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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Mar 1939, p. 2

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PAGE TWO E THE CANADIAN STATESM \ \. ISOWM \NViLL~, ONTARLO THIURSI)\N, M.\RCHJ 2ND, 19,30 Estabiished 1854 A Weekty News paper dev oted to the interests of the towno of Bmwanviite arnd siurrounding country, issued at Kin g Street, Bowmnanviiie. every Thursday, by M.' A. Jamnes & Sons, owners and pubishers. The Canadian Statesman is a member of the Canadian Weekly Newspa pers Ass oc iation, aiso the Ciassa"A" Weeklies of Canada. GEO. W. JAMES. EDITOR SUBSORIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada $200 a year when paid in ad- vance: 50c extra in United States to co'ver postage. Single copies. 5c. THURSDAY. MIARCH 2\D, 1939 Canada Calling Intelligence 2Mr..1(-lltu \kili-. M\atiltîiiiî r ieî'to 4,1 T1lie ( aîitdi-îilMi\-itziie. 1, ciil atîîs- teî-l v. t ilielv aidtil iiîî-t rîliî~V uti Mîîiiîax- eveiiimiiî itia joilitlt iiî'tiiit!' ofitht' R tar vs anid liit-. ( Chtlî-. I li: addtes.-oit. -Ia1 - ia hh Wo- DoWitli t lafila - is repot-tedllt inmr iwtws uîliiiîîandîlw-e wîmtld 111120'01î1, 1r-aelei's tii periso, it thltglttfily. He vvîvewvetI( -iiîlt s at and lreseltt Iisto i-s surt if-, kaviýli-setti and lptest'itl 41iav I olileIti- ii l i 1 a(iiliîd tmt'tî- vîilî taiîliîi. 'i iilike t' alît'V sekt hle cliii tlt eavei-,;î aîîîieiite "uonmi a Ijiilh tito te soltutioniof l'Ili-t ionttmal ill.s lie t5its (ellttlitgt'(,iiUs îitîtili il)îîtoff ai VOittý-l ttm'e iravit il anid salle I itues: 1i 1Ail Eumiiiî tiiiil fliat shotild lieald thle Ci vil st-î'\iii-a ut (liiii oilpetentt tii 51115mW t aitadiitiI ife- anti resottroes. to nia ke-e -îîtiineidat il ii tii parli a tent, t i itîfoi-iilihe -iiîi's. Ili Il(, a i-nitiiiiilg andt acleo-iitae Rivi ('iitîii î wlieh wîitilîl lie teiid a tîci liei-il-îl 2Ail ai(liate t 'ivil Servît-e. ucoiilete- 1iv iivuii-î'em ftoittpiitt--, tiite entd if eîistliliîu- hutte-t and lefftcient i mntîi- set'- vici-. anitito lit ailtunetti oiittellig-lit of patronliage. i ) A Tranîspoîrt Attli rify wîf h fi riýe etî ti i eînpel eiîndia in iitrait-- port a t jîlit 1 ite plibîl ie iitetesI. (4', A l)evehliitîeiît oiîîîdtCons.'ervationli LXiIitii'i ts - veateel toiiilt iiîatelv endititi- eitlilii11eitit iid (lr-Iijeft lrtîttli'thle devel- îpittanid eoit-ei'\atioîilit ilirlitattital -'Nationialî bittioiiifoi' titizilîsli1î. a Na tionîal pri îject tiioqIip ('aiiaciaiis for intelligenit si-ivriit ('allada N ('ahlling Iitellitzeiit'o Youth Discouraged and Disgusted Loc-ai Yolitl feel tîtat nieithier the Towli (lolîil tsar the electors gave them a square deai wheil they eeliberatelv îurnied down te rotflest to build an addition to Bow- uanville Iligh Sechool to permit the teaehi- ing (if Manuai Traitingi and Done.stic- Sociemice. Tiis feelingl is boecînning more iii- tenso sînce ît is leariied more and more schouîis iii <ther plaes are alreadv teaehing or beiiîg eq~uipped ta îeaeh these practieal ocourses. Local studetîts are plaveci ut a disaivanaitag-e in thie keeta competitiaiti gettiîîg job.s lecausi- lhev have liad no expeî-icnce whatever ini finding out what tradeloti which tiiey are adapted. ('aniada ttrgeiitly ltîeeLs skilleul teehitil-ait-- and iviîeiaiical îradesieiî.aceordiitg tui Coi. R. E. Smyïthoc~, direm.tor (of the Techici(al Servi(-(, Cotincil. Head of ain orgaiiizationi iwhiucitini10 Years lias plaeci 2.50Wmen.,(Col. Sim-tle saiel Ihere wsas a deflîtite shortage iii titat type of expert. The shortage wotîld hbeetîie more acute in the next twt yoars, lie preelieteel. A îîarked revival of lte înecitaiîieal industry is inievitahie. he sai. Is it an ' vwonmdci- yatth is discouraged anîd disgusted ivith the indifferent trecatment they are rioeeiving liy thteir eider.s w-ho iaek visiomn ,- Fear and What It Does Prtuiabiv the greatest men-iace cottei-u-ing the saorli -today- js fear. It <lacs iorvt- t retar-dlaitd disturi c-oiiomii- equîilibiumu tlîaîî ui tîlîîir faicteors comibitaci. Fear of sivaItte futuire htîits retards u ltiiii-ss re- Ciîers'. rt-,tas iîîsestîîent andtulgivs.uis eeeîîîîîîie indigestion. Fear isut ith e ne ig buîg-î-hoo sahie-h tsslte iest la ici plants andul tlses uit) t as-atuer sattoui, îutxt il - lies-s lAgoiiig te>hie. Es- i-naiii ut eiiutoae- s- asiere thle îîe(tiîl arc suppiisei Ini rile, lie *-ttdstîtk'k ot i-' apphies. [t tîiglît Justly ium uulhî-ulfluti psyeloi-.s- Jusimoss îMî i-nutr goivinmtiiut i-oruli-fitimît Iminîteisus 'cuî st-r;hiul likiaits fi-ar elietioti tinte:;hbig busineîss tutus in- ve-stigat ionof thtue lie-ttîîls ltee-yuupîiy: iiinoltiiui.ti-m.areattaîi t a last- iiii liteit ltiit i-t ut. hie ilI siutiuill (a. iu-utui- ai- sa-n-s- h-ause- of te-ar, atttiif is akti-hll cudahlisuîu-îlfatlItt wortry lus imiii suatls ina-iltes ptysima I i- digi-sI iii - tntu I IIis le-utis lui tutu i oist iti- iiuig» iihittututmil li ter limitait îîaihuiet-îs. tîtis ittt di. iitl' il jls. tatud IHin 55 ta'OTi5 t'ui(011 tut ituan tauinsl t i-ttuhtg fuir stw i-uoii- f is butl 55Io mlinti- fait] h Im l t i luii- 'i', -p-o'il L v 1itt i l hî forîî lit ilii uîutal-si-i iu iu i tiiadl juslitilmtî--tuti- -5.-.iii tutI tll rii iti uifs. lulin t i, l'lu; .- uît ISti ' o tîî' i fli-tI ls i..- w r Iu-1'1 'ii tuia tii m l pîu.vîm lî î' foruI -tî-itia 'uutîlu saiiiltîl (t,'it W- litai- t lit-it<lhuium--l10 'îi.hetii te.stor aii- u-mrt'i't laîuî ofîu (.mttunatt ionaul i tI - httai t sî h ul titiuî te- inuie-It uit îîuî fi-ti anti sviqr-.amud thus restore our înatioaul aind Iuiysioa I Iealtît. Feai- îliiitates the avorld as ieser le- l'ore. I t is natioalta far of hiteotier feiiosv tin at oiuse-s ntations to speil the luirtti- sha t f unt ional Iinicoie inihuigi- uitnia- iicts forttuluiditg anti mtintaiiig ai-t les andt gret atiuvies aitd fleets of airsluips if desti-uttiîîîî Fear atd tila loute km-sps Eturope antdt(iAiaini iia comstant tstate mof tîtruil -l If îieoessary feuir cotill li -cieuîo antd -attîse---foir fearu etrreetei thle utillilîittuti svîitldl le alinostlhet-a. lient-e, w-iaI ait itmortanît plaî-e iii our lives ioes titt Ii tt le %sot-i playv. Otir dtity as citizeits i-s ta mutii- tîttzi- moît featts ot- remonve lliem altaget fer tii theienditi taIwe enlo- Ife aaiti tîltat i itholds ta a g"rmater elegree ltait iow. ;lu([l the abolitioniîrmut'tîtîeeessaî-s- tiat-ailI cIo jtîst tîtat. The World Has Forgotten God Ai'cltiisitip -J, . - Mia-tiigaît mof Tmoronito. i-sti'tdu a atoral letter tii le j-ead i al Romanttatt'uthiliec-litre-ies Suiav i n the Aueiiiioee,- alti'lt o îrv lPrte-stantt iiitjgiît alsa lakp to elitattandîput Iittoprat-tie.If %vi- iii. le-s haIfutut aotli lii-put mot pelit te- ia îis for Outr gi-i wiîg ilîsandi tisolvecl ptuWi icîîuimleuts. Tue tîuei for- the Le-ader- t iîît tir its existeni'i-. Tle Xtiit>ipriiessei tilti- l-lie-f tit thlit fiîtdaiieiîtat it'ia-si mîfît-presi-tît-elay pitysical and miîortal stifferliîtg is titut titi wsonuli as fagatti-itGoci. - Reiigiri las hîcet ailowei w lii t itî-amiîlto di aitiitg the mass~.es motftie piooffle. Wieiî tilit, tat if religionîî ms iîtettieil. ilamis an itiil-asti-i i'esiilt o lte-ct i of I iti-. - -tates hi-s it. r1lie paustoraîîli-tij' 0tiniU~s ' "If titi Chriistiani religion iand ltilti, law of love- us svi)ild ntîî'îîal lvueigîî andthie spirit <f i-la iits watl il c-us- eeaboultie. wi-ai ofsv îtthe îii'lpi'u t'latiit of miait1) tiitut utd ofl utttei' teiviiliul ta tte eaiitttttiity hatve destiiîveiltue laav Of love. --(l- hiati'ieihis ttkeît its îîîuce antu lis lîrci tie ex il. su în'valeîit toilay t ofuo- titîiuiti. titahitauittîis-ii uîîI (exatg-î-ulm-i iiatioiîiiit. It ieeds titi sti'imtiî iîîflitttîtîî oif the ('iiiî-l as ut soial intstituîtionît ti vhieek tti' ti'iîilecv ifftîlle'î iîîîaîînturlie ti set uîîtuîe store ilpîlit aîit-ly gooWis.tm- oith flcpleastirpoif titi' seiispe. po thlie- gratitiî'atioîî mit desires foîr îuaee aiti powevir. Stat iîg f latI (atitilii-s sioul hi'e ecu- cotise iits of thi-i' ltties as cil zetis ante sithd tuikea lis- - îi'est hiilteeîîîîoîî goocl thte Art-hhishiop \ ietteu eoîîî-îîeîitls -PliiicaI parties speiti ta lie indlispentsable ta ur svsti-ni oif reîspiutsiîle goveriiaiet-t atîtd tbey req uirptetevoluiitai-vserv-ies of large tutmîei-s of puhi.-spiriled cilizens. NYliilu -opposiig paurt ies uarî-e ei-ssutry r-vais. tht-v iti'd oilîît lie- inîies and i iev niay riutia livesteîîî eaeli atiiii'.for titi'objeet oif lîît sioudha ielte welfare of the com- itittitits-Iies serve.'* Re-ttîidtt iis peomplet- tituthe tti-t'itre-i -ails Ils tIrgeni t ttie task - o iisîu- iiit. the soaiîloîeer antd perfehimig it.voit- furniiutiih- afiti', repept.s otflithe Gospel. - Ari-iiisltoi M-(tigut iilai-es: - -To titis ttsk everi- on iuii s -a lied tii play a puart, i-u 1h c-saitdi %u-4keu-. ricitantd poar. gu veri-rt îî'ît attîl iit izeits. (iatiiolies siiotuli gis-c the exainmie of the twti alleinbratting virtttcs rtof tstî-aitîl eiarity" Value of Trees A avitifr ini thle C('aiai iFei-est aitu Oulooc MIe1uîi lts t thie gm-eat salue mot reluiiestat iuîî î intis -oittcv. liniîeiat inîg the vaineî- f t rois. Besiiu-s adlurniiig aur uîuuuîucsuîî-riiiiçtgs, oui- streels antd highî- ways~ uandi belîtt ifs-inîg thel aîtîhsctpu', Ire- -ir-e mft'gîeuît is.sistuuuptie)the ut'agm'uîtui-st. As titis svlito-r poinits 'ltît. , atm-etîtiot Stoul) main lu d ai Pvaporit tion buttia-ee ut îplanîtt treu-s ashit saili : 1. lBrea- thtii' aimituul l ii mîinteu-patrt- iîmps. Rle-ttu-il t lu,-oume andttu vu-hu-il s-mif titi- sut t'ttt-i- -ttitff. ut liii a lu -n lo so%ývapr tut lii .~~i.o Hrhu i i ii iuLuý th su iitu Ith il -. e 7. Sltai'h attmi îi-lti'ault- imuiuaftr ut ittt'2 tt i(tatnu iutrs-s. liow Is Business With You? 1t i ht 1,(lilu- îOt utI ISit ---,1 tîmui ut u-P iiti s u rf ntus es it mliiis sev i-tt, «11141 I'miij huîî ttudtut sîtdtuhiilookfî t-a el]futîll a itt tts'l u îum-îîudlla t itix- o fi-l te - ile at ilui-l u i t 'i'lu i-u îh ufau tu t um l uh 1-tu-r itii s- lu 11 i ui i ,t guea tt u- d? n tusIf s 141 ailI sIfus'i j1 ltttsl isrouuuîlvul? eii tti andl %%'-t l'k-i SS h u litlittO tit1(Ilittlt.T ilisi- tti s titi tut ti' a ilti.s uul utas ut î'esîltttuse- lîlsi- I*liiLm,i- ~hI t ltimiui5i ai- o bi t lut si aluiet-h i fît-lt'tut Do' . 1) uit imlizu- lttl i tf ii- iai maîîuus itututot f ts' vis roîIiî-uîirm1u ' lpuit frIlu 't-tt t-r efottandîu Ioi etuttvitu tuti I l vom- 't-il' hio s ut i - i-îu - ittlu- Ilui aftu ilt- ai vtutîs'tut tîuslhd lu t lu' aulh a'ulisit- i llutuia ithttils ati- , L.'il Tho ;uit'- lit bi ic lu I;tijuil '1h uttlld l ikt. ail.\îitl 1 tutI lîusiîualm. 'Its it- -- t t I utî l-'itilis St liii sS ii' t lit 1 tlii it-iuiitt ils, tutt11 i i h u I"- tttm1tf-,1' ltt us ut-s-- Little Talks on Advertising by JOHN C. KIRKWOOD (Copyright) Talk No. 8 Life would be made more dit- ficuit than it is if everyone of us tcied to be indixiduaiistic. Sup- pose that a woman wanted her shoes 10 be made specialiy made for fer - according to hec own ideas - or specially designed for hec by a shoe artist - to make theni harmonize ssîth her cos- tumne. In such case hec pair of ses svouid cost her a pcetty pennyý. That is to say, her insist- ence on individualtty would add heavily 10 fer dress budget. What most w5omen do is 10 con- foci their reqeirements 10 what i s fashionable: they buy the shoes s-hich are.-'ass p r o d u c til o n' mae - shoes whose shape and style andscolour and matecial are identical with those of shoes as made for and bought by ten thousand other wsomen. Fortun- ately. the w5oman shoe-buyec cati choose hec shoes fcom a vers- widehy dîs'ersified offering - froni shoes made by different makers. in different patterns or styles, and avaîîable in a wide price range. Up t0 a point she cati express her nd iv id ua itv. 1Most things which we wear, eaf and use are "mass production~ products, and therefore low-cost- îng. They are hos-cosling be- cause thev are continuously and * widehy- advertîsed. Far fom add- ing 10 the price of things in com- -mon use. advertising actuallv 1loasers their price. This declara- tion mas', at ficst biush. appear 10 be paradoxical. att t ar better for the world alarge, and for us indtvidualiy. when our ways of lite and think- iîîg and behas-ing are standard- ized - by means of ads-ertising - than if esery one of us was striv-- i ng f0 be indis-iduahistic. It is better for us 10 be in step with< niasses of persons than to be out of step with them. If costs iess 10 live when ocîr w'ays are those of millions of others. BRITISH MARKET WUDE OPEN FOR DAIRY PRODUCTS NEW BANK 0F MONTREAL BUILDING Mu. fi P fi The site for the proposed new - -an ehevator lobby svith four large, building for the Bank of Montreal 'fast eles-ators serving the super-1 in Toronto is on the northsvest structure and through titis hobby cornr o Kin an BayStretsinto the Banking room.i cornea r oteo King By Streets The entrance on King Streeti oft a4 frt age on King Street o will be purely the Bank entrance. of59 feet ad n a Sretof sill îead tb a vestibule %with a' 152 feet.stairway on the lef t 10 the securif y The building will bc sixteen s-aults and other Bank depart-, storeys and basement and sub- ments and an elex-ator on the right1 basement, tfhe Iowest floor being serving that portion of the build- some twenty-stx feet behow the ing abov-a and below occupied by sudewalk. The ground floor 10 be the Bank's 0w-n officers. Front occupied by the Banking coom this King Street entrance one xiii and also the second floor wiil gel a vuew of the main lýanking cover the whole site while above room running the whole engtf of this thece will be a set-back aI the the building. The chief feature of noclh and south of about twenty this coom is the imposing colon- feet. The remaining f o u r t e e n nade of dark marble columns storeys will focm a massive tow'ver stcetching the full length of the with tfhe upper stoceys enriched room and separating the public o form the crowning motif. The portion and those members of the1 aiaterial of the whoie exterior Bank*s staff in contact with theI will be stone and granite. public from the general w Britain offers a vast miarket for The building throughout has space. Inso far as mak Caîtadiaut beef aîîd dairs- product-. been designed in a classicai style monumental feature of tIf if farmners se-ouhd setule thoseitandu and has been kept simple and ce- macble columns, this interc tiroduce the tvume desircd. . Houý stcained in character in conform- have something of the sanie lamecs G. Garditier. federal i nhîster ity with the best elemnents of the cal chacacter as the Banking ou ac-riculttire. said Thitirsuhas itu'ft. modemn school of thought in archi- of the Head Office in Mc iii addressimig tue 39u1 anîimalh colu- tecture. w-hich canks as one of 1he ,entîouî of the Onîtarioî Associationt Thece will be 1w-o entrances, impressive and outstanding of Auriculttural Societie-.i Tîront". the one on Bay Street ieading 10 ing rooms in the world. A\ mimiber of delezate- fruunî Dur -_______ _________________________ Itaun Cotinu e rprcseitti th îe Variaus arzrictîîîuîrai socictie., i tîis conitte camue anmîîuallu-. aîîd also 1t(X000 se*anu Iten t 10bli sidesho% uvreprset.lîead of fcef killed iii Catiada. curcises. Wc're not goinz to 'Britain uoie take mieuthde o.(000o Tiiere va-, also a vatI market for for Lzanblinc,. and suere not Ilhead %%-e sent last scar. bîut 100j)00O Cautauiatu Ioirs. NMr. Gartdine ur i-- 1contiue to gis-e granttc h ead aiîmîuallh " lite deciareul. - udclareel. lîîîîtheti agaui armners wiild sehiclitallow gamnfine and ij thes wouud take Ifemît aitriîs Itav toii îrmîeuuItce t ee atuteul sio- e 1Oit iluir gouL ds su%-iicf usoid enable the farc, 'ifj- Faruiiers ssonlîîIn owehh ha stavinzc keutt i aIhnisvi(,)ill, Itlimîttht C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t aua' 0lset hte nsaîaewithî the rodu(Iictioiiof citeese fanîcîl arc cotte to hic niire itut i thaut evcr heforc. 1B1t- lie auîîtîî aioser lte sorîni ratîtertati go- thamu ever fefore.' sec -ire coing tut las-ve ltiuîr. 'p)-e 'iteit-- lttter %seiten lte rice riscs. uuur standtards of livestock i f suî- are as if nul last s car.' lie addtt-u. Ms ftetmeaet i'-oiîiuctii niet titat utarkeî.' A seariuîc to agriculture- societies i -s t h triermn Tuegovruiieît iau cabî-lunit',cIiîîuua~ oatflitg utl iîdeem tenper cent mental andr Thezovrrmen lad stbliie toelil'nat rmblri an idecntper cent temper. - Owen c uiustires iii Ontarjo andMel anito'ha shosws frotît their anitmal fairs s'as Sun-Timnes. for lîreeehumîe cf select stock. lue saiti. issîtieil 1 fI' ut. PM. Descan. Ont- anti fiehonridto sec itue limite w1it-mutarju uîîiuste-r of azrictlttire. :"h is tot cîtouef nerely- n ftriti-,It markets setiil he alîscrlu- i Volir ag.rictiltuire fairs stoill hi' '-s s irluîc îs if il seere atm ne at least 100,000 fead o<f uairv abcclîua.'fesaid. "Vie doi't ,hlijiiIlu e mractikeul. Cicu-ri. fins dit-tita l iît- s i t t lîerefuîrî- uttfimnu fuit- Il-I îuî--laîts fui mhmvise auys amIl( îî anslu--s ieyti-s- ettat i a-k tIiis de- bîuuieisine--s? Do vo i ts nori-hits ru-- alize t hit o o uvitî-sies'. ou havei-thtut- suttuus of dolltirs ssor hi of uooIs hyiîgig uIt- Wouhlithihillut iii-ti)ivmili-adautîtîge ta sectu- a litîie' 'hard uashîî for these il-tus to sItîiuaîî viit ll' insests lia uk- ilr \'urit 1riue.ýS tutu l dslhu-s so attu-tîmIis'- fit lîtîl eim i s-i I l îîtuu hty I Btsiltess is stîttt iii mîttki-it. If voi nîtke III)s-iuîî utudtîtl uiî--tlhv saorktatd put fotrlîyoitt luist uttuinîs. htsiîtcss is homliidto irius'-- Observations and Opinions mtiel -'u-îuummîî t Il ('11ii thI- ltewt îtiî-îiii o-a fitted i l i t ii e ta ioitt i s tare -,fil]I l(-- lit il i.- lui-s migli t. C", i hiuitii ii s etrilit i î-55II Naz -gtt'its in itl-s, parliiifoi- i îîîu fax on-~iie it-fxhuihii ict m-ieul ti mSt-i-i-i-st dut5Ntt ow u ui l'uiuti luti idas- %i- ti-i 'ul-Jiiîulic gru-Jafeý ahmi- tîlîr-v in lu tit lii-liiii i rsif i t( t x i '-,1fi - nîral iim vs i ttt' ost; i. lu, lui iu t o lu i - it utrs ilIwI.a f o i-i fal fl- 1u uiinsu', i l wut i -- îi ot. wl. 4t t I i f ieutIm lt(a f i f I ulu- i ralu siî u i '- titi ui-o l-u 't ilu 'k iis ro fol. Illr I fuiumi k u ittt'- so iI lu'- ilos tifl ' l. r, i-lt J; 1 luit 1,-tu 11 i~ t I l't gi ) t Ilf,1 i n - it i' iii iii -i tu- i iio i î-î etut lu in i t-e îîîxt gt.reruîatin.' lutIn flîî r ii il*s autzrti-mlîtu- if suitl dnit t atku-i ltiukhig mut tti fronut puige eutSattirluts 'TorontoifiStut ac ettuhuît 't ut-hlm bttthîiîk - hlupil)uuDys Are-livore Aguîiî. - TheI'ui- î'tu- tiiý-srstuh - d: isctShiocus ltfltustriui lzi-- i-uii'i' - - l)tîîuuîilîg*s Optiunisi Sîttivin i Nmew I>ctsptiritv îgil----11oîsîîituuls \Ik- itug ]Bitrll Juix I l s Mmtttt Tii B andtîil hst lutî ut hu-ftîest iîulu-nm's lits ws a tthtîe-- multînmtîJimtîmuift Issuglattotîr girls fthti ;iit'k uiotfth rill tf Itll1 tsilssihm t'trniistl i u.LI tinî ug ai r ueiisideh('ttle îuhastre iii 1hkissimîg \Mayor l1trnîonî Rite. î'îituîî'outhe ui N(,%%s attuit t hic au s tîiui- lsit usaos- Iluiltîs plt t utiurl lic 11uanute rîst iof I to gutg stul htuulii'areutittti 1 iltt--o saillithîu- shasing ifu-'utut îuluuîimuis bhkiuuuikhe- it To i'uuttî. Tfi i h it onit s snîuuîh eimrti-s .îiiiii fend-isi tiiubl- eli imu-uI lulu s iipiîliiî frm'tttiis tihittuthesilli tt- sut' it tti- 'tiIds tutid îh ofs-s it ( liuulrits. Hiul sali ut-, iiig us tultstits v<- eru-tu- rt-tu i-m' tuu ,. t an Ii l i u tt i riv~-uat ihuu utus'veI- hui. .1, . (. Fotldtei ulîît ittii u-lui' iutiili tit îtuît li-shimisa in t 111, t hloth- utand Maluufotrt-ils udriam- inittii ut-ei tt-i l it s mi hus t hîuuhr iltîî .1tuttIn1t h.lu -luu l-uvotp-s utril lit i i utiutI u fi i;, iii tîJolit îît tiih t u t I l .1tcii lu- i'ul'a ause~s Ilîttlitefret- frtttkiiil. >sl itiIlitusu-hv1--tluitut us' îIliî'îîîlor-îs ofil !I j" ii-lpaitI i tutbas b im eiia ut luiti-i tnt ioon mtîttlisuiu ilt titustui îuu his5uiud liiiii'1 - i tîtit rm'tsiitt i' ic-i- tsîmîti isît i . I hi I NIl.. t utrulintii-m tmui lu i li itît -of ilt týiir ti 1.-aogio-fromttatiis waeak aîg'u' 5fMenî li i 5st tu iil iualilîî-îl o îteak t hitItî i a ut nd ti -tit-i e tit ui'uion 11l' ti- mtî u hotiîiouasid standepoiuît. aking a~ he darkl ïor Wifh ontreal I ie most' gBank- 'HELLO CENTRAL ... GIVE ME HEAVEN' _______________ BY Scribe G_ n Ve is'npart c't tht Biell iclu- l)rton. %whiiwas Prcsîdcîît Of the * cCuîipaîîiv if Caniada. Cati ou \\Vestri Unioni Telegfrapli Comp)ansý lit at it. Soinne s ars ago svecholîft tirtoit saiii the tiiiiz sas a toy. And a icw shares andtides lhavecs teadiiv ihat i fit bac! ans%-alie it coudint int reasc(i in valtie Itouch wood i. * et anivsliere as his coiany owned The 59th animal rep)ort o f the «e Gras patent wliicli rcndered Bell', c 'nipans1 wa: is-llcd the end o f lait- ss rtltlcss. i)rcs decliincd the chance iiarv. It sq a iiiost cornîtîchensîs c to take a sixthii îterest in Alexander documecnt ...w cli sorth anlit loiirs Pllil troiîositioli. Vers- shortis-after sttidv. The coilipans lias 20,60)0 tliat. 1cii ticfcatcd Grav in court. sharchoiders 19,279 reside ini The inow worid-wide Bell Teleffhorne 1Caniada ...57 'e(of îhein arc woniici. Conntaît' liccanie immrediately- pop- The comipatts lias oser 750,000 st. uai anditttrofitable. >cri ber. t tîcotle wio liasec pliûuies). 'li Fedcral Coînininniica t i o il z Tiiese teleffhone uisers put lii a total otîii in i the United States iOftoct-ot inilliotilti y.L"(itlaict nadt' a reti' rt recenitie which stateci call, in 1I938. So i""'cl'tfor t lliii t art. - a reduction of atîp)roxiînate- i onin-,rep)ort. îî 25', ttav blieriade ii tclcplioln 'lic nitiier o f teleplio-c' nsr- t-aietii rouzhlii i hei t iiitire Bell s iaîi inii e r ca pita iin Cantada( 1935 > cin i jtîtoiit inttrr lipti hz carvnigs . svas 211 . . . iii Unitcd States 197 . . \udi,1 tilo%%- what this means. iii 1)cnîtark 178 . . . atnd iin Ss-edeit \\e arce itst icllitic soit ivlîat we .152 lit 1936 Cantada broke the read. o il-record for Lat) bs- estalilisît- Iii lookitt-î, îhri sortie old papers i ii! 222 telc-pîtoîte convsersantinpt-r oe caille acr'îss the colinents of a cati ta. \'mc lad het tcr bec ciit i' 'ti> urîai ýiist ini Clvelaitti (Williant, liefor,- set-callother podesiîid- Ecaîlîr)i rttcîî iin A ugst. 1925: bazs. "l'le teleîiiiotte isant examle of ait Voit i nas e lic eîrcsted in kiiosvilltinvtusciont andt ait cîtterprize wlijcl iliat lasi s car the worldFs lorusî lias itade lartze sunis of moites' for liviieL telupliîte subscriher (lied inii ts owners. Fronît a mnaterial statut- li- 91dlvcar. fHe seas H tîtrî Neil- ititit. the itiost saltiable citizeni is -on . . . 295 Carîtoît Street, Toroýiip . said to lic the otie ss-o prodîîces the Onttarioî. His nîainîe veent itîto theu iiii)"i atnd consumes tîte lcast. You boo0ktîtder 295 Carîtoît Street ltejilId do itot rate vecr hizli bv th[, st-ar aiter tfîg teleffîtite was iivcnîcd test. \We cons-umie ail wt- inake. ( 1877). Lt reîîtaitcd iiitlte To)roiit- I itfi.r rdtîrers catibc loaded onito Telepitoîtec Directors- ai lte >aille iîacliiiicrv. captital intist bc acduini- auldre,s littil lie dicd a fe ss ioti tilIstiI ateti for tic con struiction of the aQî. ittaclîiiîi(rv .\Acarpetîter would fie Tîte lite Cltauiccs- M. Icis-r,»(,iî-livsitiotit a sas . .. a mIa- ifront the îosit initi o f iit ior c 'titi sc I chli tii-Issou tI hc flcis s-itltoit a ti Presiietît of tc Nesw York (Ceii lailie. tral Railse-as-. lthe tîte tîov f hii Fo r a fcsv cttsa das v e eauihave ife lic tells ait iii ere st inticit tt a teleflionciti ni ou r bouise and tf-nis relatitîr toi te tclt-plie, icIti187(1tiltaini-,rat access tn escrs other Cardîter Hufibardl slîo waý ait of-' telepîtiotie sulicrilîer. I liav-e knossn i iicer iii the Utedît States oalestccasioui, se*icîithte facilits- of con- Mail Service saitl tii Dctmcw. 'Ms îîîîicatiîîîî iffereti lis-the teletihoîte gon-it-law Professer Bell lias itade ' sva > w' irtît S10.00. The teleflîonte su fat 1 tlîiîîk a ssoiîderfiil iniventiion. tîvriert-ri îake a fractioni of a cenit oit lu i a taI k ic tel ecratili - \e tvu-l caei tetlt-htivte-call : the ti scr'soa ii $10000.00 antdl1I sill gis c i iie<'t'i- îîr' 'labîslu it titues as great. If sixt ti ittrest fi 'r t fat aitimutit if ithie' îîs-iiiiet h te telepflione sscrc iiiiiiits. , Mr. Defcs - a. interi-'tiil ' anitilit-d. iis alue ssotild lietell luit decideti to check suitît\'î 1iîiitiiic s %Iit)ilit it ous.' BY THE OLD BOX STOVE By Hiram Back on the Sevenih Concession lt'- about tinic sonieonc got dosen t0 rakimie soine of these radionutess- casIers uîver the coals and last iirllt the catie around the oid box sios'c feit like dointr il. We wsere ahI tîrettv sore sshcîu osclThomias pickcd Port Hope uD and remos-cd itlhock. stock anîd liarrel to the shores of tonte lake uin the Artic Cirche or tfere aboutis. uses or terfcrie "wi our p)ropers- aîd se to stantd ereea,' lue wsea mnade 10 trot the )t goiuug town riglit fack to bts proper lace o fair and Icase it there as if it haul neyer idecent becit toucicd. Look a) the inconveut- tif ev lemîce il eoutîid hase causeul the tra- gratîls sellitte îmbiic. and tee w-fat a mess 'tupardis t a îîuld lias-e rade of otîr IHigî- Iloeser thaî's over and nmwise ut Huîter corniesoi thie air ses-erail imes and rt-fers tii Orotîs. We dont mind hit re ferriiittettîtiis "Hub of In- lelluirt-icu-" but se do ohiect tb the w-av ie p)rotiotitices the rame. The catie tliitk-s lie lîad better bc checked upi before ie starts anv of Lowel Tîtioiitai> tricks. It's îoî likels- he will bcit-fil lis-ait cxplaruaîiom oui pamer so hîres ai itîvitationi io JiiiHunier to visit Orono. the village on which flic suni niostîs- shines. in whose jail -Bruce couldzect lots of lessorns about spiders cliuîtii for tlîat' tIl sie Itave iii it. tlue sillage of a itViinted teorule whio love their homes and tlieir clîurcf. and as-iere ssornen can- tiot lic exceilcle as cooks. In fact. thtes are so geîd that fie will ot uteet i aut \ka-Seltzer for tîte food wIl nte-lt iii ii- mnotit. Corne on dous u andti cets andl sewili be czladtI p utellvoi tous' to sas- O-r-o-n-o ver thte air. al tf n inetv Sound F -MEN- Your Opportunity ta Preview The Fabries and Styles MR. C. A. RAFELMAN Special Tip Top Representative Will Be In Our Store On Monday, March 6 He will have on display the actual fabrics for the new season that are already making history - new colours, weaves, patterns. You wil also see a completo showing of the new style- ideas for Spring and Sumimer in business suits, sportswear and coats. Don't miss this oppor- tunity to find out what's what in men's clothes this season, and to have your personal measure- ments taken for your new Tip Top clothes. Remmber the date. Voul want to be there! TIP TOP TAILORS LIMITED Couch, Johnston & Crydermian Phone 834 LTD. Bowmanville ROUND TRIP TRAVEL BARGAINS from BOWMANVILLE March 10 - Il - 12 To CHICAGO $13.10 Mardi 10 - il To WINDSOR $6.70 To DETROIT- $6.70 S ciîs ir î,tss iimlii iihif - 'l- 5 uî. CANA DIAN Ask for C AN A DIA N NATriO0NA L fandbillPA C 1F 1C PAGE TWO f THE CA'ýADI.\ý; STATESýj.\-\, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO

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