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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Feb 1939, p. 7

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1 I CNBwsPRS NA TheOuetio "D M~ (~qqi?~ OCIL &PERONA Correction: The solo in the Sun-. Pruday morning anthemn reportedmi ________ __O_. _ o.9Pr vde T te o A usn P a last issue as being sung by Mr. Logan shouid have been credited of hm A Pak SreetChuch n Fida to Mr. Sutton. By Dai'e Morrison Sr. about Leskard- I dont know î Pa k S r e h c O F id y Congratulations to Mr. A. J. whatbecae ofhim.Tamblyn who has again been ap- Instalment No. 4 1 don't recall any of the people SCOUT NEWS pointed a director of the Holstein- who ran the miii except Jason At long last cornes an answer 'Local Mini ster lFriesian Association at a conven- We were made to say Dr. Rowe, Jerome, a brother of James Jer- to a long-debated question- Do'1 tion in Toronto. intado r.Rse prcitoe onThursdav night's meeting of themngsi? Th nwrws A bandons His Car 1 înted fDr Rse pacitoeroreand uncleo f Jason and Than'BoyeScouts wasTmet successful . 0,OC. S. have decided ta have of many years in Newcastle and who would be schooimates of:Teboycus wrestareo thcesf provided at the first social even- i Walks To txe igtsintadofcrwdn Be.9lecionoodswa s.No 1Jasons Jer-artd n hefirst t wwghs rS.gIopcowin -o2 ist~al t.hswsi o yours li Bed o ds asnJ test of the tendeifoot by thepo l îng at ' Park St. Church Friday the commencement and the play' im ieonthe Gairdner pro-ad. night in charge of Miss E. Riddell into one evening. The play will, Among those who %vorked for porty, Lot 32 in the 3rd. There laesadassat.Alvl and Mr. Neil F. Porter. Mr. A. J.i In :pito of the drifting roads b ie ac Oh omne Mr. Francis Squair at the *Niiirn" was quite a large family of boysgae asn.odadth in Tamblyn was chairman. Mr. # S. and the stinging sleot Rev. S. Lit- ment date will be announced later. Mill was a carponter by, the îiame and girls. I recaîl John, Charles,'struction in hand signais given 1?y E. Allen recited 'A Jewish Cere- tlevý.'odstd for the srieatGereioopae a of~the Scoutmaster. Instructions mnF mony- in his own inimitable man- starteord service Mr.a of Boed by othe aorkme,%as ed from ere ton HoJa nd drilling fwere givonslo by John 1p.m Landing b te oke,,Suthe iint erest of the bohnsiner which humorously described Kiî 1w Church Sunday as i ttuptsl udya .. - a Jewish wedding.n Lndig èboy wr ,'ta lovely day in June. He: which was broadcast over the ra- wei lked by eve yo e. nd th wh re Jîm wa kile by a O , is very keen and their w ork s ,, started by car, but Providence . dia in connection w ith K en Sob e's famnily were highlv respected.1 The Fergusons, Lot 34 in the progressing rapidly and satisfac- The play "Do Men Gossip ,'deigned otherwise, and heha Amtuprga.Algeu- Newcastle vas their dwelling 5th. Thore were two f amilies of torilv. which foliowed, centred around justro t M. .H.Brwn wme er rooites h ar him - place and one son xvas a teacher this name lived on this lot. T here __________ the fact that Mr. Jenkins (Neil hoe became stuck in the snow. Un- We welcome C. Wter eto ti at N. 9fora trnior to, ut e ,eretwoboysin he irs failyPorter) has agroed to double the daunted. ho started to walk, after Our village who is manager of believe is now a medical practi- that I remembor - Oliver who. akS.Sre amount raised by Miss Wynn lettng the Kirby people know the store vacated by M. Cowan.e tioror n th ciy.%vent te Michigan (I saw him in.,____ (Eileen Riddoll) for the Red Crossi he'd h latte. Ho got there after Ho is an outstanding athlete in d Another employee of the Squair 1866 or 7), and Marsh who mar- ThSemn.oi if men gossip more than women., plodding through the snow for basebaîl and hockey and will be famiiy vas an Irishman by the ried Weaver White's girl of Orono Tesro ai yRv Accordingly ho arranges that in-'sm ieadpece osx aubeaqiiinoorcm !aeo rn adn ieadmvdott ama udLittlewood Sunday morning xvas s f m ndpece a i-' aual cus tt uco-e j oflyFmankhowa wol alike b nd turtedake tnearrnoboconk - 'Hi lr' h Cos"Tea-stoad of going to the barber shoP teen people who had braved the munity. r jollyman ,vho as wll lied b turte and ntorCobconkand i hosGwiriltheCarns"thhepmonheinllthen clubeninlehmcltseland waitdodite forr hisar ar- all the youngsters of the neighbor- afterwards to Norland where he'or pointed out that to Paul thaMs Betty Rowe entertainedC hood. Ho later xvont into the busi- operated a carding miii. Thev rosmentGdknwode o is Wnisgin g toeclb e f ri-l eighteen guosts on her birthday, a ness of weaving in the village of were cousins of the Jerome boys. sn. knowledge of the love of Godb ndrought r.intoy cub by er) fr1- In bis sermon at Park Street Feb. i5th. Following an evening 13 Orono. Jason, et a].adcuiixo sl. aid of misplacing a screon sa she tha' h Sunday night ho hinted 'of coasting, games and lunch were E Mr.Chs. eiwoo Sn. Bel- TheFegusnstha yu iqure At this service the choir rend- cnha1btnthoso. Th tin oe people thought minis- ecjoyod. Miss Olive Brown and a Mr.d'sCorns). after eangte aboTeweresof ltoat te. Thir edtey an ater wThe Miss Lauran erbtntb en h eslaz. .Well, ho should have Mr. R. Forrester, Jr. wore prize ý,vood' Corner). afte leaveredhetheuantheme ofTheerVdice Tofvmon got their gossiping ovor and told the congregation what ho did winners. farm came te Bowmaniville and hought their farm. Lot 34 in 5th. -ad s .Rcado a-then as Reed onters, gossip ceases. ida feno hnte ee M.adMsToa ei n occupied a cottage, with two dau- from James Jerome (who pur- Au ue a woi h nyoe cMutby saed raig a trand aMcrdThs ewar enth ghtèi-s, un Liberty St. South, op- chased it fromn a Jesse Ingersol) ,h a o ospdan ievt.hie edinttogs hti poit he H mb y brick -making I fancy there ere four boys. per- ing thc duct in the a e dis- 'ho t h a d n sipd f r cany ti e ! et hom e o d idn' tou h. th e n " .Hat , 2wnner w r . Lavi M rs plant, ,vhich %vas a busy, section haps five - Robert, William. cussed at the ovening service. It starts gossiping. Ail act as if net1abobt N e n have "siedtheas" .B or n.Ms .Gavle of the corporation in those days. think a James and Thomas. I don*t iwas deait with iii a unique and interested as ho relates gossip authis on evtino ervice, consolation Mrs. M. Harrison; ~ Many workmen wcre employed in know if George \vas a brother of interesting way. The pastor pic- which ho has heard since there gents - Bob Glanville, 2nd Harry bý that îndustry in those days at that Robert or a son. Robert alwas tured a hard-working man by last. But wvhen this Charles New- Wn lenRdel r e Lewis, consolation M. Harrison;, - particular lecalitv. A son. James lived on the farm. Ho married day during hours when the boss ton (Thos. Lewis) starts taiking kins - Neil F. Porter; Chariie New-Qen0 luspie-ictorc( Beliwood. attended old No. 9 and Polly Samis, a daugbter of Gilbert was over himi and the samne mari about Miss Wynn it takes the rest 1 ton - Thomas Lewis; Reed Jr. - Hancock. A lovely lunch brought t, afterwards took up residence in Samis (Gippy). I don't know \vhat after hours being lazy as far as of the mon te hold her friend Ro orstr r ol iÏthe evening te a close.M the United States. familyý they had except one girl church and community, welfare! Reed Jr. from knocking him fiat. Ly e: Mr. Carr - Horace Best. W nesadta r ec Below Mr. Henry C. Bowen has Polly. She ,vas quite a singer. entorprîses were concernoed. The Miss Wynn cornes out of the cor- "C-hpa ilsotymv ater kindlv sent us list of section news Bob himself -,vas a fiddler. Wil- moral in the discussion lay in the ner whore she has been hidden This play was followed yafrn ow cupe b M.nd i et which ive only bad a hazy re- liam was a carpenter. I rememn- fact that ail work. both during and setties the matter and it is .splendid vocal solo by Mr. R. Lo- farm nGowgeoccupie yJr.and b collection. which %ve .vere 1cor- ber him in about 1870. I fancv hoe work-day and on Sundays and decidod that since she heard more gan, with Miss Jean Logan at the wilocp h arnxmie Jr., w e tainly pleased te get. It reads: moved awav from bore about'that helidavs, shouid be done as unto -gossip at the womon's meeting. piano. Two rocitations were given pied by Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Cob- w Oron. Fo'y. 4th 193 lim. Howasnet arrîd. t God - not man. In othor werds. Mr. J'nkins owes only a fair sized b'. Mrs. W. H. Rowe - "The Show-bldc harmong ntO- D. Morrîson Sen. seems te me ho died a short time one sheuld put ail ones onergyF choque which ho starts te give man s Story' and "The Day." Mr. ntothe houe h'yprh dR Dear Dave: after this, but I w'on't ho sure. into everything one dees and noti her ($500). However the quiet and Mrs. Rowland Smith - one fo moMre.M.ouetn. urhasd i In your iast opistie re eld limes Jirn, if there w'as a Jîm. I cant use ail energy for one thing. and one who has been writing until ho wîlh a vocal duet, with Miss in No. 9 you ask for a littie in- place. Tom w~as lame. He mar- should ho equaliy energetic in istarted talking, shows their con- M1rle mitaanthepiao. ark t. isso ad e atFeb. I formation regarding the shop ried Kitty Bawks and moved to things of the church and commun- 1 vorsations ail written down, so The last item was a dialogue noon o aewt ra fa seuth of the 3rd Con. at Wilmot's Midland where ho died 7 or 8 ity as in the business, giving ono's Jenkins gives the $8000, admit- entitied "A Non-successful Ad- v , of geliaeswthmakte at ofra Creek. Well I. as the oldest old- vears age. Ho left a family. best toail. The laziness of the ticg that ho had taken an unfair venture." The two characters in fect finale. Officers appoinled are: Mv timner lef t, here in the section. will George (Forgie) lived at Orono: whito-collared man when it came ladvantage. Miss Wynn then ad- this play were Miss Susanah Peiet-SilyMls e.-I try and supply a few items, ai- kept the harnoss shep. made to manual labor was not so much mits that ail the men ho has warn- S-wingletree taken b5' Mrs. StnMrrie McLahrlen: Tlempeace-ti though most of themn are tradition. pumps, etc. Ho died whlen quite laziness but inadaptability. ho ed, the one ho hadn't warned, and Payne and Robt. Hopkins taken r: Sec. - Greta Morcer; Treasurer - Mv The shop w-as run by an Irish- young: wvas nover married. I cant peintod out. lthe barber are ail members and by' Matt Harrison. !Anna Staplos; Visiting Commit-! mac named MaGuire. I think ho tell you anything about the girls. A splendid quartette was given officers of the society - but she A social haif hour and a doe- tee - Mildred Richards, H o i e n T was a bacheler. Ho made swifts. John Watson of your îown nox,,, by Miss Laura Aluin, Mrs. J. Rich- koeps the monov. ius lunch of sandwiches, cake, Clarke; New mombers cemmittee .fi reels, spinning wheels. also chairs but '.vho you probablv know as ardsoc. Mr. R. Sutton and Mr. N. Cast of characters. G 1 a d y s tarts and coftoe wore enjoyed. - Shirley Porter. Miss L. Allin. and tables. The power ran the Jack Sorreli. at No. 9, should ho F. Porter. Mrs. S. Littlewood, Mrs. E. R.' latho. Ho had twe nephows. One, able to give you a lut'of particu- Raicey and Mrs. C. McLaren are William \vas a carponter and lars of Fergusons, Samis. Laings. in charge of the .ork. L worked for Squair. yeu sbould His old stamping ground was just Obituart7 know of him: the other. John. west of there. J~l I I A f F ~ l A ________ went to Uxbridge and became the: There was acother farmer just Burton Eagleson SOCIA( » £~~AL AND PE JSO ALH head& the Uxbridgo Organ Com- oast of Forgusons on Lot 33 in the HOCKEY NEWS 1 pany. 1DGeorge, bis son. iearned: .th, Aaron Hill. The eider chul- The death took place in alm____I carving with A. Kilgour. and play- dren, Hannab (Mrs. Chîs Welsh),i Brooklyn hospital. New York, on O M ed i th D.0. &Piao bnd.Pheebe (Mrs. M. Gibson), and February 6th, of Burton Eagleson. Miss Willimrs bas been sck. Toronto Thursday nighl attend- rPerry Saturday where they %vere Yeu surely romember himn. 1 Davo rmust have corne te the Bell- aged 65' vears. He xvas born on Mr. C. M. Lowden bias been on ing the play "Disraeli."1 beaten by Roy Cornish's Invmnc-H The trouble you mention wswo school. but John Squair'the homestéad at Bailieboro. Ont.. the sick îîst. Mr. A. J. Tamblyn was in To-! ibles. A largo ice surface was re-1A ovor turning the creek away from dont mention them, although ho son of the latte Andrewv and Mary j îonto attending the Holstein- sponsible for the outcome. Orono ai the original bed. I know the par- r must have known lhem weil. Eaglesoin. In 1889 he %vent te th-e Miss Adele DeLine ucderwvent Friesian Association convention, lads didn'l find thoir bearings un- 'ai ticulars but its too long te write., anibbrk f yth egtE ReSawrnill on Lot 31, in r I hope sorie of this screed may United States where he has since anoporation. 1bbok f hewegttii the last period. Thanks of the Co.R a ulti ae 30'rd cusflte you. and I rnay sas' I resided. Two brothers predeceas- Miss Tholma Myles, Toronto, of the ico fell on the veranda roof exocu tive are due M. J. Tambly'n, E Icaoeihod twa a njoy your anciont history vory ed him - John F. and William. Ho Spent the weekend at home. of the bouse occupiod by Mr. and J .GoeadCclPwr o te hodthfrtmi nd tet-mc. It \vish yeîm.o w-ould corne is survived by bis %vidow and Mr.Felob.use of cars, and to Roy Corcish el dhp hsRcmndwsqieacown sornetirno. I know you and three brothers, James of Orono. Mrs. R. Resborougb bas return- ýfor the entertainment providedw ship.This ichmnd wa quit a cul d ave aWintrestigsoldnGeoge ofBai.iboredand alti characlaveanrteclairned teeore o beliofreRoyalalerod from Peterboro. W nesadthtM.adrafter the gaine. Coach R. Widdis i a characer, climed t be ofRoyaltimers pow ww. of oronto Rev.S.MrstlCharlestenGlanMrilCherasndlsonllandd O.nA.d GaA. sby.bymanager,,acac- descent. One daughter marrie ies o o.0 ooto e.S iteod atced will shortly move to the farm now cmaidth ei.A Jesse Blknap - probably you re- Honry' C. Bowen. Interment took place in the conference rocontly. occupnied tyhreWm Nalea_____ member. Richmond moved eut famiiy plot in the Presbyterian 1ai _______________________Cometery at Centerville, Ont. on Mr. Jack Cobbledick, Toronto,, Well, next Tuesday tels the' Bowmacviile is definitely out' --- ----OId-Tinme Skaters Februarv 8tb. wîtb Rev. D. A.-NMc- spent the w'eekend at borne, tale. Will March corne in h ke a of the beague cow, as they were Diply her kiI Konzie officiating. Pali bearers i Mrs. F. Cowan bias been on tho lamb and go out like a lion - or defeated by the B.A.'s again Fri-1 il Dsly herS il iw'ere T. A. Skitcb. Daw-son Ruth- sick list.l vice versa? day night, 10-6. This was the first r S p ec ia I B a r g a in A rno____rod oyGer EwnEgl At roo ren efod.RoyGrer EdinEale Miss Mary Tamblyn spent the Messrs. Harry Mercer and Orme game of the double-header bill of e son, Percv Elgar of Bailieboro, weekend in Oshawa. ýGamsby attended the funerai of fare. g E W. RJ. O NS ura Riddell, Mr'. and Mrs. and Arnold Larmer of Oshawa.: Mrs Baldwin bas been on the!D.B.J Hazlewood in Oshawa Orono w'on from Oshawa Or- TO ALL STATIONS IN Western Canada Going Dates DAILY FEB. 18 TO IMAR. 4 Return Limit: 45 days. TICKETS GOOO TO TRAVEL N COACHES Excursion tickets good in Tourist, Parlor and Standard sleeping cars also available on payment of slightly high- er passage tares, plus price of parlor or sleeping car accommodation. - Ti<,i .gi,,'lg'. i a Port \rtlîiîi, (lit,. i 1Wl .or Saruii Mar" ir-, r0iiriilig v.. saiînerouit, 'ithiS iii 1::'171rri of :i'lkt, Oui oth g ilng au i nrnrrnrr.I i il ii: i Arthunr, 011t', amn w -.n,t;:Iu.o mi (chi- iîrîli Si Sai.iri'. Mich' 11d -.i> Ii Zii v ar o . iirr i aiii in ii l ii Siustao lli'. 1'1411 Paîticumlars finimin <m, agen/i>it Canadian Pacific Don't expei Childrer Relieve Their Misery This Provedl Way W HEN your child cornes down with a cold, yeu cant afford te take needloss risks. Use the treatment that bas been doubly proved for you-Vicks VapoRub. at.has been proved by everyday ule i more homes than any othor medication of its kind-further proved by the bar gest clinical tests ever made on couds. (Full details in every VapoRub package.) Only Vlcks givo you proof like Ibis. Vicks VapoRub is direct external treatment. There's ne dosing-no risk of spoiiing appetite. or ,ï~ disturbing a delicate i i-i h-~Idigestion VapoRub as often as needed, even on the youngest chlld. You slmply massaage VapoRub on throat, chest, and back (as Illus- One o! the worst ice sterrns 0f Traffie was disrupted for a the soasec struck Ibis place Sun- short time during the sterm Fni- day, rnaking it vory dangerous for day cight. A number of cars from pedestrians. Shiloh wore snow-bound in a bill Miss Eileen Souch spent the nerth e! Newtonvillo until the wveekend in Toronto w-ith ber snow pIeugb came te thoir rescue. grandrnotber, Mrs. John Rickaby.' Mrs. T. A. Reid visiîed with A number frem bore took in the Mrs. Jack Reid Friday. 1ld fashioned skating part- aI Mr. Tom Turner, teacher at Me- Oreno Monday ovenîng and report Lean's, was home over the weok- ageod lime, rend. Mrs. S. D. Souch spent the Mrs. Douglas Ogden and baby weekend in Orono at ber mother's daughter visiled ber parents, Mr. >Mrs. William Patterson who con'! and Mrs. Jas. Stone. miues in peor health. A bItter f rom Mr. Rebert Wragg Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Power and wife te bis parents hore states entertained some neighbors forr the tomperaturo in the Peace Ri- dinnor Saturday ovening. ver Valley, wbere hoe preaches, Horne and Sehool mot Thursday' often hovers at 40' below. evening. Program censistod of Messrs. Robert and Raymond nusic, rocitations, report ef the Hughes are cutting wood for Mr. ).E.A. by Mr. M. Chatterson, and Jack Reid. i talk by Mrs. Frank Stinson of jMr. T. A. Reid is attending the Blacksteck. Lunch w'as serx-ed. Good Roads Convention in To- Homne and Schooi inîend holding rodeo. Reeve Cummiskey o! Man- an eyster suppor. vers accornpanied him. Mrs. Sid Rutherford and Miss Aileen Ogdoc have been indispos- ed witb flu. Covvanville Speculations are rife as toe route the hydre lino wîll follow ________on coming te this cemmunity nexb The skating party Wodnesday'summer. cas quito a success in spiteof the The stock question e! the week: rad w-eatber. Fitteen young po- Did you send yeur Leadership ple met at the cburcb and pro- League ballot? Did you roceive a ceeded te Orono rink. Tbey re- I personal reply frem your member trned te the home of Mr. and 1 at Ottawa? Mmi. W. Stringer for refreshrnonts.j Mr. Leslie Reid and bey friend Mr. H. Milîsen w-as minable te l visitod Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reid. rturn homo Saturday as pbacned1 ut is oxpecîod oarly this woek.1f Services aI the cburch wereBr w s 7ancolled on Sunday due te the xeather. Messrs. T. A. Reid and W.A. Brown's Hoe and Scbool Club ýeid are attecdicg the Geod Roads 'met February 14th. Guests were :rienio inToono hiswek ýLake Shore Home and School Ir. A. Perrin aise made the tr!p'Clb rg was in charge o! ip with them te 500 Mrs. Perrinj Miss Betty Lake and Wiibur Bas- it St. Michaei's Hospital., kerville o! the visiting club. Pre- Miss Mary Henderson visited ýsident Fred Coucb welcomed the Ur.andMrs WetolStrnge. ývisitors and thon caiied on Pro- Ur. and rs. WssIelninger. esident Bill Rowland tb take charge me this week witb Mrs. Bebee ýo! the meeting. A lively humor- Worrisb, who is confined le bed.' ous and educational program was Mr. Leslie Reid and a friend given: A piano solo by Edith orocto, spent the weekond wit j Hendry; a humorous reading by 'riends bore. iGordon Martin; duet by Pauline Deline and Doiiy Purdy, accomp- anied by Editb Hendry; Current Events by Alex Hendry; mouth- ~akeShor, Clrkean seection by Gordon Mr ________cbeib; a skit by Chas. Clemence Recent Visitors: M i s s E t t a and Ernie Gilbank o! Shaw's; Mr. Eoirnes, Oshawa, w'ith Mr. and S. G. Gay o! Toronto spoke on the Irs. How'eli Rowland... Mr. and 'lite o! Wm. Drummond and recit- Irs. Glon Pollard, Lockharts, ed a !ew French-Canadian poems ',itb Mr. and Mrs. Wallace which were greabby enjoyed. A lolmes. . . Mr. and Mrs. Leslie bountiful lunch was served by .lldred, Maple Grove, with Mr. Brown's Home and School Club. kd Mrs. Leslie Aluin... Mr. Leen- Electric ligbts have been install- rd Buckler with Mr. and Mrs. ed in Brown's S. S. No. 5. They bon Patton, Kondal. . . . Miss 'are a big imprevement te the ap- ,ditb Hendry with Miss Wylmapearance o! the schooi on the in- arrew, Brewn's... Mrs. T. Pow- side and witb the wide circie o! ifl witb Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Holda-'light from the iight on the eut- 'ay, Port Britain... Mr. and Mrs. l side there is no danger o! anyone bas. Bedwin, Brewn's, with Mr. falling and hurting tbemseives id Mrs. F. Parker... Mrs. Leslie when there is any social event in hlic with Mrs. Ada Samis. the school at night. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Ad-r Mr. Webber bas impreved from ims, Ragie Cîliff Farm, have had bis iilness. heir home wired for electricity.r Mrs. J. Brown hurt hen foot. Lake Shore public sehool heldr Miss Ellen Alldred, Oshawa, ts annual Valentine party Feb. spent the weekend with relatives. 5th. The excellent pregram stag-1 Misses Jean Porn, Wyima id by the pupils et school wes 'Farrow, Mabel Wilson, Audroy ,reatly enjoyed by the visiters.: and Fern Webben, Messrs. Bill Congratulations te Mr. and,. Morley and Sid Brown atnded a 'ý oyyDa f rye s obekptt- oles 10-7, 50 thoy had to play . Mrs itnBono h i od anHdlm sktng arty. Fn-rr o e nttue Dyo ryr st ok e Citizens were pleased te see Mr. again Tuesday night. An account of a baby daughter. ed n ldtie kain prtý Fom Wo ens nsitte morrew. Feb. 24th. Fred Green and daughter Kath- of tbis gamo appears elsewhere.1 Lake Shore Home and Scbooi ,E ed Wrn.10 rrettenand lJ.ie'homp- Tecrmto ovndlMr.I .Camnbshdtee bof Bowmanville bore skating In the first period Orono got 4 Association beld a social eveningl son have Borthbandaclai.etho M rs Rde Dmiean dcharge of tho wbooI.g.cuh.pa a h Saturday night. goals through McCutcheon, Neale Feb. 8th. Five hundrod, ouchrez son haveboth bee acclaied the! rs Ed Dan liad harge Misse L.opAluncand. Mrs.isS.L.ittie-anands.WSstit(who scoredt wtwo).ord and)crokiandoiek werewe piayed.d.TTe oidesl mani on the ice. Well lot Institute meeting Friday afler-i Mr. Bob Keane, Toronto, wa wood are in charge of tbe social the second Orono was scored for lady's prize was received by Joan tbern fight it eut. The record for noon and providod a most inter-i borne. gathering at United Cburcb on by Winter, Patterson and West, Brown, and the gent's prize by the longest time sînce being onl esting program. Miss Betty Stapieton was guesl March 3rd. and in the third by R. Wood, R.: Mr. Bob Graham, Brown's. Lunch skates w-as 25 years. Aftor skat- 1 $3.00 was received as the grant. 'of Mr. and Mrs. J. Morris. rOoomde okyta eeWne n .Wto.Ohw a evdada oro ac ing. al wonded their way 10 the' Letters of appreciation from shut- Tuesday was pancake Tuesday. defeated 7-1 by Port Perry Sat- scored by periods as follows: 3-2-2. ing followed. L. O. L. reom w-bore tboe' had m is w-ho had been remembered Did you remembor te clebrate it'? urday at Port Porry. Bob Cooper The Orono boys played mag-" Lake Shore Home and Scbool brown and white bread and but- w'ore read by Mrs. Hamm. isFlrneHarrisR.N, euethgolfrOoo i cnhckyndheaswr Cbatne B w' omad ter, beans, dougbnuts and coffee. Treasuror's report was givon b5' Ms lrnc . .N.scre1h olfr rn. nfcethce n tefn eeChClubbten etrongs Hoeb.and The- ad e oekpaînes or sMs. -i Den.an reorrofreiefspntheepas wek t om. MssFoser rhom!ete.ub-deighedwib te ame. ScootClbeeetngFeb ltb lunch - using the alias systom. commrittee w'as given by Mrs. Ed. Mrs. I. Winter bas been on the lic school had a half-boiiday o n o eiusacdnthp eMnyr.te eto eepo Re.S iteodhmru1 easick list. Thursday as thei teacher was at- altbough one player was cut aboutsot P-pressed the thanks of the skat Mrs. O. W. Rolpb announced Sorry tu hear of the iliness of tecding a funeral. the face. I Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. ! Wallace Hoimes who celebrated ers le the cornmittoo. The rest ofr the District Annual wil ho beld1 Miss R. Thornton of Bowrnanville. A number from bere altended their 251h wedding ancîversary the evoning was devoted 10 cards Ini Orono on June 8Ib. Miss Beverley Payne bas been the Philharmonic Concert ai Bow'- February 18th. Many friends ga- Arounid midnight the audience, Mrs. W. S. Roy, Mrs. W. Shor- 'on the sick list. manville Friday cigbt, some tak- DIM AND DISTANT , thored at their home to celebrate dispersed. feeling stiff and sore. 1 in, Mrs. J. Gibson Jr., Mrs. R. H. Mrs. Gratton Curtis, Fenelon îng part in the program. th- nt aoter i.uounn.il but happy. 'Brown and Mrs. F. Tambly'n w'ore Falls, is viýiting ber parents. Mr'. Mr. Clarence (Ed.) Witberidge, HAPPENINGS bethouvent.A alod acoumnt i appointed a committee te arrange adMs .J atn of Bowrnanviile is new in charge Fo h rn eso . for the annual Irish Night. adMs .J atn of the store vacated by Mr. and Fo h rn eso A birnntof3,00sknkkîs Tw'e splendid piano solos wero nuimber attecded the Masoie Mrs C Feruay 9, 91 passed tbrougb London, Ontario-gvn, yMssJa Lgn banquet in Newcastle Tuesday 1-NIOwan.N but the- people pi'obably knew il i Miss Mary Bowen gave a spien- night. imdrtn LLM. ~ Ms .A eoei pnig ____ before the item went in the pap-j did paper on 'Is living a life more r.0Falisvitnhepr' Winters bas renled the soulb haif a week in Toronto. .Rv .LtlNodto h ers._____- __ChAfargiangberidawossccosfentMrr. ndMrs W J.Maîvu- ouse whicb 15 Miss Lela Allen bas cornpleted ,topie Temperacce" at Union lasI imoran ha mkiga ivn b"er ter bing quitW.o. ill - ,being fixed min bs-Mr. P. Cha)- ber business course and taken a:Mna'ngtwih wsi she xent on to show that il was Wo understand Miss Lillian Al- ac position in Toronto.i charge of the citizensbip depart- thewa 00 otaiedeces oal in i cnsierng ranin fr1 Orono Wornen's Institutewl Mr. and Mrs. George Wragg. ment, BeatriceHamadMn 'ono's wealth, or oce's honour that nurse. be hostesses 10 the mombors o! Cobourg, visited Mr. R. Stutt. 'loy Littlew'ood, the latter presid- counted, rather than tbhmre o- Uno meetig onayb- other socioties at the District an- Mrs. J. L. Row-e lf t s-estorday ing. The speaker pointed eut that riment with tiUngniteonolewn care eeistiaMnd ai lnd lmeeting whicb wili ho hebd! on ber return te CagryAlta.- consîderation ef hoalth, the dosîre N î~~eading of a poeer on success sho Mr. Sam Keane. Ale oeJn t.MssMre ye aw ont te waste moey, and bettel gave the motte of the meeting, "If _____and Miss Ebva Andrus. Bowman- 'condition of the mind did net .~ m ~ m ~ iexeryoe in the cern.munity woro Syrnpathy is extended te Mrs. ville, visited their cousin, Miss Ida t l's o d-lk e wa ol u o C Harris in the death ef lber fa- Gasb1 seer om oce ncentîxeeough te -~lkem. 'atwul urcmmun- ,Gmb.lprevont the people f rom îaking ily- ho?" Miss Bowen closed by ther, John Stephenson, Columbus. More interest Ihan usual te the social glass. Ho bad the youing traed. Tento aie ~bo- eadngexcrps fomMr.Bad- Orono public schoob cbildren A FT 4 : Oronoites was attached te the op- people sign piedges te net take contlnued double action îast even win's speech given in 1937 te a bad their regular Valentine party y enestn o lwu. Ing o te t c egatufremhi e r nteiaiglqoofte eie longer-spread athlckilayer on the group of yeumng people in England. Feb. i4tb.hu destedt wu. I fo h atta omrOeete take a firm stand on the ques- chest and cover wibh a warnied These excorpts gave rnuch food The rink was a busy place on these blood filters becorne inflamned, ex- boy, Colin Cameron, the nowly tien. The other item on the pro-i cboh. orthogh. Tursaynigt ithsevra eut-cess acid stays in the systemn. Needie elected momber for North Grey, gram wvas a reading from the rMrs. Howard Walsh fax-om.red of-tewn games being pbayed.« pointed acid crystals lodge in joints and r rnomted th doon e h pehQunoBodat aiyLt No Long Waltlng for Relief to begin ... xith a v'ocal solo, wxith Mrs. R. H. A numbor attended a basket muscles setting up irritation and rheu- rMfrosnthe thone.agitro teod Almost before you finish rubbing. Brow'n at the piano. soiladdne tNwateratc pains. Take Gin Plls to stimulate MssMlondagerf Mr. teod thei om!otrabegas t fe w Roll call was answered b5' each socidal ad anc Necatl kidneys and r'et prompvt relief. ecr Millsen Crooked Crek,-________ te work direct through the skin îeîîing the "'ss "or cirî>e St. Saviour's wmnhedaappendicitis. like a poultice. At the same tirme cudhl esfruae its medicated vapors, released by A lovely lunch was served, Mrs. quibting party and supper at the I Mrs. Powers, wife o! Reeve A "I' FIND HAWES' FLOOR GLOS the warnth of the body, are carrled Rd. Dean pouring tea fr omn a si-.u- c Thursday' afternoon. A. Powers, slipped Friday ex-en- EASY AND CONVENIENT. 1 SPRE direct to the irritated air-passages ver service frorn a table beautiful- Miss Opai Rosberough bas re-1 ing sustaining a fracture of the LIT TLE ON MY LINOLEUMS witit cvery breath. ly decorated with boarîs and turnied te Peterboro, atter visitiiig ' wZIankle. This double action loosens phlegm f lowers. and graced by twe cakes ber brother, Mr. R. C. Rosborough. Mr. John Waddell is erocting a PAINTED FLOORS, AND THEY DRY -rebleves irritation and coughln iced with white icing and decor- Thunder and iightning Sunday Tt ile silo for bis tenant, Mr-. Frank GLL4M IN 20 MINUTES. IT IS -efrbreak up lecal congestion. atdwt e cnyhat. made a disagrecabie finale toe Pue Shepherd on the Ruddock farm.POSHN YUKNWl A nd g eatter the 11111e one re- tdwt e ad er Died: Cowan - At Bewmanviile, OIHN YUKHW laxes into restul sleep, VapoRub A voteetfIhanks was tendered sbeet storm.FOTH Feb. i3th, Robert G. Cowan, son keeps rigt on workng-hour af ter te bbc committee ini charge, which Mrs. Bragg, Bowmanviile, w-asofWJ.Cwn lreagd1 heur. Often. w'as rcsponded te by Mrs. Dean. guost et Miss M. Davy and Mrs.o!WJ.CwnCareaedlA the cold j3 Protty 5000 aur penal institu- W . .aeTodngaorm ie:as, ienr b.i 1n- th Forte over. VAPORUB tiens wiîî ho se attractive tewer day o! prayer service Friday at O ie Reg.50 Fairbairn, formeriy of Clarke people wili remain honest.-.-Bran- 3 p.m. in Park St. Church. New Economy Sixe - - 750 Township. Interment at Bowman- -Now WITE-.STAINLESS- don Sun. A numnber from O . C. S. were in (Double the Quantlty) ville to-day. sower for Mr. ad Mns.WiMis (noo Annie Tkatcb) at Miss Hel- ena Hayes, Bowmanviblo. Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Alldred, Mr. and Mrs. C. Turner and Mr. Lewis Clark abbended a dance at Mr. and Mrs. Les. Alldred's, Friday even- ing. Mr. and Mns. Goo. Stephenson spont Saturday in Toronto. It isn't whab you give that shews bow charitable you are but what you keep.-Brandon Sun. P" Clarke Resident 75 Years Ago 'lll:\N \i)AIAN STATESMAN, BO\ .1M \N\ILLE, ONTA\RIO TUURSI)AV, FEIIIIV.\Y 23RID, 1939 TUE eRONO PAGI.- SFVF\ý NEWS Clarke Union Crooked Creek

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