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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Mar 1939, p. 6

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PAGE SIX de pntteveekend with their CNINDABDlY ~ .o t he 1 arrîxal of also survives, Mrs. R. Dumas, Nestieton cousinsin Brantford. Cspent a few iiLUllM Uv grl, it l'0,01 I lus- Bowmanville. Mr. Noble Metcaif pna e iam \ola NIih 3h uea a cndtdfr i TheNe.lîî\. î , days with relatives in Oshawa LUM AGO l Irs ti. inî. Trut.ohose lier late residence by her. pastor. will nlicet iii th! 1)d..iiiulit oi the lMr. Fred M'iller spent the week- ______ ictlirc . waý >cu in the 1111irener- Rex-. S. Davison, Trinity United U.nited Cliurch Tuesdav aiternioon. end with his mother in Ingersol. In Pain for W'eeks atongroîîp Tbil, Ihu anîd NMail, Clureb. Pal! bearers cere lier March 21-.t. Meeting ini chargee r. .C Sodn pnoafn Saturdav la.,t and \%ho celebrated three sons; Harold Ho wsn Mrs. Wiîn. Steele's groulp. -\Il ladie-. days in Toronto visiting relatives, .Aciine on hi nrinciile of **uî lt- u lir ftl I irtlî,lax% on Muný,rdax 1', a law: and two nephews, Leon Du- corne prepared te quilt. and spent seme time attending von, knowv a zood tlinz telli oour -.î.ter of the latu Ir. bJhi 'Mc- mias and Gordon Chartran. Many Mr. .jas. WilIilinîîn)11 ~dlier the Temperance convention whjch fricnds about it," a ainwbolha's NirtrsV and ailînt )f'\I'Nr 3 euiu lrltiue urud washel inTorntolas wek. ad ervbadlubs~ nans rît~ Nnrtv, îiîc.Nin f i,, 1j ed the casket including wreaths sîster,. Ms yr a aî lle. Mi rrno-atwek a vr ad..baopis rts iitr- n r.Byers as ben uner fle.Dectrs. egrs. Floyd Wiloughby, Winnfi- as follows: Stephlî-. Town .and MIrs. i-. L. from Women's Institute of which w-eslas be nete otrs gw cslled here iast xveeksd uarSln. deceased was a faithful member, care. ewing te the sudden passing of 'I suffered front lumbago. adSuiSlii Miss Nora Perteouis visited lier her father, Mr. George VanDyke f or vveeks could scarcelv meve in Nir. F. L. Sjuair 1-. stil, confined Rebeksb Lodge, General Motors sister, Mrs. Harold Nesbitt. The sympatby of this commun- bcd. 1I bad treatment, but it did to the flouse. sttffering with a broken of Oshawa, Ford Motor Co. of To- Mr. and Mrs. M. Enîuierson visit- ity is extended te Mrs. F. Wjl- net case the pain verv mucb. A fri- ai., the effects ()f a faîlliehe ad.rente, and Royal Insurance Ce. ed f riends in Port Perry. leughby and Mrs. Cecil Jeffery in end said. 'W\hv neot take Krîtschen about two weeks aare .Toronto. Mis Mri Pout boba btîtheir sudden sad bereavement, Salts? Take thern everv morninz. distne were Mr an Mr.Ha- Musn ai Lindssy hha,, eîrnedaise te other relatives. and vou'll lilelv get relief f romn odsHo ewe andMson LnesHau- nusn nLnsy isrtrid Congratulations te Misses Doris tbat nain in vour back.' Se I bave uD ta~ on Mr.w and Msn LMeville Wes- home. Stev'ens, Audrey Greenham, Ler- taken tîîeîn everv morninz fer sorte Obisons RoyoandMr.are, Mr..Mlil et Mr. and Mfrs. L. jobliin visited Mr. ene White and Jean White on time sud I arn in fit condition for Tom y , os oyThulrs-Mr and Mrs. 'M. Emersont. psssing their piano exams. held mv work acaini - tbanks te Krus-To Howe, Mrs. Marjorie Tus Mis Saa Mrlo las oneto n Bwmnvileandto ises hen"-CB.Mrs. Jeremiah lVestaway ton, Mr. and Mrs. Nash, Miss Etta M i s s S a r M a l o w l i a s g e n t o i n o w m a v i i e , n d e M i s e s c b e . " - . B .B r o w n , a l o f T o r o n t o , M r s . A . stay wîtb Miss Nfarýi Malcoîni for Lillian Snowden and Marion FOI- Wbv s-i h at lumbago. back- Death came with startling sud- Whattam, Mr. Vernon Westaway, a' while. ey on getting first class honors in ache. rbcuimatism and indirrestion in denness Msrcb 9th te Mary Jane Mrs. Knight, Oshawa. \Ir. Grant Tbornpson blas bou"Iht Grade I Theory at Oshawa. mnanv cases vield te Krilscbcn Saîts' Arnold, widow of the liate Jere-_________ tbe store fronii tbec Marlo\% Bro-.. Our first temperance centest Becauise it is a combination of sev- miah (Jerry) Westaway, in her and is busv tbcse dasvs gttiiiZ readx xvas held at the Base Line school cra1 minerai salts tbat are vital for 77th year. She xvas sitting at the TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE te move it. on Friday, Marcb 10, in eonnec- j table t________lain crd MNr. and 'Mrs. Wallace Armstîrong tien with their first social evening vour bodilv well-beinz. Escb of that mevendin lig crdsme___on entertaincd Ibeir friend s adili- of the season. Rev. W. C. Sn.ith tbese sait, ba, an action of its wXn,. Queen Street. when without a meity oun evening The ior- beurs te a parti. on Fridav tiglit. ably acted as chairman, and after Stomacb. liver. kidnevsadd\etv od of warning sbe passed away. ship service was in charge of Jack Congratutlatiens te MIr. and -Mrs. a song by the eildren of the tract arc aIl benefited and toried lit She had been about hier bouse Duinn's group. He was assisted by Wilford Jackson on the arrivai *of a sehool under direction of. their t0 a tirbsîiite of efficiencv. duties that day and xvas in appar- Thelma Schiievert, Hazel Rundle, 3-ounrr son. teacher Mr. Fred Miller, called ent good health. _NIr.and rs. ani Ci%\-er ad upo Mrs Bel of Ohawawhoith lr. ad Ada. Clarketa andClrHelen H Rundle.le Mr. and M s aitCe r sd pon tr h ell of shaad h erx - t ei iiil - t1 î.am i- r. etway oas one of three The rest of the evening xvas spent sens, Port Ferry, vi NIte r. and condu ed Idtheer o McentestSaue i te oand S. aexc* Mrs. Edward .\rmstroîîg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~plaincd the object of the W.C.T i i air aubes0 r n rs auli h or faS.Ptik Mss Mdari Arimsvtitdrongtee tet. Tolaisfrr us. If. J. Beull wss il and il,,-Arnold, and was bhem in Hilstone, party. Games and contests were adMfisrGo arîoWili.n isOs r i haw ssinstds. Bllai esie r ale ttake the service (il î suldas. Cornwall, England. She came out conducted by Harry Taylor. Can- adMr. Dod mer.,oîwi.it Osfi- awaingofsae . BMiss A tde NMr. and!NMrs.\\'niî. Van Canît teo Canada witbh ler parents in 'dv sas passed during the evening. end ii Toont. Geenam nd iss Dortbyau, Nî. Tiî ia- Smth ere~ --,,1873. Fifty-five years ago last Meeting closed with Friendship ends n Toonto Grenham ndtMsd Drlie December she was married te Circle and singing of Good Nigbt Mr. and Mfrs. Kenrieil Lantib. Snewden tied for first bonors and ni, 011 lhiurslay attingth Jeremiab Westaway wbo was a !Ladies. Fenclon Falls, sPent tie week-end are te receive a bronze medal each tuniers! îof Nîr:. Frcdurick Waldoti. well knoxvn painter and decoratori at the next contest xvicb will be The bo-sS on the Seed Juldgitîg teani with their sister, M.\r,'Cecil ii.oi held at Maple Grove seme time in go to Napancee Thursdav ,Narch 16 in Bowmanville for many years.1 -Mr. Richard Suggitt sisited fri- April wben we xi! bave twovolse beeti basing coa-"chug ' If is a strange coincidence that As I always say, Lady, there's ends i0 Toronto., llr Mrs. Westaway died just six years i only one time wben I reaily dent1 Sory e eprtMr Mrl Totp-classes competing for two more tîder the direction otfMri E. A. te the day after ber busband's like te .see wemen doing men'si so bas beort on\Ib.e'.kel i - bronze medals. Master Ross Met- S*tunners. .deatb. Mr.nMrin cbtas been under ckiit;aiocaif sang a cotuple of numbers to 1The ice intuhte local arutia is till 'Sx cbildren were Dorn te this work. And that's wben I see a Mr. arvn Nsbit las ben nde th deightof llwhie M. Ho- i go 1 lar pretty girl kissing another pretty theDocorscam. te elibt f a, wileMr Ho- iu gud haîc.union xvho were ail present at1 girl-Max Miller, in London Sun- the ore ss nre srieinUît ard Foley aise amused the audi- Vi-e 1s Ielone Nr. Burges S <111 their motbcr's funeral. Tbey are day Dispatch. Cburch on Sundav owiuîg t-,the ence ih bis wit andeding. A fville. frîei fO-hwiiorMrs. Harold Howe (Annie), Ham- social badl heur c.eseda vr ilg.ilton; R. Herman Westaway, Bow- A Picton barber bas balanced str n e.H .Bell being, plessant and profitable evening. Nr. Cbas. \'euiiiiiîig, Mir. Hlarry m anville: Mrs. Arthur Wbattam 'four billiard bails on top of one1 sick. Annual Brotberhood banquet V-an Canif.,NMr. George Crssvford. (Gladys), Oshawa; Melville West-antew resiTonote Mrs Hema Saelî sd Ms.j wli e eldonFriay veung Nr. Clifi NieGilI andI r. Ro.,', away, Toronto; Mrs. Marjorie barbers charge forty cents for HOoe visited Mr. sud Nîrs, Cecil Marcb 24. at Mapie Grove. Lansinz werui te Toronito Moidav Tburston, Toronto, and Vernon merely trimming the fuzz off one. WVilson. night t,, the bocksv gaine bctweecn Westaway, Oshawa. One sister: -Tarante Star. Mr. Charlie Henry visitcd friends Gi> dx car.,andl Kirklat(l Lake. __________________________________________ at Enfield. Nr. Freil lailev stid Mr.,. Rîrht. Mr. Robt. Campbell visited M.\r. Blackt ock \ISrat istn nTrit. and Mrs. L. joblin. Ace r -iii i ,rîîo iOn Tuesdav sfterneeîî, Msrcb 6tlî, Ma l r ve i the \\..\. of the Unitedtui lurch os.S ln 1929 CHEVROLET COUPE Maple G o snd i eld ai ftue home ef N -. .S. Nie- Harl a..LPaci- 1rs LlydSnode Vers e attended oingit ig 10' Black - A real buy that is readv for thousands of trouble- Mrs.Lloy Srt.den nd Mss ýthe had ro-ad-. shicb ttîppcd al Ncssle.- rol n ,.1' a:,ý Lillie Cowiing visited their par- traffue. atteiulcd the itiecral o ichettr freermiles. An ideal car for business or for a young ents, Mr. and Mrs. Cowling, Sa!- I "' ic' I.oftt rutdCurbholcriîlw. Nr eiie Xi married couple. In good condition. Take lit away for gi Misses Betty and Mldred Snoxv- iwas fief(] at the homue of NI rs,.1o lIii141,, Nlaffle Groise. oni Satuirdax ga Lariner(, n Thîur .da \ a fieriion. lure uva-.a vervs suîali atteid(atice wli MNarch <-)ilu. Nr. jahez Wrigiht \vs a-..î cliurclu serviîce S1udav. Rev. Rack- mec ______________________________ il, charge if thle meut iii e. NI r-..I ialsn I realched ai, c cl vrfl 'rnloi are \~1),(]; j ,a-u the hlIe iil %- dvsu d i ssI--. lcssie aud -NIr. N il 'iub Sa: praur. Nr-ý. C. Iili (Iisd lur lgrunili ilo ue-. iiiLa f ildet. X.\ t te S. S. S l, A NEW SERVICE trutared the folbi' u ug lîr' grîui .u..îiniNI rs. ack Vel vi,usîl beet _\r.Cuti! 1li11 rcaul finu a Ciiiu-.e charize 'f it, Iu-iSiiar_\ tirîgranui Now You don't have te al earliut 1w Nis. j.ara \fu-su i-.,. Rua Nilli-.onrual a chauu- corne down town to choose 1lii. Chia:s'ca!(iliet hi NIfr-. lixiî . 1r fi iii ti lis lu. Tulitru v your wallpapers. Jus t XViiht sud .Nîrý., riie.,t arîîuer I lic ii , rvisuuu-trvic u iuc\ivk poeus and we wil send .Xiiilihatitislu Ii hiu- a , cijo(:laiti Sîuiffa\ Sdi"iwi Inbu .t t1936 o u ah ebon ed i e t o N i r -. . I\ ' s F rg t- u g ave liii lu t uî, l tin te. 1 .30 .11 ~ .a ou smpe ocs irctto taik NI r.. rl D'iruil gîsu a \ I ir-. i tI,l ia l,.lxil Il- ,A fourc your house for your in- rDai'nt'N.î\ui las i 1iuuî,'gsruil ,- ais f,'r Nîr. Ct 'for lowg spection. Lune h amI id a >cial tîi re r' lu e utîlu I ýl l -, iif. 'r miothlir x car andîl ia 5at the nuectlO. j iiti t" I'i,rt i' rm uItll ilinoi. 1 e tn FOR PROMPT ATTENTION. N[arîv inu the Village have ijeetn ilI Mmr. .lu IK--uk la drivenf iitii the filut. T'l' li ocku5 tu*atiii lia -. f.et . eit tilict v wkî iloutluI ideal aut Phone 651 nit beeri able bo play i luhefis!-. iitlier. I R..Nc Kes.ock. buprie as ici ()ulaccouîtît f iit--. i r. aîuinId -. lurie loo 'ie J O H N 1' () S4The E;î-tur uxarninati0iîi-.areIC h.--ti:"u, pellt the u,.u-.endiu JO>NTONiizsuritten iiai the Higli Schooi. relatis -.lure. BOOK STORE Ir. Ru,]ert XXillan. Toruitito. spent1t aN IîNr-.. barriCr, BOOK ST REck- ithsiîîhi. emandmother. ITir, îîîî, aiNi r. S. E.Wrv Phone 651 Bowmanvlle 'Nir'. \'<'n. tecie. Nis lieunilslasoui îîent the veek- NMr. anîd Nîrs. WXilfridl XX'iliaui-. uuund witli -iNr i!Nr -.. .Xlaiî Baloi liu Wl-,Xhithu .193F 1933 CHEVROLET Dark Blue OWLNGS E IS OR ES Brow'tni's133COUPE lent niileagf ____GS LL ORLS ance. This A n attractive mode], dark blue show for t>g N~~~.I r. andilNî WX lltii i Isu'suwith a good paint job and me- Anl S rv s OU W Nr nî\r,.. Waler Fr asu ndui hiaie! Nî\r. l"iii l .i Ca-., l!ui- or. Tires are good and it's all We Test Eyes and Fit Trusses to Your Entire suuu ui l i Rluî. (,ralîsti ,teîi the . dyto go for Satisfaction in Quality, Style and Price ,îîîuilliuî',alcf(i amin tck aud ibn-'-q 9 ~Alka-Seltzer --29-57 a.-.$350a O~e~/t&2 eWampole 's Ext. - 1.00 Niu.. s hulis iaIrn \ iv it î i ~ c~ ~tca*~ ~ Mead's Brewer's 01v.iiîîtiN..Iî i-NcXi.r Nir .\Ilsius (a-u50-1.00hu\I.r.r,' Yes as 0-.0 î,îii iîToronito. 1934 MODELS 1932 MODELS Ir. auud Nî- t - I.-. .lIilrtaî, NIr. Special Prices rI u-liil;a(uiHt(d 1Hihvoe op old P 49c Rot Water 'M. c lIiIiýi~ aI lI)hSui 1iIs op -. îî.Nii~ic(,.ii- \Ir. aîîNr.i.C rltCandh Chevol e Coupe Bottie - - - - 33c <,rîi,,uiaîîîNI ixuuCNoiachi N 83c Noxzema --59ce ii.Xllîîîîi î-.hl'-'î,NuFr op i Dodd's Pis --27c luau 'rrii anudi\Nr. l!i I îFrduoup - Absorbent Cotton ýal1d CN . c u~îu uiesuu i Ford TudorCop lb -- --- --29c -NI r. ,îîuî NuG-t, i ', 'thu-'i o ____________________________-_____-____-_____-____ 32e_______ N r I.ixià rau.îuCloupeDratCop lT -I L S 1J X î . .K. A C I 1 1 T H 1 9 3 9 - ~~~~ ~For Children Nr t.churm~ai -'î.Nr. 150 - - - - .79 mtrs. .I-.iius ,,iu tn 300 - - - - $1.39 2 L.arge Tins - - - - 23( Muuuuir. 'n ' Rlu iîî-. ii ..tîrl.' j asrtets~ lîi ui.iauuufî. 'ut ROYW. 750 - - - - $2.79 ir 4 it u i> . ' u isiiu PHONE sl a-. guait. PH9NEP.lfR.fCfWINGPhm.8 IVSE T uek uî,uiî,Phone 2510 Courtice DEALER FOR GENERI frîu î ii - Mu. A r tifrtL r tiîigsîuiliu-. t' MNr. andMi.Ir. Eor 1Use dCars During the Anniversary Sale Roy Nichols' Eleventh Annive-rsary Sale continues this week with further bar- Ls in exceptionally fine guaranteed used cars, On our lot, you will find automobiles hich are in almost perfect condition though th-9y are several years old. Our expert echanios reconditioned and overhauled every car until it is in excellent shape. Here t cars te fit every pocketbook. Eachi an outstanding bargain during the Anniversary d'e. Visit us to-day while the bargains are still available. Results since last week have en amazing and the cars are moving fast. Buy yours to-day. iWILLYS SEDAN cylinder automobile that gas consumption cannot be The car lias net been i far and uvili provide an te for anyene at a very ce. $385 'RONTENAC COACH - A smai car giving excel- ge along with good perform- sis one cf the best, cars in the îe money. A real bargain at $275 1937 MODELS Buick Sedan, Black Chevrolet Coach, Black 1938 MODELS Oldamobile Coach, Grey Chevrolet Coach, Black 1936 MODELS Chevrolet Coach Pontiac Sedan, Blue Pontiac Coach (8), Blue WiIIys Sedan 77, Green 1935 OLDSMOBILE COACH Mlaroon c.oo, new tires, with a motor that purrs. The man or woman uwho buys this car uvili fînd il inAi con- dition inside and eut. Il has neyer been hurt and is yours for only $525 1930 MODELS Buick Sedan Hup. Sedan Whippet Sedan Whippet Coach WiIIys Sedan 1935 HUDSON COUPE Green - 8 cylinder model -with rumble seat, nem- tires. twe windshield wipers and de luxe equipment tbreughout. Interior and exterier perfect. Yeu ean't go wrong at $400 1935 MoeLSroc Bu Chevrolet Coach, Blue Chevrole Coach, BlueN. Oldsmobile Coach, Blueo 'ALOOldSmARbANlTCoKS Mro NICHO MOTORS CARS AND TRUCKS Bowmanville 'HIF STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO -- - ln% ýl ý r ý LI i-T-1 1 4-r " inch 9 1935 MODELS, Bowmanville 1

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