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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Mar 1939, p. 2

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PAGE TWOTH \NDA STTSABWA ILE TAOTURSAMRH6T,93 Establiishd 1854 A Weekily Newspa per devoted to the interests of the towmi of Bowmnanvii1ie and surrounding country, ised at King Stree~t. Bowmanvile, every Thursday, by M. A. Janes & Sons, owniers and publishers. The Canadian Statesmnan s a miember 0 f the Canadian WeefyNespapers Association, aiso the Class "A" Weeklies anad a. GEO. W. JAMES. EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION RATES Arywhere in Canada $200 a year whsui paid In ad- vance; 50c extra in United States to cover postage. Single copies, 5c. THURSDAY, NMARCHL 6TH, 1939 What Would We Do Without It? Did voit ever stop to tlîiiik thiat vou arc mie of litindreds of people ini Bowniaiville or -,vthin conveitient reacli af Ibis towi ivho have used or wiio look ta I3ownanville Hospital as a liaven of retm'eat intlime af sickniess ? Did you ever stop ta thitîk tibat the aetual operating anci matnagemtent af the hospital rests %vit1i less thiat a score of public spirited 'uten and womcni who gladlcontribute their services free tuantît aiter maonth that the hospital may beiniaiutainied. propeî'ly equippedi and availabie for tiiose retqiting- its services? Next Thursday, March 23rd, Bowmail- ville Hospital vill have canipleted 26 years of service ta the people af this comiintuty. During -ail those years a loyal baud of vihl- in,- warkers have coime forth each year ta carry an this g-lariaus lal)ar of lave that the benefits and comforts of a hospital may al- ways be ready for a sick patienît. Na patient hias ever been refused admittance. Fem- public hiospitals are self -sustaining, and Bawnianville Hlospital is no exception, althougit it is nanaged capably and eific- ientl -v. Revenute for tipkeep is depemîdemut uiponl fees ai privatc and publice ard pat- ients, svhich are set at a vers- low rate ta be iitîtin reach ai as maiiv people as pas- sible. Thien there are animal g-ranits from local numniiicipalities. counties cotuiicil and provincial goveriment. Bowmianville Hos- pital lias alsi) been fortunate in years past in receiviiîg somne verY, modest, as well as samie haîîdsorne endawmients and bequests, ail aifxvhieh have beau îîîast acceptable and useful iin meetinig the deficits. it is hoped athet' citîzews who are in a financial posi- tion iill keep p Ib is cainnmendable practie ai nakîng -a (danation (luring tlieir ie lime- or reinieinberinig iowmiaiiville Hoaspital ini their ivill. They liave the assuranice it wil be ig ta a worth-v catuse and i the ini- terest ai hurnanity. Next Tliîrsday afternoan show the Has- pitli omren*s Atixiiiary you appreriate their efforts by atteîîdiîîg thieir animailaos- pital Birthida.N- Party in the Nurses' Re.ïi- dence. The invitation applies ta bath ineii and1 women. so drap arannd annd have a eîîp of' tea %vith the ladies. Lamentations of Other Ways There are naîiY peaple wsho tliink that the presanit stale of the world aid its people is the wotrst tîtat lias liet expî'ripiîe- ed ini ail history. To read lte lamnttation,, oi pramiiint peopla iin arliet'* years iiîîdi cales that thet'a is ai dottbt if tiiînes ara w-aria' 110VtlIan Cvei' lefare. Itn1800 Wilîiani Pitt said. -There is scareelv anivîti ig arotititi us luit riaiit aid despair. ' À few yeat's later Williani Wil- berforce a.,.serte : "I (laie itot îtîari'v.t1me future is sa (lark and tîniicertaiui.- flt1849 itrilliant lDisraeli exclaimed: "In îiitdtstrv, commerce and11agriiultiît'e thervi' i un ope." Twova earsî's ter Lardl Welliligtan wrole : "I thanik (ld Iliat 1 sînîl] hi' spared frirttuseeiiig lte eainiinîatiaîî ut' rtii tliat is gatlieriîtg abiout lis." Fiîiaillsv, iii 1868 Lord Slats iîrvouit- ed. ' Nothiîg t'ait sas'e the Britisht Empire from shipwrieck-.' Thaw'oild lias caine thr'ougli sainle ter'- roriziîg tiiiies. luit lue gaes ait. hiope re- vives and tiev periods ot li'(speritx- arises tao a peoaple' forget the vicissitudes of pasl Ye;îrs. The Curse of Party Patronage Xtui' tad Itheoli' tîhat' thui at s'lu'l>enu'eit- ieî' Iiepu'îItn ivnas sut'tintti)pouwer 01i u tidal ilas e iif'pubhlie supîporin 19i!:)4. i' Wld so n ot t'e îînisî'Itîat lie n'otul'-(ti 'ul the taxe' tmuil1.111(1 hincîiil 'ivil servass hast tIti r *îtihs. Fin- ' ea t".have i' tia' hîy aund bhistu's the nt'iuiiiuen t oftitis 1.11),1 tian tltitiuuîiul 547 haveîs'e itat îti-d'iupîtt tht' pi'asitiuul p~rî s fanrtti'.statu' tof uîtuîims. \Vi' areu'iîuî'iîuî' tota hiuk iltit Prîemîie'r iiuttin îte'ntions-' wuere 'iiu'i'i'a lusinlliisistuliîpr'essîur'e wias ruuitghtt onutis us uruu "iut'm l,<5itis aoflpeoprle ft'î'îîîî s'urs' 'unmg ushiuilooik ta paî'ty putrouiagi' frGui' th 'ug. thbul jo alet' juil>suas lilîldtndutu îlet's t'u'atedt. Seis te t' itsu' ift he' ;atrtuuagt' systeiti n'li I hatt thui itaitical par'tiestsîolemaîî'andutl t oflet i nmn'aîuuug. li î5u's'i'.iii iare t' I l iruaiiedtî tMiltle thlui'peoplae toîret,taut tht' parly ihîtglîls t'uî tt.th u'phîîmoMe lîl' îlitiîuî Regut 'tlI 'S of yuit' ut iti îî'us tit1 t is (îu'st iuu itl uuuisiit'i'i't \<ilt tu kntuu'tht'nimbiers emplti.s'ul ii tti' rvlu.iisîGor.îu,1 nientiii 1934'ithtt'u ut124.and.uîuî 's A latast mreporit,. ý.'i htii'uu'st 5Fi, nt'.'î Eduvteiitui lIi192 )lhf; 'tih tî' At lalesI nrepor't .527. Iii,'ruts'. 2 put' 'iit. Ataria'-l 'iu'~tl s:lit 1:4 7!H; tiii- Pht>y<"s. At lutett're'upotuil, 8-10. liti't'i'tii per et'ut. Tu'aauir li ti1914, 191 îl 's A latest repart, 279. Iiut'easc, 17 lit' 'ut Prtîvinial St'i"i'tari' 's: lit1,9.1 t17:, Pin ployees. lAt hatec imporîuutl,2(hiru su' 15 peu' eit. prtuî-illcial Auuditî i tju': Ili192 i i m plvyeca. At latest report. 61. Increas, -0 per Ccitt. Milles: Ilit 19:34, 88 emiployees. At ltttest repoart, 121. lîîetease, :38 per centt. Iealth: Ili 1934, 836 employees. At iatest repart, 875 Priit Mimister 's : Ii 19:34, 51 employees. At latest r'eport, 5:3. hliliav Ilit 19:34, 218 emiplutyes.. At latest treportt4:36. Thli 100 per Cenît. iîîct'ease iii the Hilî- wvays Departnmett staff exeludes emîilaycts taken aver ivltemthlIe departittent alsarbe<l thie 1)partineitt oilNortîttrii Dus ,'hîîint. Tivo deparlttnents ai Provimîcial (lovetii- nientt, Puîblie \Vorks and Lanids aidFa'ests. al'e nal ittclîmded iinlte abave lI st. Taoi) tuait>- eliatîges hamve bieit tmadle iii thoIit nieparttiemts dtriii tîte pat tive veam's lu permit elassifieatiait atnd caiipa tisait ai fil-t'es. Asvftl. sutys a Tory supporter. Butt jîîst wait tilI bis party gels inta poiver agrain anîd lte ahiaxe w'iIl le readi- aind w'aitiii- la ('liaI)offi tie Gril oflice-liolders faster t lianit lillet' s firing soîuad catîid mow' doivii the îîîîfaitlîfîl Nazies. Anid sulte patrotage sysîtin ispmaised or eutrscd uceorliitg ta whidi partyi-mube- lonîg aiid w'hich parly s t* psvî r Toronto Citizens in a Quandary Tforonto citizemîs are getting al lîcI up over the cantiio' vîsit ai the King aind Q tîemii. Tîtex- laini co-operatiaut is laekiiig witli Oltaiva officiais; the route Their Ma- jesties are ta take throughli te cit*'v itas beemi cltan.-ed severail imes ; whal. is the pm'aper liiing ta svearlitas gaI the civic dîgnitaries; aIt agag. and 110w the Board ai Education is atskititg - Wliat is (..amadtt's Nationmal Ant lient t Thte Board last week coiisitlaredl at moition that Toronto stîtdeîtts shoîld sitg "God Save The King" everY cday. anîd tîtat pubhlie seltool sîidents shauld leani'Tha MaI)lc Leai Forever*' Tîtat seeits toi leave "40('anada-"omît iii the eald, luit lte Native Sans o anmada lîive iltîiid(ert' teir wiig. For -,e(ars llîey'va beau tr *îig ta gel larliaietiat ta tîake "o (',ititada ' t he officiai nationial aittient. Tîtat bi'igs 11p)tha question ixvhieit vu siiiioa Si' Er'nestMueilm ivas asked lus opiii ioni. Iliasaid lteomil v officiai athitemîtlia kîtets' aiivas "(oti Save Tha Kinîg.-"Aiff thera agaimi ive notice Reg (leemi. îîtstamîd- itg argamist and mitusical nirector ai Osit- aw'a, is horî'iblv d isgîsed witl tîte ivay iost folks sing antd plav "Gad Save Thto Kii" "r' ' ta set titis Poaitemiiti jli quest ioni riglit \I'-. Geemi is pîmttimîg ou a coîtteat and <îlfeî'iîg a pri7. ta the mie piav in-, the Natioial Attîmen as it siîoîîltlie plaYawl. l'ite Waod Samate refuses ta give ai opinî- on omi ait *v af tîese qîmastiamîs'as tlievCaoi- tenîd il is a inattet' fur the Lealersip Leaiîe toi settie. Norfolk County Shows the Way Olle of lte îist ilipiçi'ssive piees tut' î'mua p'Iîroîniioai v soî'k aiid affa't ivs'aadl- vei'tisitgivwi iliCanes t Io r dask is theii "Noi-foll-ziAgýriî'iiltiral Jotit4'al.' 'TIhis 8- juage' iitlieaatiii svliîcl is ss'ehl prînted and with ecuoiitîgh ilstratiatîs taiiake.voiu t Stol -looik animd raa(l is issaî'd amîmmuialî'lY v t lit' Norfol k ("'îlialpr tof ( oinicreuit Suni- t'ai'. Thi i s t'ipîoised o utmiral a ni irlîuiiî nicnhers' wiceh is a splendid idea for aiît'v('.ut'f(C. If mior'e eiitiiitiiites fol low'- e'd tIhi'saiei'idea tif combii iîiii' hasbe.t bruin o ustf tow'it anid ttîit folk ivit b a siilii'stf puiipose anid a iiitv ai effort gi'eatar sîîî'eess. aecoinpiislinitats andtl ap- uimess wtiîud lit'thîir raw'ai'd. 'l'lie Norfonl k Agrietiltural Joîturnl is publ- I sî,î l a r'in t agm'atî'î'andtl letti'Nor'- fol]k. l'lie kcv ilote 'f tht'e aiay s idea- voîii's fot- 9:3 is te hîaît ifica t iaîî ailiante aiti fariiusirtmimliiiîs. '[lie.TJour'nalCulit- tainîs a variats'vtif inîstr'uctiva aitl w'î'l-i'rit- luit arielt's. telu'iiîg \itli iiimmnli if interest fi) thtearttltî'a s.t ha tobareo-plaittei'. anid lIa'ithe îîîw i'. s s'll u las'iit.rt tloitisitlîhai niprnts'letnt. u ia.ioevt t tat lia", helîcuitumîle'takeii lx lte ( 'lîtiîei' it .11lo mîtitît'an l"iiiuis itl uitils. Ltîîkiitg tî'tit.r Iis Jttîm'Miallaiiît hlhî but tîve ua fuisoitîhîhu' mpiîssiomî 'ti tht' îîî'tîht rît,'or'foil'ttlC (timlitx'ilit'imlst'lî'i" Io t ttko a ._rvtuîî'îuîiîlî' iii thliit' otsii pr'e- mmlii's 1111 îtl îimnmnit *s'. ikowi se ta peopla us imal imiu.î 'uît'i tariii tsta I-ujii un i it ite gr'î'oi' uisesilv of 1't wî" si leýs s ptitîl tti'as t hoarutî'îî'î las iîet'î ittihhbit î'îhu'hîaitn; îitit'.sîîlo it ' i lid b fe aiitoft i' iîttîî amttt u"t lit' r hesutic. Little Talks on Advertising by JOHN C. KIRKWOOD (Copyright> TaIk No. 10 Why does a man - or wo- man - write poetty? The ans- wer is, to express or give out what is in the heart or head. Poetry can be likened to the flowers of plants: A healthy plant MUST flower. 1 * It is the same with men who make things of beauty and use - like fine silverware, motor cars, silk, shoes: they have an irrepressible urge to tell others about what they have made and of which they are proud. In ail of us is a desire - per- haps a purpose - to excel in something. So. when we do make or produce or do somie- thing extraordinarily welI, we want to exhibit what we have done or can do. Thus, the housewife shows at country fairs her preserves, her sew- ing, her pies or bread; and the farmer shows his cattie or pigs or sheep or horses, his wheat and his roots. If we can run or jump well, or if we excel in tennis or football or badminton or hockey or singing or craftsmanship, we want to let others know what we have done or can do. In short, the advertising instinct is in ahl of us. Advertisements in news- papers and magazines are placed there, not merely to indulge the advertiser's pride in his product or service, but also as a public service. We who buy or use things would be badly served if there were no informative and directive advertisements in our news- papers and magazines. NOT SO MUCH MANAGEMENT By Scribe G Wek xw he ere talkinzabout 1 et iicli tic sine lea a t' nich management. But Wc *to vo amen tant tlix e inlte saine did't iio anbodý ws ditif aiv- Olite' of the orst fbrins of e'<ces> thig. o xe gt Oltea srprsemanagement is to bc found in en- ,er ini Chicago the other day. tertprizes or public projeets Nvhici \Viile lookiîîg for a party iincn art- ri bs- a comnîjttee. If %.ot f the biz down-town office btiild- wvaItt tao (ucer a tlîing. rcter it to iis. we noticed on onc of the (bors a u inintittee. .A' commrittee divides "'ihe Excess Maitaareineiit Corpor- uD into littie cliues. Tliey want to WCa. V couildti't resist the urge. nianage. Onîe coterie las s aoake accordinzlv barzed rizlht ini. \'e its tliiiiliiîîg m)N wavs to aoit ix ere fortunate iin meeting 'Mr. Abcth le otîter. Verv oftenl. ton, a coin- Ciniskj. LHe is hicad of the EXccs mittee lias a quota of (loves. NI anagemneit Corporatioti. \Wat lie ilt sholid nmove . Now v multipl\e tlîî i iii uts is ratLrlil%. this : 'tîhe sit of tipotistnî. Everv secontd -Tliere is too much maînagemîent son Of a 111111 i, a IbrotlierÀi-aw.. ;iitbusiness . . . in Governicît .. .Or the Pre..idetnt'., nepîlic. Tlitev\ ail iii the Home . And who is doiiîg tlik thes riîîî the tliiti. Tlîi: ,iiis tlinz about it ? Up ili Canada ii.o-s . . . no0 fooling. wler ou came from there is about I)cinociracN- is a (leligilt fuI macinei. tLi titnies as muicli Governimeîtt as Bv the tinie a bas ks old eniougli to rui cati zet aloîîg witlî. IIteard 011e use a toatît brush. lie lias beeni led -f s aur hiz newstpapernîen describe ta believe tîtat lie sIioiil have aile this i? rrtle radio. He told abotut lîauiii nlie tîtrottle. No niatter how auir IDominion Government.. . collipitdated the jnîachille or lîow slow iiitîe. I think. Provincial Gavent- Sonietiinies a 'e-p suffers from îtîeits. and thousands of liniicipal idj.- bv a million boys. and vautve bolies tîtat manage tlîe affaira (of rat a îness . . . A iguzits' uîaiiaae- vlesen million people. It's stupend- ment mîîdîîe. Anîd ij tsitrv ta tii- om.It's collosal. And this is Nvliere nmddîe it. tie Excess 'Mantagement Comioratiait \laNa1genient . .. call it Leader- c,)tmes ini. Me can showv votiliai.' an ta~~~~ eu hemnaeet i hî. shii if voti like ... kabaut the1 to cu themanaementbv hlfm.iast iimportant thinz in business1 "aemarriage," '.\Ir. Comiîîski. . . ini Govertumetît . . . ini the e.îîiinued "The Excess Management 1Haine. It should bc simple. stromic. C'orp)oration does a better job tItan r sîîcces*sfui. The Excess Management tie divarce courts. Mlanv inarrîaies Corp)oratitit renders a service ini uo on the rocks because bath p)arties makiîîa management sinmplestrong,. waîît ta mnanaLye. We have a sv stem efficienit. '«e tell tlîe truth to thei 4 tlesigiiatinr management to tte peofle wlîo catît tell it ta themnselves. ,hMer of the two. And it works like l '«e tlîink tiiere isa reat future a cliarrni." alomîc tlis hile. \Ve are verv busv "'ehave a svstem for business riglît no%\. Good A fteriîoon." r tartiierships t(ia. 'Ve show theni * * * * toot deal witli excess managemenît Siîîce returninc froiniCliicazo ste 1 xx len it gets tao bad. Somne mien iii have giveti thia mîatter comsiderable tlartîîership)s 'dont know blîcir place., rtiiomylît. That is about all ie av- Thes were iever eut out for Part- ipear aIle to give it. as tiiere ISitan- re~î.The\- steal time.. put on tlîiîg mare ive can do. \Vc have a t.mach frott.. figure out wavsi îîîaîîaLer ini the place ive sork. NVe t, !ret the upper hand. And plents' have hl f a million Governiment 4 tîtein learn ta lie. Otîr idea is managers. And ive have a mlanager 1') iiake a boss of ane of tlîem. Puît at home. .Ad what's more slîe's a .te respoiîsibilitv am inimb. Its based dandv. That New Station At Montreal 'î'îtime silbas luacut generailtat thte liiig Gotsu'tiiiuieut t itiltivote $12,.000J.iof iiad- tlitioiuial îîutit'v tttbu speît oititht' ('N.R.. t î'n iiin iiMontî'aal. whet'u $1S,.000.000)i liisve luei sîtit auli'u'udy. lu1 siew' tf tis' te iîllassiuîg niav ha fai iterust :"îak iiig tuttu waîtyiîsa ars exçierieitcegi- ecd wvîila ite d bý ulonltre.i Iiii dealuig sîit h pi'oilleiits urisiîgbelwceum thle ('ils' îand lte aihsvavs. tnaiitw-atssanîd otulhi'traniti eothipanitjs. Mr'. Maebeod, M.E.I.( .. tuie <ti tht' mitst priiiiiît tneabers iof lteait- gimît 'amiîî pr'ofessionîîini Canadai. suitl: ' Miii i'eat sîiî'lv uteetis autnuion tor'uîîiîal .f'I1 w'IiiblI te l)ireltestei' Strî'etStuat itonîs'i icd neveu' be sîuitalule. 1 dt'plare tua etiniltas exîîî'mse anti theliauiiicîaeielsvliu'ht )5uld u 'e.sîul t in (.N. tîperations fruuin carri'yiîg iotî t lit' lreseit pî'uject. Il t ultl ineauu, in IilI- ti 't bltotk,; East anîd tw'îî Iloîoks North, w'jl h tht' e'ist nuft'ailIt'iitect îois it'oîît lie (uIt Gr'andiTl rm.uk uma in lhes maid vYtrds n ds mî w'îtliuuut ittlpiii-tu elcuir up Mautreal 's coti- itîsud terumina.l sit uat ionî. Iesities t i tt'nal ft'oin te W\est w'oîiluihava týoul*t'OSs, th lit' Jîn'hiitt' (anal tivieu'. î'uusiîg liais- bridge nielaYs sas-au inontiths oui the %.aar. I fiîî t imupuossible In to lias'î'that thea ('N. manutuieuîtut are rcalv un lavi' ai tIis, uttîtiat i t'iilication intlu iiir nptrat i iuîg The Life of An Editor Yt's, anit'edittîm'lias ut lot uit i whtîel to tîi tip. '«lio as hutsal? Ila utsuhasailobt tii 1111ctU01 lateihi it, if hu a sutmuoptimiist. IH' -,s il utgi'tî l oiltf buinaiutîta tu ad iti ouf ut is gtian. It'l* it' stiiry stîkes tt'e cviii' in hit, ftIleuuxtlits liitii tga-inaI îîuîîî1- ils tIti' slîî'î'î' iiu'uessii v toil' imari 1hetst oi and'ht5 thl iitî. Ilus itîlîtî is ku'jt it t'uîî uiîi'ili miiss. Ilvt' w'utk,. xxtlî oss't lelii liiiist tuisviiiutilig ut'fiîmediat. Tus rt'o is iiitîluiitit-ful landî "'(>ihut itu ais flot Iuitii' itt lie. Ii' lu s ve i' h f i f' it Iii' luis liii h liesî'î. lia', u edis t î"ln. As hît'iluis his <(t l s ut'sus andu" utils i'eaîli' iii lititiiiiiv it gu'ntral, liP, proflessuion uandi nit l'uist - iiiiisgýi't' uu".lue seeks ru'Illi tI (1pi'ifits t Iti' rei'csil ts tui'îtrd ing tii Iii,, atui i dauîrd 4t) gtuuîîl t nst i, liti, '.htid touuh i-iwit' doil on iti ls liaultteu'ustilih pu'ot)tsls. \îîid lii' i'iiisiilim'u t tî'ît- i io . ha'ii.' hvu lîunîss lit- is fullihîle. Letjt iii ihîtl'tii't' huis" his gtuîft like allias. huit iii lis lieutît lie' kititîs .Illhu it vemîi'tlei iil<iks î'îîtaeth Ti' hlîîîî. liei' mîtst -gîtn titi t'du itteuîti l th'eild. Ntor'n'îuulti lit'luise il nt-"î's. Saimit Another Western Viewpoint ' M'(u11,t0111i-'. l'tt- 'uvî.,itî,k . tsls ule tif ih be' usi usuekîs v 'uhtuuî'jul ioi.ts iii '«t'stu'tt 'uitîiuîui, iiiiiii Ii ieîs'hotiîdontîionitî. \'u'u uIhss'uys t'hjou "tiiglsli eaut v'si oft' hîliuîku'î l î'îeî,' u's's \\-,.îsu 'ead thi, is 'u- men'ît iun luist su'uk 's M pi't'tti'î' uuute i' Ii "\ littît' lituuiist inveustigrtioniof<il ut oftu umtiluîîi pla i)gi'tiimu'hi-.. u'uîul t'î' u'tt Iitiit Ile*iu' t" îittI iiiiti'-ii i' fiuuiîuitlu' titi tuilsu' inf'or'maut ionm. "i' is thuit Joli'-'- iiiit'su'liiiti1 (Jijionl ilhiilias htuu ai'u îti ttui l gi'uitîth f. 11,1t i Itu' hînîuîst loild - wouîuiîîttr îiidlit'ut' it liiiL t iiruiiuetl. gxyu- piud. bledut w'hite' 11ttI lt't't Iii h uuîdryu'Ili hoipu'Itss hluiik l'iljtbi' lit'lite iîîîpliî'îuutî itat".uîuiu'Ilx Ii'mn i'uul'the sistul iooît iset' tuijf. tihuas huîemnfu îutiai hlong hoit thlatStIis us uot so. At'ntet isi ua 1prou- suu'iiiIalgois'at'uiiîit itaiute. Prai. Hardty. tif Suîska teît'vuîi i 'mis'eîsitys'. s'Iîse I ifu' uiituut onis lui sluîvert'ot aund res'euti vhtle. stemîta truutli.Itus scotîled altîîg lîtll sideîs tut tîte tordeanmîd lîuîk inio lte p'aîi'iu' u'oituoîuiuiitjts andullia fiuds ltha t. cxn'pt fit, i miii ui i'ugiual var'iationîs, farm iunplciînuts. ttils uantd gasoliuîes au'e 'beiîîg soid ai about thi' sua ie hiIont'. ot h h ides aitfteitert- national borderThe saite cllage prtîits- SoI11Itighit ssel gto aitthnuuglii maofthe vari'sm ug avs'itnues ai humuu tani'trrra înd tis- etîvit' tl:t mnîsl ai aur grie-auces ara Observations and Opinions Th lot stguani loptlar ini thte early days ouf 'uîitfe'ît'iatiui is heiutg i'cvean. '"liaserv'es h is uImrty hast wihut serve's hus t'oum liv mot st. 'tiaa'staluriat trada la one ai tuta Do- îîuîîîuîîts hig busîitesses. li 19:37, 18,263,400 pît'astii"-stekimîg visitars cuttereti lta Do- mîîmmîîuî. Io 1938 the uuber i-as 10100,987. 'l' atint expendcd abotut $21i0,000,00(i. 'The a Vti'i'uu ('Iîîuîîiele, ss'îil huis huîeeu )uhl islietl îjonititlax's uandiFninuîxs. lubas îhu'oppai is Xtuiday papet' becusits i îuus thlat sttfuiuit advertisiuig eauîîu uulli'Sî't'ti- cd ftor'ami issue aam'ly in. ltae veak. Fi,î' iv ,.;am(, reasaut. ltae Pirtau Gazette.,wiiu'ili huis tiI its Monaiiiue diliait. Iiionevr î"t uaî's boys andtigirls gu tîiost tif' thutirt'rt'uinîinîg uituomne. Thai'i'tliay ru- î'iised thuir bli-lereligions cdut'utiui tntî hIttýiltiliS tistaiit ini 't'adliig. w'-'itiig utntu artî'iuîut t'. 'i'ui<Ille-tul ttte bus flititu it oftut' i iv uitît. lParentuîs uss i lit' hiu'k Iii titi ihut st'hmitîs uandtlStiudys' S'IutS Nii hi t.r'ttîlulalukiutg tt uus-'li tI î' xîît'm ofu tt'his tIoa upphy tuisil'stiia tuîsk. 'l'hîY u'î 'ut gel a, 'îutJouth thltld tutu'. AndI isi woxdîîtîl 'îuit is nu'nng. Si'igliti in os utt 'îitîî'î"îejî imlia iin ili hî'î. a l t uitîblislî'ied ili 'T'hoStaîtus- C larike'. \'V's'enttre'e inuîiotîu t uiIIIm îu'îîîhî' uitel.'u' i'tuîhg lieu' lîttt't' i'l liiiii- t'hiuîit Iosuti ' 'lhîsî'ara litsetim ihents. tun t. 1i i'îttilld t texpre'ss t hîeluiias'%\ î.(.a Mm.Biit'h ia~Ius.-' As lonîg as r'uraul (C'anaudat 't madite titnit'ofstu' hi s'tsiut'im 'h thIiuîk fuît I~ ~ ~ n ar'is'vs tuiuue eiuuagt'tus autaugl Int shmî't t hîit' stiitulutiig andti tspiihg I hoiligltfs sitlî ttlt'is. ( 'titutîtii.,suite i. i i qt iu eî'. 'l'hu'i'u s uadhuas Iti'ta71inituihti'tiYi îîuîtsllumumt'hî's liu'tuih.ltit C( 'uîua t ii ii- ti'i'ist usl u'îîugi'î'gutiîîîs ili I lia tîtat ta' of systolu'htîut gtîuuug titiSiidutvs bliv ums ioft thet u'lope uîi.sx'st'ui. It astuilisl's ami" sîhiut tîs îîîuteiî' s ciiisitlau'at. 'l'uuî î"tîl '.isut eekîx y uînulîts tout gleatut' sîut i in i ;il-t i lin i iiei" i pet'centt. tof p'u'- sentu'î'uh-tîuîstlîiik uit gis'iug. Aitul i liii is, iill' thle juiiu" tf oneî tiguîi. ut disit nut t'a î'i'u'ui. o tut w'iiîittth's tof pop.,tiuiy uutit tIt' whietll iui'ltus'sîuvu" tInkeisus t unl eyeuluîsJi. sut. uîtast peptuîle' la'sîtutt' if dits are~ uiski' t ipromînise' tu giv'î tti'eliuii't'li uot tuju' thîuit" t't'e r ts a Stimiluis'.If tiais a'ît"îutiuttn tant ii inBw'iais'lle gutavt'a uliîîî'iscis-Iluraivomilti lic o cc'tasion t'î t'iîii'uli ti'gaîtizatiaîs haviuig liigoî iita st îîîtt us eliaiiîas far raising muney lin tht' t tpkvp of1îa the tuîgaîîizatiîu. JUST SPRING There is somethin' sort'a soothin' when the south win's 'gin t' blow, An' through winter's blackened sod the grasses peep; An' the birds begin ta twitter as thev're flittin' ta an' fro, An' the snowdrops wake in beauty from their sleep. An' the trees ara kind-a puttin' on their summlir coat o4l een, An' the honkin' wild goose nases north t nest, An' the meltin' snow has swelled the cricks t' twice their reg'lar size, An' the chirpin' robin proudly s-wells its breast. Then yeh get a kind-a fcelin' that yeh ain't jest haîf as old As the years an' montha declare s'eh ought t' be; Yeh fergit about the roomnatiz that ,vinter made yeh have, An' coughs ain' colds that noxv begin t' f lee. Yeh see aIl nature fusain' up, which makes yeh rnighty glad, An' singin' wild birda maàke the old woods ring, Thon yeh know that wvinter's ended with its ice and cold and snow, An* everything'a rejaicin' - 'cause it's SPRING. 628 Crawfoîd St.. Toronto. -AP ODN N THE DIM AND DISTANT PAST From The Statesmanf Files FIFTY YF.ARS AGO From The Canadian Statesman. Mareb 13, 1889 Hampton: .Services Simtdav ssere sers' imterestimî amîd set. ini soie respects. pectîliar. In tlîe mnîrinz it svas rather chilIs' far soute anîd ini tîte evemiinn- it isas decidedîs bort for athers. WNe coniplimiient Rev. Mîr. Barrass for the vigor anîd 7eah sithi ss'Iiclî he attacks the es'ils of tîte liaumor traffic and trust thitîlie ma\, lotir bc spared ta cambat tItis "relit exil as abhs' as hie did ami Silav munîlt. Braokimî : Thomas IT. Ilallidav, merchamît. died suiddenhv. Kirbi : Ahex Rumthîerfordh xxIll .tî- nul lt'e sehool isitit ss'ad . . . Ait \\'mi. Cleniieices sale srîmîîefie cat- îtle amîd hiorses sîec sohd. ' 1le isilI heas e for .\hhemîssod soami. Lotir -Sauit : JohnmiStaples blas but il stri Iio'. . .. R. G. \'irtmc. i tr fanonîs s ilimîist. stas iii Tortot. Nestvtm'ihhe : Mrs. WVin.I. hrmîr lias huecît sors ill... Chas. Rowl amnd lot ami ceelusa biiss'trimît jjjjltitstick. 'Maple Grave : Geargze h'rr o ati a verv success ful wooîî lice. Tx mr 'me : \V. Riche'. l.i.r t -iti assas fromîtCreter's M 'o.. Ir'. Sanhers twr'smit-ch atmi. îîîil 'er s'.iîh amiothter rasehtin Friulav iii!lit -a dauzbiter. Our cIiaiiîdiiiibandti sill sp)arc mîcithter habar or exiemisi to mnaket'hîe limie taurnmamnt a brilliamit '.tccess Cttimiicih cati sec lthe tiecu'-'iis afi cectrie liulitine Nî r., hLa 1h"lle'. '.treet. To fflace tîte miamme'.(if thte troct, amicrli %IStumimlout ciorner'.s ati ldi Or '. an0 attu hîe cotmie il are i' il u iChis E. Neaulsss'a' il, t su ilbidil- m1 ga)od-Iuve t,, relatives. tri 'r t, leaving for Wtiic< That ssas a darimîr art of Nr. Horsev ta chear omut lthepolice office but sante 'irtme silI stilh be left isitît the C. C. MNajor Youmiie lia'. hîeit ver\.ill. The Counicil thimîks the%- las c ua pawer ta leîîd momies'to NMrNIlacKav ta relîuild the Caledonia Nlilk. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO 1Fjrom The Canadian Statesman. March 12, 1914 Ts'rone : Milton V'errs ' Athutr .'<nmis and Athuir Breut sucre dole- rates ta Catînts' Teinnerauîce Crrîî vemtian at Paort Hotte. . . Pe tur \Verrs' cehebratenl lus 76t1î birtlitias uecentlv-. Mfamle Graî'e : sNfiss Edîti Sî2s<lc as a arts ta abolmt 40 yaaung itoatte frointhte Base Line. .. '«e s cimt'.\Ir. anîd Mrs. H. F.Irroîv Saheii: F. L.Saumair lias par- chi.î'et a iss' posser sîtrayer that sas oi exhiiionai at Toraoîto Exhib- i tiont. Soliîîa: A\ niiiier of svood bees Iltl.. . Master Tom '«estlake lias bemili]. Camîatiaîîs do not cat emîaagyh ap)- uic'.. checese. e-rs and coarse bread. Dirth ; Rundle - in Bowsman_'ille, Nîarcl i Otît ta r. amnd Nirs. Frank Rtmidhe. a somi. Marriaze: \'ihkimis- Jef fers' - At Cedar is' Mapile Grose. March 4th. b\- Rev. S. F. Dixomi.'Mr. Albert \'ilkimîs. Boss'iiaivihhe. and Miss Rhea. eldest datghiter of the late \Vuilliamii leffers-. Darlimieton. iDeatîi'.: Scabeli-In Bossmans'ille. Nlarchl ltit. R. W'. Scobell in his 78tlî scar. Colsvilh iii Bosvmamvihle. M.\arch 8th, Eliiabetlî. sitioss of the late 'Fliatas, Cohssillin i lier 86th year. Muliss Clara Robims is liane front Toramita ss'aitiiic ami lier mîother svho ieIl ai tîe icx- pavemtenit anîd spraiîîed tir aitkle. Staff f iv>ýal Banik of Canada itasi e mî, fortahîls'located iii their îîess iirnuiii'.eoatmthe sotth-ssest car- ier 'f Kiiii' amnd Teniperamce Sts.. sshich far iseli aver a qtuarter of a cetitître sas kmîossm as the Hizzin- lii thal ii hiock. i. B. Mlitchiehl. Suint. of D.O.&P. C,. ýs ii Siracuise. NY.. an basi- V. 1. NIitchielli. îamager af Royal iatnid .\lamî'.M. W'îhiaixis wit- ties.ed lte OJ.... senior final gaine itn Toronito. Dr. \V,' E. Tilles. Public Sehool Iimîsector. said : "\*e ihav'e no lazs' boiss i f sot puit hiin ai ssIat lie ssants tri (Io." It takes 1,500 nuts ta hold an automobile logether but only one ta wreck il.-Brandon Sun. Men play golf in summer for the heallhful exercise of thEh#ame and camplain when theylvean't play in winlen. At the samne lime lhey hire men la dlean the snow froni their walks.-Chalham News Mr'. Hernidge's new party is possibhy Ihe answer ta the action of the National Conservative con- vention in boa-ing hlm from the Platform when ho denounced the prograin it had adopted.-Brock- ville Recorder and Times. Neyer procrastinate. But there's anoîher aide la it. There are lots of thinga that we could do today thal we should put off indefinite- 1Y.-Guelph Mercury. A Royal Ceremony.. 1860 When Her Gnacious Majesty', the lte Queen Victoria, in ber foresiglit and wisdom dccided to, send her eldest son>,F.A{l-,ibert Edîvard ta Canada, an important considerat-jon was the laying of a founidation for apermanient capital for Canada. Accordingly on Sept. .1, 1860, the young prince travelled to Oîîawa by river steamer and there was met by 120 canoes each manîîed by 8 or 10 men "al costumed in red shirsîu. Midst speech making, mnusic and ceremony the first Prince of Wales to vîsit Canada most ably performed bis dut-y and the corner stone of thbe House of Parliament, 10 become world famous for its graceful design, was declared "well and truhy laid". Thirteen years before this historic occasion the Canada Life had issuied irs first policy. Over the Rast 92 years it has developed int a great co-opera- tîve enterpnise. Today hu.ndreds op îhotusands of policyholders entrust 10 it savings of overo $265,000,(«). C The anadajjfe Canada's Oldest Life Assurance Company 1 - THLTRSDAY, MARCH 16TH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWIMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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