THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15TH, 1938 THURSDAy, DECEMBER I5TH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANV1LLE, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE 0F INTEREST TO WOMEl SILVER WEDDING Graham - i bson - At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gibson, Blackstock, on Dec. 10, 1913, Mr. Leslie E. Graham, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Graham, and Iva B. Gibson were united in the holy bonds of matri- mony. On Saturday evening, Decem- ber 10, 1938, about forty relatives and friends from Oshawa, Co- bourg, South Monaghan, Seagrave and Cartwright Township gather- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham, Millbrook, to cele- brate witb them the twenty-fifth anniversary of their wedding. Af.. ter the cornpany had arrived a nicely worded address was read by Mrs. Ralph Fitchette, South- Monaghan, and a case of silver- ware was presented to the bride and groom of twenty-five years ago by Mr. Oscar Grahamn. Mr. Rupert Byers was chair- man, and after Mr. and Mrs. Gra- ham had thanked the friends for Mr. and Mrs. James MeLa the gift, several were called upon Burketon, celebrated thei for speeches. Music was supplied wedding anniversary on by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mahaffy and Mrs. Fitchette and a recita- tion was given by little Miss wright Township until abc Grace Grahamn. years ago, when they movE Dancing was enjoyed by young farm near Millbrook. Their and those not so young and a friends wish them both sumPtuous lunch finished a verv more years of married-hal enjoyable evening. and prosperity. Mr. and Mrs. Graham had their __________ three children with them, Don- j"r ald, Raymnond and Moretta. I"A I the only girl yoi Mr. and Mrs. Graharn spent loved?" "Gosh! Do I mal rnost of their rnarried life in Cart-1 that bad!'-London Expres BURKETON COUPLE MARRIED 55 YEARS aughlln ber 14th when about 25 relatives a beautiful electric cabinet radio. ir 55th 'gtee a hi ome and pre- A sumptuous dinner of oysters SNovem-î sented the venerable couple with and roast chicken was served. out e wIoi ed to aMlBcoe ir man', ý ilinery Bcms otArt ppesAnd Business a Thing of The Past u ever ke love DOMINION... tverY -Dominion- s burstinc With thé gode to festive foods eey Our pleasure... temptisg th sgs fros, Far Esit... ram the Near Est N E W from Europe and the Antipodes EXTRA LARGE tram Califors a asd Cape Cod i . rm Canadi asfields and Casadias EAS b 2 masufacturi ng kitchens. LARGE WASHED Aiready Vou have purchased largely t BRAZI LS- lb .19 this rc assortment. The dfférest types CALI FORNIA BUDDED of Raisins, the Currasts, the CasIn ied Peels, the Cherries, the Shelled Nuts, NNALN UTS - lb. .25 * et!c. But wait tillvos see the grasd MIXED isplays f0 corne.. . the cadies, the sewC roP Oranges . .t he Ta ble Meats CUT PEEL -Oz-~ .15 *..the fancy groceries i p ro fusion GOLDEN HALLOWI for saur Christmas Disser asd Pa rties. DATES - 3 I bs .25 GLENWOOD ARTI EXTRAC1 * VANILLA 8ai .15 SPECIAL! ORANGE PEKOE RICHMUELLO TEA I/z lb 33- SPECIAL! NEW PA%..K 5/ Z FANCY SHRIMPS - Tin .J5 SPECIAL! DOMINO 1-lb DAKING POWDER Tin' .15 SPEC lAL! e HEINZ BEANS WITH PORK 2Tins .23 SPECIAL! TEXAS PURE UNSWEETENED GRAPEFRtUIT JUICE 2lT "s.3 UAUSTRALIANI FANCY RAISINS WALNUT PIECES lb. .39 *SEEDLESS M SIELLED ** ALMONDS - - lb. .59 ?à bs. I FOR DESSERT e JELLO,'-« 2 Pkgs..15 Fleischmann'u HEINZ INFANT YEAST - Coke .04 FOODS - 2 es-î. 17 Rtcleased CURRÂNTS 11lb. .14 CAKE FLOUE Whote Red G4CO SWANSDOWN Pkg. .25 CHERRIES - lb. .39 RIA MIL CNADANMINCEMEAT 2 lbs. .25 SHIRRIFF'S ORANGE CIEEESE MARMALADE ~t.27 'I ~ SOLEX lb. * LAMPS 2W-40-lEo .20 NAYV Crist... TISSUE - 2 Rolis .15 JELLY BEANS L.2..5 CLASIC Chf lstmis CENE i 0 CREAMS and JoIliesIlb. . 15 CENER - T .05 1 Chrstmas ROCKS and Spooil, lb. .15 24 lb. Bag WHITEI U.try Fleur cO R iN N23 450 Choice Fruits California Navel Oranges Do.. 190 - 290 39e Grapes 2 lbs. 25e Spécial Values EffectiV& Until Dac. 17 th. Memories of Other Days Re- GOLDEN WEDDING jcalled by the Announcement ___ of the Retirement of Mr. and Mrs. T.H. Everson, Dingnian & Edmond- Oshawa, celebrated their golden istone Prom wedding anniversary on Saturday Busiessevening, December lOth, w it h Businesstheir children, grandcbildren, sis- ters and other relatives. The old- Time marches on and with it est member of the family party corne many changes - sorne good was a much loved cousin, Mr. and others not sa good. Such James Knigbt of Brooklin, who is were the tbougbts that passed 92 years old. In the evening many through our mind as we read in fricnds called to offer congratula- last week's Statesman that the tions. Messages of good will and firrn of Dingman & Edrnondstone, best wishes were received from well known and old established England, many from the United milliners, were retiring from bus- States and from ocean to ocean in iness. Were it flot that the mcm- Canada. bers of this firm are ladies we Mr. and Mrs. Everson's home would be tempted to make refer- wsfle ihfoesadtk ence in ycars as to the time the wsflc ibfoesadtk Dingman family have been in ens of love and fricndship. The business in Bowmanvillc. Under dening roomn was aglow with gol- tpec circumstances wc feel it saferde chrysanthernums, roses and to just say they have been millin- tapers, and it was prcsided over ers to the best families in this by the daughters, sisters and commnityfor at least four gen- nieces of the.bride and groom of conunityf ifty years. Those pouring tea were Mrs. E. J. Bale, Mrs. T. G. Millinery in the olden days Mason. Mrs. William Snowden, was more than a trade or a pro- Mrs. M Harrison, Mrs. D. M. Tod fession, it wvas real art and ses- andMrs. F. E. Hallitt. ence requiring a creative imagin -_________ ation and a love for the beautiful. An apprenticeship of several years A Scotsman once xvent to a was served under trained experts football game because hie thought - eoeone graduated as a finish- a quarter-back was a refund.- ed milliner or trimmer. Brandon Sun. In those yseday the gay Thcre's too much concern about social semsons Stoufc officialîîy who is the world's richest man. start with Spring and Faîl Millin- It's the poor chap that requires ery Openings, and what grand some consideration. - G uel1p h fashionable affairs they were! For Mercury. weeks befare the designers and Another difference between this helpers would be busy creating country and Europe is that when bats for all shapes and sizes of mobs gather here it is merely to heads, faces and complexions. look at the new motor cars.-To- Then the Grand Opening would ronto Saturday Night. be announced in the local paper and thc ladies would flock to, the millinery stores to try on these new creations, pose before the mirrors, be admired, bear pretty tbings said about bow stunning, beautiful, handsorne, chic, gorg- cous (and a lot of other descrip- tive and superlative adjectives) they looked in the new models. A few "lesser-halves" and the more curious busbands w er e shows, btotofdUice fholk known, bt o atndthesenfahok were content to have their wives bring the headgear home wbere an honest-to-goodness o p i n i o n could be given wîtbout curious onlookers offering unsolicited ad- vice and opinions. It was quite Chitm s Ca e th utmaytigfor some ofChlSiSCae the bon ton or upper four bundred Corbett's reputation stands bc- of the town to buy tbree and four htnd every cake from this bats at these openings. store. Only the very flnest ln- But those days have long since gredients are used - comblned passed and in Uic place of feath- wlth the sklll of many yearS, ers, flowcrs and ribbons to adorn experlence. Its cheaper to buy my lady's bat tbey have gone to a cake than make one. thc other extreme with plain tail- Plain or Ic.d lb. 35e ored hats whicb arc a sight to behold - but thcy'rc the style, so hyshuldwestrtan argu- bivO Lno colates ments? It's our business only to report wbat we sec and bear and They are always appreciated leave it to the ladies themnselvcs Ganong 's - Robertson 's to comment on that all important Willard 's - House of Picardy subject of wbat the well drcssed lady wears on her bead. Looking back, if aur memory (GIFT BOXES serves us correctly, Mrs. Warren 25e to $3.00 Dingman startcd n the milhincry business in the first store east of Fresh, Rich and Delicious the Bowrnan House, now occu pied by the Iris Beauty Parlor. Later CHRISTAS PUDDINGS witb bier daughters she moved ta on b ie the store occupicd by Mrs. E. V. 1an 2lb ze Scobeli, then in J. B. Martyn's store in the east end of King St., ALXOND FASTE now occupied by Johnston's Book Store. Then a few years ago they 30c and 40c lb. movcd ta the store across the street wberc Uiey are naw locatcd. CHRISTMAS CRACKERS Mrs. G. A. Edmondstane (nec oeef1 Allie Dingman) bas been knownBoeof1 far beyond the purchasing arcs of 25e box up Bowmanville as a fashion design- er and bat trimmer of exceptional CHRISTMAS CANDIES ability and for many years bas AlVreis-Hr ad attractcd considerable millincry AlCreas eies - HMixtures business ta this town. Tbrougb- Cers-Jlis-Mxue out the years bier sister, Miss From Annic Dingman bas been associat- 12c lb. up cd witb bier in business wbicb thcy have now dccidcd ta discon- CANDY CANES tinue and retire into private life. We just wander bow many mil- 1c up liners you can recail doing busi- ness in Bowmanville. Your mcm- CHRISTMAS STOCKINGE ory may be better than ours, but here is the list as we recail them: Sc up Mrs. Wm. Morrison, Mrs. E. Don- nelly and bier tbree daugbters, NOVELTIES :OF ALL (Clara, Eva, Minnie), Miss Ame- lia McTavish, Mrs. W. DingmanKND and ber threc daughters (Allie, Annie, Margaret), Miss Ida Shaw, D..m. Midssnd, issYoAgnessHAneCo rbett's DdftUIJ MelMisGrissYounss Arnn Miss Lena Haddy. and Coucb, Phone 890-- Bowmanvllle Johnston & Cryderman witb Miss Lola Downs still in charge. COBOURG COUPLE WED FIFTY YEARS Mr. and Mrs. John Neals Formcriy of Newcastle Mr. and Mrs. John Neals, well known Cobourg couple, celebrat- ed their Golden Wedding anniver- sary December 10, at their borne, 431 Victoria St. They were visit-1 ed by a large number of relativesJ and during the afternoon an ad- dress was read by a nephew, Mr. Harold Seymnour of Toronto, and a purse of gold was presented Mr. and Mrs. Neals by their grand-I daughter, Miss Phyllis Neals. Theyt also received beautiful flowerst from Ottawa, Toronto and Co-1 bourg, and the club to which Mrs.r Neals belongs presented her withf a lovely lamp and bouquet of - roses. Other gifts and card.s of9 congratulations were r e cei ve d from many close friends. On Monday Mr. and Mrs. Neals were ai home. afternoon and ev- ening, to their Cobourg friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Neals and daughter Phyllis received with them.a They were married in Newcas-E tle by Rev. James Thom, Metho- r dist clergyman. Mrs. Neals, beinga Susan Seymour before marriage,v wvas born in Cartwright township.c Mr. Neals was born in Hope town-j ship in 1861. After farming for some years in Clarke township Mr. and Mrs. Neals came to Co- bourg where he entered the cm- ploy of the G. T. R. in 1900, retir- ing in 1927. They have one son, Mr. W. P. Neals, and a grand- daughter, Miss Phyllis Neals, To-E ronto. Mr. Neals has one sister, Mrs. Eliza Staples of Lindsay, and Mrs. Neals has a sister, Mrs. El-c len Ogden. and a brother, Mr.i Wrn. Seymour, both of Orono. 1 Hints For Homebodies s Written for The Statesman e byc .- Jessie Allen Brown -%r seems more of a gift if made for the purpose than if taken from? the cellar sheif. Fruit Jclly 2 cups fruit juice Juice of 1 lemon 4 cups sugar 1/ bottie liquid pectin The juice is drained from can- ned fruit. It may be all one kind or a mixture of several varieties. This is a very good way of using left-over juices. Add sugar to the juice and put in a large saucepan. Mix well and bring to a bail over the hottest fire. While it is com- ing to a boil add any coloring you may desire - orange, green or red, depending on the flavor of the fruit juice. When the mix-1 ture boils add the pectin and bring to a full rolling boil, stir- ring constantly. Remove frorn the fire, skim. and pour into jars. Seal while hot. Makes about 6 glasses. Apricot Marmalade 1 lb. dried apricots 3 cups water 1 cup pineapple juice 1 cup crushed pineappîe 8 cups sugar Soak the apricots in the water and pineapple juicé over night. Simmer for 1 hour, then add the pineapple and the sugar. Boil for about tbirty minutes or until it will jeil when a little is put in a cold saucer. Pour into sterilized jars and seal. TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE Monday evening, December 12, Trinity Young People's Union op- ened witb a sing-song led by Ada 1< Clark, accompanied by Evelyn w Pickr-rd. Worship service was in a( charge of Edith Truli who was assistcd by Vera Power, Helen Rundle and Jack Dunn. Instead " of the regular topic, Ruby Hobbs ng told a very interesting Christmas c] story on "The Fourth Wise Man." g, Betty Stevens gave two delightful readings, and George Morris rend- ered a piano solo. Business was conducted by the President. The members were asked for written suggestions for officers for the Municipal Elections newi year, a siate of tisese ornicers Mostmuncipa elctios ae. ta be presented by the naminating t ost mniingadar eecyou warein committee Dec. l9th. Meeting dheoffing anhing aou t ben closed with a Friendsbsp circle There is a distinct place for at and the singing of "Abide witb îeast anc woman on every civic Me.", board and if you have not got tbem it iv your awn fault. There are cnoughHa po wornen voters ta accamplish no use putting Rivent Visitors :lMrs. A. Trenouth a woman on a with relatives in Toronto.. . . Miss Board simply Elsie Hadden atlber home in Ux- because she iv nrice.. . Mrs. Ludkin in To- a woman. She ronto. . .. Misses Florence and Bes- needs ta have 'Sie Simpson with their parents... the necevsary Mr. and 'Mrs. Lewis Cryderman and z4ualificat i o n v Doris accoînpanied 'Mn. and Mrs. just as a man \Ienrin Cryderman. Oshawa, with does. Althougb, iniends in Toronto. . .. Mr. andl honestly, wbcn .Mrs. Brodie and Jimmie, Mn. and you Ilo ok a t Jessie Allen M.\rs. Win. Gilchrist. Toronto, withi mine of the Brown Mr. and Mrs. J. Revnolds. . . Messrs men who are elected you wonder Albert. Clare and Alfred Allin and just what those qualifications are. Miss AneAln omnil.a On the other band, there are soinetn.. .ou's of the very fincvt men wbo give Mr. and Mrs. E. Trimble have of their time and abilities freely tknu eiec nteWkl ta furtber the common-gaad. Soake priec nteWkl much gavernment iv bousekecp- house which had been occupied by ing on a large scale that the cx- Mn. and MIrs. Jno. Wonnacutt, they perience and judgcrnent of re- havinz moved near Bowmanville. sponsible women sbould be of Mrs. Bnaund. Oshawa, visited bier great value. The women 's organ- dauzhter. Mns. Clifford ColwilI and izations can belp find these wo- attended their Silven Weddingz Anni- men and then can get out and vensarv on Saturday eveninz. work. It takes plenty of bard Congzratulations to Mr. Ted Johns work ta win electians, and, that on his marriaze to Miss Rose Bjçckle iv somcthing wamnen bave not of Bowmanville. learned. Let themn work nat only The funeral of Mrs. Jno. Clarkc for the wornen candidates but for Tuesdav last was larizelv 'attended the most suitable men. bv manv relatives and f riends bv Parent Education Groups whom she was hizhly respected. I heard the question askcd, 'Wby A numben fnomn here attended the is parent education usually stud- Sundav Sehool Convention at Eben- icd in small groups'. Problems in tŽzer. child training are studicd and Many of our citizens are sufferinz, studying in groups gives the cam- fromn the flu. fort of unburdcning yourself ta a Men's Bnotherhood met in base- sympatbetic friend. Thcn wc learn ment of church Thursday eveniniz anc from cacb other. There arc witb Rev. Dr. Milîsan of Welcosne same very wise mothers and we as 2uest speaker. lcarn how ta bandle aur own C.G.I.T. met in the S.S. roomn on problems fram Uic sensible way Mondav, evening. Uiese mothers have uscd. Per- Our Annual Christmas Tree and haps wc lcarn even more from Concert will bie hcld Dec. 22nd. Uic mothers who arc not 50 wise. It is a qucer tbing but most of us are va constitutcd Uiat we sec first the nùstakcs in others ratherEy- tha te oo ting. he w E esîght ELuU aLîUîî sec these mistakes wc learn bow not ta do a Uiing. Groups are An. best kcpt small as there is a f reer and better discussion wben the number iv small. Parent educa- fice y tion, if propcrly studied will make B for a bappier and a smoother ~CHTc running home. CHT c The Contradiction Age Ot One of the advantagcs of study- Eyeigh ing Parent Education is that it Seils teaches you the many phases *S. tbrough wbich childrcn go. Wbcn ~ you expect a thing, and know it. iv VDsesIg nat going ta last, it iv much casier (opp. P. O.) ta bear. To illustrate, cbildren Oshawa, Phone 151,6 usually go through a contradic- tory stage wherc tbey challenge Nuînber 62 almast evcry statement that iv made. Tbey do not mean ta be Reading ta be of value must be impertinent nor unpleasant but interpretcd and in Uiis we must tbey arc going tbrough a stage bave a retentive mRfd. Our mcm- wherc there is a passion for ac- ory must function or we cannot curacy. Let mother say she came concentrate. in at five o'clock and she will be It should flot be necessary for flatly contradicted and told it was a growing, devcloping child ta vao six minutes after five. It doesn't overweigb Uiis effort as to be put- last sucb a long time and tbey do ting more effort into Uic develop- get over it and knowing this and ing of bis mind tban a full grown Uic fact that yours is not the only adult would expend upon bis cbild wba bebaves like this, iv a day's work. Don't entirely blame bclp. Sometimes you can make Uic cbîld. Uiem sec Uiat it is not kind nor The metbod used may not apply pleasant ta contradict s0 mueh but ta that particular child. The rea- usually Uiey spcak befove they son Uiis is truc is obviaus if you Uiink and you cannot do much compare the work in the scbool about it except ta grin and bear for the blind witb the work of wiUi Uiem, wbile Uic phase lasts. other students. These students Food iftswitb no sight compete successfully Food iltawitb those who sec in academic There are some friends for and music, etc. wbom noUiing seems va suitable If it werc possible f or the for Christmas as a gift of borne- scbool-room ta be more of an op- made food. Jams, jellies or rel- portunity room, this cbild sbould ishes whicb are a bit different are be allowed ta learn at his own always popular. You may like ta spced and a standard set accord- put tbem in useful containers, ingly witb the teachers free ta aid custard cups, ramekins, or moulds, eacb according ta bis specd. A but even if tbey are only in Uic full recognition given for the ca- ardinary bottle, let the wrappings pacity of the individual extended be ga.y and Cbristmasy. Here 's and the superior intelligence giv- a recipe or vo you may like. ta en an opportunity ta raise the try cither for borne consumption,1 standard and vice versa. or for gift purpases. Somehow iti (ta be continued) LQVELY GIFTS - IN CHINA AND GLASS, Sec this beautiful dlsplay hn our east wlndow and step inside and see scores of other practîcal glUts: English Semi-Porcelain Cake Sets (5 pieces) Jug Set (4 pieces) ....... ... ...... . Cake and Server Set (2 pieces)................ Cut Glass W ater Sets ....... .......................... M ayonnaise Set (3 pieces) ...... .... ...... ........... English Pottery, Jugs and Bowls, each ..... English Bone China Cup and Saucer -- M odelled Book Ends . ......... ........ ............... E nglish Cake Plates ........................................ G ift C ut G lass, each ..........................-........... English Fancy Tea Pots ....... ...... Randled Cake Dishes .......- ..... ..... Glasbake Ovenwaire, set ............ ............. R elish D ish - ............................ ..... Crystal Stemware, doz . ........ ........ ..... . B everage S et ..... -..> ............. ............. C hild's Set (2 pieces) . ................................ - PULL LINE 0FPCM. SKATES AND HOCKEY STICKS 1 .75 1.00 1.00 .75 1.00 .50 1.00 .25 1.00 .59 .50 1.35 .25 4.50 1.00 .50 Opposite PsROfic EHarwareStore When you can't think, go for a Jack Miner's birds get about. lng walk, advises someone. But One of his wild geese bas beeüt what if you can't remember the shot near Kingston, Jamaica. - advice?-Chatham News. Peterboro Examiner. The fastest taiker in the coun- Those who quote the saying try is reportedly the man wbo bas "the womnan always pays" have convinced bis wife there will be iever been hit by a feminine no cold weather this winter and ýharity solicitor. - Toronto Tele- that they should just leave thc gram. screens up.-Hamilton Spectator. COS"S BUT FEW CENTS to ses bow quichi, it relleves stubbom CHILDEN WLL LOE IT congha and colda. Rsght away tjsat\tigb CHILDREN WIL LOVE Iessloes up--pblegm la expeild- Mothers do this-wace a syrup by dis- branchial Passages cleered-breesthing b.- eolving 2 tabbimpoons of sugar In half a cornuesesier--you aleep soundly. tea-cnpful of warm water. Add the con- Get a bottle of Buch1ey'a Mixture todsW tents of one amall bottle of Buckleys and maRc. It bottles-enouah ta test the Cough Mixture and mlx weRll This wiIl fimly &H1 through the bad weathoe. Lera cnake 8 bottles cf the mont effective for yourseif why we sa7 the best eougb creamny white aflkalin. cough remedy and medieine in made at homne with BuRcleo~ you enve money. Tase a dessert soonfu Mixture. AUR drssggiste oeil Bucisieys every halt-hour. It'. really wosxdertul Mixture. * s FOR WOMEN AND GIRLS Flannelette Pyjamas .......................... 98e toe Flannelette Gowns ..........................up from Wool Panties and Veste ........................ up from Fabrie Gloves ............. .......................up from Kid Gloves .................................................... up from Handkerchiefs ................................................. 5C to Scarfs -..... -.............................................. up from Flowers .... ..................................................... up from Umbrellas .. ..... .......................................... up from P u rses ........ ............................................ 69C te Puilover Sweaters .............................-up from Twin Sweater Sets, fine wool .............................. Ski-Suite ....... ...... ............................... 3-piece Lingerie SuII S lips -......................................... Up from 511k Gowns ....................................... up from Silk B loom ers ......... ................................. 39C - Onlk Veste .......................................................... -'0 . Si]k P anties .............................................. !n e - Si]k Dance Sets ............................... up from Satin Dance Sets ............................. up from Satin N egligees ........................................ ....... Fine Woollen Bed Jackets $1.95 590 350 490 1.25 1.00 49o 150 1.50 4.50 98C 3.50 6.95 79c 98C 1.35 1.00 1.25 98e 1.25 3.95 BIG REDUCTIONS IN LADIES' COATS AND HATS FOR MEN AND BOYS Dressing Gowns .................................. up from 3.85 Scrs ilids and knitted, (initialed) ..... 98c to 2.50 a............s..... up from 2.00 v Ties ...... ... ....... .. ............ ... eaoh 25e to 1.00 Dress Shirts ........................... Arrow Made 2.95 Fine Sox ......... ........................... Pair 39e to 1.95 Suspenders, plain and initialed ...........,.......... 500 -'l1.00 Gloves, id or cape, linedor unlined ..........up from 1.00 Handkerchiefs ..................... . 2 for 2 5 00 O Men's Windbreakers ............................ 3.95 te 12.50 (Wool Nelton'a and Leather) Sweaters, Brush Wool and Goat Hair es.oh 2.95 to 4.25 vPlain Kmit Sweateri........... ........... ... up from2. 1.00 M en's Overcoats .............. ...................up trom 12.50 *FOR THE YOUNG LAD BOYS' Haelmets .................................... up from 75e W ndbreakerr ........ ........................... up from 2.95 Boys' Overcoats ..............................Up from 3.50 Boys' Breeku ...... ......................... up from 1.59 N ovelty Tiee ..................................... . each 25o Golf Box ........................................... up from 29o Boys' MUtS .............................................. up from 590 Pyjamas ........ ................................................ 79o - 1.15 Sweaters..............95e - 1.95 Boys' Suits ...................................................up from 4.95 Couch, iohnston & Cryderman jPhone 834 LD omnil , 1 t. \ ~ - ý -ý, 1 mvý "nmqmRý 11-ýr i v ( -1-1- 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FlVU.