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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1939, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TIIE C.XN.NI)l.NN ST.NTESMAN BOXX'MANX'ILLE ONTARIn 'rTXtTPCflAV \1.'nPCI-t ~RT'n 0~o Zio Can',ilovnzpituesof- owbu- esleonDIAMOND JUBILEE vng wasa held at the school visiting Mrs. Wm.j Patterson.Ca i ter isinox iîîg pc ath ejoed 1 hus whn Nestietonr e- r W.m. CwToad rontol Mýr. Howa rd Folex \kýIplc Grove. d-rs.AutinTurer _______ F joyedthe entertajnament. Rev. W. vin Dunn spent Sunday Xvth Mr. O LN gave c vi-ral delight ru! reading: 1 Sundav Shool Convention Thurs-csitn h iw sch airmla or hu n tiMr s W. PA ti Tu ne r onto, .ando Nl \rs.\X t:L'inien,1, Jack NMrs.Luthe cr Eir] ictor n w da was. >r ateas Ca1Olhihfati'5levc v.hi Pttron I G Deler Finofi., Kdrît ir is Saînonan J'r Bl~o ipinoioed ~numbers were * enby Messrs. A number frclin here attendedAn Sev RDa lbetnltti. Osro. afbrde-tu-e iut. nand an lobi arx ex a lsu on Mr. Jc alwla ucc John Walter, Allan Trevail and the Birthday Tea of Bowmanville Rt inoi rn.abicthudetana,;i vHre sni gNtfr. Jck Irowkin aar stree dFred Adams. Miss Margaret Ad- Hospital, When We Test Your E Mr. arr sir , li'. th o a S300 n t iklark n Lda ree.oreamnsand Mrs. Lloyd Courtice en- Remember O. C. S. Commence- eOhaatMr. a\ CanFisher . Mr. Walter Sanoelai. Mr. and Lake . tertained with readings, and littie ment to-morrow (Friday) night. Satisfaction in Fi Miss Emmna Killeîî Toronto, utTY George Samelis and Jean visited M.\r. Lowe with piano solos. Hilda Mr. Robt. Killen's. naydon ýand Mfrs. Wni. Sarnellh. Sogegv utrslcin LBAYCR AT oa-K Mr. uthr Pscu lîîI wod ______ r. . H \ ale who has been wSchrge av ea rtreecifonl-RRYCR PR r.Lte acexi( odv'r. A. find nTrneha e hc wshatl eciei o- The Library Board sponsoreti a Noabl eIp bec on Mondav. iiigfisi oot a e lowed by Jean Antil whose Irish cr Tabletsyi heOane 10 .... 7 M rs. R u sse ll S ta it i a nd I c e C o n r t l t o s t r n r tre J îg a n d s o n g " W h e n I r is h E y e s H l , w iîc h w a s a v e r y e j o y b e 0.,- - - - 1 3 î onSanderson on celebrating MssJan.llowav spent Frida% Apate Testiy inthe rang 150--------pr.7 aMrW.JTrc. laa. their fiftieth wedding anniversarv. eveninzwtirI.an is er priate te the day. Community lavet50-----------rgly atend F. B r. Glaspel >i%-a tM.i iios Shef fieldi. singing was as pepular as ever, ed. Wînners anneunced by Mr%. 75 -----$29 MisB l a .F. ChB r . Garad ih isroperaî MslThîag enve led by Mrs. Thos. Adams xith A. Henry were: 500 - Ladies high, thMr. Crs.rrrW.wtC.hsSmithM.,anpianist.i Missesry ri-Mrs. H. H. McDonald, men's high, Ak ete Miss. Chpickerig. MrN.iGrrarti Torote. trtaiied i rids l5anti neiglibors t10 a W.a .andmild a Sorie 'Eh -isMnisse labSle Mans issermantig, Gapl odo ,at partv. Fridav everting. vistcd, 'DdnYur o- .awucr teMr.L eGrr. Torontonacompaida crgesang, Chas. hw uhe-Ms ni at Toronîto. Mr.Iît. Ashton's. Mr. -nid Nirs. L. Jobliri.e 11 ther come from lreland." A con- Botel1ih rs usn uk 29e - 5 7c -'\r. and Mrs. J. \V. lJalsoiî and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ashton anti \lr. Joint M%[Gill. lanîctville, xîsnî- testsenteti the 500 as i prizes n Mrs. F.C osooghpe jean at MNr. \. J. Trick'.., 'hiawa.ý babe. Toronto, at M r. H . A shton's. c lt s i st r MNrs. las. \\'illianîsoiî. charge of M isses Ella B aldw in a d B h t t e eu r . Fol w g3 W o b ry S p -25 C.G.I.T. (,iris iverc iînrtaiiied atl Mr. and Mrs. N. Hall, Lloyd., r.ad- r .Mrv'_Mutj Audrey revail and relttdin heSoap niu unhofml Miss Eillen Stainîo(ii'> h'iie on Clinten and Marguerite, Oshawa, -viicr. a (lMr. enîNluietioa- victory for the gentlemen. Re- e games a unqueouneno1mu gfreshmentsr.erndserved. bringing-ligan stew, tea biscuits, tarts and WoduyLtnlO Saturdav. atMrs .Gaa'.cils, Enniskillen Church te a close an enjoyable St. Pat - coffee was served and social hall- Ail for -- 23c Mr. james Nfc'\astcr. li'.s jean rs. W. Ridge is visiting in '.M1r . Re!riald Nesbitt visited lier The Diamond Jubile of Ennis- rick's evenîng. heur enjoyeti. Mýclastcr. NMiss .\idre \ .rchei'. To- Toronto.L.Aho an fatiier. Mc\f. J. Hi. Ievitt ixho lias killen United Churcb will be helti Tuesday evening of last week ceinte, at Mr. J. W. Nc.Na.ers. Mr. and Mrs.L.Ahoan beeri sick. on Sunday and Montiay, August the junior girls of Sunday School SCOUTS COM'MITTEE N y l 2 I Mr. F. B. Glaspel and Nliss Nor- family at Mr. R. Ormiston's, En- Nlrs. [as. Dickev visitel Mrs. Tal- 27th and 28th, 1939. enjeyed a long sleigh ride with__ ma Glaspel at Mlr. kalphi (la-ýpls. niskillen. mage Henrv.* This advance notice is intentieti their tece, Ms.HrodS . N yScualop omit e Trelie. Mr. and Mýrs. D. Higgins, Miss Nliss Jeain .ll,,xanxslîeîîî Stîîdan that aIl former resitients of En- ge.tecerMr HrldScr Te cotg-upcomtte e ,Nfr, ad NIrs.J. \V.I,'alýoi. lea La Ph oroamesMiweree-playetNlisatlthe- in. thessehoollayon TuthsdaythnightolToURSDAYa n-gFR Mr.anîi M~. . X'. ak î. eai LaraPhip. eroto.Mis Ev- wthiMis l e mrson. niskillen cornmunity, both Metho- Scergie home anti before starting G. M. Linton wsi h hiMrh 3 ant Havevat r. arvs 1hag- ln ad M. alp Vitue Enis- _______________ tist and Presbyterian, may plan on the happy return journey re- with these members present, Rev. mans, Oshawa. 1 killen. Misses Jessie and Aggie te be present. The Presbyterian freshments were served by the S. Littlewooti, Sec., M. H. Staples, a.h 3 M%isses Lois Glaspel. iiez aîd Hooev, Mr. Earl Prescott, Mr. R. church was built the following hostess. R. Forrester, R. C. Rosborough, DODD'S Kathleen Cameroni have liet on thîe Morton, at Mr. R. Santierson's. CL~admusI year 1880. Miss Jean Antl gv slni R. Witidis, J. J. Mellor. aPIL sick ist. 1 Mr. anti Mrs. F. Ashton, Billie _____Historical data anti any infor- J. i. gave a Sp en ive Pot Luck "upper îpîuî.,îî hx'the'F anti Marlene, Toronto, at Mr. E. Mr. lamies Brown, Base Lirie,vis-mation of intereat will be glatily eribto o mhensille asa tap c J.Maellaors fapprot a27c W.A. ivas (irite a .uccess Nfr. Ted W. Bratiley's. ited \Mr. NMorland Anderson. "receiveti byhSecrerary W. H Mc. Gorori Bronî who as y M reHmtoOt. 'vern aWte.peaHoue. te be submittedti teheatiquarters, _______ Nf.Gro rw h a pentt oeHmtnOt with J. Gratiy andi G. Bruton as IE _______________________________________________ the wiîîter at homne retnirncd te his The promoters are anxieus te A group of young people from his assistants. The committeePIE - ~poitin n agaageatKirlaîdhave the mailing list as complete the district gathereti in Whitby matie applications fer a troop 32cc Lae.Hcmti tetn e 95mie as possible. To assiat the cern- Mrh2st no ktn charter anti the following boys Ci______I Lak. e ad te ri) f 95miesmittee you are asketi te borwarti party. Miss Margaret Atiams act- were recemmenieti for recogni- YO R in his car anti was only once helti aticresses of persons at a distance eti as hostess at ber home upon tion as Scouts anti registration: FELLOW'S- I 11 IlII lup b' heavv noatis. He was accom- you know will be interesteti in the party's return. Ron Pattersen, Don Staples, Le- SYRUP 9 panieti by jack Mlarlow of Nestie- this historie celebration.Ro yeFakiTmbn 8cE ~~~ ~ton. ______________ ey LMyle F ,Raynklm eTly, c ' ~ The f lu bas been vers' prevalent fmivspent weekenti with f rientis iyrone JMneLitlewodiRn Feresering.OL Mc. Ohs astict esnsettein oot.____J. J. Meller anti Rev. Little- KOTEX weekenti at his fathen's, '.\r. Leslie Misses Verna, Vena. Clara anti Women's Institute met at the tee ti ere tapottioancommt-e C mr wAntienson. Bowmanville. Rubv Grif fin with their aunt. Mca. homne of Mrs. Floyti Dutiley. Pre- tee troop to the cyclerama te Miss Grae Goody ho has ben C. Bugmaster.sident Mrs. L. Gootman presidet. bwhole nTrnoo prl1t. MD Mis GaceGodywhoba ben . urgaser Roll cail was answered by Irish beet21TrotCnArl 4hMDS spentiing the iinter with Ns. XiII Mrs. C. Brantoni, Oshawa, with jokes. It was tiecitiedtt leave theC Fallis bas ceturnedti t Toronto. Mirs. R.* Gontion. concert anti tebate over until Mc. Etigar Gibson, Miss Leah anti Misses Lornia anti Isabella Rahm better roatis. It was tiecidedti tein A NEW BROOM SWEEPS CLEAN Beth NMeQuatie attenîdeti the Suntiay visiteti their grantipacents, Nir. anti pay expenses te senti a junior girl ____IlizJno od a ewpantjb rehesan bhgtesou sor. Sehool Convention at Nestîcton on MIrs. W. H. Rahm. Buckcton. te the short course at Guelph. SoliJuionaod Anda e anJo rsesadbihesorso. Thurstiay'. NissAli'eAhton'ih le h se Mrs. Smith anti Mrs. Richards Conîncillor andîti Mcx L.C. Pa',eoe. We are proud of our Sprlng-llke paint job and invite you NMr. anti Mcfs. Gordion Bnown, To- ts.c .tnwt ras ers, pone sanmntigEfed iie t .Is .Ir-I tsee our display of sparkling Spring goods. coniC, sînenni Sunday witln '.\I.anti S. Tavli, Qcha. at com w ere pontelti an ominaing Enfiti.vnd Is RichrdPiss ev95o 1 Nîrs. Russell Brown. NS. ad irsScuk-Begr.Nî.PadONE R C WLI ___________________ iss Bernice Staintoin, Oshawa lat the April meeting. After sing- M.at r.Jc ae.M.at wit hir preîts Mc ati ci.Wming 'Peggy O'Neil", Mrs. Russell n1r. \\'ill Btaker. .\liss Lounise ani141 ______lierparents,_',\Ir._andSNars.toin. 'Wright, group leader, took charge \Irr. _JoiînBaker. Jr. visited Nfr. and * Blackstock Mc. tatiti ci R aninitMu- 0 the following pregram: Reati- Mci. Chas. Howsatîi. Port Pery. ic.lcenadCari.Slia ihig bv Mca. Russell Victue: vocal Mc '.CWrr (savr.i ______ cI hle atiChali. ohnn. vihnduet by Mca. James Duidley antid .C E \er".M A.*. J. Ga . Refreslîments wece ..~~~, Nî~~re ltVsnne e esi ih riM.ati rsrRsMGiI-Ms.Floyd Dudley: a paper by Ni' îih e'c -i vthî -oserveti. U->rtî \Iitos.rc. Ors-ille Stini'oni, Blackstock, ' Mc.S.H ar o Lie B at,'nîc Mo seet 'lîot O'taxa X 'I..î iii l'ironie. seinhi Mc. Fred Trewiin.Spots"., some of the beauts' spots Nliss KanhîleeiBkrCv ai lehoeo sli~Sînie \an riîp 1 xxmari A"N dau icalrand tiia iieîvspirit.' we remember being home, love, n. ',îiiîcof ier vUiniz nriennti, on ie(aie t Others up to $1295 vlt vttln erNr chîr vxiie >c oi e.Lcexpec music anti memecies. Mca. Fraunti r1:ax-e',cîitie%%-huitail huilaniîerrncag.Qn BanlexF cd ni . nînîîav eveîîing xxlient a lar2e sang folk sangs in six different uil. ott ar'i n Irîleint liss'.Lotuise Obh n adtIrs J See our range of Coats by ail ' .ýFra oi:o, ,rio i- liiber attenitid thîe ditrch service languages. Mca. N. Woodiey con- 'mdli reniaiiiedi- tortu xe citi (jGav si Mcxir. Roberts, ow means. You îwill be amazeti at Ironi. lra J1iîtufr îo i sîite if tiee veathier. ' '-k-I ircesideti Bosvd-J ý.it1 the tyl ani qaliy atthe hi'îir \l dutetian nteestng Wha do i i K.ihîeeî. ianville, favnicedtivihitwc vvrcal 14 i prihe.sAyl are u tethe it e I ontaheri \Iri lrx~nî - . lilI I. ihinson tîîrk charge on yen know" eontest. the highest \Ir-.clina,. Il' ivsainîl i. P rt Brrr'. solorsvwhnchi wc iiiici apiîn-eciater!. styles in ahe udemandeinlr. M. nt c. ebr Hus iiheiilil itrogiin X ne aymarks being won by Mca. G. Rose- ru \Ilr-XWalter Priiir.Stndv Booîk wsini chiarge tif Mcs.: stylevnsne eiltur n xcellent aned of sIrteand' Nlrs 'î (an.Uiinccit -dirgl Mssvar. Mrs. Wright's greup serx'c\ lc 1îvan nu esI(.F \ni'.\'rirîrit xa An c el e tr anfger'iîof ixiti c. nnl c', 0 Iu,nSainuerx'ri Rcs-. Lackev itédiiia tasty lunch when a ploasant 1..~.î.c 'r~.a r 'i"n' dîitccllvMx ri oniixih \';lrtî(Canni). ircavr. 'Finiiciç,the Righît Il'acc ni social hall-heur was spont. lrk1 "..Nr'..A. J. Oke. '. Ceci!l\'Çorien 11fr(" xxas a iaîer pnîceîtedî1) ' v NIri. The Young People's Union met Nîr', XW.- T..Baker ant i N I',. Lîi',u' andl NI cx. heauichiair xi .iing. lRe- A deo til puteda.yu c1.'iiSiit ',bnefrm irie ihidi ceciainîlY %-a',uni111- Thursday cvening. Mca. C. Sle ic- - Is. -lrs ntirMs rhiet er cvd seecio utî wntd Iin<laMrh'. a .\.N Ilie Page; iin',charge of the programt. Scriptuce s'P Xr.ltre' iher, Mc'. îesinntiieesrei .XIc. anti! Nr',. [s-nt SNiarl T. ,r!n u rc ah 'îtg pîîe onwnt lH. Tcmm w 're N i r .'cnd î ruî as va niitrsvih c'. îtînNlcei'. sîîrl lob N1i., sBlanichie IPrestoenî as reati by Miss H. Trimm; poem iX'tiis xii tii s-eent x tn MGro've ~ ~.\rsI IccsînnO'hava.xxîî lecaclinîg hlivlix',Ruth Strven',lirn. li-. by Mca. C. Slemon: prayer, Rev' S W EATERSuangier c'.O.X. has' huinsimn Ciruiuhiilctcul lxvi er.nie,î- A. W. Macch; reatiing by Mrs. G -hrtmrti..lc idNr, l Coingratuliationns ttirtie Durcham D ' 'Fîuthtkoteroo sxit ec ei cmoe lîichn serre mmcli riticix-ul liv al. Rosevear; vocal duet bv' Misses I.an - Doylo\i(ýbnut fo ret the Bteroo 9 8 e - l l a c r l n i F e d T r i v n i a u î î 'o fîa b i n s' , c In u t lt Ti u tti Y v o n n e B y a m a n t i W i n n i r o s X r m i u c , X e l v \ e i i e . b n u t o r d y c e i g , M a . Bcthu'niw tl i ros A $e 1 .98pen o wXtrs\1va d Fal.l r Trwinin, b . liac li, X'irî(]tai y c. R. Gapei ee: iiteil ai Ir. hia. Nini'-. r -24, in the basement af the churh hIliretaieinît b te Mauu.îeR.ut ca.H.G. ree an isietihe ~our ensemle. Sizes 4 te 20. N arx r, beuuil t %e i tgestun aFkndxtint. B intgeru , an dui f inruer o, with the presi t. u he enohaIoe.Ohar.Tii~ agtrTem n Ptrooo Aîî<îiîcîsMciLacke, oc'Swe'.tersintnesa";WtrehpNator' w as ilmîx t1 g \. tT.ii a fnî . ee'an XX'. Suton iay. g e p akr liii'ii )itucIta and hi thtakiRnîg Igl.t\iil-cMission Bandauhtecs.tLocedne antitJea .X St. l ri.ricîck",ndl'aniormex'a'n, ciii'te xiiiid $iro o*1 Tbloe atr Rv l acc.ii hare.D ii hina': paosoie (! hN' < Itie] .1. xOshagwt, dc lt aspital, W'îon.an Ptlor alun. Brîl ian cr ati ns f d sng ers in i v tî tîtji', u ndl taf ' i'hhe igi iof tlivr I r id S n î..r. L c e , Nfr t1 Dugl s Ba c: hda\or ' 0 th h i.'k t i n'io f' N I'rîîu -ui u' lu a y. n a c s,. T c n o 'st w e co e as S p î g ts l aîc hu ei u r i e.' hv a n g Nî l c es x u trt îe e i )i . X u a i e r H a eo1î î ot T - ii- nu x iiiiSM. bod rs houLaw ret e ito e tinate triî 'Hmîachrx. h lmîîmuhi a fex.' I ri',lnlj'mkes lis- Rcîgon l)occclsutatulurttua. ras eba Lawetir idii. ig i' rot vi- i> : lil situoa bim,. i sihic is uu i r uvd l- srekce oT hucsDnadvDulit i-Ixni'] e \%, islrt i rjs 1n.i \I(ati(aMalcoime homeoiijîtr. \V et h v vKaîthvpvsvtengte.forme'sparets,'Mr C olo fo C hi ! aîen tiitî h n n atur l i fah ""le At ui tahlc p o catabno l e h veR o vehti e Mc G-Coonshs <'lnttrdhi ait l l. . iserviie dMs. heECI l H aNO PI KI h ie on Thi cnn niî arte ts s nat t senetinîtlli b u e Sl mU M Se2a.sFa hioA ntit.'ve-lm n i be eav m1 . he sea% n tr ii hun u% a i s s rci, appd ydSin n erha S n that leati fer Spring! Seenmi r om nuacii ng uhe vl. Fihac. dran ctiatira.aaitau fw î ck dc ta rai nnl PA t h m t d y n i i u t d n t e î l v e f ga m e i r hi tir 'il, , h o f lh n a : p n oo P d e V V S i a h e c nuii rr '. t ns iTM isspasthrr m s tr o n g.! o r Pi M heuix-remi Non o deign rs jr"l e islld Bladcksf of t oc aîn iicesitg11eai p enî (, gI_____ lirIrinSunla n ti fthn irJî Ho-sp Eial ! CHRstIn n e' V AN llA New Gl ves 50 U whokertr ms ai PoriPrey Nlrr afir atie, Mc. F ashcipntople, u tcnci r(c"ut n u hng tau ul t it ii w etb. Ms-aie xras vittruc. s A iri<i tfe lu n îgti . s . Tbnks r on. Drc. r - br.V ~ m Thlîs mnets îrci e ri eî i rs. NIol. B ke at l r tii Ext-cc un sîde t H.ill a te itie ibe nex- t , Chn u ndi f.j nui. hnrî.' S P e CIAL! GINGd eR l SNA eu o feak L lie 'trrsoni auI t irnîîn roni. Te icsc n meting of the Ocono Women 5 htetrl mii ite ht"iute uf Xli'.', Nana .N ni Nie be',ci S. Jîhîns liich hnii îîfaNr '.fA.lîrr inîv e l .. l uR. c,1 l Mc. WKen LHal.,Toconto. s' isiteti accla hiia o hspormîttl rid.l nuugavacu icu uxiu- Rv niMa .K mson lu muilof'iuuigc-u-x iuîci Xl mincît lUtIn clownACARO ift XhogerRohiD['el; sire iillîlsir-ithl wiixeui. isiftether fatMr. ,M c.. LCole t ii litt andO lmuck hvi'iuch wa(' iii o eri..thr snta at inzb% RtaSwan;Irsh by il Shah, ws ntheenjylatý t eo. o hrsceain uin ociî'.n tir a'givent sdueNlinFt iSEIA'UERS H SpErng 9cpaiejeae alcom; yeunguetCouKat-iceoiMca. A . Keane, RNa.dns attal tsoie, Y UMi Anminhsey-can acc an enan oohy\rgi 'co-li u en -1 of1CanadaoM a . MR. ron sebo n hspuic ,Leach; Ir. Gmieore -h h1î'1, unî IA ALL co nw prngsumes . M.R li. nia. ail prceai ITheanieeenbsk goia-hMerfcoH. eearkn*sihiedHpi h uil, N tihe. Onarusicl'e l.uie PR 'S lois-! te~li p ke G m s. lnc nd d n dancer at Suntiay Sebool in M r. C a le andr is , th lnD .in s"ttK .e- aln FraserbS EC AL EI Z IA E l'cmdeth aIrlaveysucssnd tl t M rea c er, Mcs. d, vsitd AMrUR.Me Nr. XX'e .ShvwOko s. 'l CoudS. rtic taftriueao ri neti Mach' lt. Pizsen er rsu Nr.attuIngNths. J. arrfliefat îmr AvTachert s' Tani csitns scor: Lai oess ManM. acci- ntl u Enbf 'ennenue",S SOECAFN ICE ca',-fo.Chc! ris emunviilc'.xetînhr. mptît îr,. eng onuti this wdeaek tantiesonv 2nd Mca Mra.ilG. cornsl- vsec'vr'ilarty ne'aituAWYSIL Sosy aho!A dw 'ehnîr,.Xi n n. maravrnnvillp e at Eeezv e r, Coucpa t lice ti h e tS. lewi. 2d M t ac- ra.Iine nx.ntia iunlvNt A nha cEc e rse r-y-cel eclor'sB adnrhit5 ( s N laxsa. te t e os n dFc iday e dv s ening a so ial MaeA m t on , P t rb c ,C hls Xurlhiuua n iS. S . servin Mc ha eT E A - a th t lad fr Shig e avnealrt nt rsy .miinl n r',.S. ing-th ila . alwScuignid " eole ta ilt_____________________ R...had a e vîîcal r ins liv EanenireSEIL RATnLET thern tBrol iant ugesios er sItiNre sudd nfrxE. C. .Nsff iî'ne iXX'armînlî- mml X'iiirus Or noN wswethrcndtions.l'ere painneall hîtu ixIMI Newrt,',îutSiuta IXlc l.ovei50e ' c harrce uida ndîul ic e Iicn- PCACHIE'S V EC1 mu I .R (ntIsa ct4s riimn,, 't, A. I - uvEfildan ecoats uresseTs 'si-ilsr coru'ii tci.nI musticl ull. i 2 bunches - i M I~~~ï TF ii ln hasxi u'~ b enni mîx f lul cleaned and Pressed as>- ll- . ln;cur ixu', s. I ec.' u',-75c EACH I an mn l n 11.mnin in elmngu-. muI - tIi ln-i 1,vînii', it NIr' . ;,. mil imutundlni-cu f 20. lein' iinn k x b ________SORES,_________ n ce',2 or $ ,,00iii chtrgu nf Ne'..\. J. i')ke ll> & Dry Ceaning 4A hI ic'nnliir fai'ureu w ith c;tl eI* ~ Phone 451I Bowm anville Mr' f l ul andQ Ni i Oshawa Phnry & Bo yw Canie Co. LL. so": i a oo,;Iv l i ',',Ht'kel ELIS THE BErýST res You Well 'yes You Are Assured Entire Fit, Quality and Price. or i Sale HDAY - SATURDAY 31 -April 1 GIN PILLS 39C-69C PABLUM OUGN 45c 01 BUCKLEY'S' MIXTURE 40c-75c CASTORIA 29c-59c VICKS RUB 43c ....2 Ige. tins 23c INGp f.B EIE New Wallpaper - Latest Patterns Lowest Prices Largest 8 Variety A type and style for every room. See them to-day. NEW WOOLS "Corticelli- are introducing two new lines of exclusive, hgh grade Nvoos - "SOCK WOOL*' - light %veight. attractive. heather mixtures. 20c skein "BABY SHEEN" - Silk and w.ool - Ideal for baby Nvear, bed jackets andi sweaters, 25e skein April Fool Cards Don't forget to senti one. J. W. JEWELL Phone 556 --Bow manville * 5.16 - 2o. 25 3 3l 25 a 2 rm 25 RK 2 lkt rENDiRLEAF KItt Tu - METABLES HEAD LETTUCE 2 for - - - - 15c MES 15C Till' CANADIAN STATESNIAN, BOW.MANVILLE, ONTARIO TTIURSDAY. MARCH 23RD. IAIQ 9 0

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