i ~-~---. I 1~g, j IAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. ThOW~rAMVTTT p fl\TTADTI-~ 'rUTIPgflAV nECEMBER 22NTY IQia - - - - - - - -'--- ---~COUPLE HONORED TmfL LWN AC Clhristmas In Bowman ville A ON ANNIVERSARY To Brown, Bliackt Face ComfianSEFOMAER and T eenyYar g Mr.adMs. W. A. Edger Cele- Stages CnmebakInmatierow The Durham County Branch of 25th A eedlng Anniver- the Plaugbmen's Association of sy re Suprsed Ontario met mn annual session in wehd By David Morrison Sr.Fres Many citizens b olied *n he he was with Mantgomery & Millbrook, Dec. 16tb, with a large About 90 friends gathered at Bowmanviiie back in the earîy Stone. He very kindly entertain- attendance, practically e v e r y While w no electric iight- ald times as perhaps ta-day, if not the Oddfeilows Hall, Friday even- years of this century will remem- ed us at The White Rats Club, a township being represented, and ing'at this periad we had a won- more. ing, December i6th, for a surprise ber Tommy Brown, who was an rendezvaus for theatrical folk» the retiring president, Clarence derful number of gorgeaus c9al People did not bike away ta the party for Mr. and Mrs. W. A. employee of the D. 0. & P. Ca. and Tommy had the reputation ofe alnoir wat.,ocpyn h où lamps, but no street lightîng city ta see a hackey game as ta- Edger, Bowmanville, it being played in the famous band of that ing generaus with less fortunates car such as to-day. day. They did not have the auto- their 25h wedding anniversary. day. He was a natural born mu- than bimself in stagedam and was The financial statement showed The meat shops were then in mobile and cansequently were As the bride and groom entered sician and comedian and his tai- neyer known ta turn a deaf ear a fair balance on hand. the aid market square and ail ta- mare af a community witbin Mrs. R. Dilling presented the ents along these lines were in ta them. We understand he retir- New afficers for 1939 are: Pres- gether, the verandab. along the themselv es. bride witb a beautiful corsage great demand. It wasn't lang be- ed from the stage sèveral years ident, George Neals, B e t h a n y; enie tucuewrebare U heolycmmncain ib nmtegro wtvabutn lee fore he entered the professional aga and is 510w in the retail busi- Vice-Presidents, Garnet Rcad on the outside and the stalîs the outside world would be wben With Mrs. J. A. Cale at the piano, mNsteesocastlyeroiltishstr and incdetsMilbao; ecetrytresue, V showed a wonderful lot of meats a mistrel show and the "'old Mr. George Davidge soon gat the 1mthe swhowmd, nana n eae sesyasao u tR uneCvn ititDrc of al kinds. Citizens visited the homestead" would be billed for a happy gathering together with a' ta B" o ma e in atheir t r f at s bhtvividly back t tetRs: Millr aa (Cavan),t L.H. display and made their purchases couple of nights in the old tawn promenade arormnd the hall led by OtBari lte einhed ut ofwriters mmvd s e rad in thla st W ilR. McCamus; So u.tH. fortheholdayfeats Ths xas allar he a ircs wuldsho te gest ofhonr.into vaudeville with bis awn week's Lindsay Post that Tommy Monaghan, W. C. Dawson, Gerald before the arcbway xvas turned here, whicb certainly was a red Mr. A. M. Hardy acting as chair- troupe known as the "Brown Brown had been back in bis na- Anderson, Bailiebore; Manvers, intoa astore wbere R. and H. letter day in the burg. man gave a few appropriate re-BrsSaohn Sette" ndpietwnfLnsyassigteEgrBer ndJCumk, O'Hara bad their wonderful book W a ayvreiso as ak n aldo We .E rs aohn ette"adýietw o ida sitn h da eradJ umsy and statianery store. This arch- - bdmn aite fps-mrsadcle nMs .E made a phenominal success in !boys in putting on a minstrel Bethany; Hope, Stanley Gray, way was the entrance and was in îng away the time in that age Cox who read a nicely worded ad- bath Canada and the United ýshow for the benefit of the Citi- Lloyd Dunbar, Port Hope; Cart- the centre of the old town hall, ta than to-day. Every winter, after dress and Mr. P. E. Greenfield States. !zens Band with whîch hie played wright, Carl WihNsitn themet aret hih va the holiday season. the Methodîst presented the happy couple wthi baknthe9' -wihal osJWehP rtertBlac stk;Dar knw sthe a market squh are people would bold a series of a beautiful 3-piece silver service' To Tommy Brown is credted akith90s-wi l geJophPrrBasok;D - In te wntertim thi sqaremeetings .vhich they called "Pro- and tray. At the conclusion of tbe the laurels for making the saxo-I oeta om ssildig igoJc aeHmtn wastgentery ie thiloqareo tracte etig." Thev were address ail joined in singîng "ýFor phonie Sa papular in the realmn af those goad deeds ta belp others. George Annis, Bow ni a n v i 11le:f was geerallyfille with oads f ver-oftenboisteous afairs nd The ArenolbtsGoreportws0f3 the iMinstretlo Charke, Clarence, ClAllenlle Newcas-s cordwood for sale by residents of vrofebisrosaaisadTe AeJlyGodFlo "jazz music. Far that reason some1 Show tePs as lJh ikrBwavle Darlinton, Mnvers nd ot e ee a source of mrmch amuse- '"Wben You and I Were Young predict Tommy is going ta have a th otsy:te on ikrBwavle Darlngtn, anves ad oherment ta young men of the baser Millie." and "Put on Your Old difficuit time getting past St. Pet- Roars of side-splitting laughtem Match Set for Manvers districts. Churches. halls and pub- sort. Gray Bonnet." er at the "pearly gates" for being and a gaiaxy of giggles f rom a The new executive discussed licbuidigs erehetedby ug Th strei i th erlyperodthe inventor of jazz music wt i packed bouse, greeted the antics the ploughing match for next stve licbuldng werde natebytugc Teksors n theear p ae M.nd ysaxophone. But wben that timeJ of Tam Brown and Ca. as tbey year, a successful one attended by of cordwood. Just the samne thisae completely surprise, cae epeiti on presented their splendid mînstrel a number of provincial championsd gaewr amnywo aso ange,: hardware store sold thanked ail for their tboughtfui- cmsw. eit fTmy îs, the buck-so a m od a andtfishardware; a drug store stay'ed ness and lovely gift. wearîng bis customary stage cas- 5uow~ in the Academy Theatre iast having been beid last faîl at Soi- th uc-a mdl n hi it eicnsadtume of white and toots a fewi evening. ina. It was decided ta hald tbev made reliefwith drugsasand umedicines, and Speeches foilowed by Rev. S. bars of "Alexander's Rag Time M any of tfhe old traupers strut- 1939 event in Manvers, as near mardreliefnothing as y el ee asiuoris by the coiored Davison, S. Venton, C. Searle, R. Bad r"uky nteSrw tedtheir stuifon the stage, vividly Bethany as possible. bead f hi brg.glssglbe flied with al the -Bandecaliing the lae .raw As w ha 9 o 10hotes i co ors o f eminb Dilling, W. McLaugblin, Oshawa, abisxsete old St. Peter wil, rll gtelst minstrel show Delegates to Ontamio Plougb- t town and no less than 3 liquor stores would have the greatestanotesjutitncvey wywthtepsnediLnsy- sixteen men's convention in Toronto in stores, that also sold groceries, window show of ahl with the gai- Mrs. R. Richardson sang in bier m jusic, as tbausands of listeners1 years ago. Tom Brown, back in February include Clarence Allen,h the Christmas seasan was of a den labels wbicb decorated eacb usual pleasing manner "I Lavel bave done in America, adla Lnsyatra bec fmn .R utr .H isoGo more lively time than to-day. bottie. "The Poets C o r n e r", You Truiy" and "When You Wore that inimitable Tom ta aone af the yerkp headec n isAnsan akBkr Then there were a couple of dis- James WylIie, would have his a Tulip," ably accompanied by chaicest locations in Heaven for wîth bis dolorous sangs and clever Delegation ta address counties' tQ'1!Adr and one brewery, and the confectianery and bake sbop fill- Mms. J. A. Cale. Ahl enjayed a bringing 50 mucb joy and happi- puns, aided by bis former stage- cauncil at January session on be- t usuai weekly laad from Port Hope ed with haliday goods and espec- folk dance by littie Audrey North- ness ta the folks down belaw. burtnt opsag witMhan h fo the "Sx-citori .h.m Winslo, Gan- brewery Christmas eve. Factaries ially with acres af Victoria pie cutt accampanied by Mrs. Reta Baw Ba. adseealse-h n Blus", camposte "Sby - T am onis E . A .Summeslo, C. An-en, and foundries in town generally - which certainîy was a stapie art- Dudley, and Mrs. L. Goddard en- Bon rs.hdevalexpoeBus" moe b TmniEA.S mrC. leC closed early and workmen would icle in those days. acted an amusing monologue "The tettes playing under their namne twenty-one years ago. George McLeod, J. Cummiskey, hie ta, the variaus public bouses Amn9h ayapetc 'o OdMi. amnt * a aiaus vaudeville circuits The pragramn, cback-full of en- and I. W.Lamr Among the ming- throughoutoothelStates and Can-tytertainvaentrwas and celebrate the occasion with a lads employed at this period there . iig was entheedtatebyaail, after A 'r j ., w brought ta _________ "douck and doris." Then they wrnodle youngsters in Visited the Ôverf lowing stores for day. There was noa electric1 presents for the guid wife and suchas we are blessed witl weans, and joy and gladness day;no ater mains; no would fil in the evening. pavements or oil burnersa Delivery boys with horse and present; or DeSoto coache cutter would be busy up to and Chysers; no radios; or phc past midnight delivering goods We tink people enjoyed Il and Christmas parcels to custom- selves as much if flot more ers, also an occasional demifor to-day. or keg, with perhaps a tin or two We had fine glee clubs,1 of XX oysters, which was the way preachers, ine business1 this variety of food came in those splendidstorfe keepers, who w, davs, meecustomers, ask about "In'the evening the town band familis nd 50 on, before d would muster up its members business - ail of which is sc and take in the well-to-do resi- ting of a past age. dents for such currency of the Although many possessed realm as would enable to con- dr ing hores they were in tinue the harmonious sounds that hurry ta get "no-where", but would emanate weekly from the casionally would let out, espe( band roam over the town lock-up ly in the winter season. Ofter - very often ta, the discomfort of tween here and Newcastle tI various transients who on occa- would be a brush between nh sion would be domiciled there. but no lives were taken ats Christmas Eve would see quitte a time. a number of social doings and the We were a contented pec aid time fiddlers would be at a living in a period of contentný premium on such occasions. indulging in a holiday trip1 Sleighing parties were numerous haps down as far as Orono on ta country houses with large kit- l2th of July. This village chens where the "Lambeth Walk", first visited by this scribe fo "Big Apple" or "Mud-Bottom" Christmas play. Our mode /was as yet unheard of. But we conveyance was a sleigh dra /had the good old navy reel, money by a -yoke of oxen, and thep musk, and the basket cotillion, sengers were mill hands, w( with a stralk spey and a Scotch cutters, and teamsters, aIl bent reel, and with plenty of snow, a holiday, and did they have good sleighÉng, the music of Our entrance into the village sleigh belîs, the merry vaices of duly celebrated, flot only by boys and girls. There was as-visitors. but many of the citiv much pleasure and jay in those as well of good aId Orono. r A SUBSCRIPTION TO A Gift that REALLY keeps on giving! Every week of the year, the persons to whom you give The Statesman will thank you al aver again. You 'Il be giving a weekly gift of absorb- ing reading matter with ail the home-town news, editorials, country correspondence... aIl up-to-the-minute . .. an essential ta the well inforined! Use the Handy Coupon Below . . . Mail It To Us With Your Naane and Address... We 'Il Bill You for it Later! Rev. S. Davisan; Past President, Wilfred Hamley; President, Hu- bert Hooper; Vice President, Edith Truil; Press Secretamy, H eIe n Rundle; Secretary, Veda Purdy; M. & M. Treasurer, Mabel Brook- ham; Lacal Treas., Earl Clarke; Fellowship Convener, Jack Dunn; Asst., Editb TruIl; Mission Con., Gert Dewell; Asst. Lorraine Pic- kard; Citizenship Con. Bert John- stan; Asst. Lau Rundle; Culture Can., Amber Morton; Leadership Training, Clare Allin; Recreation, Harry Taylor; Dramatics, Don Masan; Pianist, Kennetb Soanes; mîit t ee,..- Doris Du_ýý.dy, T3_ helma '__- Before Christmas Scblievert, Domotby Richards. merchants - At a time wben Hubert Hooper and Jack Dunn the stores are unusualiy crowded conducted a Quiz Contest which with flamimable gaods, precau- was tbomoughly enjoyed. tions against fime are even more urgent than ordinamily. Every ORONONEWS possible care shouid be exercised ORONONEWS against any outbmeak of fire and ________ moke and consequent panic, as LOCALS AND FERSONALS holiday shopping conditions ren- 1 dem the hazard ta life of more thani Mr. Wlfre W. Sarwi 3rdordmmîary concarn. Fire protection yeam Vaterinary strident, is home 1 qimn budb aeul n fmomGrmepb sfferng fom a spected and exit facilities kept attak 0fundh utfer. ,fomanclearly indicated and fee f oh- Mm. and Mrs. Dalhart Flintoff. srcin Oshawa, spent Monday at R. H.; Shoppers - Wben shoppers en- Wood's. !tam a crowded store, they sbould Mm. and Mrs. E. Evans enter- 'observe wbat means of egress are tained some friands ta a turkey providad in case of f ire and sbauld dinner Monday night. remember, above ail else, ta "keep Mm.an Mm. roter. Tmot, cool' if an emergency sbould visited Mm. and Mrs. L. A. Dent. arisa. Whan shopping, they sbould Mm. and Mms. R. C. Rosbomough give preference ta decorations will spend Christmas witb rala- and toys, etc. that have been tives at Peterboro. jfiame-proofed or at ieast are flot Schaol trustee meeting will ha bighly flammable. It is poar pol- rseld Wednesday nigbt. icy ta pay out shopping money to, Miss Elva Buchanan is visiting take into one's home, or that of a Mir. and Mmi. A. A. Drummond. friand, samething that is danger- Mm. John Ammstmong bas me- oui and mnay mean sorrow instead ;urned from the West. of mermiment. Beware of higbly Mmi. A. Saunders bas metumned inflammable cellulaid doils and from visiting in Toronto and toys for childien. Fiame-proofed Clarkson. cmepe paper and decorations are About $50 had been taken in by made, and shoppers shauld insist Tuesday noon far the Cammunity an their merchants supplying SOME CHRISTMAS FIREHAZARDs Each year the celebration 0f Chmistmas prodùces its quota of accidental happenings that bring unnecessary sorrow and tragedy ta many homes during the festîve- season. Among the greatest of these Christmas accidents are those cannected with the trageciy of fire, and ta guard against fire the Ontario Fire Marshal issues the following warnings ta Mercb- ants and parents, and the general -t'haàt wficfl congratulations we re-ex- ia izsi«o y ni lu g npaed uclose witn a saxophone -act -by During Christmas lighs tndeforMilseveraAt.l seasons with the Bar- Tom Brown assisted by members PR T NO In the home, the jay of Chi liht enedt Mllean At nmand Bailey's circus and with of the band. Mr. Brown played on PAKnT.UNO mas reaches its peak, but e' h ta- Mr. Edger has been actively toeottandngmcocar d ia n theoldet saophoe inthechrad dlean engaged in public affairs of the Mnomse ry & St oeTedito n d ad the etsaohnstein theerd aosExetny, h u- Mrs. S. Littlewood spoke on yea hlihluhe ca as at town, a leader in amateur sparts, of The Statesman has pleasant bis every whim, laughing, crying, ject of Rev. A. W. March's fine Opprtn amty a ting mana-atas rispsil tle s or a former member of Town Count- meniories of seeing Tommy play and talking; hie even worked in sermon on Sunday afternoon, was nig, h in a s ntersting mha- evterecaus of sm arelesu ~oescian a reen ammbr funder ah of the above auspices the odd "razzberry." a preface ta a Christmas sermon oper She beantby sayinouthabt bhutless act ofpant.ndul1 hem- the Public School Board. . and was real praud and delighted The National Anthem played by ta be given by him next Sunday.no awyste ay e' following tragedy has pretty % thian Edger bas been active in womleIl s with his fun-making musical per- Mr. Brown with the whole troupe Y. P. U. meeting December 14 oalystew e were dane away with the practice church arganizations and is Past formances. The last time we met on the stage brought the evening was opened by the President wt plain ed three different types of lighting candles an Christ] goad Worthy Matron of Durham Chap.. Tni wsn New Yk City to a close." hm and pae by Mr. F. Cah thinkingutaf or wanting She ex men, ter 0. E. S. __________L.____________chargeapportunity: lst, the kind that tres butcaloes can iiybeac vould Refreshments were servedi fromto.MsL.Suitakcrg makes yau, such as education, etc.;eosi lsepoiiyt their a table beautifully decorated with WESTERN MINISTER bers of cattle. It will iminate of the program: Bible reading, 2nd, the kind that takes you' -iLe' tains, table decorations, etc. El Mrs. Squair; Chap. III of the Mis- '.tric lights are safer, but only doing a 3-starey wedding cake, pink NOW CANTON PASTOR most of the iealousv and bitter feel- sion Study Bookwavey by sidetracks you, such as taking a poe qimn should be u ;omne- tulle and white candles. ____ ingy that is often evident in the wake synopsized by Mrs. P. Cn;ra-oiial lne;3d h idadi hudb eti r f Thae haipyngahndsndisiniig Untd brc yenwo tof a f air. It is possible that the ings, Miss J. Short, Mrs. J. Irwin, oîxalypane;3rte id adit Lishld bect i pr fatb l onn adan ign UntdCuc amnwoa-that breaks you - such as proma- rpi.Lgt htbcm o hudntb ntle na "Auld Lang Syne" and the Na- tended the Oshawa Presbytery ban: Black and White Day may flot bc Mrs. E. Doidge; violin duet, Messrs tion before one is really ready hrtastreesnor b instcledp Oc toalAthm qe i Obwai Nvmbranheld in connection with the same fair C. Collacutt and L. Coombs; gui- fhita tes or it.lsep heard Rev. A. Y. Robertson of Yel- ecrv vear but Ro the rounds *of the tar and mauthorgan duet, Miss K. Other items on the program imity ta flammable shades cial- low Grass. Sask. deliver an address countv. Blackstock, Orona. Mill- Cowling and Miss N. Darch; vocal hcwainhrgofBtieohrsmlrmtras.Fr n be- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~brook. Port Hope. utMrH.adGBareA roedcrtinolyso there SUNDAY SCHOOLS of absorbiniz interest on conditions .deMr .adG.Bri. a mmhch as n cargol e a tie ahr iilrmaeias F in the West. will be interested ta ___________ short missionary play was put oni the latter presid ing, were: Scrip- be used. These observations w ivals, 0F DISTRICT HOLD learn that be bas since been trans- by six young ladies, Mrs. F. Black- ture, Edwin Manning; two selec- regard ta Christmas trees and, such FIE C N E TO ferdfrm asacea CofrNE C S LE ..u burn, Misses M. Irwin, M. Colla- tions by the male quartette, Wm corations apply even more pari is nowcuttLyN.hDarch, K. Cowling and . * ularlv ta public gatherings, wh, ople e ence to tbe Bay of Quinte and i lW E LECTS OFFICERS R. Pollard, which was weîî re- tynch, Wm. cKenziearte Har- - ient, Th annual Sunday S c ho a I1înstalled as pastor of the Canton cie.Msin olcinwsrison and George Ralph, with Mrs. t hil ae li y a ar e nmbe per- Convention of DarlingtonTon circuit. He bezan bis duties there last W.p. Attendth pan. the ship and Bawmanville was held wcvck. He was chairman of tbc Wev- Y. P. U. of Newcastle United Mtaken Hrs ance 37. C Meeting closed with games un- di cs faciet was at Ebenezer Church December 7. 1 i um District Sask,.. and came ta Churcb bield its annual election of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. H.,Nderxtieetingo Lis Decoodt. ticuar cre at hois ese pw or a Rev. W. C. Smith, Ebenezer, as- Toronto as a Commisssioner to tbe officers at a banquet in the S.S. bail Gaud.r H NetmtigsDe 2h icl aeatti eso w. of sisted by Luther Beckett and Har- recent Genieral Council of tbe Unit- Dec. l2th. The menui consisted of there are s0 many more opp, Mrs. M. Wood and son, Mr. T. tunities for accidentai fires frq ýawn ry G. Freeman, apened the after- 1cd Churcli of Canada. Bccause of scallopcd patatocs. mecat. icîlies, other Wood, Elizabethviîîe, Mrs. C. Cor-' W.A. ELECTS OFFICERS carelessness. Grate fires shoi pas- noan session with a short warship b is special message from the M'est accessories and atiple pic and ice nish and Mrs. Hall, Oshawa, were bec vell screened ta prevent1 vood service and welcomed the dele- and his abilities ta speak for tbecereamn for dessert. President Garnet visitors ait the Cornish home. W. A. meeting was featured by saeo prsadt rt on gates ta Ebenezer. President Gea.'droutbsstricken area,bhisservices Rickard actcd as cbairman and toast- Mrs. G. A. Stephens left Friday election of these officers: Presi- Smaîcide an thr it!Baron f ampon ls wecom wee etanedfo a bil tbt ic astr.ta spend the winter with ber dau- dent - Mrs. W. M. Stutt; V i c e from them. Waste wrapping pc was ed the delegates and spoke an the mizgbt address Eastern audiences. After the f irst course Mrs. Ken- ghter, Mrs. Scholes and family in Presidents - lst Mrs. S. Little- ers sbould be inlmediately dispi the importance of Sunday School Tbe first banquet lie attcnded on iîctl Werrv. Bowmianville. led in a South Caralina. wood. 2nd Mrs. J. J. Mellor, 3rd ed of and flot be permitted ta« zens work. Theme of the convention bis new charze was tbe Haîstein -,iisoiiLan with Ms enc ibn Salem friends wish for Mr. K. Mrs. E. Searle; Rec. Sec. - Mrs. wos"r is idte ie'f hefreeders- on Tuesda.y of last wcek at tbe piano. Squair a speedy recovery from bis Wm. Hoar; Corr. Sec. - Mrs. Neil cumulate. inCanton Conmmunity Hall wbcre Alec Hcndry proposed a toast ta sickness, and the same wish goes Porter; Fin. Sec. - Mrs. Jas. Aftr Crisma Ruh cessreort sowivn t li was ane of the guest speakers. "'r Chutrch.' Rcv. S. Littlewood, out for Miss Jessie Knox who bas son; Treas. - Miss Laura Allin;] When evergreen trees have1 Rut MKesok, hoin tebe andîr. W. E. M.\ilîsoti of the Orono. rcplied and as chief banquet been seriously ill. Pianist - Mrs. Ervin Rainey; Con- came reoutywilb Sunday schools with increasedi at- adioiiiîg pastoral charge of Wl pae.(ciee epu n n tendance and missionary givings.came sait side by' side at the tabl ., sirinz addrcss. Dv;Vsttt r.W . e-sik s ail ha h cn frhom nearlaall te Sundy the \Mrst tLytchr Orono.cnrtie tbontdut Mrs. M. Smith; Parsonage, Mrs. have served their purpose, th~ schol. ccoflanc( byMr. ync, roo. Mrs. John Found, Ebenezer M. J. Tamblyn. sbould be remaved from the ha: Misses Audrey Ayre and Eileen \\'ni. R'owland, secretarv. prescrit- HOLSTEIN DAY aore wih açdthe nulrptofteUi's Mrs. John Found, one of the Devotional part was in charge! and taken away. Under no cý piano duet, and Mrs. Harold Muir, O ST I D Yterprises and activities. aider and higbly respected resi- of Miss M. Davy; scripture, ' Mis. cumnstance should tbey be kept I Eeneeraccmpaiedby rs T R RA FARS ev.R. . Mrto caduccd hedents of South Darlington Town- S. Littlewood; reading, Mrs. Gea.! the basement or near any heatii solo Tue Hoîsie byMr. Tei R cdRAL a ir tII entihutin. aorncdg e sidence on uday, Dehe fmberMtcel:woad. yRe. i tre qmentlammailit andthe dse W. C. Smith, favored with a vocal _____ evotianal pcriod with Miss 'M. Pow- rsippasosed a ay at the fmilyMichllwpayed Rv.Lite qiment. Bcause fandtheira solo 1 he Hlstin Becdrs a tleir"Il ontibiiinza rcdiniz.18, after a lengtby illness. She $50 was given ta the M. & m. ger of a "back-fire" it is not Rev H. A. Mellow, Toranto, arînual meetinz at Canton,. last Tues- NIemnbers and visitars reccived had celebrated her 75tb birthday Fund and $25 ta the W.M.S. for safe Practice ta try ta burn the wbo spoke on the work of the dav decided tîpaîî a plan ta gzive 'marc ad netrn h alb ao the 2nd day of this month. Sterling memorial. in the furnace. Other flammal Sunday School, urged more temp- ecourairement ta thie rank and f ile1 thie naine of some îîated persanaze or Born in Devonsbire, England, In hîs brief remarks preceding 1 materials, such as waste pap eraceinsrutio i th shoasof Holstein fanciers ta show terfî?m haatro the icee o she came ta Canada with hier par- the election Rev. Littlewood paid and surplus boxes, sbould aiso1 more leadership training classes, cattle at a caiitv fair by haldingcramie strio. Tliey thin unted for ents when just a very young girl tribute ta the ladies work. Miss disposed of and sbouîd flot be pi andmor iterstta e ake ~ a Black and Whlite Day. This wouildltecrenodn lc1crsa h and bas spent the past 72 years in L. Allin read the slate of officerse wyi h aeeto t Discussint us wrefrmdbe hîcld at oîîe of the fairs in the tables and took their seats. Queen Canada and the greater part of drawn up by the cammittee. Msc usseon rmipstonEnniskil couintv îîcxt fall by arrangement %vitîî Elizabeth in lier place anîd Nickcý that time in the district wbere sheAneomia woman cou lehaicareo bgnerp im d i ca-operatiap withm the fair Naiei i.ad Otcpae eepassed away. Mary Jane Braund, Certain religiaus fanatics ae An te cofa lit o lebdcag fbgnes r-board. Thepa.i s xetd lhappilv filled. daughter of the pioneer famiîy, prhesig nthe basis f thel tkigafthrn ehi r mary and junior graup. Mrs . bepa.iisxeceil The nominatiniz committee presenit- married John Found 58 years aga gîgantîc evils of this present hour1lttin it be assumned that thei Stuart James, Bowmanville, le forei the pblcinand chit atebige- cd its report and tbe Union accepted and bas ivedi witbin a mile or twa that the world will soon came taý is a'ndoîl bat under te feaer.- Laky ikleintermediate girltba'they ave evr een. it as fcAlows: Prcs.-Garnet Rîck-" of the family home ever since. an end. It cames ta an end every St. Louis Star-Times. bockys' group: R terev. . ackham thie as. hae bas been reoin ard: Convenors and Assistants- Wbile gaod bealtb permitted day ta many wha live in it-The1 Governments in Canada, fro: Hamto, yun pepî's rop~ in inth mmi f sveal f heChristian Stewardship, Wm. Row- she was an active member of the Argonaut. municipal up ta Dominion, haý adtoElgingTayolina, the breedin ersfor s o e tieralîdf theland. Phyllis Langnail; MissioQnary Ebenezer Church and of the Wo- Correspondents who have been, been spending 30 per cent moi and lgi R.Taylr, olia, he beedrs or ome imeandwas-Margaret Sanderson. B.A., Reita men's arganizatians of the con- kicked out of Eurape seem ta bave monev tban they callected. Ti Rev. Mllow tokchageofthe HlvtexiogR. M. oltby. Paort oe:Citizensip-Wilbur Black- gregation, and was a most regular been kicked into the lucrative inevitable outcame Of this poli( round table canference when the Perrv. wbo is enthusiastically i hmmrn. Louiis,- Hancock: Christiani attendant. Her familiar face wiîî trade of denouncing the kicker- wiIl be that the taxpayer wi questions and findings fram the favor of it. It is tbis: ail the onze Culture. Alec Hardy. Bessie Biack. býe greatly missed in church circles outers in book and broadcast. - eventually bave notbing ta spei discssin gaup wee bougt maiesiiithebans o i fa r hum;Rcc. Sec.-Patricia Pearce; in the cammunity. Detroit Free Press. bimself.-Farmer'sSon in. board and aIl tbat can be sectîredb Treas.-Liovd Hancock; Pianist- Besides ber busband, J ohbn _________________________________ BetyPnl:RcetoiCm Found, she is survived by twa The evening session apened with the Associationi wili bc pooled. A-BttChias le ecret Gilban.-duhes r.W.Lmr a a worship service led by Rev. S. 50c cntry fee will bc chîarged for pIs lmne res ibn.duerv,an Mrs. Wm. Alin, a Davisan, Bowmanville, assisted everv animal sbown in ans' class but Ktle os dtiHnrla Bowmanville; and five sons, Wil- by Miss Hazel Rundle and Mrs. G. there will bc no uineqtial cash prizes. Holmes: Comnciliors ta the Exrm- liam J. Fa un cd, Bowmanville ZH LD Y PCA Pritchard. The iiidges will place the entries Ist tive-Chas. Gicnnev. Hilda ROW131NuI Charles R. Faund, J. Cecil Found HO IA P CA Officers far caming year are: 2mai, .îr(. 4th and sa on. Some nib- Wmlbmr BaskcervilleIErnest Gmll>mntk. and Arthur H. Found, Ebenezer, Past President - Gea. B ar r on, hbons will becziverm: a winncr of ist Stanley Rickard. and Dr. Norman Found, formerîy Hampton; President - W i1f r e d onze will carry away that bonoîr, of Oshawa, naw of Toronto. There Carruthers, Bawmanville; lst Vice btît no largze prize. lnstead every Newcastle Council are also ten grandchildren and - N. Dawn, Ebenezer; 2nd Vice - anîimal shûw neycaswîî l bc~f one great grandcbiid. She was G a so l n n i Arthur Annis, Tyrone; Sec.-Treas. awarde<î $200 expense mancy. The Has Few Worries predeceased by a son, FranklinG. - Miss Rutb McKessack, Solina, ]()thi lacer will receive the samne as in 1920. She is survived by two From December 24th to Janu.ary 2iid inclusive Supts. - Children's Wark, Mrs. R; thme 1st placer. It is expectecî tîat The Newcastle Municipal Coun- sisters, Mrs. T. G. Gale andi Mrs. O rmi s tan, Enniskillen; Girls'ýti lnwl rnzotlm m i shpyt eotta steTo.SaeOhw;adfu Work, Mr. Stuar JamesBow-, n year is clasing there is 'nat mare brothers, R. C. Braund, W. J. W ilBl manville; Boys' Wark, H a r r y than $275 of arrears of taxes of Braund and J. F. Braund, Peter- K4 ( Faulkner, Hampton; Young Pea- im eugddsrrltosismare than two years' standing. bora, and Frank Braund, Oshawa. (AS GSADiQT I O ple's Wark, Lloyd Metcalf, Maple between tbe Sunday scbool and They tbink that perbaps tbis is a The funeral was held from the nudng Tax) OR Grave; Adult Wark, W. C. Fergu- churcb, as so many young people record for Ontario urban munici- famniîy residence December 20tb, 5 G ALLONS 0F GASOLINE$ 60 son, Bawmanville; Missionary - are nat joining the cburch. He palities. Newcastle now bas two with services conducted bye Rev.a Mrs. Roy Langmaid, Soliia; Tem- also spake of the attitude of the families on relief as campared W. C. Smitb, at 2.30 p.m.. v.e- R glrpic:G s-2egl. i 5 t perance - E. R. Taylor, Sauina; parents taward cburch and Sun- - with one rip ta December l st. ment in the Ebenezer Cemetery. X r pie a dCgiO 5 t Home Dept. - Miss Eileen Stain- day school going as atlecting the, ltb as aniy one debenture debt. The palîbearers were bier five A _____________ tdin and Mrs. Jack Balson, Zion; younger anes. that for the purchase of the local sons, abave named, and a grand- R---------------- ITeacher Training - Rev. W. F. Report of Resolution Commit- eetia itiuinsse w oAlnFud fPtroo Banister, Bowmanville, and Rev. tee includied tbese recommenda- eaer ago. isbuions bren toso, ____________o_____bo H. Lackey, Enniskillen. Rev. W. tinsalifor the revenue from tbe sys- YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION ~ W xe d Y ltd reig Rackbarn nstalled the afficers. Hearing tbe financial situation term is far more than enaugb ta e xtn Yu ti G S ng Tbe new President then took o! the township Sunday scbaal meet the annual payments on the Quiet music opened the worship charge. Mrs. Pritchard and Mrs. treasury, it was recammended debenture debt.sevcofTityYugPpl' v r on Argue, Bowmanvilie, favored witb that each Sunday Scbool ha asked seriof TriMnitay, Young Pe. ol're ey n vocal duets with Miss Hazel Run- ta contribute $1.00 or mûre ta the otby Nichais rendered a beautiful dle as accom1ýanist. treasm.ry and that the sacretary be One of the tougbest jobs mnod- solo, followed by a prayer by Rav. Mellow gave an inspiring autborized ta notify the Sunday cmn parents have is teacbing their Doris Wilkins. Doris Dudley read address, bringing sa many gaod schools of this recommendation. offspring gond manners when tbe tha seripture, after wbich Hazel thoughts ta Lis and showing how A resoltîtian ta the effect that a little brats hardly ever sec an.- Rudl gvea eain. Crit we should aach ho missionaries in standard training scho(Atfor the London Express. - mRusleJavKe rang ist- by aur own Sunday school and com- township and also a teacher train- "Christians rejoice in secret, Doris Dudley, and tbe worsbipBF R E mmnity. He said wc should feel ing sebool he conducted in eacb tbcy have a bounty bidden from service was closed with singing the pull of Goci on aur lives and pastoral charge, ta be carried on 'the world. Self -forgetfuîness, pur- "0 Little Town of Bethlehem." that if God is going ta speak ta through the coming year. ity, and love are treasures untoîci Hubert Hooper then taok aver the Auto Wrecker King St., E., ]Bowmanvuîîe the people, he must speak througb Rev. Davison braught the suc- - constant prayers, prophecies, meeting. US. cessful convention ta a close with and anointings.' - Mary Baker Officers for 1939 were elected Rev. Lackey spoke on EVaýxgel- the beniediction.- Eddy. as follows: Honorary President, .rist- wery nged for- ss or Igent gedy weli e of tmas dan- :lec-, used ,per 'ery 1on .ox- Sor ime- ould w'ith de- -tic- here rof ang- par- rhen par- rm :uld the :ect. tDys )ap- 'as- ac- be- irn and )me tin Jng a ule per be 'il- Lld by rsd ere ive Dre .he icy 6ill md - t ~-~-'. t, v h rT ti 1 tc ti ti THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE- ONTARM -rnilR-(;DAY. DECEMBER 22ND. 19.IR 5 w