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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Dec 1938, p. 8

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PAEEGTTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMIANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, DEEBR1SH t3 Seedless Raisins 2 IL Ourrants - - 2 lb. Whole Citron Peel lb. Cnt Mixed Peel - lb. Walnuts - - - lb. Bleached Sultanas lb. Lexias Raisins- 2 lb. 30C orange and Lemon Caps-- lb. 25C Whole Mi.xed Peel - - - - lb. 25c Almonds - - - lb. 60C iGlazed Cherries - lb. 40c Finest Poultry For Christnmas Trade WEEK-END SPECIALS Manning's Butter Sodas .... lb. pkg. 1 4C Stoned Dates .............. 2 Ibs. 23C Maple Leaf Lard ........ 20-lb. Pail $2-10 Red Rose Tea ...............'1/2«1b. 33c Orange Pekoe Tea .......... 1/2-b. 38c I-einz Assorted Soups....... 2 tins 25e Ocean Crest Salmon ........ tail tin 25c Peanut Butter ............ 3-lb. tin 45c Pure Lard ............ 3-lb. blocks 35c O'Keefe's Ginger Aie ........ 4 for 60c Christmas Boxed - Plus Deposit Christmas Wrapped Chocolates - Cigars - Cigarettes and Tobaccos. OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL CHRISTMAS HAýRRY ALLIN* Phone 367-368 Bowinanville CROSS AND 1 TIRED FROM CHRISTMAS SHOPPING? Try a Glass of .GLEN RAE MiIk and be Happy Again Tired shoppers every- where are dinking Glen Rae Dairy Milk to restore their lost energy. A glass with every /1 ineal is good or be- tween meals. It will relieve that tired feel- ing. GLEN RAE DAI RY ^QIPhone 2665 Bowmanvllle qiIVIYd je. 0 CANADIAN NATIONAL TELEGRAPHS MONEY ORDERS AND EXPRESS 0 SPEED, DEPENDA81LITY, SAFETY Indulge in your favorite Summer sport -ail Winter-in the balmy, invigorat. ing climnate of Cacada's Evergreen Play. ground. Golf, hiking, riding, motorirlç, yaching, tennis . . . enjoy maestic mountain scenery-see snow-clad Canadian Rockies en route. Special Winter rates at hotels. Attractive rail fares now in effect and! until May 14. Retura limit: Standard, 3 months Tourist and Coach, 6 months. Stop.. overs allowed at intermediate points. Enjoy Wlnter sports in the Canadien Rockles -specillo1wrail fare in ffet durint Jan- uary, February and March. Pull information front any ticket agen4 itranin i carge of Mrs. M. Hobbs. Limited Quantity '> fl (bnistian Fellowslipi Couvenor. De- Ideal Christmas $29.95 Service votinsal story I)v Miss Olga Sander- HARDING'S Gift ........I ... so:vocal qolit 1sy Miss Dickie ; re- ~ ~ ~ TaLe citation Ibv Jean Crossusan; tnpic by ARID U IK MELf Ni r. NI. I lea d ; pia nio solo by M rs. C i farsev Mi Gil!. Recreation cuîtsist- For Arthritls, Rheumnatle cdl of a sicliiig match conuîmter! bv Pains, Sciatica, Lumbago,D o Mnr. Hulard. Kidney Troubles, Neuritis. m ~Ask Cowllng, the drugglst, O H W * Arepartee is usually what you about It. 8-29 * Phone 84 O H W think of when you get home- ~ En iedSTORY TELLER Day." and "In Thy Keeping" was Que., and Mrs. James McNaliy Enfieldread bv Hazel Aidred. (Annie). North Oshawa. 1____ Miss Betty Mof fat attcndcd Dar- The funeral was hield from the ci cet \ stors: M.\r. and Mirs. J.- inton Sundav Schooi Convention, faiiv residence. south of Taunton, smtbuuiîaxîiv Bocaygon.at ec.7that EeneerandbrogbtFridav. aiso a service at Zion United silit ad ailiv.BocagebaatDe. thatplen and i! rorgt t hrch with Rev. Walter Rackhaxn NIr. H skiii Smîithis. . . . M.\r. and bakasluddadfl rpr oi charge. Interment in the Zion H.l13eaton. Oshawa. at Mr. L. the Sundav School on Sunlday iorll- Cemcterv. SPascoes. . .Mr. and Nfrs. R.in.______________ l'iis Ziol. 101 at Mr. G. Ornîiiston's. A successful pot luck dinner and ...ir. and Mrs. L. Stinson and bazaar was heid at Mr. and Mrs. W. jiainilv. Oshawa. at 'Mrs. J. Stinson's. Avis' Fridav evening, sponsored by TowVnship Council r.andMr.Fak asn \Vomen's Association. Harnîonv. made severai friendiy calis o hd 'h s living iu this neizbourhood... Mr. and WM~rs. .. ortridge. "o1- CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL Nirs.L. Brrai!and biid~n, Mpie er daughter. Mrs. Biight. ,ro. r. j. ars ns, Bowmnviii pe, Brookiin. is verv ili. Cartwright Council met Dec. at NIr. M. Sainis'... . . . Mr. and Mrs. Rsîbv Bailev is some better after 5th. Memnbers were ail present B3ert NMcCuiiiocli. Oshawa, at Mrs. . a bad attack of tonsilitis. excepting Clerk W. Beacock. H. McCuloc's.Congratulations to Mr. and! Mrs. Thompson, treasurer, acted for the W'.. mt a Mr. . Sarks wenBruce Hanthorui. on tire arrivai of a cierk. tiies etaîcc rs erJr.eletr' Pres. baby datigbter on December 8tli. Communication from R e a c h -Mrs Ai. Pesctt;Vic-Pre.- _______________ Township and agreement from -NI__________________ePres Darlington Township re boundary Nirs. NV. Ferguson; Sec-M\iss Elsie lines were received. Samlis: Treas-Miss Bessie Pascoe; Obiiu ry .Hri euetdgatt Flower Com.-Mrs. F. Gilbert ar arrivt s reqestedgrant to Mrs. M. dStis;an unrs. L. .-s Wesley W. Glaspell. Taunton By-law was passed fixing speed co. Oris-rs. G.\fBowman.nd AlphaL.P.lPas limit in Blackstock at 30 miles per oenîberastof \Vr.A. and families PicWesiev \WGlaspel. a intentiwr Of hour. Clerk will take action re biar an enloyabie and sociable even- Oshawa. native of Bowmanville .,a ionceer fîamiiv of I)arlinzton completion of same.S imi at the commodious home of Mrs. and. now an octogenarian who Township, and well-known in titis By-law was passed naming -rdSihFia vnn.po continues to write human interest dlistrict. passed awav Decemiber 7th. polling places, D.R.O.s and Poli j lredsiv ot Fcrd pa eni. Pro-s tories for his home town paper .it the farmn bouse. Lot 1. Concession Clerks in case of a municipal el- eresîv iot hir vaspiaed ndas xiii be seen by the accompany - 3. Wbitbs Townshtip, lie xas, ection. Mrs. 'M. Saînis scored the higbiest in ing story. i1 Oi er Kerr Bros. tender for bridge m- - the ladies' class aund Mr. Russell Gil- ____iii_______________tibetfr 93 ws ccptr!a bert in the gentemens clats. eaci He hiad been working arouund the tmf3 fo21300 Mcepeda receivinz a svorthy prize. Af~~jl~ f arm ulntîl a week azo. wlhen hce$2.0 per M 1 Abu tetyfvemmbr o he MU[~1U ~ beae i ar atr eS îana Counicil purchaser! 3000 ft. of ZoYu. twnvsie! ou rsP..ov.e A PAIR O wO eCk nfi ln! tier losC. pastcdsnow fence and necessary posts. Zio YP.. vsiedou Y..U Nv.By Alpha Pinch ek ofndttehus. pse Orders were signer! as follows: gram after which lunch was server! jBorns in Darlinztou Township. sou and damages- -- $ 30.00 G and a friendiv intercourse was in- Soule 30 vears ago two boys. f roin of the late Frank Giaspell and Tam- I. Whitfield, 1 lamb killer!, duiged in. 14 to 16 vears ot age. were seater! Ant Weeks. Wesiev \V. Glisrelilbad! 1 injured --- --------- 9.00 Last seek's Young Peopie's mneet- iu a sette in an anti-roomi of a -,,est-; user! bis crntire if c in the iimmeidiate M. F. Emerson, Sec.-Treas. ine was in cherge of President Frank cru Union Teiegraph of fice. Each district aroundr Taunton. lie m.îrried 1 S. S. No. 9 --,.--,125.00 McM.\ulien. Devotioriaisvas given bV boy sxas wearinz a cap with the Fannie Mitchiell. aise ef i te cT.tunton Enva Bradburn, grant to Fred Samis : Elsie Samlis gave a 1 opn name on the baud. One diztri:t ..and theïr home was vvelli Iernxetery-- 10.00 O readinz and the topie on "'Our i t llessenzers the dav previonskex ts s lo.te ,d frîilu-0. Wright. roads & bridges 228.10 Leaguie' was preparer! bY Doris har! zone awav. a fact whicb had in liiness.F.iection supplies. etc. 9.05 Milison: Mrs. G. Bowntan and Eliz- 01ne nmvsterious wav iar! been noiser!d ~ :~~t fv er ei! ev 00 abeth Pascoe favorer! with a chier.abroar!. So ditrinz the dav a dozen ýlle she~.. *1c t 'r171ce- W. G. lt. Cotincillor 50.00 Eiection of officers conducted bDy bovs bar! appied for the job but m uic-a~ :ru i c:~'R. Bvcrs. Counecillor 50.00 Rev. Lackev. resuited as foiiows :- in bm ba!beBnaer. ~ ~ ~ ~ ,. BHcasllp. Cotincilior.-- 50.00 Houl. Pres.-Rev. H. Lackey; Pres.- shirIvl fore 6 oci<ck another box . *. . 1 W o:k:n'1o1n1Lor50.0 Heicu Stark; Sec-Elizabeth Pas- aiîpeareti. A messenzer lad svaitine Uî'îîtî dand ecn. c X't-. ,, t- co;Assist.-Vera Stinson : Treas.- il, the anti-room 10 deliiser teiezramis ed at 1Iýe Rovali \V;" A el jross 152.00d Frank Smith: Missioniarv Treas.- inointed to a door letterer! Assistait 'Guelph. 1uor - 2.00t Howrd rmiton Co v 11 r : Mnagr.He svaý .àad1herent out :::c ~-W. .Ferguson. Collector.-100.00 Christian Feiiowship-Frank MeMu[tl- Te'pian asa'ianmai e eth dist Cbnrcl. T luw : %v' xiii meet December 15, ]en; M.issions-Fred Griffin : Citizen- littie fellosv witlt frank binle eyes. Chuirch. ar and a-.ede.ises:c at a: 2 Prn. ship-Eunice Knapp: Culture-Fred What is vour namne. asked tbe assist- Zion. east of Taunton. In po!îicý ____________ Samnis: Recreation -Wilfrid B3OW- ant manager, \Villie Morris. Sir. I he svas ýa stauinch Liberi. nman: Pianists-Eunice Knapp, MYrs- hase been goirig to scbool aur! then Hi,; erandfatbcr. the lateMr Glas- U Y G. Boxvan: Social Com .-Verna selilînewsspaper. mv mother bas peu,. came to Caniada front the hIe PR Grif fin. Elsie Samis. beeîî sick and I bave not been to of Wight. aund took up farminiz in -~Bv the ancients courage was scbool for a month. Darlineton toswnship, and stme Of regarder! as practically the main The manager questioned hlm fur- tbe descendents have remainer! in part of virtue; by us, though 1 Ty o ether and in a few minutes he Was the same district ever since.j hope we are flot less brave, pur-à engaged. You will go on the night. Besides the bereayed wife. the sur- ity is so regarded now - courage Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Fred force at 7 touigzht and get off some. vivine members of the famiiv are F., however kindled is fanned by the Brooks and Master Floyd, Co - here around Il o'clock. Another B. GlaspelI. Hamptont; F. C. Glas- breath of man: purity lives and bora MrGe.Bok an boy will o sith you for a week aund pet!. R.R. 2. Osbaswa. and Mrs. Geo. derives its life soiely from the S M. ïLeslie Brooks. . . . Mr. and von iii be f urnished with street car Hilts. Mary Street, Oshawva. Also Spirit of God."-Hare. Mrs. Harolr! Burgess and family tickets anr! a book to enter s our car two brothers aud îwo sisters. Dr.1 "The chaste mind, like a polish- Phc: at r Earl Sehn' on fare. X'our sxage iil be $350 per G. W. Glaspeli. Grafton. North Da- 1er! plane, may admit f oul thoughts Pleasant. Mrs. F. Rose Sutton sxcek for a mnonth, titan $400 for 5 kota: C. .1. Glaspel. Toronto; M1rs. without receiving their tincture." reund with them for the win- moittits aîtd more after that if satis- F. J. Partons (Regina), Hamlpstead, -Sterne. ter. .Mss Vera Carr, Toronto, factor,. rwithMs.Achie Virtue. . . . Mr. Thaîsk vou. answered Willie, mos. and Mrs. rchie Virtue at Mr. mei. tosvards the door aur! then the ChsM Sa's roo naîtazer itotîcer! tbat he xvas bare- Mrs. Horace Hall is in Boxvman- foot. Here. bere, where are voiir V;ille Hospital. ýhoes. asked tise manager. You w il WNew officers of the L. 0. L. were hsave to bsîrrs boute aur! back with installed by County Master Les-tin. Fred Smith; Fin. Sec. - H. Woods; 1 avn' av hos Sir. No sbocs O H RSI ITreas. - B. Gardiner; Marshal - W. WclI. sve cant tave any barefoot Murphy; Lect. - H. Murphy Jr. messeneers around here. cant vou Iand T. Tabb. zet auy ? l'Il try my best. Sir, be Mission Band met Thursday sair!. xith a tremor lu bis voice. afternoon. Theme was "Christ- Airieht. turnun h ere at 7 with vour Imas Means Giving." Worship sltocs on aur! tbe place, is yours, story "A Christmas Legion" by otberwise we will bave to get somte Winnie Brooks; scripture by Laur- oue elte. ence Tabb; a short story was giv- The boy svalked siowiy out through Een by Marion Jones, Glen Brooks, th, auti-room where the same box *Donald Dudley, Fay March and came in. EJean Dudley; story by Shirley 1 heard vou say hy yon hadu t Park, "Christmas at Wa An anv shoes. Your feet are about the China"; music by Douglas Barr; same sîze as mine. Sit down aur! ty story by Miss Nina Hodgson. themn on aur! sec bow they f it. I amSEÂ Games and canr!y were enjoyed. off at 7. the time you corne on. They gE Temperance program was given . at Sunday School in charge of f itter! hlm serfectly. gSupt. A. H. Brent. Miss Helen He. was toîr! to hurry home and ETrimm gave a story "I am a Cock- eet bis supper aur! returu. A restur- tail"; violin selection, Cranston ant next door that was open aIl night Scott, accompanier! by Mrs. Scott; was a place where the sboes were tope recitation, Miss Eclna Cameron, be lef t when be went off duty 50 pe "If it was not for the Drink"; bis benevoleut f riend coulr! get them c n piano duet, Misses Helen and next day wen e went on dut. His ce Marion Werry; reading "The Bni- artinez waringz was "Be sure voir dal Wine Cup", Mrs. R. Wright. ]eave themn there or I will be out of Program doser! with a talk by Mr. a lob. and! don't scuff tbem arounr! Brn.as tbev cost me $1,25. D A D 'J W ~ T U Little Miss Dorotby Skinner So the partnersbîp in sboes was 13 R N D & W G A R A was guest of honor at a birthday carrier! on for a week. Then when party helci at the home of her the week's nay came a new pair was Complete Selection of 1938 aunt, Mrs. L. J. Goodman, Tues- purchaser!. day afternoon when she celebrat- This act of kindness bas madle Marconi - Stromberg-Carlsou er! ber th birthday. A number of these two boys close friends. Now W littie girls and boys were present. 30Ilvears ;later. Willie Morris is a ME E A ELECTI The afternoon was spent in games, sucssf ul manager aur! bis partuer E E A -etc., after whicb a delicious sup- lin the one week sboe trade 15 a suc- 1938 Mantel Model Radio per was serveci by Mrs. Goodiman, cessful lumber merchant lu another Mrs. Skinner and Mrs. N. J. c :. ý,itv. .v av etab;lhr! the cus- MRg it$99 la .6 Y /4 I '. * "Have you seen the misletoe?** "Yes-but wliere are My Sweet Caps?" 1 CANZÂNSATONA If SWEET CAPORAL CIGAREftES "The purest form in which tobacco can be çmoked." IVE PRACTICAL LFTS FOR CHRISTMAS ur suggestion is that if you really want to make WARM FRIENDS GIVE B9LUE COAL We'll deliver in any quantity you want and at any tune. lVbat more acceptable glft can you tblnk of lin these times than Blue Coal? A TIMELY SUGGESTION Being lin the fuel business we probably shouldn't make this suggestion, but out of the goodness of our heart we must tell you. For solld comfort and warmth and to save on your fuel bill our Combination Doors and Stormi Sash are just what you need. We bave ail sizes and they' are surprislngly low lIn price. Sec these to-day. heppard & Giui Lumber Co. Mt. one 715 Bowmanville Sper OFF cent __ _ _ 6NTIEED RADIOS SModels, including n- General Electric [os $1 9.95 ir Saving of $10.00 HC CONSOLE RADIOS eautiful cabinet, $ 9 5 Eu.ropean reception $ 9 5 , ception on local and and your -g. $79.50 old radio ;OLE RADIOS ers, King, Westinghouse $4.95 this weekend ends ,A r only $2.9.$29.95 3Brand new models! Dozens of Good 1936-37 -.1- . 9 0 -, - 7

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