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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Mar 1939, p. 3

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THURSD \Y. M.\RCH ?ND. 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESM> IIOVi'M.\N\'Il'.LE ONT.\RIO PAGE THREE CLEVER ORATOR (Contunued from page 1) YOUR WORLD AND MINEDUHCB 'C.îttrt'!î i Pick Your Pet Phobua." .%'hicli' the little speaker delivered witla Dozen Reasons Why You'Should Eat More Ontario Grown'Apples ____- -----. y ~uur ~.nirwooa~PP ~"L'U USILSSUUIt'Ontario Aimles Are Being A iman ann.'unce(l toi lit>. fricrîtI .ta 'knfotrnoirs ie n scoov n laaty eFeatured In Al rc2yand loarned from her speech that a _ rcr that hu w a'.,ronz t,, o doewn tire tîtîer 'ctc. in %%-hatIve riad.and!FutSoesTiIot !"i'.triRiv er in an Opien hoai. lie tuirr awav front hooks and woit really alarming number of people Frt Stoes Fois Moth -' Saîi thre trieîîd. *',-titi what do i(ii er'. o ho are fltnet liwith lis. 'have a "pet" phobia - one person EtApe FoHethIts exoeet t,, find?"' antI the repli ivas, j C K out of ten! You rnay have re- the Monarch of Ail Fruits This' sti v 'îEc.' that tire >.ti- iitr-ospecti,o'n. Ot'ernitueh iittrosptec- be unlucky because there were 13 \p "S"îite ie(f l f ls s%. ini, titii" We o lotsfine.urtrc efins hi membre th at 1 s upposad.lied oî-î0iiUiejt is ai OnL't i l n th e riv er o f life. i , te i ii tr c 'e v s 1w co n tact w t hi i s w ise , F rid a y . b e c a u se it tva s th e 7; ' l t old rt pl aci i l i nie'Ot our'.eivc'. Or tort tut it di f- 'u'iln-. wjti vers.ons. exper- day oi His crucifixion: but do you *, Lrocer and fruit stOre'. Fruit,'. ir'ttthe tarther wL' zooini lue. jIce'.. itîace:. incidents. adt'entutres;t Iremen-ber what Tom, Sawver car- : ti!1 i f're!iicu limies inavîît iîttto.r in the nmore ef iour'.eltes do ive fiid. and it j. ikelv to happe)Dn thrait e ried in bis pocket for luck?é Why, h ttt ili,îî'idiit Take the case Of a mati wlîo is a siîaii lave ter do nîuicii extperiînetint ' the left hind foot of a graveyard bu ' tackeroniiîî a'. ii1i0( iitîe ou ltiiter.Sloi lie co to a niew colit- in a purpose to find our truc selves.. rabbit! Miss Bennett mentioned rhO i ntr- ri, vl tri,. lie w,,uîd sec it as a iiintinq \'t'c can ceuit oirsOlte'. fortuInate one1supersition tereoasome of croiiid. Tlat j'. to sai, lie %vould w'vliei 0Ie are îtitwreeke(i aîd rined those present, but perhaps flot to ls of Ontario) fruit and i ercers find in iti tlîiew ceîîntrv ilîat j'. i-!iii tiecoeurs.e of otir explerirnents. the *'old timers", that it's unlucky Miargaret Bennett' r. "ide lîiii- a lotve of hiîîtiîîcz. IBit Manît a tiaiha'. clîaiied his ini to kili pork or sow peas at the ýi aitter zinzto ireýailecniiit, nd vOnhisvoatin -inaivdecline of the mocon. As for the Port Hope, winner of the Public c, are 700.000 husiiel'. f, f'Or, a titier.coic o te .atîe ,ititt I aiti cci li'.vectiti tuntgreat onles, well, thex're flot ina- Sehool Oratorical Contest for Eas- î~~ii aittles.. mostIt Ni)ctiicri tveulic ie id it tlir, tilh a tua i iter t ttsle ort idinc h ork exact - mune to phobias any more than tom Ontario, who gave her iisitî'.t aitinz to do tlîeir c' 'li i.\ cit le Iitî r huar 'ect le 'taiîcI. it ifeiîtîv.liscnfore: orc ' mitare ordinary mortals, for Jona- iprizo winning address "Pick h' ettDeed'ý." iiucxIî,'îîc .Ilciil iijicerwoildýc te ýin, i IifreitI-. i ieformoidlIiii i than Swift went one whole year'Your Pet Phobia" at the Toronto î~trtiîc ce'iitrvtlioticî ai enîuicr 1 'U .lf. T'le 'rt(iicalin Su anrtiu- without speaking to a single per- ýDurham County Club meeting on lcliîilate'hciitîr att'll afruicr it itilti '.Ccit tiirotiizli t rati,niofa iati ti lie formodlitseif !son, and Baudiaire. fso daring a j Thursdax' night. - tit , \ 0, ,f air aLrictiîtuirî't or "te~It , caille to i litiseif" - tIiiiv master of sound and the' senses). ___________________ t, and serveti cvert dat' iii liT e identtcal ctiiirtrt lice tues ate-ea' c itî'aîltetturc'.. a fad ofte d r.a IV i'tei ait et ii i, ZLI fiî~1'. ii iallerIt etrs ni wasaiafrivetiofotheeOntarj cae itai iiier '.elf. L'acli tiratan1IIf %tc arcerettî.iviien Ivetcreail Mrs. Richard Waro prosentidDRAMlA AWARD as iii cuiivciteii. 1w E,. ,i'c i iti-el f. Tîte tlace 1i'iteii hi,,rrattîtie.. ttiliWL v sce tîtat. i tîthissBennett with a nosegaY Of GOES 10 Plr.HOPE "Il i(rIi atiofte netv r'. ute s r'.a' i t re tesiinr elfca'., cfiiatît tmeti aiid woini tire\' i roses. forget-me-nots and bluelFOURTH IME \ 1latî ofîtîc the 'v.titiite. 0r'<te'S. si offe.iit rc'i'ii. atti arcetîtrever seekiîi, tît fintîirt- ni and pink sworetpeas. Dr. Williams F_______ Appd \les ndtht' )iLunchtitie cri ;","- inicadli ti'itor. -Iv'.-e i adti t(ctiplatieui,. expressed .the' club's appreciatioriMs neBlnko t aksiîîv~.ieî o C hvoilhave ticacv andt content-. Miss Phyllis Smith, and Mr. n and HevnLwoe, t. .1 are ideai ohîtIli ".cîcai- fjIiut,' ircqtieitlt' ttcvelieto o t . o' ent.Andiiti tet dotfinîîlvttiat Mrs. rdW. oehaddn. Jouhn's. ,Port op, in .1ad rivi (Appici ai tvàiti. tc i our icoitie te fuît!Iluceiivî clcltti tccc î,î~ rd Bio, dn. Individual Awards For ta CCiCi.t'. .,. eati . 'Oreiint'-.c\\eliicctie liIte' tilt irofi d. The speaker of the' evening. Mr. i Fine Acting iu'.ciinr s tidiiiur' ttiîi \ e led ]e% ,lir ti et %ýrcîîîiaîîî îîîlîaîîî,t antI r>ese... H. C. RickabY. Doputy lVinister 1 :11 iiiaiittaitiiui, teOtî. TIti.' itiiic o itîtiiti.i,ind cwv stimrulations'ii'.t, ake iiitr îrri iil elaiti'nte lttci ,of ins.xtasrhe nphw o te Te furhdnnal raa es Illetit'rreIatrI'itIverjtnatiicfiMinet.ewac te neaied in th nibute ito t ir'.els c'. W h fuXVeua rm es-à2ýtie tos îc'd " "t,,'.cei ii ataîtiia . 0IIî.el\Oscl'. it firîili and lastitîcit laite Mr. Edward Fielding, a vers' tival of the' A. Y. P. A. Deanery c'tetiti. tenîd I'treL-itoi,'>leur)itîa ta ' 1' 'ar \lt'ttiiare'tur 'ttler ,ejvcý devoted Durhamite drn i oa oni a ed~ s. AtlswihRc et iii t,,'tiîîîI'.e tî Ou t,\\'leîîlîfotîme. The subjeet of Mr. Rick-1 Mark's Parish Hall, Port Hope. llh attlit SIi- t i2ceti'i- is-i)' oi Ol-, cn i ý 'i tr liiîc'. Ieciidea', r toi îîake aby's addross. which lo'asillus- Thursdiav night. with a large and iii' 'n ,liter ct tcr' 'a'.t'.a,l - i'tt ' ti sr.' '.î '. r'îî î- tîîcîîî ir or -IItir e ana-"t-- as -;ca'.a ic tîtîr i îa'.îe. juil trated ~' alios, "Otariosverý' approciative audience in at-aîte. 'îai iLil\-set il tilett t'i'it i rt to nture. Tltet ii'.It lite i'.î .if Mines." Mr. Rickaby' stressed tendance.* The play's produced "O 'r c . ci..eitiatîl'.ai "i l 0 lirîc e\- t, csc to i'. ttcontttî. l'lîc three aspects of Mining: the' de- were in order of appearanco: "Tht' .t Oft i fat'.andittiîat'. Tlîc'.c 't t ' ti t'121" o, tO i X lii, irte. ttic'ie lt'i '.'ictîce'. ttie iikC and'i(le'.i* e'w'. lopment of tht' Ontario mines: Boi' Cornes Home" bx'A. A . ote iieacidti lait ci',cercîl' arci' 'eci',î' 'f ti i'îccthet' work of the' prospector: and Milne. presented bi' St. John's. ' ,ct7te. Cilttcl '.,eal ri'I'.l\.'efil iteits îil)te i'..i't 'ir rýI a ret the' relation of mining to goologi- Boss'nanville.""The Curtain" b',y 'r iitt't'îal îil'ert îî'.:'î"l ~ u~.a'.~.îltsii.. 'cît '..cal formations. ýHallie Flanagan. presented by St. t"t îîirîstet,'î'faîI tt:'.I 'tiu.î.cleIf. alit('îîr'. lit t. îthidilit tu it" Investors in nining stocks v'ore Moark's. Port Hope: and "Playing' "lltitîît' r.craîîiîcrrý tiii îî u'îtirî i. f"' 'îur te ilit-1 rîiaîd ctltir etir o ttîv'.Ivc.ovarned to take as nauch care in ;The Game" by Loon M. Lion and ,, a,i tiekîe tvitIlî illicit .'eiî lia' t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h tn ie lhii,"u'.tct.oî ct liiiiu .titliiliîîc ii .îiiitvee rel- ndng u tt' isor ofa aie iusinPhiulps tesete bhSt ,, t ti iiicaea it'ine t 'Autsrt'in'i .I -' c"i clijlî luitilce areils i'. ti,' îîîî'.ieottlîicil i'. ili i -','ho the' presîdent was and ss'hat John's. Port Hope. pesith'Ofe 'iirît 's ect'c' fit'.iti 'Onics'.are titlticIlit ' it c\I)rc'.'iOn l 'tic- type of management the mine hadi Mrs. J. A. Pew'tross of Cobourg Ap nteOfc '.eiit \\'î'îî I eei ,".eOf,îrc- e.i~.itittrtti.îîî.c hc nazz. - as they' would in inquiring into adjudicated tht' Festival a nrdiic i it(iticiic ikzie!t l i al iii lii %,ha , tiIt l,ý (11plltht' history, of a race horst'. Tht' awarded the' Herbert S. Winfield t' îi, i,ciiîe' "c tea tinite.t IntiI t" , iîît'incivie ' redî.î' .a .uc't.\'aaLît.ci.îîî. "rIalitiît.tui.iit.ptalfo h'aeaoivsori rpy hc scoaee o rse.tilt' nt'ee'.'.arî etîer t ar tildit'. titet tre. fiive a dci' jil <îtalti .his desire to dubehîs money 1a nnuàll, to St. Mark's for their ',il i ut rdiit îtt'i '.ts;rttia1 ilattre. tli' catîtetîcal, 1" 'iii1 C K quicklv. production of "Tht' Curtain." She 'lutIteiv- %eicIlîtr ip'.cttiiîc îdize'.intî. iiti' atýii Out. teilî Cali f 'ntti'. Il i-,îtaiitecc'tiIî" tht ite't. nine-' Ontario's great mineral .vealth 'chose Miss Anne Baldock of St.III faci it îîîav prîtidte t'cuîre' t'r nlaturce. fifve have a deen) lov'e of t1'. sail tiîat tt'e are aur! cati lite- is due to tht' fact that two-thirds!Mark's and Mr. Mervyn Lawson !i'"i'iîîinîiuatiOnu that cai!c heaîts a'.lexitresîtt ii it inaid l ce 'cil latenit i is î' froin lirtit 'of the province lies in tht' 'Pro- of St. John's. Port Hope, as tht' liiet taî nd oltî ad ithtaîd hae. C'ît.icrie tplatît -tule tiîtlip. livCambrian shield". the' oi 1die s t iactress and actor who had given Apples by the Dressing Table 1 tiîcut the catîitiral ti ilI inake tti. l'ai "f eatui Cati tire iuiip t'vcc w'%orn-down mountain formation'tht' best indiv-jual performances <;ccet tice frietîtlovithî '.tîect hrtathu lovc eILait "tut iii a '.rt tof rtiie t îiiefer ietter Ocrtovor'.e ? Mîlttin the world. Tht' ore deposits lie anîd they weM presented with d tc.,u',-t a nît citi'tfa ipl talvav'. eclu'îî'uîîcîîOnîu telat '. un openings resulting frona shear- cups ',hich wore donatod for per- nuc iii'.ui tfe (Tei i cinti iii "aîi - ti '..more ht'Of îu i s iuit l'i.îic tireI)' luth, frot Ii cid it ung and fa trs i h' rck a o t p seso Y M s. Fit- i'.ît aitîle lIteir e licirý Ofttu'. uuî il, fit t'ît f'ir.le.u . tnv ttrze'. intoî Icafacte attd biî'tn ýGold, nickel and coppor are, of, tors of Cobourg and by' the' Board 'tt iei' u c" lae tire catiiedral. but itr'.ci t c'. tiruttatte tulilt e is it tîiOInc 1 ous.teche eas and fManagement of 'St. Mark's tuti"'ci. l'lie cleanuu'.îc at iniot %eut îî '.'. - liic v i iter thilnit.,'.ource-- The ansi' !ia addition to this Ontario holds!'Parish Hall. r inde. 'kiti and fibre frî".Iuieuî'. a;i i 1iiz--ik odto'titîi'. îît".ietj,îîîl "\'0. of the' world supplv of plati- i Mrs. Pewtress gave a thorough llitOntiri.te tetCi)- and 1 îiik tluiclu pati t the i,'c"c.e .Ietýt r"-,num. Some 34,000 mon are ena-lanalysis of each play in her ad- Apples bs' the Bedside rols,'.îcaî attenette. Iteinc ilinie tOtvarii't.leireeitc aesnti seiletiiat' . ctue ploved in tht' nines of Ontario . dress to the audience. She spoke !ii'.,tuntiia ? Catî't cet to'.lepi? tiic iiîc'.t'.hicli crati fv tr ta'.ti. tulitu caridheorladetilii. ii.tieand tht' minimum w'age is 60e an first of the' great value of tht' îIil .takenteîîuulfr rt t. to and t%0 tutrt atiat' front th'î'.e tiiio- hour. Tht' first mine to be worked! Drama Festival and of tht' urgent jjcm'n.. the lln frein thre raiit tvhich art' di'.aerceaîilc n, î,iuîce Soi. iiire'.ect of tus birmans:aIv'. ~ in Ontario was tht' Richardson! need for more interest ini tht' rî.ttîuî 'l,'u resuiltiue. and nalate anud stonîtacli. Tlîat is te , cai he chant'ed into soitetliintî mine at Madoc in 1866. Betwt'tn ittt Theatre on tht' part of tht' sav. tîhat ie lik'e and cou nîille ii ,etter than our oriicins. This ineans tht' years 1909 and 1932 there ap-1 public. It w'as evident. s h e ppe- yte IIIýAil TayO11; Ch ý.îicalo, and iii other rc.pect'.. un ihat oee rîust has'e a puroose to lie- peared in quick succession tht' i thought, that the participants in "net,,nucAîati i.v csondetice with li iat tve are.cîne ietter arîd finer and to attaungl nie f ocpne1ik this competition wr sicrylrtchak îî iiît1 "îa.ctr O)r o nit tl otîteri.visc. tve are aîîvavs te tuio)re. Like the p)lant, tve cani be land Lake, Pickle Crow and Little' ! dtvoted to tht' work. and she corn- rualît. If iriav retive the lierv'ilt'. seekinr our'.ei'e'. ivhîat tic cat anid ciîauîced irto somethinir finer by the Long Lac. When, as far back as plimented thernagt'nerally on tht'euerct '.solîcc'sarv for active ai' drink. tirai:t îece ruav ie hueariîî,uîîOr ur'tce'..e'. of cciiipaiîotî'.îelection -the 1883. tht' Sudbury niekel-copperldegret' of "finish" that had boon cîîuuîuli'.tinîent. uit!dtiiacilit'.clinari atzreeuutett. s.-lrcdrcolr ninhs îvitlî the deposits wsere discovered thereattained un tht' evening's enter- h E'.rîrt'. tc'.iiiluîc ietilie flasor'. <iiip It t u the '.a toit' uc'arcil i i I u' t tlli "f ciiier '..and I%-inii' nmlandcl[ was I i ttle use for nickel. and tht' taillment. tir lue Lr tii) inii u t, t it' 'î ut,,li tel aud uiacazitic,'.%'tt'are tartidal ~t lacacîs r fectilizationi. procoss of separating tht' two Tht' first play, "Tht' Boy'Cornes tue t'ncieta-te. tîtet ritî'.î'the rît"'. tu tk'. a zil".111" illIîch -- I', ir ' "tcitiziîl'be-t. \ive imust neass'sno n'snnn ie nt'Home." b','a cs rn t ousîî,îî \t'S.at îu iusu 'Ire .'.t .',k ut'etc. \ca c. î 't'c ur Ic î'eIîtiaI best.iturne later. Thorngh not a minorai. Chiirch. Bowsmanville. had been tirete aîlu'r't-,le cateuttuMient laruuuftil __________________________oOk______________andOntario %vas fortunate inî its pos- sielI handled, Mrs. Pow.tress sîrid ffvctýi ' 'f nie em u ici i-(i. u it il îî"utrîîîî'entîurinîtz session 0f ratîîral gas whuch siup- un t'aling xii r, but a general Big Apple Bowl, Small MNedicine ticiuti'.. lke u[plies sorte 60t),000 people evorx' criticisinao t interprotation IvasCet tîuru,.înurto i'ail i î'ît' iss, 'ear. that tht' spirit of delicate conîedx' Stcla1'.cth n i.Ii i"'tti ir,î'cIf icutliilItOat lit. Several nterosting facts about c utt a ltqrt engap .itlI ~ iîtrlneuli lc' iii-, ,ýlie mre ,ftht' "spade" work cf muiig wt're cd. The' tendencv, on tht' part of GE R Eii n i 'ir.î brought out un tIe speakers rtUu- the' cast to treat it as a "heas'î " ite tvlviuiii ".di'l.k'i'l \IllOutr la1titi .ant ilaIl' I )II' ' c m ie ttpoîhe aî' y puece ',s'as in the N'vrong directionî It. 1 ati'utue. L-- "cîîî ul l iuicî I I * gut '- i i " -Ii 'u ît li-O r ". ctmo r et' s c l e t s li d e s d e p ic t i î îg s c t 'n e n1h f î . T h e ig h t i n g m i g h t h a v e ' a t i i h . a u î i h l x t t S c î ' et r r uittve ni,îe i 'uî'.es's.tht' ife of tht' prospector. Tht' 'sî'obeeru applied to better advantatuet .ueiitt'tirlatletu.tîi e J ~~C K essential requirements for suc- i ni an alfogether different wav. huItl, ciiw "te .sal. ii.uiî I ieaiii'.l t hOre ~iian\ t cut'a te' ,ionIcs a rrspco resr as it s%'as it was effectiveix' donc. WRIT tliii i;iltrt- o (iscý.e- 1kuîois'ledgc of geology and a great Members of tht' cast couid have NOW o~r illes ý et-.r infît. tuOrc'Ofni e deal of optinaism. Tht' chances, spent more tinît in creating their i Adoptable Kiddies Bendrdge'.el 1'.tut luti lin' a hiliauî a for a'lck strike", Mr'. Rickabv hrceiztos eauefh1 uc nD m n meatoure- _ 's deelt Iacu ift' tIticlu ssaud. are. accordirîg f0 an old ttii- wrntcnsset1onicnu 'c '. ii lii'. îiitîut ~ ' ~'.jf9Ou'.I f 100. When a man makes a 'In giving these criticisms Moors. area ta be ' 'fill ei mdaey sae-Pt'witress rema rked th at tht' pla.' Vt Nitntil'ti ut- tiiI u rote.athd rre . ' ~ î'l ~ittiiaîlvcuuîure ife u'. î'.'îîeî1 lisnd" hdinaxnediati'lv "stakos' roofred. pt. ' r' iIt t i. it ;ti uîîrh iti' claimaby puttirîg his name and' Ivas a most difficult ont' for ama- "m' ',îleteIi 9t tar iciX :i4senAbronastk woe turs. being as it xî'as ont' that niai'îtemtOf uiuV Iîet.ltu aidTlt'La" mtal &- t / cilutiii t' th' tti'tv trat iîuili he thinksbis "mnc" s locaeden, pol ie olCwr uîevi.' u îokf lîtr.i.\î oim giaoa eoudperce iifi'. tittue tit(, î'ternîtv? f adpashiaicudhade t fcl-hSh oî-Scite'.fi! tti oloif i tht's.\iîtt manent investmnt adthnhogos'lmene pret,.Secr-fn tI l h ole A'bshiteIp weather-and______ et' 0 ht' ffad as'hich iendBoxînanvi lie for lhas'- tlitt inut'.ual lit'ititultf 'tahiltt i tight.Greatly reducea $5.00 fetotegoverrnent wihiigchosen a good playrather iere.îter ricîiand fotr adiîuuu,île tItulIti- firehairrd.makes bina a tenant of tht' crown g 1 SOLO ON A 415 VEAR EDINEIiT.MW Tobacco mer look for an un'. for the land which embraces bis titan ont' that. if it might hase ren tirant cari lie fille I liv tire cxu'.tiiîu OUARANTEE croased bu.sine'ss frona Canadian claim, usuallv fortv acres. Not beon easier to do. wo'li have iiurrutîer çliLilîls' for ailît1tiitti. Prices now are Iower because of Sales T. factorios. If tht' bungrv xsorld rLintil ho bas d'ont' a certain amrount b orot. ihlti ut "It i'. a 1niccliar s.ituiationi." '.latt". exemption. Save money by writing today. canîlot afford to bux' otr whieat it :of work on this "claim" can ho stance. HoIîn. Vut rut'.'. Muui.ter tif Pulici Mrit arnateatsa ayoulrentpetcati at îeast anuoke cour tobacco.. <c',n it outrnght Toe h oo at 1 lue 1\' Vielfhresimd NMunnicipal Affairs. "A met.Adrss 08GeIh~. Pe t mi t et.froni St. John's. Boimanîie it ,'ar'. ac" chiidreni of aid iti"ni ni A Barna 308 aueSt., Poren, Peerborouugh Examiner. Some of thie most interosting Of ivreIWalter Hall. Miss RutbhXir'.n ___________________________ Ex-King Aifonso p ro b a b 1 y s Mr.Rickaby"s sîides wt're those A l a'a",ct' e'îîî'tiînecI a realtirelhetnifît' EateM SICel P<sTsplrp thinks that if tIîoy had Ieft hum 'showing tht' three chief methîods tu.AthrCil. "eWrgl tir Sîteuctie'. TotIav. stIve rite mîtn ____________________________ chage ai ioi.nLldt't hv of transport stîhl emploiyed in tht'adMisRseBt: 'O*NT"l.t l,9rMO EA apeed .eean lanDel i mnrng areas of tht' Northu- the' ii liiiul happenod.-Clox'elanîd Plauni Deai- TIIE MIDAS TOUIl lIert'Itta.aciut utr or. canot'. tht' flat'.bottomed boat, and lIva the tractor, indispensable u i ' t '.,N I wh" 'he 't- us '. \l eut-lt' I. ,'e s'I,îî'tIls t tcî'uut' tel- for beavyloads. Slidt's also;i' hW îîtîhe arn s sri'.i I le-t ti -lîrî"' s'tll' t' t ZMRZ@@Mý,illusqtrated the' method of dramnrd ftheî' thtv'. a 01.cfcor a. îulrtýItrti dr'illinîg and cf paniiuuug. h'Ir. i uuî e ro e'. i! ocaii' l'lctasr ti mli l"lledi li-ti Rikb srsed'h' npranîce To seek for Midas' goili ici ..' .ei~Ii iu , li'r tutu,' t unijî'. uîî.et'te ttpolrti cf acroplane photograplus ini aid- Ai jl hlrigbteîu ho lauglite' tn'rr n It' ittC'lt inîg the' geologist adidnelr. Thiese, Whîtlier it's xs'ork ttc plat c, ilt 7,s4 thre ' 'lu.nttr ii atcuoplant' phîtograplîs s Ila 0 \'Becatîse a golden hlîrezitter lt l'a'l'i1l .t tiltI 't'tio'l cloarhx' the fatîlts iii fle rocks FoIlloisanili.tdoi' dat' -\,c lt! chutrtt' Ir tIlt lit" i f i , . sî~~~hiere tht' ore deposîts arc likell, rt.utr ...lil1',cli-1i1nit'i'î. ' Phone681 owmanille Wareo o Port Hope. A happy os'- Poe61Bwavle ening closed with the' singing of Sne1. .ettion wvjitli ithic~ li tevrceard t1henit. tional Anthena. sir ltenu." i w ethi uni f'ut'. tIi-i-p.\*tanîîiuî'. i :',t Apples Kept landy For Temperance Sake C.t- 'as' t'.itiiilatuît--.A uiaretîtic1.'. et telîichf t'r ttii.. ut-. '.ihr. and I acid'. ritî, trt' u' ihi ciujli.tiltue'.thet' \iht'. Tt'. cvii)'.uiet . flasîrfi u(It-iStt i' '. îlteatiwtite. Apples for the' Eyesight tme 'lrcieiteaclhI"hit- lluutd tus , nuIzt".recuh rli .eaeîiekt i' jlaidut'.Iuti'.'. lllu'ltsic cn' tue Apples When WVe're Going Places " 'ýrii. Itik-inue utcniciuc n m'. il\u'îîiî iu i'.ti,,e nikit sud ith utiat uic ri'.k'.\.\puhs cînitaiui i8;'; il'n iti' it rc'aîl'.lc' l Apples for tht' Centerpiece Diiiîiuc ttîlt'lack disert di.ct 'r att'mu? 'Vli,' '.alut. crinîî'.',uu it ,! ci f ltýaiit fnulît' formuet! atie'. ti ro'i i' e' i 1rui!fraczratîce cietcetiv-els IVant To Stay Young? Vat tii anîes freli'. ( Stieutct' teIl'. nu'. tiat tee reerure St ica.t cie ituar- tc -if "tir thiet t" b e f rcuiattînt fî! .. e.. f runits aîîd s ezetable. Lack tuf t huu'îîlia steur.Ic>ls vi'..tfttit lu fui I tiL etc suit! henni t'.tuhe -rad(iii itreikcliii i tfthe iodi'cariiiuizc tarît Caution: I tîclit chiaI'. iart creittît' iii ih 't cî'.cn'ut ', l- i f fercuit foîd. Wh a t iii re. i t iit mî! i di, . 'n. e' u 1ta" lu-l i t ai leruir m n 'lu uts'.' iiilil' .'". e i iîsltil lu '.csL mi tieutîrithat ami a terazni f . î,ul.tf i -i f rs".h friit. auti sl i'itlts lt rten cmils îsb\ 'eh'] Tht' lîfe cf Alexainder Grah'im Bell ia to be filmcd at Holvst'e\ol Wtll it mako rt'fecence to Bell anc pt'aling to Brockville caîîitalists for fînancial stupport iin bis devel. upnent cf thet' tlephone and sl-o . hhem re'ecting it as a xî'orthlt""' playthirîg?- Brockville Record- and Tîies. the4 wel UTS CANADAIS MOST POPULAR PIPE TOBACCO ) HANDY SEAL-TIGHT POUCH 1 i5C t ½/2LB. .'LOK-TOP' TIN 60c \1 also packed in Pocicet Tins A iter saYa he can't thrnk of a word to describe a man wîho constantîs' deceives bis xvife. We can. we think he's a naarvel. London Express. Tht' Magistrates' Courts report a profit of $400,000 for last year. Credif is due to tut' notorists for tht' splendid xsay tht'y have mis- behaved. - Tht' Nesi' YomI"em. ton Spectator. For a man in a temper, Defence Minister Mackenzie did migbty well f0 say "calculated campaign of calumny" seithout missing a syllable. - Strafford B e a c o n- Herald. An expert is ont' wbo convinces people that he realîy knows sehat ho isn't talking about. - Hamil- C-698 ROY NICHOLS Bowmanville Courtice 2 >~~; O 4 ej RdCeMï A THL'RSD.-',ý', NIARCH 2ND, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESNI.I. ý l,()%ý-NfANý-IIýLE, ONTARIO PAGE THREE

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