd ail the wxvx îrouglî." world. \Vhy is this? Not sacreix a new Robert Duttan. She aimas "MNeanniiii hat 'Milt's passion for becatise xwe have 'ast nattii'al re- dropped ber book in surprise at Shorteiig Whte Claverlb li case kind of colons ]lis %hole life. sources. Not Iust because we are the expression upon bis face, and C es vraYa I b 3 like a red stockin' in a tub of white lietter at iiîventing and uritaiizinit. the new way in wbicb be greeted OId C es ,ra1a b 3 ci ihes." iýrincd Clavt. "I know It is nîostlv becatise we caIl anit 5<) er l. 9 houi Hiartlev. tood fellow. \Vi N wC es Mldsh iuch to ]lave the lzood thiîîgs iii "I'm ready f0 begin, Mr. Dut- 1evv).eee9e sîcleWou11lutî a fîcut ini is life and hecauise wc have the indiv- ton," she began nervously, wben Car." idual ambition and energy ho get he made no motion ta start the ~A Sho' nolw."' said the storekeeper thiin. The îîurchasing power of routine of the day. S.O.S. Ceaer........... 4-pad pkg. L14 I.ravcl'<. "That ought ho bc easv. Amecrican peuple is used toalal the "We're going to forget business' 8-pad pkg ................... 24e "l'vc hleard tel l te sand fîcas arec lme and it revolves very fast. for today, Miss Denby, and goyfo esS p. ..... cae 4 nîihxthick on the shores of those '[his is xvhcre advcrtising comes in Christmas shopping, that is, if you Manyow r ap. ......cke 4 tîolidus over ho the Faîs" creates desires for new thinzs arnd want ta belp me ouf." 11e fumbled Colour & Pectin F,îllowed two weeks of the best enicouirazes ambition for hi2gher stan- witb bis fie as be spoke, noticing Jam, Straw., Rasp ........ 32-oz. jar 25c f.liieweathcr, when the mcii whii dards of livingt. Suggestions fr~oin for the first finie the soft curving uaa - catliercul ah the store ho (lo the fam- advertising are often responsible for mas crdw"ie ent o,"ou g rit- uRainsbl.......... b ilv huving. cet the mîail, and,. mci- the purchase of a new livingt-rooni a ad"lewn n "ruh asnbl .......... b o 1dentallv. ho exchanste varns and ru, an automobile. bethcr clotiies, some miracle. I've found ouf that KnirS ak b Iits of niews. sîîeculated much as o new kiîîd of breakfast food. business and making money at'en't KiprSncs............................... tins 9c cnlo~'cnt o the-fmill vemytinginlife. Tbe're botb