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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Mar 1939, p. 4

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THURSDAY, MARCH i6TH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESM.\N, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FOUR~J1 abl nigi stin gol farr lost nee hav THIRD INSTALMENT saw that her eyes were really love- f rom the littie parlar where she abo ly when she smiled. stood and opening it she followed 1, Synopsis "I'm sorry!" said Betty. I guess, and found her sister as she dov When the wealthy foster parents I've been pretty poisonous to you. brought back the water. stai of Marjorie Wetherill bath die she But maybe if you'd been here and '1'll get him something to eat UP! finds a letter telling that she has a seen your people you loved suffer. right away," she whispered. "Is I twin sister, that she was adopted vou'd be poisonous too." there a restaurant or any place "ti when her own parents couldn't '"I'm sure I should!" said Mar- nearby where they have food?" it? afford to support both of themn jorie with a sudden quick setting "Only the drugstore. You can I and that her real name is Dorothy of her lips. "I'm quite sure I get a bottle of milk. Yes, bring it saic Gay. Alone in the world, but with would feel just as you feel. And back quick." i. a fortune of her own, she considers now îet's forget it tili we get this Mroi a onteuee looin upbe ow fmil womplace comfortable for you al.' littie sidewalk, breathless with sPI. she has neyer seen. A neighbour. Marjorie turned and put ber the thought of her father sitting qui Evan Bower, tries to argue her hand out to open the door, but there in the bare ugly house, cold ed out of it and tells her he loves before she quite touched it some- and hungry, dizzy with faintness, S her and asks her to marry him. one fumbled at the knob fromn the and her mother, no telling how sick not She promises to think it over but outside, the door was suddenly usar!I astodedu! har decides f irst to see her family. She, flung open with a bang letting in Arrtive r e!I astles ahedimin- ne goes to their address, findi that a rush of cold air. and someone Arvdbe'ls ttedmn e they are destitute, have sold ail stumbled into the hall bearing a utive drugstore she found to her ing of their furniture, have no coal. heavy burden. JOY that they had a soda foun- g her mother is sick and her father 1Marjorie stepped back startledwtinsandwservedsoup rwc oeemg bas no job. Her sister treats her staring at the taîl man carrying ', with sandwihes.hie was hot mt a like an enemy and resents her of- heavy sack of coal upon his back, op that is, it wasn't hot yet but g fer of help, but finally. after' and another of small pieces of thgaeadh cudha hm t man eplaaton, ares t tkewood in his arms. bath in a jlffy. And he had just î the maney to buy coal and food But Betty rushed forward and tw hemsbote lf. ehdnto in order to save her mother's life. put up her arms to take one bag tw hadmsuch a lare order ineeks.'to "But it isn't her money now! It "rOrh ahe! secie,"wee Whiie he was getting them mme is mine! And I am going to look have you been? How did you get1 ready Marjorie hurried across the after M~y famîly. We are going toit?" And then giving him a quick 1 street to the grocery and bought chc do it together! Quick! Tell me, Isearching look, "Where is your1 two baskets big enough to, carry bri where to go, and Vlil have the f ix- overcoat, Father" Oh, you didn't! her purchases, and also a dozen on ings bere ln short order." seli your overcoat, did you? Your oranges, a loaf of bread, a pound s lIIt's two blocks down, and a nice overcoat? Oh, Father, and of butter and a pound of sliced stc] block to the right. Brown's Coal j you are sick!" ham. anc Yard. But there's a bill for twen- "It couldn't be helped, Betty." Back at the drugstore she add- gas ed a quart full of milk to her pli other purchases and started back acc to the house. ord IArrived at the house she found obE the front door unlatched, but her me father was no longer sitting on w] the stairs, and she heard sounds 1 fromn the cellar. f ill Betty came hurrying up the di cellar stairs as she came out to, isi the kitchen, a long streak of soot s on one white cheek and her eyes e wide and worried. th "He would go down and startth the f ire," she said in distressed jor voice. I couldn't do anything with h *hlm." Her voice was almost liketh a sob. "He always thinks a woman cI bas to be waited on, but he's had w another dizzy speli and he's sitting tbi on the cellar stairs naw. Did you for get anything." "Yes." said Marjorie eageriy, 'I W brought hot soup and coffee, and h here's some aromatic ammonia. dc Perhaps that wiil help too. And e here, I have two hot-water bagi e nice and hot. Take one down and a put it on bis lap. Haven't you gth "Father! What Is it?" cried Betty. a ine rbto l oehng to wrap it la? He ought to get ty-three dollars. They won't send said the man in a hoarse voice. 'I warmn right way."»th any coal tili it's paid. Here! Take had to get this house warmn some- " Oh, you're great!" said Betty a back the money!" bow for your mother. I couldn't and the tears were rolling down a She held out the roll of bis let her freeze to death!" There her cheeks, tears of relief. hall reluctantly, looking at it witb was something warm and tender She snatched a nicked cup from yi a sort of f ierce wistfulness. in his voice that brought the tears the shelf and poured out coffee o "'No," said Marjorie. "You keep to Marjorie's eyes and a great and with a hot-water bag under yoc that. I've more in my purse. You rush of love for her unknown her arm hurried down cellarln might have some need for it while father ta ber heart. again. n I'm gane. Don't worry, MI'i nd my Then the man suddenly dropped Marjorie bunted around and th. way. But say, what shall I cail the bag from his back to the floor, found plates and more cups and you? I can't exactly go around put his hands up to his head with a knife, and cut somne slices of n calling my own sister 'Miss Gay', a bewildîred look, and staggered bread, buttering themn and putting1 can I? And you know I neyer o';er ta the stairs. ham between them. When Betty us knew your name." "Father! Oh, Father! What is came back upstairs she had a. The other girl staned. it?" cried Betty rushing over ta plateful of nice sandwiches ready nij "You don't mean they never him. for ber, and a cup of coffee. ou told you your awn sister's namel "Oh, it's nothing!" murmured "Take a swallow of this," said y Well, that certainly is funny! I'm the man with an effort. "Just a Marjorie holding out a cup ofsu Elizabeth. They caîl me Betty." littie dizzy, that's ail. Fl be ail coffee, "and take this sandwich l Her voici was a trifle warmer. right in a minute!" in your hand. You'Il be sick next au "Thats a pretty name. Betty "You had no breakfast! That's if you dan't look out." Gay! I like it. And-I'm Dorothy what makes it!" cried the girl in Betty looked hungriiy at the ha -isn't that it? The letter toid me' deep distress. food. W that." That picture of her father sitt-. "But I must take something up "Yes. but they cali you Mar-. ing on the stairs, bis head boxved ta Mother, first," she said. janie!" Betty's voice was suddenly' in bis hands, would stay with her: "No, drink this first, quick. It bard again. always, she knew. won't take yau but a minute, and "Weli, I couidn't heip that "l'h get you a drink of water!" you can work better with some- either," grinned Marjarie.' "Say, Betty was saying. "Thank fortune, thing insîde af you. Take thîs suppose you stop having grudges they haven't turned off the water'sandwich in your hand, and carry awhile" yet!" and she vanisbed through a cup of samething up ta, Mother. Betty suddenly softened again the door into the kitchen. Which shauld it be? Coffee f irst,- and almost smiled, and Marjorie Marjorie saw there was a door'or soup, or isn't she able for those? I've got oranges here. I can f ix her a glass of orange juice in no time."R "Oh, wonderful!" said Betty- gratefully, ber eyes f illing with relieved tears again. 'I- don't knaw - what we wouid- have S done if you - hadn't camne!" "There! Neyer mind that naw. N Just drink a little more and then_ go up ta Mother. As soon as sheý knows about me I can help youý care for ber. I know how ta takel cane of sick people. And now,1 shahl I just slip out and hiave that coal sent Up? You haven't gotOf enough to lait long in those bags, anrith(, house oughft ta gzet thor- doctor. I'guess his prices are il 1 rather high," she said sorrowfully. It M S Tste oodin apip l "What difference dais that make?" said Marjorie. "We wantj the hast there i. Fll send hxm as ~soon as I can, and you'd better too, Fll tell hirn about it, and you make him. And, where do I IC O talk ta the gai people ta get that gas turned on? We want ta be le ta coak some real dinner ta- "Oh!" said Betty quick tears inging into ber eyes. "You are ing ta be wonderful, aren't "No," said Marjarie smiling. m juit going ta be one of the niiy, and try ta make up for st time . Does the water bill id laoking after, toa? We can't ive that shut off. And what )out electric ligbt?" 'Oh!" cried Betty îaftly, sinking )wn on the lower step of the airs, Iyou'il use ail your mones 'Well," said Marjorie bappily. ýat's what money is for, isn't ?To be uîed up?" 'lYou're really real, aren't yau?- id Betty, "I can scarcely believe ',What did you think I was, a irit? Here, write those addresses uick. I want ta get thingi start- 1and get back ta belp." She handed ber sister a littie ote baok and pencil from ber ndbag. "1Yau'l be sorry yau ever came ar us," said Betty sadly, "ha'-ý ig ta spend ail this money and oahi these errands." "I'm already glad 1 came," said [arjonie, "and if Mather and ather get well, and you don't t sick, I'd say I'm baving the mie of my life. It makes me great- 7happy ta be able ta belp and I .iy wish I'd known before that ou had ail this suffering. And te wlth plenty!" Then although she was aimait oking witb tears, she gave a ight smile and hurried away n her errands. She betoak herseif ta the drug- re where was a telephone booth .d did the doctor, the coal, the as, and electria light by tele- aone, and ber crisp young voîce. customed as it was ta giving rders that were always promptîs beyed, eîpecially since fui] pay- int of the bill was promised rien the agent wauid eall. Then the graceries arrived and led the shelves with stores. In the midît of it Betty came own with round eyes of aston- âment at the magic that had een wraught. The chill was partly gone from e hause by this time, and Mar- rie took off ber fur coat and er smart littie feit bat, and bung hem in the aimait empty hall loset. "Naw!" she said, "I'm ready for BOWMAN VILLES' BIGGEST AND) BUBIEBT INDUSTRYI Here And There And Everywhere By DI Morriion, Sr A wsrite-uin l, last ','tiirdax s ;ailv oddtinle! te]] whf became of Globe andl Ntail, T îrnito laris tii' ussel1 The latinchiniz of this SItret.in the canlv dav', %%-a, the boat %vas a ted letter day in thc sc~e f caietv inthe ui f fast 1atîtials oi tradi' and commerce at this h 'r'&s. aînd finelv',-(iiiiiied sleîohIs. 1îîînîod but it a bottie of champagne Pen-ls-e robes. illica sciilbe!%vas broketii at the bow whien she sp)ortive swaiiîs anîd fair nîaidens- It suid dowil thîe eeased timbers we did nî'calk'd sjmilar scelle" il,î Bowlllall- lot leanîî. but several botties of beer vi]e ihn )e <of the' foreiîî',t rit eîîlivcned the' occasion and the han- anc tiine here ssas a '%olîne îinllster Ibnlite a ît oniv' "it-ut"fo Above is an airopiane xiiw of the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Ca. o thte Weslevan chi, rch I)v thlî noIRthe occasioný buf manv of the re- plant where betings, base, soles, heels, mats, and scores of athîr of Nfctcalf. wlîose f ather was anî ex- iet ftedsrc lo ubb r m ulded go d i are m anufactu ed. The fior space 15 iavon of Toronto. This.. ail loved 1I '. on of t] e distr i t izans ofh 6.4 ares.a fast stepîjer. but Sa",î Bradsliaw bihu wlîo svent hv the naine of the wa', not fan belîind or Mfaster M.\c- -1"711%iîîe Tailor." w]bo was a champ- Tavisli. and 5î'verai Ot]lCrs. Thost' joli low, distaince runner. and w]bo Obt a yTHE OPEN ROAD of u)tr elderhy citiz ens who preferr - 1îvotilî race the steamboat that called Obituary ed a mnore leistirelv tinte salliid fîrtli at the' port liere everv eveninze at Oh give me the raad, the open in giorgeous robes' with a bear ,'kiiî 5 o'clock as far as Part Hope. some Edgar A. Thompson, Oshawa road, lîatted ddri'er eniluved thet loins*stuîîit. iitt he saine and some c rac- The four-track road of to-day, wiîter ta theextnîast. tice: \\'lienîne ]îad a sort of soc- One of Osbawa's weil-known Witb the landscape dwarfed tao iI those earlI' davs thier \%-a,- con-'jet\- Paîler nîiblishedil ere cal] "The citizens, Edgar Allen Tbompson, midgît size, sieaî]1îlrieeeliitiior Bastiiiadn" it f]ourishied for a lime passed ta rest Marcb ltb atbi By the "Lit'rature" 'long the itztaltl tootsoe hoefollawiag a month's ilinesi. tinîdst in the fast hlorse iîîe. and the' but i î itetoatsoe home way; Kx hae rct on he 'ill iî1îiabotttheît' oîiinttand incaminiz of The late Mn. Thompian, wbo was Wbere the fields and tries you ate Bon ed. Neaste.a teoi-soi o l rorninent splortive char- in is55b yar ws brain ceaie ta i.te aes rw ageîuîuro acters. anîd People bezan to fear what Cartwright Township, Dur h a m Because af the dazzling sigas. sporrs. from ths large-millbcrs of wu< crenxt and an effort was County. son of the late Mr. and Like' "Keep ta the Right", "Sharp sthe chroiî as wellas irmeiers. .ild couhae i'le rssd bti Mns. Edward Thampion, and bad Curve Abead", atet dhîe or ts l sno suchieet- wmade]ito hv le it slaîtsed ut had bien a resideat of Oshawa for te "oaCos theS dLas.wbtpreltsasnneer 'tsotlunîn and e tatdrew t he paît thirty-nine yeans. Ia 1909 hi DntCosteSldLns" W teddoeo w tc et mariedEdih L Ham l Oono "FeshHam-mae ggs, Fram fever heat. 0f course it mîade quite mOrnincr sni]e while it lasted. An employee of the Generai Mo- Happy Heas," a hars'est for thîe hotels. Hol<soi«i Do vox reiember wheîî coal was tors of Canada, Mn. Thompson 'Pure Haney fram Stinglesi this continued we cou Id îlot sav. P'er- fotînd aoî a farm in this corporation? was supeintendent of the Sîwing Bees", bans pur old friend T. WV. Jacksqon That was another zrcat event in the and cutting departiment of that 'A "Cattie Crossing", "Milk Bars" could tell us mr ln hshl uaso hsaitnihorod be firm th ie sh aw a S o s, Ra e .- flthaîî anvon e sve could mention. T îis discoverv roved ta hi a n- berof heOshwaScatib Rte "One Thousand Forest Tries Frtesmmrtesor vscn thini but quiet. There were bu da- and took an active place la King 1"Camp Sbady Naok, Juit Like For hed at XVîitbe fort sas.d ol-ms.tehîdssa nac n i Street United Cburch, of wbicb hi Your Homeadn i sa teWodie <- orgv of exultationl was in the air wsurvvig hm rebiswie; Witb Camfy Bdsand Seats";arnt owif vou atîthl ec tue bies totuntil it was learned it was a hoax hi ie,"Fred's Filling Station, Na lNt(-.i ofasto e h bs I caatr n h two iîoses inthîls ounirs Tht f a shianeless hrce n h todaughtens, Mns. Gregory Col- Gas. om ,tetbercrla 'oîe flowinz boss'] sas resorted ta drown mer, Boxvmanville, Mrs. Ahian Mc- But Loveiy. Laveiy Eats." il ingcofîîthe iplac liTses tied tîthe thoueht of ' those easilv barn- Cambi, Cincinnati; a son, Aihan of' ticlnvPlcs hvtidt oze.IDrue meext- Osaw: nesstr.Mn, .H.1 "200 Acre Farm For Sale", reietîssothr ihad ahozd. tpruedmeexi- AnOshaaoneWbib;trebohes ' ita Chnge our 11",Trak lidoinortil oliîe Corpor- lment than the stealinz of Gifford. Arthur of Indianapolis, Leslie of "Hat Chieken Dinner, 40c, atjoîl on thîe Ben \Verrv farniî* lît tlte'tne' ne hiîa ukv Tyrane, and Milton of Unionvilie. i Fried, Raast or Stew or Bail": it soon nantcd ,ont. Before Ilîrt thent Old timers welI remeinhen those The funeral taok place fram tbe "Drive Slowiy on Wet Pavement," asarc trc ,vethel<îe frofcmunt siene. he famîly nîsidence, 210 Mary St.,on iAi "First' bridge at thet G.T.R. station iii) at il mas a real] cormmunits- spirit tilat Monday, March 13, ta King Street i l Station Haif a Miie", the'Pilles. but tht' \V]utlî' traek reaed United Churcb for service. can-' "Matt Mort, the New Mot-ician, 1kihird a]] xh.àc little clficr. ll"aI____________ ducted by Rev. J. V. McNeely., Service - Very Lateit Style". tîîis 5î-calle'u]sîlortnt Olkin' i..on Entombment was made in the Un- 1niîdl i1imar~ ion Cerneutery mausoieum. The "TeCnteLnefrPaîn, Masonic iadges were represînted. "Hot Thet' \',odhiiîe is the niaî.nllt îîs--. at the funerai. Dagi". "Don't Pais on the Hill"i aî]avs whch l ot oiîls îlr-a%s nsaIts "Ici Cream", "Hot Lunch". "Cahd1 bit evers clas'. tlat ci îî 'et I) Iiian Drinks", "Hot Tea", shillinîr to Pav their s' av. I ..î't it a "Drive Ia, The Old Stone Mill";:isti-a"u'theî fascinîationî a fiî'lle' '-rs'- Miss Annie Killen, Oshawa, at Cadmu"A Railway Crossing, Hundned .or a svîlendid teanî lias fi ilost Mn. Robent Killen's. i Yards", 1peupfle. Thet fiîîet hnilt illît ýr ca r 1 Miss Vira Fisher, Toronto, at 1 .. 1 -A- Mr. And Mnser'.LthrPsa hingi? Are thene special places Young Peaple's Union Thurs-J "Stop, Lustin, Laok", juit aiîd trailen that is turnied out tî<-dav or them, or do I park them day îveaing opened witb a Cail crawl, mviilot zet the' admiration that a bherever I like?" ta Wansbip by Miss Helen Fowler, "Through STOP Street", "Schaol, f ine hanse on îeain will coiîîmad. "Wbenever you like!" said Betty after which Edgar Gibson read the Drive Slow", Sa wlenî ~~sas' the' dav of this .rawiag open the littie pantny scniptune lesson. Betb McQuade "We Iove Our Cbildren Ahl." animal is nuinhered soul are a',av [oan and displaying a vista of nead a poem, and Grace Goody Sa give me the raad, the apen "i n«sç a fecn' DoX'uReeî npty shelves. tld a stary eatitled "The Mes-- raad, Nwafw "oyulenii "And thene cames the coal!" sage that was sent." Miss Anale Whene the iandscape's lait ta es aid Marjonie. "You'll have ta tell Failis was convenir for the pro- ew m wbere ta put that!" gram wbich consistud of a mis- Wbenetewayiesgs.adte W']en a mail canie to tossil with Manjanie eajoyed putting awav sioaay lutter from Rev. Merrili Whraahe ad iais, anth the idem <of locatinLc a nlitro ilcnn .e things.' Ferguson wbicb was read by Mn. Ftpî aatiea w. fcov eddîo e nihcl Betty came up from the cîhhan O. Anderson, and a reading "The Fit ati rieo w. cotirmeient. Ht' said he eiild Pî'o- id looked at ber. Rural Postmaa" by Miss Hilen 1 -Ralph Gardan. cure land ta eneet a pliant oppîosite "Weil," she said in ber sharp Fawler. 2 rwodS. at. tht' ceineterv nonth of mshere theaij 7ung voici that had a miagiing Mn. Oswaid Anderson spent the ___________ disti]]erv wms ]ocated. Tht' îîeopie ) tearinl its quality, "I suppose ekninTrto said thes' n'uld rather see the aid )ou must bu pretty wonderful, and Mr. and Mns. George Fowien "SUBMISSION" eiii mii] hîack tiîaîîanî%-initro glyce- m crazy!" and Helen visited Alvia McGiii's. rine shop. "Nothing waaderful about il! at Lotus. "To wili whal God doth whhl, Do sou rcmneiîben smiîeîîNcsv- tr juil an ardinary sister, Betty, Mr. Harrv McKei, Enikillen, tbat is the only science that gives cast]e hîrd th t b îsebail teaiîl îî uat's mighty bungry ta hi takea visîted bis parents, Mn. and Ms. 'us any resl."-Maleshîrbes. thîis district aîîd thîis tosmîiil lad the i ad mde ne f yu!" Sam MeKie. "If man is governud by the haw ]îstcrikttan xl l, ut "Wel, I shouid say yau've taken Mn. and Mns. Moriand Anderson of divine Mind. bis body us in eîmiliig- cltub? \X'hsihave N n îî<,tnu is n, if you asked me! I thougbt and Mn. Oswald Anderson visitid suhmission ta everlastlng Lîfe 'e'd reached the limit and ta- aI George Fowler's Widnesday and Truth and Loe-M\ary Ba- Iovnai nt\i ilrneie igbt wauld see us ai weîî on evuniag. ker Eddy.i wmmliitsiîviinieîbn ir way out of this lite, but Sympatby of the communily "As Thou wilt: what Thou svilt <n first mnamoanaid %smiîc lie car- 7u've somnehow hrought us back goîs ouIta oMr. Percy Edgerlon wbea Thou wiit." - Thomas à ried on buisinîess. anîd in wlîat bîlack? igain where we have ta go on." and Oriel on the passing of a hi- Kempis. What îîîmsor svas it smlo rea<l the' ;uddenly Betty dropped down on haved '.xifi and mather. "The îtrength of a man conîhîts Riot Act. wmlîemî thet) ub i<îld mî<t kbox by the kitchea door aad la the absence of aur minuster la fiading out the way God i disperse umutil hie did so. amîd even .ittiag ber head dpwn ini ber tbrougb ilînuis a short service was going, and going la that way toa." theîî tht' wornen assemnhuled svene iads hursl inta teri. Betty was coaducled Sunday morning witb -H W. Beecher. loath t ta ave. aora aut. Mn. Edgar Gibsan as leader. A "The higbeît attainmint, as Do mîlu remeriher tht' biildiiî'r of (Tobe ontnue) neadiag was givîn by Bîth Mc- well as înjaymunt of the spiritual tiît frueit trader ut the' barbon lîcru (Tohi oninud)Quade, a taik on "Courage" by ife, isla hi able at ail times ad and mîaîncd afler a îuromimîemt citizenl __________________________Helen Fowler, and Mns. J. E. El- hnalal thingi ta say. "Thy will bu <f tht' tosymi "David Fi'.lier". (-ami liott gave a talk on Our Mistakis done."-Tryan Edwards._____ Busnes fvo4or~' and Chnist's Example. "Submit yoursilves therefone tai Buies iecoyGad. Resist the devil, and hi xviii --- - f lue fram you."-The Bible. 1 For' 24 Yeaî'a Vieka Advertusîig ha. bei LEGAL -Coni M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. Township vàjnegil Royal Bak Bldg., Bowmanville ,. CARTWVRIGHT COUNCIL W.R TIECartwright Council met Match FETHS1 B W.rhte .Slctor, Noan61b, 1939, witb Reeve Creighton PREVENT MAN' Barrster Solcito, NoarjDevitt presiding. Solicitor for Bank af Montreal Communications w e re r ea d Here's speccxhized med Moaney ta Lan. Phane 791. ' from H. Wison, Clark of Bo,.%- VJhit moît cohds stant. Bawmanvilli, Ontario. manville and Counties Road Supt., few draps up eacb nos -0 Wallace Marlow isla ha paid 44 ment of many caids. L. C. MASON, B.A. for certain amau nI of snaw p loxv- fttrom aln Barnister - Solicitor ing. Va-tro-nol c Natary Public - Etc.ufd Deputation was prisant regard- Law in ail its branches. W09 0îng transfer of Bell Telephone Ca. ln"eb )ffice immediately mîst of Raya]lxcange ta Woadbnidge and brieathe aga Theatre. Vaughan Ca. nequesting by-iaw: V"" AN FEE Phones: Office 688; Home 553. ne satie be granted. __________________________Discussion regarding opening of i i M EDICAL 0 Don't let common constipation, some roadi when thaw came mvas rab you of hîfe and xaganl Wben iaf I ta Raad Supt. DR. HAROLD FERGUSON howeis don't work right, the trouble' Ordens werî signed as foiiows: :f Enahîkillea bas taken aven the oftea lies in what yau eat. Yau 'Corporation of Bowmaa- nractice of the late Dr. J. C. Bell. doa't getl "buhk". Such camman villeDis. Court fies $ 10.'30 Dffice Hlouri: Week days, 2 tili '4 fooda, as c, bread, patatoes are J. H.Farder, Sec.-Trias. o'dock; Eveniagi, 6 1h11 8 p.m. consumed ia the body. They fail to S.S. No. 2 540.00 undrys b appoinmint. -supply the buiky mass that helps a ru e ra __________________S .No. 000 DENTAL bawel movement. Crisp nucy L.Devitt, wood for bail 30.00 ALL-BRAN beipa in two 0 . S oWright, nords 314.00 .DR. .5. C. DEVITTcontributea ta the "bulk" you need; Reeps Aa $400w d Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson and it also is a rich source of $1,(0 ;nauat ofRoal entl Ci- Nature'@ intestinal toxuuc, Vitazain Cauncîl rdjournid ta meet Apr il Gae ofntoyale:nurtJl Col-DB. Rat ALL-BRAN ever3' day. 3rd at 2 p.m. ~lg, Boownv . Office h ui drink plenty of water. and sec what _______________ 9a.m. ta, 6 p.m. drily excîpt Sun- a différenîce "regular" habits caa iay. maire in yaur hie. Phone 790. flouse phone 883.- X-Ray Equipment in Office. 4 L R 4 A ~ K C n t FUNERAL DIRECTOR ,ni U OFEN ARNIG FUNERAL DIRECTORS f057>VV Backacht may b. the firnI aign of Kidney Service, any hour, any day. - trouble. When your back aches, look ta F. F. MORRIS CO. youI kidneys. Don't failto heed th'îs a- M1odern Motar Equipment, Am- - -it as too important. Taus prompt action Proveforyourselff... as over bulnceandInvlidCar Ca] correct Baclache, or its cause. At the first have already proved... c Phone 480 or 734, Assistant53 sign of Backache tum confidently ta Dodd's availabIe standard oF he Kidney li-for over hall acentury the t. .n o ENTERTAINER DddKdnYII Sheppard & Gil Secure RALPII GORDONq, the ~Sijg S. Est w wonderfully versatile e n t e r- "Lest We Forget" tainen, for your next enlertain- <A .B U S L ment. Illustratîd chreular fre. isignt't and Demaler In Addnss 28bCrafordStret,',~Monument&, Tablets, Markera, etc. Toronto. in Granite and Marbie. S1Made by Kulloit la London, Canada. A g 1 10rcM _______________________ Mn. Fred Cameran at Mr. George Sonley's, Toronto. Mr. Sam Gates, Oshawa, at Mr. Hans Geisberger's. Mrs. Jahn Cruiekshanki gave a party for ber sister, Miss Martha Hansen, Trenton. Miss Marguerite Martin is visit- ing la Toronto. Mr. and Mns. W. McKinstry, Misses Marie and Snowie Mariaw, Miss Mary Mutton, Mr. Ray Scott, Oshawa, Miss Beryl Glaspeil were tea gueits of Miss Eileen Stainton. Mr. and Mns. Russell Perkins and Margaret at Mr. Wm. Snow- den's, Mapie Grave. iCar insurance rates here are go- ing up. Even so, conditions are worse in those unfortunate lands whene the life insurance business hs practically at a standîtili.-To- ronto Telegram. in Ligbten Vein Mn. Flynn had been ta the taiking pictures for the firît time. "Haw did yau like it, Neil?" asked ber friend. "Ail right enough, but ta tell you the trutb, I'd rathen have hein at one af the old unspeak- able anis." 'an zased uzbon by a Board of Phyaicians. (AI dY USE UT SOONER AND IfLPII <A COL FROM DEVELOPINO) dicatian farnose and upper throat- L Used at the first salifile or sneeze-a stîl-it helpi ta prevent the develop- . Evîn wbîn your head 15 stapped-Up îglected caid, clans away clag- i. shiaki swai-VIK - ranes- lits you lai. VA-TRO0-NOL EL UTS TINGUNO MEDICATION GO TO WONK iy ot e *ei ion ofi ts i I Lumber Co. Ltd. anville Phon15 »S FOR SOLID FOR 1 1DAf-ir wnr!p 1 ý ýz i f 9 %,ý

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