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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Dec 1938, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Group served a tempting lunch Yellowlees at Mr. Chas. Allin's, Solinaand a social time was enjoyed. Bowmanville. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howsam and family with Womn'sIntitte etThus- The chuirch was well fîîîed last Port Perry friends . . . . Mr. and day ith Mrs S.E. erretyTpre-1 Friday evening for our sehool con- Mrs. B. G. Stevens with Mr. andi sa idmg rîlScaE. waerr red I cert under the direction of Mrs. Mrs. Burney Hooey, Nestieton.. ith n exllcang l rstas Donald Rob and Mr- Walter Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Dewell and gifts. Mis& Helen Baker, leader Blackburn. Program consisted of family, Grand View, Man., are 0f grOup one, had charge of the solos, hrs ,n hrtpas spending the winter with his bro- program: Several Christmas car- cumb rus es anu short ien an ther. Mr. Sam Dewell. OIS were sung; Miss Ruth McKes-Nubrweealelginad sock gave a Christmas story; Mrs. were much enjoyed. 1 J. Thickson of Bowmanville, Dis- There was a good attendance at Maple r v trict President, gave two excellent1 Young People's Monday night. ____ pars; Mrs. AixClil n President Miss Ileen Balson an- Mr. Fred R. Foley has returned r.Huli, accompanied by Mrs. nounced that next meeting would to SU. Catharines. Edwin Wood, of Bowmanville. be election of officers. A letter was MrJonAdothadavy favoured with vocal solos and received regarding sending dona- MrJonAdwtha avy duets which w'ere much enjoved.! tions to the West and $4.00 was successful sale Fridas'. _________________________voted. It was decided to give $10 Christmas tree and concert Fni- to the church. Mrs. Wesley Yel- day evening, Dec. l6th. Qe~ lowlees. Christian Fellowship con- Visitors: Miss Jean Stevens in vener. had charge of the program. Oshawa..Miss Mildred Snow- y ~ ~ 'miss Fanny Smales gave the de- 1 den in Toronto... Miss Edna votional story. An interesting pag- Swý%allow has returned from visit- « j eant "On to Galilee' was given ing Mrs. W. Pearson, Lakefield. . bv Messrs. Wesley, Neil and Har- Mr. Sain Henderson. Victoria Col- R O Y A L vcy and Miss Grace Yellowlees. lege, Toronto, Miss Hazel Pen- --E Mrs. Wesley Yellowlees read the found. Mr. and Mrs. Samnuel T I E A T R E story, and the choir sang several Snowden. Oshawa, Miss Marguer- hymns. Recreation was enjoyed. ite Macklin. Cobourg, Miss Betty BOWMAN VILLE y Mrs. Ed. Milîson is home and Snowden. Toronto, with Mr. and yimproving nicely after her serious Mrs. N. 1. Metealf. .yoperation in St. Michael's Hospi- Thurs. - Fn. - Sat. tal, Toronto. Tî~ îhL n a l Thurs. Fri. -Sat. y Visitors: Miss Evelyn Tn ihL n a l DEC. 15-16-17 Peterboro friends. . Miss Jean Lf Scott has returned to Southamp- ton after visiting at Mr. B. G. Rxecent \Vi.itors: .\r .and Mrs. W. I rgt'3,pRIZ tees..i. is aln Thomp- Cochranc and habe. M-\r. and M\rs . J Ilow ~son and friend, Scarboro. Miss Ball. Nr. Johin Thornpson. Mrs. . Ea& * esse Hogarth. Bowmanville Hos- Cliapnan. Orono, at '%r. Wm. Vir- ~cztj2~et! ~ Mrs. N. C. Yellovlees with friendsland Ina. 'Mav and Alice.,:\pplegatc. at Claremont. . . . Mr. Donald - \,Mr n rs onanBes Annan. Pickering, Mr. Bob Smales ToronoMr ad rs. Kenneth of Columbus, at Mr. Jas. Smales'. 1Ilcarti. Harmnonv. with Mr. and frs. ..Mr. Donald Yelloxvlees, Pick- Otto \Virtue. . . Nir. Edward Virtue ering., ith Mr. and Mrs. N. C. wxitîl bis datigçhte at Thornhill. Yellowlees. . . . Mrs. H o wa r dMeadMr.aiSnt Miss Ar- / Couch. Misses Marjory and Ileen Couch, Bowmanville. at Mr. JackviaSnth Sae, itM.ad Baker's. . .. Mr. Frank Short and Mers. Georze Smith. ~ . [rs EdthJonstn.Brmpton, Mrs Harold Clemens. Bownian- Mvr. and Mrs. Jack Short and Mr.vil.vathlckwnerote Luther Short. Courtice. Miss Nora draw for a qujît at the church. 1 Wery, Kedron, at Mr. S. E. Wer- A larze number of people attended rys . s . Mr. and Mrs. Wesley the Christmas tree and concert at the _________________________school Tuesdav evenine. the programn ___________________________-consisted of. a dialogue by the school ____________________________entitled "The Poor Little Rich Girl"; Sselections by- Otto Virtue. Stuart Lu Hooev and Richard Gibbs; violin solo bv Collette Ferguson, Bownian- ville: recitations bv Edna Cameron and Jean Crossman: vocal solo by MKIRRIXMiss Vivian Sadîe. of Blackstock. Santa Claus came and presented gifts OSHAWAto both voung and old. Dog.5DNBRLEFriday - Saturday IC utc DEC. 16 - 17___ - ls Vi i~j %L n i-----------a P- trs: i r~', . Ben Tavlor, "PANIMINTS A BAD MAN" îXatinee Saturday 2.30 p.m. W iMon. - Tues. - Wed. Y A DEC. 19-20-21 ALoretta Young, Richard ly wGreene and C. Aubrey y Smith iny P"FOUR MNALNDY A And- t (lraStuart and Lanny I"LADY OBJECTS" Matinee Monday 2.30 p.m. i Wednesday, 4 p.m. Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. Dead End Kids ini ' "'LITTLE TOUGH GUY" Christmas Monday Tuesday - Wednes. "ALEXANDER'S RAGTIME BAND" -. traignt riace anu Show'ï Starring - RITZ BROS. - ETHEL MERMAN (A Mavie Quiz Contest Picture) Added: "March of Time" REVIVAL Friday at 10:30 p.m. 'Prisoner of Zenda' - RONALD COLMAN - M. CARROLL. Monday - Tuesday DEC. 19 - 20 'Hard To Get' Starring ~DICK POWELL - OLIVIA DE HAVILAND IWednes. - Thursday DEC. 21 - 22 BtG DOUBLE BILL 'Mother Carey's Chickens' Starring ANNE SHIRLEY - RUBY KEELER - JAMES ELLISON and 'Blockheads' Starring LAUREL and HARDY (Mavie Quiz Contest Pictures) COMING Friday - Saturday DEC. 23 - 24 'Arkansas Traveller' with -BOB BURNS - JEAN PARKER. Give Rezent Christmas Gift Tickets Put Up inl Attractive Envelopes Victoria Harbour. bas been visiting his brother. Me. Howard Taylor. Sundav guests at the home of Mr. Frank Pollard and famnily, lMes. J. Clarke and Me\I. Allan Clarke, Port danebter Marlene. Newcastle, and <Continued from page 1) Mi,. BlacheTaylr. shaw. . totally blind osteopath, just ne- Mr. and Mes. Nelson W>inigate. Oslh- turning ta bis English home after awa. with '%e. and Mes. Harold an ali-expense paid trip to Amer- Scoecie. .. . ...M e Gladvs and ica where he appeaned on Rip- Frances Reynolds in Scarboro. --ley's "Believe It or Not" program. Me. and Me\fs. Norman Clemnens. To- The osteopath has a successful ronto. with Me. and Mes. Gardons practice and for recreation plays Trevail. golf, going anound in 85 - believe Wmi. \\ades shootinz match was it or not. laeeelv attcnded ..A flock af fine The English have la way of mak- tuekevs eewaeded the lucv marks- ing public signs or notices terse men. and undeestandable. Over here, said Mn. Gully, if we want to waen people not to expectarate on the Z ion terra-firma, we say: "Due ta hs that on the other thing, as defined _______in sub-section 27 of bylaw 420,1 Recent Visitoes: Is Ethel \Vil- iis illegal ta do so and so." The kins. Oshawa, at Me. J. \V. Balson's. English put a sign in every tram Mes, Jas. Stainton nd.Miss car: "Dont spit - penalty 5 Geace Stainton at Me. John North- pounds." cott's. Oshsawa. Me. I. and Mes j.! Canada, ta most Englishmen, is N e-thc-tt and Joan, Oshawa, at Me.1 a place whene it is colder than we Rîe1Staintons.N. Ie. an(d Mes can imagine. It is a country noted \. . Sainon t Cpt.Aecce\ for nothing and there are some l;eacl)ei '.\.Ie. la.. Nfcelas- civilians who dress in scarlet te.Nhj~ an lcia.îee Teono.coats. Tbey believe it is a re- air Ni. J. W. NicNlastcer. Toreso strîct'ed sub-division of a country at Nr. . W NfN[aser'. 'rs.called Amenica. When I told them, las. Sîsinion at Niefs. Nehhie Landee's continued Me. Gully, that Eng- and Nie. Frcd liardinz's, Oshawa1.I land would go into Canada 25 _Nie. and Nie.. J. \V. Elson and times and carry 2, they looked at tainihe wuee enteelained at 'ir. Chas. me and figured I was eitber Fvreiison1'. Tlicenît,ni'. Coenees, on balmy or pulling thein leg. Sîea ihita a hiethldav paetv While in Scotland the speaker ioe NIe. Geeald Balson andhMi jeani visited the Empire Exhibition in- Balson. i cluding thé Canadian building Balson Quartette sang Sunday at 1 whicb was a disappointment ta the Little Brawn Church, Oshawa. 'him. Me. Tohhi Stainton entertained bis Sa many other anecdotes weee club of vounLI boys at bis home on related that it would be impos-1 Wednesdlai night. sible ta give a complete reportj Svmpatîhv of the commnuniîv Ruoes hene. ta the famiilv af the late Weslev Gea. W. James introduced the Glaspel. speaker and Frank Williams mov- ed the vote of thanks. Russell T. Kelley, Charter Pres-h It is possible for fireside chats ident of Hamilton Rotaey Club, ta backfire.-Chicago Daily News. was a guest and spoke briefly con- The biggest evils are those in geatulating the club on its choice human foem who çrawl aeound of a farmen president in R. R. hunting up evils-Detroit Free Stevens. He feit the future of the Press. country lies in a better under- To the lazy man haîf a loaf is standing between urban and coun- betie than a steady job.-Owen try citizens. Me. Kelley was ac- Sound Sun-Times. companied by Me. O'Malley. 0 YE&4'i 7%4ÈMWNASH IT'S THE CAR everybody likes . .. the car with a new, stank, simple beauty. ... with that new teeeific 99-horsepower engine . . . with the new Automatic "Weathee Eye"*. ... and it's the car that's startled the woeld with its new low price-right down next ta the lowest. See it-drive it tadayl DURHAM OLD BOY <Continued from page 1) McLean, Peesident of the Cana- dian Chamber of Commerce,_ and S, S. h d Salem Subject of Rev. A. W. Manch' sermon Sunday evening was "Th( Ghost of the Past." Service wa! well attended. President F. Blackburn presid. ed at the Y. P. U. meeting Dec. Program included: Mouthorgar solo, Mn. W. Taylor; readings Miss M. Irwin, Miss T. Werny and Mn. E. Daidge; vialin selection Mn. W. Taylor; mauthorgan due Miss K. Cowling and Miss N' Darch. Attendance 31. New ofi cees are: President - Me. W. Tay- ion; Vice Pres. -Me. L. Squair: Fellowship Con. -Mes. H. Barrie Missianary - Mn. E. Doidge; Citi- zenship - Mrs. P. Cann; Social Miss M. Collacutt; Secretary - Miss T. Wenry; Treasurer - Mr. G. Ban- nie; Pianist - Mns. S. Buttery; As- sistant Pianist - Miss M. Collacuti. Retiring president called an ex- ecutive meeting of retiring officers ta make financial arrangements in neadiness for the new officers. Mns. F. L. Squair still nemains quite ill. Mn. and Mes. H. Hocken, To- ronto, Mn. and Mrs. H. Hocken and daughtee Shirley. -motoned to Mns. C. Polland's Thursday. Mes. Pollard accompanied them to their cousin, W. Langdon. Mn. and Mes. W. Cann, Me. anc Mes. P. Cann and Reta, attended a silver wedding anniversary ga- thering at Mr. and Mns. Cliffonc Colwell's, Saturday evening, who were peesented with a silver tea service and silver tray. Me. Rogers, Toronto, visited Me. and Mns. L. Squaie. Women's Association met ai Mes. L. Buttery's with an attend- ance of 22. Mes. W. Cann read the Bible lesson. Mns. Lloyd Rich- ards took charge of this progeam: A short poem written by Miss Annis was read by Miss T. Wer- ry; Mes. S. Butteny played a piano sola; a splendid article on an Old rime Christmas was read by Mns. F'. Honey; Mrs. Darch conrtributed a vocal solo; the poemn "I forgot and I didn't think" was given by VIns. Barrie; and a stary of the Christmas Belîs by Mrs. L. Squair brought the programn to a close. Rev. A. W. March then took the chair for the election of officers wvhich resulted as follows: Pres. - VIns. Luke Buttery; Assistant - VIns. F. Haney; Sec. - Mrs. L. Squair; Treas. - Mrs. P. Cann; Pianist - Miss M. Collacatt; Assist- ant - Mrs. S. Buttery; Gnro u p L~eaders - Devotional, Mrs. Silver; Visiting, Mns. S. Buttery; Flower, VIes. W. Cann; Missionaey, Mrs. Lloyd Richards; Lookout, Mns. C. Collacott and Mes. W. Wenry; Aiuditors - Mrs. Danch, and Mns. nrwsn. ROTARY CLUB (Continued from page 1) most interesting and amrusing and everything was under martial sidelights. law. At Helsingfors, the capital af In clasing, the speaker urged Finland, the parliament buildings everyone ta save money and take are the most prominent buildings. a trip somewhere. You will never They were designed by a German regret it, she said. architeet and are quite severe. Ray Dilling moved the vote ai Stone used was marble. There are thanks and the meeting adjourn- six parties in the government with ed. women members as well as men. The hall was nicely decorated Each desk is equipped with three for the occasion with streamers buttons for vating purposes. One and colored crepe paper empha- for yes, a second for no, and a sizing the nearness of Christmas. third if the voter is neutral. The __________ systemn speeds Up the voting and within a few minutes the result ORONO WOMAN is announced on a sereen. Considerable difficulty was ex- US HONORED perienced by the teavellers in ob- taining visas for Russia. They Mrs. John Henry, who is soon were forced to fili out long de- to move to Toronto ta live, iwas tailed forms printed in Russian honored on Wednesday afternoon and were delayed several days with an address and preseixtation while waiting for permission to on behaîf of the relief committee, enter the country. Group 2, of the Park St. W. A., of Customs officials on the Russian which she was a valued member, border went through everything and also from neighbors and fri- looking for pamphlets, jewels, and ends. Mrs. J. Eagleson read the anything that might let their peo- address and the presentation of ple know how the outside world an autograph album and a purse lives. In Russia they know little of money was made by Mrs. D. about other countries and are Cooper and Mrs. E. Serle. The taught that they are more ad- album contained verses and signa- vanced than we are. tures of Mrs. Henry's friends in Mrs. Bateman described the Orono. Mrs. Henry replied fit- meals, the entertainment and the tingly. The presentation xvas made clothes worn by the Russians and at the relief committee meeting at said that Greek Orthodox church- Park St. Church where during the es were still functioning, but that afternoon the ladies quilted two it was against the law to pay fine quilts. Supper was served priests. and Mrs. W. Stutt, president, pre- Marriages are conducted by a sided. Mrs. Howard Walsh sang non-paid priest or by the state or a solo, Rex'. and Mrs. S. Little- the couple may do nothing more xvood made appropriate speeches, than register their names. If they and the evening concluded with seek a divorce the man must pay the singing of Christmas carols the woman and pay for the up- with Mrs. Littlewood at the piano. keep of the children. If he is di- vorced twiee the sum he pays doubles. . I E e e e The travellers visited the apart- E e e e mnents formerly occupied by thel Czar and Czarina and saxv thei Recent Visitors: Me. and Mrs. G. place where Rasputin spied on Pearce. Mr. Jim Pearce, Mrs. Price, the ministers. Everything has Mfrs. Bennett. Messrs Jay and Gor- been preserved just as it was left (Ion TruIl with Mr. and Mrs. Ira at the time of the revolution even Pearce. Bowmanvillc. . . . Miss An- ta the desks and the children's nie Ilnît. Toronto. with f riends... toys5. MNrq. Edvthe Johnston. MNooreficld, When they arrived in China the and Mef Frank Short, Brampton, war had just begun with Japan witli friends . Mr. and Mrs. J. EIGHT SHOPPING DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS EIGHT SPECIALS AT JEWELL'S i A A A A I A A k DolrItems ini: SERVES AS A BLANKET FOR VOUR HOME 0 Here in the inoulation y u have been waiting for-Red Top Insu Iating WoaI. Real blankets your borne Pays for itself i fuel savings. Easy ta install. First cost ta Iow. Fireproaf. Vermin.prooL Perma Dent. Ask for sample end further details. A produet of Canadien Gypaurn Company Ltd., your war- ranty of quality. RED TOP INSULATING WOOL She[pard & Gi LUMBER CO. LTD. Phone 715 - BOwmanvllle PRACTI CAL At Thrifty Prices as 1- 7. in ýt' I. 3s is f OlIFT$ moved ta Port Hope where hie at- tended schoal. Mr. MeLean had recently re- turned fraie Australia after at- tending the British Common- wealth Relations Conference held at Sydney. He is a keen observer of economie and business science and gave a most informative and enlightening address on "~Austral- asia and Canada Contrasts.-~ In his introductory remarks lie sort of apalogetically remaeked "My business in the xvorld is mak- ing sausages, not speeches." "Australia will neyer be a seri- ous rival of Canada as a xvheat- producer," Mr. McLean declared after a survey of the climatic con- ditions there that affected the year by year average production of wheat. "She will. of course, always be in the wheat-producing business; she will neyer be pushed out of it as a marginal producer. But Can- ada will always remain the great- est producer of wheat, for over a period of yeans she will produce more wheat than Australia,- lhe said. His talk, which wanmly praised the "abounding hospitalitv" with which hie had been received in Australia and New Zealand, dealt in part with the contrast between evenyday life in those dominions and everyday life in Canada. "One couldn't help reflecting that we in Canada have gat a great deal they haven't even thought of getting,"'lhe remarked, after lauding the progness made in building up Australia witbin the past two generatians. Except in twa or three of the large hotels, hie had found no cen- tral heating anywhere. The heat being supplied by fireplaces, hie cleclared. adding, "their homes are j well built and substantial, buti evince for the most part little interest in architectural attrac- tions. They seemed to have no sense, acconding ta aur standards, of making themselves comfart- able." See page 2 for interesting stony on the life of Mn. J. S. McLean. LIONS CLUB ryralin Brush, Comb and Mirror Sets $2.75 - $27.50 Woodbury Woodbury Colgates )WEN'S SETS ADIES' SETS MEN'S SETS 25-49-98 25-49-98 49-98-1.49 HEou 559 Cutex Sets Assorted Shades 35c - $4.50 Palmolive MEN 'S SETS 25-49-98 Yardley GIFT SETS $1 to $10 Phone 6195 Arnott. Bernice and Jack, Maxwell's. charge. Sacrament was observed at at Mr. H. F. Osbarne's. . . . Miss morninz ser-vice. Misses Annie and Allie Worden. Pickering, at home. Nellie Husband cantributed a voc Services on Sunday were well at- de tended with Rev. W. C. Smith in ut I Chr istmasBOeet This s op has been noted for over 80 years for Its prime beef for Christmas. Wben you buy here you know it w~ill be the ehoicest money can buy and the cattie are raised right in Durham County. We have I p urehased1 Eleven Choice Young Shorthorn Ste ors FROM F. W. BOWEN, EX-M.P. These are ail stail fed cattie and selected by us per- sonallà, from bis stable of 40 head. They are just as nice as were sold at the Winter Fair. Compare quallty and price and you'Il find lU's cheapest ta buy here. ORDER CHRISTMAS POULTRY Better get your order in early sa you'Il ot be dis- appainted and it will give us an opportunity ta serve aou better. Good poultry of ail kinds. T. W. Cawker Poe382 BUTCHER Bowmanville MARKS THEATRE - OSHAWA - Complete change of Program every day Double Features on every Program PRE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY SEASON POLICY Thursday - December I 5th "LANCER SPY" with Dolares Del Rio, Geo. Sanders "ONE WILD NIGHT" vw'tr- h June Lang, Lyle Talbot Friday - Decem ber I 6th "MR. MOTO TAKES A CHANCE" with Peter Lorre, Rochelle Hudson "WALKING DOWN BROADWAY" with Phyllis Brooks, Michael Whalen Saturday - Decem ber I 7th "CHECKERS" with Jane Withers, Stuart Erwin "WESTERN TRAILS" with Bob Baker Sunday, Midnight - Deeem ber I 8th and Monday - December I 9th "CHANGE 0F HEART"P with Gloria Stuart, Michael Whalen 'TORCHY BLANE IN PANAMA"Y -with Lola Lane, Paul Kelly Tuesday - December 20th "CITY GIRL" with Phyllis Brooks, Ricajrdo Cortez "WHEN WERE YOU BORN?"p with Anna May Wong, Margyaret Lindsayi. Wednesday - Decem ber 21 st "DAREDEVIL DRIVERS" with Dick Pu.rcell, Beverly Roberts "ADVENTUROUS BLONDE"f with Glenda Farrell, Barton MacLane -~ ~-~-_ MEN'S MILITARY Shaving Bowls- 49c-$1.00 Christmas Shaving Brushes- 25c-$5.00 Brush Sets Bath Saits- - - 25c-$2.10 Stationary Pipes - - 25c-35c-$1.00 Alag sote i 2, 3 and 4 Pieces Travelling Kits - $3.00-$6.50 A ae asoxtesl X Pen Sets - - - 98c - $a9.0Bxe $1.50 - $7.50 Pens - - - 50c-$6.00 25e - $1.50 Box& Folding CAMERAS $1 .25 - $9 We Test Eyes and Fit Trusses P. R. COWLING, Phm.B. *(Opinil Egspren-Slight Extra Cas:) F. E. ALEXANDER Phone 551 - King St. East - Bowmanvllle Peesident af Canada Packens Lim- Silverwarelé ited. Me. McLean was born on a faemn near Kendal in Clarke Town- Dolls and Gaines ship and later with bis family Fancy Linensé A and Handkerchiefs é Boxed Stationery é TAKETHEGift China and Glass Books for Young and Oldi LEADOtffPainting Books and Cutoutsé OFYO RLLV II, Leather Key Cases anld Bill-,, Cet Ozgen in Your Blood An You'd Gelthtei1 PoP that SundaYou Bounding Up tii. 5taàà Sec aur s5ieal values In 1 PeoPle wbo emother ta death die because Christmas Cards and Calendarspg o)xygren bas been compieteiy cut oif from Wapns asadSas them. Just as aurely yuae .iowiy emoth- ering if Your biod acka red corpuscies.. ________________ Red corpiscien are Your oxygrer-carrier..à Tisey carry thie oxywen You breathe irn t, ev- OPEN EVERY EVENING ery Part of your system. Without enough oxy- gCf-carrying corpuscies, yOur kidneys. liler. UNTIL CHRISTMAS stomach and boweis slow down. Your skin _________________ uets Paie, flabby, often Pimpiy. Your nerve. niay become jittery- you tireuiky feel derressed. ' uci What you need la Dr. Williams PinkliPlla. These world-famous Pille heip make more an ethe xyecyreper andthyu nr ood.J. VW. JEWELL nn eth e r e crpsinPoer aof thu o,. Get Dr. Williamss Pink P'ila tociay at your Phane 556 - Bowmanvlllet druggjst. Sec for Yourseif how quickiy this time-Proven biood-builder wiii heip give you back your pep. c-VI. M. s, T. F>ffosd fl,. SE RVI CE AV AILA BLE AC ROS S CA NAD A THURSDAY, IIECEMBER I5TH, 1938 Smokes Cigars - - 10's - 25 es - 50's Cigarettes - - 50's - 100 's Tobaccos - - - - 1/2 Ibs. Christmas Wrapped Rolls Razor - - - $6.95 Wilkinson Razor - $3.00 Gillette Razor - 49c -98c PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLF, ONTARIO Electric Shavers Freshpack Gillette - - - - $20.00 Chocolates Packard - - - - $8.50 , 1/2-1b. 1-lb. 2-lb. Schick - - - - $13,00 25C 50C $1.00 Monarch - - - - $5.001 Special Boxes - 50C - $200 Ail Christmias Wrapped ý - lm- 1 . 1 4111*

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