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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Dec 1938, p. 10

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THE CAAIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO 'I1 _ _ _ - M.- -- àý- a . The Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 Miss Dorothy Henning visited Fred Couch Sr.,left on a motor Mr. Jimmy Thompson, Bowman- 1trip to, Vrginia Friday __________ ville, on Sunday Rev. Eugene Beech, Newton- Mr. Geo. Gray went to Christie ville, preached in the United from England 81 years ago. Dur- 131RTHS IN MEMORIAM St. Hospital, Toronto, last week! Church Sunday. exchanging pul- ing the dlay she received numer-- Notice for examination. pits with Rev. R. E. Morton. ous gîfts and messages eftngit GREENHAM - At the Bowmianvlle PERKIN - In ever lovîng mnemory_______________ Mr. R. B. Le Gresley, accomp- Employees of the Carl Weyrichi ulation. Among the callers from Hospital. on Thursday, Dec. 8th, of our dear Mother. Mrs. James Owing to the serious illness of anled by Mr. John Quigg and Mr.; factory worked tili 5 e'clock one a distance were Mr. and Mrs. W. 1938. to Mr. and Mns. Chas. H. Perkin. who passed awav at her Mi\alor H. J. Dudley, Radio Inspector, morning, .vorking al nighit to, f il J. Eilbeck. Toronto. Greenham. Maple Grove, a son home in Moorefield, Ont., 0" he lias had to, discontinue this work. a rush order for boxes. The boys Miss Reita Cooke xvas piano ac- (Elgin Charles). December 12th, 1937. People are advised to sectire their ______________________didn't have tu go to work again cempanist for Roy Ashton, Bren- McLEAN - At Bowmanville Hos- -Daughters, Mabel and M.\audc. licenses elsewhiere and at once. 50-1 that morning. ton Riekard and Chas. Clemence Dital on December 11, 1938, te Mr. Coincident with the building in their instrumental numbers at and 'Mrs. Russell McLean. Bow- FLORISTS WILL THE PARTY WHO BOR- TO PARENTS operations at the J. Anderson Brown's school Tuesday evening. manville. a daughter. rwdD.TzesCtl eoie Smt o atrthe regular On the eame evening Miss Mar- rodD.TiesCateeonr sth Con factor mloes r garet Pearce xent to Blackstock S.\LTER - At Bowmanville Hos- Kingsvvay please return it at once and oblige. Bring your children's old working overtime evenings to, with Mr. Stanley Riekard, violin- vital on December 10, 1938, to Mr. FOWRDrPvil. F ihV . om sktsadbosadtae keep up with the rush of orders. ist, as his accompanist on a pro- and Mrs. Harold Salter, Hampon F L O R AI, eREATIONS - 1 as1,ýts, vle.5- them in for a new~ set. Some farmers are taking ad- gram. a son (stili born). ' raHil ani Simnys. artistieuIIy foan Secnd andses fr sle vantage of this mild December By a recent ruling of th~e Lib- individuatiy arranged by . xpert de- lIî 'ne weaher whch oweer as eenrar Bord he our duingcastie, who led in an opening Phones: 772, 2632 or 2633 ai breaking no records, to get ahead which the reading roomn is open sing-song with Mrs. E. C. Fisher Bowmanville S.\LESMýEN !-IF YOU ARE NOT ivith their spring plowing. Qriite to the publie is now extended and at the piano. E.S A L R anme aebe enplowing nifutenoceherr wl carinei $3 a day. you cannot af- RvR.A hta hwda for e miss this opportunity. Oven Shoe Rebuilder this past week. be open on Tuesday and Thursday number ef sldes depicting the: COMFIINE VENTS 800 men make frein $18 te $50, Division Sre Mrs. Geo. Eilbeck celebrated her evenings from 7 to 9 o'clock. The serious and et ten tragie results of. i_ Streetbrtda o December l3th. reading roem il open during the driving after drinkîng. 0f special Staý uhe ose îg wccklv accnrdiniz to ahilitv with Strrd birthdaynSon ofong- distribution of 200 guaranteed pro- _____________________Mrs. Eilbeck came to Newcastle da3ytime and the circulation de- interest te the yeunger folk pre- 'land Hall on Friday, Decemnber 23, (lucts. Cash sales. Combination ________________________________________________partment on Monday, Wednesday sent was a slide shewing pictures at 8.30 p.nî. sharp. AIl fouI for offers. Liberal commission. Best and Saturday evenings as usual. of Connie Smythe, Manager ef the 5r0-. l1* time to start. For complet, details Miss Annabelle Hendry. teach- Maple Leaf Gardens and the To- and catalogue f ree: Familex Ce.. er at Pontypeol public scheol, also rente Maple Leafs hockey team; Salemn Christmas Concert will be 570 St. Clement. Mentreal. 50-1 Steaches a bible class etferty King Clancy and Sylvanus Apps,i held in Salem Church on Wednesday, ________________ members at the Pontypool U. C. outstanding hockeyists, and other Dec. 2lst at 8 p.m. Admission 15c edSpca S. Sehool en Sunda afterneens leading athietes in different fields and 10c. ______________________ YOUR and when she comes home te the of sport. They ahl are determined Lake Shore fer weekends she al- ly' opposed te the drinkîng et al- Shaw*s Christmas Concert will be WNEEKLY FEED SPECIAL - ways leaves in time te reach hier cehelie beverages. Their express- hcld Monday Dec. l9th. Admission Low grade fleur for f ced. $1.20 class fer the SundaySehool ses- ed conviction, and that et most 5an100ccw. ffegodntlD. sin.NteeySunday Sehool others who are et any note in the 15c2ndd0c.F.er Cw . OVansodton. Phne77. teacher, who doesn't have te drive werld et sports and athletics, l5 The Public School Concert ini Higli 50-1 about 15 miles as Miss Hendry that ne one can attain te physie c holAdtoimnxMna n c h ri tm 8 s t re orkanddevtedto er cassas ny lcooli beeraes.Tucsday. Dcc. l9th and 2th: 'Junior Room and Boardý this. Dr. W. E. Milisen, Welcome, Operetta. Choruses. Orchestra. Ac -________________ delivered the main address, vig- - obatics. Dancing. By special ar- BOARD AND ROOM - ALSO C h ristilia s S to re ;; d;; ;;ng the ber uor dnnksrangement wth. Samul Fenc an - N.1 ~ Tmprane reslyinicingth lquo tafie circulatersteve fer sale. Apply T m e Atc etn stesm I nm fmn o the senior pupils are presentîn cno.Poe84 ingSt EiderdownNe c tl kird it had ever been. Alcohol in Wofaedcuerv ihtePics n .'%cno.Poe84 t R 0 3E $e9 ulcmeigOnteUCSS effeets teday that it ever had. It B A L hall, Newcastle, Friday evening, bas ne redeeming qualities. It is Real__________ For__ Sale j~December 9, under the auspices et the chiet cause et wrechedness, o 14 Won's Warm Robes of plain color Ilsmond Cloth. They are Durham County Temperance Fed- foolishness, degradation, destitu-:IFOR SA LE - BRICK HOUSE, 7 ___ the kind you would expect to pay rauch higher for. They have eratien, marked the beginning et tien, serew and remore.It tiîîs roems, one-haît acre land, small 0F THE CORPORATION 0F Shawl Collar and are finished on edges with Sllk Cord Trim. a ceunty wide drive for a larger our penal institutions, our houses barn, fruit trees, 2 miles north THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVIILLE Colors are Blue, Rose and Green. membership, a membership pledg- et charity, and our redemptive ofplB . MacDllonamldMe rs ylaaoprvdb en SIZES SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE ed te total abstinence trom alco- homes for girls. It is a vicieus Rad, yB.wmanvirlle. 492e of AxBato fo the eas belle liquors and te active OPPOSI- public enemy that respects ne on e. R_____________49-__otaatinfrteetabish tien te the liquor trade. It casts the old aside and tempts - ment and maintenance of a fund The meeting took cegnizance et yeuth te its undeing. The liquor For Sale for the support and aid of a the alarming increase in dinking trade te thrive must ever entice Band te be known as "Bow- "G ro "both by me n d wm ude the yugit its nets The situa- FOR SALE - QUANTITY 0F manville Town Band." the present L.C.A. et Ontario and r tien teday calîs tor concerted ac- grain. Oats 30c. Buckwheat 45c. __ et the devastating effeets et the tien te cembat the trade. J. E. Gibson. Maple Grove. 50-1 WHEREAS a petitien toi' the AU_____________ establishment et a tund under Ai olconsomption et se much alcehol, Rev. R. A. Whattam was pre- FOR SALE-ONE COAL BLOW- authenity et Revised Statutes et and registered a determination te, sent te premete the weltare et er. burns screcnings, cheap. Apply Ontarie 1937, Chapter 2'f6, section tight with a renewed viger against the County Fedieration. To have Glen Rac Dairy, Bowmanville. 405, sub-section 65, signed by net Fine Quallty AIl Wool Sklrte. the terces et the liquor traffic. weight it sbould have an increas- 265 01,esta ite e etmi Tbey are so, popular for winter N L Kennetb E. Ceurtice et Cour- ed membership and te do any ef- Phone nu65.ber1 ess t ithe elerct uaine wear. Choose from varions styles tice presided and supperting him tective work it must have ade- AISFR AE-M NTEL eothemoe by-as qaccord- andcolrs f row, Nvy Greli Mby their attendance were A. J. quate tunds and he set a possible and console medels. varieus makes. ing te the last revised veters' list, Wlne. etc. Knox, Orone, Ceunty Secretary;, objective betore the meeting. Bl li.Kn n iiinSsbsbe rsne bCucl SIZES 14 TO 20 Russell Osborne, County Treasur- i There was a good representa-' Phonîe 607.AD HEEA0t-s ecssr er, and Rev. H. W. Feley, Bow-1 tien et temperance workers pre- AN WHR Sitsnesar «ffl manville, Promoter et the County sent trom different parts et Livestock For Sale te, provide the sum et One Thous- Organization's torward mevemetCak pfo okats O-_______________ and Dollars annually te provide PULL FASHIONED plans. Other clergymen presentiene, Kendal, Starkville, Newten- OR SALE- GRADE JERSEY fo he said tond and te, levy for weeRv .Ltlwod rnvle as well as trom Newcastlei Cow . 'the said ameunt annually the sumi were Rdev.S.Lite wodrspernodavile. epne a ae5vears eld. milking. aIse et One Thousand Dollars by a spe- "Gordoni" Chiffon wb odce h osi e-adarayrsos a aeibred pvrice $45.00 cash. A. J.1 cial rate on all the rateable pro- led; Dr. W. E. Milîson, Wl m;te Mr. Whattam's presentatien e apoGfv. 02 Rev. R. A. Whattam et the O0n- the case in bis talk on "The Duty Campbell. . perty i tbe Moncipa0-ty rotare.eene Feeio, e- tth eu.DOGS FOR SALE - RED AND1 AND WHEREAS the amount et rene; ev.Eugne eec, Nw- Mrs. R. T. Rutherford <'entri- and white maIe Cocker, rcd andth whole rateable property et H o s 7 9tonville; Rev. W. C. Smith, Cour- buted a vocal sole "Evening whîite feinale Cocker. onîy twe the Corporation according te the ~~ H o se 719C ~~tice; Rev. W. P. Rogers, Bewman- Prayen", with Mrs. E. C. Fisher Fý ri il lassok Xpvlast revised assessmnt role is vlean e.R. E. Menton, New-1 accompanying. bW t.at hn 27 0l $2,224,100.00. GiveHosery Thy ar alaysFORSALE-TURKEYS, CHOICE the existing debenture debt efthte acceptabler ChoeyG ar alwas..........l.tD -n-. . IUbiii rown colbhlcrs and liens. Phone Corporation et the Town et Bow- accptbl. Cooe o do 9449. 50-1* imanville is $383,958.57 and ne Chiffon, the popular ehoice of pate the principal or interest carfu buer eeryhee. uPUFR SL YORKSHIRE SOW'thereot is in arrears. aIl the newest shadesi X' an tnpis. Iw ccsed.1 NOW THEREFORE the Muni- SIE 8 O O<i ~Applv Charlie Rundle. Maple1 cipal Council et the Corporation 4,Grove. Phone 2246. 50-1 etteTl tBwavlepr ------------------- AFO AL-W YUG EDsuant te Revised Statutes et On- sires, 12 mentbs eld, shew ani- tarie 1937, Chapter 266, section "Godon A ~ ' i?~ ~ A mals eut et geed testing R.O.P. 405, sub-section 65 hereby enacts dams. A Muir & Sens,Cutieasolws Ont 492* 1. There shall be levied an- k___Ont.____ 49-____nually the sum et One Thousand ./-;'-4 FR SLE-EGITERD JR-Dollars by a special rate, fer the sey Bull, 15 months old, from purpeses et the said fund as here- Mafi esy am ecs perty in the Municipality. tle. Lot 30, Cen. 3. Phene 2.Tesisu etneTu- AThrilIlng Gif t! Smartly stylediCak 82 9 2. ndhDolas suarbeido nn hual- Purses. There are many shapes to Clarke__3822__49-___andDollyrby h rasurbe et theMuni- Winoe av ro i c . .l.o s of____Bla ck, yea the teresrofterMetia choose Bro n, c.rsofylck MIost cipality net later than May lst in BOEDINSIVRrI , O LOST - LADIES' S I L V E R Comnmittee et sev.en ratepayers BOXE INSILER IF'~ BO ___ wistwath (Ccle. Fnde plaseappointed annually net later than wteartcr's Bakc inry esî'Marcb lst in each year by and -~ - -. -.- -.-. ~ <ig4gs<usivIii<li<ii<i V 4________________________ rom the follewing local enganiza- rtro Personal tins whe will each appint one i',irS' UET TlW LS F'.member: Municipal Council, local KIDDIS' ~ J L~JI~JYYL.iIJW 0t L D TAKE BABY INTO branch et Canadian Legion, Le- home, give good cane for pay. gion-Band er its successor, Retary Fleeced 1599 23" Apply "M.R." Drawer B, Bolw- Club, Lions Club, Wemen's Insti- Sleer 67 ac 9inaniville. 50_ tute, and The Home and School Club. Feur members te forma SaleeSpers bic cd lep-Hademro39cdGustToGift -suggestions quorum thereo. SaleSpelal Flece Slep- Han emroiere Gust os¶- ~3. The said Cemmittee te hiave ers or lddes, to6 ls.Te are ueatly fiuished PERMANENT WAVES - $2.00, full power and discretion in the BIne r ~vth foraland caracer d- ~ 350. .00.Seris efscalpreco- exend1ure e -thesaidfundwith Importedl Patterns ini a host of color- T7IinyProf ordcnnine. ead ihFs-Tedyadpleetakgte lngs. Buy several for the men folk on Telegraph Delivery to AyPr o ol Oni iincr. Retreasonable A- vTe shandplb e at tn thenetaua your glft llst. AlIl ndividnally boxed. re al l trir etraoal.A- veshlb ttenx nul j Ode Ealyply te Phione 388 or Mrs. Archie municipal election, namely Janu- ______________ --- --Tait. 50-1* ary 2nd, 1939. w -- A POTYPOLOn the 28th day et December, ruuari -**~FOR RENT Tl'TYOL 1938, at 5 p.m. at the office et the rIoevvr. ~ iir50-acre farm with good house. aise Clerk the Mayor will appoint per- Phon GSWA FL W E. SHO good barn, lots of geod water, sons te attend at the polling places Poe772-2632-2633 Bowmanvile reasenable rent. Apply. H. S. and at the final somming op et 1 Carter. 429 Lumisden Ave., East the votes by tbe Clerk. ----------------------------- .- - -- - - -------Tronto. 50-1 (Signed) A. J. Lyle, PAGE TEN A COMPLETE LIVING ROOM OUTFIT Just as illustrated above! AIl the furniture you need te, make yonr living room cozy and bright! We recommend the entire outflt as an investment in Home Happiness.. C om plete --- ----------------------- .- -- -, $ 9 $95.00 3-pc. SUITE- Chesterfield and 2 large Chairs, i heavy repp. Reversible Marshall cushions. - CASH PRICE $69 $165 BARRYMORE SAMPLE SUITE-' 3 modern pieces in imported frieze, gnaranteed mothpfoof and washable, 1939 color combina- 1l tion. - - - - - CASH PRICE I0 $110 KROEHLER 3-pc. SUITE- Moenstyle, heaw taupe velour, Marshall bal-725 boon cushions. - - - CASH PRICE 25 $129 SNYDER FLOOR SAMPLE- Large conventional suite, imported Belgian cover. One suite only to clear - CASH PRICE $85 3-pc. MOHAIR SUITE, 1/2 I Chesterfield and 2 large Club Chairs.( to clear-----------CAS] Deferred Payments We'll arrange weekly, fortnlghtly or monthly payments te suit yoizr Price- One only H! FRICE675 Free TurIkeY with every c a s h purchase over $50, or on ail old ac- counts over $50 pald cnelUth e wiCKLC . . . . . . . i ni fu. uer goou* SJte these prices. Dj 1to De,4 Poe480 FF. F. M RiV ISU CO~L . Phone 27rl For Exchange Shooting Match FOR EXCHANGE - A 5 ROOM A Shootine Match will be heW bouse on Mentrave Ave., Osh- Norman Collacott's, 1 mile east. ' awa, for Bowmanville preperty. mile soutlî of Tyrone on Saturday P. O. Box Z31, Bowmanville. afternoon at 1 o'clock. Geese for 49-2* -nizes. 5- IDistinctive GiFts.. IThat Make a Hit Exclusive beauty aids for Ladies in individual articles or sets. PYRALIN ¶GIFT SETS 3-piece - 5-piece - 7-piece and 10-piece $2.98 to $14.50 Cutex Sets - - 20o - $4.00 Heating Pads Rensen Cigarette Lighters Frank Medico Filtered Pipes Flashlights, two to five-cel GIFT WRAPPING Colored String and Ribbon Cellophane Wrapping Stickers, Tags, Decorations at Low Prices. 3-heat control $3.75 up $4.50 $1.00 69e - $1.75 MCigars - Cigarettes - Tobaccos in Gift Packages YARDLEY RAZORS O F LO N D O N ol a o s - - $ .5 u Presents full hue of Rikela azrc - - $3.u Soaps -Bath Saîts Shc lcrc--$3 Powder- Brilliantine Gillette Razor - 59c to, Shavlug Cream and (with 10 blades) 1Lotion GiJlette Electric-- $20.00 Crystals. per bot. $1,10 Lavendomeal - - $1.10 Wilkinson Razor --$300 Dusting Powder - $1.35 Auto Strop - - 98e - $5.00 Packard Eleclric - $8.50 COMPACTS - By Richard Hudnut, Evening ini Paris, Yardley, Helena Rubenstein, Adrienne ano many others. 50octe $5.00 Gift Stationery, ini gift boxes - - - - 25e te $3.00 Smiles 'n Chuckles PEN SETS Choco Qlts Seaffer-arerma I Finest Qaty Elishe. atfrPera in Gi t Boesil in Gft BxesBeautiful Boxes lb. - 50e98e to 12.50 JURY& 4LOVELL 7fe " 'D»4- S/we Phone 778 We Deliver - When We Test Eyes It La Doue Properly- THURSDAY, DECEMBER I5TH, 1938 S Living Room Suites and Odd Pieces In A Pre-Christmas Clearance SIn this lot of exceptional bargains you are almost sure to see Ithe suite or piece that you have been wanting. Some of these are floor and factory samples, but ail are tremendous bar- gains. Don't mliss this opportunhity!

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