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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Mar 1939, p. 5

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THVRSAY. ARCH2ND,1939TH C.\NA'Dh N STATESMý%ANL','cîNA'I ONTARIO PAGE FIVE News oFners o Rural Readers Ii GOING, GOING, GONE!' Coronation Spring Shrtor BredrsO DrhmWheat and Erban THE RURAL POSTMAN IVil Hod l th onsi mne t S le Oa~ Y.ld *II(By Ivan M. Lloyd, Courier, R. R. No. 1, Merlin, Ont.) For several years thc Dominion In the cold and blustery weather, Experimental Stations have been en- When the frost is on the rail, Durham County S h o r t h o r ni Kilblean Beauty family and got deavouriniz to produce rust resistant Would you love to face a blizzard Breeders with their accustomed1 by the good bull Glengarry. suriniz wheat. In the uast two or With haîf a ton of mail? enterprise are staging their eigh-, W. S. Bragg - A very promis- he varsera suh arte ntebinglzadwahr teenth annual sale at Bowman-'ing Il months old red roan heifer ihaebn lasdoeofwi s ville on Thursday, March 9th, at' of the Rosa Hope tribe and got ~ Coronation. Wuld lw oe 0fsh f orkennes, Alex Prout's, south of Kurv Inn by the good breeding bull Rigfoot i soneof198,Eal s you aov n fingersr freeze? and 3 miles east of Bowmanville. Victor Royal. borne. and Garnet Rickard of Bow-Wilyorfe During the past year this as- 1W. L. Morrison, a new contribu- inanville cach obtained two bushels When the gleaming snow is dnifted sociation has sold over 100 head. tor from South Monaghan - A fCrnto het hicAeUnrnahaot0fse, securing satisfactory prices. Re- very nice red 4 year old cow of Fuller of Ennjskjllen. sowved six Would you love to have the chilblains cent sales include 3 bulis from the Princess Julia Iribe. and in buh> UIic eeecpin nyu losadyu el Richardson & Son which realized caîf since July 19, 1938. 10 Glen- bIls lthewrcxevinInyuebo adorfe? $150 each; and 7 yearling heifers humn Commander, a son of Glen- ialvwell satisfîc(l with the vields from Chas. Fothergill, Whitby. to burn Field Marshall. <otained. MIr. Osbornce had îhis fieldi When outdoors the wind is whistling, the Beath Farms, Oshawva, which C e c i i Philp, Janetville - A tnear the barn with the resuit that And the air is full of snow, brought well over $1000. Lhiedr on1 otsodtt.i ens rot a farsaeo n n ol o oet aeajte According to R. Graham, In- bull got by the Miller bred buill ofte fed. Hoever. he abe1Anthblmdhigwun'go spector from the Dept. of Agri- Cumberland. twe 2 and 30 bushels and exPects Yes. I'd love the good old fireside, culture, the offering this year is Rbr artt&SnMri to so 10 or 12 acres tbis vear. NIr. Sipping coffee from a pail; lio hs eerbrugh frw R obeSttion, Sn, ytl ikar I liail over 40 bushels. 99u av obc hesodit the best lot of cattle this Associa- ttoalso new contributors But 1 hw~ 'ase ok the re sowter il. The offering comprises10bls A ver-, nice roan 7 months old _________________ taddsrbtda h 10 eifrs.1ndsyungco s on bull caîf of the Helen family and n 'hl or ts armrn d die Com- I don*t mind the frozen snowdrifts of which has a bull caîf at foot.'tbyFosCic. Elîner Wilbur petition at Blackstock iu anuarv When my knees are stiff with cramps, Ail the entries are from accredit- John Miller - A vers' fine 21 This good looking, good natured 11r. Rikard flans to.sow f ive acres If you keep the bloomin' pennies, ed herds and ail will have been monlhs old red bull of excellent and well fed citizen ha rdly needs Is vear. Nlr. Fuller liad betweenlByaqatrswrho tms found negative 10 a recent blood reigadgIb h otd an introduction 10 many of ourl90 and 100 bushls from the siox qatrs ot f tms test. bull Boyndie Chieftain. local readers, for he has wielded hushiels of seed sown. and hc will I gel snow mixed in my whiskers The contribulors 10 this sale, in S. Chas. Allun - A choice dark the auctioneer's hammer in near-. have a considerable supoflv of Cor- And I gel il in my socks; offering Ihis splendid lot of breed - red 15 months old heifer of the ly every municipaliîy from Ash-lonation wheat for distribution. But il neyer hurts my feelin's ing Shorthorns with. a perfectly Jenny Lind family. This heifer burn on the west 10 Springville amongst Durhamn Countv farmers. Like those pennies in the box! dlean bill of health, feel that they won lst at Orono Fair.ontePerr-otHpehg Tr sulleapaconmt wat omei tecotnudco- Oficers of the Durham County o tePeeroo-or op hg- hre sold be ast plnace on wosof fiantetofmentprohe ctnine ueon Shorlhorn Association are: Hon.wa.arsfrtlasanarortof _____________________________ fidece f al pospetiv buersPresident - W. F. Rickard, M.P.; Its just ten years ago that satisfactorv vieldinz sprinez wheat. _________________________________ 50 that their entries may be ap- Peiet-Jh odn ie Elmer discarded the woodsman's Erban oats. a leaf rust resistant prcae.President - Cyril Mumford; Sec.-- axe for the auctioneer's haxnmer. varietv that is aiso resistant to smut~ which will be useful for this pur- RURAL SECTION The offering of the contributons Treas. - S. Chas. Allin, R.' R. 4, At that time he was living near viclded an averaee of 59 bushels on pose bv writinir te the Economics comprises such well known Bowmanville, (write him for cala- Zion and along camne Wesley Il exiperiments in the county last Division. Marketing Service, Do- SCHOOLS CLOSE sîrains of Shorlhorns as Lavedr 1 0e f sale); Ass't. Se'y.-Treas. GlaspelI one morning who saw _______lbv i u uno inonDprmeto grclue Augusta, Gloster, Msi, ay -E. A. Summers; Direclors _-tt Emer splitting wood. Says Mr. Grain Club çirew f rom five to ten Ottawa. It is interestiniz 10 learn f rom flower, Rosebud, Flower Girlî and Bragg, E. Earl Osborne, E. F. R.'PGlaspell: "Elmer, I've seen you a acres. The Port Hope Fair Board Hon. Dr. L. J. Simpson, Ontario others. Looking through the cata- Osborne, H. E. Leask, W. T. Bak-i couple limes now auctioning off and the Briehton Fair Board are M.%inister of Education. that a total J.gue.ea ofer a otsn- er, John Rickard, W. C. Parsons. baskets al soctals and you did a obtaininz Erban oats f rom one of Burketon Farmer of 117 rural schools with less than JE.Lakofranottn-righl smart job of il. If I were teeby o hi il rpCm x rse iw e uîshv encoe ic ing red 16 months old Roseiu you I'd throw away that axe and te.. IsfthimpoFileb reCom- Expesse____ 1936 milshe m endtha ted ics bull by Princeton MacDuff; a red ýgel an auctioncer's hammrrer and petitions. I is -mosbet eon 96 H omne httecs 12 months old Rosebud bull by EXECUTIVE OFi license. mend anv one varictv of oats that The following article from C. per nupil in these schools wvas double FRUeTnburnS Boxer; anflloou thdogdwil esitb-1 alsu adcnH. Fallis, Burketon, appearcd in the averagefor the province. At the roan 2 year old Flower Girlhefr R I O E S n ibrloe heod'dtions. but it appears that the var- Monday's Globe and Mail on the same time he uredicted a more simple ma a m rnan's advice and the next lime it ra oe h lss otisse fsho oermn o h by Princeton MacDufand bred! HA S * ID A h wa.s in Bowmanville look out oîev Ebncmsficoet1 hs Leadership League page: sfutcmroficool e ovcntit or the lu Glenbux-n Boxer Aug. 30. 1938. i___an auctioneer's license for Dar- o eîe "Farming and how lu revive it;furelodrteutonth tiv H.13 mfood rAn aMtac-1Thorniburv, Ont.. lington, whicb he secured from Further information will be eladlv one 0f the first things is we must total oer o6.000 Thuars wit is ppar ftover1heiferhbySecret nigMayCanaa. 1the veteran Town Clerk John f urnished bv E. A. Summer jeAgi-i gel implements al a price in e- ttat he Depar.tmeîît is appr- flower heiferby Secret KnghFl '- 1939 Lyle, J.P. His f irst aucîlon sale cultural Rerresentative. B mnicrd with the prices we receiveen htheDprmtiswrnr choice roan 22 months old Missie e,.o andi-, nfo our products. one of which i oad heojciewhc o.G heifer by Blythwood Golden Ar- The Editor. wHswaadle Trull's I Zion an ville.15 cher, bred Nov. 27th, 1938, le' The Canadian Statesmani he made such a good fist of il gsa naeaeô 6cns*cr z hnlevoisdt n Klaymore Beau, a full brother of llowmanville. Ont. Ithat Fred Clemens of Oshawaprdzn eaeuigabdr C.N.E. grand champion. rear Sic: immcdiately booked hlm 10 handi FARM MANAGING \ve boughl in 1914 for $125, be- auLurate a svstem of consolidated ilvei eviuho ed a live stock sale for him. From METHODS CHANGED cause we cannot pay $300. Every school boards for each toîvnshiD and Lcw Richardson & Son - A îow 1 prcaevr mc o et-Ie amri h-omuiynesIi elimination of manv of the set 12 monlhs old red bull of the, ILme ea cep" of The Canadial' n non Elmer has been getng falsaeofac nsle ntf achsr nrtcanmnt py nethe salrshos~hc eeatn Helen tnibe and got by teipn-Statesnian with vour editorial re- fdilsr ofya honsandesincee anîîs rblns îieet o aciery(a butmacnry is inthe bv olv ers ppls n which ee tee cdblBtni hein.ort-ardiune advertisinz of Ontario o I- dsiet bven o iesl tobod Tha Thî \Vre iss pric almrhnr si h vol e uisadwihwr ed bul, BondieChiefain. desre to. gie of issaetneobclass ashevbinders).sae undulas ihurdensome vbureesthe tath xpavers.s H. Earl Osborne - A niee red: les an(] aotyee entirelv ý%,itli what 'boyer and seller. He has neyer Decades .Xce If you could put ail idie men 18 months old Clipper heifer by sou sav.aorts- wl nt u on rnakîng machinery, you would The best afler-dinner speakers 16 mounhs ol Duch fote rnnoeT veks a was pdtoncia up a pnice unless if's genuine; is The -manaeement of a iarni as a nol be able to make enough. Our are Ihose who can talk the waiter h6ifer by Glenburn Rambf ler cuilath er s so as puCt ctheina keen student of human nature business at the present time is xery market is the open air marketl mb reducing the bill.-Brandon Jas. R. DGeuf - Amelbred19orate ofrts e reai toes.the -and has won the respect and con- :dii ferent frein tdut of onlv a iew wilhout assistance or bonuses. I Sun. moa~s o.dured h eferofe have a ton ofittee et up wsiohres to ie nc fawdecrl f ned decades ao. The chief problem ini will leave the rest 10 youngcr An adoît is a person who has CruhshankLovrd efa.mofthe an e antiidvctiestionar ier- toThe grcatesl change in conducting carlier years Ivas to sec that the ýmen, I would invite you out toi ccased 10 grow vertically and has auction sales in the pasî decade, fa im nrovided a sufficient quantitv 'sec a common farmer i thu begun 10 grow horizontaly-Kit- got ..y Blythesome Dawn. manient basis and we feel satisiied Mn. Wilbur says, is from credit of tlhc variions essential co ino any union."cetr eod Robt. Duf - A soggy 13 monlhs that another scason v'ou will ';ec 10 cash sales. Very few sales of le eurd~tefam fniv old dark roan bull caif by Blythe- Ontario amiles advertised as thev stckadmleetsaecsComaî-airel v lite vas then pur- some Dawn. should bc and as ven sav thcv should by notes to-day. He agrees with- chased. Clothinez and furniture Were A. J. Howden - A very fine 18 bave sarted twent veasao \'h ttmetmd ears agob ceiietvmaeo.te Im h months old roan Wedding Gift have been workinz onnthîs for manv IsAuteent imade y wn ears ago b frut and enthes far.e cd bull Collyniie Monsoon.sad Tee re oeautn home-produced products. Entertain- Cha. . Hddn A iclythe ce-operation of the growcrs n sales in good limes than in hard ment was orovidcd by members of bhas. J.ung re n - rising 4ys the different districts. Hoveer, 1I«limes" the communitv through concert-,_________________ aned iyoucaîf sice July 5, 1938, 1 feel that they now sec it cannot be dances. becs and parties of various Cor nr fstone l ,198 odclaved anv lonjrer if the industry W.rertn. kr-Awl rdi eb eto rftbehss SE K R U G Skinds. Taxes wcre paid in part bv W. T.Bake - A wellbredis tobc kr)t n a rofiable asis SPE KEansGEof statute labour. 'For manvw u j young red cow ismng 4 years and ThYor ver v ruit TH FO M T NOF cmuiestehrepoddte of the reliable Golden Drop fam-TeGorinBv rnaN O M TIN0 esmmunities thehrseprov Idcdthe ily and in caif since Aug. 3, 1938, - wesLimlited. R SS R G O P an cconomv. much work. skill andI toth motdbl olne G. H. M.%itchell. de-îetctritv were required and onhv thamore ul olyi roesPR S U E R U fset en o rnsot l uTi~7he 1 Custodian; a dark red 9 months p Secretarv. Farm Journal Editor Speaker At comparativelv smaîî amount of cash old heifer calf of the Matha ___________ Jersey Breeders' Club - Farm- %vas reoîiircd te carry on the bui- tnibe and got by Brownwood Au- ers Must Oppose Three Other neso amn ndt sals gusta. A P E"Pressure Groups" He s ffamn ndt uabii E. F. R. Osborne - A fine type NoPadEvs. cntirelv ne condition..sD ATdA NO. moancow, ising 4 years old. of ARE CARELESS NDeclares livine standard.ndition of aiarmr prss-must be faced by the farmer iin cou- the old reliable Lavender family SAYS B. C. MAN Orzaizatiwion amr pes ductine bis business. He tises more with a fine roan bull caîf al foot l_____ui.e' roup)* to offset the three other and impDroved machinery which mîîist BA N born Dec. 28, 1938. "rsue7rus nlncglRi- W. F. Rickard, M.P. - A nice Port Hope. Canada.pesr rus nlecn ~i be purchased. In place of stattt dark red cow, 4 years old, of the Feh. 25, 1939. lation in Canada was ureed fii St. labour he now pays hiL2her taxes ini Annll tibe de arc 11h10Dear -\r. lames: Thomas. îast Satîîrdav bv W. H. cash due 10 improved and cxtended Porer.eaatie ditr f te armduex ccs\Ich f he raisprttiiiiE ver H eId In the good herd sire Browndale Rezardine' that editorial concernirg rer. anaznzditr fthe arnI evcs %hoftetasotto Seecio; 1 mnts ldron pules. vou have certainle îouched crs Advocate. London. at te anual s donc bv motor trucks. in soet bull caîf out of the cow mentioned the spot in veur comments. and in incetnez of thme London District Ter- cases owned bv otîers. in place oi above and got by Brownda]c Sel- evcrv respect. Ontario can erow sev Breeders' Club. his own horses. This is also paid for eclion; a dark roan il monlhs old eood appfles. But thev have been Farmers Alone mn cash. 'Much of his draft and belt bull cal! of the Mayflower family carcless iii their cultivatiie. piekine The three other "pressure groups" work is donc by easoline tractors and gol by Browndale Selection. and marketine. From my expenience named by NMr. Porter arc the large which reciuire fuel net produccd 0oitrh red 16 months old bull of the the eoverniment 10 check ut) on those railwav fratcrnitv. each oreanized te chased with cash. In his faînilv niode _____________________________street sellers and put about two- furîher its osvn intersts. The fup~er of living. chanees have ceme to mni- thirds of thefni in laul. They do in- alene is unoreanized. prove lus lot throuzeh the telepheme M1M f ict on the public the worst excuses He quoted the famous cconotnist. and radio. He now boys a greater A i a g h w R o for fruit that couhd possiblv he Adam Smith that "whatcver tends in proportion of f ood. clothinz ammd ra e imaeined. It should net be allowed. anv ceuntrv te raise the onice of emtertainment than formerîs'. His- REPAIR HARNESS Ontarie ezrowers shîould carciulhy manuiactmmred produice. tends to low- cemmîînitv services have becene tzesothdi Ne rade their apples. as they~ do in er that of the rode produce of the more rcadilv avaihable. These ninav oeb Boat aud Motor Show at N O W ! -British Columbia. land. and thcrebv 10 discoîîraze bc aIl hiehlv desirable. luit 10 ac-Pe roo nèsday, Thursday, Frlday Hae or ares epî- A'nd as for advertisine. they secmn agricuiltuire." and sueeested that is a ouire them lie must provide eitlic-r Sp.ed Boats the ffrst tinte iu history, Haveno a onesL ez ar- te bc snendine enouL'h ut some ne- condition thiat exists todav becaiise if cash or credit. Farniluev conditioisz ness and Shoe Repair Shop. smccts. luit fruit seems te have been the influience of the three "p)ressilre of the oresent necessitate that lie Peterborough Boat Company boug spe ola As this la not a busy sea- nasscd liti. Or pcrhaps the fruit utems..............lîii iiiiseli with more cashý thaît la universally known as the boats for outhoard moters, so n, we can handie your crrosvers themselves are te blaine. ini Last To Admit lias ever been rectîircd previotîis. manufacturer of the flnest Une lng cushions willI be ou d necessary repairs m o re that thîe% hesitate te devote evemia .s mrmaet lsl 1csmtai While it is recoiized thati murc of boats in Canada. The com- Challis has obtained a coin easlly ta ae hn sinall tiremortion oi thîir rettîmrns cs I th fo ()%ill! i\.cash is rcoiired i)v farnrstait pany la cooprtn thM everyone needs hla harnessa aivertisine. Iin British Columnbia a: taîtiemt orntierhv. it must aIse hic comicîle! Chals lu maklng thla show fJohursaroutoard Mesi sualcaz e bxo ri e thiat nesv mnans oi sccîîriîm tht tthe outstandlng event of the fetrsaeolndcsc ready at the same lime. s(l ha e0rbxe futd-.1) "Thmis i.,thieast iereat arin-i Prics ae Iwer ow nd ivue ccl kset aside for acîvertisimu iteeîiir' iîciît hat-ha ~cashi have heemi madle avaihahîle. year. Fast, lrim speed boats, around. ltwlll bc a show~ Prcs r owrnw n 1.clitv t dmttat\chaea -er in-l; sueh as you seldom sec, and service better. 1imurposes bv the Growcrs' Seiliii,! .' . a..1er-..Icîmîmmrl -iîlci.Ami 1 Fsfrmirtlîrtslu i Durham County 1 To TakeActive P For some reason Durham Coun- ty farmers have nol taken the in- terest in reforestation thal Ihis important developmenî 0f conser- vation deserves. With a reforesta- ltion experimentai farm or station r ighl in our midst at Orono one fwould have thought Ihis wouid have had the desired effecl of I crealing general interest anden lhusiasm. PIt is truc our Counties Council has made a move in past yeans in estabiishing nef orestation lots in varions parts of Ihese united counties. But we understand on reliable authority party politics have interfered considerably with natural growlh of this important movement. Isn't il strange Ihat the people's represenlalives who are supposed to be public spiriled on the surface will sloop 10 such petty actions fearing the glory or success will be crediled 10 the other political party? If the lruth were told, 100, the governmenî reforestation station aI Orono un- der the regime o! both political parties has been used toc, mucli as a politicai football and a ren- devouz for job hunIers and pal. ronage for privileged ward-heel- ens and their cohonts. Wc have been told that the party moguls at the Hub have Hitler backed off the map when il comes 10 dictaI. ing lu the forestry employees where they shahl spend their hard- earned cash. n Tis is the lime of the year lu othink of "reforestation"', because jil is lime 10 order the trees to be nplanted in the coming spring. Il eis also the lime of year when the ic last is heard about Irce pianting, and that's unfortunate. In sum- mer, when the trees are ouI in eleaf and their shade is welcomed, il's easy enough 10 think how nice il would be 10 have a good wood- lot. In autumn, when the leaves are red and gold, one can't help but notice them. Even in spring, before the leaves are right out, many people have an urge lu 5plant things. But in winler il seemns hearlss even t0 think of dputting a poor, unclothcd liny Irce d ouI o! doors. The gospel o! reforestation has been widely preached in recent years and more trees are planled each springtime. That's aill 1 the good, but there is pienîy O! room 'for improvemenl yet. Too many rpeuple seem 10 have gaîned the n idea that there is some magie about trce planting, Ihal wiii even Sgo su fan as lu restore streams t and bring back ground water. Ë-Thal is a possibility, but does not happen whenever a few hundred Farmers Urged art In Reforesting trees are set out. There is need for more advice on the subject and more study by the farmers them- selves. Most of themn want a wood- lot that will bring them in a valu- able crop- i a generation or so, and that's wise too, but woodlots and stream planting are two en- tirely difierent things. And it's easier to preserve a bit of swamp than to restore it. E. A. Summers, Agricultural Representative, has this week sent out application forms to schools wishing trees for decorative planting around school grounds. Farmers wishing trees for forest planting are also advised to send in application forms before April 151 to Ontario Forestry Branch, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 5. An aIl-time record of 13,000,000 trees were set out last year in Ontario, but the amazing total of 22,000,000 trees are available for planting this year. gifler p'e ftét WHIN YOU CHOOsé OUR. IAI.T H GS 1600 - 1600 COCKEREL CHICKS There's good money to be made this year raising cockerels for Brollers, Roasters, etc., wlth feed atits lowest level in three years, and Gibson Barred Rock Cockerels at bargain prices. Don't delay. Here are the avail- able dates subjeet te prior sale: 150 - Feb. 24 (1 wk old> 10e 400 - Mar. 3rd - 8 cents ea. 350 - Mar. lOth - 8 cents ea. 200 - Mar. l7th - 8 cents ea. 150 - Mar. 24th - 8 cents ea. 350 - Apr.,14th - 7 cents ea. Many more each Frlday in May at 6% cents. Gibson Farms Bowvmanville, Ontario Phones: Clarke 3811 Bowmanville 2482. 'HALLISý First Complet e OTOR SHOW This District -9-10-1 os King Stop Bowmanville tret are lnvited te Chala tBowmanville. uext Wed- and Saturday,when for a unique show of Peter- nches, cauoes, rowboats, -,surfboards and lUfe sav- llsplay. Iu addition, Mr. =plete hune of the famous slu aIl sizes. Many other vhere. Corne lu and look vwcll wortu seelng. 1AR GAI NS ion, Mr. Challis lsaiaso, inghouse and Northern sthat are from 25 te 50 nie. Tiiere are several eh wlll be sold at amazing Isays Bargaius, he means d moail conditions are flot continue for Uic cutire ITOR SALES Peterborough Boats and Johnson Moters BOWMANVILLE ;;2nn Johnson Outboard Motors Dozens of powerful, stream- llned Johnson Sea-Horse out- board Motors in ail sizes.ean be seen at the Chala Motor Show. In them you will sec the flnest of engineering, thc best of craftsmanshlp in a product whlch you would bc proud to own. Sec also, the Chore- Horse, a portable electrie llght plant for cottagers and farmers. It wilIl lght your home, operate a water pump, and a dozen and one other Jobs. Flnest Used Cars On the Used Car Lot, Mr. Challis wlll have thc fincst group of used autos and trucks Iu the district. Every car willI bc properly servlced, ready te be driven away by Uic buyer. Prices have bcen slashed te give those who attend the show a real opportunlty te buy a used car at a bargain. ir- - THURSD.2ýY, 'MARCH ?ND, 1939 BOWMANVELLE 1

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