r THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PI dosvmîoo the prairie tomorrow ta get thte mîail aîîd mail some letters. Boy eis trinin a tree for mte. He is btiss cuttiltepaier. anti1 hav'e sent for a box ai tiny candîes that shoniti li iii the mîail. 1 have a hall, a tin f lorti anti some veamîcts for his stockimte. sa he'il have lots ofifin ioun Christmas mormîimu. Dear olti iDadcdv is star-gazine agaimi. He satches tîue stars anîd svotders about ithemn. andt whereiare they are." Decemiben 26 1924 - "It has turn- icd so culti and it is snovmîg i ram the morth. How I hate winter ! I have i îmist pîtlleti same femîce rails into the kitchemi. anîd shen I Cet resteti Il saw them titi for wood. 1 don't keep a fine at night. as I can't saw womd f ast enough. but we are very com- 1fortable. even whemu it's 20 deizrees bclow in the hanse. andi a drap ai water freezes instantlv." December 27. 1925 - "The scbooh jteacher rnoved inta that littie cabin north oi ns Christmnas week. Just at the hast moment 1 had ta stndv' tp anti take nrt iin tîe Chrismas enter- tairment at the schoah hanse. I was in two little plays. anti sxas a man mit one anttian aId somnamtiii the jother. Somebow or other it got into the paliers arouuîud here thmat we were t'mymîie ami eutentainitent anti a Christ- imaas tree at our school. amud many straîiens came: so iii spite aioftan elinuinisheti uiopetlatiou thie littîe rnon xxas crtîwded autelail ii ilahIthene iiîaiist htave beemu 200 people thuere. 'Fle prozramme weutt off fine. Thes' ,sav 1 maade a secllnman. I tîs d saune cottauu hrown anti matie yhiskcns andI a moustache. andi wore a cap) pulleti avern mv cars, antiami overcoat ta inake tne lok hig. .A\nd I got amugnv iii tic îlav andtithires things arouîte. It seas great finim. Iii the imua\' svwsvteeback-East jarmers travelling ami a trainu for the CHRISTMAS WEEKa * SHOPPING HOURS) Wed., Dec. 21 . 8 a.m.t. ta 8.30 p.m * Thurs.. Dec. 22 9 s.m. ta 10.00 pm Fr. Dec. 23 8 a.m. ta 11.00 p.. Sat., Dec. 24 ..8 arn. ta 1.00 p.m CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY DECEMBER 26 * ROSE RAND SUFFED UEEN CIATEAPLAIN OR /lb 7 ROEBAN TFEDQEN CHIEESIE PIMIENTO - Pcg. * OLIVES SHIRRIFF'S JELLIED 12 ai 4 59CRANBERRY Ja- 2 - MINCIEMEAT -2 .25 ________________ FRESH ASSORTED CHRISTMAS r FANCY DMXED CHOCOLATES Box N IU T SCRSMA ADE ISATIN MIXED 2 *-.25 .23 DELICIOUS VACUUM PACKED POTATO CHIPS Tin Manager and Staff Wish MEINZ REAM 0F '2 in; .27 Everyone a Very SPECIAL' DOMINO * Merry Christmnas DAKING POWDER Tin IL15 BRit;HT S FANCY PEACHES HLyEs 2'T i-s-. 2 5CHITA RP SPLCAL! EINZCIGARETTES 14 ai E J~ET HUP - 2Bot.3Alil populâr brands in Attractives K6ETCHU 2 .35Christmas Wrappmngt P JRJTAN OLD FASHIONED FRUIT fin ai '>UDDING a- .9Fifty 50 KMAS CIRACKEIRS B., e.47 The New Rich and Mlo * * RICHMELLO IMAS FPRUIT SPECIALS CFE Pkg. * . Large Seedless Oranges, doxe. lqc-29c-39C DOMII1ON Large and Lusclous BREAD t 25e 1WHITE BREAD - WHOLE lbs. 252CbS WHEAT - CRACKED WHEAT PLAIN OR SLICED McLAREN'S NUT CRUSH e Values Effective Until Saturday Night, Dec. 24th. Jaroî 2 st z1 r Z r ln se te in bc 2C te s Gi Ci a- V C, bi C T -l counted tfle vears that are left if 1ive to be 70, and find that they re 22. 1I ïnder how manv hopes wili corne truc in these prccious cars. Daddv reched tlic Promnised Land. That tlreami came truc. How lappv and contented he is. It's no 'onder. Every secd he puts in the zround graws. It mav bc a long time before vou zef this letter. 'May 1 send a Christ- as letter to vour readers: [f von ]cave the concrete highway, And go in lanes and byways, You find many Hilda Roses DigginL, spnds and picking pasies. Daddv is happy and we are ail xel. Daddv Pined for Canada. and ias never lived in a city. This is zoinz to bc a great country for ettlers somedav. Everything loves :o row here. Even the potato peel- nes I threw out an the ground zrew and made potatoes." Tc Y Mrs. Rose if she is stili living. will )59 or 60 now. and Boy wvill be ) or so. JJaddy presnrnably has -assed ta anottier Prarnised Land. Ebenezer Y. PU. met NMonday cvening when Oshtawa Albert St. Socictv were cin- trtaincd. New officers are: Pres - ;leu piCkell ; Vice Pres.-Ada An- ns;Sec.-Svd(neiv Wýordlen Ass't. ,ec.-W\alter Short:; Treas-Jean Gav ; Pianist - Florence Wilkins; Press Sec-Douglas Oke; Convenors of Comimittes-Elsie Oke and Mar- zaret Mains. Donald anîd Douglas Coîrtice. Veinia Pearce and l'lor- abelle 'Marshall, Harrv and Byron \Vordun ; Religions Traiiîing-Aura Osborne: I)rainatic-W\alter Rundle; 'ecrcation-.'ilice Arnold and Nlad- cline Toolev. \Wil fridl Brown andl Douglas Vermil\vea. \V. M.S. met Niontlav wjth an at- cendance of 20. Miecting opcnied with 'Mtiss Lounise Osborne at tlie iano and pflaveh uuietlv Christmas Chinies. [treside.ît lrs. ..J. Gav read .,criiî- tures wvith 'Mr.,. \nnis responding iin qonz. w ith the I adivsj oinin g i n, Corn, anîd \Vo r>hîîî xsith Chris.tmas thenle thronghsotît. RZeports of Secsv. nd Treas. werc given and M rs * A ' 1. 01,e gave a sPiCflIIiI report of con- vention in B3owvnanvillc. With Nirs. Smîith pr icth slate of new of- ficers ,wcre prcsenited l hyNrs. Crook. Stnly iBook svas given bhe Mrs. Il. F. Osborne;: Nîrs. Harold '.\fir fav- ored with a vocal solo "Oh Little ' o n o f B (iei e en i :' N rs. R . E . - Oshorne rcad "For AIl of Us the Saviour Catme" Offering svas dc- dicated iin song bv ' Mrs. G. F. Annis; p)raver I)v Mrs. F W. Ruindle and a reýadine hv Ada Annis closcd thv program. New officers arc: I-lon. lires.-Nfrs. John Found; Pres.- Nîrs. A. J. Gav; Ist Vice MNrs. G. F. \ I ViceMrs R. C. 33/4% On Guaranteed Trust Certilecates A le gai investment for Trust Fundsi unconditionally Guarentecd STERLING TRUSTSace CORPORATION SIERUNG TOWEU SLEEPAD AWAKE REFRESHED If JOL' dan't aîeep vol -if nmgts are inter- rupted hy rslsns -look ta your kidneya. If yaur kidneys are out of order andlaiI cleanse the blood of poisons and wat matter-your rest is ikely auffering, to. At the firaI agn of kidney trouble turn confidently to Dodd'a Kidney Pilla for over hall a century the favorite kidney remedy. Easy to take. 114 Dodd's Kidney Piis Ile. ii(l I feel sa old so drab and sa iirst time. It was really iunny. and iopeClcss. I1iquit writinz. and vours the audience let us know. whaopîng %va,, the onlv Christrnas card I have and whistlinz and stampine ta beat Y U W R D AN I E reeeived. l)addv is motre andi more the band. The kitis spoke their pieces fcebeeo I have more to do now fil. and the littie schoal sang rnany (Copyright) than hefore. - Getting svood and Christrnas sortgs with the teacher at Joh C.Ksrwoo - water i, hardest. the orzan. Then Santa Clatis passed By Jh .Krwo DaddIv talks everv day of his birth- the treat around and everybody got a 1 wonder if my readers know tlie -stinos) oui. \Ve are f ar f ram rar- ffdace iin Canada. He wants ta die tinv sack of candy and peantits and book whose title is "The Stumip kets. and hiavent anythinz ta selI. oni Canadian soil among the Indians. unte orange. There were even three Farm." described as "a elironicle of but have plenty ta eat. I've neyer It dosnt matter ta me svhere I go sacks of candy aver." p)ioneeriniz." Its contents arc the beenl vers stronei. weigh 86 pounds, or wlîen 1 die. and I ve tohd himrnC letters ai a little woman who mar- but amî real active and get quite a l'Il go ta the enîd of the worhd ith . ried a farmer 28 vears older than lot dlonciein a day." Iini whcncever lie wants ta pull out. The Roses had mroved ta Canada hershf. Theleterswer iit ~ I prpos ~utin f om hes l 1 Ilook Boy (aged 4) anîd sent ta - ta Northcern Alberta) tended forThelictio.Te ete n rvs e qcpeil v to e ritcn.- the Christmas tree at the little sehool Mardi 3. 1927 - 'Yaur Christmnas tened orpubicaio. Tev er tes -esecillvthse ritinhue lion lir in the woods. Boy letter came an February 20th. It was muh it the m thwonat so he n i fcred eni le toerfrrn otespoke ~Little Jack Horner' for them. about the blackest haur ai mv ife. mof pultin ta The fedtlanic Christiiîd. 'casait, for 1 want this Te first thinz he did svas ta bow I lîad nolltck gttiig fur as this fenthv. b see.uco n tl The At atc contribution ta the Statesinan, on tIe i liihead almost ta tlîe floor. and is nat a fur vear. To cap the clirnax weM ade inta S baenlv he. ttr eve ai Christmnas ta bc iii tune sith theit throw back lus head and langzh ai bati luck 1I had a faîl and sprainced weemd noabo.the Christnmas spirit. zleef ullv. Tlîeî his voice ranz ont miv hiî whcrc it lotins the backbone. The writer ai tlîe lettcrs had beeîî oi ihtefu ilso heAtrtrcadalafweso 1 a schoal teaclier. She lost her healtît C hln iath te fuhumerjcs çrvc-1aimheAier thre n anhall wccks an and went West. Tiere she met the1 1I n iafraid." wrate Ms Rose. on ryie i( i ubrak ervbc i itn p arlte manwhon se mrrid. f hrn eceibe 27h. 922 "I,.vnte toraised the roof with their ntoise. It svas a rav ai sunshine breaking shesai. " washp fic ervgrondI ken p wtlîtu wold utsde ias Boys f irst appearance. and he throughi the chauds. Boy bas had he walks an, and while we have ta vanted still ta have ambitions. and ionI eat.h sa aer" abe briiciids and s olie sleside e wark hàrd. we're happv ta have each 1I dreaîîî of better tliîîgs: but the Dcebeu.1.193onBoti ah ed. Kids are as oolat other. We live on a ranch - or neiver-endiiie strugezle for existence nîlost (louie whooping and two more mnoî0ve hv r ai aco what xii be anc wheiî se get the1 andth te îoncsomnencss are telliîîe on, weeks will sec him svell. Daddy lisoff. Daddv has liati bis hiatts fuIl." hetter ton. I dressed tp ir)imv bet (The ast letter in the boak is dat- dress. and srapped t1îp warm. and cd October. 1927. 50 there are no sat down on the feiîce toîîight for mare references ta Cirstmnas. Yet I an hour iii tlec mooiiliglit. hoping that (itiote froin a etter written in ttic al tîoîesol o vta vs gaine at onfai1927 as falows :) t, te Crisina cliertilientat It's colti here - 78 degrees below TH E B LM ORA HOTE the :chool house. The teacher %vas zero once in a whihe. andi 60 is zen- Xmas a P ew Year WNohodvcae OIseti.an more - mv first trip fram home Merry X a and a rosperous NeDea adtiv salie soie nId Scotch s0gs silice 1 settleti here. i can keep Daddy X niByai Iwr ap alîve nîanv vears in this climate. for To enable our staff to enjoy the holiday the dining y acî. tliere's no rhcîîmatisrn here and na room wiil be closed ail day Sunday, Dec. 25th y I. C K chance for hum ta, zet wet. . -. . *,e.,, Piotîerine is hard whcn vo're not Pearce; Ird Vc KMr. R F (X Gý'eralId andi Je,'at N" esliV borne; Treas.-M\rs. R. R. t.'.t'S<%:. Ll$1 t"tt'i, ,t'itstt Christian Stewardsîîiv and e î 'c ~ 'i~tItS ~îs tes " .Nirs. WilI Bickle ; %Niss.\Ls',î~' :îs~t.~s":~ Nl\iss Aura Osborne; Rtc. Scc \" L -'~t~N:' h Blake Oke: AsS't. Sec. \rs . " ".a " ' 5'." t i Osborne; Corr. Sc Ni\r' 0l,-Su , 'ise t '.*. Y' .v Literature - \trs. 1Bla tke c e . ie x .i . tic Cornnîitv Friendshlt, ", m\t, Faund: Snpplv e Nt \ . . 't -:- .s '.. NichaIs: Tein. Sc-Nr' Nie,_ ' '. xx t.t Press Se-Nitrs. Fran:k \ .. Asst. Helpers Sec. Nt 'ý> \\ Il à,~ ..N5~.. 2 a Miarshali : Baby BaS, .: ..':-\11 " a l'res.-.Nirs. Herb \cs'\ .~yv~ . Cecil Wordetî: .\szý'ts.M"s \ a 4 lîeaiîs. 'Nî1r s. Ci.rence list .st..NIrs. Lloyd C nt'tce \,ý CAdnIu Annîîie Wilkins. Nissioîî Circle met ai tlt \ "'.V*ý\' home. Devotional topic ssas takeîînsV 5 ' M \UsiV. Louatise Courtice; temperance rcadî:'cz . ::- t .iiM bv Velnia Gay; piano solo. I.r IN \'. tn a t 'tsc lZundle : readiuie. Jasephitue t.eu'ce . i. c't'ac'..'t' ueNI Balson: rcadintts. Eiîeen Piekehl antid .. . :.: Gertie Petit; piano solo. Florence i.de \' x" . \Vilkiîus. A social time xvas cîîjosed. i a l te ~nec ~.tc eN~ INew of ficers are. Pres-Alice Arn-. Ccci b sj .2M.xt x::. oId; Ist Vice--Aura Osborîne; Rcc. fj-Ir atte!ndaLl1ce Neeî:î'. ,taenz:desi :h Sec.-Edythe Balson:; Ass't.-Anî rar b'. Rex i. -'l« e!! .nt hil' Wilkinîs; Carr. Sec-Normna Short; readirî:c bils.L1. F.FI:5 ,tt Net Treas.-Jcâii Gay ; Chîristiani Ste-_ bers gave a Chrî5-tî::as vcrse et'c:p syartiship and Finance-NîIrs. Eric turc lin aîîsx er ta ilie rol ail a:!con- Courtice ; Strangers Sec. - Evelyni tests af St rs ice Box xvas cen:uted andt Wade; Temp. Sece-Velma Gay; thec prize for thee ncarest zue'ss af the Press Sece-Edytîte Balson ; Peace amtîtont enclosed -was woan bv \lrs. Sec.-Beth Gay Fhower Comn.-M\ad- Gardait Stitîson. NIr. Bell caî:dutcd chune Toohcv. Ada Annis and Norma elcction of ai ficers ' Pres.-M.\rs. C. ýNicQuade. Ferguison : lst \Vice-Nfrs. Gardoeîî ____________________ iStitison: 2îîd Vice-NIrs. F. Das es; Sec.-Nirs. H. Galbraith; Car. Sec.-j Haydon Nfrs. W. D ezuo;Tra _________Gardait Stinson; Press Sec.-Nrs. . Mr. and Mrs. R.C. MeLean and E . Eliott: Strangers Scc.-Nirs. E. famnily, Mrs. J. Bradbnry and Gibsoti: Grou.p Leaders-Mirs. . Nar- - famlly, Toronto, visited at Mrs. sxood Ncece. Mfrs .. A. E. NielGi. Eepesutjoysmah xeddNrs. Geo. Fowler. N!\rs. J. E. Elliott. ta Mesrs .MpaNelis and .Mc-Nrs. F. Davès took charge ai pro-. to Mssrs R. eNel an A. e-grant and an interestinz cantest svas Neil in the death of their sister, miît oit at whlich thie prize was; Mrs. D. McPhersan of Toronto. asvarcîeî \Irs. Elliott. An lnsptrmng We are sorry ta learn that aur teacher Miss J. Knax has been readitte sas given bv Nirs. Cecil Fer- 1 seriausly ill and hope she wiîi etîson anit a hîtîiioraus rcading by have a speedy recavery. N.Irs. Fred Dayes. Church service next Sundav L.O.B.A. Lodge ai Blackstocki afternaan at 3 p.m. Speciai music electeti these aifficers: W.M-Sister by the chair. Darcy; R.NI-Sister Fowlcr; Chati- Mr. and Mrs. R. MeNeil visited aut Sister Crawford: Rec. Sec.- recentîy at Mrs. M. Maare's, Baw- Sister Wright; Fin. Sec.-Sister WiI. manvilie. Ian: Treas.-Sister Stinson; Lec- Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Larmer, ttrer-Sister Harnilton; Dir. Cmr.- South Managhan, were recent Sister Devitt:, Inner Guard-Sister visitars at Mr. A. Beech's. Venning: Onter Guard - Brotber __________________ Hamilton: Corn. ai Five -Sisters Van Camp). Tavlor. Hyland. Hamil- ton and Fair; Anditors - Sister ZionCrawford andi Bro. Devitt: Guardian i_____ -Bro. Devitt; Sec. Lec.-Sister Mr. and Mrs. Russell Staintan, \Vhitfild: Sick Com.-Sisters Craw. Mrs. Rabt. Kilien, Mrs. Wes. Cam- fard. Hamilton anti Wright. eron visited Mr. Rabt. Killen in __________ Toronto General Hospital. Mr. Harold Baison, Miss Flor-; U. S. Senator Wheeler of Mon- ence Lander, Sauina, at Mr. J. W. tana struck a new note on the Balson's. wheat problemn as he commented Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Naylor, Mr. "Wben it takes a bushel of wheat Alex MeMaster, Mrs. J. W. Mc-, ta buy twa boaves af bread, it is Master attended the Hoistein'obviaus that we have not solved Breeders' banquet ait Canton. the farmn prablem." - Brantford Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson, Expositar. ciristwas Bet8 This shop bas been noted for over 80 years for its prime beef for Christmas. When you buy here you know it wiii be the eholeesi money can buy and the cattie are raised riglut in Durham County. We have purchased Elevea Choice Young Shorthorn Steers FROrfI F. W. BOWEN, EX-M.P. These are ail stail fed cattie and seleeted by us per- i sonaily from lis stable of 40 head. They are just as nice as were sold at the Winter Fair. Compare quaiity and price and you'I flnd it's eheapest to, buy here. ORDER CHRISTMAS POULTRY Better get your order in early so you'ii not be dis- appolnted and it will give us an opportunity to serve you better. Good poultry of ahi kinds. Compliments of the Season to Our Customers T. W. Cawkeri -Phone 382 BUTCHER Bowmanville ~ m dmomb. klm RAèààe ml ý,- uL.£ -xd=» . 01 % -4 --~ Special Xmas Dinner Served Monday 12 to 2 p.m. t & Don Christian ch EECTRI TREE Just the thing for'- ris as V lues decorating the Xmas Tree A USEFUL3c FLOOR CHRISTMAS GIFT39 LAMPS Mk orvrna With Shades - - 98 beautiful with a Set of The Well-Known 98C gaily colored OUTSIDE $6.95 Electric Irons LG T ~ ~ ~/4,~'\~' i Just the Thing for $1 9 Christmas$19 lii PER SET G.-E. CONSOLE ELECTRIC ]RADIO MROI sANDWICH The beautiful Console Mantel Radi TI A D .............(Not as Iilustrated) '0 T LI LIR Reg. $89.50, for' An Ideal Christmas Gift Make an ideal $ 49.00 Christmas Gf s5g.50 WANTEL RADIO$g SPECIAL AT $19.5,198 t A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE ELECTRIC 3 icoe St., N. OSHAWA Phone 84 b 'Q p c: te b th bi bi Iv T Zr Y Ti B th tr a la a cil ba dei ori ta tan fie t' k'AtiE -. 'Prpmipr 1:trnrkpn of Mnnitaba TI, - pAr.,p IITY i A pîhîy cîtitheti "Look Me in the t~ <was x'r'ry abhy prcsented by tlc iteuttters tif thlt,'Y. P. U. un- dcvti,~ usice tf the W. A. The catit, t t-jeti lus tir lier part ex- evpttiiutly weh. Mrs. Cecil Fer- gui. tht-otacht for the play, is ta .~ ~'iimathaedon its decided st ;jjvs ptcijjj ninsie xvas fur- .ttt' tq\ý-t'tn nets and homne- iîîîd caitx'wus sold. A Christ- nîias tc'ee for' tihe hildren of the \\.i S vanloaded by jallY aid StaClatis who had gifts of Y iîiy iid joys for young and aid. Mmatti Mm'rs. Clare Fallis and of î *i1et.roto spent the week- end ai thît'îî cottage. ctu Tucedav eveniuig, Decemnber _z. ,jlag ci'owd enjoyed a fine ,e:îcxrt at 'NIliood's Sehool under t'.bedirection of their teach- et-. 1). Anderson. There were rttascanaIs as weli as gttod dialoigues. recîtations and panta- nî:nxnes byt.>'leptmpils, and several splendid muical numbers were ce:îîl'nedby adilits. Bawman- v :11e îtalent added spice ta the CO acert. \Ir. Stanley Rickard, te.acler at B. T. S., favared with t\550 vilt eeto Mr. Norman Riekard gave bath a reading and a soli"; andi splendid music was sujppiieti b>-the W'elsh boys or- chestra. Santa Clauis distributed the glufs frntm the Christmas tree and the ladies served sandwiches. cake and cafi'ee. Proceeds $8.75. THRE HOOVERS ~~e/EL TORONTO 1 ;O>k