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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Mar 1939, p. 1

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129000 S People Weekly ORONO NEWS On Page9 inan NEWCASTLE NEWS On Page 10 With Which Are lncorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent And The Orono News VOLUME 85 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1939NMBRi REDUCED 'w ns. FIRE THREATENS unger ForORONO SCHOOL Publc H nges Fr Snceity EARLY TUES DAY Clarke Twp. Mother Writes Spark From Chimney Belied Cause of $300 Fine - Neighbor In enibl Ltte T Edto .Noticed Flames and vre In Snsile Ltte To ditr ' Serions Damage "Those Who Dare Be Honest Are Losing Confidence, and No Mere Turning Over of Government Is Going to Restore That Confidence," Writes Mother From Rural District in Stirring and Courageous Letter to The Statesman. Clarke, March 10.' 1939 iwith an axe to grind could mis- Editor "Canadian Statesman"J interpret the spirit of his addross- Dear Sir,- es. He did not tear to pieces the I want to thank you for the edi- leaders of either party. He did tonial page of Canadian States- not advocate the scrapping of our man.** You are giving splendid system. Nor did he pretend to leadership in West Durham. It is know ahl the answers. He simply a pivilege, to say the least. to threw out a challenge to ail of be able to read that which has Canada to sit down and reason to- been s0 carefully thoughit through. gether. But with that challenge Just prior to an election some wo are faced with another prob- months ago I got out of my bed lem, whikh prompts this letter. and wrote you a letter in which 0f course we will always have 1 asked if it were not possible to with us the individuals who think get some sane independent in- their group. whether family. poli- struction. My concern was that tical or religious. cao do no wrong thousands of loyal men and wo- and who always look with sus- mon like myself were going to the picion upon anyone outside their poils without clearly understand- group who raises a voice. These ing the issues at stake while both %vill be looking for an unseen mo- parties were busy throwing smnoke ti 1,;-..-, 'sM- screens. I wrote that letter but hadnt the moral courage to post it 50 buried it in an old family Bible. When you learn that this letter was drafted a month ago you will undorstand just the kind of uuow- ard I am. It would likely haveI endod by being placed beside the other letter if a series of events had flot influenced me to take the plunge. On three diff erent Sunday af-À tomboons I sat by my radio and listenod to Mr. George McCullagh of the "Globe and Mail." Ah I can speak for, of course, is myself and my own roactions to these ad- dresses. All I will say is "Thank God for men such as this and thank God for our ind press which as a wvhole f ta serv.e this country.- No one but a malicioL PUBLICATION TO PRIZE Once again the Easter Nuni- ber of The Salvation Army War Cry is a publication to be admired and treasured. An advance copy roached our of- fice tbis -week and not only thrilled the pinters %vith its pictorial beauty, but drew ex- pressions of praiso froni edi- tonial %vriters mlîo read the articles and stonies. Il is weou illustrated and wtill. without doubt, bo not only thoroughly read, but treasured by ils many readers. Copies will be distributed localis in the neam future. BIRTH DAY PARI FOR HOSPITAI BE HELD MA The annuai Bîrthday the Bowmanviile Hospital heid in the Nurses' Rosic Tbursday, March 23rd. dem if il is generaliy kn< the ladies who are men the Auxiiiary raise allbh for linons, dishes. etc., USE hospitl, and Ibis is accor by the money received f mc lions aI the Birthday Pi bridge parties on beas. Lot zens of Bowmanviiie k( date in mmnd and make t! ho the Nurses Residence or day aftemnoon. Mancb 2: Iwoen the boums of Ihree o'clock and enjoy a cup semved by the members Auxiliary. And of coursi your birlbday gifts with: Prompt action by citizens f ire fighters saved Orono Pu and Continuation Sehool f: complete destruction early Ti day morning. Newton Cobbledick was first to see the flames shoo, from the roof of the two-stc building and ho quickly noti neighbors who phoned for the brigade. By the time fire equipment rived and laid 1200 feet of F. to the nearest water tank, bel Frost*s store, the blaze had gai considerable headway. It was tunate that the school was further away from the tank only 100 feet of hose remained the fire truck. In spite of the li stretch of hose, a good streami soon pouring on the f ire from outside and chemaical extingui ers wvere assisting from the nsý SO that the blaze was undere tral within a few minutes. Damnage was estimnated at Sl- zive Dnind M. îvcCuiîagrî s as a large bole was burned in move. and xiii neyer accept an, roof and there was some wa (Conitinued on Page 10) (Continued on Page 7) Clean Living Is Keynote 0f TaIks PresentedBy Maple Leaf Officia Assistant Manager Frank Selkej an3' use 10 tbemselves no mat and Coach Dick Irvine of whal hhey undertook. In closing, Mm. Soîke paidt Toronto's Professional bute 10 Mr. W. A. Edger wh( Hockey Team Ad- ho bad known for 20 yeams i dress Banquet respected bigbly. ________Mr. Irvine, known as one 0f t best Ion players who lever play Nearly 100 youthful members hockey, also pointed out the i 0f owmnx-llos Curc Hokeycessity of dlean living, stating Il- of Bwmavill's hurc Hokeythere are eighî players with t League iistened atlentively aI Maple Leafs who do nol smoi their annual banquet Friday nigbt, .Ho suggested that boys shot wben Frank Soîke and Dick Ir- first learn 10 skate and do as mu vine, assistant manager and coach, skating as possible; leamo 10 ta respoctiveiy, of the Toronto Mapitail gvc as n o1byl Leafs, presented sound counsel r coach or manager. You don'l hi and inspiration and bold the las 10 o big 10 ho a good player, that the majority of professional, you have the heant, ho said. S hockey players came from smaîî! Apps is one of the smailesî cha towns.in professionai hockey, but ho :owns.going greal guns bocause lie h~ The banquet was heid in Trin-, the beant and lives a dlean life. ty United Sunday school room 10 :Geo. W. James moved a vote honor the Cardinals, winners of thanks 10 the speakers. ho League, wbo bad come from, Geo. L. Davidge. President tae hie ue atIhe ltrs and the Boys Work Board, pnesid( ake he ill andIhetroby. for the banquet and made spoci A dolicîous supper wtas soi-yod mention of the efforts of RussE by ladies of Mms. M. W. Tamblyn's ' Bud" Oke wbo '.xas in charge group of the Woman's Associatiion. beague games. Mn. Seike, introduced by W. A. W. R. Strike on behaîf of IC Edger, presented an address con- Rotary Club presented the Rota taining several points, emphasiz- Cup 10 Jack Rice, coach and mai ýng the need for a will 10 win, ager of the Candinais, and J.j without wbich a boy was wasting Heyland awvarded the individu. T lo IIis tme in nocicey or in lite; loy- ally, to leam, captain and omplýoy- k R. 23 er; faim play, a necessary require-i ment in sport or in business; dleani Partv of living. and ho outiined the career kl is bc of Coach Irvine wbo doos nol. ýdnne on smoke or drink; and consideration We won- 10 parents, by beiping mother own Ibal wîth the jobs about the bouse and mbers of by ietting ber know ber efforts arei e money appreciated. d in the The speaker suggested thene ýmpiished xvas a groat future for professionai >m dona- hockey, because the playens could. anly, by if w.ise, save sufficient money in tIte citi- ton years 10 definilely estabiishr :ep Ibis tbomselves in any business theyf heir way desined aI the end of Ibal lime, ýn Thurs- There is no problem of unein- !3rd, ho- ploymenî for good hockey players. Sand six The difficulty is in finding enough pof lea top nolcb athietes 10 fi the gaps. ;of the Those who play professional sport o, bring and do not lurn ouI 10 ho good you. citizens wouid not have beon of (Continued on Page 7) HOST TO DURHAM CLUB Sili Much Work For Research Enniskillen Brotherhood Informed Col. Frank Chappell, Oshawa, composed of Fred Standard, Alian1 'Wearn and Mn. Harris gave a bal- Rhys D. Falrbairn Public Relations Director of anced variely 10 the programn with Toronto, who will represont the General Motors, Pays i their sevoral selections. Fairbaimo family next Thursday Tribute to Late R. Frank McMullen intmoduced the aI Sherbourne House, Toronto, McLaughlin guest speaker 0f the evoning, Col. when the Fairbairn family, in ______Frank Chappeli, Public Relations memory of the laIe J. B. Faim- Dieclor of Goneral Molors, Osh- bairn, wiii ho hosts 10 mombers Enniskiilen Brotberhood, wbich 1 awa, whose subjech was -Ramb of the Durhanm Club of Toronto. also includes appoinîments aI En- ling in the Realm of Re:searclh." în An excellent program bas beer field and Burketon, wound up its bis introduclory remarks the arranged and citizens from thit wintor season of gol-logether speaker referred to the initiative,, district are invited 10 attend. meetings by holding a banquet in inspiration and genius of lte laIe banquet bail of Enniskillen cburcb oobertlMcLaugblin, native son flf Tbursday evoning. Weli on to on Ennîskîllen, and founder of the TAP WON'T TURN OFF bundred mon wbo sat down 10 a McLaughlin C arriage Company, full course dinner xere woll look_ and later the Genemal Motors oci Tonight (Thursday) wilI bo ed afler and gonerousîy son - b Canada. Dolving mb b is subject "Open House" at the High the young mon wailers. of'd remsarh, Col. Chappel wth, School and Parents and fri- 1*llowing the banquet Presi- English language and bis fascin- school and the work of stu- d'tFrank Smith cailed on the ating delivery held bis audience dents. Most of those who visit pasîor, Rev. H. Lackey, 10 propose spellbound as ho 100k them mbt the school -.%Ill be amazed ai a toast 10 The Churcb which was a wonld of make believe. Ho three of the items on the pro- ably responded 10 by Rev. E. would buiid up case after case of gram at least, namely the Beecb, Newtonville. Community discovonies and research of yoars miniature front street, the tap singing was led by S. Pethick. ago and show how science bad de-' that won't stop running and Reg. Terrett, Oshaw.a, proved 10 veloped man,,y articles for modemn the light that neyer faits. ho a most delightful entertainer ue osýaidWbat we don'î know We're not golng to tell you wvitb bis roperloire of bumorous is groater Iban what we do know, about them, but Just don't songs whicb lilerally '"brought and in research man's work is: miss them when you go. In down the bouse" with each ap- nover compîoîed. Several demon- addition to these features, pearance, and ho was very goner- sîrations proved mosî interesîing, there wlli bc an excellent pro- ous witb bis encores. Walter and bewiidering in the course of tram of music and othen Jackson abiy accompanied bim aI numbers, and no admission the piano. An instrumentai trio (Continued on Page 7) chre THREE AID AFRAID IT WAS HITLER Residents of the forth ward w~ho have been he ar i ng strange noises lately can put their minds at rest. We have learned that the noise, sound- ing like sornething between an airpiane and an outboard motor emanates frorn a con- traption built by two Foundry andi ~ ~ M Mel Buns."Il wten"ey Council at a special meeting £~ £ A A ~ - ~ T O L ~ > I ~ iU blic' have been struggling to com- on Monday night approved an ______________ romn plete their invention, a large amount of $750 in the estimates ues- strearnlinod bobslod, powered to be used by the Board of Health, CUTS RATE 31/2 MILLS rH n b hE d by a motorcyclo engine at- for employment of a Nurse. They _______________ igh n ubicSchool Estmates Are Redue tached to whieb is an airplane made no decision as ta w~hether and Contingency Fund Eliminated - Lower- the propeller, and just recently it the nurse was ta be a public ting made its first appearance. health nurse or school nurse. That ed County Rate - lnereased Assessment orey They dlaim it wl go 20 miles wýill remain for the Board of and Transfer from Surplus Make Reduction fied, an hour, but those who have Health to decide. The $750 will fire seen it say most of the power lake came of salary for the bajance Posil cornes from footwork. The of this year. Lar- motor doesn't seemn to run too At the opening of the discussion, .. hose steadily. one councillor suggested that the Bowmanvillo taxpayers will pay of 8.3 general rate, makes a total hind small majority given the nurse a tax rate of 41 milîs this year of 41 milîs. ned by-law at the January elections las compamed with 441à milîs.in Compared Estimates for-' HIDDEN TALENT xvas flot large enough ta be con- - 1938. The 312à mill reduction199 93 no EA U ED D RIG sdered a definite majority in makes this y'ear's rate the lowest Heaîîh $1,150.00 $ 920 as favor of a nurse appointment.I . Direct Relief 1,200.00 1,200 on ROTARY PROGRAM His opinion was questioned by This decision was reached at a Printing, etc. 500.00 600 long ____ another momber who stated that fsrlecial council meeting MondaY Roads & Streets 5,500.00 5,500 xvas councillors elected by two or three night when the estimates for the Fire Dept. 6,000.00 5,536 the Local Musicians Provide Interest- votes would not hesitate to hold yoar were adopted, after several Cemetery 1,300.00 1,250 ish- ing Session of Entertainment their seats and thero was no rea- ýweeks of study on financial prob- Police 3,150.00 2,950 ;ide, lVith Violin, Guitar and son why a by-law should be troat- lems. Public Pmoperty 6,300.00 5,140 on- Accordion ed in a different manner. This year each miii will pro- Salaries 2:816.66 2,750 Councillors also statod they felti !duce $2,280.00 as compared with Bank Interest 900.00 1,200 i300. quite safo in leaving the actual i $2,224.10 in 1938, and the total 1 Telephone & the A programn entitled "Hidden appointment ta the Health Board!r amount raised by taxation will Sundrios 950.00 950 ater Talents" proved both interesting as the majority on the board is amount ta $93,480.00. Total town Grants and and ontetaining at Rotary Club controlled by council. assessment is now S2,280,000.00 Donations 830.00 800 Friday when four local musicians Several expressed themaselv'es which is an increase of S56,000 due Disce on Prepaid provided a haîf l>our of divorsified in favor of a local girl as nurse, to raised assessment of factoryr Taxes 600.00 650 musical numbers. rather than an outsider. Unfort- Mazor R. 0. Jones and other buildings., Contingency 1,950 Pmogram Committee Chairman unately, the graduates of the local Who led his council for the second Some membors or council sug - A. M. Hardy, assisted by J. F. hospital are not Registered Nurs- termn in an economvy drive to low- gested that the rate should be left $ 31,196.66 $31,396 i Heyland, introduced the selections es, and therefore, are not approv- or the municipal tax rate. Mon- at 42 milîs, but a majority ruledr Ssand artists, including Leonard cd by the government as Public:day night they pared as much off that as 1938 council had increasedf Though the total estimates have Earle and Paddv Welsh, radio on- Hlealth Nurses. Councillors foît epne1s osbeuni on'tesrlssm fthtmnyonly been reduced $200 the in- -tertainers, who'played violin and that as provincial government at cillors passed a motion to reduce should be passed back to the tax- creased assessment and $2,500.00 toer guitar, and rendered several two- the presont time pays nothing to- tert 1 iî,maigi 1pyr houhrdcdtxrt.transferred fmom surplus account part cowboy songs. Mr. Welsh ward nurse's salary, theBor of milîs for 1939. This is the low.est High and Public School estim-masthreudtxrteo- tri- also sang and played a solo seîec- Health could hire xvho theylifd rate the town has seen in over 10 ates were reduced accordingly, the sîble. The County Rate has also lO ion. In addition, Charlie Rich- Councillors J. H. Abernetyand 1yas first being reduced from $11,474.- been reduced 1 mill from last ,nd ards and Don Cameron combined B. B. Furber were absent from the ~er.60 ta an even $11,000.00, and the year. This rate will flot be defin- theîr efforts on the piano accor- meeting, due ta illnoss. pbi colbigrdcdfo ite until June session of Counties the dion and piano, rospectivoly, and Soveral othor matters came be-! ESKIMOS EAGER $18,325 to $18,000. Couctdi utnonreaeix ed produced fine music. As a final fore council but were not deait Tert smd po . il n umber, the entire group playod with as council felt they should F R R LGO o h eea ae h lit neacul-fO EIIN fo~eaei m ec~T~pctdIi er hata ouleofspirited numbors, en- be lefI for a regular meeting. LIONS ARE TOLD difference between municipal ex- the titled "Sweet Sue*' and "They Cul Estimates for other depart- penditures and receipts which in- .1SINF AL k.monts and the tax rate are out- clude: Salaries $2,816.66; Police. ýk. (Continued on Page 7) lined in another article. Rev. 3. IM. Crissai, Port Hope, $3,150; Bank Interest $900; Tele- B. H. S. senior basketball chd jeh Former Arctic Missionary Un- phone $150; Sundries $800; Grants team, after a two week layoff, keC lb aig 5 Ye r M rr d Lfe dr Bishop Fleming, Tolls and Donations $830; Discount on play a sudden death gamne i e f Travels in North Prepaid Taxes $600; Fire DepI.. Port Hope on Saturday after- ieir;C lb a in 50 Y a s M rid L f $6,000; Public Property $6,300; noon for the group champion- ive Board of Health $1,150; Direct Ro- sip They wlll nveet Peter- , Co peR1c ie1w o e nd!o e S on~s Club mombers were tak- lief $1,200; Pinting and Station- boro Collegiate Institute i sy" oupl Re eiveM oné A n Flo er e ona joumney ta the Arctic ery $500: Cemetery $1200: Roads Trinity College School gym- 15 ---ý Circle on Mondax' wben former and Streets $5,500. Total amount nasiumn and the team which as Mr Arctie missionary, Rex-. J. M. $31,196-66. wins wlll probably meet Ux- M.and Mrs. Ira F. Pearce HATS AND PIPES CrissaI, rector of St. John's Angli- Roceipts: Cemetery $1,300; Dog bridge I the C.O.S.S.A. play- of LaddB1eaie ad D C R T A can Church, Port Hope, described Tax $400; Fines and Feos $200; downs. The locals have met ofý audd B Reltivs ad DE ORA E W LLS trp he took two yeams ago to Public Properîy Rentals $200; Li- Peterboro twice before this o f rins nGodn -ATr MARCH DANCE Beicher Islands, 1200 miles north: ceoses $300: Statute Labor $500; season and won one gamne and ed' ding Anniversary- ___ of Toronto, on the east coast of Penalties on Past Due Taxes lost the second. Saturday's ai ddessPrsenedGren îgs hIs.pies ndHudson Bai,. $2,500; Provincial Govt. Subsidy fixture should be a real strug- tiil shamrocks provided the necessary The address was intonsoly in-, 1 milI $2,280; McGill Estate ent- gle for supremacy. of almosphere and color for the St. teesting, especially when the als $1,944; Income fromn Invest--__________ 1On the evening of March 4th Patrick's Dance at the Badminton speaker told of the eagerness of: monts $169.24: Transfer MeGîli hofriends, relatives and neighbours Club on Friday. when Jack Evans the Eskimo and Indian for relig- Est. Surplus Acet. $2,500. Total BADMINTON CLUB try gathered aI the home of Mr. and and bis Toronto orchesIra again io us teaching and of the faitb they $18,903.42.ta FN L I B m- Mrs. Ira F. Pearce, Concession sî.. won appreciation for their efforts h ave in God. At evemy place ho High School rate amounts 0 FN L WLL B al ,bm vle 0clbaewt rmtednes calied, natives insisîed on holding 8.1 milis wbich will raise $18,468. PLAYED TO-NIGHT F.l B h eoain wr ut n church service and having their'Bwavle aceer wihfoi h acr.'hich is $11,000 for gonerai ex--____ v tersahry Guuadend ecitng. n eah ofthechildren baptîzed. Somo of the penses and $7,447.25 for debenlure1 Mvrsr. EicParesCammnt ig arde walsthn neadchoathon parents had been married by Hud- dobt.1 The final games of the Bow- :ý M. Eie eare, lareont hih bre alls th deoraionson Bay contract soveral years be- Public Sehool rate is 9 milîs or manville Badminton Club Tourna- nepbew of the groom, acted as committce placed cardboard cul- fore, with the resuit that first the!f $20,520.00, including $18,000 gen- -mont will be played to-night chairman and cailed on Mr. W. J. outs and streamers in keeping missionary baptized the chiidren oral, and balance for debenlure1 (Thursday)at71.Bow sa S. Rickard who spoke of thewibtesanihtepmga and thon married the parents ac-j payments. list of the finalists land on observ- i outhful appearance of the bride neatly inscribed on a large sham- cording to the laws of the church. County Rate is 7 milîs which ing Ibis list we feel sure that a and groom of fifîy >years and of 1 rock in the centre panel. At the1 Practically al of the people are wiii raise $ 15,960.00.r great Ireat is in store for the spec- their hospitaiity aI ail times. On extreme ear of the bail green deeply religious and found il bard Debonture rate for the town talors wbo onjoy good playing and concluding bis congratulatory ad- crepe paper cul ouI in a series Of ta1 understand wby tbe missionar- share is 8.1 milîs or $18,468.00.r sportsmanship. All those who dress, Mr. Riekard summoned Mr.1 sb amrocks was put ta excellent ies did not visit Ibem more oflen. This includes paymont of princi- wisb ta attend are cordially invit- Ross Pearce who presented the use ta eliminate the rather drab ofappearance of fiat paint. Higb in IMr. Crissai wondered if we, in pal and inleresî. onse ad a Missy coaple nwth acDnldpenr orhemarwi nawarmer climates, might not ap- Unempioyment relief amounts e o oso.nls-JakBog haey pp iscuple ritnMaoas oflb h eteoftera alb ug ata0.5 milîs or $1,140.00. rMn1Snbs akBog Oshawýa, presented the bride wiît bu go siik shamrock and directiy (Continued on Page 7)Teabewîth inlso vs AI Osborne. labuqueof______roes._he_________onPge_7 _i Ladies' Singles - Miss Kit Stor- aw recipients expressed Iheir ap- _____vs_________S.__James. e preciation of the gifts and the un- nsDulsA-SJaead expected seceswregve Velma and Louise Pearce, accom- Significance 0f Numerals Outlined l A.msorewlpay heFaxa Shr pehswr ie vpanied by Mrs. Ross Pearce.r brothers. JMr. Archie MacDonald, Oshawa, The evenîs of the ovening were MnsDulsB-Rb.Kn 1 nesesdihsnigled by 1?Iafpo r teh o p a e e' obe Mi-. Elmer Hezzlewood, Toronto, M r.Hampton s. Rckard, witpeMker and W. Braden wilI play H. Nind Messrs. Henry Pearce, Donald Mr.W .S R *d itiMg , a nd L. J. Langs or AI. Knighî and MacDonald, Blake Stevens. Neil ain ikadWit'. aspan Sid. Casbourn. Mutton, Fred Biackburrà, Milton J. st. C. F Cannon, Oshawa In- home-lîfe feature, the star being LaisDobeA- r. . I Elliott, and Mrs. George Pearco. A delicious luncheon was sen'.- '0101 Ihe "producer's" own daughtem.DLde'Dube r.L Ebenezer, and others, ail of whomn ed by several nieces and grand- setro ititShos Both films wore very mucb enjoy- pol AdMrsy S. Ja-d anid spoke of the fine qualities oý nieces of the bride and groom Entertains Large Gather- ed and sbowed the product of piay Miss Ade ikr n r fiendliness, hospitaiity and gen- from a beautifully decorated table ing With Educational Landieso'patienleork.- Miss Vivan ile erosity shown by Mr. and Mr-s. centred bv a lhree-tiered wedding àbiscourseC The guest speaker, Cocil F. Lde'DulsB-Ms et Peance tbroughout tbe years. cake made by Mrs. Archie Mac- ____Cannon, Inspector of P u b 1ic Tamblyn and Miss Diana Wheeler Mrs. Ross Pearce, Ebenezer, Donald, sisher of the bride. Tea Scbools for West Durhain and will play Miss Irene Casbourn and Mis ooh nx gave hwo deiighhful readings on and coffee were poured by Mrs. 1 On Tbursday evening, Mamcb 9, Oshawa, gave a very inleroshing isDoohKnx "How Mother Met Father" and W. H. Pearce, Newcastle, and Mrs. 'tbe circuit brotherhood of Hamp- 'address. Ho deait witb the oîd Mixed Doubles A - Mm. and Mrs. vice versa. Misses Grace and Ha- MacDonald. ton, Eldad and Zion heid their systerw of education invented by S. James will play Mrs. L. Dippeli ze rl n r.E rc rvd mn hs ren ere Mn. an oid Grook philosopher and and Al. Osborne. te od a musical number with piano, and Mrs. Pearce's two sons, Henry fnlmeigo h esna ahmtca aldPytbaoras. Mxd D ols B-Mr.ad Y' violin and guitar. A humorous and Gordon, their wives, and litîle Hampton Churcb. Afler a sump- Even 10 this day somne of bis old Mrs. R. Cocbrane wiil play Miss ivocal duel, appropriate ta the oc- grandson, besides many relatives tuu aqePeietW mi ideas have beon carried down and Marjorie Bradt and Byron Van- tcasion, was rendered by Misses and friends fromn outside points. Itook the chair and a fine program are h11 inuhespeinr oe m toe was pscbools. Thesisspeakertheen ta wa'Ssnecossig0 h explain the meaning of different foliowing numbers: Violin, banjo numbers according 10 the teacb- 0f i'maturSho T esand piano soloctions by Chas. Car- ings of this Greek. He stated that PUPILS RECEIVE YjubrF .Ddo n .the number one moant man, theMU C RE L S Stainlon; readings by Howard maie of the species, naturally the MUSIC______T Has ppo tunty t Ra io udiion Foley; vocal solos by Wilfrid Car- most important. Subseq u e nl t 1 y Has ppo tunty f Ra io udiion ruthers, accompanied by Don number bwo meant the female, A further list of successful pu- fCameron. A feature of the pro- the next mosh important in lino. pils in the rocent Toronto Conser- Arhu Cll WnsFfstPrzedance; Peler Cymbroskî violim; gram was sevorai moving picturos Thon the next number, number vabory of Music examinalions Arthr CllyWinsFirt PizeJune Cook, song and dance; Ar- sbown by Ted Chant of the Hamp- îhree, is oven to-day a mystery ta follows: With Vocal Solo - Attend- tbrCly vclsl;Bnai on Croamory. Two films were mankind. Il means the union of Pupils of Miss Jean Ramsay, rance Is Smali But Quality Haigbt, slep-dancer; Leslie Colla- madeby r hant, the first one the first two rîumbers, figurative- A.T.C.M. - Grade IV Piano, Aud- cut, pan soo;PhylisAnersnbeing the story of the butter- ly speaking, tbe cbild. This num- rey Greenham, pass; Grade I f of Program IsScotch song and dance; and Peler f aigidsr rm cow 10'ber is mystic, mysterious and the Tbeory, Marion Foley and Lillian Excellent CmrsirpaeIi ieconsumer._The__second_____a__ ________ consumeraThe second was asubject of mucb controversy. The Snowden, both lst ciass honoî-s. endering a vocal solo.- next numbor is four, the "perfect" Pupils of Mrs. C. H. Dudley, Arthur Culiy emerged as wmn- All the numbers and artists1 ORCHARDIST INJURED niumber. Il moans the square, A.T.C.M. - Grade II Tbeory, Ruth ner n Tesdy evnin whn shweddilgentwor an ithonest dealing with your feiiow James, IsI ciass honors. several local amatusto a- nedufruaetat citizens M.RuslOsonsifr hodecesATCM.-GaeITorut patrnizd t e how wbichparovedeeThe fnal atg waîs-t 1ý radfrcuembarg esnieand h ten w b ic brovhedris oos OIE HAIF NURSE'S SALARY S ISINLUEDINSveral Factors Combined TOWN ESTIMATES AIlow Council To Set Rate Otie Councillor Believes Small Majority For Nurse Bylaw Not Decisive Enougb To WVarrant Adoption TAX RAIE is stnivin, )US enem: )g t i TY 1 MILLS

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