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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Feb 1939, p. 6

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Tiu: CNN.I) NNSTAES.NNBO\VNi.NVILLE, ONTA\.IO1 Tî1URSD NY. FEIih-tU.NRY 23ii i). 193~h The ladies, bless th out them wve coulde magazine covers. -E Roy THEAT BOWMAN'I Thurs. - Fri. FEB. 23 - 24 Double Fea And "Farewell AI wîth Leslie Ban Flora Robso: Matinee Saturday2 Mon. - Tues. - FEB. 27 -28 - -And - 'I'm From The Starring Joe Per Matinees: Monday Wednesday 2.301 Thurs. - Fri. - MAR, 2 - 3 - 'Too Hot To H2 with Clark Gable Myrna Loy Each of the above y) wiIl feature outstandia ed short subjects, tn comedies. COMJNG- "Boys Town" "'You Can't Take lu "Sxvethearts" "Kentucky" "lJesse JameS" "The Citadel" ----------------------------------playcd two games and it is ver\ ýumm ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- easy to lose that necessary ed e H EARTBURN E TCHA T OU S othat marks the cilicrence ewciC A T OU S 0__ The Farmer's Advocate lias a __ Outstanding in the local caui s Afraid ta Eat Square Meal vice to the farmers of Canada. j pwas Dutch Dilling. Out of action S p o r Iu w~ înc e race a anl bo ~V~ a~ço r'- ~~ ~When it gives advice it is sane Whah a %vot - li. .it land practical. That is why we Sv teCopn from Lpton's 1h. nda spedster went ail out in an effort l-wfe otoiared ti pass on n thîsbt0 di e fro teý bepacha es* Tbey are excha.ngeable to attract victory and his effort,,in .cid inechd.Iltsi this matier. tz l. tAdvocatTornto pwere rewarded by two goal~ s îîvl wechdIlsitis ltte. If it is necessary for indlustrial 0 Ibis wifc telis ohox LncCt veicomle Patrolling the other wing on the .rle: concerns to make plans far in ad- -------------------------------~same line, Ross Morgan chalked M uhn eeoc veci vance of their operations, how up the first two goals, and Depeïvsh much more necessarv is it that hem ihi was in on three of these counitees"' form of Lzastric acjditv. sh farmers should chart'their course t h e- rîtCs. "Meails werc a mîlserv tn and thus prepare to combat the Iri' eand ny etSun u irs W n is GA lucky goal at the start of the hiii. lic often cvîîld iot sJeep for vagaries of the weather and the Brando Sun. thîrd period that looked as if il iteirîburru. Buisincqs etot hini fronm difficultites incident to crop yields ,7_r iI would miss the corner of the net oîn a creat ciai, but when lie and market demands.à Horne and Home Series W ith Locais if ufmolested by the erratic did cet a stic! at homne.1I ,ave luii 'Planning is a task for thei- lKruschen Saat .hexvbreaknofcthatdividual. Souls vary as between m r a-R nesgame. Prom there te Arca- tlie rsîth. xt'revlokef one farm and another, and ol i Bowmanville Arcadians aretfask aner - Cardinals dians' efforts could not click whilc bis face. and bis indizestion zeati-ar sometime quite unlike in dif- -- of overcoming a three goal ead Pl ayfo SupremaCy the Monarchs plaed with a con- týav liaiipared. It 's a tetfrn ilso h aefr.wtWi EeghinPtroobakyrasfidence that w-as missing front to lîcar hlm sav. 'I'm iluncev.' It Experience is a good teacher, and wih her son, Mr. Edgar ht o h Vll a iresu tro osgthefietyame a In Cliurch League the Iocals. Twelve goals were >Cellm too eoocl te be c ."(f the operator of each and eveev taker, Hamilton.. . . r. Magee,,________________ lafthertome asnd thoe fist ereb lansatteCadas scored at the north end of the ...at iKeirei farmn must be guided by what he Bancroft, with her sister, Mes. The wcrc it as aitei~ to oromotea naturai finie capable of doing. So far as crop-lenCortCattn.whbr TePeterboro Monarchs wee i e Cliiuech Leazc as resuit of Every department of the Or- the (itestive anti other vital llces ping is concernied, there is, how- cousin, Mes. Jas. Stark. ..Mes. a vastly improved .tcam over their te seni firial camies pîaved on Sat- phuns w.as defective at one tinme i the hotIv. Soon aftee volt start lever, one recommendation that is Ha igh with hec son at Brace- I O R other visit in Whitby and they inedav Iin the initiali tramc of the or anothor. The wings often for- ,,,Kei-sclee. voitxvii find that1 applicable to ail. It is defying fate bridge. vr IRE deserved their victory. At the piav - teCrdni .oeda- gtt akcekwie o ax il are able to eniv voue food to, use anything but the best seed Junior Boys« Hockey team wr same time Bowmianville were suf- t. 1iviii trier the 1Fivinc Vincs. Ili Petes were left uncovered in front xx itilottistrcssino- afte - cf fects. or to sow cereal grains mithout winners of a game at Orono on ferig frm th lac of ompei- e-1 perever %vih th firt tratig thrriThursday hur night.ht fILLE frn rr telc op ti-hie 'ccorld ti ecounter tlte Rancers of the net. Crawford ivas decidedi- \d -. vonl svr vt u îsttetn hmfrsuOrange Lodges from Kendal, lio inthepas thee eek a tolit oniitirdl perioti 1 corir g sprely shaky between the posts, beinÉ, itiedailv dose.' voit wllsec that "A long term live stock pro- the gae araged ispay x-tri tritît the Betilis hv 4 to O. far below the forminbe showcd litî.ir brnseoiosrle. gram is a necessary marketing!OooadNwatevstdNw Sa. cept for a part of the second per- IIn Te rde ftefed tonville L, O. L. Feb. 13. -o.Te oe soe fu îms hiaiitriRw ae ilx Lindsay. plan. be od nso e ay ieadsin Misses Betty Stapleton, Mar 1- 25 in each of the first and third per- ic Vls il afie start ils lie coîtutetiEsenCnd ta a etb Denault. Margaret Denault and iods while the Breslinites couinted the otriiixcai of tite first iperiott ai Uls teAcain cnm Burketon d t~ ' k d ~ HzlRi teddtePihe 3ture four times in the middle stanza to tueCatini- veee i;abie to Io 111v Pethat othe e hiap în oet roî,nc stoicoansicaentmonie Concert in BowmanvilleI tie it up and nicked one marker c'r-ein i iter0ftu IPerbooroa ti p-____bs b octh ro cid stent and wr ral lae lin the last period. tiostariîas. But iii the itird frame pears in peint, they will be hang- l)ur to tunoassable roads atndlrougî t poam h ch prvids o r r W. I e e ray 1,aedwth l. igup their pads for maybe the stornithetu xxather niait sent îti -sed er n lc strength. .mtFbur 5 tMs Three of the Monarlch goals 1,iI 'Ieînt xîiiîtalceit last tîme. Mo Breslin says that -î v iorrninil, it vs tliotizlît "Thvis in-and-outer is toc, often short 1r-B.deid o haewa stlePalT- EHNYPORN SIdThel F B. Lovs e kins, N hae va St.e t- MU* were lucky but they missed manv e.iiaîîp ace anti hatîeti ioîtîr irethis is definitely bis last year at asi o vtîdawýît c lorrI anti of live stock when prices are up ifor u'w ui'upo15th.Mrs, more tanthat number of wide- ciiiiturs anîd iave No.es a pass for the helm. Ho bas lotblxt e ~t sevice. nd ovrladd x-en makt ics eaMachl5h.Me.Nor-J E FOR open chances. Tom Depew on- rthe foueit skue. l-IarndrenGrant punsan b oil bethellc i eris. Bekia.hnefotvalues are going dlown the long jmani Rikard had charge of thisr It's free-wrlte for one NOW gineered the finest play of the andr \Vaet I trexe petialies. -pud n ynwwl etreN,.Ths rc vslni rn toboggan slide.' iprogram: Topie. Canladian Indus- ANO nîgtNDen Nio oToronto. ite.: ria. \. ce: ion;(l-, unreddolarRantderum.N 1etîo ___i__________ tiesheedig o Rdiu. Ms.topFît oespcthetp o 2telblb Il -t we. wt -, mnvle ýr,. .; e one can stand that. Gluen anti Eus Hoskin were honte Clemence; a paper on Local un- tin of Crown Brand, Lfly White MSWP! tw0 mon short and the vetes , euice. \\uretlasnt!Srttlev,: centre, f(adwa a ffte v rontKetiroiton Suitiax-. 'Iyro eustries, Mes. Rickard. Mes. R. E. anUd Karas'ruips. minus one plaver, be carried the Rixe st.. NIorri> and 1-arnun: Do(andias Tai-)be attruidet!I.s1 laensllydieaned andourtbe used puck the length of the ice. beat C.tr..lark andt Nei. icome that lead, thon Bowmanville Nr olasTvrand he Morton of Newcastle toid of vani- over and over again. -. the goalie and thon missed the net. 1 r n-sc a t f will likely play in- Lindsay on(Ontario Swinc Brerders' itaintiet at r ous activities of other branches 0 Pout-swtthout a drip. 1 Cadiials eol. looer:delric, 1the Carl-Rite Hotri. Torortto. Recrcenî N îtors . Me. Lorite .A\niii-. she bas bolongcd to. Mes. Rick- lb ProvIdes ineans of accurate The gamo was less than threce Grîtt and Biieti-: centre, Kiipatrick: Fridiay nigbt. And the Bowman- adraMa te ro iS h s. maeate 2l.tl nent minutes old when Clarke accepted 1x eilz tiiaîs ciiin-uî ville home game will also be lit.-Nr. Leslie Taviorha lias eet coui- stîit theue xecrd in Torotîto. ..Me.rard red0a lettertfem2Mes.lThosn aneaexceleett double pass from Nîchols and ' î - Lindsay. When the crowd for a îîîued to the 1oi vtia~ve ueiTtnpotx t e en .Cwnih Foia. A dtable container. Mortimer to beat Crawford. Af- ****playoff gamo is flot even bicgot. aie.ioveavle atr.Lviciosalnc h iaervc b- e. Teprtetveca rovides a tee five minutes of play, the di- 1 iatacer boie McGoxvai Camrer- enough to pay the eeferee, then _Mes..1). NieTazcart i.- iii and con- Keitiî andt Rav Davrx. 1LotIie Saliit. oei ac esgop anfrsry cnver. minutivo but brîlliant Rochetta r Bun i arr.skat-go where it is. fliîd to the itouse. îvitlî titir czrantlparcîîts. NIre. andi_____________ escaped from twio Arcadian checks ,, i 1,1 i'! i<wii the ice oîlsîMe. and Mirs. Alfred Grace. Harev -r i..KR. NcCtiiiiouclî. \Ii.s 1-iieeit ilTha dk ae Ilerd frt nid Alfretd iere tea cîirsts wxith e. Bie,,ssLuîic Sauit. iititlier grand-i Hitlesays the foc that takes on skatd ot i frnt f te1ntei th ChrchLeaue theid fe. W.N.hIloskiiFritiaxv cx- r itlicr. Mie-.. i. Siniit. . . Nie. L. r Italvwill bave to contend wttb 1 Tell the boys that portraits of fsnuous inlaer re r and crti ed s ,.rîîatndi ueMitaikîeio%%î ý inl ec ar care fo th fitometin Lancstaf f. -a h oceGe aaIb oîue tir rtniiii t.t u eex t if John Frost will just give us ice "tit..urrsn tlts iiGras wl.dul-CROXiN BRAND" labels, I Clande f eom M ortm nd ackelitîr.Frwcr i u at for Saturday morning. everything 'ITi.iak-Offeiiiiic services ivere hin ifeature evil seems t etesame made it fouir to nil vv-ben the te1atucevr. carneiin iife andr Capitaiti will be ail right. In the semi- Siia.Rv I l akvo :1 vrwee-eri es nightmarîsh first period finalIyiy Larkin tilliedtl tlece tues tOa"(! finals last Satuteday, the Rangers n ti.kiliiîi.look tue service ii tlîe Streicher tells the world that R W BRAND ended. .nirtr lieBildeeitrteuocpo red the Beuins in a last itoriiLeatîndIte.\V. IRackitattî ,f rNazi persecution of minorîties Inteseodsesoih e eîeii frteieiisiiltrtperiod rush and the Cardinaîs rîe- ir i ointr th i~ecetu.atidli hstex-en staeted. Buit Hitiers O K Y U In be ecod sssin. he hed ii t)teir chanices anc-. ]tIzer aI-. peated the dose on the Flyiuig Mes. Brodie. Toronto, vîsîted tîrlixereti excellettsermtons. Tiiirlboys bave been giving a fairlv The Farious Energy Food Raders oponed the theottie ixide la he )i;listewe eoe asatl tiersentrefoutiemene îveethefirre.Wings. Thus the first and second her daugliter. M-s. J. R. Reynolds. ivas -.îiaii attetidaiter -rtlroti ser- good imitation of the real tbing. The CANADA STARCII CO., Lilited, Toronto asnthc son ouewa en ih uîp t ie iîrtand' Rav Larkin er 'cvtd eti teams"will play off for the titie. Miss Bernice Roiers, Bow.man- vices.ClvanPaiDeer scoes.Eac trnisered thece s Th gaetths Saurdy wîl strt ille. spent Suindla-\,vth Me. and' c. A. W. Marci look charger __________________________________________ lu of~ inthisperid wît one l.ttuce.. rai. Sp)eticre: dtcetice. at 11) a.m. Sharp. Nies. F. Rogers. tt e e tIlmti nta x ~ ii U Bowmanville sentence beîng foi- -.Ju'tuueailItiuuiîn eite isL oda iie e tiZ. five minuites for butt-endinien ir. D. Takiii suriR.i ar- To date the league bas heen for- uncle. Me. C. H. Bî-ew.Osb- ii....iir ilBandti ut Fririac xxitit Morgan broke the ice for Bow- Xiii: i to-. and iSttiti. tunate in flot having to postpouîe aiea. w-ho bias been iii. Iresietiit Doio-ia. Bareri ciartc manvi11e near the haif-îvay mark F). ei t- n D iitson:<le- a single gaine. The Lions leagiu Many Hamptont people attenched î î-li ll:".itziîtiuiLc the inuiaultai i and Dilling and Depew heIped ~irn er cifclveii -nd C-rxxkeer ceutte. also sbaeed thîs luck and for ti e, the Chioral Society concert in 1twe. riNMarie Titmoînei: scrip- the piav. Depew vmade a picture urierxiiiz. t. xxti andti T uttoi:first tume in threce ears tbey fîu Bomaî-hl.Membees of the tuer r,aî ýI a erinJoies. Nrll eaul ph orMoranto coe ug~inat 111(1 t-. ~itist t îcrý.isbd the league. the final gante choral geouîp %itb their accomp nrseilvutenrvce:uti the 13.45 mark. The Arcadians ;%vas a famuly affair wîtb teani. anyîng feiends enjoyed a social îîrrutîtti bePiliie lHall. lictes bc- eapped home tiio goals in the 1,~ captained by Gib and Don MeI- time in the sebool ronen of Trinity n et r a vJns.ror miueo h eida hvcn enven for the titie. Cburcb at the close of the pro- N KterandtL lawrenîce Tab: storv gain' tnued e ir period as tbey cn- Bricks and Bouquets gxe bot.rgam. Me.JnCoigvu- Yunrlriie brîfrm'MMllinand pasen-.B. H. S. aktalrsbogtiMe. and i .Jo.Cv]n is- N i tlno rîi Un-onu. aet-. friixvti ls ad Br rm MMl andWs- (By Nelson Osborne) back two ouît of threc verdicts in ited friends in Oshawa. n, x i .Prcr i xsinct c man accounted for the first on0 ii ruri va i-cae onand Dilling scoeed from Depewý their Fridlay niglit jousts in Lierd- There ,vas a fair- attendance at rfN. daCrreu udNe 2.30 p.m. for the second. As thîs is written, the higbîy- saî. The Juinior Girls and Senior the Suneday secjes. Mr.H. Pet- iýrl ut. lile read uic u)v NfSlets .......... ________ raedBoîma siecAocdins reBoys ivere the winners, wbiie the ers, Suîpt. of Temperance Dept.. feîiiti tic Ne.R ite Tbityseons ate te as Senior Girls revected to forni and bad charge of thte Temperance« period started. Vitarelhi lifted a sitting witb their backs prcsse lost. The Junior Girls are un- progran ich'be is rcprc es-accrtlrm solo. NI r. Robt. Cauttcroii; We. long one from centre that skidded tigbthy against that legendlaey eotde sreiti Oi if iei vN..C ~Vd.defeated to date and if tbcî catiw-herecin this paper. .ienitori atin<. ie tar. . [AR ~ inof Cn fodsskte.Roheta ah. Dwnthre oalatee.ut ontnu thirwinin v.ay whh eî A.W.MaebTyrne ogoaie.lNsn Nooieyenemusten was on hand to bang in a re- I make uîp that deficit Wednesday r e i lie frNatnptoaoroto upid te plpi i-ry ccetabv, bouerd and Mackness and Clarke (hast) night igbt in Peterboro. n hnea h os îh.a h îeîgse-c.peciga uttuerber rrf iadies at a eîuiitituuc lie N each scoeed to give the Petles an-, Franklv. we belieî-e i impos-,S a teSno ostaian n"h odSmrtn'RV.i ridai. - other four goal iad before the sîble one Junior Boys squad bave niade rw. Rackbam preaclied at Ti-rone. Ne.utlie..W.Ansa- peeriodarhas baîfneo'a orltbs trip, buit Bovmanvihhe is stihh A sevore storni consistuig of rteifd th(,lite uueral i oMNrs. .\îtuis' Burbar an Moganxx-rkel Te Mnarbs resnte a elllooking for its first Cossa basket- rain and sheet accompanicd bv eoltlil.0Ni. Fret Oke uit l'orî îru. in chose before givîng Diiing a ý balanced attack that featured bi hminhp h eirtudradhgtuegpse xe lîr.ix pas fo th fial owmnvile ped ad uselishess T e ,Boys also bave a fine chance to this district Sunday evening. goal. ~~~passed uîp many grand opportun- i hirgop goal. ~~~ities but ail told tbey gai-e a greatwntergup pPeteeboro- Goal. Morrison: de- display. Their main endeax-our in e tn il fonce, Beggs and Giardino: cen- life appeaeed to be the necessitv Wbile the thougbt mav ho a bit!r Canada is reported to have a tee, Rochetta; wings, Con neli-.-i unseaoalwud"i ea r'u ofbtrof20000 of getti1ng that puck oî-er in front aoalwud' th pus. f but e o 26,p00t000 and Vitarehhi; subs, Nichols, M0 of hre.B-mnil ol good ides to get our local basebal Pons Couid'c esiv at0 John Tbompson and Sîd. Bue- oclubseongtnizcd cight au-ai- in-ur defence plans by trading this loy iourneyed to Poterboro on timer, Clarke, DeCarlo and NMack - weh tae a leson feom he yint ness.fuPoe stead of eaving it tîi the ast stc o oe0 hse Germante atrsmtcceTsdy Bowmanî-ille - Goal, Crawford;j1 possible minute? The O. B. A. tanks? - St. Catharines Standard. Wlim Breyadnpev defence, Burkhart and Nichols: The Arcadians showed a great meeting is scbeduhed for Aprîl lst________________ Harold Burle3-, attended the an- cenreDepew; îings, 'Morganr reluctance to pass the pukes -re nual Theeshers' Banquiet at Lind- in Owen Sound and the Lakesor centre, sppoed oos fuie-sa," Tbursday. and Dilling: sutbs, Bird, Wiseman.i. peciallyi the enemyt eritorytbney BY. Thu U. visited Wehcome Y.P.U. MeMullen. Wtheridge and Ward.i inside h the firsterioye iod.ninege i soe to hoefne-a1 uins irectory Tusdlay nigbt. As they were R l f r le Arm Arstingnihng efore throat. S e v e r ai uins P~~~~~~ -1 eree-AeyAmtog considered it their î'oîed du cane wh poaby esee i eaî-ing Miss Annie Wragg slip- Oshawa. tO1the Bowmanvilie team and now Pealie -hs pridnoe1 get a shot away. Consequenthy ~mk rpaain.LGLpcd on the ice injuring ber eiglit HEPC FCND 2nd peeiod. Vitarelhi, Withen hev asdupnmru chances. Ames is due for a move in the _________j__ar. Then w-ont on but ber aem TTHPI K OCAD S Rohtdgeihriie(mjr In the second period they cbang- ban uas so paînful that she did notR ID Y C O Rocett 2 Wiboneie (ajo>.ed their tactics and eî'ery oe o arikl 50 a neîv second baseman M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. giî-e a musical numben. At Osh- Moan; 3d erd Burkhart and their four goals scoeed in this wl have to ho found. Other Barrister, Solicitor, Notar'y awa Hospital it w-as found the arm HANDY SEAL.T1GHT POIJCH 15c Mackness stnza was s aeesult of i changes in the team are also more Phone 351 wa fatued us bho'te When______________________thre-Rassersthan a probability. Another thing Royal Bank Bldg., Bowmanvihhe shoulder. Miss Wragg is n0w at, V a 12-LB. "LOKTOP' TIN- 60c Whean psthe w-ato he aidesi hemknzf h 4b0fMy-. ____rthe homne of Mns. E. Milîson. dIo pdclced in Pocicet Tins Iteku auotefe~uveteametfr anpas to onrcs iz~r Ia bigger and better sports day. W. R. STRIKE Little Miss Margaret Oîens Whl otwsin oderc Last year's program was areanged Barrister, Solicitor, Notary ýcelebnated ber seventh birthday: ________________________froni the Petinahryadtescs imtSoct erboro vietoeN-. for rshowed wbat couhd be donc if pro- M rey orLan Ph on 791. aitho'aerbirthday w'asoneall 18, VIthhent 'ihngt dtac m hry n te uccs i etSlîitrfo an f onrahint betda atpoipe!". -IS he ki. rnstefertiv teatnet oEue.3their margin, the main reason per preparation wvas made- And Bow-manvihle, Ontario. Fcb. h6. Hec littIe chunis spent a udotherélun trouble. Arecordofsoyears.for the ordshyo rs o hoe fans who think the team M In t e k n r u l s r c r f 5 y a f r t e p o r d s l y o f t e B e - w o u h d b e b o t t e r o ff if a n o e w e x - j o lly a f t e r n o o n w it h g a m e s . M a r - Qr. C asés intme t ýl nite was ack o cometitin. ectivewL. pC.edMnSchag,, BA.L.ganetsASOmot.AerreMes.ohe Frars k ran 'ens.s Qr. Chas~s Ointrn tImie wes eyhac avcmeton. isetie atpacd in hngno' Barcîsten - Solicitor assisted bv Mes. Ken. Ware. sonv-J ce--e---- ae ny tm t o-t Notary Publice Etc. cci a dcierus and botintifuilissp- indle' > ro gru ims g Select- news or C. Il. i 'r rterîîs. . r'NI. 1u i (19ian ito <i p ni. dcl i v ex cept Suin- Ne-Iii tt td Cruso. Gunrex i t tir ilier dayý. imet..\Ie. undri ie. C. Il i)rt- Phono 79ft. Iiie phonîltre 883. lii. -Rn Ecîrtîperîs Itn iiOflice. ruiut Iistittite i iii ii rt at TI t Il G.)Ttrtitrsrni' q. \Ntari1 i t at FLJNERAL DI RECTOR lerr'raun i,;ini eliares rf Nu hý\i . FUNERAL I)IRECTORS irrtiVisitors ivricrrite Service. înerv hocîr, arîxdaîî Survie ini lie 1tutited fiutu1 iras F xilitluwu suîrrn ivut rlis Fde. F. MORRIS CO. rr:uls ixre turreietiIr mordeitebu Moteur Eqtîtpeent, Arn- We ulance and Invuîiid Canr. Cal] îiuîuuîdee unutd Sedlirr lic.itir heutpholle 480 o(ne7:34, Assistant 573. sttuîtiav ceeniltr,. Nuantitlitis rtlv lutfr41îtV ix iie antit Snlcreril Tlesta mi iu1t i n t(t). F. h tau ias ouil a succsi."Lest We Fcirget" Lion quintuplets, bonn I n- AanH.1BOU .SAL dîna, are being namod after the ta-gtr 'ikItrs Dîrmnne quints. More lioniz'îinm the Monuments, Tablels Ma-krs, etc. littie ladies, as it were.-Staùford in Granite and Marbie. Beacon-Heraid. _ 11 X'i.uirs: 'Mrs. W.XVIîittankOe.J SLEEP AND AWAKE REFRESHED If yoLr dan't sleep well -if nighta are inter. rupted by reatiessnea -look te your kidneys. If your kidneya are outx of order and failing to cleanse the blood o f poisons and waste métier--yow rest iam Iikely suffering, too. At the firat sign of kidney trouble turn confidentiy to Dodd's Kidney Pilla-For over hall a century the favorite kidney renmedy. Easy to take. il4 Dodd's Kidney Pilis Sheppard & Gi Lumber Co. Mt. King St. East, Bowmanville Phone 71539 s, * sei s P.NGF Si 1 14 EVERY FIRE should make you think of your property. Has it enough dependable insurance? You neyer know when it miglit mean either full indemnity for your loss or a drain on your savings account. We want to help you in understanding what your insuran.ce means ta you. J. J. MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Pione 681 Bowmanville THURSDAY, 2.31\1). 193Q MW 1 m

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