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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Feb 1939, p. 8

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P \( ,[: 1E( lGTE \.\)l\ST.\TIS.Nl\\, îUAVNIANVîLLE, ONTA\RIO TIRSA.FEBR.\Y2D*93 thlroughliot the ,ear at week13 choir practice and at divine ser ce on Sundays. These were pre, ied on behiaîf of Rev. J. Scot The Newcastle Independent ln"r b e. .R Rector. to -Miss Dora 'Martin, first ____________ ___Clarke___1114___J Mr. Archie Martin. second: and limoe Clrkc 117Miss Ethel Spencer. third. The Mis~ Dorothv RickarJ t isited Britton presented the treasurer's PrveS ivere prayer books and in Tor onto last ,veek. report. cash. The deserving recipients Miss 'Mary Clemence. Toronto. Mrs. Jno. Douglas and Mrs. Ed. expressed thei- thanks and ap- spent the .veekend iber par- Brittain receîved the Sad nw of preciation. ents, mr. and Mr.W J. Clemience. the death of their younigest and A delightfUl Social time vas Mr. Gordon Garrod tell on the cnly surviving brother. Mr. John sPent over refreshments in the steps leading up to his cit;elling William Brown. in Toronto o1t basemient and t ivas not ,vithout and severely înjured one arm. He Sunda.Y. The futieral %vas held at regret that the voung people es- returned to ,work againth xek Islington Tcîesday. but ott illg 10 peciallv noted the flight of time Mran Ms.W Hris aeed road and wveather conditions 'and andI the fact that it would Soon children. Toronto. have been Visit- othet' crcumistances his sisters hc another day of study or toil ing her parents. Mr. and Mc'a.s Geo. here were unable to attend. Mr. and separation. Gray,. and lier sister. Mrs. Thos. Brott n has been a wvidower onu Spencer. Jr. sînce Ncw Year's Dav xhen h1iS Three hundred attended "La- Wifie died. M7,rs. Douglas and Mrs. Lakeshore Couple dies' Night". under the auspices of Brittain are nov the only surviv -_____ Durham Lodge. A. F. & A. M.. ino mo members of the once numer- the comrnunity hall on1 Tuesday nus Browni family of Triekeva tçContinued from page 1) evenin, Fuller account next Corners and Newcastle. Jno. Garrod: a piano duet b,, week. Misses Reta Cooke and Mýarglaret Y.P .mtMondas- evening. Pearce: and a piano solo by Miss Program was in charge of Bill AWARDED PRIZES AT GUELPII'Edith Henry. Rowland. Scripture was taken by In addition to the gifts men- Reta Powell and the explanation Garnet Riekard. Wmi. Rowvland tioned above Mr. ai-d Mrs. Holmesi by Kay Toms. Reta Aldread led and James T. Brovn motored to %vere the recipients of several .n prayer. An interestiog report Guelph last Friday xith Mr. E. A. lovely individu al presenits and of Winter Sehool xvas given by Summers, Agr. Rep.. to attend a letters from friends and relatives Bill Rowland. Recreation x.vas led banquet at the OEA. tendered to, unable to be prescrnt. by Garnet Rickard and Bill Roî,v- the vnners in the diferent coun- 1 Among those in attendance land. lies of the 1938 field crops and 'from outside points ,vere: Mrs. R.i Francis Jose of Mr. Joe Hock- fertilizer competitions sporisored C. Lovekin. Mr. and Mca. W. P.', ins class. gave the special talk on by the Department of Agricul-1 Coulson. Toronto: Miss Etta Hol-l the lesson at United Church Sun- ture. 0f the ten contestants in! mes and Mc. and Mrs. J. Mc- day School. Next Sunday a mem- Durham County trying out the Minns. Oshawa: Misses Mary Cle-' ber of Miss Reta Powell's clasa use of commercial fertilizers wvith mence and Helen Rickard, To-! wilI gîve the talk. June Allîn tvho field crops on a fairly large scale ronte; Miss Alice Downs, Grand addreased the school Feb. 121h. is Garnet Riekard stood firsl - prize Coule. Sask.. now a nurse in a member of Mrs. A. W. Glenney's $10.00: Wm. Rowland second. and ltraining at the Ontario Hospital.l class, not Miss Pouvelî's as ce- J. T. Brown fourth. These receiv- >Wib:M.an r.Hrl pored.ed lesser cash prizes. Motorists' Skinner. Tycone: Miss Evelynt Mc. R. C. Lovekîn. Toronto, has drivîng along No. 2 Highway last Riekard. Port Hope. been staying at Kilcolman. doing somrmer mnay have seen .Mr.'Ltî rusgahrdusac some cepaîr work on the nid home. Brown's field of oats. divided inoa Liand e doup needustairs adi yld' Mr. and Mrs. Alec Prout occupy test plots distinctly marked, on: chamber ai and enjoved ad fe only part of the big house. Mr. the south sîde of the highwav eat rundsof ads whle others Lovekin and family reserving the of Bowmanville cemetery. Dur- found pleasure in general conver- other part for their ownvr use \\vhen ham ivas grouped with tw'o other satiofl and admiring the bouquets visiting the farm. "%I. Lovekîin counties and the third mail wasofbatuldfdîs brgt also viÀed Mr. and Mrs. Jos. outside of Durhamt.ofromOsawfu a '>' is Eta olmes Coulson. as additional adornment for the' C. G.' I. T. met Friday evening hueCnteognraadi-1 in charge of Mrs. Morton and ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH CHOIR iouse. Censte of ge er adi Mca. Norman Allun. Jean Bona- ENTERTAINEDdigckmaebMr.JH.os than read the seriplure. Margaret aind caemaed by Mrs. J . s Pearce and Reila Cooke favored The church wardens wvith the Cryderman. wilh a piano duet. Readîngs tvere cooperation of the members en- Howell Rowland, brother-mn-a gîven by Grace Powell and Jean tertained St. George's Chureh la'>v- of the honored couplehad Bonathan. Stua y Book was taken Choir on Thu "sday evenîng Feb. proved hîmself a dependable fîre- bv> Patricia Pearce. A period of l6th. ini the parishi hall. This is man and had brought to the point recreation -,as enjoyed. anl annual occurrence alxvays of hot beverage perfection the Next Sunday morning at the looked forxvard to wilh happy ex- 'big boiler of coffee oni the kitchen United Church Rev. R. E. 'Morton pectancy by the choir members. stove. The committee and a wilî-s wviIl conclude his series of sec- The usual sleigh ride %vas dis- ,ing group of assistants served this nions on the Seven Churches of pensed wvith this year as it was 'ihsbsata.rfesmns a Asia. These have been a notable,.ahvey coîdnightand slîghing. thebride' cake thought provoking series of sec- was flot gond. Sleighing partiesi Wallace Holmes and Winnifred mons. Those ancient churches all are passing mb I he discard any- Gibson Coulter were married in have their counterparts in these 'vay. Modern cancrete highwavs' Newcastle byý Rev. C. H. Lowry. modemn tintes. Last Sunday morno- do'001 invite sleîghing and very Iminister of Presbytenian Church. ing's sermon dealt with the Lao- few farm horses are lever shod any and have lîved and prospered on dicean church that wVas lukewarm more. So there was no jolly. cold.'their farm on the Lake Shore ever' aod se made God sick. slow sleigh ie. since hyaebt cose GolenRue issonBad et However. alI enjoyed them- sturdv. indusînlous, piooeening Saturda'. Members busied them- selves 'vth card games and at families. They have one son. selves making cloth loys to send bingo. In carda Mrs. Thos. Brown John. w,%ho bias taken a leading to children in Western Canada. w;on the ladies' prize and 'Mc. part in ail junor fariner activities, Margaret Ash read the seriptuce, Thos. Brereton the gentlemen's. and two daugbters. Ruth (Mrs. and Mca. H. C. Allin heard the Miss Dolly Purdy won the con- Glenn Pollard>. and Jean. oo'v chîldren say their memory Verse. solatioan aw,ard, and Miss Ethel attendtng the Bowmanville Higb Miss Marjarie Lycett. Supt. led in Spencer won the bingo prîze. Sebool. and lhree gcandchildren. prayer and also told the study In an allogether diffecent cale- Joyce, Jimmie and John Pollard. story. Vivian Megit collected the gary, in wbich chance %vas ont an al' prescrit at the celebration.j offerings. President Yvonne Me- element were tIhe atlendance Mc. and Mca. Holmes and familv git conducted the meeting. Jean prizes donaled by% Rev. J. Scott are members of the United Cburcb' Gray read the minutes and Neil Howard for faithful atlendance and interesled in ils services and enterpnises. The Holmes Famihv have al,vay,,s been active partici- ~~ pants in the 'vock of the Lake,' Shore Sunday Sehool andI sup- Porters nfitis evecy, need, alan nf the Homo and Sebool Club. Mca. Holmes is an enthusiastie member of the Netvtonv>ille Women'sIn- stitute as \vell. When Iheir chil- ______________________ dren wvere in public sehool Mr, Holmes was a sehool trustee and secretacy-tceasurec. He is a Paat 'Wocshipful Master of Durham SH R N H S ARGfAuIrS Lodge A. F. & A. M. and a mem- SH RE I T E E Iftjlj~ber and officerofCývnil It wvould seem that aIl nature, coonived 10o have a part in the, observance of this silver wedding anîlit eraryand make it rmer- able foc years 10 corne, for a tctuly, great achast had selte wock and by Monday moroiog evecy bush amnd evecyý tree and evecy rail and wvire and post and evecy part of, bouse and barns and other build- ings on the Holmes' farm and all the oeighbocing farma wece en- crtîsted vith a silvecv fcoating, 2-Pc. Suites vivid. spackling, scintillatine sil- Choice Of 3 Styles in Repp or Velour 1ALIver. The scene wvas beautiful be- 6 ne shdes 498 0 vnod description. Wbat malter if 6 e saesTthe .electrie powerc was off'? 'Thal' wvas aclificial. This on Monday morniog was Nature. Nature andi aIl the greal outdoors, pure andý - . ummaculate. hright and Clisten-, mog. saying to Mc. and Mca. Hme.We salute yOu! O h « happyý fulfilmemît of 25 years of marcîed lfe and aI Ibis beginning' Venetian mirrors. Exclusive and Ecoromical 8-Pc. Suites 2 Designs - Modern or Convention- ai style $59i.00 $69.00 C'hinîa('abinlet ai slight additional cout. February is a rnight,3 fie tinte to buy, and MORRIS C'O. is a mighty fine place te find juî't the ne%%- pieces you wvant at just the price you can afford. F. F. MORRIS CO. BOWIVANVILLE ORONO cI )tt d e id Eriniskillen Rucemit VN'i.ir'. 'Nîr'. 'ni 0ký - eiiliNI r' ,Bc '.ic Robbliî. Hamnn- t'ii. N MissEttinice lxnapp, Ui i'î ý%t; tit i'.'.Nb.rtle Iae Nfr. ai,l Ni tr r'.V. ilCochrtui>'anditIfait il'>'.Boit- Smîativ ilI t. NI r. and lN tr'.. C. Rali iii -1i1l1l(ruie' lirkeîut. w itît NI anîd N[r.. XX. alîtît. .MNr. Flot, I'tlt iek. Tir titi, t;itlm luis ipareit Mn. ,aînd Ntîý S. l'etlhiek. .. Nir. 1I V. Giifiti. XVc> '.i u.ai lhonte. 0%\; tut' t.)n 'nicther tnidtosoit: 'f tii it' nl " imîcut iii t' tas cati sclîttI loit; eek. Sev> rai fi> 'tutlucre aîtcmîded thi I htilhatur mut i jeC>otcerituat Bui"mait- tiillu e. b. I 7tht Tlînce iruîm lier> Ii su niiciit atcd inthtîe choral choir. jýThe 'ktte rimîk has blu eikin iver t luit'. hIi'. ;eek. amnd lias ;viî t u-.'cd tir ec suiatii;;' hockey camuie -. i'te'.av cî'îîiîe Hantoni vs Et'- iiikilîctî Srs..;: Thutrsîat. Tî'roxîev, Eniîtu'killeît Srs. : Satitrdavt' aterun nu' SoIla vsa t Eni 'ki I ciiImter, O ut teamn'. t;cmOne canît and lottw;o' Salem 1Clitircli service tia'. ititdraî;n ini t ai ur nuf Tliankofini servies ai T erotte. i ti'.icadî ni the Y. 1>.7. ilit'dimnc la-i ;ecka nkiitu tante t; .slIîeld iii lii". lu> n >1 liîse Nwlcmia oi 1 iiilteir t; uneiii atietultu a m! ait' eiii> nalilýe\,titiic t; \a'.,.icit riz> winoeru iere 'Mrs. P. Cautnand Nir . , Nernî . Luiticît tîtu. '.emved lh mt' nî' .utin Ii labuoîliidtttt us'. eali7 euh f 'r ii>' . P'.itttd'. O;; jufte i tatI %tietnaîd road'. '.onie loutiti i t îîitii t>'a imn da It.,t iniket'i l e nz.' lînîtît' amîl '.nsn e ;ee fInn n'.i ittet' tdf> erealît ttt. nr. anidN[rs. C. NM. Carrilier, uitu inlenl i lie fitleraI nfni tuiclati; eai N'eriniiili. TîttirAadu, '«e learo Ihat it us iliegal in Russia te engage iin buying and selling at a profit. Io our couotry, a good many people have found ,it impossible.-Peterborough Ex- amineor. COMING EVENTS 1> mur, n iIîeci in 1Ot)1' HaBý NIntt M Iareli tut0l. lit 8 .30 n11. h d>. 12 tn Z>'. .dîi.'i u 25e. 8-1 vitclini' iii tuit' Cunittcil Clîaîîibr ni FrinLut . Nîtreli 1lîIî. X>Iutîl'.'.n 25c 8-I Board and Room 90 XRI) AXND)ROONI-CENTRXL 5ý94 hut S inu iut;tlt 1 Feed Special nniiîtil Nfarcli 21ftl. F. t. 'at t t> l' u 777. S_ 1 Chicks For Sale MARRIAGES azc. i' lite Re"v X(. Stîitht. oi'>trtice. Oli. DEATHS n,îSmtl.uî'. echrtari'1I Othi. 1()39. lîtd nofNîtit Iu .leutcher. iii Ili, 7>q itîttar, lîtterutt1>; tati t c tilde r I.'riti t . Fel)ruiur; 1 7i t. 19.3,3.Ilr> t. ttin J. li7lett tt;I. NIl.. a uC (04 I IOOEV - Ini Cartiirît Toivit- '.Iiii). L'ot 12. Coli. 7, Fuît. 2211d, NIar; Amuti .\xîvrtlit'. teloved ici fe 'nf David WX. Hooev. ini hier 76ti t car. Service ai lihe hiome of lier dauitzliter. N.î1rs. Albhert E. Bea- e'ck 'e, ii Fridat'. at 2 pta. Imnter- mîenît Utnioni Cemuîetery. Cainduts. 1-X\'RIE -Ili Bonîniatutille. nui Satiirdiv. Februmarv 1lth. 19.39, Niant I. Latie, t;idîtn oftuf li laut'I liii N. I.aîrie. iii lier 73nî sur cm. JîîîenmîBotviiîattv-ille Cei- ters ->T N NEX' luiBotiativil.'n 'Fîîir.tît . Felntiuri 23rd. 19.39. tlaitn'.Stamîlev. helovcd l imm'.hofn i hi. laie t..tiaritte Bell inan. in ii i' ISili vear. Fîtîtenal fmoit i Ii'.laie t c'.îtlettcv. titeit Street.niSatir- nLi.ne. 'n.triiart 25tI. at 2.30 î>.mî. iii>'rit dît B> >wiiaiv i île Cu.'meterv. Il. 't -- lit ()'.iatva. F'turtiar\- 17. 11)3(1. C-Iti -t- t' '.Ict 'Iîîk inIi li' '.'.iîi i ar. Iuiti nniIDr. t Il. I'trCk ()shîa\i. FLORISTS Kingsway FLOWER 5HOP Phones- 772. 2632 or 2633 Bowmaniile IN MEMORIAM àninar S> nu and lîrtluerXXWilliamî lîîltnnîîPeircu. t;%Innln,i".>lt;1%a., I-n nrvn 22tîîl. 19.3.3 ti . t nnl tui chIlattu'> tr iii scar in' , t ar. .\i irîtinî'.ir iiin lus i..n lat luitt ut n'm t;il] tie n 'tic ,t;' \n ntl, utîl\l s tu'->>i 'l o. Iih ' i tt' it, ut' jth.is F I, ra Iluritici 21î!,. % 193Žt I A'ndc tt u lt tat 1 ii iukenitoc) 'Fît i l e t s 'il ti di n.ni\krî.n'S it t\\'Il%> lwin>rî' amîd B arred 1>1vtîîuînîîlî Rn1-k > nn' i >I Si,'tu r'. Il'aIe. Cli idqks in utu (,o t u' ittî X'i'I N lt n; u o ttu iinr i n ctilled ati iunmnLc'tc. i ck XXr at r ur; mît ;r t ;riitmh ,titii.Nu - N fnor ince li'.t. H. J. B3rook'. 1f 3I Pl, X>li nt. ltrke ti. ()li.. t;ut' Bow;mant'iIle Phoue 26.36. S-t If i-.tu a; i t uitint24. 1139 Have You Any I.ivestock To 5.11? Still fmnve Il;r iii nilalu iîl itu IVe are in a Position to pay h.itOlu uiutlnt n iictn 3'ou highest prices for alirii;ui b k inds of livestock or ;'I i t eh i'r uI t rmî( nmRutitiait work on commission and djr- f tnrD tatiuthitur aI.' n i'. u- et 3'ou to, highest pricesai ii-u;Nintttiit rtli>îltt ail times. RiltIa. Trucks golng dally to To- r WRII - li mut mieiinnrs n-i ronto where w~e nma r ket adirI 'la uî utni uilert 1tr through the United Farmers tCtCl Xiuuu.tlt>tu"nI uu Cooperative. <iuiili n i irttlïi,l ntiFt'lriiui\2h, If desired, w~e wiIl bu .193 your stock at your farm and Rtitttnt titt .mîeinna pay you cash. Bulk your .A'. t t ilu.1-11, ieu' mt.i"lutai. liv'estock together and sav' .srtuniîte I lni Xli ff Yourself ensiderbmr~h~ . îauiî I 'ht; .at Nîn. Tractv t}ia'.îue".. Mi-'.'.Inuii Leachi.. S>litua. at Mr. 1, tr u .u'selii . .. Nf r. tutind Irs \' 'ulat I.,cl ini Touronto.n.n. Nfr. l-'.nîîu-îMaNnit. I Iaiti m. ai Nîn. 1T N uttî . . Nus'. Aiitn' Kiliei ni àJl s .nt NMr. R. Ki(ii'. .,. Nu-s; t'i \fNlt,ttînr. 'Fnnunt> . Nir. andgu t )'.hîms; a nul M . i X. NN I'.tcr". Ni r .and NI -. . N Nin ,tcriefIamui I nn lnit nn nat M. N. T. 'F> tt nir ta nteti'.. Order Bray Cbicka uow, and he Xi. . F.Snititmiaîcuînîlt "lucky" when egg prices cijmmi 111î,in itintimil u I llllîîuîî _ nuf te > ncx t Fali. Se une, or ph nemn iuîîuru Niilk nîut e'.'ut IteKjun, ight away. Personal aîîenîînmî îm>tî, ~u n> ul>prompt delivery. t niu'nnîuaînu' Mt> rî. atni Nîr'. F. L. 13YAM I->t.rIla1i iithte' trriv>nI i4rua 'Iyrone, Ont. aý J>>a t tiituieuc î sîital. XlP IX'.l.l'.ni t i i l'un ii u;1 J. E. NICHOLSON fe. t1 au~.~uu alî cici. >Pontypool, Ont. NI r AX '( nu'uutnaiîîeul-'ud Mr liditunlNu -A. T. Stitritu t; ir Nu. ni NIr , Il-in r t i Sf;iitli'ut. - t u .hai>ve î>'t> Fl ni>a. -- 'Pîn>asuire tcati b' supporleti hy ilIii" îînhit h;'uPpiuîe.s rt'sts upon trtith."-Ch am fort. "nEîoying gnuod tbings is ont revil. but becoming slaves- 10 pleas- ure is. -Mary Baker Eddy, an vio . B . e., Auction Sale Sattil t , lii tînts2 ' ih Ti hi liuiden>n ' 1'.in l ui, i \ ' -d u i m ttiti n-Il, fnnutt Nir. Stiiil > M, N i i- th i h si. E i't. II '%% ; ttu i l!,,l , t n'.tu inutnIie >ait(ttu i 1arr-, t -cn"înti unrý hin . 41'hinnîih î tutmnî' iin '.>.elunt ým'ui ulltum. kîluî'n kit> luit hîn'.îir. LInîît tir; 'ý.î n2-uner ulincît un.îîn' la. ut chaic'., ntkNI> nnnichatir. fi>;, 'r 1ýItîttît ' ,"ni i ',tu i-n ula' n'ru r ft. i ieraunr. ;aIl l . t mîhun'Chîair. '.u rml clunice "minI t iît n'hai,îî' utu and n cliri tabule,. urnilituut ),In;inrd. kititit sud fruuilt'unîtnn'.2 'cruinit m-,. 1mIt.1'. % unu lbarnl ute. auuni tutît t llnnh rnc ilitil tut i-ti>'ý .t'> 1). 111 it. in uunr1)>. S11 n' li VIli 31 ('lî i '.. N uit t i - f 'F.( )k,-r.Iil- ue S' n , >1i',,. i . a 1' îlrhi% n', aln- %iimîr' S> u' 'unht '.t I L; Xail'.u it" Iiritturu . n t itiu itt hilin'>> f itintI aitue ti ; i ii) it lr lm nui' titi; aiumrîitîn. Slui al uî'titti ti 1'.; tri ritmu ,uti'tcIs.>lIi n tht' umu tii' et tanu. e iillmti itul utiut>i mcii- smiii .uîte.. huuid '.n t dIîîiîî în.tti l.it" 'u i i I r ime' .. t> nlî mu it rîh înî >tlînr atiicile',.of \"r; iluiunîualit;. Sale lut 40 Kimm" Si-XVest. Oshawa. Sai u mia;'. Fiui, 25t lu. tt1I.30 iu. l'en ý ii.ca>'lu i l 'i'. > uit ttinn r. 8-1 Shorthorn Sale ati>mNît ilt;Ill îd ilîcir lthtI Animaîtl sal oft> t Sîp'n ure u rtul mt liný ot. n Ttutrd.niue Nrcli tit. :i flti'.>; kuitu Faruti. n t'> tîticul b\ Nlm' Al, x\ l'rnnîi.t t hil."t -i , 1, uinnI i1 14 tmile '.nnitlî nf l'..tirs luit >'nt > 2 I1iu;;'u Thic t;Ill nu "n iutr> ait inn> n i. .îtl 12 Itiif t'. .nti lt t; brinit eid. Tii'. '.a t>.r; cliic'> n Aettt II an>' rm i ctreulîtenl Ilid nu.îd ie, titeinntht' itinn tc't. 't r unn'c tite S. h'.ii" liii. Seretui 'F e'.irr. R.R 4. 1lbo\t.; ittuuit lie. S-I Livestock For Sale .t'> nu '.: uil lîrunîttir 't i' ett I enlrn n t .it iifit :; oi ni n u > iI itilI "elI eheati nor takme caille ni tpu'., C.harle' . ltv.,iui. R.R. 1i Il t> i. Ph ic 2475. 8-1 FOR S.XL-E ONER\1 TE t'ti li i'teiîî Bill]. 'l rliîîoz. iItIll 'cc reni ted atnd lu n i-t e't. c a'.v tt in h.îl t.': 'u t' ttie lir'n 'nnrk ,fhlirt', lin tr, eliilîle i t' rvnni>'.raiti . mît arliv ; titIiis nîo1'd. 1 S NeîE n 1Iionitt2471.I Hamptoun. 8-1 Sealed Tenders tl aIile iQ iier'.11tu2lit.r>tci;docklu uto u i NI nutirv. Nareili ntl. 1>.M9. PInn l lîiiitt'in i le uc t l viîî Ili1)mm întn'.t'Iatattnqi v i nnti i Illi. ali Cebourx. '.ittactetIti , l Te mduet.,innlin '.ulnu tfl ilaittis îîark-un 'Teiîu;Itî nIi.n> neii. Siccifieriti'., ma%,u lu'hto tt ncenti" tln'rk'.,tOf- M iscellaneous 'Ih E Ci 1<)sI"N SON -t*Il' th iih NIr t'. NIilI'.. Nnîntlu O'.iaii a. andtt tc. i ituti-je Inn'> a'.tte Lord pI nt.rmîit'.. XXFST F Nl) GAXRAGE AXND NI- chitie Sîtot - XX'e specjalt7e iii mmacîiîerv repairs. zeieral canaze retaîr'i-.. tucîinz. toîvimt service Farm Ilelp Wanted fui m iiIelîn fori dairv jarîti. itituriied oIr 'itlittit. ttniion uoe WN'iie t. L m;c . l b", tattiî 8-I Watch Repairing ici;clii ritan h\lut Nir.t'. E.Nîl' tirutellitu rettair mariîu . XXo'Fe- iair ul>nck' iii \Itîr lmiu. NX'iî t l n t'. a Nort )lth Ia\\iiu. tFis Lost tlbýt> i 101) lb'. I n i t nu nîcess itti Si.Ent mtFeCI. 1I(tih. il'hase adit'.' . i. IIeI.uunl I'li ti 076. Real Estate For Sale l'ROI'ERTN' FOR S XIlýE HOUSE autti1Iti. Oueci St.. nesidetice ni te late XX'nî. Brock. Applv Wal- ter 1-laiev. Qiceit St., or R. L. NMitchîell. Camadian Batik ni Com- tierce. Bowimanville. 5-tf Agents Wanted! NNl .L EN ILO'8 Ni EN O\'ERn 25. 17ar atm a'.'ei %vil1i ;it'r miii- eliti ,uîîtandtlcai. iii cr'.mtttlit'tut liatîtîle ur bltit iii) bit-utc'.'. ii I nu miamvile.Orownu n ,Ne'\vca'.de, Neti> iiili>l u ttlid al nl ît'r t nt; il, I )îrliaitt t. utu : Itîti-î it .ui'.ief'ln \itiît cariitie'. )jI ('iSc tuer lîîtîr: no nimnvitt li t r or ii' ni j ii. NNri te (Ilut;a.8- NNIBI'lIOt..S MI:"! N' N'S- inn cintattcitVOlit ftor 'ieit ' i titn tlic>'et.ri bmiii î; .ou r 2041 ý-iaîrrrutteed tnrnnniict'. lI-Ie'r ttu- iii. I.' ni; cr ndu..Nnn c\ttt't itCt ut Vo1 uutir '. iet.c'.'. iiltue'. nn uti s. tiC' liellt s"nu. Bue cnitttui' ruital ue'. atnd ir>fit'. Nonurisk. I rue cat ali>te amInditail,1- a iiiil ex o',.. ;70 Si. ('cit î'î.Nîina. Wanted XX'XN'ED 11)IIORSES .\NI) cattie finnoi x ttai.N Fh ur Farnim. Tî mu. I'ioiie 241,;. 6-t I I.I.L)erincrlincz. Proprietor _ Notice to Creditors For Sale lit the l-.tatc nf FREDERICK ILIM NELLES. dcceased. All BA k\ FNOR SA\L[ -36x9îil ft., tpr'ns lavin9l'clainis against Ithe (Jit. f it >tuel ri n. Beatlî etatc ni Frederjck William Nelles. Fanîns. Oshawa. 7-2* late of tie Town nf Bowmnanville. F OR. SA\LE- A SEFT 0F BOOKS deccased. who dicd on or about Ille nfi Kowledze. 20' books.. selling Mbl day of January, 1939, arc lîet'ehv for lial i arice. WVrite Bonx 226 noti i .ied to scnd in to W. Ro,,, Strikv. H', o. ni lî î.7t )i slîcitot'. Bownîanville. on or hefore TR.\ 1LE RS\I . EP o, \, p lJY iarti( nlars of their cdainms. Dic )î ' \riei. t'mte 1ii> (ii ITmmediatel>' after the said 1,t lav I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~, Mut î. nni i' ~ fNarcli. 19,39.tte assets nf the. T> !t îr iIl l e dist r bnited atm nlit ST<)\'l' FOR SALIE -C01iIVM ~t1w narties entitled thercto. lîa'i.'nî (.bieStove. hujît in oven. C' t reeard nnlv to claiiîni fwlîichi the SIt. 5l fnr $60. ..'onid as new. ,licitor sîtaîl tîten have notice. fercReid. l'houle (la 2104. I)ated at Bowrnaniîvlle tht; 7tlî 6()I Bndl St..\\est. Oshaw.a. 8-1 day nf Fehrmarv. A.D., 193(1. WV. ROSS STRIKE. FOR SA\LE 1 ,ESTFI NGIIOUSF Solicitor fnr the Excecutrix. 111i1autel rad i . si ttC le barrel shnt ettit. boih as ennd as tnew%. -\ f j 1%,6 Ik tiC1a rîld l)nWilt'; lb o;illtaiI.it 1vu, lIt tt42,3. I To Rent FORRE' FO -R NE) li ii. t iluth t re('>' iece Inat h. lia n- titnnl ln On. nuilt in iipcut>lcnrni'., "uuint .Xni -1 . -i. Nla'.nmu & Sm ut. i lt.;; tait ti le. t5-t t APlARTMIENT TO RENT - FIVE cooms. AppI', Statesman Ofice. 49-tf RONST(lR.N 1' ml'LN NI, r'. H. f'> utu>r'., t 'umnel St. Al'AR'FNIEN'r FOR RENi' u ; f uitr - ru;>uuieni lu ti n it i t il , btuc htilu. a. lîcater cunuîmîucîu'ni inn tînilcu'r larnc datd uurl 'iuk. À t utîtînarnî' , muiii '.înn'n c iiai t 'de liard;;'> nilI linnr',. litîît cln'n". amnd N tutt; il VX' Baîut r. X'ictoru Niuîu i. uu limie'.. -Auctioneer Livensed Auctioneer ELMTER IILBI'R Hiampton, Ont. Speciallzing in Fanm. Livestock, Implements and Furniture Sales TERMS MODERATE Phone for Ternis and Date to: Bow~manville 2428. Employment GIRl. XX'.N'lEI, "t R tlN cru ln uî.e; rk NMst lue canable. TAKE THE LEAD OUT 0F YOUR LEGS GosOzgo in Your Blood and You'u Get the POP ta;Snda Yeu Boundng up tIhe Staire People wlmo umot.Ier tb death die because =zyen 1.,- been cmu àmlyct hfrom tiei. ui i ^ri.yo re iwl th- erinir if Your ilo acks red conl>u8itt Red c<g> .u.cles ,areyOu, oýx.yfenu.curruýers They .arr th.e ygn youbthaîeinIne' .ry part 11f Your îystem. Witho ut1 euuh no nx gen'carr tgcrpsi.yur kldneymn. ltvnr, stouuach and bowets slow down. Yunur skin sets pae, ttabby, often plmply. Your mervt's may become Jîttery -y>ou tire quickly - feel derresaed. 'N What you teed la Dr. Willimsm Pinmk l'utsq. These world-famoua tuttia heu> make muore âuid ietter red cormuusnlsln and thua incret.4e tai oxyuen-earrying îuower of your btmnod, Get Dr. Williams Plik Pilla toulay nt vouru driugl.t. See for Yomrself how qiuickty'titis tlrne-mroven blood-buîtder will hetît gîve you back your pep. Cos.u,988. TApuuýd ,,Ltw , pdSdWNT AD, 0 SERVES AS A BLANKET FOR YOUR HOME 0 Here is the insulation yeu have been waiting for-Red Top Insu Iatmng W'ool. Beall' blankets yemlr borne. Pays fer itsefin fuel savings. Easy te install. First cest is low. Fireproof. Vermin proof. Perma. nent. Ask fer sample and furîher details. A product of Canadian Gypsum Company Ltd.. your war- ranty of quality. RED TOP INSULATING WOOL ANNOUNCEMENT SAIT PRICES AOVANCING Buy now -w'hile w1e are stili selling at the old price. Ping Pong Tabs $14.00 Complet Makes an ideal table when flot in use for playlng. The most practical table on the market to-day. Ask about them at Sheppard & Gi LUMBER CO. LTD. Phone 715 - Bowmanville SPECIAL NEXT WEEK Suits, Coats or Dresses Cleaned and Pressed 8e% Ec Any Two Above Garments - 75c Each Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co. Mt. Phone - Bowmanville 419 LOWEST DRUG PRICES - ARE AT - YOUR REXALL STORE Lady Dainty Cleansing Tissues 200 .... 9c - 500 .... 23c Regular Size- Better Quality 25c Shari Face Powder............. 19c 50c French Balm................... 39e 35c Iodized Throat Tablets......... 29c 25c Dental-Fix..................... 19c 35c Shaving Lotion ................. 29c 50c Klenzo Shampoo............... 43c 35c Sterilized Gauze............... 29e 50c Jonteel Creams................ 39e 50's Halibut Oil Capsules........... 59c 1 Oc' Pocket Comb, with clip ....... I 6-oz. Cod Liver Oil ............... e 35e Cream of Almonds............. 29c $1 .00 Clinical Thermometers ........ 59e 25e Stork Baby Powder............. 19c JURVY & LOVIELL ,Xe Pe % 'DzStoee Phone 778 Lowest Drug Prices Beauty Culture Il' i I MI: FOR YOUR SPRrNG initai nent. NI a ke 4ri ir aDDoint- niticriv I vo'pinii n e 2601. Iris Bui; an liii. Periis. $200 and Pay Off That Mortgage ia friendly pleasant way and increase the 'value of your farm $1,000 Address Box "H.M." c o Statesman, Bowmanville kein x pense. At the present time. %%,e could Place stocker cattle, horses or pigs. Have vou anything to seil? Phone Ernest Werry Bowmvranville 2570. ~-,-----1 1

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