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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1939, p. 9

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THURSD XV, MARCH 23RD, 1939 THE CAN.\DAI \N STATESMAN, BO'ý\IA.NVILLE. ONTA\RIO P\EN THE ORONO NIEWS SOCIAL A Pl Miss Hazel Winter was h( from Bowmanville. Mr. James Hodgsun hasb visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Am Tuesdav was the first day Sprîng. It wont be long now, A number attended a danec Courtice Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. S. Pavne verc Toronto recentlv. Mr. John McCrae bas had prevements donc to bis house. Mrs. Ed. Dean held a quilt last %week. Mr. Ciff Barrett and Miss M ion -Miller visjted at W.H. Rov. Mrs. O. )W. Rolph \vas in ronto '%,onday. Mrs. Powers Sr. \vas taken at church Sunday and taken hor Trinitv Churcb Union. Bo manville, bave invited OronoL ion to be their guests on April The O. C. S. girls had a gý Party with games and refre n*ents March 2lst. A number from here attend the Oshawa-Toronto bockey gaz at Osbawa March 22nd. Dr. Floyd Cuttell, Buffalo. ited bis parents. Mr, and Mrs. Cuttell. Mr. and Mrs. Neil F. Porter a Shirley spent Sunday at PetE bora. Mrs. Grady and Earline and N, Roy Smees, Hamilton, visited Mi C. G. Armstrong. A number attended tbe Agrici tural Society directors' meeting Bowmanville Monday nigbt. Miss Ethel Stark bias bad hav e electric treatment on i throat. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Keat ar daugbiter Elenor. Toronto. visîtc Mr. W. E. Davev. Vernon Sauinders. Toronto. vi ited bis parents. Mr. and Mrs. Saunders. Mr. Geo. Rewe. Tarante. visite his parents. MIr. and Mrs. W.1 Rowe. Mr. and MVrs. S. Cuttell returr ed Saturday from a deligbtfi visit %vitb their son at BuIffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Glanvi]l and son meve sbortly te the farr nowv occupied by Mr. Wrn. Neal The fire engine was eut MaI.riý 15tb. for practîce and te allovw th inspection of cisterns. W. A. ef Park St. Church bav been quilting quite eften latelý serving t O Lsual Pot luck supper A homielý attended the B.H.S ahoeand dance on Tbuirsday and Friday nigbts at Bo\ývmanville Mrs. J. Dickson, Mrs. H. G. Me \Donald and Mrs. J. Rîcbardsor were in Taronte Monday. Mr. Raymond Cbapman bas hac a very sore knee, obtained viaz saw. Sunday visiters at O. W. Seett' were Mrs. W. K. Sloane and ser Oscar of Peterboro. Mr. W. S. Cobbledick is liaving a summer kitchen built on his new home. Mr. Perey Chapman is the contractor. We noticed part af the snow plaugh outside Mercer's garage this week. Evidently it is under- gaing repairs. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Chapman and family have maved ta the farm aoccupied by Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Glanville Jr. Mrs. H. H. McDonald, Mrs. A. Henry and Mr. W. E. Davey at- tended the funeral of Lady Hughes at Lindsay on Tuesday. A number attended the I.O.O.F. meeting at Bowmanville Marci- 22nd, som-e contributing te the program. KISS YOUR TIRED FEELING GOOBVE! Peplesa Many Suffer Low Blood Count-And Don't Know IL The baffiing thing about lov blond courit ithat you cana weigh abolit as ranich as you ever diii - even look hvaIthy and strong, yet - yoniccin fiel as if you had lelad ini your legs, dni.ey. til niand 1îwîle.. loss bl.od ic,îini means yîîu havent est enough red biîliîcrid si It is their vital job te, carry lifc.giving oxy gen finin your longs throughout your bodly. And just as it takes oxygrn tocxiliule ga..i.ine in yoiîr car and make the power tri turn the whtels. so you must have îlerty oif oxygen to, cxpiode the enerzy in your boîdy anîl gise you goirig powel ' Get Dr. Williams P'ink PuIs today. Thcy aire worid-famiiîîs for the helin they give in increasiiîg the nruher andl strcnwth tif ced cor, îîcics. Then siih yîîur blondîîCollait n,. youlIl feei like hoîîaîing iop the siairs as if you vee tîating ioi air. Ask ,.iur drugglsî r.,tii. \Wiilinam, ii ai, uiîla.. -W ZEBRA BrownrsSongs 0f OId Erin Feature At N PESN LNews of Clarke Township metMa e a+th Te Club cid Women'sInstitute "Irish Night" 'HOINE 40rl6 ed ta hold a card party in the! school March 22; cammittee iný charge being Misses E. Sîmipsoný A mixture of Irish sang and' iore Mrs S. Littlew~ood and Mrs. R.' igent's Victr Farrow and Ar- and W. Farrow. Bill Morley, Clar- Irish history wt aho rs Smith cOntributed a splendid vo-:ow n il thur Thomnpson were the %vinners ence Turner. RayBon rdhuorwssredu ataeiafladiaf Gardenl been cal diiet at Park St. Church at the .at crokinole while Mrs. Milton Couch and Archie Brown. The present Fia ih tSna vnn evc.S O T A G TMs e.Hnesni pn- oisnaàMs lk lxn olwn rga a ncag ulIihngts i n Sunda ednn.sevie.robwnon tand My rs.BlkeAlean- followng Torm was in cargenalIis*igt onsored by the Service Mr.T ADaBndn Mr. eo.Henersn i spnd de 'sn te bJb.przes. Ats fMs omWolc.3dvice Womnen*s Institute, and cenvenied y 1Of have maved ta the farm fermerîxP t r o o n o rdi p r-l nh vssr e yt el de . p ei et: Mui a eeto y G r o i d a mt tenanted by Mr. and Mrs, W. R.MC EN iE Pet e ro andonuFed.is spart îng aRChevolet coupe Visitors. Mrs. J. Garrod and M\r. Harold The scene ef activity was the ,at Cohbledick. League meetings have been in-, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Patterson Allin: reading by Helen Cuc:counicil chamber - but a very dif -________________ Mr.an Ms. . . obledckInesitue lane inth Nardefinitelv postponed until thel Toronto. and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. duets by the Misses Challis Of ferent ene from the one last seen e r and Mre beW. S.l Cd oOrleno Fuestture FrPatrolin Leder roads are better. Wannîx e, Kirbv, at tbeir parents, Bowmanviîîe: reading by Archie by tbe majority of those present. Variety havig moed fom Kndaldis- Bowmanville Scouts To xiiino lbsign tm ric. adMsFodCtelhdAsslt Graham accompanied Mr. Aif. Mr . and rs. Harry Farrow and exiiin fcu.sign by color seheme and the Irish decora- If u li.sas h 1igta im r.ad r. lvdCttl hdReid of Bowmanville te Torentoý Shirley,,, Bowmanville at bier par- Audrev Brown; quartet selections tiens still further changed it. I tti ietetîgta avers- enjoyable trip through the There .vas the biggest cro-w.d Wednesday of last week to visit! ents. Mir, and Mrs. Wýalter Ther- by Messrs. Farrow. Kerr, Graham These consisted of green and toakes ieardceiiiiug ,seintcrestinig. Not ting States te Mexico recently,. They yet at the Boy Scouts' meeting Mýiss Lizzie Reid. fornîerly of'tl.ad Wolck utb rdwhite on posts, green and white iilaîccpitigithr bnought back some odd and de- Thursdav nîght. Cowanville who \vas taken ser- Mr. Esan Quantril mwith his bro- oc n lrnere;A- cross pieces on the windowsfs-dc cibc oe tee oi Ian- lîciu7s fruit. Dr. McKenzie gave the first iously ill with a heart attack. ther, M'ur. Cecil Quantril, at Eliza- chie Browvn read the Homne and ened with rosettes, green candles i maiîd. .\nd gardcoing durs net cnd 's. Miss Beatrice Haîmm expects to letUe in First Aid for th~e patrol The first official day of spring bethvjIle. SCI1o01 Club Paper. After a femv,' in silver holders, green containers . stlbceler. To- leave shortiy for Stratton where! leaders and it %vas most interest- thîs year wvas a somewhat differ- f Mrs. George Thompson with contests lunch xvas served. with imitation yellaw dafiodils in Tbierc arc varyiog bues impossible she il enjoy ant extended stay, îng. It is too bad that adults ent temperature te that of last riends around Port Hope. 1 The people of the community i themt, Home and Country" ban-, te describe, there arc differcrit tex- iîî th bier brother and sister-in'- could net have been present as vear when our flood time was Mrs. Vernon Peacack, Elizabeth- extend sympathy to the family of 0 ner in green on wvhite, several' titres bcigbîis, scasens of bloomniog. Me. law, Mr. and Mlrs. Calvin Hamm.: well. The lecture was on "The over and Charlie McNeil was ville. Mrs. Carman Bell, Jean and Mrs. Wm. Clark who passed away 1Ilrish mottoes, etc., and even the In the tiiiCt plot onel cati bave an ýOv A number suff ered from bad two defences of the body - 5kmn ploughing. This year some of the John. Campbellcroft, at Mrs. A. March 18. jail was covered with a crepe 1ceiierrous rangce. Bv addiog a few U-faits at the rink Saturday ih and Blood." He explained the na- neighbors shovelled snaw from Jacksen*s on Friday. M0.adMs ha.Alrdad ae uti.it re hm. tu o aing up on tbe bose, n Ln hoghtogtes os ~ tueo ursadhw otetthe road to try and get the cars rcs oi.cre n nyhv ;k 1 7 hog huhls ostrw ueo un n o otetMrs. Hotson, Brown's, Mrs. Allinrok.oecrr Qîaybteaok 17. opbtletp aon wc er while waiting for the doc- through. and Mrs. N. Samis, Newtonville,1 Rev. S. Littlewood made an garco; yecvtnahoIiig tsh- ctheenwskn asImae donesbutoundasoan bruises Mrcte r. nd Msrs. .Seeswt C larke Union and Mrs. Reg. Woodham and babe. ideal chairman, paying tribute te svitb concrete or by merety sinking èsh-wouds ad buise. M. an Mr. T.Steens ithToronto, spent Sunday with Mr. the ladies and their werk, and in a c.rock flusb wvitb the surface of the others had wrists, etc. bruised. At eight oclock the four pat- Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Stevens, Port Mrs. Carl Bîllîngs, who vîsited anmr.urdCoc.bst feremarshoing hat he Oe, cadvner liy pool.r ,ded Park St. Church trustee boardrplayetgames. Geam essand Hrill Mr, . . Pey Ewars, eteroro coingbackta ealhMrnd abe viste r. and rs. The programi opened with a abîe. ut stiti moreamazig resuits me hetd anames Gselectionll Mr.Pbre therd ,orchestr omig aper-e vI tevMrtan Mrs sllcton y tt obhesra, er-%vel c1%vnbiie weombne lo- hlanorganizatian meeting. A'were in charge of Asst. Seoutmas- with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. W. String- Mr.Ck oli Sm th sl uc Ga .. sonnel being, Miss Eileen Riddell, rs skiltfulty ttitb grass, winding deigaion oflaies romth WÂ.te JhnGrdy Sx cotsfi- rof fat cattle te Mr. Wesley Caw- Mr. Bill Clark spent Sunday and Mesdames W. C. Lynch, E . ,va1rks, sbrilbberv and bits of stene aprabdte eadn a-ished the second test in tender- Mr. and Mrs. Westol Stringer, ker of Bowmanville. Thev eewt r n r.RvBach PtesnadD.Ni ovlEElu e us improvements ta the church. foot Orono, with the Gea. Henderson's. a fine lot. -wr vih r.adMsRyBan. Pteso adD.NilCviesok.I tbis cembining, howevr tdA meeting will be held te plan' The,, are planning for an in-" ___________ Mr. Roy Brown is sporting a 17and Messrs. H. C. Allin, W. H. ;e iîst take care îlot to reproduce a adîthe extent and nature of improve- vestiture for the eight patral tend- Mr. Ro-, Cornish and wife, Part new car. Rowe, J. Pattersan and A. A.-Fovradsbtbe ms ter- ments ta be done. ta ers within the next three weeks N wtFrysenSudyabrm- Mr. and Mrs. C. Turner and Drummond. Two choruses by the îungk. socrwedthtthY c Mr. Neil orter is usier tha'and are oping to ettaers.brMrs.tEvallAllin.'.Samsandv MissnSimpsann MissStedsMr.isInstitutensladiesladi aringri gregnen j cont s dtndavdndsicak. MIr. ever tatelv due ta degree st-ork of Scouts fromBwmniete____ Miss Mamie Archer, teacher. nr.Ca.AlrdadMs caps followed. Miss K a t h le e n ri Ltte twr îs jo ebde rs. for the L. O. L. Net only bas le help out. Ralph Stutt bas promis- The community extenda sym- with ber friend, Miss Eileen Souch. _____________________ huat tbiog.î Bewmanvitle. spent the weekend Hotson. Sak aoedsvihavoa sl;bs tal h gslke fuit sîze mari- got te get the Orono team in trîm ed to arrange for the gatheri ng. pathy te Mn. Blake Falls and ather Mr. Harotd Power, Oshawa, eus Irish recitation "The Court- ' cticsnsrzîoas Bdsms ul-bu vsî Pteboo.Lidsy nd On Apnît 13. 14 and 15 a cyclo- members of bis family upen the visited bus brother, Mr. Gordon Sak il ship of Launie McGee'; Jim Pow h o arraîîged tijat %vc cati kecp at othen places. The campetitian for rama is being held in Toronto bV death of their mothen., Mrs. Tra- Power. a k i l d ii vesad rroefdn oi the Shipman Tnopby is being held Toronto Scouts. Plans are being viss. ina Hamitton.GodonBru in Lin dsay this yean but the date made ta have Orono boys go up Mes. Chas. Reid is having bier ton a guitar solo; Mn. R. E. Logan 1 bv al -ems rmme to bias nat been settted as yet. for anc of these days os.tefreaie oue e! Çd ~ urh fr~ vocal solo; and the orchestra tuat i uots c. v arc vers skitlft, it is lier ynsitue mt t te eorte adormed pr enaevrooked C.reek urahfo aprîng. Sawing wtanohrslcin ett s araouto a Woens nsiut mt ith_______anwre reartoymachines in the neighborhood; ith anothe leditredt hen.abc. t' use a fair aoui f laeso close of the Irish purgrain Frîdav te moving in. Mn. and Mrs. - ______ geese laying; ducks laying: irdueiteaeanrsrun o id nighit ta îrnsact some busine5J S VM f Raby are maving into part of Mr. Mr. Raymond Hughes retunned set: hausecleaning - aIl signis of guest speaker of the evening. Rev '. i aiu. arc aliîaost vital iin creating ed Bills in cannection -vth the îe- *guIV.. JEImer's bouse. and Mns. T. J.t h.Wtt eî bsjbwt pig-sneyi sjs rudX. J. H. Smyvth, Port Perry. for- ariitcur. Sdeconatuon of the hall ,vere order-V lEAGI T REELIallagh is taking raoms wvith Mrs. bis brother-iin-law%, Mr. Bert Tuig. the corner. Rbno a eQ-merIy of Oromo, humorously -e Intensive A.curtains fan the caunicil chamber Dance put on by the Orangemen, Annie Bedeshy, lhad a son at the ered from a severe cald. bentzreadadanOooa d enlii .iiasraet nvthe egtabne and Mns. J. Richardsoo. Mes. H. FTEMnRnALNrEAC in Comimunity Hall. Manch lOth, Burnsîde Hospital in Toronto last Itl a ahlr ted G. McDonald and Mrs. James %vas a decided success. Although week. Miss Ruth Savery' visited Miss Rex'. Smyth mentianed that be teosive fîrm cof aýricuItutre it is pos- H. Dickson were appainted a coin- roads wene bad there s.vas a good 'Mes. Clysdale, Mes. Jack Reid Hazel Falls. bad already spoken in Orona four isibte tii devetop. The smatter the mittee te choose themi. A reselution xvas passed on nia- crawvd. Music by Atec Bardlay's and Mn. 'Lloyd Clysdate spent Mn. and Mnrs. C. Hoît, Toronto, lime - this being the fifth - an the 1amuot ' slae avaitabte tbe more tien of Mrs H. Walsh, seconded Orchestra, Oshaw.a. was especially Sundav in Port Hope. visited bier parents. Mn. and Mrs. sameý- subject. and that hoe was jiitemsive is or steutd lbe titat pro- ful by Mes. A. Henry. at the W.C.T.U. good. Wmi. Rutherford, Kirby, Mn. Tom Turner is home -with!Frank Stone. about run eut of material. How- dIietiomu. DIM AND DISTANT meeting MNonday afternoon, that ,v'as the caller-off and he's a god a bad attack of flu. Se fan thene Mr. and Mns. W. Simpson, ever, lie dealt witb the history Fur instanîceiii the large farm gar- nie HAPPENINGS a letter be sent ta W. F. Rickard. one. b las been little of it iin ttis dis- QuaY's Cnossing. witlî ber mothen, and the country as a whole and dliin. wbcre ai acre or twe nay bc nm the. asking that lie vote against On Satunday fallowving the fun- tniet. The sehool bias had fuit at- Mes. H. Trim. gv elho nomto sdIinln osaeterl proosd rpelin o th Cn-eral of Mes. Traviss. Mn. and Mrs. tendance neanly all week. 'aefo ee teddteThe phases that hoe dealt witb par- %%iti i.dfeiiî of stiace for cultivatiomi From The OronoNem-"S f ada Temperance Act as regards Love. Hamilton, Mes. Dixo, To- Miss tRuth Boume. R.N.. Miss crokinole paty at S. Bnvso's tietianlyethe charusacte polii bepecmi. lv t.le ct ltbs' chMarch 19, 1914 Octane,. rente. and Mn. HoardFalls, U-Lois MLaR.N.. setthe Kn aon SCt. - 'seventing. tical dfficultes poli lie ridg, wre lnchguesta fMs weekend u.îth Mn. and Mes. S. B.' Mn.aand Ms. M. Shutk and differences. asaitabte cmtis'ation is not se im- It wasalso ebridgeatalunch Mr.fndMes. M.wutamene and the country and people. He ihîrtait luit gretmmîd is. Therefore John Seatui, sauth xsard. iSs pwslsecdercl rt t- .T. Pearce. ss.hile Mr. and Mes. Rutherford. inOshwaatedigthe fu.nenal outlined the p.-cion gin jamtmcnosreeomtlafo .~~~~e~ buligaletotbueeJhr eme nth aequsunFalls and Bud, Hamilton, Mn. Harold Little is homre f rom n19e-ecut i neliit ncoerw.oafo Vebuldnga ewho hus. oh:remeronth sin qesio.were entertained at lunch by Mes. the forth. xith Mn. and Mes. ck Mn.coaudseiny. sii ornoion. the trouble reganding the gav- api-u for littie thiogs tike Icîtuce y. will take no back-water from an,,- Every eune interested is urged te Wni.'Milligan.1Mr Reid.ny sinToonoerrement, the size and shape o o îaî,1 o n .one in the garden business. Alvriteidvisfting fnuends18imebes frceeu an write. ~~~Women's Institute meeting that Mn. Jack Reid did bis xvood vstnfred. the country and the beauty of it, tollîatoc. . 'e bave two crops of .S. Joe Robinson reports seeing theý These twe things dex-eloped xvas to be held W%ýednesday' was sawing this xveek. Mn. Billv Cul-, M. and Mes. Chas. Yule and the character f its people, etc. 'ceraintig kerds iasnye y first robin. from the reading of a letton from pastponed until Manch l7th, wben lins is back w.itli Jack agaimi. son George. Oshawa, visited lier He also deait with the plaintive casn, andthime ts ir -i iii smît le. W. Hanry Rowe, Orano Milîs, A. J. Inwin f Ontaio Tempen- a good crowd tunned eut for a St. M. and Mes. S. B. Ruthierford parents, Mn. and Mes. Wm. Sav- music (wbich le said came fmm i, i rid ie.patîu gowtb icklv b-las cemtracted witb the Sey~mour ance Federation in which hoe ex- ýPatrick*s pnagram and tea. After spent Saturday w-ith Mn. and Mes. ery. tho suffering w'hicb the peopleehfniie.cacîtyapid nr Pomer Company ta instaîl electnie plained that in spîte of the Temp- the business period an instru- W n. Rutherford, Kirby . r n r . G r o o e a o n ,j s si h a e o h u b r n l w r doe nhs i r oppîng Suranemefors of Ontaie andthemental wspl dby Bud Jones: __________and daughter. Clarke Union, v-isit-1 the negro spirituals). and the deep 1liitbte geuicral plaiutbte taller id macina e wih wll e drivepng by Canacaudtse riof Oni asdreading by Mes. Jerry Brown; in--dho ohe.Ms.I tak eligiaus character '0f the Irish .sbirut5, cbatecmmnsra a 20 h.p. moton .'ltelqo ocswr r-srmna ~ li aory j9 ~ Mr. and Mes. Orm Falls visited popeahaooe ines suekle, forsythia su rîmga, or MîadMr.EnHamsenn ehaethe e uo ocnada eme r-ver,, fine address xvas given by LckIartLsS cI1oolb - ~~MnadMe e'HîoHe closed with the wish that all litic are ffîaced fartbcst tabk.Ili s .Sunday in Hampton. ance Act repealed as far as On- Mrs. J. Thickson, District Pros.._____weîî. might have tbe opportunity o f; front tto tbe smalter sbrubs, like the )ri r. ad BewmanviWrigtlan.tA duet cn wasedrender-ta Several 0f our No. 9 people Mr. Gea. Etwell, Mrs. Silver and: that lho hoped te go there nextag eîovsias.te Bowmnvile. Aduetwas ende- vsitig Irlandand y saigbarberrv,i di fferent shadeâ of foli- famiI:v. Janetville, visited bier fa- resolution xvas being brought into Wallace, after which a St. Pat- ncn1e 0teu oe n otTnm mtrdt e year and weuld thon bave more1 ý'te ig ther, M n. Chas. Eddy. the Dom inion panliam ent askîng rick's centest was put on by M rs. titti the flu. r n o M n a a t a ei l f r a l c u e i ia h ny h t n v r e c e t~Tte Stinson-Pollard sale yeste- for its nepeal. Mary pedi uprws . Russel Osbrne foîl from Mn. S. G. Hallowell and Mn. Following bis address the fol- tbrce or four feet i0 height at mat- Med ws Fitgrerald andss RuT-hfes. H.Wal. hallsi heso ed dcensisting of salads, cold factppletree lho was pruning and Lew Hallowell visited Mn. Sud îewîng program was enjoyed:' unîty. IniIbis class, tee syll coe Ms Fedg tzgaeralisitd Mn.s A.- f. pr 0fHanatce elih e M-metljlyckead atsrexdt ued bis knee. Ho is at pros- Hallowell ut Elizabetbville. VclslMs .C yc:mamy (if tue pereiliial ftowers, iris W ldge Saemviite Mr A.F.par ofan rtcleby elleont i Bowmanyille Hospital un-r Mnr. and Mes. H. Barrawclougb,, Irish Jig by Anna Stpls pnhltbox, peailies, planîts of medium ýCarscadden. 'Clung on i Sang of the Sleigh mIigi pi ilb ftedon the carie of Dr. W. H. Birks. Wesleyville, Mr. Harold Bryson, Greta Mre who were appro- hib n bc iealprnil MrndigTa onvt i Sn Luew ery and l s heol ie ined wiscne rsytra hucZaemn. wl isRussel in alu our iKendal, visitod ut Mes. John Me- ipriatey attired; vocal solo, Mr. C. uv!emi once ptanted and establisbed - M. T Sith15 n ttaa u- elî", vhch encrnd te sen This will be the annual meeting. activities and wish bim a speedy, Kay"s. Taylor; selection by the orchestra;! wil1 corne mw each year and flower n~ Assurance Company ut Chateau time eut west when the W.C.T.U. n Visitors: and satisfactory recovery. Miss Marion J. R. Greenan and two contests conducted bywîtb serv little furtber attention. eLaurier. ýsponsered concerts and talks in, Mn. J. T. Pearce, Pembroke, at Solina Home and Sehool Club:Miss Norma Hallowell called oflMr.FrdTabyn ccman!Vie 7 Orono Lodge A.O.U.W. is re- sehool and hall, enginoered public home, have accepted an invitation te Mrs. John McKay. ists for the evening were Mrs. 0. '«i pnosented by Mr. A. J. Staples ut: speaking cantests, conducted lib- Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer and ývisit us uit aur next regula et n adMs e HloelSndrok r. .H rwre the garden is bedged areund Grand Lodge in Toronto. raries, organîzed bands of hope, family, Crooked Creek, and Mr.! ing. They will previde the pro- spent an evening ut Mn. and Mrs. !v Mn. Robert Reid lest a valuable etc. he soeming futileness of il and Mrs. H. Osborne and Allin,!gnam. i Harold Souch's. Mr1 N evleadMs nd.ml rcso alvnswl on cow. On boing opened binder since the war was also described, Welcome, with Mrs. J. T. Pearce. Shaw's Home and Seheol Clubî Mr. Victor Farrow hastened te'i Cobbledick. toth bI - -eear otan twtine xsas found. for in spite of the fact that s.s. Miss Elsie - Wallace with ber hav'e invited aur club te visit Port Hope Saturday te see bis f a- A lovely lunch was served con-1abe mi bath peremînial and annuai r thr, M. Rot. Frrowwho sisting of cold meat, salad, lettuce, assortîmemît amîd tbey Corne iin the the Mthodist Parsonage, Ornne.te be progreasing as they should. Belleville, wbo lbas had pneu- lenged us te a spolling match, a' been quite il.bgenell,wht and el cimiiia'Ctyperc a osto0'v Manch l7th, b Roxv. R. A. What-, Mrs. Rainey breught the meet- menia. teMrs Line ere bow be, ck, acfe ..elk tea n f en te re reent ach M r . G eo. M eton, Sixth L n ,is Rri h nk d t e t e cliuibimîg roses, cle mnatis, D utch- tam, Lity May, daughten f Mr. ing te a close w.ith pnayen. Mr. and Mrs. J. Stark and club. This ought te ho bath en- stayung with ber mother, ns. ladies for.tWeiR opertatiend nas Pipe amîd Trtmpet vine, us'icb William 'John Vîrtue, Tynone, taoi _________ Donna with Mn. and Mrs. Moore, tertaining and beuieficial. The old, Jehn McKay.disfrte oopainadnas Wila onRdel rn.Castleton. speilers wiil be papular for the' Mrs. Bort Trirn and son Ray- hapess d anste those wholare best given s.upport.Event the * ilimJhnRdel.Oon. rMrs. Henry Jones with frienda next three weoks. Imend *visited ber mothen, Mrs.G. wredse bard ut fixing the 01051 attractive jitoie ssalî is im- PARK ST.UNIN ~ es ghtEdu atin ~i Prt Hpe.Mis May Bwenis nioingSiGe..hall, and aIse te tbose who lhad'provcd bv the additionîof a vinle. AAK S .U IOufsg t d c to i otH. GaaMMut e-braisMaryl h noliayifOtaw sivev. E ec ace ietaken part in the pregram. Thiere is a nistakemi notion- that HOLDS ENJOYABLE M.Af rhm on o-le nulhldy nOtw s-Rv .Behpece iecîifiig villes usili îîarm S A IG P R YAnd est, with Mrs. Chas. Reid. gucst of Mrs. W. J. Lunehan and sermon at Shiloh on Sunday, bhisl nsr Mes. Hoskin and family xith Miss Helemi Murphy. subject being "The attitude oftho They laugb ut the bathing cas- iti lmuulamicluvîere biotises amîd chue- ________PART the fermer's sisten. Mes. Lord, Miss Shirley- Macpherson visit- crowd teward Jesus." We weuld turnes of 30 v.ears ugo but sooniCImeýS have beemi so covered for cen- Bing afrid that the skatinglI E LIII icieny Gardn Hill. d ien parents t New Park sinco like te seo lager attendance t ours will be noiting ta laugh t.- tries stcli ai opiniien is ridiculed. season is nearly ox'en, Park St. r n r.Ca.C\,a-,tera ot fOoowsop- chunch te heur these fine sermons. Brandon Sun. Oui stome or brick or stucco wails. Union decided te bave a skating B Newcastle, xith Mes. Rutherford. ened last week. ___________ ____________the%,sîildo îno daniage and their panty euîda nigbt Abou 40 .C.lI.Tuck Miss Bertha Tbernpson xitb Mes. W. Cowan and grandson IIttac etsotorsi. eti Mrs.. W. S. Roy, Orono Calv'in Dunn spent the weekend "That fellow must lveeiii a x'ery w t attended. The ice xvus coul god, .- Eye.iight Miss Deane Slenuon bias roture- wttObr uuhcnuMs.Autiismiall flat." s cas i ul sawy ,vth_______ ' rs Astn How can you tell?" Ini tle shiade, ate oue fulhis oatbusort.Spectalisg -ed ta bier borne in Teronto. Turner. ____ ' ' -________________ Mw eurxshifeths ealwhfudidpnrt n -. Mn. and Mes. Perey Roxve ne- Mers. Herbent Ogdeuî xsas guest! Why, havent you netîced that_____ Meanwhile thos who did notýDisney Bldg. eturned te Ottawa a xvoek ugo. of Mes. Ed. Dean. Omne ufternoon IMns. WValter rvsHmlo hidgawy ashsti u skateejoeod the now fad "Chin- TalsaHa t n dbusdog aiwas vagsofies? ail up -sita Opt. Mnad Mrs. Rg oda e Dean had a few fnienda ead onintino iowy? ecr ke, moentshfe at costn- i(opp.iP. 0.) and bube, Me. and Mrs. Jack toa aquiîting. Marcb l6th Mca. Wallon Travissnd the croknole moentsof geatcon-' -Weodiîam and Mr. Fred Wood- Mn. Ray Brown and Miss Aud- ýpaased te ber etonnal neat in A very queer bird is the pelicun,i centration lternuting with bunsta Oshawa, Phone 1516 hum, Toronto, visited their pur- eev Brown wene Sunday guests ef Mount Harnilton Hospital follow- jWhese meouth bolds more than bisineto, yistý of laughton. enta, Mr. and Mca. Hurry Wood- 1issCecil Malles'. ing a lengthy ilîness. Hon bus-1 belican;'rq Sop ndcreknswoe o 1e Number 76 hum. 1_________ band predeceased bier in 1936. H holds in bis beak eug1fo on the arrival of the saters fmom SAAE1VS(î îMn. and Mes. C. Morris have HîlMes. Truviss wus bore noer a week, 119J_____________ the rink. SVG VS(Itouto)returned from viaiting friendsaut Konrud THntenle187iwer se lve Ad do't50 bxv blian Folewig hisa sor buines her i a opuarbelof hu Mt Aben. otyoneHitoralie. el thnkuntl mvig t Netovile.ItTrenton______in___1876_____________,hp__________ pen lied wa sh ceobrt e po- te x ctn c niio s of m don Mc.Jo n Stpetncew atl1eu e h as nt wnsr e- w s h l t e to vll hune àm

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