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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1939, p. 5

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-M ________ THURSD.\Y. MARCH 23RD, 19,39 THIE C \NA\I.N ST.\TFSMANlONIL, ONTARIO 2= News oF Interest To Rural Readers Durham Showing Judges Please of Seed Exh: Number 1 Dit The Quinte Dis at Napance, cor Marcb l7tb. witii secd front the 25 ivas made in t' when 28 tcn bul hibitcd. J. \V. NiKaN of te SeCed Bra actd as i udges thite jialit% oitlt hibits. Ther( e Wc .on ber (,f exhibit.. these Imadc a g." of the aivards w( Garnet Iickari] 2nd iri Sprink V R. K. Squaîr 4th in Rled Clovc Robert .'rnîstr( championshilp on 2nd in Ried Ciovt Weatherilt Brc iin the îhrcecclass Henry BlakcIN in late Potatocs. Robt. Morton, eariy Oats (Juni Thursdav night tant features va! EI Order Bray Ch "lucky" when nert Fall. Sec right away. Pg prompt deliver F. L. Tyroi J. E. NI Pontylp ou t i e ADD MORE BEAUTY iligs. like plants i., lrLcv C TO YOUR HOME a1ir ai(.antI biurait ricket,,and A t u1inte ee a-air Tt ot h'ldlcrgrel boîb re..it in wCakly and iurtder- At '~~"~'" Seed thefir>t centre tif heautv. \V'î :ithktshv nubi d With Quality iut 125 c.rower.. and junior farrir- lta utifi Isu rrortitr iii a hior n i rot The fact thal plant foods are con- .ibited. Limi e rs attt'nditig. \\rr. Newmran, Nlar- 1'tIlYa deliglit 10 those ( irtimaîel, ued viîh reatrpdt i ee ~ntries from ken5 lraicbi, Toronrto, niade a iostC îiiiuttcd w i th il but ..s) t o cdvcrppdsoI sil xpan actabegurest speaker. wiîi Iravel the adjacent roads and clerrircal fertrli7ers anti natural fer- rha .~s cv scccsfî Jrrior arier.' ii ax .. or hoe sho ave~1 <- ilizers iin thte formi of manure give irha ve\-.-For hosewhte laveria drtg Sei uing Coupluior i i.ers'lirî o liaeteir ile suti 0 eves- gîîd resits wlhcrr îîsed on almost a -ýtoi tencvs n o ans soit et gar(tcn or iarru. T ret Thurdavwit 44bovstakiii, b)(I ho lla se itýthe1) % test' resu its the prolier fertilizer lias trict Seced Iair lietid n T(1r1 av trb bclivilakrrinbuIIlleo taorecilch.lioakl't part irontNorîhunthelnt, Hast.. ,t lairli fvîrrg the Home Grourîd, of 0b si nth'crrc ttne ncludcd on 1,riea,iis. Prîice Edward, FrontîenracI'Len aa- .wl rv l)fladaditn effective anornti,. because 1 h al fat h oxadAdirîgtoîî, ad Durham , ira i cum'r. A ~ddifrferent kinds of plants vary rin 50 ertrie's. A \record CoIrîrtie.. 'Each Counlt\- %astligible ( îîurnicr i1I. avaolahentfroru tîte Car i- cir food reqirremertts. For' ex- he cgsîerc sed it ,ettl ln ox., itrt f wboa iliari Horticîrîturai Couricil. 114 amp fle'. leaiv plants, sucbl as letterce îislbel lots wcre ex- were' inmed as a Countv tearu. Tht e 1itgit Stre t . Ottawva. at ' ruin- anrd catîbage. (Io better witb an teri boy.. froru l)urbiain were etsi) ie* n f ce o 0 ens.abîrodance out nI rogen; t urî psad artd Wm. NMichacl from the Blackstock Short Coeîr..cinathcpr et iascatr nlndi olao. esodt nain artd o artei Oita wa. tbi i we re tlte'îrece ived îbiir fi r..t cesctI- Iltliikltbs bttr tlnl- pltii.1ibrie acii, arnd pitatoes artd weri' îîiased i vtb irtr.î (ii.ed jirîigrg (litrini, Jattirars . CaPe 'architecturre, boîv b inake a (other ..îarliî- forrning plants pirefer art te nîajritv 1fcx- Tir Wardet\ treiîb~ for '-h o i. thle f Ilver irarden I (rnr itre. ut î rorto rt .t lie najort% o ex- The arcln's roph forthe igibj- ,r,' trrck upool..,tire kind of nsa nolto oah teanoivs wo Iviti iurbatui., cns .ltrib. In. n re ua sle Titis teniderrs' tirsorie kind.. or nils a imiited rin- foîr the ititît cutt..citive' s ai rb crulwttin ît'evariîuir. parts.. f-the plant h fe tii re 'îcire large arnourîts f rori Dirrbaim. but)irIla, ig. out a i oti stic t.Drtiii w i tIr pIaitanid illusrt ra -i f dif ferent pl ant food s irtîst be odsîîl ..lîi n. s Itîte acb Ii)\iuiont tc w i iiiii ~iiti u ioc >. Thetne ftte var a-takeit irîlo accotnt, as ai so lte lad eue cuiet d t weo hirsîtels o<f rgsecl ' w îci; othe 5 ifallrtai- tbat sarrdv souls are er.ually short of d.13wlý...ll ccd a.. iel as cash tîrize'..TIre Raini i arlîiic lg-ite l c l i ull allte lattfoods artd necci beavier Victe. ninbr.. syre: e . NaIcoIn,. ..svirtapplircationts if îertrlirzrs tlîar do rIonantl eti Fre(iTrew -irt itri l, andl loami artd clavs. Titese factors o;f soi] e 1. conatvle Hoiward NIalcolr, Jarîctvilie. fertiityarnd crop requirernrs make ,>itte. Idar - Ist andTi he first twertlv bovscail rlîitdifculfo the average person iFail \\Vlet an d ceiveti cash tiizes witlt'tlie Dcrltattî Fertile Soil Will who is urtversed iri fertilizers and e. cltrv bîrys makirtg nirie of the first tcli Lose Its Value tlteir uises to choose wiselv frein the - ftlacittes. Wm. Nootai of Norîiîum- ivide rangre of fertilizer products 'os, ethny- 9'tberlartd Ceîcrrîlv was-lied for cighltîi Unless Fertilized advertisciî for ,,ale. If es'erv buycr sof Polaloes. place witiî Fred Trewin, Erîniskillcrî.i- of fertilizer oblairîed a copy of the Ponlypool - 2rtd lTle tames of the first terl were' 1 recommendalions of the fertilizer Gilbiert -Mariow. XWaler Wrightî. NirIri a comparalîveiv rtew counlry, counicil (rom bis Provincial Depart- Kendal - 3rd iii Maicolm, Orval Stinson, Howard lk atdaceteian bstl ment of Agriculture, il wouid help ior Section). Miaicoim. Fiovd Stinsori, Victor M\al- been cropped neariv as long as irn hi, in getting beâter resuils f rom tone of te imper- colin. Wm. Noonan and Fred Trewitri1 '.n other parts of the worid, fertilizer. s the banquet wiîh (tiêd), and Mtrrray MýaIcoIm. larmers are learning thal everi the In usiniz ferlilizer, il shouid be re- Tue igliman n caît r- rt fertile soul wiIi peler out if memhered that if farmyard manure cThed two bus inelsof cIass rtoînohirig is done 10 return ils ferîiiity. can be obtained, its use shouid corne seied Ttew inrting eamo regrstercd The plant food which the crops take first, as il not orîiy supplies the es- seed ThewinnnR tarnwas t ou~tiof the soul must be repiaced. sential plant foods but other sub- eligibie for these prizes as thev had i otherwise the land wiil producejstne as eî b prme plt cad alead beriawade lw buh-otorer crops. slaled Grant Peart, growth and deeoLmrt The ideai els of registered grain. jlatPorcsDiin, rduron scireme of ertilization irîcludes the Prize iinriers it individuiai classes: Service, Dominion Departert of use of farmyard manîrre, plus the IA YPotatoes - Howard Cooricv, Hast- jA'gricurlture. irt a recent addrcss. proper chemical fertilizers bo balance --- ngs. Sciertisîs f ound out long ago titat te plant food in the manure as mu ii~ ~ Xeetis arte \Veed Secds - Floyd jpllarnt <iet consisIs of a dozert or reqti red iv lte differerît crops artd 1 KS Stirîsoît. Durliain. more chemical substances. and taI os -\% lI3arlev -- Nlurras \Malcolni, Durr- sorne of. tîtese chemnicai substances liai".1 arc requîired iri larigcr amounlts lhat icks now, and be Ried Clover - Jack Eastwsood, otîters. Nitrogeri, phosphortrs, pot- egg prices cimb Hastlirngs.. :a.. calciirtti. sulpîtrr, arte rmagntes- Loss of Plant Food me, or phone me, fiats - L. Ketcîreson. Hastitrs. uîtii are kitowr to 0bc the principal I adig M n r ersonai atterntion. \lfal fa - Oirval Stirîsiit, Duîr- sibs.taices of planît foîod, with itnl- I a digM n r y. bin.,iruîgerî. pltisphoric acid artelpotasit as Every rcuinSol eTk BYAM jTIre' bîvs in cacit (ocilvis te tcitîirtportanit. Iii Ibis regard, YPeato Sol eTk ne, Ont.,coaclied oit ..ctd jcrdgiîg hproviou00t,,i it is iîtterestligtg Iiniote tîtat lîcumaî en By Farmers To Reduce Loss lIeone,îttor v îer Orint.ra fîil.uîrl fvifeeî'knls u. To Minimum - Enormous lVast- ICHOLSON 1cir'i'iltve. wl E ..\. Sîliittuitte. ci)îrîtîîîî.ccl(if lracticallv% the sartI -e From lImproper Handling Says pool, Ont. heure rîtilcîtîrt' if i)Dirrltattî Cîîîniiti Icieitical su.bstnrces as foods reqerir - vsr etlzrBad o liq ..icd i)v plant h fe . Also. irîmant be- Ontasry etio oad o Frank Willia.ms, Manager. To Grandparents ai; weII, anoilier chapter of Family History begins. 7eir grandparents may have waited for days before tlîey Iîad gond news like thiia, but tirat was before thre telephione - and Long Distance - Lecanre îpart of otîr everyday existence. Spread Good News by LONG DISTANCE! Look in your telephone direclory and you'll find that hy using Low Night Raies (also applying ail day Sunday) and placing "Anyone" cells you can îalk ta nearby Iowns or Provinces for mauch less thon you expected. Putting manure back on the land is lie natural means of re- turning to the soil as muci as [possible o! the fertility removed in crops, says the Advisory Fer- tilizer Board of Ontario. Some loss o! plant-food i5 inevitable in the making and handling of man- ure, and every precaution shouîd be taken to reduce this loss to a minimum. Since more tian one-haîf the nitrogen and at least three-quar- ters of the potash are contained in the liquid portion, the stable floor should be watertight, and enougli litter or bedding should be used to completely absorb the liquid and prevent loss by seepage. The soon- er the manure can be spread on the land after it is made the Iess c.hance'.there is for,- tî,r ,of,fil- 1speanut scrarnble for the small Mr. Fred Billett and Miss Reva Oron Far er S ld orty Barr ls children did you say? No! for McGill. Toronto, at A. E. Billett's. everyone and what a time! Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Davies and Ap ls_ n Pee bo o Ma k ttle Waracrune r er, op: childrenOhwwthle itr Appls O Petrbo o M a ketyear old son of Mr. and Mrs. Aus- Mrs. H. Wilcox. tion for mastoids on Sunday in home. Sale of Northern Spies Is Out- SALADA TEA WILL Port Ferry hospital. He is report- Mr. Fred Holwell spent Satur- standing Incident 0f SN L W E ed to-day as doing favorably. day in Toronto. Prodce O B ITIH ILES Mrs. Chas. Dean is quite ill but. Mr. Harry Winterburn. Toronto, Saturday's Prdc O B IIH IL Slatest report is favorable. spent the weekend at H. Holwell's. Marketi Mr. M. Thompson, our school Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bail and ______Fine Offer GladIy Accepted teacher, who has been iii for -the littie son visited on Sunday with (Peterboro Examiner): past three weeks, has sufficiently Mr. and Mrs. M. Robinson. Sale of more than forty barrels At the recent annual meeting of' recovered to go to his home at Miss Greta Wickett and Mr. A. Of apples, most of them Northerni The Ontario Plowmen's Associa- Nestîcton. Mr. E. E. Staples of Baker, Bowmanville, with hier Sp)i(es, xvas reported by R. Geach . tion held in Toronto, Salada Tea Enniskillen has been filling the aunt, Mrs. Bessie Robbins. of the Orono Fruit Farnis as prob- Company promised to make ai duties of teacher during Mr. Mrs. W. Watchorn recently vis- ably the outstanding incident of substantial contribution towards ý Thompson's absence. ited friends in Toronto. Saturday's produce market. They; the promotion of horse-plowing! We understand the sick ones of1 Week-end visitors at Mr. C. J. came to Peterboro f rom the Car- inl this province - and in fact all the village and community are Kerslake's were Mr. Otto Madsen, scadden farms with a big truck-'Canada. improving nicely. 'Bowmanville, Miss Pearl Leach, load. ad afte they old th sup- n Ontaio Couty andBranchSolina, adMs eaM es load. ad afte they old th sup- I Ontaro Couny and ranchondtiso ea..Kes Pl%' on hand they took orders for competitions each îeading hos1 akTrno deliverv this week. Mr. Geach plowman will be given a $10 asha mpton l _______________ said the morning's business would'prize and the privilege of compet- likely mount Up to !ifty barrel. ing in a special event in the In- A numier from here attended Possibly more. 'ternational Plowing Match to be the "Open House' at the Bowmari. -'I think that is the biggest sale held this year in Brockville. ville High School on Thursday w e ever had here of a morn- The Grand Champion and run-; night, also the "At Home" on Fni- ing". he added, and the morning ner-up at Brockville will be day night. was one of the nippiest of the win- awarded a gold and silver medal Congratulations are offered to ter. In fact it was worse than respectively and will both be sent Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Yeo (nee nippy. In the terms of the weather to the Old Land in company with Muriel Scott) who were quietly OSHAWA man, it was decidedly cold. a manager to, compete with the married Saturday af ternoon at FE AKN Attendance of regulars from best in the British Isles.i the parsonage. FE AKN the country seemed larger than at In addition to the first and sec- The sympathy of the commun- Phone 1011 recent weekends, and while the ond prizes at the International ity is extended to Mrs. F. W. Aluin Thr.-F.-St apple and meat men were passing Plowing Match - Salada is giving and sons in the loss of husband T us r. St out the word that demand was twelve other cash awards ranging and father, also to Mr. Wesley Al- MARGE 23- 25 lively, some of those in the Up- from $25.00 to $5.00. ýlin and Mr. Lewis Allun, brothers. stairs section said the number of This f riendly gesture to the far- fnterment took place on Monday £"GUNGA DIN" buyers seemed fewer than last mners of Canada should be great afernoon at the B. C. Cemetery. Saturday. news to every plowman in the Rev. W. Rackham had charge wltii Eggs 18 cents to 22 cents land. of the service at Maple Grove on CARY GRANT Eggs on Saturday sold within a Sunday afternoon, and preached - VICTOR McLAGLEN - flarowr picerage hana wekat St. Andrew's United Church, DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS JR. naoter minimumngeithn a8 entsB Oshawa, in the evening. For oui: An Epic of Subimne Herolsm and up to 22 cents. Butter aver- fe nThank-offering Services we were Added - Disney Cartoon aged 25 cents with only a slight M.adMs atrCcrn privileged to have Rev. W. C. "Society Dog Show" decline as the morning neared the M.adir Wle hae Smith of Courtice in the afternoon noon hour. Chickens were 20 and and family, Bownl.anville, Mr. and 1 and Rev. G. Telford of St. And--RE IA 21 cents, and the odd turkey 28 Mrs. Clarence Rahm and family, rew's Church, Oshawa, in the ev- E IA cens.Toronto, Mrs. Geo. Rahm and eig Both dlvrdsl dd Friday At 10.45 p.m. Some of the Saturday visitors family, visited at Mr. and Mrs. messages which were listened to weeakd bu o teMrhHarry Rahm's on Sunday. with interest and appreciation. ad' wer wasdabuit hw theMarch Mr. Thos. Breck, Toronto, Mr. The choir rendered good music. Wake Up a dLave' wther was utn gthef m, n Edgar Wilson, Oshawa, at home The attendance was flot quite as Starrlng plthe. s' newr fcm over the weekend. large as usual owing to icy road WALTER WINCHELL plaite ev h nwo h Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hoskin, conditions and stormy weather; BEN BERNILE. grBetter le w ave the sohe Miss Helen Yellowlees, Mr. Glen however, there was a fairly good _______________ groutyn htssie wehave haose har and Miss Ella Hoskin, Kedron, at congregation at each service.Mona -T eda and Roland Dixon si there e Saturday night and took ad- Visitors: M na usa seemeid tobjstamuher vantage of the good skating at Mr. Tom Sykes and friend, To- MARGE 27 - 28 inme Otoabe tasat th highof Blackstock. ronto, with his parents, Mr. and i thewnte.as0ftcourseiif Sprirg and Mrs. W. N. Hoskin and Mrs. L. D. Sykes. Osh el amperid.. thewite. f oure f prngDorothy were tea guests of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Burnett, Osh came and stayed on the job every- and Mrs. Arthur VanCamp re- awa, at W. Wilbur's. Starring body would still be happy, but cently.1 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Metcalf and - ISA hMRANDA - while winter is lingering about Miss Norma Hooey, Toronto, family, Base Line, with her mo- RAY MILLAND. its departure, f armers are evi - was home over the weekend. ther, Mrs. A. Trenouth. dently content to be patient, and1 Mr. Nelson Hudson has return- Mr. and Mrs. H. Tink, Solina, Wednes. - Thuraday also satistried that the f aîl crop is 'ed t 0» Peterboro af tersedn with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Chapman. well protected. several weeks with friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Young and MARGE 29 - 30 Meat and Apples Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Grace, Dennie, Peterboro, Mr. and Mrs. - DON AMECHE - George Mullen quoted pork at Harry and Alfie, with the aid ofL. Pascoe, Zion, with Mr. and THE RITZ BROS. 13 and 15 cents, beef at 12 and' their neighbors have been very'Mrs. H. Salter. in 14 cents, and mutton at 12 to 15 -busy the past three weeks moving'1 Miss Ruby Clatworthy, Bow- cents. H. R. Gill's prices to the! their hay, grain, implements, and manville, at L. Trull's.'T eaM s ter Examiner were pork 14 and 16 some furniture to their new home1 Mr. and Mrs. A. Northcutt and-'h 3 uk tes cents, beef 10 and 12 cents, mut- which they have recently pur-1 daughters, Bowmanville, at Mr. wltli ton 10 and 12 cents, with business chased at Enfield, known as the and Mrs. A. Blanchard's.- BINNIE BARNES - lively in spite of the severe wea- Cochrane farm on the hili. They1 Miss Jessie Hogarth, Bowman- GLORIA STUART. ther. expect to move their stock and ville, at home. Orono Fruit Farm apples were: ýbalance of furniture this week Misses Bernice and Isobel Rog- ByPp arD m n Spys, 40 cents, Ontarios 25 cents, and take full possession. We wish ers, Bowmanville, with their par-,B oua DeWn Russets 25 cents, Starks 25 cents.them every success and prosper- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers. Return Engagement Norman Moncreif's quo t a t ions ity and a happy future. Mse ee ndBtyKo, MARGE 31 - April 1 were: Spys 25 to 45 cents, Deic Burketon ladies' W. A. pot luck Toronto, Miss Jessie Knox, Hay- o ious 25 to 45 cents, Starks 30cet supper, which was held at the ý don, with their parents, Mr. and o or one dollar a bushel.1 home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Avis,, Mrs. Roy Knox. Sno W itean Friday evening, March 17, was a Mr. and Mrs. G. Goddard, Cour- ~fO ile8l decided success. It was a full tice, Miss Bessie Simpson, Maple DAIRY FARM LABOR course meal of which everything Grove, with their parents, Mr. The Seven Dwarfs" IMPORTANT iousand appetizing. Af- lndMrs. W. Hrisstng r I P R A TFACTO0R tersupper the evening was spentan Mrs. W. Hr S isn Mr ity. If the manure is accumulatedj in the yard or stored for a lime, Ecortonîts' iiitIre lisctif laltcrns it should be kept corp'pact and art imiportant factor iii succcssfil reasonably moist to reduce losses dairs' farinirri. The Ontario dairv, by fire-fanging or excessive fer- farnît businress sltriy. 780 farins, mentation. shows thal labotur accoîtinti for 20.0 Enormous wastage o! soil fer- 10 30.8 per ccitt. of te gross cost of tility is resulting from improper itrodîncinzienilk as arr average in the handling of manure. Manure 14 iik niarket zorteqs îcdied. Oit heaps exposed to the action of individerai farrttslte sariation iiitte heavy rains, causirig run-off fromn amounîl of ialirr îrsed iiinte lro- the yard, lose large amounts Of dînctioni of 100 1îonrrds of niik available nutrients by leaching. (Iterd liasis) is f rom lcss tîtant two Open manure yards should not be hours to mere tant six ittinrs. The located on slopes and should have significanîce of Ibis is siîownbthly ie no drainage. Manure sheds, cov- anîalvsis of tlîese farin records %viih ered pits, or yards with concrete discioses ltat,tint theuse farns front floor and walls are recommended whiclt whoie milk seas slîipîîed, arr for conserving the maximum fer- ices ffo esta w er tility in the manure. Ices ffrmls iatloior The use of superphosphate in 10 more thant foir- hoiris of labeîînr the gutters is a practice to be gen- Per 100 poîrnds of iik increascî lte erally recommended. Since man- cost of pr-oducinîg lis 70 per cint. Ii ure is low in phosphate in pro- addition 10 inncreasinîg lte inik cosl portion to its content of nitrogen the operalor earrrirnis droitped f rota and potash, and since phosphate $780 to $289. Sirnilar resînlîs were deficiency is general in our souls, experienîced ontrihie farnas frmur re-enforcement with superphos- whichî railk lIaîl heurtshiiîied for phate makes a better-balanced rnantufacîuire intînclitese. creanir anrd and more valuable manure. In corîdcnîsed rîilk iroducls. it ns it- addition, the use of superphos- terestirig btr ote titat air aiais.sis of phate in the gutters aids in pre- the birsineiss of inilk s;itil)pers li tlIe' venîing the loss of nitrogen as j Nortreai nîarkeî, ruade liv Mac- anîmonia and improves stable 1 dîîrald Cîillcge, Quncbcc. tiîroccd a sanitation. 1. resrl nîtîrci te sainie as titat ..oiti In the dairy barn, one-haiffir Onitarito. pound of superphosphate spread' Tite iairv sîrnîies îrusv i îîrcgre.s., in the gutter behrnd each animoal cîin(ttdicldiîîillv liv hYThe Econrciniîc.. each day, or after cleaning ltelDis'isioîn. Dcîrîiiritîn i)cîarîint rî<i stable, is salisfactorv. In the horse .\rornr t'.fîaNva. anrd tire' Or- stable the application is besî made îariîî \,gricilttînrai Cuilege, îelrt just before cleaning the stable. h.îril~ iraI, fuir Otarioi. lesi, labourrus Lorîg-term experimenîs lh asv ' uqnrd sier'îîîdrletle o shown that, in general faimniiteg. ..aituve lIre averaîrc artel sitre tire light to medium applications o. .ie<ftr rrlu rae iatiur manure give greater returns peru z ftehr . rae hnnr ton than heavy applications. Unir-ital fuir tire' iiîalil5 . \Vit fascictrahile !orm distribution and thorougl genteral dairv coinditionrth ie large, incorporation with the soul as soon lîrght triduncirng lerd tirtsides a soîunnd as possible after spreading mnakes 1 ltackgrinrtd foîr eciiniicah niik lin- for most effective utilization. dtnclîott. I it ent leconties pessilile no In intensive cultur'e sench as <îoranizeth ie' cairs'N labotur iniisîcita vegetable gardening, etc., heavy %vav* a.. lusecîrre' nuire nîilk lier ihuit applications o! manure are profit- tif labounr andu also Ici increase tite able and necessary owing to the farnî in eraîrs nel returunisIruinti te high value o! the crops, the lighter dairs farnnt liisiniess as a whiole. texture of the soils and the more- rapid depletion o! organic malter She - Here corne lie ciaperones. under intensive cultivation. He - They make me sick. Some- Green manure crops to be most thing siould be done about these effective must be turned under thili seekers. whiie green. If allowed to be- corne mAture and large bulk is The mill foreman came upon plowed under, tiere may be a de- two darkies walking slowly up tie pressing efleet on the following road, single file. crop. For furtheý information re- "Say, why aren't you work- fer to Ont. Dept. o! Agriculture ing?" he asked. Bulletin No. 364, pages 18 to 22. "We's working, boss, sho' nuif. We's carrying this plank eip to the A venerable newspaperman in mill." the West gives hîs recipe for Ion- "What plank? I don't see any." gevity. At the age o! 40 he swone "Well, fo' de Lawd's sake, Abe. off feeling responsible fot the bu- E! we ain't gone and fo'got that man race-Chicago Daily News. . plank!" 'ZOake Up! Spring is in the Air! IRYO'RE hepatient sort, you con watt for Want to pas. hlm? Juat nudge that throttj... ISpring. And then you can take your car out and and watch hM dwlndie Into a dot In your rea,- pursue the Lady-and get rond I your eye and a vision mirror. coid In your neck. Never In your lIte have you feit such space-.atint But, if you'Ill nuggle yoursel Inoto the seatof power! (lt's a new klnd of engin. made only by a Naah, you can have your Spring right br- Naah.) and 110w. Maybe Itsa the Spring air you're breathlng .. . Ony ... It'a a super-de-luxe kind of Sprlng the. mayb. ts athe esae of tbe ateering pont shift ... other fellow wmll neyer know about. Sprini wtb. or the. utter smoothnesa of the Fourth Speed For- out a bit of @hiver lu the. air. Spring mthout ward* .. . or thefact that Naabsh nbuit for the. fickieneaa, 'wthout biowlng duat. or drafts, or gmpy-ihfe, wlth a lied Ini t ... teain wnow. prn-a yUV lUi Ogd . .but suddenly you aseahead of you, biue skies it woui be. - fie.y letoti. -. .trout streama uwite with And It ail appears miien you timrIl te Nash fouu... a sun-drenched beach down south .. . Weather Eye* diai i you're'saying "good-bye" tu mînter. From Only by lookîni outaide do you realize Itale ot noir o*n, it wili lays b. fair ireather for yen. quit. Sprlng yet-for you're breathing warm May In your Naah' air. the knd you .ind on sunny meadows. 5 S It's blowing a gaie out there-but your Nash Sure-tiiere are volumes of proof tbat Nash la tthe eteers Do heavier than a wisp of cigarette car tu buy tia year. But one gay £ook from the. amokre. And thanks to a specli nd of sound- car Itzelf ... and once around lhe town .. . tell prooting, you can almost Jeeu the quiet. more than a million mordsif And tie road le rougi ... for tie car ahead la Don't worry about price-ten modelé are priced pitching and toeing-but you akim a&long lk. an neV to the. loweat. So come down-try lt--gel a Ice-boat I lad of Sprlng today i THÉ CAR UVEYODT LIK15 This igIoar-door Nuib sae. .. orPm... 117-lu oth ..... 3283 M& .woigbî-mran omb $D0M0 dlvewrod Io>eyos*aed reqailsuens ,.d Taxes incladi Choi* .oflrmsâ-lachor fssi-kc mod#L (WU## M. sidewf prear wheli&#bWàopt. as exftw mao.) * Ootissai Efsipmont-Sidik: Extra Cous Don't Stop At ""Seeing" It... We'Want %(ou To Drive Iti $1 060 FRANK ALEXANDER DELIVEREID KIN4GSTON ROÂD EAST A Lidefuudr Nash Sales and Service Phone 551 SERVICE AVAILABLE ACROSS CANADA PAGE FI\ I

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