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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1939, p. 2

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PAGE TWOTll \N t.N TAEM'. O'A ILEOTAOTHRD\,MRH3R 13 Estabttshed 1854 A Weekiy Newsp aper devoted ta the interests 0f the town of Bowmanville and surrounding country, issued at King Street, Bowmanviite. every Thursday, byM. A. James & Sons, ý)wners and publishers. The radian Sta1tesman is a member of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. aiea the Class "A' Weeklies of Canada. GEO. W. JAMES, EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada $200 a year when paid In ad- vance; 50c extra in United States ta cover postage. Single copies, 5c. THIJRSDAY. 'M.RCH 23RD, 1939 Durham Member Acknowledges Leadership League Coupons l i- tsupportttt of the Leadlershiip L'ague w-e lave ;flways ettntendt'd that mîore îzood thiouli '«e tdto iot sitsi)SLibe ttî its lnt ire pro':'a ii. Altio(ttg the leîany alceomiphîshuiienits of lte Lea tue k that of brin i ainyniteuîîerý of parliiniet toth le real izatioti tlbat thbe are the i'epresetîtati\'es tofthe lpeople and ilot .Itst inidividuals. witb a bolier titan thon att itude. se t a part fromn the mtasses '«ho eleeted tîtein.t attend sessions (of pari ia- ment, vote as thle partv -whIip or eaneus dictates, and reecîve an îndennitY of $4000 as a token of' services '«cil rendered to tite înterests ofthlie political party to wiih they belon g. Tihis '«as the, attitude rnany nienihers of parliament gave as they openly expressed their resenîtment or actually sneýered at the motives prornpting the launching of te Leadership Leaguîe. *We are. however, giad to sec that W. F. Rickard. niember for Durham, iiiais'rn the litundretis of couponts senit hixu is miore opeit ininded and offers soine eoitstriieti ve ideas '«hid '«e lhave advoeated iii titese coluniits ut varions t ines. Titis paper lias sg stethîat lte sittînnienthber keep the el ectors iiifornied aliout'i'Iat is goin t'oit iiitltelouse liv seiditt w eekl v letters té titis andIitI ler papers ini hie t'ouiittv. W(' liave al-soit îîged that at the coite I sion o f te se>sioni, ti epi'tsonttat ve 'liolds is 11111 r reiev itmna inii les il iSllS5C i a111î- %vitît tlie levtors. TIhis. b o oti îitîd.i. the trt e foit (e rf represen tati ve antitile- niocrat til gov-eriiiteiir. FoiIe he heefit oft tiose w'lo di(l it seiid a eottpoit to Mr. Riekard. antd thert'iore <iii itot reeive a Iter frota iinii, w*e publ i-lt here'wi rh a uopY of ]lkis ett et' I)ear Se This k il I aukio'«l'îed v eeeipt of t1li couponi elipped froe11Illte (Globîe aitd Mail. and sett nie 1 vnmail r eceeitv. 1J deepl\v approviate thle interest yru Ihav-e stWtiii the affairs otf1arliaint anit td tai t tt yoti I have eîtdtttvotired kit ail t i uîos. w'«l eal lut I iioi to vote as youtr reliiCettahive ' to (Io so '«itrte tîoliiht of tliti' '«cifait of the l)otliinioti (of ('aiiada tinst ili i iid. A, long as I represt'nt thte ~tple hof Itle ( 'rittyv of I 1tiiai intetît to 'tand for t liosel priniiles anadotIi tlt'peolel' 5 butsinetss ns 1 '«otild tîîv o'«i. 1 w'otld he vi'rv glad 10 bave Yoilr ideas aloîiî2' îttvin he tîat xould lie advantacreous to good govertîiniett. regat'dless of party. and ai.so t ineet. any of thte repeeseittatives of titi' unt at a pubie m neetintg at an\î lime and diseitss the malter. Yours sinecere]yý. W. F. Riekard. Member for Durham. lion. Gardiner's Policy Described As Huge Political Auction Our' editorial tItis '«eek giviiig tle-et- crtu('an iada view'piîi ntontînt ionîal problein is eliîiîed fiotît the Verntoni( .'. New-s. and ronds: 'Manv~ ot w, rhttiglit. it tati't 1lin1ipeli here. ibut acvoedin-Ig o BieIltitreliill"rrt writittiLi tlle \ai'ti '11111ti. it lit> ltap-r p~ell eio. lit sayti"' at t lie Iloi. J. G (4i'lîitr' Iaut for tiwblent eirltti is thîe New' Deal '«nsliîig ttvei' bli' iii t t- natin li<iiiilai'x-I iiit iîtt atitîtit. that the state is I e flrrkeI supervise (tntd t'ttioiniîze <tirt lartre'st ('nit;- po g < i to~ i ti il i M 1 1<t til -,~tl' '<taIIiu- 00tttî'îeil'Il dinia n 'a î W' lui l' t htentix gttitt' n Itg dst il!r'or Jtttlt \r'ks aiti othler New' Deal rtî-t M 'hWlet i-t' '«eI ike il t'piot, flhc hasie trt'tu ii îin thi k fso- «a rds Roosex'elt." Limit Reached in Oas Tax Nioboîl i îîlishies liai îg coi uîîîîdity u't'. rais-ed or taxes iteu'easetl. It wuasu, thtefi'e. Iitst t hie tnt ual thlitîg ti exiuiet thlut it eut Pr'eiereu'Ii'puî'tiniut itîa ed îheu'e tîighît lii a tw'o etîts uncrese iii thle gaisolbitiî' Itil geitetail)'otest w'iiubd iinnediatt'y l<a k forth. frutttii a luartes of4lde îi'od'tte. ruîe tri fîîrttî objeetiîius are lteitîg expr'ess- eu in uî un ueeitai taiittfit 'anttiwe don 't Mlîlte thiî. It dues setît I iki' lavitig il onu tuu heavy in raising lte bax fî'oîn 6e to Se a gallont - ai:33 1-:3 per ccitt. itterease. ('4îrs antd trîueks ihv'e long sitîce pa~ssed thbuIîx- iiry stage antd atre uow' ut lie teecasît v ('ia,,; ii in te e îal tii of tranispor'tationuî w-lihis in big ttu"i'iead item itn lbusintess. 1oitieiatts itu reeeitt VCai'5I htve avt'ruiiietl a inan u rt it'piHittg up taxes foi' tiltkitds tif pi'tt.eets teietatideti li thie peoplle. But stititi tirsei' 'Iitir's tell tus thaI il1thte îitritîi î'ollIt'tiiti'<t th ue f(,g-as tax is ntt oriuîC useti foi'Uts ortigiunl ptitrtisi'rt'lof luv ilintelteiitit. Ifel ith ir.illi e Oîtsî'uvl ioik <rt111 itiij t tt lt ili."thie lrudgltrî'fs tri ri ' îietotutîit'tts ? l)re onte sturrzest. tîîr. tfiai t'xpeuittuîues iif tltîst.'griveri'uutti'iit rl'îtt- tuetts '«ho nom-'«sî'ek tti shutue inthetti ît'r- iîted Cils tax iuii'ca.se 10 iîalntii hteit' hbtd- ge'ts? ]ci>e b' uiiI it standîlfort'i hin-lîeu garti s t Mt . <t.ieîît'. Observations and Opinions \'îe lîîî umor'e thlaîun ilmssîin iîîî'ur't itt thie Onttar'ioiRegiîttab i)îan i"t'ostival hlit1at tîtat ver'satile pet'stttnbitu atndi l)irhttit ('ttunttvboty. lat'tlti M. (}uihbv tSt.rilt Gi), fetei 'tîr iti tht ' Stntt'-itiiati '«n u tht' t'hste <of -Da)îik ( )vt'Iai'ti' 'pr'isitt'il Iy te Arts antd Lttti'ts (Club. \V<' t.iitirt'atite Hantroll nditthe othie i îîlet'es rotftiietttiî- paniniii eiuig auuuî tîbedi)-lItem"tie" rtitîtsl folit'tt'lit-hst îrîIuuîureiin tIi'("tintrai Onîîtaur i s T'it"htis quiuifius thIeiiifoitilth' Foir'ftut' tilutli i'<ruseî'tfi ut' i îl)Dii'liî S'îuîîi l T'hii woniti tle it'I'st îtîizî' t t'îil) i ni ut'eî'l. T' lut hr'r' boyis î'oiiîrsiiîg liii'tîti îîr î 'îYil 2luotîuu in ofNt.<' tîrîln. Vl"îT-t re-t tn iti i 'uisillen, î.andîl liiuîtit'iI ?ilwIî. -Januitv ic. El'iliboy ru'eieiiltu-otiulîil's otf 'egistî'u"îlsr'ed anditla Cashpli"i.'.\\" rîrî- - î-tatuuatt'tiifuiv( ýs huîîi sitE. A. ittte. t')tt't'tttui' u'Irr'our'l'l ttet antiti '«liii ltt-', i'e'îui'ltiut i'îitîbiui ln t îîtbit't'utuîuieubttul luur'sî'utiht it' iun tii' tt'r'vilut'i' tr taintinig iiirýs fort'eitli't iliorns iut lut'stii'grau'inu. t'ruiî tînd egeîtals. Ci 'itijii'itithînt ( 'nuinti tîrtîttil>,-1t10- iîu, motral 'Iuitie.- a'ijînîA . . S.Londotntutlatut- itiiiiofiiLondontrt. lOiilîiit. iti iClitsr'tirit at ( 'hiisl ( 'litii'rli < 'rihîgî' thle Oxfodirîtitutp w-na.'unîtttlnu192t. 15 ornt bs uu' tr tt i a- atîi. lie andtîl rrtt'u riliin sîîiuiiri' tf lui' of Canada. ii uiitiit'ui uuit îîîub"u'il hi Itîrin- ttis-it-e irgr'ni rut 'iiril tîn'uuuîb iti ttielDomîiunionu. ?îaiuî peoplte îa'e lîîkiuug arnt' foriil l a rntri su1 î't eit' per- strtlil suellI ls. ntionitual îru'îîerheîu-11(41tt ailloa mîrri 't'îaîî'ut is lte teal soluini. luit w'e are iv(iituig foi,' thie otllc felhiiu-' to luit it itîto hracti('e fit'st. Agaîti w-e cunneud tite Younig Men 's (1lui) of Bttuuiauvib le foîr theitiniitiat ive il is siituw'iug iii altemptîuîg 10 suivet'siime o)f thle i)t'tin 'îs of its tîeîîeî's. Tlteii Iatest tiove is 10 liiip srne of thîcîr tîentheut li tuuî'uing the ehul i itto an e'niploynent bunr- eaut. 'Thicboys îithout tjolis havi' heeuu class- Cfeci aceettdintu mii 'urk é iv are <'upalile of dinug. Lettei's are bciîîg utailed tui cnploy- e'rs itrw'tî anîd et'itît' tot ify iîg btta in f tli I ost<f Stung menî't tvalahle randtseel.iui'. tIti i'-ro'ftuii t etiphivei's. 'l'lie tiest paragu'aptli rf tti' î'-Ilî î'tîî'u'sttt'u ' l î'ub îut-s fiu'ttedlfot' ttihe 'hle'uuîîtîoftt'rtî- tiuiîtv survir'e'andtIo tirii"th'e îtiit'it Toltt hitlttiaiirt'ou01;itu'rS ltudîge't in i)(t- tui -î'uuu' r't îii 'r'i-l.I,193s. Pri'îuîiît F<îthtl ".liîutu. ils hîu'ivi'al trîtîsuit' ttîl Boarnid of Ontat'io. '1htt' figure'%u-'hîs slitr'«iin in- i' ir rep 'thort tîilb'ld i lthe Ligisîtit îu'î'Itst uî'e'-. l>uitloni1rtIoll'r llîît tot 1hrr tht 'i'i l w tIlSi.wuu ilthuitit it . s a i j) iheirîttu i s ,îiIîiti tlttu (il1 t th r Iý elt hiuui lrr ît t lt' <r ditutssrrtr't tr r'litC'i 'tiisG'.u). -oi iîuî . " itbill'sln r r tu "' I tlle tii ii rt-ti lite tii i titiilu l i il tlu'st ' îsi'tl lui <iti' Ilr hoîtîr i'ii k iutîtior tg 'l't' niiitui'i'gitt 'al Is. ls>i tt1 hicg; u'î'u uîo«eu ti n-îot' i ii . i" ti I i c t't il il' powe- lin ice frce. nuy nolp oio Somehow or other we can't go for poetry. The trouble must be with us, because poetry was being manufactured long before we ap- peared on the scene. The best nilt we have corne upon lately runs: "Placing his lips against ber brow, He kissed her eye-lids shut ...and how." One of the boys who writes regularly for Colliers is complain- ing that too many poems are be- ing dedicated to the Skylark, the Nightingale, the Grassbopper, etc, These creatures are rclatively use- less compared '«itb cows, pigs and chickens. Why are they glorified in poelry? Maybe that's one rea- son '«e do fot faîl for poetry ... il isn't practical enougb. We cannot wîrite poctry ourself, except at Christmas lime, so we shall have to render any remark, prose. The remark 'dirty as a pig' is a stander. Inslinclivcty a pig is as dlean as we are. If he gets dirty il's our fault. A pig bas no pores r 1 perspire Ibmu. In summer he damn near roasîs. That's why hc wvallows in mud if any can bc found. A pig will keep himself as sweel as a nul if you give him straw. shade and '«ater. He i5 the most appreciatîve boarder in your establishment and leasl fastidious. He cals any- thing . . broken glass . . bottle tops. . old Dutcb Cleanser. He's, a profitable scavanger. A pig is not a vicious animal. He's just beedless. Columbus would not have dis- B3Y THE OLD BY HE Back on the Seve 1 tV-i hu i iuîî oîîf cralulers arc il - ii tiuuit--,tîufrrc tîî-aiff s v it îai u iit. u it îîî.îtî'.at-t- ver i îr-clîrtiit , titi a trai. isIit'.itr'f it - andr Ili, t tuiu i. I -%uri utlai\- tlttie tft.'.. i. r nok tti foodti. iiti utîuiulîhi'tît-- ttii l (-t.' r ' <ii -r . lhi: t" . - l ut l irt i-111< iý t-tiii .\ iritt.-h f r-Ili- -.tt - I l-r i l n -u u IIind il' lit-t <l cIltri i tiI l-îi t fathtfiittt.. ru utu itîîl lti<rt t. îtt. îtu. t"tîî lt iii tht uuart i a, ît iîuicîuittu i '-.u ut r c ti v uu-slll i. - ut tu ]u.\utI rof tilt> IiII at ir' ti airî tî-u'ir it.-u . T'hit- ,i-rî't tikc ttu' I hi ' a "irr tu all"î rrtî' kituit rf k 1kî. i n iîirrirr it.iit". thî iit- lu ~. Iiit-i 'rc alutilig ii V i<li-t îuttAtli! iorittu otf Cttttuiul. tir s\,teitu o:. nuti tait tiin i t lir tir ii o aluit Ctit- \r.~ a laindrtr iiUirr lil t. r tti iriit ii l i , l '.tirtr(. ~ iiî <'re i ef.tori r %-at\t s i i t a nd te.' ;ti ltiit rn tui 10irliî îîk t i< r ti i'rrui i' u -tai-. ti i t ; - SN i r ii( 1 i. tt\s trr- ý ii- aier Lttu ir t tt.ck - Ii ilin , irt.cait -t -ii ;cruu k- tua, tînt->'Il'lt l, ý)lc 11(r ii tii. rf ti.' t- ltciiiti'ti iii tîol Itttul-iat ie tut erni, .3 i ectuit înt rr, n lt utilic( .<a k d utire . a il îrq Il-rt 1 1 il ilrr lîuîuîî;rtitî and utut f t tîu.î t onert truie rî i rîuuCe tt.t ic. Thîis gang ttîinks lie - li', nif'wu i], - . t iwtî . u i-t c îiiir -t - 'ti T- tir. iltht-u cv-îr ptiuu a cvitît rut tax ts 'ir 11otiiliu cci h ttck ti (t--iattu - it tilihi, ur t e v aItu i Ii îe tr' lît" ett Sit. uIl kî uu\% ti i' tîîîlliîat, a-il, t r -t i, <it tut-cr doncutIt ii>tlinii to tt nakr r tutu t.-uî and tlut ".î- (iir-. U r tuttiru tr<i.<<tai iirrk rttiur't ttrteu î,r'ltiiir .tu tu i ttil -t i-t crruuultitiuî. ttur. 'l'lie.i ait 't.tuiulIIi tits utiiil utbc i\ri-. ta'ck if tuw L t ,f1 ,,lt Ii ý-ias i t r tId- t r n i r!I iî l-r tue ftuti rtf the iîîa titt the to-t i itit-rtt back ititîr Ctiiat1 "laut i]-î u u littu-ii' t-~ i .- -- i ~<î .,V s-ii l lvn nd te v r 1v i% liv ,t ii-n ,11 tr i iî.- ?tr iicàutet rii it.i i 11 tuu l'. iontinued on page 8) iritC tri o liavu tuai tliving tht t.asit.--i ti-, -attt ti ' t iti tt I, ý.IIIiluli) uti îtuI ii is o c- htuoîIl i - a i iti Ii î 'r WîaVt. 'f'licu li i e it rco ut-rit as. t- t;Vril<<tit ikîckt.'r tii', ii.rit t',, ai t iiutt t iitoi 11,( oi _îtis ut ai , i l îula tu i t ests tliu t- ru-r futirrîî - tt trI iit.'r of îtlivintg Lîert for i i" trîî',cîr.î t, tt. u:tiii. iC Unicilltuit thiî % t-fttsedt-i i gor t. Iri( i c rs s, i -\ ý u-W ikes tttt..i r' li itilri tti- \%rrrk îîîir-'tt.' I(ý cîritît gi-t S0.00àtl) .r tri t ýt' ui ik- Canaa. l i. iI 'li 11iirutilu îa ti-t-e utrrîu,e cn toî' a utli - - ti~i t- rL- and %\ u.-u a e r t.- u I i ti t. iîlý entt'i t r itttti îîtu tîîîl ucti citu- 'ru tiii'pla;ct.- aiirt (VI)kit i nuit. .\ctrriltoi i.ii, 'ý i turctilar t rru<il î-itlî .;j uî lit' cuiiiin, iii thîttftr a farier. \Vui trie] t - , tr% i i l ititici-t gl 1)i ' i- i hu e .tndîi alui trr tiuiat'.lr ît il t ikv' îîluat hilîk ofn a tarilner îitiîî tucce mile', 1 rttuurui r t,, tll al-at t i rdî. t ai', a , suc- .'ofint i tIligltitr)ilui in 1 , Iîîanîî. -'hui', 11.11ait (ja Ilh'v ut'<i i l" ' ,<tir I'ri altîh. If io i tu l i i uu-.i ,It i < îîtî,trl i t I lo<itu.. \ lieut tht- tlil- I i Ii -a t lc d d l, t ut un Ii lzhuat tî' llîîî"t-i 1:: <<n < i rtti h. tu<t.- i gt tit i ih l frg(<2't urt t-i t us uîrruuI - % tht.- "e- r vîîiCu i l'] i II ! ' ',i. t - rt tii trttI s iili t t i-,(, e t utuIl Crri tIl ior( i - - tt alk-- lr-î-îîrî. îThrn, îrr t ut t'rlie .ill. re I.atv rr d:t -t'-r-tut sli. 'ii ut\iii Irr itr It(tit hu i t i and ai ELIt E~AT 'sttiti i a lit ptrt1~ iri - IN lTHE DIIVIAND u DISTANT PAS' Thut siiset fades otthe lt.- , tutti t- sur t oit t h u ti t ii t utI star" FROM THE STATES.%AN FILES raluuar iniiiur1sltr 1liigîitluttt-. Tltcsc tiilt ii i-- i tut'le î "t a ttti alit] erIt tc -he rt-ski%- is cî trt-ut ut-i thu FIFTY YEARS AGO Several friends gathered aI the - a "gruau niîtuut riglit liglits. \N' arc "ver foll home of Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Far- lootitrktu at thec sky it i uttr andu the From The Canadian Statesmnan, relI recenttl' an] surrised thcm t tit' utttusr9uCi-Iut"QnIy for S, March 20, 1889 by presenling (hem '«11h varîous ut-ctuai ias.,(ItI u uit h't glt uorf t1i e ipresenîs prior 10 Ibeir departure le %N Solina: Mrs. D. Arnoît feul on for Saskatcbewvan. ski iierhti',) fiftuett iiiitt.. the ice and broke ber arm Thurs- Providence: Buggies are run- l'lithe ttttu i 'rr oinî5 ts uuîth day .- . Mr. Stephen Hogarth ac- 'ning again; itlîooks vcrx' much iPole Star andtelsl ius tiiobrvetu- cidenbally feli off bis sleigb and like spring. . . . Several from bere tio tutt ltestars anduuuit tsic circlt.erSWEET CAPORAL hturtuhimself so thal be bas been atended the B.H.S. 'At Home 'on I ari ittu ibuttit rt-iiuttin ntheuit r"he.ues or i wi. ladp for a few days. ' Friday and report a good lime. tptace. This. is -cc- cii-ar uut.'utt- Tjeprsifr i hc Ne'«Ionville: Jas. Tbompson is Courtice: Reeve W. E. Courtice lait uttîrit uuiteitt-ît'ick'ill(ltuItlec tuait able bo be ouI again .-.- Wm. bas been confine] 10 the bouse for______ Tbompson's '«ood bec lasI uvcek a fe'« days. - uas a success . . . Marriages are Darlington: Miss Margaret Oke ahi the rage - fit-e to come off in is offering ber place for sale. ,afwdays, but slill Ibere are a IMn. A. L. Nucholîs '«as on a lot tif bacbelors lef t. business trip to Hamilton Friday Tyrone: Mrs. T. Creeper bas t an] visite] bis son Hardy at Ni- been 10 the city ordening ber agara Falls '«ho '«as badly injure] spigsok fmlieyl---"rin an explosion there recenlly. T. Brnimacombes saut mill ait theý If the buste really shoul] re-, foot of thbe SaultI uas burne] 10 b urn. as the fashion papers tbreal- the groun] again Sunday morfi- en, fan cy '«bal a lime Bo'«man- ing. No insurance. The muttl iI ville ladies t-it bhave in aiccom- be rebuill at once.i modating thcmselves 10 an cie- Hampton: Mr. Thos. Ro'«e's tu-- ment so fLeun fant soit bas been seriousîy ill. . . - Wbal ut-e ieably need is a fairj Mrs. R. Martin bas been iuîdispos- size] summer holel aI Boîvman- cd for sorte ]ays. . . The assessor ville -on -the -Lake. fU S N P I E O T R is baving a bard line ptodding A banquet uuas beld at Mines througb the mii]. restaurant Wednesday ea v ea n i n gi Five young men lefI bore ibis under the auspices of the Retail IM N For 'T '«eek for Manitoba. Merchants Association oif Canada livere Mrs. H. Pearce and son Jamies '«hen a fair represenlaluon of the die have movcd imb Mrs. Carsetu]- local merchants w'as present. ui den's resudence, Beecb Av'e. Brts' ToIvr.an Ms lo'«n keep ate hours. i<Fred Jackman. March 5tb, a son. St. aul Cbuch «ihibo e-1 Williams - To Mr. and Mrs. Fred opened next Sunday '«ben Rot' i Williams, March 111h, twin girls. J. A. McKccn, B.A..,'«îll proacl- Piper - To Mr. an] Mrs. Percy ini the morning an] Mn. C. w lPiper, Marcb 5th, a ]augbter. Gordon, B.A., ici the evening. '1 Gearing - To Mn. and Mrs. Jos. Our cnergelic Reeve, Mr. Thos. Gearing, March 8tb, a son. Burden, bas been a great suff erer tbe pasl '«eek from inflammatory TeFccmnd]ntlk b rbeumnatismn an] at tlimes bis 1 ife looks oif the harki ng dog barring '«as ]espaired tif. AI the lime of h is way. '«riting bc is feeling much boiter "Il's att right," said the bost, and bopes are no'« ontortainotu for "don't yon kno'« the proverb, bis recovery. 'Barking dogs cicuer bite'?" About fifteen cloutions for theý "Ab, ycsr"' sai] the Frencbman,r repeal of (he Scott Act w«iil be i"I kno'« se proverb, von kno'« -e heldAprl 4prou'erb; but ze dog- doos ho Wo arc phease] 10 report Ihat knout ze prouer-b'?" Mayor Younie is noti able to 1-tve bus room agaiti. He bas not u--n- A digget' amouîg mtisty tomes turc] ot of the bouse but i- î,.,,j- finds Ibat a g' nie vagiuelv, resemb-j ing mtuet botter. lii'g bridge '«uas ipin .'] ceutîuries Hudson stlet ago. ;und - tnt (o got persenai - 1 stilii.tol Newus.r safety, roominess, extra TIVENTI'-FIVE VEARS .AG( Japati is spouîding $4.Ot,00,00 a power, finer performance. ______ day figbtitîg Chutia. Hout mueh From The ('anadian Statesmnan, '«ouI] ;t retul "i]î'cltured" '«anr ost. 'Tr the nsw luxur-y f Alrfoam March 19, 1914 if Ibis informai ruffaiu' is that cx-SeCshnI pensive'! -Clovelan] Plain Dealer. fEuîniskulen: Mrs. H. J. i ny A man in bis second cbildbood ;u]Miss Esther Stou'euîý. utho '«ho marrie's again nsuialty uvaums hauve been quito i, trc imprrrî-îîg. a '«ife iii her first childbood.- . . . Several from bore atitetide] Quebec Cbronicle-Telegrapb. the church oponiuîg aI Hamptîon Mn. Hepburn is tbinking of etîl- M cK EE V ER & .S M i on Sunday. ing the numbor tof seats in the Tyrone: We '«elcome Mr. ttnd legishature from 90) b 72. Ei gb- Mrs. Wiii VirtLie an] famiby an] Icen t0 go? But Ibere are 23 Con- Phone 641 HUDSON SALES & SERVICE Mr. an] Mrs. WiIl Hamicy rt-ho servatives in the House-Toronlo hav'e move] mb ooun village . ,..Star. "btdid you say your age lis? e remarked b e twce n dances. "\I. dcidn't say." sniartly rcturnc the girl. "but I've just reaeed 21"- 'Is Ibal so?" b* e retîtrncd con- solitwigy. 'Wbat delained you?" 'I lbear the sea captain is in bard luck. He marricd a girl and she tan a'«aY from bim." "'t'es: lie took bier for a mate, bait st-e iias a skipper.' ITH Bowmanville ilen, 61? Sweet Caps!" L CIGARETTES tobacco can be sçmoked." DU RHAM OI.D BOY u îtr ailtake ucît'le tut t.'lo DE C IE RPTO tm ort rîitîjcki wliitti b brlie" iti a so D ESCRDBES TRUP tIlV stars, corntinuttc rcircir. (blu fteTlso RSB AND CHCK NSLOS ANGELES, CAL. luttt'nirc ubriglit at] ,tîwiAdvertising ar a (iiiiite %.tl d intiit ' ýjj l tIijje .- tlrt i. - i u t t t unbir t tetnttttt'rcuirîd ti wo<ti]jlt. ittt ii t i t;rt JH . KIRK'à()D covered America if il hadn't enacaî îrîî'dwitiC .hrîîiof iiiJOttiHN<'irilut « atrr Coprgt fo pg S aile Creck, Sasl,.. u ho lias rîb î ec<i ît- la-,C;111t1'11i"i ral. for apgSaIpork was the only Itl.I"itcttir of Schlts ini Stskatchc- i( ll tîiîi.s \\utl rîcul' t(cpyrght stuiffthat would stand both beat wtfo înae ifIar, i i kvatîth.'\e iî wet kîîr W 010<1tatTak o.i adcd.Bacon is slill our beatstitof e act.1 crrîiii..'ar,,t.'1-ri.Tî" li<erîiint frindwhn t ores10a on liauitoi.at] isiu t'"ltv 1rmio tc.-air 'tarr tut \t.i-aîti r rî itt i-t itis good for us individually bhold-over'. taiffh of Dtrbain" lata"siiiîtnt.'r. TIi i ý t iît )fciret. t Stîiltflite"I iirti- adcletvely «hen we use Pigs are profitable. In a few wiiiicr wiib Nirs. Browi, Evercit is tciirt iîiu in t tii. arg lehy tesice foh wteeks we are going 10 write on uîîî iglite in ic he u stitîtitout. inI' riiglît. tliait a an] tlook ît it ahrrit '«hen '«e Qmploy many others to 'Farming aI a Profit', but in the Califoiit. Vc o'rcaty aîîprcciate lus it tîîratiato i 1tîtît il ui t.arivcloîbe us, fecd us, bouse us, amuse meanlime let us tell you bow 'a ttîiritglîttliiur,,. ni sclitilig i, Coltiitiir to Z f isllîiiîg i ŽMars i.. rriiiwtiat us. îî is bad for us b try 10 get pig pays. Single out a porker for of itters i lt.itas stentritI t' Niatuit'it-iii c,,rir; wt. i.ilia il 911-1tttalong 10 the fullest possible cx- vourself from your next litter. CrectkNewt-u- ie tir-ut of ti iiit'if il- it i nttis ýiiîîiier. lent on our own resources or Decide 10 'put it away' '«hen ilttw -'t ri rîîît..trcirit-tl- possessions. * devclops 200 pounds. Then pickle TIiti is a lutter tir dt irlt. st' it ii ile--r iactît ag'aiî ttii' < rit j ii *an uh n se or preserve every part tif il but ,f tf lit.l' ,crrll tînt forr itl icti t1ii- iI' ti t1li0tt<ck t If w-e 'n ubadsed bbc entrails. Figure the xvorlb of <tiltr, irtfttu inittti't.,ears. It llias iicit tit . ieiîaciihiuii a. tr11 î ork for ourselves, our commun- the bam, bacon, loins, lard, etc.-îrtrioui h' Wrît i.- a'r .ir lriir-iaît tTtiiti u-'I te i\-oui, countiry. ve rnust givc out at chain store prices ('«bat -,on u th s0 ati-tile rit ilt'irrt ;-tii <(îi lttitr rttirirrît<iitr-ull ork;and, reciprocally. those ii'ould have bo pay if you lived in %ilii oac ,i 1u1wii>( 1o opltot 'li Vseir ndab ndgis touvn). Then figure o uhadiIi(lZ ýàs.1( eeilyms v vrktu. real rnoney.- Iat one pg b o ub Cru .. \:tic i wIiý_t.-it--. "R îti'ri IlIl,-I îî-bati-tIst' oldnbe adhabor and gentus bo raise. You wilî find yottr pro- ni- t titi.. tuahit- uit-Ilat i il ;tîarrt tic i< <lit l i-otui eba. oioriwrkio fît in cxcess of 1100",i . That's itu- r itlbuiti.t t 'i r i i -il ati tititi i rt-tiliuit \it i i iii J.r btrilri a-1-,1,1e1c11b d p rorn d al erie ut-at a pig does for you. tttrI -t'ý I i itiatri - hIt ttti ri . i. titt rt* ttiihit, 1, ltti- f r t;in .- elf r e sr ie The cou' is our favorite. She 1111,til i til t)titi ue t t . (lit iti <h- i -ar l i it - illiL >k. sure is a martyr. If a couv is con- utc ail t\ceL'ittt(<tlii rf Oit.-u. t )îîî tlt . po r le St w~a,.t.ti-.-Ciiization develotie] whecn tented, as you sometimes s l s eu 'tlit rrttaîî tr i ii t, J'i- r - utitlut liý, tiîir atîtît dit- Litpastoral peoples moved mb ocities slated . . . Vihat would cause it '? - lait', tt illmrîrt.'tailtellititiilt,.'" iit ui ii-Ii le.- criiiiîtitt,( <i tat \%-liii mnade by lbemselves. settled there, .Man manipulales a cow in su itli parts ,ot tilt.-ciii ai "u-- utilr ti>. rt.- -\ lit- luii lw ký -, it..ig- and began 10 exehange their la- many ways, Ibere can'l be veyn'iiiîi-(lti a rdiai - Ci-ttîv".-aliitîtai,. it a:iirs ilati bor. The moi e uue consume the mucb fun left. Tue tutiltiic s iii 1iîru"cuti o-, a tilrv-t.tr-gatr, oftitu. tIj1\ý tabor of others, the more civilized No mlte bowyoulookaI l iat~t' un' rt tu ct-otV ait lull , t.--e <ajw-. j fu il t uve become. It is personal, com- . a cow gels a pretîy dirly deal ,tiaittr diîîiî aîtt' ie lnd. T11- tIitt. uii-l iti îli1t'1 ]- ;tî a "-.--mînyadntial isoun in Ibis land of democracy and laît'r hîtit"t<tie or titi t.'ilus rpu. rf ttrl. l,%- ti iiiiiiz aîîrtliîc rAi.tue w'ben ute diminisb our use of freedom. Ici most cases we kidnap f.iIAt.eeiîaviîîg a tîvtl\vv-iici liiit.otf iiit.'illcces.,i\t'c ý<Ti- others' limie and labor and genius. ber young . . . squeeze the lasI t-ti%%as <.t1itcowuii (litt' ct.-iiîî, arr îîit * * drop of lacteal liquid out of ber i11,i lic cert.-raî secîtin arc s"l-;l 1tiitivs'tar>.. 'l'lie Bt.'ars art.' iii<istiiîluI is a sign of a bealtby and lwice a day . . .finally '«c knock Ir c( « ofaihiar.it iis for îttî 'i a hiltuitt.l iait' tail. tuie tittit tttir prosperous country '«ben ils news- bier on tbe noodle and devour ber. lioi- 'le is f «aîtrI - r oll<rîtt. îliitlu ht rît-star papers and magazines are fillcd And for some weeks afler that '«e i -r hr saslrsiettliýtlstl.wthavrieetfrav walk around in ber bide. iiristt1t'i a"trsicuui r i"tl.uilh ntadvretismensoforheliade- tuttI attil age oftf lîc Stijti rt gr titii lit.e i c.tutr i. ttl i ?,1 \' ti se e tsaee d n e fte1vd Sbe migbt as '«cll be a musb- r'a tiîci t iîitis îî vtitt'i tr îi.~ Z iiit..r and large use of others' services. room . . . but tbcy say sbe's con- ru_ îa r k aicýd int fregttie.atîrl - tt.- ( it.- t litIll ixrigi -iîciilltt Ilet-t'1 < A verti eel.* c i*e ad tented. ~ ~ ~ lrr i. salrrtît uî idi wo ua-rt tti' tîtti kr a.ndii ttrlie triatttiet rt.. i are voices - the singîng of indus- wurtt vrc lîtitu uiîli.Tiit-. (Aciiiiii. jil ICatiit't %reitri- rvTbe absence of the songs 0f Atrtltr ca-c Iloi t ii lc lît- Iar t.--î a ii rrî 2 t1li. Ct i u iltl i ie b r ti tit1i nduslcy fî'om our ncwspapers Itii tt. <, f t ilt <ii litdie uvr( -trlu sc% eral i r p'c Jrotiituiit ut ii"tIi.i an d magazines w'ould signify that BOXA STIOVE rlitir ttîIIiiii5trît11(jiitts (, rtî.i.titi;5iîtlii îpa-rtof tut.' ,k-î t1ilt 'e individually and collcctively [RAM îiitt t te- c cctr. Tutu tigliîî crriitat-tit nt t- I tc 'seuiat iî <t"rtc 1,iii '«ere suffering from cultural and ,enth Concession itoitni- tit str as tri giitu' tiltc ai tt.ieconomic malnutrition. Rejoice, ti i..ii at-,aiffl tri note th ut- itcli- i)î Ilt s tt.tili(iign iviit Ii, "tr-therefore. uwhen yotîr nexvspaper tiiil i iar1ltrii -.ca-ti-t I i-t1lu iirriiit<litt.. r sld t ; -.ti ltii tii il-l Zi t - ctt litîril- or magazine is a choir of many THURSDAY, MARCH 23RD, 1939 TUIE CANADIAN STATES.Nl.\N, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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