THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1ST, 19381 THET CANAflTAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE EIGHT Darlington Was Primeval Forest Littie More Than A Century Ago Written Specially For been a local preacher, held ser- The Canadian Statesman vices among the immigrants. BEY Fred R. Foley In 1785 Paul and Barbara Hick. John Lawrence and bis wife - the In tese oden das whn or widow of Philip Embury. settled In tesemodm dys henourin the township of Agusta and churches are so commodious and there formed a class with Samuel comfortable, our homes so cosy Errbury as leader, and in 1792 and convenient, and our roads the old Hay Bay Church on the anid highways so well established. a, f unewseetd it mîght be well for us to turn back the pages of history and see In 1786 another soldier, Major what toil, self-sacrifice and deter- George Neal. wbio had taken part mination it has taken to bring in the American Revolution, cross- about the present condition. edteNaraRvrotkeps session of lands granted him as a Little more than a century ago 'British officer. He also had been Damlington was a primneval forest'alclpeceradh ea inhabited by Indians and wild an- holding meetings among the set- imals. Roads cut through the bush 1tiers. So earncstly did he de- were rough trails connecting the none rviîing vices that somne log utsof catere seties lof the baser sort pelted him with the clearings. A fcw main lines stones till the blood ran down bis such as the Kingston Road for face, but like a brave soldier he through traffic, mail, stage coach, stood bis ground and won a great etc., were given special attention. victory for God in the Niagara In studying the early history Of -Peninsula. Darlington the ;vriter was struck Thus we sec that in three vital by the fact that in spite off its pit ehdimwspatdi natralweath nd eauy i wa rthis young cou ntry by the sturdy much slower in development - stock of the United Empire Loy- commercially, clerically, and in lalists who were dceply attached population, than other townships to British institutions and were to the east and west. Searchingiloa.etuatiMthdt. deeper for a reason %vhy settle-loa.etuisi thdt. ment bere sbould be retarded, he The story of the zeal and pri- discverd fom he ritngsof vations and succcss off those early dRsoerd fom ria 2 Thins-offmissionaries is one off tbrilling in- Robet Gurla 182: "he is-terest. The heroism off the men trict notwithstanding its ffertility who ade their way in toilsome is thinily settled. and consequentlyw0m the roads are unffinisbed and out journeys from one little settle- of rpair th lan haing eenment in the wilderness to another grantcd in large blocks to non- cre sngtu g seltoe h resident proprietors.' were rglng with the great In attempting the early records adhpopinelfhsnt cben surpassed in any mission off communities and chýurches a f ield, and no account of Canadian scarcity of suitable material clonization is compîcte which makes it almost impossible to at- omits the part played by the cir- tain accuracy in detail. But it is cuit rider and saddle preecher in an acceptcd ffact that the country. its development. the people. the governmcnt, and The first Metbodist meeting secular life in general is greatly beld in Darlington off which we influcnccd by the activities off the have authentic record was con- churcb. 'ducted at Maple Grove on what In the early istory off Upperbas long since been known as Canada the Metbodist Church Harnden's Hill at that time owncd played a very important part. If 'by Michael Cryderman. F r o m time and space permittcd it would Sanderson's First Hundred Years be intcrcsting to go back to John'off Metbodism in Canada, page Wesley and the spread of Metho- 197, we quote: "Peter Joncs tells dism in England - across to Ire- off bis visit to the Bay off Quinte land - from Ireland to United Indians - Jan. 20, 1827. I set off States, and thence to Canadà. , hoping to, reach Darlington bef ore Suffice it to, say the work in night - 21st arrived at Mr. Cry- Canada was started almost simul-;derman's near Bowmanville where taneously in various parts by sin- !about C1 Indians were encamped. cere and devoted laymen. I taught themn the Lord's Prayer In the city off Quebec in 1780 land the Ten Commandments. an officer of the 44th Regiment Held a meeting with the whites."' by the name off Tufffy, who ad Peter Jones was a converted DROP INTO YOUR ",DOMlINION"I AND LOOK OVER THESE 810 VALUES KRAFT VELVEETA PLAIN or PIMENTO CHEESE lb 16. Pkg.» 31 AYLMER SWEET GHERKINS 27-oz..2 Standard 1-z PEAS 2is. Sultano Recleaned M cLrens Peonut î.z NIJT CRUS Joir *.2 5 Claver Blossom No. 1 -lb? HONIEY White Jar* .2a DAJTES 2lb, .19 Glenwood Artificiol 8-. VfANILLA Extract ~i. BRUNSWICK 14' SARDINES - - 2 Tins 09' PINEAP-EU -m3 Tits.25 E - Tins GLASSCO' PURE 32-oz. MlARMALADE ORANGE Jar a 2 DOM ESTI 4-1b. Pkg. .43lb SHORTENING - 2 Pk-gs..23 PEL -o.1 MIXED kg.. Extra Large p per PECAN Shbeil lb..2 Colifornîi Damond Budded WALNUTS 25r Laundry Soop o SURPRISE 8«.0- Heait:. Soop LIFEDUOT Cokes.07 Screen Stars Pref r LUI SOAP Cake .06 ExceWsor Pastry Flour 45e 24 lb. bag CHRISTIE BISCUITS SODAS Pkg. .19 CHRISTIE BISCUITS RITZ 2 8-oz. O Pkgls *. 2 FrRESR FRUITSIL ANlD VEGETABLES Eatmore Cranberri os Tanugerinle Oranges Texas Grapefruit lb,, 25C doz. 15c 5 for 19e Indiani from Port Credit who be- came a native cvangelist and did a great work not only among the Indians off Upper Canada but an-ong the wbites as well. Michael Cryderman (1795-1850) refferred to was off U. E. Loyalist stock ffrom the Bay off Quinte. He came in 1825 with bis young wîffe (Annie Benson) and baby and all their earthly possessions One cent a word cash. each IN MEMORIAM in an oxcart. Under the ministry insertion (minimum c ha r ge MASON-In rnemomy off my dear- off Egerton Ryerson, 1826-28, he became the ffirst class leader and 25c). Charge of 25c extra is îy loved mother, Maria Venner local preacher in Darlington. He made when advertisement is not Mason, who passed to the Great xvas the great grandffathem off paid samne week 'as insertion. Beyond on December 3, 1937. Howard Cryderman who is a pre xr hreo O hnre- -Daughtem Hattie. sent member off Maple Grave Etacag f1cwe e Chuch.He iedat the early age plies are directed to a Statesmnan PINGLE-In loving memory off a Churc. Hedieddear wiffe and mother, Frances off 55, having left a splendid leg- box number. Births. deaths and Ann Burton Pingle, who passed acy to the community off 12 Chris- niarriages 50c each. In Memor- away December 3, 1932. tian sons and daugbters. iams, 50c for notice plus 10c Six yeams have passed, but still In the years 1828-29 the Wes- iper line for verse. Classified we miss her, e3'an Metbodists commenced ser- advertisements accepted up until Neyer shall hermemmory fade; vices in antn under Rev. 6 p.m. Wednesday. Loving thoughts will always Robert Carson off the Witby cim-lne cuit. It was said he bad no less MARRIAGE Rolad.tegaeweesei than 40 preaching appointments laid._____________ in Wbitby, Pickering Darlington, EermmbedyHuan Brock, Reacb and Uxbridge and LAYMAN-FEE - At Presbyter- -EermmbrdyHuan bis salary in 1829 was $400 a year. ian Manse, Bradenton, Florida, and Family. From Professor John Squair's Novei'nber 24, 1938, by Rev. book, The Townships off Darling- Ge.E ht,£s let ton and Clarke, page 220, we Louise (Hancock) Fee, Bow- Auc tion Sales quote: *"It would appear then that manville, Ontamio, and Mr. Hem-- -1 in the territory under discussion bert Elliott Layman, Bradenton, Mr. John Aldwortb, Lot 23, there were no churches and ffew Fia. Concession 3, Darlington, will scl parsonages prior to 1830 . . . The by public auction on Friday, De- preacbing took place in scbool DEATHS cember 9tb, ahl his ffarm stock, bouses, private bouses, barns, saw imrplements, harness, turnips, en- milîs and tanneries, and in the COWAN - At Orono, November silage, etc. For particulars sec i summr tme n cmp metigs. 26 193, Wllim Jbills. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, sume im i am meins' 6,138 Wlia ames Cowan, acilr . .Hgrb emr In Sept. 1839, Rev. Egerton Ry- aged 75 yeas Interment at alce t 12.0D.m.og48-1 erson, xriting in the Christian Orono Cemetery. Sale______12.30 __________8_1 Guardian, says that on August 25, 1839, lie preacbed twice at Bow- DREW-On Wednesday, Novem- Real Estate For Sale manville at the opening off a new ber 30, 1938, at hem home, Lot chapel whicbh le refferred to as 20, Concession 10, Brock, Carnie FOR SALE - CEMENT BRICK -commodious and neatly pewed." Philp, beloved wife off Harry P. bouse in Orono. Good garden. l It was a frame structure built on Drew, in ber 49th year. stable and garage. Apply Mrs.' the west side off Barber's Creek. Funeral from the residence, lobti Henry, Orono. 47-2-1 The f irst Anglican services in Brock, on Friday, Dec. 2, at 2.30-________- Darlington were held in Bowman- pm Interment at Cedar Vale FARMI FOR SALE - NE HUN- ville, conducted by Rev. Adam Cernetery, Cannington.- dred and f orty acres, more or less, i Ellittandin 135 he uildng ANCCK A 44 5hon Lot 31 and 32, Concession 10, Eofftfrtan ican835huilingwas lna os Au C43fSon at- Township off Clarke. Buildings. ommtenced. gicnCuc as lnLs neeCli. nSt barn and bouse are frame. As this1 Inbi Riisence s f Bw urday, November 26, 1938. W. is b)cini2 sold to settle an estate noi manville Mr. J. B. Fairbairn W. Hancock, formerly off Win- reasonable of fer will be refused.i writes. "The. Congrcgationalists nipeg. Interred at Los Angeles. Fer information apply R. R. Wad- were indeed among the pioneers HARE - In St. Catharines, on dcli. Oronlo. or A. M. Hardy~, Bow- in the onward movement. The Tbmdyioeben4 98 anville. 47-tf ffirst preacher was Mr. Machin Grace Muriel Edmondstone, be- FrSl Aug. 8, 1839, the corner stone off oe wFoffM.H.Irar.__Sale____________ a Congregational chapel was laiçl." Intemment Victoria Lawn Cerne- FOR SALE - CHOICE BARLEY The ffirst record wc ffind off the tery, St. Catharines. Sister off ta.frefrma oiu Presbyterian Churcb in Darling- Ree .A Emndtn, o- wdfsee.fQick ale. Applys ton is the formation off a congre- manville. wto Gered.Mckigalec.oA. E. igation in 1845 witb Rev. Alexan-taGog Knhc'A.E dem Stecle as minister. HUME---In Bowmanville, on Sun- Osborne, R. R. 2, Bkwvmanville. Thus we find as the yeams pass- day, November 27, 1938, Alex- 48-1 cd and the forest retmcated beffome ander Hume, in bis 8lst year. FRSL- OLSBGY the axe and the ox team off the Intemment Bowmanville Cerne- OSLîs bcd hLd's tBleGand pioneer that the leavening influ-i tery. olsbd chd'taean ence off the Christian Chumcb with1 chairs, blackboard, and a large its varying crecds and doctie PRESTON-In Arnos, Quebec, on stuffed dog. Phone 2456. 48-1 kcpt pace witb the ncw Cana- Novembcm 24, 1938, Gordon T. dians who were mostly off Enis Preston, belovcd husband off FOR SALE-ROLL TOP DESK, and Scottish origin.' Blanche Pollard, in bis 36th in good condition, oak. Wmitc In the process off time three off ycar. Intemment Union Cerne- P. O. Box M, Bowmanville, Ont. the denominations that playcd tery, Oshawa. 4- suc hean importan part inyofd-POTTER - In Toronto General Livestock For Sale ingthechaactr nd estny ff Hospital, Thursday, November Darlngto wer un felliow-2 24, 1938, Annie Potter, belovedI FOR SALE-GOOD ROAN COW,1 in the bonds off Christian elw wifc off William Potter, Bow- 5 yrs. old, freshen mgbt away, ! ship. The Methodists, Presbytcr- manville, aged 64 years. Inter- also pure bred Leicester ram;1 ians and Congregationalists as meta omnil ceey i ox stove for wood, good The United Cburch off Canada mn tBwavleCmtr. bgl eR .3 now forrn a united front and go TRULL-In Darlington, on Tucs- conditon. C.W.FeR.R.3 forth ffom conquering to conquer. day, November 29, 1938, Mary Brtn.4- ____________Elizabeth TrulI, widow off Lewis FOR SALE - ONE PURE BRED LIO S C UBTrull, in ber 8tb ycar. Inter- Jersey beiffer, due in 6 weeks, LIO S C UBment Truîl Burying Gound. $4000; 1 rcgistered Hereford (Continued from page 1) bull, 6 montb s, $50-00; somne setle thre Famig s te hie ___ FLORISTS feeder steers and beifers. Stan- industry with lumbcring in sec-TFlyMacmNsîtn 481 on psiiO.Here we ffind white rKingsway FOR SALE-~YORKSHIRE S0W pine 18"a'nd over in diameter FLOWER SHOP witb 13 pigs, Yorksbire sow tb and used only as masts for the FLR. ALi. (REATIONS - l"ikets, 9 pigs, Holstein cow just renew- Kig avy. Tbey are not cut for Wreatho and Sprays, artistiaally aii cd. R. G. Moff att, Orono. anyoter urose even on pri- inIniiilaIy arraîige(diby texpert de~- 48-1 vately owncd land. Pulp and pa- sgir.Foesfralocsos per making is also a large indus- Phones: 772, 2632 or 2633 FOR SALE - FOUR SOUTH- try and duc to geographical posi- Bowmanvllle down ewes in lanib: one Suffplk tion the export trade is quite rani. Ap)ply Alan Duncan. Bow- good because freight rates are CARD 0F THANKS manville R.R. 2. 46-3 now concluded the speaker. M. Telford was introduced by Mms. Memel V. T. Nokes and For Sale or Rent Rev. .F anister and tbe vote ffarily wisb ta thank their ffiends________________ of t Jnk as moved by Gco. L. and neighboms for their kind ex- FOR SALE OR RENT - SIX- Davidgc President J. J. Brown pressions off sympathy and beau- roomied bouse on Liberty St., im- cnnductede meeting. tifful floral tributes sent during mdaepseso.Apyt I their ecent sad bereavement. bert E. Hircock Box 479, Cobourg. CHRISTMAS DINNER COMING EVENTS 46-tf Wben the smcll cornes from the Public Scbool Concerts will be To Rent Of godsaoy ndsae held Monday and Tuesday, Dec. FOR RENT-NICELY SITUATED An' it sets my lips t' twitcbin' l9th and 2tb. 48-t bouse, ail conveniences, fumnace, An' my appetite t' rage; Courtice Circuit B rothcrbood bardwood floors, garage and When I bear the wimniin gabbin' wl eti bnzrSna garden, to ent at once, ent Wbetber this or that thing's Sebl meo n mda, eeber S2, at reasonable. Apply "ýCH." Draw- donc, Shoo_______eme , t erB Bwavil. 8t ýAn' I smeîî mince pies a-warmin' 8 p.m. Rev. W. F. Banister wiîî c ,Bomnilc 8t Thn kowtht hee'l e un be tbe speaker. TO RENT - SEVEN-ROOMIED IWhen I bear the dishes rattlin' Tyrone Boys' Club Open Amna- Aatet etdwt esO Cuz the table's hein' set, teur Contest, Tyrone Hall, Fmi- Burner. ail modemi conveniences, An' the wirnmin ffuss anîd fumin' day, Dec. 9th, 8 p.rV. $8.00 in cash fiep)lace and garage. Applv to Ovor what theres next t' get; prizes. Phone entries B'ville 2343 ['boue 388 or Mms. Archie Tait, jWhen the oven door is opened, or write Lorne Mortson, Tyrone. i Division St.47t* And I get a whiff a-that, 48-1 An' the wirnrin talk off bsi' tae __ With the grease an' with the fat; A\t Ilamoton United Chumchi on When1171- me-11tie crrot npuddin' ia. Dec. 211d. at 8 p). ni. the i STRAYED ON TO THE FARM 'off sceing what you boy in the two months have been holding on1 Chance for advancenient. Appli "flsh" and not in an exaggerated in the absence off Captain Hutcb- i omt 4iy al6Det. 1 picture. Read this Christmas is- inson who bas been sick in To- Masson Street, Montreal. 46 sue off The Statesman carefully. ronto, announce tbey are in e- It will pay you big dividends - it ceipt off orders to farewell, Sunday Look - Listen! will make yous gift rnoney go for- December 4tb. They express to ther. the citizens off Bowrnanville and OIL BURNER GIVES ENTIRI As a further convenience to neigbboring towns their opprecia- comfort and satisfaction:, burr customers stores will be open tion for the generous support 96 per cent. air; only 4 Per cent eoch Wednesdoy all day during which bas been given towamds the oi]: saves over haîf the cost c December, as well as soi-e being Arny work irn the district. The coal or wood. Sec it in operatioi open in the evenings till Christ- new officer, to be announced lat- at the home of W. M. Ives, Cent: ~.mas. cmr, will take charge Decernbem 9. St.. Bowmanville. 46. .~i.' A £ A Radios For Sale RECONDITIONED RADIOS - 1 R.C.A. Victor, Mantel, $6.50; 1 Serenader, Mantel. $7.50; 1 ing Mantel, $11.95; 1 Sonora, Con- sole, $11.00; 1 DeForest Crossley, Console, $11.95. Apply Bill Ai- Phone 607. 4& Beauty Culture Informationl WantedCrpny PERMANENT WAVES - $2.00, INFORMATION W A N~ T E D - __________ $3.50, $5.00; Sharnpoo and Fin- Naines off persons at any time CARPENTRY OF ALL KIND. gcrwave 50c; at the Iris Beauty responsible for damage to pro- done at easonable prices. Hard Parloum. Phone 2601. 48-1* perties at "The Cove", West wood flooms and trirn. Sav, _______________________ Beach. Confidential. Liberal filcd. Chas. L. Warren, Hamp Weatherstrip eward. M. J. Henderson, Nom- ton. 48-4 thcmn Assurance Co., 615 Yonge, JH. VANCE WHO HAS GIVEN Tont.42 Notice such excellent satisfaction in in- stallinz the fanions Chamberlin Position 'Waiited M\etal Weatherstrip on doors and CLERK'S NOTICE 0F FIRS'J windows wilI be in Bownianville EXPERIENCED GIRL WANTS POSTING 0F VOTERS' LIST sliortlv. He also does dustless work looking affter cbîldrcn or floor sanding. Phone 663 or leave general bousework. Apply toi Voters' List 1938, MunlclPaltY0 orders at Statesmnan office and "G.M." Drawer B, Bowmanville. Darlington, County of Durham MmI. \Vance will caIl and Rive es -___48____________ timnates f rce. 47-2 Notice is hemeby given that 1 Shooting Match ýhave comnplicd with Section 10o Lost -the Voters' List Act and that Lost A SHOOTING MATCH WILL BE have posted up at my office L OS T - BLACK AND TN bdatBîWd'son mile Hampton on the 5th day of - N TN nortb off Courtice, on Saturday, vember, 1938, the list off ail pe bound. Please notify Gilbert Dc. lth. beginning at 1 p.M. sons pntitlcd to vote in the sal Adcock, Hampton. Phone 2426. Turkcys for prizes. 48-2 Municipality for Members off Pa 48-1 liarnent, and at Municipal Ele Roo an BordMiscellaneous 'tions, and that sucb list ernai MISS MARORIE BONSALLt1AnreIfor iseycion. n al M IS S M A R JO IEoBrU N S A L A n d If or eb ysp c ati o u o n ai.v ROOM AND BOARD FOR ONE will be glad to show Phantom crs to take immediate proccedin or two gentlemen, in cornfort- No-Shado Hosiery at ber home, to have any errors or ornissio able, quiet home. Phone 2193. King Street. Fashionable new corrected according t o1la w, t]l 1 48-1 shades., in special Christmnas 'last day for appeal heing Satui wmapping. Phone 326 . 48-1* day, the l2tb day off Decernb Feed Special \ETEDGRG N A 1938. WESTENDGARAGEANDMA-_1 Dated this 3tb day off Nove: lWEEKLY FEED SPECIAL-SOY chine Shop - We specialize in ber, 1938. Bean Meal, $1.65 per cwt. Offer imaclîinerv repairs. genemal gar-1 J. D. HOGARTH, good until Jec. 8tb. F. C. Van- ace repairs, weldingz, towinz ser- î Clerk off Darlington Townh stoe.Phone,, 77. 48-1 vi. . L. I liiz.Prnrietor, 41 IFROMIi TH/ KO The Gi foi $1.2 Ki Men'*s Toilet Colgates .......... IWoodbury's ......... Yardley's ........ $1, Williams, ........... Jasmine .......... Gardenia .......... 's 1- p..4 i iry &Lovell's AT WILL BE APPRECIATED )DAKS I YuLadies ift hat asts If o were Men you would Select )r that Ls ts Gifts like These rowniesRols 5 $4.75 jRazor (odaks At 0.-$14.50$ ez ScI kEecrcRao . 1 tSets Z5c -$14 .. 49e- 98C: LOO - $7.00 ... .. 98CI 85c . $4.00 q5c - $4.00' Pyralin Gift Sets 3 PC. - 5 PC. - 7 pc. 10 PC. Sets $2.98 - $14.50 PERSONAL Christmas Cards and Calendars From your own Snapshots. - There 's Nothing more Personal and Nothing More Reasonable. CARDS, black and white - -. doz. $1.50 CARDS, colored - - - - doz. $2.50 CALENDARS- - 5c each - 2 for 25c Smiles 'A Chuckles Finest Quality Chocolates In i 2, lb. - lb. - 2 lb. - 5 lb. boxes Per lb. - SOC Gillette Razor ...... 59e -$5 (with 10 Blades) Gillette Electrie Razor .. $20. Wilkinson Razor......... $3. Auto Strop Razor .. 98c - $5. Wardonia English Razor. 50 Packard Electrie Razor ..$8.5 Stationery 25C - $3.0 Inx Gift Boxes Waterman's Pens Nî Smartly Designed - Perfect Writers $2.50 - $8.00 ,ach- REVLON - LA CROSSE - CUTEX Manicure Sets Priced - - - - - 20e to $4.O HARRIET HUBEARD AYER Make-up Sets - - - - $1.00 - $. B ath Sets - - - - - $1.50 - . Elizabeth Arden Make-up Sets------ $3.00 to $5.O Bath Sets ---------75 to $4.2t Compacts From------------ 50 to $5.0( Cigars - Cigarettes- Tobaccos - Ljighter Inx Christmas Gift Wrappings - Subscriptions to ail Magazines- JURY & LOVELÉ Phono 778 -When We Toit Eyes It Io Done Properly vice. J. 1- Liemerijng, rruplictui, ti We Deliver 1