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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Mar 1939, p. 3

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THURSDAY, MARCH 301H, 1939 TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN, iIOWMA~XTILLE ONTAIlbO Excels ln Quality der of something fine in themn - moded ways of our grandfathers' the loss of some of their honour. times. YO I O L N I EJ C K OUR ENGLISH LETTER There is a measure of humiliation C. George McCullagh of theFR N PA E EW (Copyright) when one seeks and wins a poli- Toronto Globe and Mail is doingFR N PA E EW BY JOHN C. KIRKWOOD tical job or contract. a wonderfully fine thing in and1 They say that every man has througkq his Leadership League, BY MISS ISOBEL STEPHENSON his price. I do not like to sub-r and one wishes him both a swift Ihave Eot joined the Toronto snow storms and f the blocking scribe to this doctrine, yet I know. terprise. It is probable that, as (li i(-ru eft heii sh aionht soui e letu bitha t hn i ifling Globe &M"lail's Leadiership Lea-, of highways and of the misad- that most of us are ready to con- tirne goes on, there wilî be revis- brntagsfthBithnto-hettdtotrnbciitedrzln gue. I arn not. critical of it. I re-1 ventures of rnotorists? W h done the acts of men who try to 'oso oiy iwpas alaii,rce.s this week: a simple story twilight to tramp more weary steps, gadi sbigago odieshould I read about weddings of in fplcves ln n personsas quite gounknowndeatoerme9 get jobs or contracts for thern- porme.0ih1îay onsO a nian's integrity and self-respect. wihen he couldsoraiy oont and I amn hoping that it willi Why should I read about the bad selves or their kmn or friends by i the rnorning - meaning thart**** the workhousc to-nrht and eall at acieeit roese ojct.My! men of the United States, or about offencalorpu." Wen we are olt new or fresh lîght is always ar- Il had rained ail day during the the police station in the morning to failure to join the League is at-1 the sinners and sins of Holly- ofeddo urgdb oîi riving. The attairirnent of perfec- 1O11u, walk f rom WVatford Workhouse leave what he hiad found? tributable to a general disinclina- wood? patronage, it means that we con- tion is accornplished progressive- to tbic Xorkhouse at Amersham; and Did the shabbil>--dressed, grey- tion to be a "joiner." I belong to sent to the practice of political j îy. Beginnings are apt to be ac- Mlichiael Mannion, wet through, coldi, laired man, standing in the ramn, no clubs-otethnabocl. Sorne things I do read, with at- patronage, and are ready to vote companied by errors o!frnanY hungry and weary, must have beren gazîng at his 'find' think this way?L arn not a Mason. Probablymyufo tention and genuine i n t l e st. o continuance of the practice. kinds. Let us remember this, ven conscious of every oneofhsH wasonrhijune'ed diinliatontojon lusand me edwa anu tts tmasta eae not good- should we be critical of Mr. Mc- 61 cuars of age. for that dav. Warmth and food lay sceisi xlie yteaemnsay about world affairs. I 'GOOD - Canadians, desiring forliCuîîagh.lefe eaig atodith uthed factir enis ean ted b te age'read aot h rogress of medi- iour country purity and loftîness of, Whatever bis thouc-yhtisthe Michaelad contract their interests and activi- cin and surgery and of science.1 ideals and practices in the admin- mlrzh id suul efre htvrhsto(hs ihe ties. Probably they recognize thatI read about important discover-1 istration of public affairs. By both tec ustomary jobs required of Mannlion turned back toward Amers- old men become less and îess in- ses and achievements. That is to ' our apathy, and our consent to a LE£IIflSU VY"rii)"i eunfrtengtshm oiesain teresting to others - even to their say, I read with good will whatIperpetuation of the present way TO I0inig. Thern he had started on the "I fouind this in the gutter," he children. They are spent forces. contributes to, my understanding - ' o! allowing patronage to be a DISCO VER MEN lig trek, to the next niçrht's lodging told the officer behind the desk. "I They are but srnall contributors what widens my horizon - what'power vested in members of par- WILLING TO SERVE ai .\iiiersham. hope whoever lbu it comes to dlaim to the welfare and gain o! others. may have permanency of value. liantent, we but prolong a state of ______I rcvcars before, a prolonged il. Perhians it belongs to a poor i They fade out as do stars at dawn: The time savedi from newspapers affairs which puts a blight on ilinrrsbad robbed hima of hjs regular working man. stronger and more aggressive per- cari give to good books. Canada's good naine. A Manifesto issued by the Do- enîlyn%ient. And since then bhe badç sons excel thern in rnost things. J C K J C K minion Presidents of Veterans' dont. farîîî work during the summer Ail bour later a hatîcîs, distrcssed t Old actors are not in popular The one thing which has im- I admit that I arn not weîî Organizations which includes The and -i)elt eacb winter on the dreary wvoman burried into the police station.0 favour. Old preachers become in- pressedi itself on me, in regard to! thought out in regard to this viw Canadian Legion of the British rovui Of daily marches between each -"Ive los some monley. Oh, 1 dontd creasingly less interesting to the the Globe and Mail Leadership 1 namely, those whom we send to Empire Service League, which nig'hî, slielter. suppose vou've lieard anything of it; i church-going public. Old men are League, is that it advocates the:parliament should be selected for includes the Tuberculous Veter- \V tlb2,000,000 uncmploved in Eng- but 1 lhad to caîl in - lust in c ase. flot invited to address public ga- doing away wlth patronage. Ail! their perceived qualifications, andan Asoitnadte mealanihemort far YouniLer men Idnkow o'Iculhae bost therings. There are exceptions, of of us, I feel that I amn safe in r ot in relation to particular terri- Veterans in Canada (Imperial Di- tItan lie. M ichael Mannion, at 58a had it. It means so mtich. WýNe'veeih course, but what 1 have said is saying, are ready to agree thatItonial areas. 1 would do away vision), The Army and Navy Vet- foîildili impossible to get another childrcn. I don't know hou' cuf true, speaking broadly. John the patronage is a curse - that it is a: with county and city representa- erans in Canada, The Canadian relîlar ioli. For three winters, lie had have l1051il. It was for food and Baptist said that there was one mother of many evils. Quite ýtion. The men norninated for el- Corps Association, The Amputa- trudged each day. sunahine or rairi, reli4 coming who would eclipse hirn - piously we may consent to the ecton to parliarnent could be tions' Association o! the Great toeard the workhouse that should "Don't worry," said the officer. that Jesus would increase and proposition that patronage is vic- - party men, but they would be the War, The Sir Arthur C. Pearson's . . hmwt Ii ex ih's "Her s o £2" And he bld the that he himself would decrease. ions - that the British way is in- best men o! the party. We would Cu thrBe CanainPeandSioersrest. woman about the little tramp. And a Perhaps John's farne rests mainly comparably better. The British r not vote so much on men as on kiers, atio n the sines \"(l 50*lait Satraa on hefat tathewasa oiterwa gvesmebes o prlamet ary pators. e oud Ark ssociaios h Disabled Veter- -trd3, sdnsk the womani, for whom living is ati on the fat that hewas a poiter way gves membAssociationenandarthelBritish Wwawoudamaring. bellcamehthroughhr theh th rver bard struuûgge, said: P"Please to the Messiah - a prophet - a the power to appoint, or to re- our ballots for both the party: ans iîrads Associationan th Bris drizzliuîcp ramn to Amersham. Wet, f iud the pour man and give him f ive pl foreteller o! a successor - a mani - commend the appointrnent o!, plat!orrn and the particular meni Imperia or sAscaintI a God-rnan - who was destined to men for public or semni-public we wanted to go to parliament states that no citizens are more cold. hîurgry, he plodded wearily shillings.' change the history o! mankind. office. Thus, if we had to vote for 2b, devoted to peace than the ex- aboutg .mersbamn Higli Street, toward "One shilling will be enough," said a Johnhel atenton ina bi wa 1 he vorl Ose.tbe officer kiuîdlv. - o asot ieiIhsdann Canada, however, e v men out o! 50 whose narnes were: service men and wornen o! Cari- Sthe 'orchio use , stooped, and Y c ounrya h ien hpssedayfrndmember o! either the Federal or oni the ballot, then the total vote 1aa n e Pckd sm'1 gou f the t I -1was io: expecting a reward" t i aPrvinia prlimet s freerwould represent the will and' They have supportedan led )i Smtlgono eger afrhe wlcsasteheonadd en cnasd y2bnters mm d of a majority of the voters movements o! which the objective hHta oet sh lwysidMcalMnina h ok and the!riendso!bjobwanter favoring a particular rlatform. wa the promotion o! internal strauodîitencd bis back, is it not possible biouse. wlhen thie offi r brougbit the J Kfo mpoyen r avurand This idea o! mine is not min unity and external good-will. Due that Nfichael Mannion hesitated be-. shillinur. And what is ail the f uss s I ar n ot even reading much "ýpull" counts. The result is that at ail. ît is a way long practised 'to circumnstances entirely beyond fore turninrc bis tired feet f romn the about? ypitreiith apr fa i about the Globe & Mail's Leader- national, provincial, county and in certain European countries. their control their efforts have flot dir(Ut)io of the workhouse aud re- ail! Is it so strange for a man to do ship League - just as I don't read municipal politics can become Our membens o! parliament achieved the hoped for success. traciiez b is steps toward the police whist lu right ?" r much about anything in the way very dirty. Incompetent men are should be men definitely trained A National Veterans' Survey o! stati ,n i the other end of the town'i? of current news - domestie or for- 'given jobs, and few o! themn are for goverriment. G ove r nme n al e-sevcemn and women is l..eîî if thiose words that perbaps And somebodv fouu'd him a job. c eign. I read headlines and sub- concerned with the matter o! e!- should be a career - just as îaw .no e n d ertaken. The dre- ii nose %dtagb imAud es fle eIe a e n im-fi headlines. Why should I read ficiency: each man feels that he and medicine and teaching and cîs oomk ti uvy eut earý ago: 'Thon Shalt Not Steal" 01tr.Oî etr aefrma n about the details o! Japan's war is protected - for a period o! time. engineering are career vocations fromt the offer made by the Cana- had eavuîthîcuiselves too deeplv ini- mate of the Old Ladies' Home, witb with China? What was the use o! at any rate. These "appointed" or Our universities could give the de- dian Legion at the time o! the 10 Iii, imuid anîd habits to be ignored a postal order for a shilling. And n reaingabutg hebabinguad tehrde bmnmcqureagmangrenofBahelrw!atedSiece riisnn eptmbe lsttoplae uuceitheatue h of sciaidcod luneotiorpepteseutSciebnceugs onslaughts o! the Spanish war? mi. Men o! the highest probitv o! Government. ail the Lions resources at the di"s- aund j. îtîilc:s anîd 1lngi,,,as a mal, .Auî<l a mani seuit a paceket of tobacco. ac Why should I read about sentenc- and o! fine ideals do not seek It was doubtless ahl right in a posal o!theatGovaerneincythe v-,ifiiez, o a pipeful oftoracco; "Icauu'inidetndi." aieMVi , espassed by magîstrates and'political jobs, knowing that the former day to make definite ter- event ofa ain oa eernof . evu iî iial ewoh ui sadesre fo e Iînion. Stpesnco judges on criminals and lesser of- acceptance o! a job or contract ritories, both urban and rural, action h eied forsainfptat s biîi juta îcenadietosolH.Spîeso.e fenders against the law? Why received through political "pull" electoral districts; but to-day il is o! wnaas reevD fom ilprshu'iiîi-ljafcw little com forts, Cartvriglit Gardeuî5 Club. should I read the details of great or influence signifies the surren- ail wrong to continue the ont- Cnd.TeDmioPrs-anid Îiýconvsictioni that he must gise Lonîdonî. \\.C. 1. dents o! ail Veterans' Organuza- thue 'nier a chianice to cdaim lus own. Euîglauîd. 'tions later convened in Toronto -__________________________ 'and !ormnlated the plan o! the _______________ National Veterans Survey. manuire, decaying leaves or other The object o! the survey is to ., garden refuse. This sort o! thing have available the necessary un- Canaoian Garden adds humus and moisture absorb- formation with respect to those ing powers to light soil, makes exsevceme ndwoe woService the heavy kind more amendable express a willingness to serve to spade and fork. Canada. Enrolîment under this By Gordon Lindsay Smith No Hurry survey does not constitute enlist- The beginner is warned against ment and imposes no obligation too deep, too early and too close , o! any sort. Should the need lnigovetaesndfwr arise, the actual service tasks o! Sereens spla.ntin o!vetabl, esd boer personal, reflected by the survey Nature abhors something more cr n such large seeds should -would be organized later under than vacuums, she also detests 'abutaoicrors and b Choo e t e C r t e Pu lic is uyi g! o fo:cat ~ t~î~aî ~a~pîed tfo o inhsapouttanTinchoso dour Choo e t e C r t e P bli il Bu k mthe complete control and direc- straight hines. In gardening th paned a least three or fou 9 ~~tion o! the constituted authoriies maer iwelladvised o llwiceapr.Tnsedikay- *Take a hip froni other motorists . Oui a Chevrolet mil get mmrefor kms formino! individual services that1 Stnaight narnow fences, abrupt pressedi into the soil. Before sow- AU mih erequired, btsc ser-1 and cramping corners anound gar-- ing mix with a littie sand to help vices would be exchusivehy within age or house, narrow straight spread the sowing more evenly. ASTEST-SELLING CAR on the con- people on your street, in your townr Canada and as fan as possible isidewahks, ai unduly ernphasîze Good Seed Ftiment-that's what the records are and everywhere, are buying more localhy. Ail ex-service men and the con!ining limits o! srnall lots. tellng aoutthe ew hevrlet andmor Cherolts ton ny oherwomen who wish 10 enrol may do These, however, cana be made t, It is impossible to over-empha- teling abo t t e ew hov olel a d ore Che rolts ha an ot er 5 through recoders appointed. ýappear many imes more spacious, size the importance o! good seed. Why? Just see and drive the car and car. Take their tip ... compare styling, West Durham, comprising the1 if the fences and walls are par- Other factors may be beyond con- it wilI tell yeu ifs own story-a story values, performance, comfort, feu Townships o! Darlinglon, Cart- tially covered with vines, if cor- trol but the *gardener has absohute wright, Manvers and Clarke in- ners are screenedi with shrubbery , check oven this foundialion. Wea- of higher quality at greafly reduced tures and economy-and you,too,will cuigBwmnhlNecsl eading down 10 taîl annual 'w- ther, soil and location rnay be prices -of style, features, perform- decide "CHEVROLET's THE CHOICEI and Onono for the purposes o! this ers. ideal but without good seed, spe- anead avngfhtadutoor Lw onhl pymnt o tesunvey has been altached 10 M. D. A wvin mae wit ordniye- y ete gardenuisgong 10 once andsavings hot odd p ta mor Low moncurveayintsthe tal ivror conditions,thgade soi o No. 2 Toronto Area. wsay wl aei actuahly un- be a faîlure. for Iess moneyl That's why more General Motors Instalment Plan, W. C. H. Mitchell, Orono, has triguing and will not add morelFrtVgtbe been appointed Branch Adjulant than a few seconds 10 navigatingiFrtVgabe Illustrai,4-Chevroki Maler u"85" Coach wiiSA uk for this survey, and these record- time between front door and the i Finst vegetables 10 be planted ens for Bowmarivihle: West Ward noadiway. If we put in Ihese in the spring are spinach, ail No. 1, Clarence Hall; West Ward curves, however, we mnust be sure sorts o! hettuce, nadish, and peas. No. 2, H. D. Moses; South Wands 10 make a reason for lhem, other- Once upon a lime gardeners ad- .......1 ad 2 A. . Fws r; ortwise the whole effect wihl be anti-I vised against the early sowing o! Ward No. 1, . A.tLivin; Nort in the drive- peas for fear seed mnighl rot in WandNo. , Wi!redJohnon. way or path, therefore, il is wehh wet cold gnourid. There is scant to have a tree or a group o! shrubs1 danger o! Ihis however, and big- The Vetenans o! Canada are on a fîower bed. gest crops invariably corne !rom once more united in a great effort Insc withot anyhope ! renrd or eening, il is flot necessary! early planting. Garden peas, ike wihours. T hpoeton read sec non desirable 10 cover the whohe tsweet peas, make their gnowîh in .....urity o! !ellow Canadian citizens, o! !ence wall on garage, unless the cool weather. men woen nd hilnen ~ sarne is absohutely unsightly.' Second planted vegetabies wilh menwomn an chldre, i inMuch more pheasing resuhts fol- be carrots, beans, cabbage, pota- thelas anhyss teirguiingmo-losv where the shrubbery vines t oes and sirnihar things. These wihh tiv. I yo ar anex-ervce anand !lowers merely break the!r resist a fair arnount o! cold. Ten- on wman ihlig 10agai offr hes o! the man-made structures! der vegetables include corni, mel- you sevies ortheproeciono!behind them, but leave enough 'ons, cucumbers and tomatoes. Canada enrol now. The enroîl- - Nothing is 10 be gained by plant- ment is taking phace front coast to showing fon contnast. ing these befone danger o! frost is coast and the nesponse 10 the caîl Soil Hints over. has exceeded expectations. If you Afler a long winter cooped up With most vegetables il is ad- ..... wish 10 have funther information in doons or confined to sidewahks, visable 10 make at least three . .... .... ...........cahi R. M. Cotton and he will guve one is inclined 10 rush int the sowings a week or two apant in you funthen particulars in regard gai-den 100 soon and 100 eagerly. order to spnead the harvest that 10 the survey. George Meadows. Experienced gandenens, however, MnuCh ogroe h esn Newcastle, is in charge o! enrol- advise caution. It does the soil no With peas this spreading ouI is Smet inNewcstheard icinty, ood1 be dug whihe still too wet. secuned by sowing three kinds, an and W. C. H. Mitchell in Orono 1 Tis al 1 eom upy aerialy. edu rdahtevn 1 T-- The heves wilf 'oo""b- ýntý e.^ ocalot 1, 720 ieaci O! the number alolocé-at- be o theed may be importedd mb rthe RO IC O Strees, One o the- * . -GeatUnited States at the redue1 rt R Y N C LSAnd make them hook like new. ieIsrneIiuin. during any clna quarter o! Courtice Bowmanville But if you do not have the lime,; the yean. These little jobs 10 do, eo ndfrSent, Just give them 10 some jobless SrieadScrt A man's opinion is neyer better ________________________________________________mari; than his information. Notwith- Who needs them more than you.ne17. standing the tnuth o! this saying, * I II I I-Ralph Gordon. Most o! us are long~ onopnn 628 Crawford St., Toronto. and short on information. TUZA ne MeQUESTEN URGES demands of hihway safety. If SAFE DRIV one of us makes a strong and but al o! s must help." Hlghways Minister Issues Plea No uther Public demonstration, he For Reduction In Accidents - beliex'ed would show more esteemn During Royal Tour I for the novaI visitons, and no other tribute would be more appreciated Toronto,. March 29-Oitanio M,\in- bs' the King anîd Queen than a large ister o! Higliways, Hon. T. B. Nlc- reduction in the number of traffie Q uesteîî todas- issued a stronge appeal accidents. t0 motonisti and pedestniaus thnouglî- o u t th e tro v i!n ce fo r a m a rk ed e- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ductiouî in highwav accidenits as a When people live iri a trailer 10 tribute to Kiuîo' George and Qucen "get away fnom il ail," the chie! Elizabeth duriuig their visit in ',\ax. thing lhey are getting away from and june. is having a spane bedroomr.-Ro- nf. McQuesten poiuted out dot bet Quillen. the Kinz lias for mans' s-ars becuî a____________________ leader in Great Britaiui's campaign for safen hiZhways. Ris Mýajesty, said tlîe highssax s minuster as long taken an active ROUND TRIP and personal interet in the work of RAL B R A N the National Safeby Finit Associa- RA L B G IN tion in the British Ies. He was Mrh3 pi vesident o! the London council of brh3 pf the onranizatiou from 1923 t0 1926,Bo m nie and bas been a patron for nearly 15 o a vil yea s. t On mans' occasions, the King bas TORONTO - - -$ 1.10 ttended safety conferences sud de- BUFFALO - - $ 3.80 nunstrations thnoughont England. CHATHAM - - $ 5.60 lis inteneit in tbc promotion of HAMI[LTON - $ 2.85 afety for childnen resulted in bis OWEN SOUND $ 4.10 .ppearing in two mos'ing picture SCHREIBER - - - $18.05 films baied un this theme. The SUDBURY - - $ 7.50 novies were pnoduced b>' the Nat- and many intermedlate points. inal Safetv Finit .Association. Going - Fis-st train 7.35 p.m. 'Undcn these circumîtances." de- Mas-ch 31. lared nr. McQîuestcu, "it is is For return train ses-vice, limita, fim conviction that the peuple o! I etc. consult agents. )ntario culd psy- His Majest), ioa - Ask for handblll - more accepîtable trubute than an POOL TRAIN SERVICE ianked rcductiou ini higbîsay traffie accidenîts. I suoegeit that f nom nos Canadian Canadian util carIs in Juuie. ceey drisver and'1i Pacifie National nens pedestrian in Onutario gi'-c -oustanit sud douscious attention iu EVERYTHING You Need For "4FIXING Up,, Yes, Sprlng Is going te be here before you know ItL Se you bail bettes- get busy now and plan those repaira and fix- ing Up jobs. We have the de- pendable mates-ls yen wi need and at s-lght prices, such as- Canada Paint Rubberset Brushes Hardwood Flooring B.C. Red Cedar N.B. White Cedar Lumber of ail kinds Toronto Asphait Roofing and of course SHEPPARD & GuiL LUMBER CO. LIMITED Phone 715 Bomanifle THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, ONTARIO -.-- -1--

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