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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jan 1939, p. 8

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~z~F PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JANUARY I8TH, 1939 The B.H.S. baskctball teamns1 up with a broken nose sustained kept their record up on Friduy in Lindsay. Jackman started the evening by adding four more scoring with a basket and a foul gaines without a loss, to brîng' shot which was followed by a their total now up to eight con-I rally from Cobourg by Corbett sectiv ganeswitouta lss.and Joncs, with Slemon adding sectiv gaes ithut los.another counter for B.H.S. to Fridny evenmng's strugglcs werc bring the quarter to an end wita against Cobourg on tac B.H.S. the score standing ut 5-4. Thc floor with a large crowd in at- second quarter tac red, white and tendance to watch some o! tac black really turned on the heat, snappicst gaines tant have been. gaining 10 points with the wholc played in tac local gymnatium. five players sharing in tac hon- There were thrce wins und one ours, while Cobourg was held tic, and tac threc wins came so down to 4 points. The bal! endcd vcry close ta being ticd that many with the score 15-8 for B.H.S. a spectator will bc wcak in the Jackman again drcw first blood knees for several wceks to corne. in tac second bal! while Slcmon The junior boys kept tac aId vic- scorcd a basket before the cas- tory streak intact by defcating tac terners dropped a couple of coun- custcrn lads by 26-16; the junior ters ta bring tac score up to 21-13 girls squeczcd out a close victory ut three quarter time. Cobourg by wînning 19-15. In the senior resorted to the old zone defense division tac girls pullcd out an in the last frame and had our il-ail tic, wbile the senior boys boys rcaily puzzled for a wbilc edgcd out tac County Towners by but thcy wcre quick to recover 32-28. Ahl local tcams showed and ended the game witb the great improvement over tacir score standing at 26-16. In the gaines in Lindsuy and if there is last qurater Benson o! Cobourg as much improvement for every was put off with four fouls. gaine thcy wiil have to enter tac Througbout the whole game Bow- commercial Icagues to get coin- manville had one weak point, petition. This weck the senior their foul shooting sinking only boys play Oshuwa whilc the rcst two out of ten shots. We advise of tac tcams take a rest in pre- tac boys to take a littie o! Mr. parution ta meet Peterboro the Colmer's advise to practise up a Z following weck. bit. Cobourg incurrcd 7 fouis with Bowmanville only having 5. Bowmanvillc 26 - Gilbert Mc- JUNIOR BOYS Ilveen 4, Keita Slemon 10, Doug- B.H.. CgersWin las Jackman 9, Alan Tamblyn, B.H.. CgersWin Sid Rundle, Don Allin 1, Jim With Usual Ease Clarke 2, George Undcrhill, Lind- This was tac only game o! tac say Mitchell. four tant wus anywhcrc cinchcd Cobourg 16 - Maize 5, Corbett for Bowmanviilc taroughout tac 2, Glassford, Joncs 4, Henman, wholc game. This wcek Gilbert Healy, Newton, Pulahen, Benson Mdilveen was buck in uniform, 5, Rawlings. while Alden Whcelcr, that tail Refere - A. Colville. streuk who plays centre, was laid Umpire- Ostrander. k 'i.: ~ j;> U-j These items are handpicked for quality and value - and there 's plenty of both - Save by stocking up flow. SPECIAL Rolled Oats (Quick and Regular), Germ Wheat, Corn Meal, Graham Flour, Macaroni Per Lb. - Se Phone 368 F LOU R W.e carry a complete stock of the following Flours: Cyrus, Pive Roses, Quaker, Robin Rond, ream of the West Files of Pickerel, Cod Halibut and Haddock Bea Herrings Salmon and Oysters Bu]k Molasses, Salt Pratt's Poultry Regulator Caif Meals and other ]ivestock necessities. HARRY ALLIN GROCER Bowman ville Too Hotl Too CoId! Draughts! Alnormal tempeatures, sumaner and winter, are a health menae wihi h hom. Av.oid them by blanketing your hoowith Red Top Insuluting WooI. TIsd fluffy, fireproof insulation is easy to, instaUl. Cosa Iitde. la permanent and sanitary. Ask us for full details, gamples, etc. And let us tell you for how littie you cun have eou home protected with this blanket insulation, and how B.d Top linulating Wool will uctuully puy for it8eif hy saving fuel Bed Top Insulating Wool is a product of Canudian Gyou Company Ltd., your warranty of quality. Sheppard & Gi Lumber Co. Limited phone 715 Bowmanvlhle C< v C a v b C tp F a B H Si 7, Br Di JUNIOR GIRLS 'rie Broken Near End After Hard Tussie BASKETBALL B.H.. v. CbouC B.H.. v. laour Jnior Boys 26 16 Jnior Girls 19 15 J, Senior Girls il il :.Qm\ Senior Boys 32 28 DUR FLAG Sec our patriotie Stationery wlth fiag embosscd on paper and envelopes, Pads - - - 15& and 25o Envelopes - - - pIkg. 15c WALLPAPER 1 New 1940 Papers now in stock1 It lookeci as if B.H.S. really hac this game in the bag at the fin& of the game but Cobourg pulleé out in the last quarter to take thE lead for a short while until thE local lassies rallied and put thE game away. The first quartei 1B.H.S. was the only team to makE the score sheet, with Dustan, Eni mett and Downey cach scoringa basket to make the score 6-0. The second quarter opened and closci with a Cobourg tally, but the thrce musketeers again sunk one each, making the score 12-4. The second haîf was disastrous for Bowmanville with Mary Em- mctt the only local scorer in the third frame while Cobourg man- aged to put three baskets in by Capeil, O'Connor and Ashdown. The last period Ashdown startcc the scoring with five points for Cobourg to put them ahead 15-14. Mary Emmett scorîng a foui shot brought it up tied, while Dorothy Downey broke the tic and Pat Dustan cinchcd it with anothe] basket to end the game 19-15. The local lassies played a good clear game sustaining only two tcchni- cal fouis with Cobourg having four personals. The guards for Bowmanvillc are to be congratu- lated on the dlean and snappy game thcy played kecping the forwards well around their own territery. Bowmanvlc 19 - Forwards, Pal Dustan 10, Dorothy Downey 4, Helen White, Margaret McDonald, Mary Emmett 5; Guards, Lurana Slcep, Norah Fagan, Ada Dusen- berry, Geraldine Coulter, Kath- leen Thompson. Cobourg 15 - B. Ashdown 7, L. Hillier, C. O'Connor 4, M. Rogers, R. Stillwell, E. Phillips, M. Pratt 2, P. Brooks, M. Capeli 2. SENIOR GIRLS Came Ends in Tie After Rough Battie The senior girls tied with an [1-ail score although three min- uites' overtime was played and Bowmunvilie dcclared a winner on Helen Giunville's basket, it .vas found out'laiter on deiving deeper inta tac rule l5ook that ceague games must bc left as tied ,vith no overtime, so the tic de- cision was sustained. The local girls were gomng'nip and tuck throughout the whole game with no one obtaining any .vorthwhile advantage to speak of. Cobourg startcd the scoring with Gibson carning 3 points which wvas followed by Helen Glanville getting a basket to end the quar- ter 3-2 for Cobourg. Allun and Spooner cach scored a foui shot for Cobourg, while K. Storey and Glanville scored for Bowmanville bringing the score up to 6-5 for 3owmanvillc ut haîf time. Cobourg started the secondJ half wvith Gibson scoring four points and Aluin one point, while K. Storey again tallied for Bow- nanville bringing the score at quarter time up to 10-8 for Co- bourg. Helen Glanville accounted for three points in the last quar- er whilc Nichol -of Cobourg tied he game with a foui shot ending at il aIl. The girls wcre slightly riclined to be a little rough in tais game with both sides doing their share of the dirty work, Bowman- vil1e incurring 7 fouis and Co- bourg 5. B.H.S.'s foui shooting ras a lîttie weak also with only 1shot being scored out of 7 ut- tmpts. The girls could stand ta ,o down with the junior boys for ihlttle practice shooting. Bowmanville il - Forwards, 3etty Emmett, Kataleen Storey 4, Earian McDonald, Mary Spencer, clen Glanville 7; Guards, Pat ,mmctt, Diana Wheeler, Margaret Lorey, Helen Williams, J cu n Zice. Cobourg il - Forwards, F. ;ooner 1, C. Allen 2, H. Gibson E. Nichol 1, M. Holland, M. ýolstcr; Guards, B. Dufton, J. )uftan, J. Oulahan, J. Richard- id ýd e ie r ie a ie ýe ir r t t WOOL A wlde selection of colours and plys. A wool for every purpose. J. W. JeweII BIG 20 , Phone 556 Bowmanville uccounting for fi! teen points in R the first quarter ta Cobourg's five. The second quarter Brown, Fa- gan and Mcllveen opencd up while at thc anme time they held Cobourg down ta a basket by Platt, ending the huif with a score to! 20-7. The second bal! the fast puce began ta tell on tac local boys' rather poor canditianing. Fagan, Mcllvecn and Colville accounted for 5 points, wbile Cobourg led by Platt managed ta get 15 points in this quarter, ta bring the score ta 25 20. It was really close for *the local lads in tac closing frame witb Swindells, Mcllvcen, Morden *and Brown cbalking Up points twita Wilson and Platt leading the *Cobourg boys ta end the gume t32-28. In tac last period Fagan wus put off with four fouIs and Plutt o! Cobourg. In this game Bill Brown should be up for al star ruting, playing an aIl round good game, althougb be did not score a greut number o! points bie was tac \backbane o! tac team setting up many a basket for the other players. Bath teams incur- red 12 fouIs. Thcy meet Oshawa this week in the matar city. Bowmanville 32 - Owen Fa- gan 10, Don Mason 6, Bill Brown 6, Jack Colville 2, Don Mcllveen 5, Roy Swindells 1, Greg. Mprdeo 2, Byron Crawford, Harold Cas- boumn. Cobourg 28 - Bennett, Platt 13, Wilson 5, Boîster, Guy 5, Drury 2, Jewell, Phillips 1, East, Hogan 2. Referce - Alex Colville. Local Midgets Defeat Newcastle Bowmunville Midgets defeatcd Newcastle in Orono rink Satur- day Il ta 0. The speed a! tac game was held up quite a bit as the ice was cut up. Don Allin was tac star o! the game, getting six goals. Little Don Gilhooley, smull- est player on bath o! tac teanis, cauldn't get going this week as good us be did lust week because lie was playing against much larger players. Tam Coan and a Newcastle player euch received two penalties for ruffing. Virtue did not bave ta work for bis shut- out as he hud Hately and Mc- Ilveen for a defense in front o! bim. Goal-getters for Bawmun- ville were: Allin 6, Cowun 2, Hately 1, Larkin 1, Gilhooley 1.V Brown's r son. Officials for bath girls' games Brown's Home and School Club weme: Referce, Mrs. Earl Cun- met Jan. 9th. The Club acceptcd ningham; Umpime, Miss K. Shorey. the invitation ta cater ta the _______L. O. L. convention. Committcc io SENIO BOYScharge are Miss Jean Perrin, Mrs. SENIO BOYSR. Branch, Mrs. C. Turner, Roy Branch, Ray Brown and Archie B.H.S. Almost Loses Brown. The Club will hald a In Sudden Rally dance, the committee in charge bcing Misses Ethel Simpson aod The B.H.S. senior boys did Wylmu Farrow, Mrs. G. Arnold, themselves really pmaud on Fni- [Mms. C. Turner, Bill Morley, Ray day night putting up n fat exhi-, Brown, Fred Cauch and Archie bition o! bull that husn't been scen' Brown. This pragramn was in for quite some time uround these charge o! Miss Simpson: Piano parts and if they cao kecp up the salas by Miss L. Langler and Mr. good work it looks as if taey Gcury; Mr. Rasbomough, Orono, aught ta be in uine for a senior spoke on Education; dialogue by gmoup championship. There wus Clarke young people entitled only ane dark spot in the gume "'Henry's Mail Order Wife"; mu- when same a! the Cabourg boys sical selectian by Messrs. Burley startcd roughing it up a iittle and and Scott, and Mr. Beaudreun. B.H.S. players tbought thbe y Ray Brown had charge o! same should have been given a foui cootcsts after which lunch was but werc not, and taus started ta served. maise cain about it. The referees Ray Brown bas been ta Mon. are in there ta caîl the game as treal twice tais week with apples thcy sec it and allat the fouls ac- for Irvin Colville. cordingly, but insteud a! ulways Visitors: Mrs. C. Brown, Lake taking this decision as such the Shore, ut Mr. Moses Hcard's...t local lads have a nusty habit o! Mm. and Mrs. C. Turner and Sam tmying ta win things their way. ut Mr. A. Turner's, Lockhart's.. But enough o! that. Mrs. G. Arnold, Mr. Truman Guy o! Cobourg drew the first Clark and Dick Raly ut Mr. Wil- blood on a free tbrow, but after bur Baskerville's, Lake Shore... this B.H.S. reully went ta tawn Miss Ethel Simpson with Mrs. W. with Fugan, Mason and Brown Todd, Oshawa. ESCAPE of theMISERY 0F COWDS U»a apecialized medication for nos. andi upper throat .wh.re moat colds start Hops Prevenft Colds Developng-Dont wait until n miscmuble cold deveiops. At the very flrst wnrnlng snceze, snuffle, or nasal irritation- put a few dmrops o! Vlcks Va-tra-nol Up each nostril Immediately. Used ln time, Va-tro-nal hclps ta prevent the de- velopment or many colds. Clears Stuffy Rnad, TO. - Even wbcn youm bend Is aIl clogged up from a neglectcd cahd, Va-tro-nal brlngs comforting relief. It quickhy clenrs awuy the clagglng mucus, reduces swallen mem- branes. hehps FE Its tlngiing ta kccp the medication go ta work sinuses fram beIng blacked by th cod- CK 1lets yo0u V - breathe ugain. IIR N L 1 s d i. eh me h i i ii m * ica i ofiskn 1 n i. i J. EDWIN ELLIOTT ACCIDENT VICTIM BURIED ON WED. One or Cacimus' most highly rcspected and cstcemed citizens, James Edwin Elliott, met with a most tragic dcath, the result o! a car accident, on Monday, January 8th. Per Rol -- du. Those froni n distan~ce attending the funcral were Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hickling, Mr. and Mrs. John Cae, Allanwood, Mms. S. Elliott, Edenvule, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Elliatt, Peterbora, Mr. C. J. Mountjoy, Islington, Mr. and Mrs. Gardon McLean, Uxbridge. He leaves ta mourn bis loss bis sorrowing wife, and ane sister, Mrs. W. C. Hickliog, Allenwood. One brother predeceased him about 10 years ugo. A Tribute - un extract from Rev. S. C. Moore: For years I have thought o! J. E. Ehhiott us anc o! God's ooblemen. He was far more and better than the average man.' He wus a kind, caurteaus, consistent Christian gentleman. His constant deva- tian ta bis church and Master will be an abiding mcmory and In- spiration ta many naw that he bus entcred the higbcr service ubove. A gossip speuks ihi o! alh and aIl o! her.-#Ohd Proverb. Gossip in the hcncbmun o! ru- mor and scandàl-Feuillet. Bowmanville and District 'Who's Who" Buyer 's Guide A' Auto Agencies and it Dealers McKeever & Smith hJack McKeever- Harold Smith y Temperance St.- Bowmanville H1dsn1&PHEONE 84« ýe Huson &Packard Sales & Service Generai Repaire e Gas -Oil - Tires - Used Cars. * Beauty Parlors Madame Eunice CaIIum ýtKing St. East - Bowmanvllle ci PHONIE 529 k Hairdresslng and Ail Lines of Beauty Culture s Distinctive Work For e Discrlmlnatlng Women. j Bus Lines rGarton's Bus Station T. A. Garton, Proprietor King St. - BowmanvlUe PHONE 2666 a Tripe Oaiiy Bowmanviiile - Oshawa- Whltby Speciai Buses For Agi Occasions t At Reasonable Rates,, Builder & Contractor 10e upi He was born in Kcttlcby, Ont. May 1874, second son o! the latE James A. Eliiott. Whilc vcr3 young he with his parents movec to their farm ut Edenvale. He re. ccived his education there anc later graduated from Shaw's Bus. mness College, Toronto. He ac. cepted a position in Toronto buî was called home on account oi his fathcr's death. In 1904 he was marricd to Editî Mountjoy and for one ycnr the3 lived on thc farm. In 1905 theý bougbt the general store ut Cad. mus whcre he served thc peoplE of the community for 14 years. During bis life in Cadmus he taok a very keen intcrcst in ai] the activities of tac community, particularly thc church. He fillcd tac position of S. S. Supt., Reprc- sentative to Conference, member o! tac Officiai Board and choir. In the discharge o! these entailcd duties he was faithful ta the high- est degrce. He served for a num- ber o! yeurs on the Cartwright Council and was a member and nregular attendant of Dcvitt's Or- ange Lodgc and of the Black Preccptory. In 1919 be sold bis busneiss and moved ta Bawmanviilc whcre be livcd for 18 years. He was an eactive member of Trinity United eChurcb, member o! tac choir, as- sistant Supt. of tac S. S., member of the Officiai Board, representa- tive to Presbytcrial and Confer- ence. S Mr. Elliott was ulways a strong atemperance advocate, conscien- Stious and just ta the point of sac- rifice, in business, loyal to ail that was fuir. His quiet, unassuming Smanner and kindly courteous bearing made for him many fri- ends, especially among tac chul- dren. Anyone in trouble or sor- row bis services werc cagerly given. His spiritual life was quiet and sincere. In the home he was hospitable and kind, always seck- Sing the welfarc of others; a kind and loving busband. Truly a good man has gane home, one o! God's gentlemen. Two ycars ugo he moved from Bowmanville and in tac old stand took ovcr the business ut Cadmus. He was warmly welcomed by a large number o! bis aid friends. He ut once associuted himself with the church, S. S. and community and entered loto ahl the uctivities. He attended the Officiai Board on Monday, Jan. 8th. In the ev- coing of Jan. 8, while on his way to attend the township choral class, he was fatally injurcd in a car accident and met sucb an untimcly, tragic eod. I cannot say and 1 wiill ot say That he is dead, he is just away; With a cbecry smile and a wave of the hund He has wandered inta an un- known land. And left us dreaming; how very far It needs must be, since he lin- gers there; And you - Oh yau, wbo tac mildest yeurn For tac old time spent and tac glad return. Tbink o! him faring on, as dear In thc lave o! There as tac love of Here, Think a! him stili as tac sume, - I suy, He is not dead, he is just awuy. The funerul was held from the home where a short service was held for the near relatives, after which tac remains were taken ta Cudmus Church wbere a large number of oeighbors, friends and relatives hud gathered ta puy their last respects ta anc wbo had meunt s0 much ta the commuoity. The service was conducted by his pastor, Rev. D. M. Stinson, ussistcd by a former pastar, Rev. S. Davison of Trinity Unitedi Church, Bowmanvilic, and Rev. E. P. Wood, Rectar of St. John's Angican Church, Blackstock, and Cadmus choir. Very comforting -messages wcrc given, each speuk- ing in the bighest terms of the deceased. One of Mr. Elliatt's favorite sangs "Beautiful Isle of Somcwhcre" wus very cffectively sung by Mrs. Jubez Wright and M.rs. Ernest Larmer of Black- stock. The service taroughout was a very impressive anc. Pull bearers were nephcws, M~ilton Slemon, Norman Elliott, I'heran Mountjoy, Tennyson Sa- melis, Elmer Sieman and Russell Gilbert. Flower beurers were Gordoni M.'cLean, Lorenzo Mountjay, Lloyd Sleman, Maurice Sumelîs andi John Coe. Interment was made ut Bethes- tl E G p tc Tale beumers arc just as bud as talemakers.-Sheridan. Truth is nat exciting enough ta those who depend on the churac- ters and lives o! tacir neighboms for uhh their amusement. - Ban- croft. -Business Directory a a Garages Burketon Garage J. Sinclair, Proprictor Burketon PHONE 2171 General Repairs to Ail Makes of Cars - Towing Service Canadian 011 Co. Products Grocerles & Meats Caverly's RED & WHIITE STORE W. C. Caverly, Proprietor King Street - - Bowmanville PHONE M7 Groceries * Meats - Fruits Vegeta bies Prompt Dellvery Service Trimble's Store Groceries and CoQked Meats Cor. King and Lierty Sts. Bewmanville PHONE 687 We Deliver. General Merchants Reynolds" Store J. R. Reynolds, Proprietor Hampton PHONE: Bowmanville 2562 Groceries - Meats - Dry Goods Hardware - Boots & Shoes Robinson's RED & WHITE STORE Cecil H. Robinson, Proprietor Courtice PHONE: Bowrnanville 2517 Oshawa 180r11 Groceries - Confections Shirts - Overails - Socke -Mitts Slemon's Store T. M. Siemon, Preprietor Ennlskillen PHONE: Bowmanville 2573 Grocerles - Ments - Drugs - Paints Hardware - Work Boots - Clothlng A. Wearn & Son Enniskllcn PHONE: Bowinanville 2521 Groceries - Meats and other General Supplies H Hardware Stores Mason &Dale M. Dale- - - - Proprietor PHONE 408 King St. - Bowmnanville Hardware and Sporting Goode Marco ni and Stewart-Warner Radios "Frig idaire" Electric Refrige4-ators McC iary EiectrIc and Coal & Wood Ranges A. E. McGregor & Co. Retail Hardware King St. - Bowmanville PHONE 774 We Guarantee You Market Prlces On Al Our Merchandise. i Insurance Mrs. E. V..Scobell King St. West - BowmanviUle PHONE 474 Real Estate - Insurance Conveyanclng. M Machine Shops West End Garage AND MACHINE SHOP J. L. Demerling, Proprietor King St. West - Bowmanville PHONE 781 General Machine Work - Weldlng Storage. p Painters & Decorators James H. Âbernetby Concession St. - Bowmanville PHONE 431 Interlor and Exterlor Painting and Decoratlng. Also Paperhanglng. NOW SHOWING NEW 1940 WALLPAPERS Service Stations Greenaway's SERVICE STATION W. R. Grcenaway, Proprietor Hampton PHONE: Bowmanville 2550 Sheili as & Oil - Goodyear Tires Cockshutt - Frost & Wood Farm Impiements. During the year 1939 there were 60,520 accidents reported to, The Workmen's Compensation Board of Ontario, as compared with 59,834 during 1938. The fatal accidents numbcrcd 314, as against 352 during 1938. The total benefits awarded dur- ing the year amounted to $6,152,- 407.53, as compared with $6,464,- 261.19 during 1938, tac figures for 1939 being made up of $5,057,- 714.23 compensation and $1,094,- 693.30 medical aid. There were 5,138 accidents re- ported during December, and the benefits awardcd amounted to $581,378.92. The accidents report- cd during December a year ago numbercd 4,460. The humnan race is in the best condition where it lias the-greatest degrce of liberty.-Dante Fire and sword are but slow Gossip pretends to have tac engines of destruction in cm-Ieycs of an Argus, but has ail tac parison wxth the babbler.-Ste. blindness of a bat.-Ouida. with raCORI \Xhy pay out gond money for dirt and sinte ? Famous Reading Anthracite gives you nothing but pure, cdean, long-burning coul. Giant lnundries wush it free of ail impurities. In every ton, you get 2,000 pounds of the best coal that ever went into a fur- nace ... coal so compact, it requires less firing and Icaves less ash. Let us scnd you a trial ton of Fumou s Reading Anthra- cite today. J. J. FLETI FUELS Res. Ontarlo St. - Phone 2695 Yard: C.N.R. Sldlng - 2673 'e Premium, lard Coal at No Futra Coi# †ur,:::,:::...........: 1 « T. E. Flaxman BowmanvIlle - Box 486 PHONE 318 BUIILDER and CONTRACTOR Wc can supply plans and specifi- cations for ail classes of work at a nominal fee. c Coal & Coke John A. Holgate & Son Mrs. T. S. Holgate, Proprictor Division St. - Bowmanville PHO NE: Office 428 - Res. 802 Coal - Coke - Wood - Lime Cernent - Builders' Supplies Creameries Hampton Creamery T. M. Chant, Proprietor Hampton PHONE: BowmanVille 2520 "Buyers of Churning Cream at Hlghest Market Prices." Contractors - Masonry W. J. CulIy Wellington St. - Bowmanville PHONE 503 General Masonry Contractor Spec. ln Brick and Tule Fireplaces I Fin e Quality Foods STAMPCLUB 3 mA1L Y10 SA LxDA STrAMrP CLUB, del K S..W. rotONttO. THE LABEL £1 THoIN 1ErBAPrOr TRADE..MRo % FR0TM A"y SALADA PAC1.AG 4 AG E WILL SEND VoU . 6 AGE sttAMp ALBUM*, ..es0AL DIFFEUENT y S^ S F LIST OF Y £0UFANDS80F EXCAG FO SALADA &LABEL - Per lb. ---68e Per 1/2-1b. --34c . 8 -1Ti ý 1 PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JANUARY 18TH, 1939 Kendal Mrs. Wm. Halfacre is seriously ill. Mm. and Mms. Ted Woadyumd and Mrs. Shutka are with ber. Mrs. Skelding, Bowmanvillc, is witb Mrs. George Mercer. Mm. R. L. Hoy bas taken up bis ncw abode sautheast o! Elizabeth- ville, for the winter. Bemt Bostock bas jained the C.A.S.F. as transport driver. Bill, Jack and Jim Bostack are ulsa in the arzny. Miss Helen Bostock, trained nurse, bas offemed her ser- vices as well. Haw is tais for a record for vaiuntary service from one family? Mrs. George Clarke and Miss Beatrice Thompson, Toronto, with friends here. Huntiog is the theme o! the day but the faxes and rabbits seem very elusive. Mrs. Wm. Waiinan visited ber miother, Mrs. Wm. Patterson. Mrs. Wright is wita Mrs. W. Catbcurt. Tbere is an epidemic o! flu, etc. in the neigbborhood. Mms. L. D. Bell, Mrs. F. Falls, Mrs. Cecil Glass and Mrs. A. Jackson are ;ome o! the victims. Women's Institute met Junuary LOth in the library, witb Mrs. Wm. Patterson presidjng. The roll caîl, Stains and how ta remove tbem, waus unswered by everyonc and proved interesting. W. I. quilt is no be put up for sale ut $5.00. l4rs. Stoker's kind offer o! baviog the combined crokinole an d euchre party in ber home Fcb. 14tb, was mucb uppreciated. Miss Katie Stewart taok charge o! the pragram and gave an excellent paper on "Bec! - haw ta choose and cook it." Muny new ideas vere given. Mrs. Gilroy gave a paper on Curreot Events, and Mrs. C. A. Cooper reud 'A Letter !rom England.' Miss Stewart's group, the Blues, semved a tasty lunch. L» r

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