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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Dec 1938, p. 7

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THURSDAY, DECEMBER I5TH, 1938 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL - Phone 663 - Rev. L. S. Wig Belleville, Miss Louise Cowan, Toronto, is gave The Statesman à friend- guest of her cousin, Mrs. M. Com- ly caîl Tuesday. stock. Statutory meeting of the Town Don't forget the Public Schoo] Council will be held to-night at Concert in the High School Audi- 8 o'clock. torium next Monday and Tuesday Miss Elaine Reaman, Toronto, nights. was a weekend guest of the Misses Miss Eileen Thompson, daugh- Marjorie ançi Dorothy Bradt. 1ter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thomp- Ais .1' / A & P GOLDEN BANTAM CORN COC IONA PEAS No. 4 IV HEINZ TOMATO SOUPS 2 .s23'\'T. OLD TOWNE PICKLES AST SPECIAL BLEND IBLACK TEA SWA NS D0W N CAKE FLOUR IONA TOMATO JUICE 2.z CHOICE GRAPEFRUIT IC CHO0ICE PUMPKIN N.2/ ORANGE MARM ALADE STRAWBERRY, RASPBERRV JAMt ADDED COLOUR & PCI SA& PBREAD Sliced and Unsîiced ANN PAGE WHITE WHOLE WHEAT CRACKED WHEAT 224. oz. Wra pped 3No. 3 Tins 23e 2Tins 25C Jar 25C 1 lb 41 Bag4& Pkg. 25C 3 Tins 23e No. 2 O Tin o 2 T in s 15C Jar l 32.oz. 25C A & P COFFEE 1-lb. Bag VIGOROUS & WINEY Bokar 25c 1.lb. Bag 8 O'clock 23c MILD & MELLOW 1.lb. Bag Red Circle 19C RICH & FULL-BODIED Domestic & Easifirst ,.- 2 lbs. 23c Shortening ............. 4 Ibs. 43c Over a Vear 0Wd Cheese, OId .. lb. 23c New. lb. 19e Kraft & Chateau Cheese .. lG1C Roquefort Cheese..............lb. 54c îDanish Blue Cheese............ lb. 38c SUNNYFIELD PASTRY 5.ib.24. 1 b. Flour Bg I eBgtl YUKON CLUB Gionger àe O-n - tyo Glît Edge 50-1b. Bag 98-1b. Bag FLPUR ........51.13 $2.25 HOLIDAY NEEDS FOR TABLE AND KITCHEN! NUTS BuIk CURRANTSC ... 2 bs. 25c Buik and Red Glace Fancy Large PECANS 1. b. 19C CHERRIES...............l[b. 37c California Di amond Budded WALNUTS ...............lba. 23c CANDIES Soft Sheil Del May Ass't ALMONDS ...... 1.lb. Bag 29e CHOCOLATES .... 2.1b. box 47c Fancy MIXED NUTS ..... lb. 19c Holly Wrap Large Washed BRAZILS A b. 19c CHOCOLATES .... 4-1b. box 79c A & P Christmas MIX 2 Ibs. 23e PEEL BUTTERCUPS............l1b. 14c BuIk CUT MIXED ....lb. 21c IC TM Cello Bag ORANGE, LEMON ICITM and CITRON . .. .2 4-oz. IIjgs 17c Poultry DRESSING Z shakers 15c RAISINS Almond ICING... 1-1b. tin 25c Encore Stuffed S unbeam Seeded LEXIAS pkg. 15c OLIVES ............ 4-oz. jar 19c Fancy BLEACHED ....lb. 17c Encore Plain Bulk SULTANA ..........b. 10Oc OLIVES ............ 4-oz. jar 14c FIGS, DATES, ETC. Encore MAYONNAISE .. 8-oz. jar 15e Extra Seîected Encore Salad DATES Hallîowi...2 Ibs. 19c DRE.SSING......... 8-oz. jar 17c Extra Seîected Bakers DATES Sairs. Ptted... .2 Ibs. 25c CHOCOýLATE .... !,2-lb. pkg. 19e Smyrna Layer BuIk COCOANUT......... lb. 19e FIGS.2 i-oz. colle Ug,19c Weîch's Extra G.en une GRAPE JUICE......Pts. 27c FIGS, Cook ing A .~..2 Ibs. 17c Apple CIDER. ...Gai s. 55, Qs.. 18. WEEK-END SPECIALS. Better Quality Meats for Less Money Peameal Rolls.................. lb. 1 9c Blade Roast ....................lb. 15c Short Rib ....................... lb. 16c oked Picnic Shoulders ........ lb. 20c 7lb. Pails Mincemeat .......... each 75c Pork Shoulder, fresh............. lb. 15c Butts ......................... lb. 21c Breakfast Bacon, slieed .......... lb. 27c Pot Roast, boneles.............l. M. 4c Veal Roast, boneless............ lb. 15c Burlington Sausage, pork ........ lb. 19c Bacon Square, 11/2 to 2 lb. aver. . lb. 1 7c SPECIAL NEXT WEEK ONE PAIR 0F GLOVES FREE- With 51.00 Worth of Cleaning Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co. Limited PHONE 419 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO son, Horsey Street, has joined the Post Office staff. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Devitt, Halifax, NS., are on a month's vacation and are visiting Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Devitt this week. Mrs. Harry Baskerville and sdaughter, Toronto, were in town Friday attending the funeral of Mrs. John Curtis. Mrz. Ernes Andrus, daughters Olive and Jean. and son Freeman, Hamilton, visited Mrs. Bert An- drus. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. McTaggart and Don. Mr. and Mrs. C. Den- son, Mr. and Mrs. G. Clarke, To- ronto. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McTaggart. See Christmas Hosiery Specials in gift boxes at The Ev]y n Shop priced at 59c, 69c, 75c. $1.00. Phone 594. We deliver. Wide range of other gifts. 50-2 Dont fail te see the Princess and the Woodcutter. They wifl entertain you at the Public School Concert in the High School Audi- toriurn next Monday and Tuesdav. Mrs. Charlotte Morgritson and son Wilfred, Hamilton. spent Sun- day wi th her sister and brother, Miss Eva J. and Mr. Herbert Wakelin. St. Paul*s C. G. I.T. met Wed- nesday evening. A special Christ- mias meeting was planned for next week. After the worship service and recreation the meet- ing losed with Taps. A canned goods matinee in aid ef -the Christmas Welfare Basket Fund will be held on Friday. Dec. l6th. at the Royal Theatre at 4 p.m. Price of admission is one or more tinis ef canned goods. Mrs. T. G. Mason, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wight, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James wvere in Oshawa Saturday evening attending the golden wed- ding anniversarv of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Everson. At the Sunday evening service at Trinity Church, Dec. l8th, at 6.45 an ergan recital of fami liar and favorite numbers will be giv- en preceding the regular sevie Congregational carol singing l be a feature of the service. Men's Canadian Club have been very fortunate in securing Willson Woodside, Toronto, author,' tra- veller and commentator, for their opening meeting to-night. His subject is "Britain Faces Ger- many." New members are învited. Men's Club of St. John's Angli- can Church met Tuesday night and entertained a visiting club from St. Stephen's Church, Co- bourg. Local club defeated the visitors in an exciting game of carpet balîs. Mrs. Wm. Watson, Hamilton, nee Daisy Cully. returned to towni on Saturday to assist the Post' Office staff during the Christmasi rush. Mr. Watson also visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cully over the weekend. Mrs. Watson I WHIITE TISSUE PAPER SJOHNSTON'S SBOOK STORE BPhone 6 51 "LAUNOERED"1 COAL is Guaranteedi -«ben we send you a ton of Fa- mousReadingAnîhracite,wc give you a Guarantee that it is genù. ine "Laundered" Coal -... wasbed free of dirt, dust, slate and rock in giant laundries. You get ait col... long-burning coal that gives stcady, even, dependable heat. Yon save money on your coal bl. Try "Laundered" Coal. Agents for Semet Solvay Coke J. J. FLETT FUELS Successor to Henry Lathrope Phone 2695 or 2673 Res. - Ontario St. N., Bowmanville Luà for Ganaeutw wMu» RE-ELECTED 1il PAGE SEVEN MARJORIE KAY SHOPPE the school roomn. This contest cre- INVITES YOU ated much interest. School Rt'eport Mrs. Edgar Prescott and her ____ To see our large selection Of group provided an excellent lunch S. S. NO. 3, DARLINGTON Christmas Gifts under $1.00 . . . which, considering the large at- Gr. 8 - George Stackaruk A** extra special first quality pure tendance, was very efficîently Alvin Metcalf B plus; D on a Il crepe hose, 59e . . . chiffon hose planned and served. Mrs. N. Yel- Metcalf B; Bill Pinack B minus. and service, frem 69e . . . full- lowlees supervised the coffee. Gr. 7 Olga Pinack B. fashioned pure wool and silk, $1 The pianists were Mrs. James Gr. 6 Mildred Metealf A"; Ar- .carvesrSkaing od withri od r who played for opening and thur Stackaruk A minus"; Daisy ScaresSkatng oodswit orclosing exercises, and Mrs. E. Cry- Gibson B plus; Mike Bonk B min- without mitts te match, Sweaters, derman who played for the sing- us; Sam Bonk C. Vestees, Skirts, etc. . . . Expert song conducted by Mr. Saywell. Gr. 4 - AIle x Stackaruk A"; Corsetry a specialty and adjust- The executive of the Home and Keith Crago B plus; Neil Met- ments free. School Cluib were entertained at caîf B.j the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gr. 3 Sr. - Harvey Metcaîf B; radly's cho lGilbert on Tuesday evening and Robbie Henry B; Annie Moroz C Bradle 's Sc ool ,enjoye a social time together, 22 plus. being present. Humorous contests Gr. 3 Jr. - Virginia Hopkins A"; December meeting of the Home provided somne fun, Morley Gilroy plusokA ius;Ve making the best fruit cake and Crago B plus; Ross Metcalf Bpls and School Club xvas held Dec. 2, Mrs. Alfred Prescott the best lady Helen Stackaruk B minus; Annie with an attendance of one hun- car driver. Merlin Hepburn and Bornk C. dred. Opening exercises were' Mrs. Gilroy were ahead of ail Gr. 2 - Helen Karas A*; Mike- det rs ýother contestants in the suit and Karas A*; Loratne Tînk A;Jh conuctd b Prsidnt rs.dress ensemble. "Suitable' prizes Moroz B plus; Eddie Rudan B. Frank Gilbert, and minutes were,! were awarded ta each. In pro-. Gr. 1 - Walter Tink B. read by Secretarv Miss Fanny gressive euchre the lady's prize Fred Miller, teacher. Geo. W. Pingle Smale. Treasurer Mrs. M o r 1 e y xvas won by Mrs. Merlin Hepburn Who headed the polls in Elmdale Gilroy reported balance on hand and the gentleman's prize by Nor- Thsarbuyds.Rdte Wad hn ewa r-letd nof$1.)0 heto apanso teman Yellowlees. A social hour' hs r uydy.Ra h Wbrought to a close an eveningnoffadvts0before shopping. It saves Alderman for 1939 in the Ottawa attendance contest, Deb Vice and bogtt ls neeigo dt eoesopn.I ae City municipal elections last week. Bruce Montgomery, called the good-fellowship. time and money, too. Mr. Pingle is eldest son of Mr. roll, which was answered by the Thos. Pingle, Bowmanville. namne of an apple, everyene pres- ent, even the juniors. responding, .....................12,... which is a record fer a roll caîl.A was employed at the Post Office Each side reported 360 marks. À before her marriage this faîl. Stephen Saywell, Oshawa, con-A The editor is indebted to Mr.dutdcm niyigignhs Ernest B. Watson, a former baker down iniomityle, wn nhiws A of the town, who is now travelling thoroughlv enjoye'd, Mr. SayweillAlI in the eastern provinces, for send- being complete master of the art. j w ing us a copy of the Halifax Her- usspaewsInecoC.O ald containing a page of pictures Getsekr\a npco of the Princess Collery where the F. noOsaa enthrall-Î worst tragedy in 20 years in the ed his hearers with an impressive RIoIfn re A t Maritimes took place'recently. address on "Personality." Mr. C'JUIter's UflIU MUUoods And Conservatives who attended the Cannon himself is blessed witli a Cosraieconvention in To- p l e a s i n g personality, and theA ioc lte ronto last week from this district schools in his inspectorate are for- C o oa e included M. J. Elliott, Miss Flora tunate. Mrs. Cedric Parsons, tea- ~________________ Galbraith, Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle, cher of music, was present to con-A Bowmanville; A. E. Bîllett, Dar- duct a class ofiju n i or s-i n .MIC lington; Norman Green, Cart- ,Rhythm" which she explained, AINC PIESÀd l m wright: F. W. Bowen, T. A. Reid, anwark 0s f seniors in chorus X9 Deep Home Style __ 35C R. R. Waddell, Clarke; George wr, with accompaniment on the g Regular Size Ea. 25e derstand they were all greatly de- Aileen Balson, Solina, rendered A niiulSie E.5 lighted that Col. Geo. A. Drew two piano solos, which vere also was selected as Leader of the apprecîated. The vote of thanksA Short Bread, Fruit Bread.-j party.to the guest speaker and all those Christmas Cake, Cookies, part. asisingon the program was WhiPPed Creamn Dainties A Women's Canadian Club memiT- moved by Mrs. E. Cryderman and bers were entertained Monday in seconded by Mr. Merlin Hepburn. Dinner Roils, Cherry Cake St. John's Parish Hall by an il- January meeting wiîî be "Book and many other Items. lustrated lecture by Rev. Canon Night." A dance is ta be held tC O O A E R. B. McElheran, M.A., D.D., Prin- during the Christmas holidays. cipal of Wycliffe College, Toronto. The adult drama committee is ac- CH C LA E His address was focussed on "The tvpouigapa ab rm Playground of Europe" in which ativeTe, ckeapts o hebdram- The finest v'ariety we eVer he described conditions in that Thw eetickets fo Hro ldkt stocked: part of the world. Ladies in large Brunt. Russell Hepburn sold the NEILSON'S - CARSON'S numbers attended. Tea xvas.serv- lucky ticket, which won for himI ANNIE LAURIE ed prier to the business sessionfor the prize box of chocolates. Dur- -Mn lvr n tlst India, Miss Kate S. McLaurin, of n rceain Ms.JmsPr Bowmanvîlle, was guest of honor whpih was won byapgrou com-es chaose from. at a reception on Saturday after- posed of rucewont agoerycoMa- ByBkdGoBeautifully Decorated nongiven b3' Mrs. E. Frank rcBaerur.FrdSihMs BakedomavleOC t 5.0 Wright, Old Forest Hill Road, Toannv SmBaker . ThednexSciteMsst ae nBwavleàs c t 50 rontoReceiving with the lostess Fnw as Theuexgs~tucointA TH ary president of the Women's apples and was conducted by Bet- A H A T R F M L Baptist Foreign Mission Board. mî h a band1 .Atu at ,h vaiieFonc adBllA- C RT RAM L president. Miss McLaurin ivasto h1 varie tis Fo esan Bil lroAsh Bakers For Two Generations Ao ih1 aitis ilGlo PHONE 855 BOWMANVILLE presented with a book on behaif of the board by Mrs. Matthews. with Il. These varieties of appIes 1 The second serious ljr with- were numbered and placed around 1 I -è in a month in one family occurred on Dec. 7th when Gordon Baker, 21, employed with his uncle, Har- ry Fraser, at New Park, suffered a severe gash in his right leg, just above the knee. Gordon was cut- ting wood and attempted to straighten a tree which was faîl- ing the wrong way. The axe he xvas using slipped and cut through the flesh te the bone. He was brought te Bowmanville Hospital by Dr. McNeiI, Pontypool. and Dr. V. H. Storey treated the wound. About three weeks before, bis bro- ther, Alan Baker, 19, employed wvith Fred Tamblyn, Orono, had two fingers tomn off his right hand. Their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker, live at Aldershot, near Hamilton. The lads have worked in this district for several years. Both are making satisfac- tory progress from their painful accidents TRINITY W. A. Trini.ty Women's Association met December l3th, with Mrs. F. C. Colmer and ber Circle in charge of the Christmas program. The hymn, Silent Night, was sung accompanied by Miss Phyllis Chal- lis. Christmas Story from the Bi- ble was read by Mrs. John Darch. Mrs. H. W. Foley gave a talk on "What Dees' Christmas Mean." Mrs. E. P. Bradt, president, pre- sided for the business. Mrs. M. J. Hutchînson and Mrs. W. R. Strike took charge of the election of officers, and Mrs. C. H. Mason presented the slate which was appreved as follows: Past President - Mrs. E. P. Bradt; Pre- sident - Mrs. T. W. Cawker; Ist Vice - Mrs. S. R. James; 2nd Vice - Mrs. W. Webb; Secretary Mrs. E. S. Ferguson; Cor. Sec'y. Mrs. D. Alldread; Treasurer - Mrs. L. W. Dippell; Flowers - Mrs. W. H. Birks; Pantry - Miss L. Jackson, Miss A. Hoskin, Mrs. F. C. Colmer, Mrs. O. .Plummer. A pleasing musical program was presented by Miss Phyllis Challis and her pupils - Piano solos, Mary Alldread, Fay Boe, George Roberts, and George Mor- ris; piano duets, Ruth Abernethy and George Roberts, and Phyllis Challis and George Morris. MYSTIC DAWN In the early morning, Before the break of dawn, A breeze trips down the hilîside As god-like as a faun. Ah Up and down the valley It sweeps the mist away. And oh! The magie wonder 0f a new-born day. In the early mornîng, Before the dawning breaks, A breeze stirs through the tree- tops And every bird awakes. They chirrup and they twitter And stretch their dewy wings. And oh! The magie wonder When the first bird sings. -By Prescott Shortt. As the five girls who refused a million dollars, the quintuplets should prove a bigger tourist at- traction than ever.-Toronto Tele- gram. I I I FOR CHRISTMAS We have Men's Work Boots and Oxfords at attractive prie- es. Also Slippers, Blllfolds, etc. at reasonable prices. JOHN LENZ BOWMAN VILLE West End-- Next J. Marr ALEX MCOREGOOS Your Christmas Shopping Centre EVENI~1GIN PRIS ETSWith only Eight Shopping Days left before Christmas we offer you the EVENNG N PAIS ETS greatest variety of Gift Items in our history. From our varied stocks you May select suitable presents for everyone on your list and at prices that will suit any pocketbook. We list xnany of these below. LARGEST STOCKS-- LOWEST PRICES CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS MNSST CÀNDY TOBACCO MNSST Woodbury 's - Calgates' Neilson 's - Moir 's Cigars - Cigarettes and Palmolive Sets 85eto$800Page & Shaw and Tobaccos 49e - 98c 85 o$.0Special Fancy Boxes 2sC to 55.00 Potter & Noore-- $1.00 up PEFUE TOIZ4 Williams' - - - 59e - 98c 25c to $3OOIER 25c to 54.00 Ronson Lights $4.50 up----- PERFUMES & COLOGNES Special Chocolates lb. 27c Pipes - Pouches - Etc. Bronnley Sets- 50o - $2,00 25c to $5.0 -------- Lentherio Sets- - $1,50 up COMPACTS - - 25c to $5.00 Cutex Gift Sets Houbicant Sets- - $1.50 Up FANCY SOAPS - - 25c up Beauty is in the varled cases of these attractive git Items. Useful- YARDLEY GIFT SETS tSZ~i .* ness ln their Cutex fittlngs. Just the glft to show your finesse In selection. Priced from 35c to $8.50 p,.>;y SC IKChristmas Brush, Comb and Tine-tested and proved. Statiofl*Iy Mirrr Sests The Schick takes *Il beards ia guide, and you cannot ick or cut the skia. Shiv A Beautiful Âssortment $350 Sets - - - $1.99 r'his modemn way for coaafort end c i ence. No blades, of Fancy Boxes $6.50 Sets - - - $3.99 no brusb, no lather., Coa ia for a demonstralUOe 25e te $2.00 $6.95 Sets - - - $4.99 PACK.00 In Cedar Chests 10.50 Sets- - $7.95 Men.'s'and Ladies' LEKTRO-SHA VER 75c - $1.00 Up AUl attractiveIy boxed $1.00 to $ 10.00 PACKARD ROTO-BHAVER SPECIAL $1.010 CHRISTMAS CARDS - - - - Boxed 15C GILLETTE DRY BHAVER 12C ISK. AD ----Boe 25 $20.0012C STAB Â2D ---Boe 2c SPECIAL ELECTRIC RAZOR A Complete Line of Individual Cards - 5c and up ,i CLIP BHAVER PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Phone 792 We Deilver i t i- L7. PAGE SEVEN

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