-w---' ~i7- ~ VS 0F THE DISTRICT rticethe program with a recitation. Per- rticefectattendance prizes were awarded - bv 'Mrs. Clarence Penfound to Pau- v School held its line Antil. '«innie W«alter. Gordon rs and teachers on Balson and Fred Adams. '«hile the t. Luthcr Beckett collection was beinz taken old time, riz. followinz with! sonirs were suniz witb Fred Adams WV. C. Smitbi who at the piano. Santa Claus was warm- Saddress. Clarence Iv welcomed and Proceeded to dis- ected Superintend- tribute the presents from the troc. ckctt expressed bis aided bv williniz workers. "God Be duc to iII iealth." '«ahtI You 'Till '«e Meet Again" Il remain the saine! vas sung as the closing hvymui. witli Treas-Allani Trc- the Sunda School pianist. MI\rs. T. '1und Treas. - Fred .\damis. at thc piano. iry Treas. - Mar- board of Marae evail. Ccil Adm M aple Grove Pres. of teCradle Aai:Pianist- anis; -\st.-'.\iss Reccut \Visitors 'Mr. Vecrnon Trimi- Auiditors wcre bic. Port Hope. horne. . Mr. and îfound and L. Bec- \Irs. Bert '«ilkins, Miss Greta \Vil. f \\omnen's Assoc- kiris. Courtice. at Cecil Ieffcrv's.. ppointed bv thenm. NIr. and Nirs. L ancaster. 'Miss WVin- vere carried: that , ie Lancaster. Mr. Sid. Lancaster. t Christmas concert Port Granbv. with M.\rs. Ivison 'Mun - ing Fond: that 'Mr. (day. . . 'Mrs. B. J. Gav. Mliss Evelynr Siindav Scliooi and Gav. 'Miss 'Margaret Sniowden, Osh- ition financial re- awa. at Mfrs. W«. J. Snowdcn's. in the vear hook: Svmpathv is extendcd to M.\rs. \V. ongregational meiet- . Lymer. ini the loss of ber miother.. av of January. Ad- \fr,. John Founid. Ebenezer. ting a Home De- A\ car load of young people jour- iefly discusscd buît ne'.ed to Toronto last week and had later meeting. Mr. a skate after which thev were rigbt the services of a lovallv entertained at the home of lable to direct tea- Mr. and 7.%rs. J. W. Hynds. Misses class. if sufficient Helene and Molly Hvnds. ttcnd. Congratulations to '.\r. and Mrs. ConertforChrst-Noble M.\etcalf on their 25th wedding Coctb Supt Lurite-nîvrav cbairmanp. Frayer, Mr. Llovd Metcalf met witb an cheirina. C. Smith accident Fridav when a load of liav irks ,prccedcd the tiDped over. misplacinz a hone and lgs of"'elcome' iiiring tbe ligaments of bis left Oett .ni foot whicb %vill lav bimi up for over Betty%ý Anu; uv a month. rs. Josepb Gearing s ____ sonir "Huslb-a-b' ,' Public School Stage Royal tbcir cradies: littie Winter Fair Jams and Fav .Tool- On riaeein ulsfMae nis on "Christnmas O rdveeigppl fNa Cauliflower Mother Grove Public Scliool lbcld their " verv ablv: Rus- Royal '«inter Fair in tbe new~ Sun- ,ed severai nuinhers dav Sehiool basement. '«el over 200 d sang "South Sea includinz lInspector C. F. Cannon. accompanying him- turned out to sec the fine exhbition bv Lorne Penfouind ilof wvork donc and to eniov the crn- ere" wvas followed tertainmcent. On the north wall and ive junior bovs who a long ta.ble were exhibits of murais. Halls ;" an exercise art. scw ing. art craft and manual ris and a recitation trainîig. re bcartilv received P rogramn consistcd of recitations. rue' s class of girls readings. speeches. sungung. dancing entitled "Miss Santa and fflavs. and a demonstration les- d of the good w'ill son in social studies by Grades 4, 5 i the resulting zoodý an(l 6 on Pizarro and the Incas of )vd Courtice's class IPerui. id girls tben took, Rlccitatiouîs bv the Juniorsu were ram.l John W«alter. mnade up bv tbe Seniors. Most of tbe 1 Fred .Adams, witb costumes were the work of the and violini gave sel- puils. Dorotbiv Snowden of Grade : tbese readings; 8 acted as cbairladv. introducing the 's" bv Thomas Bar- different parts and explainmng where (ncd Christmas" by ncccssary. Marion Folcv of Grade 8 'A Stocking for the acted as pianist and Stanley Snow- ret Adams; "Frank-. den of Grade 6 lead the demonstra- iends"I bv Lorraine tiOn lesson in social studies. uggestion for Santa Tbe most entertaininz part of the ,oyd Courtice' John programa was a Play on "The Tiger, cd Adams played the Brakeman and the Jacical" madle ;on their zuitars;, up and put on by the Seniors. Santa rtained with a Piano elaus e*iertained the crowd while et Burroughs closed Senior girls and boys unloaded the Christmas Tree. Proceeds $30.85. The puffils of Maple Grove wish tc takc tbis opportunitv of thanking tbose responsible in any way for the ncw churcb addition wbicb made il possible to put on an affair of this IDE NEWS ng of the Rangers Sry profitable for ss were Uanded lu Welfare workers, ore are expected ts for second ciass d. Miss G rac e ic girls a written [ work. Plans were Ïstmas party to be ct meeting after a tt. Names were [Oc present wbicb arty a reai Christ- ie committees for Uc various tasks tparty were ap- the business, the games and ended r silence, but never .-Shakespeare Courtice Suubesm Mission Band met Fn.- day afternoon. Program was ur chargze of boys' group and Juniou erosup. Miss Greta W«ilkins read tbe minutes. Business xas taken bv Mrs. Clarence Penfouud. Special mention was made of the splendid atteuidance of this Mission Baud at the Sundav mneting of the Missionary Family, when it assisted by suppflvime special music. Thanks were warmiv express. cd. The leaders and mnembers were dcigzhted to have Hilda Seorgie again in their midst. Officers were elected. Story of The Shepherds was' read hv Bob Pierson, and the story of the W«ise 'Men by Bill Nemis. A Christmas storv' was read by Leouard Fisher; Betty Antil gave a recitatior A-n exercise on Gift Giving was pro. sented by Nellie Nemis. Phylliý Ad. ams, Jean McKay, Stela Gray and Miarv Wslter. An interestinz feature of the meeting was the briuîging of gzifts enclosed in a ned bell to the Christinas tree whene four senior Aýn Invitation , Johnston & Crydermnan Ltd. e Ladies of Bowmanville and vicin- ity to visit their store on IDAY - DECEMBER 309 1938 e the faniouz Francis Kay dinner, even- ad daytime frocks in the newest mater- and styles. A company representative display the dresses. You may select r dresses from the traveller's samples have them made to, your ow» masure. Le in1 and look around. You are under no obligation to b'ny. IJohnston & Cryderman Lt. Bowmnnvile bov hnL thrninplace. Prayer ofE thnsfor Christmas and the Muis- E e sonaries was offcred bv Mi\rs. Pen- found. Mirs. Ws. C. Smith delightcd ail with the storv oft"TIe Christmas Trce that W\ent \%akiig. Cnd% and apples were passd oalbte leaders and Nirs. Smt.i Blackstock Rucent \ stors: ,\r. and Mrs C. Severs. Oshawva, witb Mr. sud Mrs. lhn Larmer. . . . Miss E. Thomp- son and Nir. Orr Venning. Brooklin, witb '.\r. aud Mrs. Charles Veu'ning. . .Nr. and NMrs. Ralphi SadIen. Mr. anîd Mrs. WVilfrid Wsiliams at Mr. aind Mr. Robt. Sadler*s. . . . 'Mr. and( Nîrs. Fred Balley at Mr. andj Nrs. Jas. NMcLaugblin's. Burketou. Nîr. aund Nîrs. Francis '«errv and children. Enniskillen. NMr. aud Mrs.i Pcrcv \'an Camp simd childrcn St M\r. and I.NIrs. Ws. A . Van Caunp's. \Victorian W'omen's Iutitute met1 I)ec. 7th xith Presidcuît Nrs. Cecii Fergîu',ou in charge. Scriptîure lesson w~as taken bv NMrs. H. J. Bell. Mrs. Ferguson gave a talk on the con- veulion in Toronto. Mrs. Bell intro- duccd the ziueit speaker. Miss M . L. Rorke BA., receutlv returned fromn lapaum. where shc taugbht in a Mission School. She described the missionarv work in Japan and also the war be- twecn China sud Japan. 'Miss Jean W«right gave a readinz entitled "Mv,- self": 'Mrs. Tom Smith gave a read- ne "Thougbts About Christmas" Uv Rex'. H. J. Bell and Rev. C. C . Han- court. Lunch was served bv 'Mrs. Nervin Nlouotntlov's groin). Attend- ance 43. Christian Feliowship was the teefor Young People's Union on Dec. 7th. '«orship service consisted of bible study hy Miss Lorua Mc- Coîl and a readinmg hy Miss Helen Van Campi. "'«ho is My Pilot". The following progrsmn was gîven: Miss Jean Coulter. an instrumental:. a talk lsv 'Miss M. L. Rorke. B.A.. 'Misses, Kathleen and Dorothy Wrnighît played violin selections accompauied l)v Miss Pearl '«right at the Piano. Atîcuidance 40. Devitt's R.B.P. No. 398 uew of- ficers are: î.P.P.-Heldon Johuston; W\or. Fer-Leslie Brooks: Dcp. Per. -Leslie Thompson; Chap.-Rev. H. 1. Bell: Rg-Henrv Thompson; Treas-Cecil Hill;: ist Lect.-Percy, Hamiltonl: 2nd Lect.-NVilnlor Fitze; Ist Cen-Fred Ellis: 2nd Cen.-La- verne IeGi; lst St. Br.-Lavorue Devitt: 2nd St. Br.-Herman WVil- sou: : urs.-Fnank Harris;: Tyler- Gordon Lane: Conimittee - Herbent Hooev. Russel Butson M e r vo n Kuapp. Rupert Bvers, Len Joblin, G. F. Charsie', '«s Jordon; Auditors -Robt. Hamiltonm. Jas. Byers. %fr. and 'Mrs. Leith Byers sud M.urrav. Mr. Rupert Bvers. Mr. and Mirs. Herbert Swain sud Miriam speut Stundav with Mr. aud Mrs. las. Bvcrs. it being ber birtbday. It is interestinz to note that four gener- ations were preseut. A.Y.P.A. bas postponed its plaN. "Chintz Cottage." Public Scbool at Purpie Hill bas been ordercd closed ou account of whooping-cough. Mr. sud Mrs. Fred Bailey enter- tained the followinz to a goose din- c er Dec. 9tb: Mr. and Mrs. Levi McGilI. M\r. sud Mns. Jos. Forder. Mr. sud Mrs. Harry McLaugblin suad Lawrence. ail of Nestieton. e Nomination Day for Cartwright tCouncil is Deceunher 26th. te G rabam familv sud a few ote fricnds weut to Millbrook ou Satur- dav night to conratulate Mr. and Mirs. Leslie Graham ou their 25th weddinz aniversary. Sec report elsewhere. Enniiskillen Mn. and Mrs. Ed. Werny, Solna', vîsited at Mn. J. A. Wenry's. Sunday Scbool election of offi- cens beîd Dec. 12th, resulted as1 foilows: Supt. - W. H. M o o n e; Assistant Supts. - F. H. Ellis, Ed- gar Wright; Sec'ys. - M. J. Stain-1 ton, Alan Wearn; Treasurer - T.1 M. Semon; Miss. Supt.- Mrs. R. Ormiston; Temp. Supt.- Mrs. H.1 McGill; Crache Roll Supt. - Mrs.1 J. A. Werry; Organists - Miss E.1 Orchard, Mns. L. Lamb; Teachers:1 Sr. Boys, M. H. Heard; Jr. Boys, F. H. Ellis, J. A. Werry; Sr. Prim- any Boys, Edgar Wright; Primary,1 Mrs. R. McGili, Mrs. F. W. Wer- ry; Sr. Girls, Mrs. T. M. Siemon, Mrs. H. McGill; Jr. Girls, Miss M.1 Moore, Mns. E. Wright.1 Annual meeting of W. M. S. was held on December 14tb. Miss E.1 Soucb conducted tUe wonsbip per-1 iod. Mrs. M. Hobbs and Mrs. L. Ashton gave Christmas readings. Mrs. J. A. Werry led in prayer.1 Satisfactory reports werc present-1 ed from the secnetary, treasuren,1 and Mission Band supeintendent,1 also from the supply committee. An expression of gadness was given tUat we had raised oun allo- cation. President conductcd tUe election of officers for 1939, wbich are as follows: President - Mrs. H. McGiil; st Vice - Mns. R. Ormis- ton; Rec. Secretary - Mns. S. Tre- win; Cor. Secretary - Mrs. J. A. Werry; Treasurer - Mrs. W. Stain- ton; Missionary Outlook - Mrs. E. C. Ashton; Temperance and Citi- zensbip - Mrs. M. Hobbs; Chris- tlan Stewardsbip - Miss E. Soucb; Community Friendsbip - Mrs. W. Moore; Suppiy Committee - Mrs. W. Oke, Mrs. D. Burgmaster, Mrs. T. McGill, Mns. S. Pethick, Press Secretaries - Mrs. E. Wright, Mrs. S. Trewin;, Mission Band Supt. - Mrs. L. Ashton; Assistant - Mrs. E. Werry; Organist - Mrs. L. Lamb; Assistant - Mrs. E. Werry; Visiting Committee - Nin. F. El- lis, Mrs. C. Virtue, Mrs. W. Ash- ton, Mrs. W. Moore, Mrs. R. Mc- Gili, Mrs. C. Crossman. TUe recent rise in the pice o! wheat is said to be due to the ad- vance on the stock market. You sec, brokers bave started eating again.-The New Yorker. An umbrella of new handy de- sign may be folded away li mi- lady's purse with the comppact and lipstick. Thus the whole lot may be zislaid togethen. - D e t ro i t News. ýsight1 Education1 And Eficiency By SC.H.Tuck Opt. Eyesight Specialust Disney Bldg. (opp. P. O.) Oshawa, Phone 1516 Number 63 Perbaps we are very much overdone witb our work and are looking forward to our holidays as a measure of relief tbat we may build up pneparatory to an- other round of work and worry. The scbool cbild is just as bu- man and being a growing cbild is often more in need of relaxation and rest for the good of bis up- building. He is, no doubt, then looking forward to bis holidays. If bis eyes need correcting tbey sbould be looked after wben a symptomn of defect is f irst noted. Don't shove it ahead wben be bas a holiday. If we treated ourselves this way we would soon not know the meaning of the term relaxa- tion or rest. These errors and defects that can be attended to as we go along should receive imn'ediate atten- tion and the others of less im- portance-or best suited to summer weatber or in the need of con- stant cane may be given deeper consideration. NEWCASTLE NEWS NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT The standing of the pupils of eacb grade is given in four divi- sions, thus: 75 % and over is A standing; from 68 to 74 is B stand- ing; from 60 to 67 is C; and be- low 60 is D. Pupils in these groups are arranged alphabetically, not in order of menit. Senior Room In Grades 7 and 8 the subjects are divided into two groups, and standing of eacb pupil in eacb group is given. Grade 8 - In Group I - A standing : June Aflin, Jean Gray, Farncomb Le- Gnesley, Jean Robinon; B stand- ing : Roland Burley, Mable Gray, Grace McKellar; C standing : Cy- nil Meadows, Betty VanDusen. In Group II - A standing : Farn- comb LeGresley; B standing: 1June AllUn, Cynil Meadows, Jean 1Robinson; C standing : Grace Mc- iKellar; D standing : Roland Bun- ley, Jean Gray, Mable Gray, Betty VanDusen. Grade 7 - In Group I - A standing ' Ray- moud Aiken, Glenn Allin, Ruth Bonathan, Ted Hoar; B standing: [oms; Corr. Sec'y. Mrs. R. T. Rutherford; Treas.- Mrs. C. A. Cowan; Parsonage Comm. - Mes- dames W. H. Cooke, J. A. Butler, H. M. Aluin, J. W. Glenney, J. H. Jose, W. J. S.' Rickard: Flower Comm. - Mesdames J. A. Butler, W. H. Cooke; Group Leaders - Mvesdames W. J. S. Riekard, R. T. Rutherford, Percy Brown, Merk- ley Clark. Gordon Martin; Pian- ist - Mrs. J. E. Rinch; Temperance Comm. - Mrs. T. A. Rodger, Mrs. [rwin Colwill, Mrs. R. E. Morton; Visiting Comm. - Mrs. H. C. Allin, Mrs. Walter Couch, Mrs. Geo. Jamieson; Press Sec'y. - Mrs. H. R. Pearce; Kitchen Comm. - Mes- dames W. H. Cooke, H. M. Allin, W. J. S. Rickard, J. M. Cobble- dick. Miss Foster Moves to Belleville To tbe regret of ber many New- castle friends Miss Mabel Foster, wbo served as a nurse overseas in the Great War and who bas been living at "Longwood", Newcastle- on-tbe-Lake. in recent years, bas moved to Belleville. Her future address will be 260 Dundas St. E., Belleville. It is a new bouse, bungalow style, built tbis fail by ber cousin, Miss Beatrice Jones.* Everyone in Newcastle and vicin- itv wvbo bas bad tbe pleasure of making Miss Foster's acquaint- ance bas remarked on ber deligbt- fui personality. Altbougb an in- valid who ranely got away from tbe bouse and garden, she always bad a bappy, cheerful disposition. Friendliness and bospitality flow- ed from ber heant and warmed the natures of others who fre- quently called on ber. Tbe friends sbe made bere will greatly miss her but many will doubtless be making plans to visit ber at ber new bome wben in Belleville or vicinity. Her nurse-companion, Miss Ross, accompanied ber. A.Y.P.A. Hold Dramatic Evening St. George's Young People's Association held their dramatie evening December 5th in tbe par- isb ball. Rev. D. R. Dewdney op- ened the meeting in the absence of Miss Florence Spencer, prev- iously appointed. Thos. Brereton officiated as program chairman. Numbers consisted of tbe presen- tation of a "uewspaper" by Mrs. Thos. Spencer, readings by Rev. D. R. Dewdney, a duet by Misses Dora Martin and Ethel Spencer. dedicated to "Grandma" Lois Martin; reading of the "social col- umn" by Miss Vivian Duck; and the presentation of a play "Tbe Famous Finding," directed by Kennetb Stephenson. Holes were taken by Miss Dolly Purdy, Ar- chie Martin and Ken Stephenson. This was the highlight of the pro- gram. The evening concluded witb a spelling match. Voice of the people1 COUN. Gý. BICKLE DISCUSSES MUNICIPAL POLITICS This problem bas had mucb publicity for some montbs. The Town Council finally put itself on record as in favor of a "part time nurse", and that one of the local graduate nurses be appointed to the position. It is held by many ' that nursing is a Social Service wbich those wbo employ it should pay for, witb this one exception, that wbere a family (parents or childnen) is in great need of this cane, it should be readily and fui- ly given to tbem if they cannot pay for the service, and the cost cbarged up to the genenal tax re- venue of the town. We bave often heard it said that ail such services should be met by the Federal or Provincial Government, r a t b e r than levied on the ratepayers wbo do not make use of the service in many cases. The ra tep ayers should gîve the final decision on this question. The other question to be decid- ed by tbe ratepayers is tbe pro-1 posal to pay the Mayor and Coun-1 cillors, in the future, a total amount of $850.00 between tbem. Wben one considers tbe tremen- dous amounts of money paid an- uually to the Federal and Provin-j cial members and officials of Can- ada (both elected and appointed), it might well be reasoned that the total amount proposed could bardly be termed excessive, in view of the fact that all the local important affairs and business of the municipality is administered and conducted by the council. It is the opinion of many that Yvonne Aldread, Margaret Asti, Editor of Canadian Statesman: sucb .smýýl 'y nt is qulite ino Sam Brereton, June Gray, Yvon- Dean Sir - order, and that the citizeus gen-v ne Megit; C standing : Eric Bur- 0f late you have repeatedly in- erally would more fulhy appre- ley, Douglas VanDusen. vited the public to express their ciate the work and labors of thet In Gnoup II - A: Raymond Aik- views and opinions on the several members of the council if tbcy r en; B : Ruth Bonathan, Sam Bre- very important issues and prob- were remunerated in this way,f reton, Ted Hoar, Douglas Van- lems now before the council and and that it might stimulate more1 Dusen; ¶ : Yvonne Ahd r ea d, electors. May I be penmitted to real public spirited men to quaI-b Glenn Allin, Eric Burley, Yvonne discuss briefly the five questions ify and stand for public office in3 Megit; D: Margaret AsU, J u n e upon whicb we, the people, will the town.i Gray. speak on January 2nd? However, the votens wilh havev Grade 6 - I realize of course, that the the opportuuity f0 speak on ahI ofa Ail subjects taken togethen - A: opinion of you or I, published in tbese questions on January 2nd. i Francis Jose; B : no one; C : Ilean the press, is but the personal vicw Your counicil is bopeful that an1 Aldread, Tracy Embly, Mary Pur- of one citizen. extra large number of ratepayers( dy, Harold Rogerson, Jacqueline The Band By-Law is beiug sub- wiîî go to the poils and vote ona Smith, Douglas Walton; D :Bob- mitted at the request of a numnber ail these By-Laws, that the in- bic Gray, Olive McManus, Lionel of ratepayers and by the decision coming council may have a larget Rogerson, Harold Smith. of the Mayor and Council to again vote to warrant tbem in the finalc Room 2 bave the voters answer the ques- action on each of the above pro-L tion, "Shail we have a Town positions. This is much desired1 Grade V - A : Hugh Ai kecn, Band?" The cost of $1000 per by the members of the counicilY Buddy Bonathan, Viola Cotter, annum is Io be assessed or levied and our Mayor.1 June VanDusen, Balfour LeGres- to the genenal tâx revenue of the Respectfully submitted,i ley; B : Murray Walton. town. Many ratepayers have said, George B. Bickle, Grade IV - A :Andrew Lock- "No, we can get along without a Councillor.t hart, Velma Rogerson, Vonnie band in these times of great f in -__________ VanDusen; B : Barbara Bonathan, ancial need among old-tmerci Jack Perrin, Herman S chbmi d; dents and taxpayers." On the CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL 3 C :Betty Gray, Bob Purdy; D: othen hand, there are those who1 Doreen Burley. consider a band would be a great Statutory meeting of Cart-t Grade in - A : Norma Aldrcad, asset, and source of much pleasure wright Council met December 15. Marie Cotter, Mary Dewdney, and enjoyment to the commun.ity. Members werc ahi present except Mary Toms; B : Neil Britton, Joan The ratepayers can definiteiy de- Clerk W. Beacock, with Treasurer Duck, Evelyn McManus; C : Hazel cide the question by ballot. H. Thompson acting clerk and Rowe; D : John Aldread. The proposed HigU School Ex- Reeve C. P. Devitt in the chair. G r a d e Hl - A : Christine AI- tension By-Law, if carried, will Application for bonus on wire dread, Donald Aldread, Ellen But- involve an immediate expenditure fence from W. Kozubi was not ton, Wallace Couch, Stuart Hen- of some $20,000 or more, part of granted owing to fence being er- derson, Stanley Powell, Mary wbicb is expected to be paid back ectcd on road allowance. Scbmid; C : Ruth Allin, Jack Mc- by the Provincial Goverument Clerk will advertise for bard Manus; D :Douglas Gray, Charles later on. wood and a janitor. Lake. Action on this question was Payments wene made f0 the Grade 1 - A : Clare Aluin, Mary wiseiy deferred by the Mayor and Treasurer for arrears of Hydro on Margaret Bonathan, Ronnie Hoc- Council, as they could inake no Paul Williams estate and Ha- kmn Peggy Parrott, Grace Pres- move until the ratepayers had watha House in Caesarca. ton, Newton Selby, M a n 1 o r i e first voted on the proposition. If Medicai HealtU Officer's report Toms; B : Hazel May Fisher, Ro- tbey are in favor of it, then tUe was received and fihed. ger Meliow, Ida Rogerson;, C: approval to bonrow funds must be Orders signed as follows: Helen AsU, Keith Aiken, Vivian obtained from the Board of Muni- N. S. McNally, supplies Megit; D :Jack Gray, Jobuny cipal Affairs at Toronto. Many for Hall . - $ 2.44 Holobenko, Billie Holobenko. dlaim it wili not be granted in F. A. Bailey, glass and view of the beavy debeuture debt work for Hall-,- 2.71 stili standing on our HigU Scbool Bank of Commence,% NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH and town. Bcing a money by- tax cohhcting - 18.65 W. A. OFFICERS law, the natepayens must decide J. Wright, live stock _____this issue also. The present pro- valuator .- 14.00 W. A. of the United Cbunch met cedure was the only way open f0 I. Argue, Sec. Treas. December 15th. Mrs. J. H. Jose the counicil. S. S. No. h -- -- 202.92 conducted the devotionai and Another new, and we think, J. H. Fonder, Sec.-Tneas. business session with Mrs. C. A. very important question to be S. S. No. 2 ---- ------- 708.86 Cowan as secretary pro tem in voted on by the electors, is the O. Hyland, Sec.-Treas. thc absence of Mrs. Irwin Colwil formation of a Board of Educa- S. S. No. 3 _ý---- 200.45 who bad been iii and in bospital tion, f0 have the administration of L. Swain, Sec.-Treas. but is now convalescent. the educationai business and af- S. S. No. 4 ---- -- 246.45 Mrs. T. A. Rodger, temperance fairs of our scboohs. This Board H. Beacock, Sec.-Treas. secretary, presented ber monthly wîll replace the two Boards (High S. S. No. 5 ---------- 156.59 report as did the treasuner, Mrs. and Public Scbool) now in ex- N. Edgerton, Sec.-Treas. Ross Dickinson. Meeting voted istence. In a lecture given to ne- S. S. No. 6 --------.- 200.71 I$25.00 more towards the church presentatives of municipa i t i e s W. Williams, Sec.-Treas. thank-offering fund, making a to- fronmail oven our province, by Mr. S. S. No. 7 ------- 451.63 tal of $75.00. This is in addition M. A. Campbell, at Toronto last G. Wrigbt, Sec.-Treas. f0 the $200 the Association con- April, be said among other things, S. S. No. 8 --.--------. 371.58 tibutes f0 the churcb current "Cost is no small item in the con- M. F. Emerson, Sec.- fund. -ideration of educational prob- Treas. S. S. No. 9 .... . 224.49 Mrs. Geo. Jamieson gave a full lems. The average ratepayel' in Bank of Commerce, Deb. report, with many intenesting de- Ontario does not know what is be- No. 14 Continuation tails of ber activities as a memn- mg paid per $1,000 assessment for Scbool ---------------- 669.43 ber of the visiting committee. secondary education. Only a few Bank of Comme'rce, Deb. Mrs. H. C. Allun also gave a ne- municipalities, he said, indicate No. 1 Continuation pont of visits sUe had macle. The this on the fax slip." Funther on School --------- 571.33 meeting was pieased to reoeive a be told us, scbool supplies and Counties Treas., County card o! remembrance from Mrs. scbool equipment are costing the Rate and H. and C. S. MacLean, Paisley, read by Mrs. province tbousands o! dollars in ScUool Rate ------ il1303.31 C. A. Cowan. exccss o! what they would cost by Clerk, postage and sup. 20.20 Rev. R. E. Morton presided for a central system o! purchaslng. O. Wright, Roads and tUe election o! officers, nesulting Economy would be secured &bY Bridges ------------------ 442.42 as follows: Hon. President - Mrs. tUis change. He explained, "The Treas. collecting poil tax 8.00 Geo. P. Rickard; President - Mrs. Boards o! Education Act makes Collector, postage and J. H. Jose; 1sf Vice Mrs. A. W. provision for Municipal Boards o! supplies- 31.99 Glenney; 2nd Vice- Mrs. H. M.,Education, under Section 2, as H.E.P.C. Hydro arnears - 40.55 Allin; Rec. Se'y.- Mrs. Haroîdfollows, The Council of a Town,. On motion adjourned sine die. I )o 55 Grace Hospital 133 Bloor St. E., Toronto December 8, 1938 Dear Mr. James;- My copy of The Statesman, that arrived last week, teils me that the time is due for a cheque to, go forward to, you to pay for another year's subscription. This is a plea- sure, and I do it with delught. If you could sce the way I devour the contents of the Home Paper wveckly, you would smile very .oudly. The office staff wben The Statesman arrives, hold it high in the air, and declare, (just as I hiave oftcn done), (and I suppose bhey do it to, make fun of me) "This is the best paper in the Do- minion." I feel of a truth that tbis is so. The splendid matter bhat you crowd into the paper is .vonderful, and I take great joy in reading the entire contents every wseek. How the time flies. One can hardly make tbemsclves believe bhat another year bas rle around, and yet, as we look back .ipon it, there has been mucb that rias bappened., mucb that bas been accomplished, many joys and son- rows bave come, and througb it aîl, His Grace bas been enough for us all. At the close of another year, I thank God for all that I've been able to do in His Name, and am stiil enjoying His companion- ship every day. How glad I am that I gave the Lord Jesus Christ a chance with my life. How mis- erably I would have failed had I taken a chance of controlling my own life. It pays to serve Christ whiie young. I bad a great surprise and joy the other day, when an Ohd Bow- manville girl stepped into my of- fice, in the person of Mrs. H. Todgham (nec Ida Richards). We had not seen one another for about 34 years, and wbile I could not just bring to my mind who she was, she readily recognized me, and said, "You've the same ex- pression in your eyes - the same laugb - and you're just the same Old Girl." 0f course she then added, "You'ne mucb stouter than you use to be." I imagine she felt that I would feel a bit conccrned over that, she then said, "But it's becoming, and adds to, your looks." There you have it, and I had to take it, and didn't in the least way feel flattered. My word, it was good to sec ber. In conclusion, I wisb to, take this opportunity of sending forth my very best wishes to, ahi in the Home Town, and trust the coming year will be a good one to ail. My love and regards to, all. I hope this too, Mn. James,.finds you and your care well, and I wisb for you and your family the vcry best in the coming year. God bless you. An Old Bowmanvilie Girl, (Brigadier) G. Hollande. may declare by resolution, that it is expedient to form a Board of Eduoeation. At tbe uext successiveTA Municipal Election, after snThucb a' M i beouto as been passed, tbe Ib ii dtrsM i Council shail submit to the elec- tors the question, Are you in favor 171 Yale Ave., Winnipeg of the formation of a Municipal] December 15, 1938 Board of Education? If it is de- 1 My Dear Geo.> cided in tbe affirmative, the new i Just a line or two to, express Board shahl be elected at the next tbe family greetings once more ensuing Municipal Election. Up- and to thank you for many pleas- on tbe organization of such a ant bours and more pleasant Board, ahl Higb and Public School tboughts as weekly I bave perus- property shahl be vested in this ed the columns of "Canada's Best Municipal Board." Weekly." More power to your It was nather înterestiug tbat in arm and to your pen as it bnoad- your issue of September 29, you casts the live spanks of tbought reported the Chairman of one of fnom your intellectual anvil week our Scbool Boards as saying, -I by week. am in favor of the merger. I think It is a great work you are do- ail scbools can be bandled by one ing for the Boys and Girls of dean Board. Other places witb greater old Durham as you keep befone scbool problemis than ours bave tbemn the high ideals of citizenship one Board of Education.*' Tbe and the duty of each one to up- Cbairman of the other Board said, bold the traditions and idealisms "I caunot see any advantage in of the best Canadian life. I want sucb a merger of tbe two Boards." to pay my tribute to ahl your as- The change is favored and ne- sociates and con4xibutors wbo bave commended by tbe Department of added their quota. May I mention Municipal Aff airs of our Province, one particularly, Jno. C. Kirk- as sbown by Mr. Campbell's lec- wood, wbose philosphies in "Your ture, part of wbicb I quoted above. World and Mine" are a constant tbougbt provoking and moral It would appear to be a sound tonic. and purely democratic system to bave ail members of a Board of. Let me wisb to eacb and ail, Education elected at tbe annual including your family and ahl my elections, to administer the af- Durham friends, a very Menry fairs of our educational depart- Christmas end a Happy New Year. ment. Cordially, The oca Bord o Helthre-(Dr.) J. N. Hutchison. q eTbd e c o ard l of Health re P. S. - My wife and I expect qesrtedae the ouitonsubmitrt to leave for California about Jan. you in favon of the appointment ________d ewweks-JH Attention... Last Minute Shoppers. .. Our Suggestion Dept. solve your problems.1 Lamp If we fail te sugte sultable gif t for any men of the family. wil Free .est a tuber im#aý; F. F. MORRIS CO. wlll provide a FREE TURKEY - with every cash purchase over $50.00, or on ail old ac- counts over $50 pald ln fuILi Offer good Dec. 10 to Dec. 24. F. F. MORRIS CO. Furniture Dealer Phone 480 - -flwmanville Ail Kind Thoughts At Christmas Best Wishes for THEf NEW YEAR McKEEVER & SMITHI Packard & Hudson Baba Phone 641 Bowmanvife M'erry CIhristmas At this season o=r thoughte turu with gratitude to our niany friendo, both old and new, who tbrough their conf idence and loyal support have permitted us to grow and tW serve. We thank you, and hope that Christmas brings you mucohmee, aid the r New Year a bountiful measure of uu.cceuu and happineas. F. F. Morris Co. Direotors of Funeral Service Furmiture Dealers THE CANAIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO .lFECEMBER 22ND, 1938 Wedding Harrison'-Downs Miss Frances Mariann Downs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. Downs of Detroit, and Burton Harrison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Harrison of Paw Paw, were united in marriage in the l4th Avenue M. E. church in Detroit, Saturday afternoon, Dec. lOth, the ceremony being read by Rev. William Francis. The bride was attended by her sister-in-law, Mrs. Douglas Downs, and L. O. Hawley of Paw Paw served Mr. Harrison as best man, and Robert West and Edward Donlin of Detroit were ushers. Mrs. Harrison was graduated from Northwestern high school and attended Wayne University, and Mr. Harrison was graduated îfrom the local high school and attended Michigan State College at East Lansing. Following the ceremony a re- ception for fifty relatives and fri- ends was held in the home of the bride's brother, and soon after the happy couple lef t on a motor trip, to be at home in the Huber apartments, Paw Paw, as soon as they are completed. The bride is a niece of Miss Lola Downs, Bowmanville. PAGE TWO .