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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Feb 1939, p. 1

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Rcad By 12,000 rièêP]Ie Wkly L4 b rp With Which Are Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent And The Orono News ORONO NEWS On Page 7 NEWCASTLE NEWS On Page 8 i ORANGEMAN 69 YEARS OSHAWA DOCTOR CLBSPAE [CE('LE ANER THIS lIEAR iLDESSU DE L ___ East ToProsper DE rDENY hilharmnonîc Is, CU PEKRAnglo-American LEFSORCLMA Local farmiers are taking BURIED MONDAY u-'I Mrae crgr thor by takîng in their ain-n o~i n fluai ico harvest trom Van-9 r.B.J.Hzlwod.Fomeê stoles miii pond. It is re fBwlavnle 3.011.Suhumb n.th ported that the ie i si.too To Heart Attack - Man3 ruuinMT *Bo avle Pbi nihe flc ot as thick Pad n ordOn uidauuJ ul *jct f aun Schoolsif as in sonie vears. but il is Local Friends Attend 15"I U J:. for SouhAirc hr mh lae.Most of theouerlfh rinLean ice ploughi andcna *Andian ainlCroa tlefiihu vta a. Rgn M.PD nlDr T.A. i-artridge International Service lion, ai ucman prt On Saturdav. Februarv 11. Commiteecomeig near artagen.DCo.om one of the horses had a coîci MeNiven Presents A Beth c. ae\%swiftlv 10 Dr. ad Large Group .Rtr ia. is Mcrgr il bath. While d r a w 1iln g a medical practitioner, at his homeM ec plough hle crashed through Olowing Picture of . 421 King St. E.. Oshawa. late Fni-i In Choruses And 11 1_ > Club Gives I n te r- an,, eplxe.Weudr tohe ce a itoset iue asathe an Pstdav evening. February léth, as ho tn th e icextand t as ec i saessarv stwas sitting in the living roomn of strumental Numbers esting Program By. wý,eremae0MisMG- out. oa epewo dFtr. his residence. The doctor had juist .~. ~ gor bEfoeself omn An'vlclpol vo AdFtr.returned from making a profes- At Trinity Church On Reading Speechl. ville.MisDrsMlon wish to lav in their store of ____ sional call, had put hîs car away E5____ formerl fDrigo .S ico for the coming sunioer and was sitting in the living room ilay No. 17 a aenMs c and save.the bother of cali- The adx-aîtages. potentialities with Mrs. Hazlexvood when ho _____TheItentin llrie om- Grorspeo thestf ing the ice man. are vei- 1 and disappointmonts of Saska- suddenly collapsed in the chair mitt ese f Boan illeest ro'f-eSot ad col corne 10 go to the pond and chewan' and ils people %vere pro- and passed away about 10 o'clock., Friday oevening Trinity United Cu rsne nitrsigpo trv their skill and on dur- 1o -d îidlv- to members and Dr. Milîs w-as called immediately Church' was the scenle of an his- gram to the club Friday noon in anice. guests of the Women*s Caniadian but the prostrate man xvas beyond tr llvn sfra h ui-the form of rmr'- yCar - 1Club on iMonday in St. Johns; John Henry Devitt medical aid. His death was due marn W. R.tas ar a themusi-an b3' suîaur- i. Forer P.. fr Wst urhm 1 a heart ailment. Hoexvas 64 loyers and musicians of this dis- John Atkmns read by Past President D. R. Mor-R81 1 C Parish Hall when D. A. McNiven. FManaging fr es DDirector o ae.j of TheecncrreCana- wmn-rison. ér MP.foi, Regina. Sask., delivered 'and native of Cartwright ToiVn- . year of age . tietnreacncerndu-Te Bo man mu.....rofTh Cna Hig ScoolBo lu strring address. dw,ý.,ho .celebrated hhias ron ouonty, r. HaHazIevooo nMaain wowil eguost:Mr. Strike stated that interna- ~lW iipo e e tended Toronto U niversity nd ;ridge. vas a decided success, %ell t a r ta jL o in t meetsin g f R - t oats r ieha ss ni l 1 h trîbute 10iute oani activee an arangem ange an for 6 69 a syears.ted tarTrinandM dL ionsv r fC lubsdreineo leheinSons-nglw elH1llbSonng vofl etheofwh e rldld an dd h athatO in ______________ gaduîodfronTrtiteMeica ovr fvofundeo eope bingof.ngFn. allMonday, Feb. Rotarywithritshundreds o lb iL Rickrd. .P.for urhm, 'o .Colloge in 1899 as a gold medalist. present. The orchestra and the at 6.15 p.m. His subjoct is inmayprsf the world w-as Ion vas presenit at the meeting and oe ollowing his graduation hoe went 'Wha Shahl We Do With Can- 'doing a tremendous amount of inroucd r.Mcivn.K8fl 'to, Pittsburg, Kansas, where hie forniost musicians in this section ada?' good in creating common uinder- Awkward Situation n abldue r.mn ivn.riaetLakehoe Couple atie mdcieFutl 93of thecountr-v. The pianists adstandSee ~einghhid eebs h oRo- Reorts 'M.Rickard lhas proven hnm vvle i aet omnilogns eelclatss oistandingamng ppes.Theban oRo- RHo r eCos rsn Onl T re M mbe s f d. and las develope di an a l-C an r i dY aand where lho enjoyed an excep he tLa e t . p opu ati o for finebs in G erm any and Italy. hTO self v-iewpoint since his r c nt M Sto a l l r o p a tco h l nt r a f m n . s e i l y c i u the R ussian r ovolution Ro-' H alf 0f 4M u i i a i e Present Due To Difficulties ti through the western provinc P Bowmanville hoe was physucian mdable xvas the groat amount tary hias not been allowed in that ufr Expeiened B Ne Act 75'- ofthemombrs f th r~~d Fi~nI ~ for the emplo% ces of tho Goodyoar of work that Dr. Partridge spent T country. On the North American Sfei rmRle r 75;o tenemesofteeee y re d Tire & Rubber Company; C. P. R. in training members of the chorus lrfl nin have nover beenNe ActstsofaveUrge___Selvecontinent international relations AeIpoxg - __haeevr ee %es o surgeon: chairman of the public and preparing the program. Wîth- wt u egbrsaenti h b lem Allowing Only One Member Winnipeg. and .50"; nover west wt ornegbosariotioscn of Fort William. I feel sure Mr. s hool board; president of the Ro- Out the ,vholehearted cooporatione f oav' ep Prom Counties. Rickard fînds hiniself much beî- Mr. and Mrs. Walil a ce tary Club; and Medical Offieer of of Iaillic concerned.ymemer o the concert mfl ter able to discusthe debates Hle eGieGft embelotth Msoic rdr. a sCaa ndfRtashepT l orth o,ý-. ewa awul nt ae ee manucesville club could assist un un- wnyo h 0Otrom concerfling the W\est sunce his trip Hleut iv itsAdmebrafte aoi.Odra1tornational sr uc s bybeinu cipalutuesu hc reifs Ail high schooi students w~hose throug or rvinces.**stated the Celebrate Occasion By Lis- member of the Scottish Rite Club. Orchestra DsaeI otgosi ul nomdo h ujc ao.r parents are agrecable %viii bc speaker. ýcodn give tuerclintess, f pans Mr. MNvn address deait. tening To An Exceptionally1 sician for C.N.R. employees on od and showed the product of se- Newcastle Where Merchants wve must try 10 dîscover theacodngpoaiunt ae u gie tbrcithets f ln construction ,vork bet-oon Bow- oral months of intensive training. .of \iOW of the countries and per-lctdyb Hn rcCos broughit out iii a recont meeting vt the isto0f Saskatchewan Fine Ev'ening*s Entertain- manville and Pickering. In the solectuon '-Barcarolle" the Flock To Appointments On 0 osivle n utlan1 h iitro ulcWla cfptand the othor western provinces. sn novdadms er o h i mbof t hih scho bad a pui n u hersro f i- mn.Dr. Hazlev-ood lhad a large tùvo pianos showed to distinct ad- dsigihbtentefodo icoe ________ numberquoftpatients lias Oshaina.ovantago.eThevpianismin- Miss.Phyl-eMunicipalenBodiesOandwStudytdistinhuishanbetweenish PfloodMofcipallBodiesstatistics :helinf iha beon guven students and the tests oral - timber and agricuitural anpaforselînahi pactcnin isChaei anrMss orthyEd may begin un flic near future fn- weaI1h. which have alread>- prov- atrslighspatc nlsCalsadMs ooh dFor Other Offices mropaganda n t e rumth erief in his ru 0 uicp On of immense value 10 Canada February l8th \vas the 2Sth Bowmanvulle te, Dr. W. H. Birks. ger. woero in perfect rhythm, and countries and read as much as 85 per cento l ele odd der supervision of the Depart- liembeen annOshwaersar yeas0ftvasa tmarriage the0fha________d b nient of Health. Cost for theo tests aitho ugh they have bareivN henanvrayo h arae o o ved tehwa elexn yed arseit w-asimaetasee thiarads__ _ possible upon the subject. cesdb 19prcntfoi9 %vill be assurimed by the board.- tappod. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Holmnes,,agoheher ho aso ojoyoda lageMr.e siultaeausl in.ccor Saskatchox.van vas par-t of the Lake Shore, and relatives and practico. wîîh the other members of the (By N"eutcastie Correspondent). Tnhoaddress readn by Mr Msor- a2.2pr et rm 96 A rather awkward situationi North West Tennîtorues iii10ogbr ae ueo itnî- Ho was flot sparing on himsolf. I orchestra. In the selections "Ma-! Il would appear that thore sohabengvnyPofso Alouhtsisncuang arose aI the meeting. because of a ,x-let itf ith Alberta ,was joined celebratung the happy event a~ and ie in aition tohisfogr en"taevoi ertn and"eldy n omtin cnagau i h;ureRotary Club in November. Prof, a true pictr fheelfsiu rocent ruling iwherebv oiuiy oneO with the famil,, of Canadian Pro- affirming in a big concorted way 'pratcw wa s physi C ia m ejan fr he F. t re l s Tetoncar e t ori mn feelit e rve the Ifelaowsuni- s s etrr n ieco f lo neamcds m ly e moember could bc appounted bv vinces. Ili rea i is 21.700square 'the high ostem n n wicMr. and "haaHokT-Cube mmerprtetrmlywllchechl om ubi cpciyfIoaMnirTh sscatsfo ngoAmn- lcknd f dnngte ial5 the Counties Counicil to replace miles, an area larger than the Bni- Mrs. Holmes are held iii the com- of the Royal Canaduan Yacht Club1 and fluto parts w-oro also xvell cipalitis Officinalis germ gels one can Understanding" in United rnonths of198adtistaio three formerlv appoînted. M. G. tish Isles and Itaix- combined. mnt.Acrigy usatt and a member of the Oshaw-a Golf managod, adding a beautiful piece or two in a certain area it sems. States. us continuign19.Iamfrl V. Gould vas the counties' ap- wihhabn ppltono lns, cr an othorsvehicloClub. bosude takung a keen un- of hanmony 10 brighten the whole Ito sproad like an epidemic. Con- Mi hm f~adeswsthat by tecos fouiic poîntee but had nefused 10 act andiid ox-er b ilon apopltionlns1 , i catersocan ts egan iî terstin sports of the city. If ho effect. Donald Hamm, clarinet, of sieMh ot ie fKn t.teangemof Amenian ubl' eas ,Mnh3srle ot i was fl t ro on. as y ar m m- Sr katchew an was scattered %ith ing the y ard and lane on Saturdav- k e f h s a l e t h a o eri O o o o k t e s l a t ~ l betw een M ill and B ave n Sts. 0 o i i nfO .f elng of ne 1u îal e a t a l qu l r p n a ber fa th conte' . H H.l'a pplto of 195,000 which has even ing and it wasn't long bef9oremontionod it 10 mombers of hisi Lange's Blumenlied in profession- the corner is H. S. Britton.' Ho opuniooneroafecoel ai ing0fh'hge presenilyeithensas Mr.pVanstoneail tal-magneasasgreas shockmnotionlasto his Jury 1.d F. C. Vanstone wene not now incnoased to 930,000, making te nangy and intenosting old l- Hi sdd nlsiny ae lmanrtsreshscomniya amm Great Bnitain andCnd.iDrn o9Vntoei thu hrd province of the Do- homo on the highland aîo Checking ovon the personnel of ber of the Board of Education ndCndrigtheyerjutclsd,È nosgne x'he Ih n w- uli gminion. both in are and popua- New castle harbor was fiîed w ith fam l>. but to a host of friends. the orchestra Friday- vening il and M anager of the Newcastle Foloxin the Mu ih c ne- g e tt ro ve e t w s s o came imobebing. and Mn. Jury- is lion. Groxvth w'as rapid from 1905 ipepl. 1900erstngho ntemannied ydo letrLouise Go.Me- Reh-ecin poole de dugterofMr.an9Ms0 .l-asenensîigri nteth doeuiHydreEectieSytem Go. ea oce hee ws n nitditatsUynheted 0fCoSntootest inFoia .A.Hardy-. publiceto idhrdditins ohx-as ohelargogathding as clCodsified intorests of the membens. dow's, baker, who operates at the a feeling of violent anti-climax un adciei xedtnsfo un oo blo rd A. M. 19"as 30lag f mpoedrod. ch Rehder. Boxvmanville. Mn. Reh- The orchestra includes farmer. ovens in the rear, tackled with om qur ns t th sete Est wy 64 pn etaSnwc si hookr o a rd r eprosn ttiv . wahie g f poed boasrdsc o 10order by M r. H a ny Jose. M . d on is resident of the Bow m an- b ack m h, ban ker. st dents, tea - igo n his job for years as pro- w h ch hEast was nem awieh a 24.4hd inh D .G ACo . hus le avun e, D r.. districts. telephones. r a il r o a d Gordon Martin read and present- 'vlle Fudry C'an . To Dr. h r, . . wcrcin atrý et h ir a fte o r f o h ih had bee mad Oth le ,cr-e, th D . G C. B nx c s l . m ileage and acreago under culti- e x ueeb id nd g ooo un5an r y H a Ie om pany. o rna d c u i u e t m n s w s s r f J. C. Devitt and F. R. Knox 1twex'ation. Almost the finost parîja- c otobieadgomo 5 n n.Hzeodwr oncermlo . elticrian. husfaco> enty' caurm.Hea of the rgf en adteews uhsn r ase hl taaadWn einuploy'ee. aianiannthousinifepaEducatin.aHooacquirentheyurgerand autiousesentienttasswasdsoofolson.dawit 24,1 and 24. onî - em ers pr se t. ri ci al m ent buildings on the continent y a s a c m l m n a y d r s n t r o d u h e s a d o o s n I and others from o xevn and cou ni- 1 serve, su n ow lhoadd esses him - displayed in the leading article i nce ae e pe l v l . L. W. Duppeil and Soear x'oerceds lsmental heirhapepyfrec was made to of whom with the bereaved wNifo trv self ta, the tasks ofmuipa the New York Times: "Lot no.mncpuo 0so mrv Treasurer C. H. M ason were the hospitaîs. jails. and othon institu- h homacivtes ifn anld o th I qui sF-lDr.,Brntaro r .S a Conr iazlcwood. o n m unicpala ol 1TmrsnWFihnumers asî usal en say' th a e ighEuapie haunt- n13 vn13 r hw only- other pensonis aIthe nieet tuions.vhile communitx' life and pro- fond McNairn (Ethelda), Toronto, The choir, .x-iich consistod oUafomerson . Fiserof med at i beas oreaced iEuope un-dasWillowRvesda3m% o îng. ila foncoful memberd ap- e0fs the Goronrdyrtulilhoi)hasr seanchedel ohis Lsoudl landfoWilliamlf i23.0 terSandwich.41cWes Dr. BoLinycastle wu,. rc-elected idi>-within 25 y cars and in 1929 A sMeels <Ailoon). 01-rappnoxvaseyconre he ma fEuito n o'std'n 0fun isl 'lln ns n 1. 51atiw148;Sabn chritmn. sconee esnsunods w-honAprMn. tavva. and Mrs. Kenneth uix-cs. o'a f cus temi become an efficient tax collecter w-ar the lives of those w'ho are ough 35:TnnoTp 32 chairman, aebtdvv1s$6se0sion0 anas1ho- MosînHgnoss ldebî gxvas-S(vonne). OtawandHand aMrs.sHolmesatulio 1If grand-gr(YvoniisentOtfoawtae Helaie afsowcsur-efealuneeaoft tnd program.o Il. isiflot -un vith the appoinîmonts of H. deducting thenefrom revenue pro- 'daughter, Joyce Pollard. steppod xived bl' one brother. Edw-and 1 necessars tamention the largo for HeC vill ageof wae. Net eretanwearest outa hl, Mdan 95 on as 86 Mýoise. caretaker: C. H. Mason. ducing utililies. a not debt approx-; demurely forw'and and presented Hazlowood' ral-Bi..ad tw'o amouint of work that w-vas done b>'i . oahnhi.ar.H heewn uduldl-to 7 Gueîpl ,% tmoc socrtar--teasueî'andF. Stto. iatin $300000. e dd ntler grandmothor witha lovel>' isOns. Mrs. Edwards, and Miss ail tre iemmers. IThe selecto s i'has fren ing hie.ip of publ poit o vew. ome y amncs68:othBy4%Kihee F.uRsic xit hairan f Pr- tontinued !rom Page 4) bouquet of while sw'eet peas and kî alood acovr .. oi lo aebonpootd hl.A Cekf11ta oocay a be oN32:Niaa al .8;Eoi __________pink carnations, and Master Mar-j and Troasunen and secrelary' 0f (Continued on Page 5) coko 0.6',. perty Conimuittee. and Dr. Devîîî lin, son of Mn. and Mns. Gordon (Continued on Page 5) (Continued on Page 4) relief. ho sponds houns aven hus of Finance Co mutîco ______ _____________books and accounts, reports and Of__ __ __th__ e mannr2,m n c ThFiae eollurnit'e.viîecxeFU DG L Martin, bestoxved on Mn. Holmes fonms andvocesaifrth etei Th collbavilecev O N ULY1a matching carnation for his but- bvauc f hol ndl fthe yliOoeth nc1seinrlifco7 uiow books valued at between LOSES LICENSE tan hole. Members of the com- PIONEER PASSES Jlohin Henry Devitt bnftfthpopeadhegvY UNG MEN SEEK ove. 137nge in 198frn 17an$20 arngottemte hnmdth rsnainerniment. And right here, too, u inYokTwhpt479 $ 1 7 5 a n d $ 2 0 0 c a r v i n o m t t h _ _ _ _ _ _ m i t eO nho n m a d o t h o p r e s n t a i a nI h i s s h o r t b l o c k o f m u n i c i p a l e - P E MN E T H O M E i i n S a u l t S t . M r e a n5 8 % suggestions contained iii t1e in- 'of an electnie floon lamp, a china 'in0fCaaOshPE MA ENwi spector's report. Mns. Ethel Aslerudge. Orono, !cabinet and a mantel dlock. Oldest Orangemenl ocutuvos and salaried officiais us ____ ~ ~ ' %vas fined $25.00 and costs or one Mn. and Mrs. Holmes both in 1 n .D oms rnia f_________________ rnoîh ii he oun>' ail an hn sncee wrdsexpossd tei the High School, ongaged in dir- Young Men's Club did away ai lne susponded for one y'ear, thanks and appreciation and ex- 2~Tnr E Itnr o chagfrcls nvngi eddrvstns ,eeom* toit. Cart\mîriuzlit Towns~hipm, 1)unbaaipotentialities of the oncoming a speaker aI thein meeting in St. Pastr a d E ' ona carg ofreckessdriingin ýtened hei vistor .h fru.omBn". Jv, s H. e o th tt.st cftzellurk- tin. idthstbuheotusual customChr 0fuedayFarhmersh police court on Fnida>-. A charge of their home. ~iut.Cuc usa P ..of drunken driving was dismissed. 1Re-. R. E. Morton spoko bieflyHe - .ebra.4 his 1 is R'e Cato. R. C arveth o uiesan istad turned the session in- Fo u E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~It ntetai Hmptn onimpartial xas hagec 0nsoetnhceabdihassersi' Sthiatdadiscussiaon ofud fanduhtdiers1raedscssin f ftur pogrmshamWi Her hubandwho ws charof othemecorporatee ppublic. \rand pan.including the much mnfor 9 \ei e still resides 01iih This leax'es only Wallon Deline, discussed subject of a permanent *i groom on the attainiment of thoin ' minit ulire lie ivas horit. oit Foh. the ono othen man in this corner plce0 metn. a a, h Brethren__Thursday f ve wdin dy iheswh 1l85i tst17vrsa ftcr the is i 10corner stretch. Ho aes group lhas been shifting fonone__ offerd wods o eulgy ad feic- ite ufesarvdi ht-r much but trums 'emn and shve meing place 10 anothen and have -__ GateCrasers or iatio wer W. . Rikard M.P. ofthme iîmncc. He stillI helQoncs om nand selîs them gas. been unable to find suitable head- Rev. Sidney Davison Shows Free AdvertiS.ng9 F. W, Bowen, Jos. Coulson, an old u) Blackstock LOL. 133. iii wlmîcli _____________ uat o er mnent re msieceaaltRoadWi Shdes0f Enland fterLake Shore boy- and uncle of the d 'ue lie'%vas iutiiated iin the ve-u ny Otnanmn vs uia Rowland n ae rw SliesOf nganrAferarc- au reat iiv ù~i(liiliis bride, and H. R. Poarce, a farm 1870.and o f w iihlie %va., w-1 hii iquiz ndetcnute yHrl ýGibbs adCIy-de Robinson. At- Ae Aog Wnes 0 imliî iofIih- fact thmîî a iiewqspaîîer Finel>' humorous and neminis- îî ri). itrict uia-.er of Canîlit'ul ws. ag su dress. Vocal And Instrumen dî-îîeiiuî..on adven(ti.iie for it, liv- cent of the happenings of 25 y'ears Ditiime TadawntClltulde osho easitrfr olJ tai Numbers Well Guven mie.\iatti-vupîr ui'î. ago were two manuscript writings asbcn ,of Dri)îîim, îCoii'tîmmt I.îdze t er o ifl Guelph. le~ f tht- fl act wlit-ui tIr , -k nead by Mns. Gordon Martin. Oneo id hliiId te officeeif ilitv inmiter mici li piîidînrrl-i~ciiclwas from Mrs. Holmes' memoiu's James Stanley i n -ex cii vcars, île lias-iteli iT ;~ final canto._____ I mvriiim andîl r'niaa rla il, t ' gvng lhon version of the court- 'A former Ex-Reexe of Darlingtoon iie f t Ra re ln l i a iifnse f n rrtr wîiit îfeim hi n a na e a d th te o nhp ie t hs h m u iim 82 aul la î ea m i _____Dlug a d Wtend e fr toG n e Rc ad o ma vle met at Eldad Thursdav night.. in. M - r4 Boxxmanxille goal in the second Wilam R aoecata Wilbent Cnaug presîded. Af e 1d- lor ac, accoriizto 0nmnlnwas Mn. Holmes' verion.Wm.Queon Street Thunsday' nornngn. . f '-enie 'd taninmîmiî- tr ) 1)R0d I1 te e"Rowland road an original poeiiFeb. 23nd, nhs9t er , Drop Second Game On Wed- period, In the third chukker De- James Brawasao ewaîe xotion byv Rex. W'. Rckham and ac\rt-ie Lýrates~. lvers'utsirnueviwnh ihihso hýi i 5hya. e ovre asfonMr eea minutes read bv A. L. Pascoe, a ,li, lm..aîsutui- îieîfhelqare etran dedicted 10Ilai the vu'.lak. il. Deitsi nesday 9 -5 in Peterboro gan. Rurkhant aided Morgan for, annual soilugn omeiin nominaîing committeo w-as ap- , ii r ia a ýatoiaicfqth e ntbr adEU ictedtoîtcad \.\' rod. .Dvt nteBr crdfo h ot pointed 10 repor't at next meeting... îi-îst dw hidi ith. iiifîîecti',ime. oftebrd numbrsoomoe194a PATsolo, R.1ola areiankable reor. e Afer Season ofWinning rabewtWimnhlpgOtrodp The folloxving program w-,as 10 llnei iii thtmu Iai if s miichance liii O Promise Me, by Mns. R. T. Ru- 0F NEWLYWEDS îi , v ails'oroint-8l4,.B.P. lieil. iii- Btls cr nRud1outand the final manker for tlie Prof. G. N uneo rendened: ibasters Gien and Grantlimier liarvl-.. Tîmmt is if vem irili thenfordacmanied bIl Mrs. n 'ne ccîchnatiio liis. (5tli %-cuar a:a', Belnts muvaa iln oýhm Williams, xocal duel: reading >-îcrs-cia.-muiaiiî5iît oae Oninc n ae8)\.îun.s m.stti It ulut osu tic îtgut VtetDvii Ws 7-10 eenea IMngnpss hira f h uep eeig Irrlh,îîîr'- W g -cîiîîn ___an___________ - wai mu-r'RossMoran 'as he cst f iProf G.H. Bllintro7ce Ih VOLUME 85 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDA Y, FEBRUARY 21-Jd. 1939 NME jt t Br es a at J- e- id al ni 1 t

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